GRE Reading Comprehension Magoosh Tips

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GRE Reading Comprehension - Magoosh

RAMA stand for? R (Re-phrase), A (Anticipate), M (Match), A (Awareness). Lets take a

closer look!
Re-phrase question in your own words
Reading the question is the obvious part. The not-so-obvious part is putting the question
into your own words. What often happens is you will read the question, and then go back
to the passage without understanding what the question was asking in the first place. At
this point, you are likely to grasp at words in the passages that look important. Then,
you may go back to the passage and simply look for those words in the answer choices.
The test writers know this, and will, therefore, make sure that even the wrong answer
choices include words from the passage.
Instead of falling into this trap, it is best to rephrase the question in your own words.
The more straightforward your interpretation of the question, the better you will be able
to navigate through the passage when looking for the answer.

Anticipate the answer
Now thats youve re-phrased the question in your own words, you must return to the
passage and find the answer. Once you think youve found the answer, try to phrase the
answer in your own words. If you are noticing a common theme, i.e. putting everything
in your own words, that is because doing so is the single most effective away to avoid
getting trapped by the answer choices. On other hand, if you immediately begin
scanning the answer choices without anticipating the answer, youll likely get trapped.
This is especially true on primary purpose/main idea questions.

Match Answer
Once you have come up with your own answer, you want to return to the answer choices
and match them up with the answer choice that you think is the closest. If none of the
answers works, you can return to the passage and read it one more time to see if youve
misinterpreted something. Or, you can eliminate answer choices to see if you are left
with one answer. To effectively eliminate wrong answer choices you need an

Awareness of Wrong Answers Choices

When the test writers are creating a multiple-choice question, they create wrong answer
choices that fall into several categories. Knowing these categories can help you correctly
identify and eliminate wrong answers.

Too Extreme
Rotten Fruit
Too Broad/Too Specific

- Assumes Too Much

- Beyond the Scope of the Passage
- TrueBut Doesnt Answer the Question

This may all seem rather complicated, and it can be. But dont worry by doing a few reading comprehension
passages and applying the RAMA technique, you will start to get a sense of how all of the above comes together.

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