EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template Change in Your Own Story Craft and Structure in Literature
EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template Change in Your Own Story Craft and Structure in Literature
EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template Change in Your Own Story Craft and Structure in Literature
provided here to help you through the planning process (in RED) can be deleted.
for standards related to your area/grade level.
If you are planning a lesson for students Pre-K and younger, use the Ohio Early Learning Standards here:
Lesson Summary:
Briefly describe the procedures and purposes of the lesson. Youll go into more detail later, so just provide a
summary of what the lesson entails.
The purpose of the lesson is for students to understand words and phrases used in text, and to distinguish literal
and nonliteral language, and to understand how events in a story affect later events. The purpose of the lesson
is also to teach students the difference in point of view from that of the narrator and that of the character(s).
Students will obtain enduring understanding by writing their own stories centered on the subject of change.
Students will be read the book Locomotive by Brain Floca, which describes the way the United States changed
after the establishment of the railroad. The book contains the third-person voice of a narrator, as well as
second-person directives when addressing characters.
Students will use class time to write their own stories centered on change using the Storybird online education
application, with each student working independently on their iPad. Students will receive one-on-one support
from a teacher and assistant who will be floating and monitoring the progress made by students.
The lesson entails reading a story out loud to the class that describes a piece of technology that altered
the history of the country. Te lesson is geared at understanding point of view, figurative language and
story structure. Students will be asked to create a story using Storybird web application to describe a
piece of technology or idea that changes the world. The lasting educational endowment is the expression
of the structure of literature through the students unique idea for change. Students will use the
Storybird online Application to
Estimated Duration:
The lesson will be 105 to 130 minutes, broken up into five 15 to 20-minute lessons, with 30 minutes devoted to
reading the book and introducing students to the Storybird program. The first lesson will be on a Friday, with
students having the weekend to think about what they will base their stories on, after being read the book in
class. Students will be asked to write down notes immediately after being read the book, the notes can be
anything, and can be as simple as just a few words. The assignment will be described to students as any kind of
story that has any element of change; as small as a caterpillar changing into a butterfly, or as big as a supercomputer that connects everyone in the world.
Include an estimate of the time needed for instruction. (ie. This lesson will take about two hours. I plan on
dividing the lesson into two days, with each class period lasting 55-60 minutes). Keep in mind that for younger
students, lesson may need to be broken up into smaller sessions, while older students may benefit from longer
Your lesson needs to be at minimum 100 minutes long, and up to 250 minutes long (roughly five 50 minute
class periods.) The time can be broken up into as many sessions as you deem appropriate for your grade/age
Commentary: discuss briefly your approach to the lesson here. What do you anticipate being a challenge?
How will you get your students hooked into the lesson?
I feel that the concept will be broad and difficult for the students to grasp at first, but once they understand the
freedom and creativity they can employ, I think they will become more attentive. I also think that students may
differ greatly in how quickly they acclimate to the Storybird application, this is why I will need at least one
other educator to help with students that are ahead or behind, to avoid a bottleneck result that would leave
some students lost and some students bored, and this can be accomplished by scaffolding and guiding students
that are struggling and asking questions of students that are ahead, encouraging them to elaborate on their story
Instructional Procedures: (This will be one of the most detailed sections of this assignment).
Describe the instructional steps that will be taken to implement the lesson. For each section of the lesson,
document how much time it will take and what students are expected to do. Make sure to cite your uses of
technology as often as possible.
Please take the time to provide a clear narrative as to how the lesson will unfold.
Day 1:
First minute: Teacher will ask open-ended questions relating to the book, and that moment in U.S. history.
Next ten minutes: Teacher will read the book Locomotive, pausing to briefly elaborate on figurative and literal
language, cause and effect, and point of view.
Next ten minutes: Teacher will ask the students reflective questions about the book, the subject of change, and
ideas they may have for their stories, that will need to have a change, a consistent point of view, and figurative
and literal language.
I feel as if I should begin by gathering the students on the carpeted part of the floor and addressing them as a
group. The lesson will begin by asking students open-ended questions about change that they see in the world
around them, and how that change can have a big affect or a small affect. I was to ask them open-ended
questions about things that change their lives, such as owning a computer, or adopting a pet. I will use these
questions as a lead-in to the book, briefly describe the idea of change as it relates to the book, and then simply
describe story structure. I feel that I should also use open-ended questions to discuss character, language and
point of view in a story. The students need to remain seated, or they may move around if they need to, while
staying part of the group. The students may ask questions during the reading after raising their hand. The
teacher will take the opportunity to point out the figurative language used by the author on pages 5, 15, and 18,
and explain the difference between figurative and literal language.
What does it mean, while riding in the train, that buildings appear to rush up close, then fall away to
passengers? Elaborate on the experience of riding in a car, and how moving with a vehicle can feel like not
moving, and can make stationary objects look animated.
What does the author mean by rails ran like rivers? Before the railroad, how did people travel?
Questions teacher can ask to prompt students to think about what they are going to base their stories on:
This is a story about change, what is change?
What are some things that change our lives?
How does a character tell a story?
Day 2:
Day 2: Students will begin by booting up their iPads and logging into Storybird. Teacher will monitor the
students progress and provide scaffolding-like assistance for students that are having trouble getting started.
Teacher will use questions as encouragement and guidance. On the first day students will establish a main
character and setting, and point of view for the story. Teacher will remind students of the difference between
both first and third person story telling, and remind them to remain consistent in their own stories.
Will you be telling this story as a narrator or will your character be telling this story?
Where does this story take place?
What do you want to happen next?
Students should be able to make the following clear:
In the text, I can make my opinion clear.
I can spell correctly, and use proper grammar.
using a Smartboard in the future. Students may vote to have their stories submitted or not, and to remain
anonymous if they prefer.
One strategy I plan on using for the pre-assessment is asking simple questions before reading the book
Locomotive. I plan on asking students about their personal lives, and changes that we have all
experienced, like getting a new pet and the change it had on us, or reading a book, or making a new
friend. The idea that I want to communicate is how events effect and build upon later events. I want to
touch upon point of view by reflecting on lectures I give, or stories the students tell, by saying they are in
first person by using the word I, and explain third-person narration. Getting students to make the
connection between the stories they comfortably tell each other and writing a story down. Another preassessment is obtaining spontaneous writing samples from students, possibly collected from an earlier
assignment, to determine which students may need more assistance.
I think that I should do an informal assessment based on questions about the subject and giving examples of
text, and asking from what point of view the story is being told. Also, asking students to tell jokes, and telling
jokes, so that students can learn how previous events lead to the understanding of later events. The teacher can
say things such as Would the end of the joke (punch line) make sense by itself? No, it needs a previous event
to give it context. Just like a joke needs a set-up, a story needs to start one place, and end up somewhere else.
What causes the change in your story?
How does that change make the character feel?
How does that change affect where the story takes place?
What is a big change?
What is a small change?
Scoring Guidelines:
Students will be assessed on the use of literal and figurative language, their story must contain at least
one example of both.
Students will be assed on whether or not their story has an element of change that alters other
components of the story. The sequence of events must build, in either a realistic or non-realistic way.
Students will be assessed on their stories maintaining a consistent point-of-view.
Formative assessment will take place over the course of the week while students are working on their
stories. Teachers will help students maintain a point-of-view by asking questions such as: Who is
speaking here? And who is speaking at this point? Are they the same voice? Teachers will help
students explain the changes and sequence of events by providing an outsider perspective. Students
will be asked questions regarding their choice of language and asked questions about literal and
figurative language.
The post-assessment will be reflecting on the students stories to see if they fully met the criteria above.
Students that were unable to meet all the requirements will be given the opportunity to be tutored on
craft and structure in literature.
Scoring Guidelines: The only scoring guidelines will be pass/fail. Students must meet 100% of the
requirements or they will fail and need an intervention program in the form of tutoring.
Anything less than 100% understanding will lead to problems in learning later.
Provide a link to a website where students could go to learn more about the standards you are addressing in
your lesson.
Briefly explain what the site is and how students could benefit from using it.
Describe work that will be assigned to students outside of the classroom. (In the next assignment, you may
provide examples (generated by you) of student work if possible). Brainstorm ways that you could make
these homework activities technology-based.
If your students are too young to do homework, use this space to explain how youd encourage parent
involvement at home in learning the skills addressed in your lesson.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Tell how the lesson can be integrated with at least two other content areas to strengthen student learning. For
example, if youre having your students do a comparison and contrast paper on Hamlet and Macbeth, what
other subjects could you draw into the lesson? Perhaps youd want to talk about the social and political climate
of the time period of the two plays (History) as well as the big questions asked in each play- to be, or not to
be? (Philosophy and Ethics).
For teachers
For students
List the materials your students will need to complete the lesson and learn the material.
We want students to use technology for this lesson. What will they need (iPads,
laptops, a smartboard, etc)?
Key Vocabulary
List key terms that need to be defined prior to or as part of instruction here.
Additional Notes
Any additional information about your lesson- or notes for me- go here!