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Journal of Marketing Management

Vol. 27, Nos. 78, July 2011, 808833

Behaviour and climate change: Consumer

perceptions of responsibility

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Victoria K. Wells, Durham Business School, UK

Cerys A. Ponting, Cardiff University, UK
Ken Peattie, Cardiff University, UK
Abstract This paper explores the under-researched notion of consumer
responsibility, a potentially significant influence on consumer behaviour that
marketers and policymakers may be able to harness as they attempt to respond
to environmental challenges such as climate change. The paper uses data derived
from a commercially motivated survey (n 1513) to explore domestic consumption
behaviours most closely associated with the issue of disruptive climate change. A
measure of General Environmental Responsiveness (GER) is used to test: (1) the
effects of consumers both taking responsibility for their actions and placing
responsibility on others for the consequences of their consumption behaviour;
and (2) whether sociodemographic variables can aid the targeting of consumers
by the level and type of responsibility and pro-environmental behavioural
intentions expressed. The studys findings demonstrate clear, if not strong,
relationships between consumer conceptions of responsibilities for causing and
tackling climate change and environment-related consumer behaviour. The
studys implications both challenge accepted wisdom about environment-related
consumer behaviour and suggest avenues for future research.
Keywords consumer responsibility; environmental responsiveness; climate
change; sociodemographic variables

Introduction: Motivating more sustainable consumption

Scientific evidence is creating a consensus that economic growth has placed an
unsustainable burden on the physical environment. Over-consumption, resource use,
and the generation of pollution and waste are degrading environmental systems and
the ecosystem services they provide and people depend upon, directly and indirectly,
for their survival and well-being (WRI, 2005). In the case of the most pressing
environmental challenge, preventing and/or responding to disruptive climate
change, it has significant implications for the global economy. The evidence review
by the eminent economist Sir Nicholas Stern (2006) forecast that unless 1% of GDP is
invested in responding to the climate challenge (later increased to 2% to reflect

ISSN 0267-257X print/ISSN 1472-1376 online

# 2011 Westburn Publishers Ltd.

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Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

continuing inaction), then the negative consequences could shrink the global economy
by 20% by 2035. The need to move to a lower-carbon economy is therefore a pressing
strategic challenge widely acknowledged by both policymakers and businesses.
Moving towards a lower-carbon economy requires a range of possible levers to be
employed, including technological innovation, regulation, investment, financial
incentives, organisational change, and education. Carbon emissions are also strongly
linked to the consumption of private households and the choices and behaviours of
individuals. Motivating consumers to adopt more sustainable consumption behaviours
is therefore an important policy goal and a source of potential commercial marketing
opportunities. It has therefore become a focus for academic research, much of which
was comprehensively synthesised by Tim Jackson (2005) in his research monograph
Motivating Sustainable Consumption. Jacksons synthesis, together with other studies
(e.g. Moisander, 2007), demonstrate that consumer behaviour is a complex and
multidimensional phenomenon, which is further complicated by the inclusion of
sustainability concerns. They also highlight the range of factors thought to influence
consumers sustainability-related behaviours, including their demographics, values,
attitudes, knowledge, goals, emotions, and circumstances. Behaviour can also vary
according to the nature of the purchase, including its social significance and the
situational influences of the time and place of purchase.
There are myriad potential influences on consumer behaviour in relation to
sustainability, which researchers have tried to identify and measure. Many of these,
such as goals, attitudes, social identity, perceived self-efficacy, and situational forces
are incorporated within conventional integrative models of consumer behaviour
(e.g. Bagozzi, G
urnao-Canli, & Priester, 2002) and have also been well researched in
conventional, as well as sustainable, consumption contexts. Other potential influences
are more characteristic of models of behaviour developed specifically to explain
environmentally and socially motivated behaviours. Grobs (1995) Model of
Environmental Behavior, for example, found that environmental knowledge
together with personal values, perceived control, and emotional response
determined environmental behaviour. Some influences are features of models
developed by extending existing models of consumer behaviour, with the Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) being a particularly popular basis. For example, Oom Do
Valle, Rebelo, Reis, and Menezes (2005) extended the TPB with elements from other
models of altruistic behaviour, environmental behaviour, and environmental concern
to create a comprehensive model of recycling behaviour. This included very
behaviour-specific influencing factors such as knowledge about recycling, and
perceived convenience of local recycling systems.
It is unusual to find a potential behavioural influence that is relatively generic
(i.e. not specific to a particular environmental behaviour such as recycling), yet
appears only in those models of consumer behaviour developed to explain social or
environmental consumption behaviour. One such factor is a sense of responsibility
and how it is perceived and ascribed by consumers. This is a key feature of Stern, Dietz,
Abel, Guagnano, and Kalof s (1999) Value Belief Norm Model, but has otherwise been
generally neglected by researchers interested in pro-environmental consumer
behaviour. This paper seeks to further our understanding of how consumer
perceptions about responsibilities may influence their behaviour in the context of
climate change. It explores this issue with regard to those domestic consumption
behaviours most closely associated with the issue of disruptive climate change.



Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

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Profiling consumers for sustainability

Sustainability-orientated consumer research encompasses a variety of concepts of
more sustainable consumption using a range of labels for consumers and their
behaviour (including green, greener, sustainable, pro-environmental, pro-social,
environmentally conscious, altruistic, ecological, ethical, or alternative)
(see Jackson, 2005). The key streams of this research involve: profiling consumers in
relation to sustainability concerns to enable markets to be meaningfully segmented
(Straughan & Roberts, 1999); profiling types of consumer to understand how they
might be motivated to consume more sustainably (Jackson, 2005); testing the
acceptability of price premiums for more sustainable products (Laroche, Bergeron,
& Barbaro-Forleo, 2001); and exploring why there is frequently a significant gap
between consumers reported willingness to consume more sustainably and actual
behaviour (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006).
One contentious issue affecting early attempts at profiling consumers and segmenting
markets for sustainability were that they were often largely based on sociodemographic
variables (Straughan & Roberts, 1999). However, as Schlegelmilch, Bohlen, and
Diamantopoulos (1996) note, this reflected the ease with which such variables could
be applied and measured rather than any very strong theoretical or conceptual
arguments. As the body of research expanded, the value of using sociodemographic
variables became increasingly contentious, particularly given the tendency for different
studies to produce inconclusive and contradictory results for particular demographic
variables (Kilbourne & Beckman, 1998; Robinson & Smith, 2002). Diamantopoulos,
Schlegelmilch, Sinkovics, and Bohlen (2003) provide a critical review of the literature
linking sociodemographics to environmentally orientated consumer attitudes and
behaviours. They conclude that sociodemographics alone are of limited value for
profiling, but are more potentially useful when used in combination with other
influences such as values, attitudes, or knowledge. This study builds on this insight by
testing the value of sociodemographic variables when used with other sociopsychological variables, in this case, the under-researched notion of consumer
responsibility in relation to the environment and climate change.
Research profiling consumers and segmenting them in terms of sustainable
consumer behaviour also has another acknowledged weakness, which is a tendency
to focus on individual behaviours (such as recycling or purchasing of a particular type
of product) and on specific impacts such as energy usage (Spangenberg & Lorek,
2002). This is problematic because the research literature indicates that while some
types of sustainable behaviour are influenced by factors such as values, others are not.
Even amongst those behaviours influenced by values, particular values influence
different behaviours in different ways (Barr, 2007; Corraliza & Berenguer, 2000;
Pepper, Jackson, & Uzzell, 2009).
Another problem with the overemphasis on individual behaviours and impacts is that
it is the cumulative impact of all a consumers behaviour that is significant. This is
demonstrated by the rebound effect associated with behaviours such as energy saving.
Reducing domestic-energy use apparently lessens a consumers environmental impact,
but if the resulting financial savings are spent on energy intensive goods and services,
this may not be the case (Herring, 1999). This paper seeks to gain insight into overall
consumer lifestyles and their sustainability by considering a range of behaviours and by
seeking to evaluate their net effect in relation to climate change.

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Evolving notions of consumer responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has received considerable attention
academically (recent examples include Peng, 2009, and Jenkins, 2009) and in the
wider media. Other notions of business responsibility, and particularly an equivalent
concept of consumer social responsibility, have received comparatively little
attention (Brinkmann & Peattie, 2008). This may be due to the dominance of the
notion of consumer sovereignty, which assigns power as opposed to responsibility to
consumers, as a key principle underpinning the marketing discipline.
When the existing marketing literature does consider the social responsibility of
consumers, it has mostly restricted itself to questions of the behaviour of the consumer
rather than the company, and of consumer dishonesty rather than more positive
behaviours (Brinkmann & Peattie, 2008). However, there is an emerging normative
concept of the citizen consumer, which Gabriel and Lang (1995, p. 175) define as a
responsible consumer, a socially-aware consumer, a consumer who thinks ahead and
tempers his or her desires by social awareness, a consumer whose actions must be
morally defensible and who must occasionally be prepared to sacrifice.... In
marketing, such a concept of consumer responsibility is still underdeveloped, but
looking across other disciplines of social-science scholarship such as health, notions
of personal responsibility tend to be more prevalent (see e.g. Attell-Thompson, 2005;
Bricas, 2008).
Although such a sense of personal responsibility might be expressed by consumers
through self-sacrifice, potentially more significant would be a sense of personal
responsibility as an individual being extended to a sense of responsibility as a
consumer for the behaviour of the companies they patronise. Williams (2005)
discusses the role consumers could play, suggesting an increasing role for consumer
social responsibility to complement CSR. Reporting results from the Which? Bite Back
survey, Williams suggests that, since 66% of consumers believe they can influence a
companys environmental and ethical behaviour, they might therefore be prepared to
accept some responsibility for how companies behave. He urges the development of a
proactive notion of consumer social responsibility that encourages more socially and
environmentally favourable behaviour by companies. The link between consumer power
and responsibility is also raised by Peters (2005) reporting on the practices of the Dutch
Consumer Association, which support the notion that consumers can affect, and
therefore bear some responsibility for, the practices and policies of companies. There
have also been some empirical studies linking consumer behaviour as voting behaviour
to perceptions of consumer responsibility (see e.g. Dickinson & Carsky, 2005).
Even where the consumer is potentially willing to adopt this type of responsibility
and seek to influence companies, their ability to do so will depend upon the availability
of relevant information (Barnett, Clarke, Cloke, & Malpass, 2005; Williams, 2005).
This could include information relating to companies practices and policies (Peters,
2005) and to the consequences of consumers choices. However, information alone
will not guarantee that consumers respond. Too much information can create a sense
of information overload, which deters a response (Hahn, Lawson, & Lee, 1992;
Jacoby, 1984). Consumer response also depends on their ability to understand the
information, but as Shaw and Clarke (1999) note, individuals are often confused about
environmental issues and are inconsistent in making connections between an issue like
climate change and aspects of their own lifestyles and consumption (Anable, Lane, &
Kelay, 2006). Ability to act on relevant information will also depend on the consumers


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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

sense of perceived behavioural control (Armitage & Conner, 2001; Giles & Cairns,
1995) and their wider sense of self-efficacy (Terry & OLeary, 1995).
In relation to sustainability issues (including climate change) and responsibility, the
research emphasis has often been on who is responsible for particular problems, or who
should bear responsibility for addressing them. Rodrigues et al. (2008) and Lenzen et al.
(2007) use ecological economics to frame responsibility in terms of ascribing who is
accountable for (a) environmental pressure and (b) the environmental impacts of
producers or consumers respectively. Similarly, Munksgaard and Pedersen (2001)
sought to ascribe responsibility for CO2 emissions from a policy perspective. From a
marketing perspective, what is more significant is the consumers sense of responsibility,
and how they perceive and ascribe responsibilities for the environmental consequences
of products, production impacts, purchase behaviour, and consumption and disposal
behaviours. For companies and policymakers seeking to develop more sustainable
systems of consumption and production, the role that consumers sense of
responsibility plays in their willingness to engage in pro-environmental behaviour
(PEB) is potentially vital and needs to be researched and understood.
Awareness of the potential importance of consumer responsibility appears to be
growing. Kaiser and Schimoda (1999, p. 244) in discussing the psychology of PEBs
stress the need to develop personal responsibility, stating that If a person is aware of
the consequences of certain behaviour, the ascription of personal responsibility
becomes crucial. This was reflected in the recent EU campaign You Control Climate
Change,1 in which consumers are urged to take responsibility by turning down the
thermostats in their homes, switching off their appliances, recycling, and walking.
Similarly, the research that underpinned the UK Sustainable Development
Commissions I Will If You Will report (Sustainable Consumption Roundtable, 2006)
highlighted the importance of a sense of shared responsibility.
Despite the growing emphasis on consumer responsibility, it remains underresearched (Carrigan & Attalla, 2001), and is mostly discussed normatively and
theoretically (e.g. Caruana & Crane, 2008). Relatively little empirical work has built
on these ideas, and that which does exist explores the idea with a relatively narrow
focus (see e.g. Wray-Lake, Flanagan, & Osgood, 2010, which only explores adolescent
behaviour). There is an irony that environmentally responsible is one of the more
commonly used labels for more sustainable consumer behaviour, when consumer
environmental responsibility remains a comparatively under-researched and poorly
understood concept.

Understanding consumer socio-environmental responsibility

There are several problems with the existing literature when seeking to understand the
motivations behind PEB and the role played by consumers sense of, and ascription of,
responsibility. First, there is what Jackson (2005) describes as a well-informed
confusion in the academic literature resulting from the differing definitions and
terminology used (often interchangeably), especially the wide range of titles applied
to sustainability-orientated consumption behaviours (as noted above) and the varying
terms describing different types of responsibility. For simplicity, this article will use
PEB to describe pro-environmental behaviours in the context of climate change, since


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Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

most of the major PEBs such as recycling, energy saving, greener travel, and purchase
reduction are also specifically pro-climate.
Second, much of the early work uses a very narrow conception of social
responsibility. Websters (1975) early extensive exploration of the socially conscious
consumer used as the dependent variable a measure of social responsibility, based on a
scale developed by Berkowitz and Lutterman (1968) and refined by Anderson and
Cunningham (1972). Even Webster concedes that this scale defines social
responsibility in a rather specific (and perhaps outdated) way by basing it on the
acceptance of norms, involvement in community affairs, and identification with the
Protestant work ethic. It is perhaps unsurprising that he found no relationship between
a sense of social responsibility using that measure and socially conscious consumer
A third weakness in the literature is a tendency to consider social responsibility as a
broad construct, and to assume that concepts like social responsibility, environmental
responsibility, and altruism are interrelated and can be used interchangeably. Tucker,
Dolich, and Wilson (1981) sought to break down the differences between general
social responsibility (also commenting on work by Berkowitz, this time, Berkowitz &
Daniels, 1963) and specific individual responsibility. They suggested that individual
environmental responsibility was a subset of social responsibility, and that the term
individual social responsibility can be used interchangeably with altruism or prosocial
behaviour (although work on specific environmental altruism appears to be lacking in
the literature). As with other authors, Tucker et al. attempt to understand the
characteristics, whether psychological, attitudinal, or sociodemographic, of what
they term environmentally responsible consumer citizens but do not then go on to
discuss how specifically this may affect their behaviour and consumption choices.
The literature on ethical consumption encompasses issues beyond the environment
including oppressive regimes, human rights, factory farming, and political donations
(Harrison, Newholm, & Shaw, 2005). Broad measures of social responsibility or
ethical consumption may be unhelpful for understanding consumer behaviour in
relation to more specific environmental issues. A political activist with strong views
on human rights or political donations, and an environmental activist with strong
views on factory farming might have little interest in each others agendas or priorities.
In some cases, these might even conflict. Ever since Kinnear, Taylor, and Ahmed
(1974) sought to identify the ecologically concerned consumer by simply extending
Anderson and Cunninghams (1972) Social Responsibility Scale, the working
assumption within marketing scholarship has been that the socially and
environmentally concerned consumer will be much the same thing. However, this is
a significant assumption, and a misanthropic animal lover would be a simple
confounding example. Similarly, the research on how environmental concerns
impact on consumer behaviour has overused broad measures of environmental
concern (Follows & Jobber, 2000), whereas more specific environmental issues
(such as animal cruelty or concerns about genetic modification) are more strongly
correlated with actual behaviour (Fraj & Martinez, 2007).
A fourth weakness is the tendency for research to focus on consumer perceptions of
their personal responsibility in relation to an issue without attempting to understand
the perceived allocation of responsibility to others. For example, if consumers feel that
others, such as governments or businesses, are more responsible than they are for
causing climate change, how would this affect their own behaviour and attitudes?
Zacca (2006) observed that the attitudebehaviour gap often noted amongst


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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

consumers with strong pro-environmental attitudes was linked to uncertainty about

consumer effectiveness combined with an expectation that government should tackle
sustainability issues through regulation. There is little research attempting to apply a
broader, multi-stakeholder perspective to responsibility, although Rodrigues and
Domingos (2008) did seek to apply mathematical modelling to determine how much
responsibility should be placed on the company (the producer), the consumer
(households, capital purchasers, etc.), and intermediaries in an attempt to monitor
and resolve environmental problems. Similarly, Wray-Lake et al. (2010) examined the
ascription of responsibility amongst adolescents between individuals, consumers, and
government in environmental behaviours including consumption. They found a
declining sense of responsibility amongst adolescents over time and a tendency to
ascribe responsibility to government or an abstract notion of consumers rather than
to themselves.
Perhaps because of these difficulties, research focussing on the links between
consumer responsibility and PEB, and taking the ideas of consumer responsibility
beyond a normative and theoretical discussion, remains a rarity. Kaiser and
Schimoda (1999) did look specifically at the link between responsibility and what
they term ecological behaviour. They broke down the responsibility concept
suggesting two specific responsibility feelings: feeling morally (related to causality,
freedom of choice, and intentionality) or conventionally (related to desire for approval
and fear of atonement) responsible for the environment. They found that moral
responsibility is more closely linked to PEB, especially in terms of causality (i.e. how
much a person feels they cause the problem). Overall, they suggest that 55% of a
persons PEB can be explained by what they term a responsibility judgement.
Within the Motivational, Moral and Value Theories school of research into proenvironmental behaviours (Vining & Ebreo, 2002), responsibility as a concept
features mainly within Norm Activation Theory (Schwartz, 1968, 1977). This
proposes that personal norms that drive behaviour are the result of (1) awareness of
consequences and (2) feelings of responsibility for carrying out the behaviour. Since
Schwartzs theory is unusual in seeking to explain specifically ethical consumption, it
has been widely used to understand and to predict PEBs such as recycling (Hopper &
Neilsen, 1991; Vining & Ebreo, 1990, 1992), household energy saving (Black, Stern,
& Elworth, 1985), or reduced private car use (Bamberg & Schmidt, 2003). Schwartzs
Norm Activation Theory has also been developed further into Value Belief Norm
(VBN) theory by integrating it with ecological value theory (Hansla, Gamble,
Juliusson, & Garling, 2008; Stern, 2000; Stern et al., 1999). The VBN model
(Figure 1) proposes that behaviour is shaped by consumer values, particularly in
relation to their acceptance of the need for a new environmental paradigm (NEP),
their awareness of the consequences of behaviour, and their sense of responsibility
towards the environment (which P.C. Stern et al., 1999, articulated as the personal
norm of a sense of obligation to take pro-environmental actions, p. 90).
Promisingly, in use, this model performed better than competing value-based
models in explaining variances in consumer behaviour. However, the correlations
were relatively weak, explaining less than 35% of behavioural variance. For privatesphere (i.e. consumption) behaviours, the explained variance was less than 20%
(P.C. Stern, 2000). The potential practical gap between such values and beliefs and
actual behaviour was also demonstrated by Bickmans (1972) study on littering. In a
survey of 500 peoples attitudes to littering, 94% of interviewees acknowledged a
sense responsibility for dealing with litter, but only 2% of those interviewed were
observed to pick up a strategically planted piece of litter as they left the study venue.

Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

Figure 1 VBN model.






of NEP







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AC = awareness of consequences
AR = ascription of responsibility
PN = personal norm

Private sphere

Overall, there is little consensus about the issue of environmental or climate-change

responsibility and its effect on behaviour or behavioural intention. This paper does not
seek to clarify all aspects of responsibility, but looks instead at two specific areas: (1) the
effect of the consumer both taking responsibility for their actions and placing
responsibility on others for the consequences of their consumption behaviour; and (2)
whether sociodemographic variables can aid the segmentation and targeting of
consumers based on their self-perceived level and type of responsibility, and their selfreported PEBs. In short, the issue addressed here is not specifically the concept of
responsibility, but whether responsibility matters in terms of behaviour. Does the
responsibility orientation of a consumer, whether or not they feel responsible for (or
think someone else is responsible for) climate change, affect their behaviour? This links
specifically into the causality idea of Kaiser and Schimoda (1999). Understanding this
better will help policymakers and businesses to create more effective polices and practices
that encourage and promote desirable behaviours, especially in terms of consumption.
To summarise, the main research questions were:
RQ1: What is the role of demographic variables in consumers environmentally related
RQ2: What is the role of demographic variables in consumers responsibility
orientations (who the consumer feels is responsible for causing and tackling
climate change)?
RQ3: What role do differing responsibility orientations and agreement with a range of
attitudinal statements have in environmentally related behaviour?

This research is based upon a partnership project between the Centre for Business
Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS) at Cardiff University


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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

and the Future Foundation consultancy, exploring issues of climate change, consumer
behaviour, and the future of brands. The research involved a range of qualitative and
quantitative dimensions, including questionnaires, interviews, household deep dives,
and Delphi research involving an expert panel. The issue of responsibility was tackled
in the qualitative stages (the results of which will not be considered here), which
informed the development of the responsibility questions in the questionnaire. The
research was predominantly funded through a consortium of commercial businesses
and public-sector organisations acting as sponsors.2
The quantitative questionnaire was hosted online utilising a randomly selected
nationally representative panel provided by Research Now.3 In the questionnaire
alone, a panel of 1513 consumers were questioned regarding their behaviours,
attitudes, and beliefs about their consumption behaviour and climate change. Panel
members profiles ensured that their selection fulfilled sampling criteria, which in this
case was for a geo- and sociodemographically representative sample, which was
obtained. Respondents received a small incentive from Research Now for the
completion of questionnaires, and thus there was little attrition with the survey.
This questionnaire was neither originally designed, nor data the collected, with this
specific analysis in mind, which imposes some limitations on the dataset and the
possible analyses. The data were also not specifically tailored to academic research
or primarily focused on the issue of responsibility. The measures involved would
probably have been designed differently had the research been intended for this
specific purpose. However, the data generated are rich and the sample is large, so an
exploration of the issues can certainly be commenced. A conservative statistical
approach was used for these reasons, and the results should be interpreted as
exploratory and tentative. They do, however, suggest the need for deeper, more
tailored, and further future research into the area.
This paper concentrates on a number of sections of the research questionnaire,
specifically those questions relating to consumers pro- or anti-environmental
behaviours, their feelings about responsibilities for both causing and tackling climate
change, along with some general attitudinal statements. The responsibility questions
offered the answer choices of : me as an individual, other individuals, extracting
industries, manufacturing companies, service industries, central government,
local government, NGOs/Not for profit organisations, local community groups,
developing countries, other, and dont know. Respondents could answer yes or no
for each of these choices. A range of attitude statements was also used (which are
presented and discussed in the results section). These were answered using 5-point
Likert scales ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
The analyses required a measure of behaviour or behavioural intention to act as the
dependent variable and to assess the effects of, or correlations with, different aspects of
responsibility. The questionnaire asked a range of questions regarding consumers
behaviours from reduction, reuse, and recycling behaviours to travel, shopping, and
energy-consumption behaviours. The behaviour measure simply scored them on the
number of reported PEBs minus any reported anti-environmental/negative behaviours.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the ESRCs Business Engagement Scheme, which
funded BRASSs involvement in this research partnership and the secondment of a researcher.
Research Now owns the largest online panel in the UK, comprising 400,000 consumers. The Research Now
UK panel is one of the most robust and deeply profiled panels in the UK with extensively profiled
information on a range of subjects (e.g. respondent region, age, social class, household size and status,
cars owned, mobile phones owned and networks used, bank and financial products used, TV packages in the
home, ailments suffered plus much more) http://www.researchnow.co.uk/Panel_UK.htm

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Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

The measure, termed General Environmental Responsiveness (GER), had a possible

minimum score of 47 with a possible maximum score of 79 (a range of 126). To
summarise, those scoring at the lower end reported more negative behaviours, those at
the upper end more positive behaviours. The actual maximum reported for any
consumer was 56, the minimum was 27 (a range of 83). There was a mean of 16.36,
median of 16, and mode of 9 (although multiple modes did exist). The standard
deviation was 13.68, skewness .028, and kurtosis .107, showing a relatively
normal distribution (GER score, D (1513) .02, p > .05 was normal). The GER
measure allowed exploration of a range of PEBs and not just a single behaviour such as
recycling which often dominates environmental behaviour studies (Vinning & Ebreo,
2002). However, in appreciation of this and to allow comparison, four smaller GER
scores were developed, each taking parts of the main GER measure, to look at more
specific groupings of behaviour. The four GER groups were: Leisure, Purchasing,
Household, and Travel. Unlike the main GER measure, the GER scores within the
smaller groupings were not normally distributed.
The issue of social desirability of behaviours is important in all environmental
research, and it is generally accepted that self-reported behaviour does not always
correspond to actual behaviour (Vining & Ebreo, 2002). It is hoped, however, that
data collection via an impersonal online mechanism, rather than face to face, should
encourage participants to be honest and open about their behaviour. Unfortunately,
due to the secondary nature of the data, it was impossible to check actual behaviour to
verify the behavioural reports. It is also suggested that as pro-environmental issues are
generally socially approved, that respondents may overestimate their behaviours
(Follows & Jobber, 2000). Vining and Ebreo (2002) suggest the need for a
correction measure to overcome this, but this could not be included here again due
to the secondary nature of the data. In designing the GER measure, the authors also
tried to take into account other methodological challenges in the research area
summarised by Vining and Ebreo (2002). For example, they suggest the need to
consider how behaviour is assessed, and suggest using frequency, duration, and
intensity as measures, as well as whether the behaviour is performed at all. The data
allowed both the actual performance and the level of that performance to be taken into
account. For example, respondents received extra points if they reported that they
recycled often rather than a little.
A range of exploratory analyses was completed to investigate the data and
specifically the effects of responsibility. Consumers were first categorised by their
answers to the responsibility questions and the correlations with their GER score. In
some cases, a linear regression analysis was also used. The same analyses were then
completed based on segmentations by age, education, sex, UK region, and social class,
although not all analyses will be reported here.
A large amount of demographic data was collected within the questionnaire. Of the
1513 consumers questioned, 47.5 % were male and 52.5 % were female. Regarding
age, 32.3 % were between the ages of 16 and 34 years, 34.6 % were between the ages
of 35 and 54 years, 13.9 % were between the ages of 55 and 64 years, and 19.2% were
over 65 years of age.

Initial demographic analyses exploring the first research question, the role of
demographic variables in environmentally responsible behaviours, showed that the


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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

general GER increased with age from a mean of 14.63 in the 1634 age group to 19.80
in the 65 age group (see Table 1), and is largely supported across the other GER
groupings. The level of GER also increased as educational level increased (from 15.41
for five grade C GCSEs or less to 18.32 for those with a professional qualification), and
a similar pattern is somewhat evident in the other GER groupings. Females also have a
higher mean score than men (18.41 compared to 14.09) and this is supported across
the GER subgroupings. The female GER mode is also much larger than the male GER
mode score (25 for women compared to 9 for men). However, GER scores do not
show any clear pattern by social class or by region.
In attempting to answer this first research question, it can be seen that there is some
demographic influence, although this is not always significant or consistent across
categorisations. Table 2 contains GER scores for each responsibility orientation
segmented by responsibility orientation and by sex and age.
Although not always significantly different, the general trend is that women have
higher GER scores than men (supporting the results in Table 1). In terms of age, there is
a strong tendency for higher average GER scores amongst older individuals (again
supporting the results in Table 1). Similar explorations were performed for education
level and social class, although no discernable pattern was found. In answering
research question two, therefore, as with question one, there is some correlation
between demographic variables and specific responsibility orientations, although
these are strongest within age and sex categorisations. Table 2 also contains useful
information in terms of research question three. Where consumers ascribe
responsibility for causing climate change to someone (including themselves) or
something in general, their GER scores were higher. In comparison, GER scores
were lower if the participant ascribed responsibility for tackling climate change to
someone or something (including themselves). By comparing the upper and lower
sections of Table 2, it can be seen, for example, that if a consumer responded that they
as an individual felt responsible for causing climate change, they would also see it as
their responsibility to tackle climate change. In fact, many more consumers reported
that they felt responsible for tackling climate change than for causing it (834 compared
to 331 individuals). This type of pattern is also prominent for central government,
local government, NGOs/not for profit organisations, and local community groups,
where many more consumers reported thinking that it was these organisations
responsibility to tackle climate change than thought of them as causing climate
change. For example, 428 respondents ascribed responsibility to central government
for causing climate change, while 1056 suggested that central government had a
responsibility to tackle it. Moving briefly into another area of the questionnaire
(trust), it can be seen that the Pearson correlation coefficient between trust of the
UK government and stating that it is central governments responsibility to tackle
climate change (r .143, p < .01) suggests that those who trust the government are
more likely to say it is the governments responsibility. However, only 35% of
respondents said they trusted them, while 69% thought it was their responsibility to
tackle climate change.
Table 3 contains Pearson correlation coefficients for GER and responsibility
orientation for both the overall GER score and the four separate GER groupings.
There are significant positive correlations between GER scores and responsibility
orientation for causing climate change with the only negative correlations for
respondents who answered other or dont know. The opposite case is found for
those consumers responding to the question Whose responsibility do you think it is to
tackle climate change?, with no statistically significant correlations between GER

Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

Table 1 GER by sociodemographic factors: age, education, sex, and social class.

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5 grade C GCSEs (or equivalent) or
More than 5 grade C GCSEs (or
A levels/ AS levels/Scottish Highers/
NVQ levels 3 or 4
Undergraduate degree or equivalent
Postgraduate degree or equivalent
Professional qualification
Social class
Yorkshire and Humberside
North East
North West
East Midlands
West Midlands
East of England
South East
South West

Mean Score
Leisure Purchasing Household










































score and responsibility for tackling climate change. It can also be seen that the
significance of each GER grouping differs in terms of responsibility orientation (in
terms of responsible for both causing and tackling climate change). In terms of the
Leisure GER, the results are quite weak, and while, overall, there is a general increase


Q Who do you see as most responsible for causing climate change?

Me as an individual
Other individuals
Private industry
Local community
Dont know










































Age group 1634
Age group 3554
Age group 5564
Age group 65
Number of Mean Number of Mean Number of Mean Number of Mean Number of Mean Number of Mean Number of Mean
respondents GER respondents GER respondents GER respondents GER respondents GER respondents GER respondents GER

Table 2 Responsibility orientation and overall GER score segmented by sex and age.

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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

Q Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change?

Me as an individual
Other individuals
Private industry
Local community
Dont know
























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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

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Table 3 Pearson correlations coefficients of GER and responsibility orientation.

Leisure Purchasing Household Travel
Who do you see as most responsible for causing climate change?
Me as an individual
Other individuals
Private industry
Central/local government
organisations (e.g. Friends of
the Earth)
Local community groups
Developing countries (e.g. China,
.072** .071**
Dont know
.098** .053*
.109** .005
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change?
Me as an individual
Other individuals
Private industry
Central/local government
organisations (e.g. Friends of
the Earth)
Local community groups
Developing countries (e.g. China,
Dont know
.167** .083**
*Correlation is significant at the .05 level (two tailed); **Correlation is significant at the .01 level (two

in GER if you see yourself or other individuals as responsible, this does not continue
into other responsibility orientations such as perceiving organisations and
governments as responsible. For the Purchasing GER, the correlation is more
statistically significant with those who see individuals as responsible also displaying
higher levels of PEB. A similar pattern was also displayed for the Household GER.
The Travel GER shows mixed results with certain responsibility orientations. If
consumers see themselves, service industries, or developing countries as responsible
for tackling climate change, they will also display a larger GER score. In general, a
responsibility orientation of whichever type tends to be correlated more strongly with
household or purchasing behaviours.
Table 4 contains Pearson correlation coefficients for GER against a range of 20
attitude statements contained in the questionnaire. Only three attitude statements
correlate significantly with general GER: Climate change has occurred many times in
human history and its part of the natural shifting of the climate, Its too late to do
anything about climate change, and Attempts to tackle climate change should be
coordinated at an international level to be successful. However, the lack of correlation

Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

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Table 4 Pearson correlation coefficients of GER and attitude statements.

I am concerned about the effects .022
of climate change
The media is exaggerating the
potential effects of climate
Climate change is largely caused
by human activities
Climate change has occurred
many times in human history
and its part of the natural
shifting of the climate
The economic growth of
developing countries represents
the greatest threat to the
worlds climate (China, India
It is too late to do anything about
climate change
Attempts to tackle climate change .067**
should be coordinated at an
international level to be
The government should enforce
more strict environmental
policies in order to prevent
climate change
Offsetting carbon emissions is a .023
good way of reducing the effects
of climate change
Consumers can help reduce the .021
impact of climate change if they
can change what they buy on a
regular basis
There is no point in trying to
reduce emissions at an
individual level
I want financial incentives to take
action on climate change
I dont see why I should take
action on climate change if other
people are not
Businesses should take the issue .039
of climate change more
Businesses should send
documents such as statements
and policy documents
electronically wherever

Leisure Purchasing Household






























































Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

Table 4 (Continued).

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I want more information from

businesses on what they are
doing to address climate change
I trust companies to do the right
thing when it comes to climate
I would switch my custom to
companies that are working to
reduce climate change
I would rather companies took the .012
choice out of my hands by not
stocking products that are
damaging to the environment
I would like more independent
assurance of the claims made by
companies about how they are
tackling climate change

Leisure Purchasing Household



















* Correlation is significant at the .05 level (two tailed); **Correlation is significant at the .01 level (two

between attitudes and behaviour has been documented widely, so the lack of
correlation here is perhaps unsurprising (Foxall, 2002; Sheeran, 2002; Sutton,
1998). In terms of the GER groupings, the attitude statements showed some
interesting results. I am concerned about the effects of climate change correlated
strongly with the GERs for Leisure, Purchasing Activities, and Travel. Consumers can
help reduce the impact of climate change if they can change what they buy on a regular
basis perhaps unsurprising correlated more highly with the GER for Purchasing
Activities and Household Activities, but also more surprisingly with the GER for
Tables 59 contain results of simultaneous linear regression analyses for general
GER and each of the GER groupings. Only those statements that were significant
predictors within the models are included in the tables. The significant predictors were
also largely supported by subsequent stepwise regression analyses. Adjusted R2 values
for each analysis were: General GER .250, GER Household Activities .145, GER All
Travel .101, GER Purchasing Activities .214, and GER Leisure .118. This suggests that
GER predicts between 10% and 25% of the variance in consumers behaviour.
Although not directly comparable due to differing methodologies and measures (the
work used a sample of consumers specifically interested in aspects of driving from two
Swiss transportation associations), this is lower than the 55% of a persons ecological
behaviour that Kaiser and Shimoda (1999) suggest can be predicted by their measure
of responsibility judgement.
Most notable across all the regression analyses is that the attitudinal statements
form a larger proportion of significant predictors. Responsibility orientation (in both
causing and tackling climate change) did, however, play a larger part, taking into
account those predictors that fell just short of the significance level required (and
hence are not included in the tables). In line with the above correlations, the answer
dont know played a larger predictive part than might have been expected. Within the

Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

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Table 5 Regression analysis of GER (only significant independent variables are

Who do you see as responsible for causing climate change? Local 2.48
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change? 2.37
Central government
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change? 3.04
Dont know
I am concerned about the effects of climate change
Climate change is largely caused by human activities
Attempts to tackle climate change should be coordinated at an
international level to be successful
Consumers can help reduce the impact of climate change if they 1.47
can change what they buy on a regular basis
There is no point in trying to reduce emissions at an individual
I want financial incentives to take action on climate change
I dont see why I should take action on climate change if other
people are not
I want more information from businesses on what they are doing 1.04
to address climate change
I would switch my custom to companies that are working to
reduce climate change


*Correlation is significant at the .05 level; **Correlation is significant at the .01 level.

Table 6 Regression analysis of GER Household Activities (only significant independent

variables are included).
Who do you see as responsible for causing climate change? Local 1.53 .57
Who do you see as responsible for causing climate change?
.86 .39
Developing countries e.g. China, India
I am concerned about the effects of climate change
.63 .20
The media is exaggerating the potential effects of climate change
.29 .15
Climate change is largely caused by human activities
.38 .17
It is too late to do anything about climate change
.31 .16
Attempts to tackle climate change should be coordinated at an
.39 .18
international level to be successful
There is no point in trying to reduce emissions at an individual level .53 .17
I would switch my custom to companies that are working to reduce
.44 .20
climate change


*Correlation is significant at the .05 level; **Correlation is significant at the .01 level.

Household Activities GER, an increased agreement with the statement climate change
is largely caused by human activities surprisingly predicted a small reduction in the
dependent variable, GER. Common predictors (of both increases and decreases in
GER) across all groupings included responsibility for causing and tackling climate



Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

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Table 7 Regression analysis of GER All Travel (only significant independent variables
are included).
Who do you see as responsible for causing climate change? NGOs/ 1.31 .65
Not-for-profit organisations (e.g. Friends of the Earth)
Who do you see as responsible for causing climate change? Dont
.80 .37
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change?
.77 .30
Central government
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change?
1.09 .42
Dont know
I am concerned about the effects of climate change
.38 .12
The media is exaggerating the potential effects of climate change
.23 .09
It is too late to do anything about climate change
.20 .10
Offsetting carbon emissions is a good way of reducing the effects of
.30 .10
climate change
I want financial incentives to take action on climate change
.22 .08
I dont see why I should take action on climate change if other
.28 .10
people are not
I want more information from businesses on what they are doing to
.46 .12
address climate change
.29 .13
I would switch my custom to companies that are working to reduce
climate change


*Correlation is significant at the .05 level; **Correlation is significant at the .01 level.

Table 8 Regression analysis of GER Purchasing Activities (only significant independent

variables are included).
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change? Me 1.43 .73
as an individual
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change?
1.47 .63
Central government
I am concerned about the effects of climate change
.81 .26
Climate change is largely caused by human activities
.60 .22
Consumer can help reduce the impact of climate change if they can 1.09 .26
change what they buy on a regular basis
I want financial incentives to take action on climate change
.50 .17
I dont see why I should take action on climate change if other
.69 .212
people are not
I would switch my custom to companies that are working to reduce 2.04 .26
climate change


*Correlation is significant at the .05 level; **Correlation is significant at the .01 level.

change being apportioned to local/central government and greater agreement with the
statements I am concerned about the effects of climate change, I dont see why I
should take action on climate change if other people are not, and I would switch my
custom to companies that are working to reduce climate change (a greater predictor in
general and purchasing activity GERs).

Wells et al. Behaviour and climate change

Table 9 Regression analysis of GER Leisure (only significant independent variables are
1.02 .44

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Who do you see as responsible for causing climate change? NGOs/

Not-for-profit organisations (e.g. Friends of the Earth)
Whose responsibility do you think it is to tackle climate change?
Central government
I am concerned about the effects of climate change
The media is exaggerating the potential effects of climate change .14
I dont see why I should take action on climate change if other people .20
are not
I would switch my custom to companies that are working to reduce .35
climate change








*Correlation is significant at the .05 level; **Correlation is significant at the .01 level.

It is obviously difficult given the above results and those further contained in the
tables to provide a definitive answer to research question three. While the correlation
analysis suggests a greater part played by responsibility orientations, especially those
regarding individuals perceiving themselves and/or other individuals as responsible,
the regression analyses suggest a heavier weighting towards the attitudinal statements
and some considerably more than others. While the nature of the data might explain
some inconsistencies, there are still a number of interesting and useful aspects that
have been highlighted.

Discussion and conclusions

This research demonstrates a clear relationship between a consumers sense of
environmental responsibility and their environmentally related consumption
behaviours. Although the influence of this sense of responsibility is often weak
compared to other factors, it is still significant, and this demonstrates the worth of
approaches such as the VBN Model in helping to understand PEB. By contrast, it
shows that the more conventional and commonly used models based on TPB and
Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen, 1991; Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980), which omit any
notion of consumer responsibility, are missing a significant factor.
The nature of the relationship between a sense of responsibility and behaviour,
however, remains intriguing. The assumption people might draw from the VBN
Model is that a sense of responsibility would drive environmental behaviours.
However, there is also evidence showing that involvement in a behaviour can shape
values (P. Tucker & Speirs, 2003). This begs the question as to whether involvement in
certain environmental behaviours could lessen a consumers sense of responsibility. As
Downing and Ballantyne (2007) note:
Many consumers still seek to make changes at the margins of their lifestyles and
do not perceive a need for a fundamental shift in behaviour. Moreover, their
actions do not appear consistent, well planned or systematic when asked
unprompted what they are doing to confront climate change, most cannot
identify anything beyond recycling, begging the question whether this has
become a token behaviour that discharges responsibility in other areas. . .


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Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 27

The study also showed that, despite the controversy about their uses,
sociodemographic variables can still be useful in understanding and predicting proenvironmental behaviours. The higher GER scores amongst females supported various
studies suggesting that females are more concerned than men about the environment in
relation to household behaviours (e.g. Teisl, Rubin, & Noblet, 2008). GER also has a
positive relationship with Education, supporting findings of other studies (e.g. Teisl
et al., 2008). The NRS Social Grade categories did not prove conclusive for GER
score, in accord with findings by Consumer Focus (Yates, 2009) that consumers from
across all social grades engage in some way with certain green behaviours. This rather
contradicts the frequently expressed view that environmental issues like climate
change are middle class issues. GER also has a positive relationship with age,
suggesting that older people have a broader knowledge of environmental
responsibility, or a sense of responsibility is something that matures over time, or
there is a declining sense of responsibility amongst younger generations, as observed in
the United States by Wray-Lake et al. (2010).
Consumer environmental attitudes and knowledge are two of the most commonly
cited influences on behaviour, and the results provide further support for that.
Consumers concern for the environment was generally seen to be a good predictor
for a higher GER score, whilst consumers responding other or dont know to
questions about responsibility for causing or tackling climate change generally had
lower levels of GER. This suggests that there might be a genuine lack of information
or education amongst this cohort, and an inability to make the relevant connections
between the issue of climate change and their own lifestyles and behaviours (something
that has been shown to be important in motivating PEB) (Pilgrim et al., 2007).
The results of this study add to the growing weight of evidence that consumer
behaviour, and the factors that influence it, vary across different types of
PEB. Exploring the differing types of GER, consumers were less affected by feelings
of responsibility in their leisure and travel activities, even though there was a
correlation with the attitude statement that Consumers can help reduce the impact
of climate change if they can change what they buy on a regular basis. This resonates
with Becken (2007) who found that, when discussing individual responsibility for
GHG emissions, tourists were more likely to consider environmental factors in their
everyday life activities and decision making, as opposed to when undertaking a more
extraordinary activity or decision to travel: The value of freedom to travel is firmly
established in the minds of many tourists and limiting travel is considered
unacceptable by the (hyper) mobile tourists who participated in this research.
Similarly, McDonald, Oates, Alevizou, Young, and Hwang (2006) identified a
consumer segment of Exceptors who sought to make sustainability-orientated
changes to their lifestyles, but who kept specific types of behaviour outside this
decision framework (particularly foreign travel and car use).
Through focus-group research, Niva and Timonen (2008) uncovered that
consumers perceived their own opportunities to influence the product-oriented
market as small; rather they attributed the responsibility to product manufacturers.
Realising an element of control over extraordinary consumption habits, such as
travel, is therefore a key challenge in incorporating such behaviours within
consumer perceptions of their own sphere of influence and responsibility. It also
raises interesting questions about whether consumers feel responsible for a choice
they make in a supermarket aisle or in their own kitchen, but would not feel in any way
responsible for the fact that an aircraft they were sitting in was flying. This could be an
interesting focus for further research.

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This exploratory study has key advantages, compared to many other studies, of
employing a multidimensional approach to PEB and employing a relatively large
sample size (e.g. Kaiser & Schimoda, 1999, surveyed 445 people; Van Kenhove,
Vermeir, & Verniers 2001 study had a sample of 286). Its use of the GER score
also provides a novel approach to approximating the net environmental impacts
of domestic consumption behaviour, which could be developed further. It
generated some interesting if tentative findings, which open up avenues for
further research on the topic of responsibility, and in particular in terms of
consumer responsiveness to environmental issues when they hold others more
responsible than themselves an issue that until now has been largely overlooked
in the literature.
The findings, however, need to be considered in the light of the studys limitations,
particularly those linked to the roots of the data-collection process in a businessfocussed survey that was not designed for purely academic research. Furthermore,
this survey shares a limitation that is widespread within green consumer research of
relying on self-reported behaviours or behavioural intentions rather than measuring
actual behaviour (Follows & Jobber, 2000). In view of the frequently reported gap
between attitudes and behaviour (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006; Zacca, 2006), it is
important to attempt to develop direct or indirect measures that assess behaviour to
overcome the reporting of socially desirable answers or tendencies to over-estimate
PEB (Vinning & Ebreo, 2002). In relation to this study, an avenue for future research
would be to seek to research the influence of perceived consumer responsibility in
relation to climate-change causes and solutions on actual PEBs.
A key implication of this research is that there is unquestionably a perception of a
shared responsibility for dealing with climate change amongst consumers. This could
create opportunities for companies, governments, and NGOs to develop strategies and
partnerships that build on this and could perhaps benefit from complementary
relationships about their varying responsibilities and resources for tackling climate
change. Halpern and Bates (2004) suggest that co-production and a sense of
partnership between state, individuals, and communities should succeed in increasing
notions of personal responsibility in areas such as climate change, amongst others.
Consequently, since the majority of survey respondents felt that central government
should be responsible for leading on a solution for climate change, despite low trust in
them, this therefore implies that there is an opportunity for government to cooperate
further with NGOs and businesses, along the lines of the New Social Compact outlined
by Brugmann and Prahalad (2007) in increasing notions of personal consumer
responsibility. Effectively communicating such developments to consumers in such a
way that encourages them to take responsibility for changing their behaviours will be an
important future challenge for commercial and social marketers alike.

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About the authors

Victoria K. Wells (nee James) is a senior lecturer in marketing at Durham Business School. Her
research interests lie in the application of behavioural psychology to consumer choice models
and environmental behaviour and psychology. She joined Durham Business School in 2011,
having been a lecturer at Cardiff Business School since 2006. She holds a degree in commerce
from Birmingham Business School and a postgraduate diploma in social science research
methods. Prior to becoming an academic, she worked in marketing communications as an
account executive.
Corresponding author: Durham Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham DH1 3LB, UK.

[email protected]

Cerys Ponting is a research associate at BRASS, a member of the Sustainable Communities,

Lifestyles and Consumption (SCLC) group, and she is also associated with work of the
Sustainable Production, Use of Resources and Technology (SPURT). She holds a degree in
business administration from the School of Management at the University of Bath and an MSc
in social science research methods from Cardiff University. Prior to joining BRASS, she
previously worked with business in the community as a business development executive and
account manager.

[email protected]

Ken Peattie is the Director of BRASS and a professor of marketing and strategy at Cardiff
Business School, which he joined in 1986. He holds a BA in management and geography from
the University of Leeds, and before becoming an academic, he worked in marketing and systems
analysis for a U.S. paper multinational, and as a strategic planner within the UK electronics

[email protected]


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