Industrial Policy in Punjab A Case Study of Sundar Industrial Estate

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Industrial Policy in Punjab:

A Case Study of Sundar Industrial Estate

Hajra Zafar

A Publication of the Centre for Public Policy and Governance











Estd. 1864

Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University)

Industrial Policy in Punjab:

A Case Study of Sundar Industrial Estate
Hajra Zafar

A Publication of the Centre for Public Policy and Governance








Estd. 1864




Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University)

Centre for Public Policy & Governance (CPPG)

F.C. College (A Chartered University)
Ferozpur Road, Lahore - 54600
Phone: 042 9923 1581 - 88 Ext. 388
Email: [email protected]
ISBN: 978-969-9661-01-3
Price Domestic: Rs. 250

Foreign: $ 10


Centre for Public Policy and Governance,

Centre for Public Policy and Governance, 2012
FC College (A Chartered University) Lahore, Pakistan
All rights reserved. No portion of the contents may
be reproduced or reprinted without the written
permission of CPPG.

Design & Print: CrossMedia I [email protected]

List of Abbreviations
List of Tables
Executive Summary
Industrial Estates: Concept & Experiences
Research Methodology
Industrial Estates in Pakistan
Sundar Industrial Estate (SIE)
Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate
Concept & Design
Infrastructure and Utilities
Services & Amenities
Institutional Analysis
Service Delivery & One-Window Operations
Environment and Energy at SIE
Conclusion & Recommendations
Survey Results


Punjabs industrial policy, industrial enterprises and particularly
industrial estates are in a dire need of reassessment, redesigning
and rejuvenation. The case of Sunder Industrial Estate exemplifies the dilemmas and promise of industrialization in Punjab. In
this preliminary and exploratory study Ms. Hajra Zafar, Research
Associate at CPPG, has made a critical appraisal of infrastructure,
identified challenges that entrepreneurs face, and the facilitation
that the Punjab government could provide. The study highlights
some of the successful models from the region, which can be instructive and helpful for improving the functioning of Sundar Industrial Estate.
The CPPG is striving to conduct evidence based policy relevant
research, which we hope will contribute towards improving the
formulation and implementation of specific policies both at the
provincial and national level. This Monograph is the second of our
series this year. Ms. Zafar spent six months doing field work, conducting interviews and focused group discussions with relevant
officers and stake holders and in writing this report.
Besides two anonymous reviewers, I am indebted to my colleague
Raheem ul Haque, Senior Research Fellow, for a thorough review
of the Manuscript, insightful and critical appraisal and editing. We
do hope that policy makers in Punjab, entrepreneurs associated
and interested in Sundar Industrial Estate, researchers and other
stake holders find the recommendations and findings of the study
useful and relevant. The CPPG invites and welcomes any and all

constructive criticism and feed back to improve the quality and

content of its research.

Saeed Shafqat


Firstly, I owe my gratitude to Dr. Saeed Shafqat for providing constant supervision and guidance through the course of my work. His
patience, unconditional support and encouragement have helped
me execute the task effectively. Completion of the project without
his colossal help and support would have been arduous. I would
also like to thank Mr. Raheem ul Haque for his encouragement,
assistance and valuable feedback.
Secondly, I would like to thank the management and staff of PIEDMC who facilitated the process of data collection and interviews.
I would particularly like to thank Miss Mehek Masood and Mr.
Jawad A. Khan for their immense help in facilitating interviews
with PIEDMC management as well as with factory representatives.
Last but not least, I would like to thank each and every one of the
factory representatives who took time out from their busy schedules, for interviews and filling out questionnaires, and for sharing
valuable information and facts.

Hajra Zafar


List of Abbreviations





Board of Directors

Board of Management

Government Advance Technical
Training Institute

Industrial Estate

Multan Industrial Estate
National Engineering Services Pakistan
National Industrial Park

Punjab Industrial Estate
Punjab Industrial Estate Development &
Management Company
Punjab Small Industries Corporation
Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate

Special Economic Zone
Sundar Industrial Estate
Sundar Industrialists Welfare Association
Technical Education and Vocational
Training Authority
United Nations Development Program
United Nations Industrial Development

List of Tables
Table 1: Industry Distribution at SIE
Table 2: Utilities Rating By Investors
Table 3: Services Needed by Investors
Table 4: Environmental Compliance at SIE
Table 5: Sector Wise Industry Distribution
Table 6: Production Commencement Year
Table 7: Factory Establishment
Table 8: Assistance and Facilitation Provided at PIEDMC
Table 9: Feedback Regarding Labor Issues
Table 10: Interviews at Industrial Units
Table 11: Interviews with PIEDMC Management
Table 12: Other Interviews



Executive Summary
An industrial estate is land developed for industrialization according to a comprehensive plan with the provision of required infrastructure and professional management. Industrial estates have
been considered a viable and preferred strategy for industrialization across the world with China leading the pack. But industrial
estates are differentiated from industrial zones based on the fact
that they are more than land development and transfer from the
State to private enterprises. Instead they provide professional management, have industries as active stakeholders in estates strategic decision making, and provide the common infrastructure and
services enabling shared usage of resources for investors to accrue
benefits of agglomeration and clustering.
The history of industrial estates in Pakistan goes back to 1947
when the first industrial estate was established in Karachi. Thus
Pakistan embraced the concept early. While small industrial estates were introduced in the Punjab in the 1960s and the Punjab
Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) responsible for establishing
industrial units was established in 1973, the industrialization momentum was soon lost due to poor management, weak infrastructure development and inability to provide attractive incentives to
private entrepreneurs. The Punjab Government resultantly formed
the Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company (PIEDMC) in 2004 with the mandate of achieving planned,
orderly and rapid industrialization in Punjab. The companys Board
of Directors was dominated by the private sector and professionals
were hired for its executive body. Its initial projects included upgradation of Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate and Multan Industrial

Estate, and the creation of the new Sundar Industrial Estate.

The Sundar Industrial Estate (SIE) was developed on the principles
of offering outstanding infrastructure and services to entrepreneurs thus setting a precedent in planned industrial activity in the
province of Punjab. Established in 2007, it spreads over an area of
1602 Acres on Sundar-Raiwind road at a distance of 45 kilometers
from central Lahore. At present, out of a total of 691 plots only
105 have been industrialized. The largest number of firms belongs
to the engineering sector followed by plastic, textile & garment,
food & beverage and pharmaceuticals respectively. However, the
biggest expansion is expected in the pharmaceutical sector.
The distinguishing feature of the Sundar Industrial Estate is its
infrastructure. Three features stand out; first, a large and wellbuilt road network, second, an underground electrification system
and third, a water supply, sewerage and gas supply system1. But
despite this excellent infrastructure it is disturbing to note that
some components of original plan have yet to be implemented,
particularly those that deal with environmental protection. The
two main missing infrastructure components are the Combined
Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and a landfill site, which are crucial for disposal of industrial waste and environmental protection.
Developing countries like China and India have experienced and
witnessed adverse effects of environmentally hazardous industrial
production and have progressed to the idea of Eco-Industrial parks
which incorporate all environmental protection aspects.
Additionally, a number of commercial areas and services provision
which were part of the initial plan have not been built. A Technical
Training Centre leads this list as most industries are already short
of skilled labor with the demand expected to grow as the number
of industries rise in the estate. Though a needs assessment study
NESPAK has conducted a study that provides a technical review of the existing infrastructure
at SIE and gives recommendations for improvement in infrastructure.


for the Technical Training Centre at SIE was carried out in 2008,
work has yet to begun on its establishment.
Overall, the pace of industrial progress at SIE has been slow despite
the broad range of facilities it offers due to various factors most
important being the lack of energy. For enhancing and reinvigorating the SIE, this research based on literature review, investor
feedback and personal observations recommends that the Punjab
Government take the following essential steps:
Formulate a preferential policy for industrializing the SIE.
While the recent colonization drive has had mixed results, Governments financial support is required for completing a pharmaceutical lab and a technical training centre.
Ensure continued energy supply including gas and electricity,
and support the establishment of an independent power plant.
Assist in exploring alternate forms of energy to fulfill long
term energy demands and sustainable industrial development.
Work with industry leaders to make the PIEDMCs Board of
Directors and the newly formed Board of Management more
effective ensuring constructive public private partnership, effective management and improved services at the SIE.
Give due importance to environmental factors by ensuring construction of the CETP and solid waste landfill site, and regulation of air pollution.
Develop a policy framework to support a labor intensive industrial strategy for economic growth by encouraging small
enterprises and by facilitating a cluster strategy at the SIE.


Industrial Estates:
Concept & Experiences
Industrial estate is an established phenomenon for organization,
modernization and promotion of industry. For over 20 years, it
has been used by developed and developing countries to facilitate
and expedite the industrialization process through cost-efficient
means. It is defined by UNIDO as a tract of land developed and
subdivided into plots according to a comprehensive plan with
provision of roads, transport and public utilities, and a unified
continuous management that overlooks the estates affairs.
Industrial estates offer managed collective access to utilities, roads,
telecommunications and other services and through industrial
estates, firms benefit from economies of scale in terms of land
development, construction and common facilities2.
Another United Nations organ, UNDP offers a sharper and precise
definition of an industrial estate as a planned group or cluster of
industrial enterprises offering a variety of easements and subsidies on
land, building, technical infrastructure, social services and facilities
to the occupant. They are different from industrial zones (i.e. raw
land reserved or suggested for industrial development), industrial
areas (i.e. land developed for industrial establishments without
particular easements, subsidies or incentives), industrial clusters
(i.e. spontaneously shaped groups of industrial establishments), or
sites (i.e. campuses of large-scale industries)3. Furthermore, they
are a tool to promote rapid industrialization, generate employment,
UNIDO, Industrial Estates: Principles and Practice (UNIDO, 1997). Accessed September 7,
R. Raci Bademli, Chapter 1, Industrial Estates in OIC countries (SESR publications
UNDP, 2000)

Industrial Policy in Punjab

and achieve a more balanced regional growth. They also serve to

attract private and foreign investment, encourage more effective
use of resources and help achieve economies of scale in investment
and public infrastructure4.
The concept of industrial estates originated from the United
Kingdom. The Trafford Park Estates Limited, UK, established in
1896 was the first industrial estate in the world. Spread over an
area of 1,183 acres, it is still the largest industrial estate in Europe.
Following the example of UK, the US, European and developing
countries also began establishing industrial estates. Today the
phenomenon of industrial estates is widespread and its benefits well
known. Developing economies including India, China, Vietnam
and Thailand have experienced rapid industrial growth achieved
through focused development and professional management of
industrial estates.
Recognizing the paucity of literature on Pakistan and to gain
insight from the experience of other countries of the region, studies
from South Asian, Middle-Eastern and other developing countries
have been reviewed to gain an understanding of international
concepts and models of industrial estates. The reviewed literature
explores linkages if any between economic growth and industrial
estates, the various types of industrial estate models used across
the world and the importance of various factors including design,
management and location in the success of an industrial estate.
In understanding the link between economic growth and industrial
estates, the case of China needs exploration because of its rapid
and sustained growth over the last two decades. Zeng stresses
the significance of Chinas Special Economic Zone (SEZ) towards
attaining economic development although Chinese SEZ is an


Industrial Estates

umbrella term that covers economic, trade and development

zones as well as the National Industrial Parks (NIP). In 2006, SEZs
contribution to national employment was only 2%. But the 52
NIPs in China accounted for 5% of total GDP, 15% of exports
and 22% of total FDI inflows. The total actualized FDI for the
NIPs in 2007 was US$17.3 billion while the number of NIPS had
increased to 69 by April 2010. Thus Chinas economic growth
strategy, attraction of foreign investment and new technologies,
employment generation and exports is driven by the NIPs.5
Still question remains on the type of industrial estate. Insights from
a Middle Eastern and North African cross country comparison
argue that the presence of an in-built management component
distinguishes industrial estates from planned industrial areas/
zones, as most so called industrial estates are nothing but
public industrial land development projects which aim to provide
developed land for industries at fair cost. This could merely end
up as a tool for public to private land ownership transfer. Rather,
the author argues that industrial estates are created primarily to
have a separate professional management with private sector
The literature lists different factors for the success of industrial
estates, but common among them are estate characteristics,
location, tax incentives, investments and clustering. A World Bank
study presents empirical evidence (from Indian and Indonesian
firms) showing that factor prices, utility services and market access
have considerable impact on the locational decision of firms.
It argues that attempts to alter the patterns of industrialization
are economically inefficient and cost-ineffective, further stating
Douglas Zhihua Zeng, How Do Special Economic Zones and Industrial Clusters Drive
Chinas Rapid Development? (The World Bank:2011), Accessed September 10, 2011.
R. Raci Bademli, 2000

Industrial Policy in Punjab

that the fiscal incentives used by governments and policymakers

to shift industrialization to secondary and lagging areas lead to
inefficient outcomes. Subsidies and tax breaks only influence
business setting among comparable locations, thus arguing for
spatially blind policies. But other studies propose governments
role through various incentives in influencing the location of the
site, while accepting that entrepreneurs consider numerous factors
in deciding the location - urban centres close to industrial clusters,
on the fringe of a city or in a rural area. The primary factors being
agglomeration and clustering benefits, costs of wages, electricity
and land among many others7. A study of 21 Korean rural industrial
estates (RIE) also suggests the importance of socioeconomic
context of a specific estate other than the governments policy
and locational aspect. It states the degree of industrialization of
the host community, access to major cities, distance from large
industrial complexes and access to the labor market as aspects
associated with location. Additionally, it emphasizes investment
on transportation infrastructure connecting the RIEs to cities and
industrial complexes8.
All studies stress preferential policies and fiscal incentives (tax
breaks, subsidies, local tax rates, government loans, export tax
exemption etc.) as important determinants for influencing industrial
location and the success of the estate. In addition, commitment to
reform and pragmatism from top leadership, proactive participation
of governments and foreign direct investment are identified as
among the main factors for the success of SEZs in China9.

UWE Diechmann, Somik V. Lall, Stephen J. Redding, and Anthony J. Venables Industrial
Location in Developing Countries The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 23, no. 2
(Oxford University Press, 2008)
Chel-Joo Cho (1996) The determinants of Rural Industrial Estate Performance in Korea
Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, vol.8, issue1, 15-32 (1995)
Douglas Zhihua Zeng, 2011.

Industrial Estates

Few studies equate the emergence of clusters with the success

of a particular industrial estate. Either clusters form organically
through a bottom-up process or emerge from within industrial
parks10. However Government can be proactive in encouraging
cluster formation to achieve agglomeration economies by
establishing specialized industrial parks that only accommodate
industries from one industrial branch.



Research Methodology
This research aims to explore the evolution and development of
the industrial estate policy in Punjab focusing primarily on the
Sundar Industrial Estate (SIE). It critically evaluates three aspects.
One, the estates main features & characteristics, its potential and
ability to generate industrial activity and policy barriers that could
prevent it to reach its full potential; two, the various internal and
external factors and issues impacting the industrialization process
at SIE; three, the interplay of various government bodies and the
impact of management influencing industrial development at SIE.
The study further seeks to evaluate the Punjab Industrial Estate
Development and Management Companys (PIEDMC) efforts and
required improvements that could pace up and streamline the industrialization process, thus providing recommendations and policy prescriptions for the consideration of the Punjab Government.
Thus the research universe for the study includes literature on industrial estates, governments industrial policy documents specifically pertaining to industrial estates, associated policy managers,
industrial concerns at the site and the site management.
Literature Review: To explore the linkages between industrialization, policy and industrial estates, literature review was
conducted of relevant reports and papers of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United
Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank.
For Pakistan specific information, literature on the history
of Pakistans industrial estates, infrastructure design review

Industrial Policy in Punjab

report by National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK),

Technical Education and Vocational Training Authoritys
(TEVTA) training needs assessment reports and Environmental Impact Assessment reports were consulted.
A sample of 25 factories was selected to represent the 105
industries operating at SIE. 5 factories were selected from
each of the three industrial sectors, Pharmaceutical, Textile and Plastic, which were among the most labor intensive
factories operating at SIE. The largest number of factories
expected to set up in SIE in the following year belongs to
the pharmaceutical sector. The remaining 10 factories (1-2
each of a sector) were selected from various other industrial
sectors operating in SIE.
For an assessment of working conditions and provision of
services at the Sundar Industrial Estate, structure survey and
qualitative interviews were conducted Structured surveys
were developed using industrial estate performance indicators extracted from literature review. These were used for
collecting data from entrepreneurs at the SIE.
In-depth interviews with investors were carried out along
with structured surveys.
In-depth interviews were conducted of PIEDMCs top management and representatives of its various departments.
Qualitative interviews were conducted of Government representatives of Technical Education & Vocational Training
Authority (TEVTA) and Environment Protection Department

Industrial Estates in Pakistan

Among the developing countries, Pakistan was one of the first to
embrace the idea of industrial estates. Sindh Industrial Trading
Estate (SITE), Karachi, spread over an area of 4,250 Acres was
established in 1947. It is the oldest Large Industrial Estate of Pakistan. By 1965, there were 3 Large Industrial Estates in operation
while 28 small industries were either proposed, under construction
or already in operation11. Small Industrial Estate was introduced
in the province of Punjab in 1960s by the West Pakistan Small
Industries Corporation which set up the first five industrial estates
at Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat, Bahawalpur and Lahore. The Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) established in 1973 has
been responsible for establishing industrial estates since then and
is currently managing 22 small industries in Punjab.
However, this early momentum could not be converted into an
advantage, due to poor management, weak infrastructure development and inability to provide attractive incentives to private entrepreneurs. Resultantly, most industrial estates in Pakistan have not
been successful in providing a comprehensive set of infrastructure
and facilities needed to facilitate entrepreneurs and attract new
industry. Many existing industrial clusters and areas have turned
into poorly managed estates that fail to provide basic facilities like
road network and a sewerage system. Additionally, minimal steps
have been taken to avoid environmental damage and the estates
have ended up contributing to enormous air and water pollution.


Gloeckner, Peter H , Industrial Estates : an instrument for industrial development and

promotion (Lahore: Ferozsons, 1966)

Industrial Policy in Punjab

It is pertinent to note that the Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) has been the main institution responsible for undertaking, managing and supervising Small Industrial Estate projects
in the province of Punjab. Punjab Industrial Estate Development
and Management Company (PIEDMC) was formed by the Government of Punjab in 200312 to upgrade the existing poorly managed
estates and to create new estates which are more organized, wellplanned and environmentally friendly. The vision and primary
goals of the company were to promote rapid industrialization in
Punjab through the creation of industrial estates of international
standard. Initially, the management of Multan Industrial Estate
and Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate (Kot Lakhpat Industrial Estate), previously being managed by PSIC was transferred to PIEDMC in 2004. These estates were upgraded while the construction
of Multan Industrial Estate Phase II was started.
However, Sundar Industrial Estate (SIE) was a new estate envisioned and developed by the PIEDMC. The main goal was to set
a precedent for industrial development in Punjab by providing
quality infrastructure and a comprehensive set of facilities.



During the tenure of Mr. Pervez Elahi, the Chief Minister of Punjab

Sundar Industrial Estate (SIE)

Spread over an area of 1602 Acres, SIE is located approximately
45 km from the centre of Lahore on Sundar Raiwind Road. It is
one of the largest and the most modern industrial estate in Punjab. The main features of the project are strategic clustering of
specific industries for allowing shared usage of common services,
the provision of utilities (Power, Water, and Gas) and a well built
road network. The project was envisioned to encompass effluent
treatment services, technical training centre, commercial centre
and one-window operation aimed to create a customer friendly
As noted above, industrial estates can be classified by a number
of factors, such as location, industrial activity, motivation, and
ownership13. The location of the estate might be urban, semi
urban or rural. An estate also varies according to the functions it performs and the nature of firms operating in the estate. A
composite estate is composed of industries belonging to various
sectors, an ancillary estate contains numerous small enterprises
linked to an overarching sector while a single trade estate contains firms relating to a similar industrial sector. The objectives of
an estate can be developmental, promotional or dispersal.
The sponsorship of an estate can be governmental, private or
private-assisted. Sundar Industrial Estate, analyzed within this
framework of classifications, can be categorized as a composite
semi-urban estate, hosting industries from over eight different
sectors and located close to rural and urban areas. Its objectives
are developmental and its ownership is private-assisted.

UNIDO, 1997


Industrial Policy in Punjab

Table 1: Industry Distribution at SIE


Number of firms





Textile & Garments


Food &Beverage





Paper & Board





Conception & Design: The estate was conceived in 2004 and became operational in 2007. In the initial phase, Pharmaceuticals,
Food Processing & Storage, Engineering and Textile were encouraged. Other industries allowed came under the miscellaneous
industry category. A total of 691 plots were created. Most of these
plots were meant for small to medium sized industries. The average plot size was half an acre to two acres with bigger plots of up
to 11 acres to accommodate large industries. Out of 1,603 acres
about 1,028.56 acres were industrial plots while the remaining
area was dedicated to roads, infrastructure, amenities, utilities,
commercial area, green belt, etc. The price of the plot was linked
to the road width (The width of road could be 80, 120 or 200 feet).
On average, a 1 Acre plot facing a 120 feet wide road could cost
up to Rs. 9 million.
Governments Role and Incentive Structure: The degree of specu-


Sundar Industrial Estate

lation spurred determines the degree of industrialization and success of an estate. The preferential policies of the government (including inexpensive land, tax breaks and export tax exemption
etc) provide the necessary stimulus for investment in a project.
While in SIEs case, the estate did spur a great deal of speculation even though the fiscal incentives provided by the government
were quite low. These included: land at a discounted rate (plot
price was discounted from Rs. 5 million to 3.5 million per acre,
meaning a subsidy of 1.5 million per acre), the Capital Value Tax
(CVT) on transfer of property was reduced from Rs. 100 per sq.
yard fixed by the federal government to 2% and additionally soft
loans of Rs 1.5 billion for initial investment in the project were
made available. Apart from these no other fiscal incentives were
provided as the federal government in Pakistan does not have a
policy for specific incentives for industrial estates. The speculative
element of SIE can be judged from the fact that although all plots
were sold in 2004, still by 2010 a majority of plots were not industrialized. Thus the new provincial government recently launched
a colonization drive to restrain speculation and to try to weed out
non serious investors.
Agglomeration: As of May 2011, among the 105 factories in production at SIE, 8 are multinational firms with 3 more expected to
join in a few months. SIE currently hosts the pharmaceutical, food
processing & storage, carpet manufacturing & washing, steel fabrication, engineering, garments, textile and others industrial sectors. The largest number of firms operating in SIE belong to the
engineering sector, followed by plastic, textile & garments, food &
beverage and pharmaceutical. With a mix of enterprises located in
SIE, investors can exploit benefits from agglomeration and expertise sharing. Opportunities to do so will rise gradually as number
of industries increase. It is thus important to explore whether the


Industrial Policy in Punjab

initial conception of agglomeration for increased productivity has

been achieved or is on target, and if the management considers it
an important part of their strategy.
Location & Transportation: The selected location of Sundar Industrial Estate offers tremendous potential for growth and success. It
is located in a lagging area adjacent to Bhai Kot village, only 9
km away from the town of Raiwind which hosts a large number of
industrial set ups, and 25 km South of Lahore. Although SIE is not
located in an urban area, a well connected road network provides
easy access to urban markets thus fulfilling the requirements of location as specified by international studies i.e near large industrial
set ups along with an accessible urban market. However transport
is not among the list of services provided by PIEDMC. Thus this
aspect needs to be assessed in terms of accessibility of labor and
transportation costs for raw materials and finished goods.
Infrastructure Facilities: Location factor is further augmented by
a comprehensive set of infrastructure facilities offered at SIE unparallel to any other industrial estate in Punjab. A comparison of
SIEs infrastructure to industrial estates across the country makes
it evident that SIE has set a new precedent for industrial standards
in Pakistan. The earlier industrial estates including the Quaid-eAzam Industrial Estate (QIE) and Multan Industrial Estate (MIE)
have failed to provide the very basic facilities to its occupants and
had been an illustration of mismanagement and uncongenial environment prior to 2004. QIE had operated without a road network,
sewerage system, water drainage system and solid waste disposal
system up until recently. A simple comparison is the internationally compatible underground electricity distribution system at SIE
not available in any other industrial estate in the Punjab.
The Punjab Industrial Estate Development and Management Com14

Sundar Industrial Estate

pany (PIEDMC) lists the following 15 facilities offered at SIE14

Reinforced Concrete Road Network
Underground Electricity Distribution System
Water Supply System
High Pressure Gas Pipelines
Underground Sewerage System
Telecommunications System
Hospital / Emergency Medical Services (Social Security)
Fully Equipped Fire Station
Walled industrial estate with limited entry/exit points
Estate Owned Security Arrangements
Potable Water
Petrol Stations
Computerized Weighing Station
Technical Training Facilities
Management & Public-Private Partnership: As suggested by various studies, SIE is different from usual industrial sites/zones as
it was formed on the principles of public-private partnership. Its
management is the responsibility of PIEDMC, whose Board of Directors comprises of members belonging to government organizations, industrialists and private sector entrepreneurs.
It is worth noting that all initial development of the SIE was done
by the government, while the estates management is carried out
through a public-private body. However, the government still has
a considerable degree of control over the estates decisions. Thus,
the effectiveness of SIE management can be judged by the functioning of PIEDMCs Board of Directors, SIEs Board of Management (BOM), and the dynamics of public private partnership.



Industrial Policy in Punjab

SIE has been envisioned and planned to provide a complete set

of superior quality infrastructure and facilities. Comparing SIE to
other industrial estates in Punjab and Pakistan, SIE is progressively
ahead in terms of planning, infrastructure, services and environment and thus has the potential to serve as a model for other estates in the province and the country. Yet, it is visible that the pace
of industrialization at SIE has been very slow. In the past five years
(2007-2011) out of a total of 691 plots, only 105 industrial units
have been set up. The factors that may have slowed the pace of
development could be global, national and local, including effects
of the global economic recession, energy shortage and political instability within Pakistan denting domestic as well as foreign direct
investment. This study aims to analyze SIE within a broad framework of policies and development strategies used in developed and
developing countries, and services provision from the perspective
of investors to provide concrete recommendations to make SIE a
world class industrial estate as it was envisioned to be.


Analyzing the Sundar

Industrial Estate
This section provides a critical review and evaluation of the various
components of SIE based on international standards. It identifies
gaps between whats on paper (and claimed by the management)
and the factual situation on the ground based on earlier evaluations by experts and more importantly the investors feedback.
Opinions of 25 (5 factories each from three main industrial sectors: Pharmaceutical, Textile and Plastic and remaining 10 from
various other sectors) industry investors out of the 105 operating at SIE were elicited through questionnaires and interviews. In
gauzing the perceptions of both investors and management, this
analysis aims to present areas of improvement, possible solutions
and recommendations for an improved public-private partnership
at the SIE.

Concept & Design

Pakistan has a population of about 180 million fed through its
prime agricultural lands of the provinces of Sindh and particularly
Punjab. According to international standards, locating industrial
estates in agricultural areas (primate agriculture land in this case)
is a widely criticized policy because it can have tremendous social,
economic and ecological consequences. Nadeem argues that SIE
was imposed on prime agricultural land while ecological considerations and the possible negative effects of creating an industrial


Industrial Policy in Punjab

estate in this area have not been given sufficient weight age. He
challenges the SIEs Environmental Impact Assessments declaration that most impacts of SIE are low-adverse to medium-adverse,
disagreeing that the land used for the project was barren, while
making a case that SIE has had significantly negative environmental impacts and only minimal efforts were made to comply
with environmental regulation as well as to compensate the affected individuals15. His main claim that the land was used for
agriculture prior to SIE project development is supported by this
authors own observations and visits to the estate as even today
large surrounding areas are under cultivation (some vacant plots
within SIE give a sight of agricultural land). But now that SIE has
been established, it is particularly important to ensure that industrial waste and associated effluents are properly treated to not
adversely affect the agricultural surroundings of SIE.
In analyzing the location of SIE based on the access to labor market, degree of industrialization of the host community, access to
major cities, distance from large industrial complexes and transportation infrastructure, the SIE gets a mixed assessment. While
the distance from large industrial site of Raiwind and road infrastructure are good, the cost of transporting labor, raw materials and finished goods is higher given the distance from Lahore.
Additionally the lack of transport facility within and to the estate
hinders both labor and investor accessibility.
An important advantage of establishing industrial estates is the
cost savings from expertise sharing among factories. About 20%
(5 out of 25) of the factories surveyed mentioned that they actively
engaged in expertise sharing or business transactions with other
firms at the SIE. Lasani Fibers, a factory that makes fiber out of


Obaidullah Nadeem, Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment of

Development Projects (Lahore: UET, PhD thesis, 2010)

Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

plastic bottles and PET flakes, and a polyester unit buy a large portion of its raw material from Al-Wadood which makes PET flakes.
Al-Wadood saves about Rs. 3/kg on transport due to proximity
of buyers. Another manufacturing unit that produces insulation
sheets from polystyrene incurs significantly reduced manufacturing costs because it uses as raw material the waste product of a
factory located nearby. Kansai Paints has buyers and raw material
suppliers within SIE itself. The respondent at Kansai Paints said
that several paint manufacturers are planning to move to SIE and
once that happens, considerable cost savings could occur due to
clustering benefits. Many other firms at SIE are engaged in expertise sharing although no comprehensive research has yet been
carried out to quantify cost savings and provide recommendations
for enhanced clustering. Still such clustering benefits are minimal
as factories belonging to the same sectors are scattered all over
the estate instead of being located close to one another as per the
initial plan. Additionally, suppliers and buyers of most businesses
are located in central Lahore which is 45 kilometers away from SIE
while the estate has no collective mechanism for transportation to
and from the city.
Industrial estates (IE) provide incentives to entrepreneurs which
vary across countries. Provision of easier access to credit at lower rates, tax breaks, subsidies, land at reduced cost, lower utility
charges, common facilities decreasing individual costs, and residential areas for labor are among the many incentives provided to
attract investors.16 However, the Federal Government of Pakistan
has no policy regarding facility incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies or cheap credit to IEs. While the land was sold at subsidized
rates during the initial sale of plots back in 2004, the lack of pace
in industrialization could owe either to purely speculative nature

UNIDO, Industrial Estates: Principles and Practice (UNIDO, 1997). Accessed September
7, 2011.


Industrial Policy in Punjab

of land investment or to a bad economic environment. Although,

the government elected in 200817 also took keen interest in the
development of SIE launching a colonization drive to systematically weed out speculators by giving deadlines for industrialists to
start construction, and cancellation of plots of non-serious investors, this policy also needs to account for the tough economic environment by providing the necessary incentives for investment,
and services earlier promised for the SIE.

Infrastructure and Utilities

It is evident from the literature review that well functioning infrastructure is a major determinant of locational decisions and is
imperative for the success of an industrial estate. Infrastructure
that facilitates the induction and generation of investment is pivotal for an IE. The central motivation of establishing SIE was to
compensate for the lack of an estate equipped with appropriate infrastructure in the province of Punjab. According to ex-CEO, SIE
was established with a clear vision of providing quality infrastructure which was absent in all industrial estates in Punjab.18 Outstanding infrastructure is thus one of the primary distinguishing
features of SIE and plays an instrumental role in its performance.
Road Network
A well-working and reliable road network is essential for smooth
operations in the estate to ensure easy mobility of goods and raw
materials in and out of the estate. The road size at SIE allows easy
and swift mobility and is adequate for the estates current needs.
The main road has six lanes, is 200 feet wide while the inner roads
are 120 and 80 feet wide respectively. This allows for smooth flow
of traffic even in times of vehicle loading, unloading and parking.


In June 2008, Mr. Shahbaz Sharif was elected the Chief Minister of Punjab
According to Sabir Chauhan, Ex CEO, PIEDMC interviewed for the study

Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

100% of the investors agree that the road network is well-planned

and organized; the roads are wide, spacious, allow smooth flow of
traffic and are without any major defect. However, the road network is a bit over done as against the standard of total roads covered area of 15%19 or less, the SIE roads occupy 26%20 of the total
area. But the more important long term issue is of sustainability
through regular maintenance as the NESPAK report argues that
surface water drainage system for the road network is insufficient
and improvements are needed in the monitoring and repair system
for cracks and other minor damages to roads21.
Table 2: Utilities Rating By Investors




Electricity supply



Water supply



Waste water disposal system


Solid Waste disposal system


Telecommunication network


Hospital services


Gas Supply

Drainage System
The current drainage system at the estate has not received a satisfactory evaluation from the experts.22 Its soaking wells located
in the green belts are not providing adequate drainage and it is
UNIDO, Industrial Estates: Principles and Practice (UNIDO, 1997).
Total area of SIE is 1602.47 acres and the total area occupied by roads is 416.60 acres.
(NESPAK, 2007)
NESPAK, 2007


Industrial Policy in Punjab

recommended that a conventional storm water drainage system

should be designed for the SIE. Generally governments provide
incentives to the industrial sector to encourage and promote a
drainage system. These can either be provided to all entrepreneurs,
or to industrialists operating in specific geographical areas of the
Electric Power Supply System
The SIE has an underground medium voltage power supply network which has been connected with nearby 132/11kV grid substation owned by the Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO).
The grid stations building and maintenance costs incurred up till
December 2010 were Rs. 157 million. An underground electrification system is more costly than an overhead electricity supply
system; however, it results in improved appearance, safety and security. Chances of disruption of supply due to bad weather conditions or other external factors are also reduced. This underground
electric distribution system at SIE has resulted in a continuous and
consistent power supply.
But due to the severe electricity shortage in the country, SIE is
also unable to provide a continuous round the clock uninterrupted
electricity supply as it receives electric power from LESCO, a State
run utility. However a system of load management has been devised for investors whereby SIE purchases electricity from LESCO
and distributes it among investors according to their production
schedule. In the load management system, the investors have the
option of choosing a time slot when they would prefer the loadshedding to occur. This prevents production cycle losses and machinery damage due to unannounced and sudden load shedding.
Once time is identified, the investors have the opportunity to plan
in advance.


Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

56% (14 out of 25) of investors consider the electricity system

to be excellent and their feedback regarding electricity supply is
largely positive, as industry outside the SIE experiences unannounced load shedding of over six hours a day during the summers. However, their articulated feedback also highlights the following five issues. First, they consider the connection charges to
be too high; second, they are discontented with the increased per
unit electricity charges (from Rs. 6 to Rs.11) during peak electricity
consumption hours of 6-9pm; third is the problem of uninformed
tripping. Though most investors say that they are informed before
outages and tripping, 28% (7 out of 25) argue that uninformed
tripping does occur resulting in production losses and damage to
expensive machinery; fourth, more than 60% of the investors do
not understand or agree with the meter system used while complaining of its lack of transparency; last, few investors shared
cases of incorrect (billing) electricity bill calculation whereby high
electricity bill was initially sent out. Though the bills were later
cancelled and replaced with correct ones, still the process dragged
on for months.
Water Supply System
The water supply system comprises of three tube wells with a
capacity of 4 cusecs each and ten elevated RCC water tanks of
100,000 gallon capacity each, providing a total storage capacity of one million gallons of water for the entire estate. So for an
area of 1,602 acres 1,000,000 gallons of water is available, meaning 624.2 gallons per acre against the international standard of
4,28423 gallons per acre. This system can only serve the estate for
45 minutes at peak demand. In line with international standards
the storage capacity of overhead water tanks needs to be increased
to 3,300,000 gallons of water for 2.5 hours of service at peak

The standard is 40,000 litres per hectare for dry industry and 500,000 litres per hectare for
high water consumption industry. UNIDO, 1997


Industrial Policy in Punjab

demand24. Although water supply is sufficient for the time being

as suggested by investor feedback, the capacity issue is bound to
become salient as the number of factories increase in the medium
to long term.
Although the water supply is consistent and water is available
round the clock, still 28% (7 out of 25) of the factories have installed their own tube wells25 as an additional source of water
supply. The industrialists are largely satisfied with water quality
and quantity available at SIE and consider it fit for their industrial
processes with 56% (14 out of 25) investors rating the water supply as excellent.
Additionally, three Reverse Osmosis Plants have been constructed to provide potable water. However, the investors (100%) and
PIEDMC management are still largely discontent with the quality
and taste of potable water available.
High Pressure Natural Gas Supply
The authorities have constructed high pressure natural gas pipe
line network throughout the estate to facilitate gas supply to the
consumers. However, the gas supply is controlled by SNGPL (state
run utility). Due to the shortage of natural gas throughout Pakistan, gas consumers in SIE also have to endure hours of gas loadshedding. It is one of the most crucial and pressing issues faced
by the industrialists. The unavailability of gas is forcing many
businesses to shut down permanently and some temporarily. Most
are in a fix due to approximately 12-15 days per month of load
shedding in the winters.



NESPAK, 2007
There have been no restrictions or checks in installing tube wells in the past but recently
the BOM of SIE has formulated rules requiring permission and payment for installing
tube wells.

Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

Unless gas and electricity are both available, industrial processes

cannot operate under standard working conditions. Even if uninterrupted electricity supply is adequately provided, machinery
that operates on gas as well as electricity cannot operate. Also
gas load-shedding occurs mostly in winters while electricity outages are in summers leading to many complaints that when one
is available the other is not. Although the problem exists on a
national scale, investors blame SIE as it had promised to provide
all utilities but has failed at gas provision. Additionally, there are
over 5 investors who had applied for gas connections for over a
year but have still not received it. One of the 25 factories visited
is shutting down solely because of gas unavailability, some are
temporarily closed for some months and many discontinue production all through winter resuming again in the summer.
Wastewater Collection System
The disposal of wastewater is being carried out through septic
tanks at different locations in the estate. The NESPAK report states
that septic tanks (settling tanks) should be complemented by a
proper screening mechanism that minimizes entrance of solids
into the tanks. According to this review, the RCC pipes used in
the wastewater disposal system are undersized and the velocity
in various pipe segments lower than needed leading to deposition of solid particles which could potentially choke the system.
Minimum cover over RCC pipes should be 1 m (3.28 ft), however
at SIE it is 2.5 feet generally and 1 foot at certain locations. Out
of the 25 investors interviewed, only 15 were satisfied with the
wastewater system, 2 considered it average and 8 rated it as poor.
This could also be due to various reported cases of excessive water
present on the road in front of factories with higher water usage
like paper factories and dying mills. For effective utilization of the
current system, it is strongly recommended that thorough clean-


Industrial Policy in Punjab

ing of septic tanks is carried out on a routine basis.

Solid Waste Management System
For an estate as large as SIE and claiming international standards,
it is unreasonable that no solid waste collection and disposal services are provided. The landfill site located within the estate has
still not been developed. Thus, industries have no means of disposing off either their office or production waste. On the contrary, the
Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate (QIE), also managed by PIEDMC,
has a proper solid waste management system in place with a 25
people workforce and a total monthly budget of 150,000. QIE also
has an identified site for waste disposal and a proper mechanism
is in place for waste management.

Services & Amenities

An important function of the estate is to provide common facilities
to the investors. These can be categorized into common production or service facilities. The common production facilities include
separate units or equipment to provide special services for use by
estate tenants.26 Some of the proposed common production facilities at SIE include a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), a
technical training centre and a pharmaceutical laboratory but construction has not yet begun for any of them.
Common service facilities provided by SIE are the security system,
fire protection, medical care, warehouses, and a bank. The missing
services include collection and disposal of estate waste, weighbridge, exhibition hall, and a central repair workshop. Though a
bank, hospital and a fire-station are present, the investors rate the
quality of these services as poor. The communication network is
satisfactory and most investors rate it as average. Internet con26



Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

nectivity is good and the phone service works well. Certain basic
amenities that should also be present at an estate include worker
housing, a canteen, bus terminal, technical libraries and technical
facilities27. SIE does not offer any of the above mentioned amenities.
Skilled Labor Supply & Technical Training
Most investors complained about the dearth of skilled labor in
the area. This is attested by TEVTAs own analysis showing both
an acute shortage of skilled labor at the SIE and a lack of a skills
training center within the vicinity of 10 km. The lack of skilled labor among the large surrounding area population (5 million)28, the
quality of unskilled labor not up to the mark due to the significantly
low literacy rate with some even calling the local labor unruly and
hard to manage requires that a technical training center be built at
SIE. TEVTA had planned to build a Government Advance Technical Training Institute (GATTI) in an industrial estate for the first
time as part of initial SIE plan. It took the first step by conducting a training needs assessment study with the help of PIEDMC to
identify industry requirements in 2008. The results starting with
the most demanded showed that there was a dire need for trainings in mechanical, electrical, textile and lastly chemical industry
processes. But according to Shah, political instability and change
in PIEDMCs management has hindered GATTIs establishment.29
80% (20/25) of the investors thought that TEVTAs training institute could potentially be of immense help to their business profitability as most businesses currently hired unskilled labor and
provided them on-job training. This process of skills acquisition

UNIDO, 1997
Muhammad Naeem Akhtar and Ms. Mehr-u-Nisa, A Training Need Assesment Study for
Establishment of Advance Technical Training Institude (GTTI), Sunder Industrial Estate,
Lahore. (Lahore: TEVTA, 2008)
According to Dr. Syed Iftikhar Shah, Director R&D interviewed for the study


Industrial Policy in Punjab

through direct experience was often long and tedious and thus a
focused institute, training unskilled worker in a systematic and
cost-effective way would benefit investors. This requires that the
trainings offered at the institute are according to the results of the
TNA exercise conducted at SIE. TEVTA assured30 this author that
the courses offered would be designed through direct consultation with the investors at SIE. Apart from the training provided at
GATTI, singular and customized training will also be offered to investors in which facilitators will train workers on their machinery
installed within the factory.
TEVTA management expects the SIE training institute to be set up
soon31 with construction taking approximately one year though no
concrete completion date has been provided. This will provide a
bridge between industry and academia32 and being situated close
to the Raiwind industrial area, pass outs of GATTI will have the
possibility of getting placement outside of SIE as well, increasing
the willingness of students to enroll at the institute.
40% (10 out of 25) of the investors have to transport all their labor from Lahore to SIE and another 44% (11/25) have more than
50% labor coming from Lahore. Keeping these figures in view, a
common transport (shuttle/bus service) service from Lahore to SIE
needs to be provided through the auspices of the PIEDMC. Additionally, travel within the estate is highly inconvenient and time
consuming as walking from the main gate to factories located far
can take up to half an hour. More importantly, transporting all
skilled labor from Lahore is not a sustainable solution to a lack of
skilled labor in the area and is particularly difficult in the absence

No completion date has been provided
According to Dr. Syed Iftikhar Shah, Director R&D, interviewed for the study


Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

of a transport system from Lahore to SIE and residential area for

labor within SIE.
A Canteen with affordable food is essential for the estate. In the
absence of a transport system within the estate, for a worker to
go outside the estate for food, simply walking towards the closest urban area may take up most of the lunch break. Thus many
factories provide food within their premises, but this may not be
suitable for all industrial units. Thus it is recommended that SIE
needs to provide at least three Canteens in the estate area.
Medical Services
One of the most critical service lacking is the medical service.
100% of the investors rated the medical services as poor. At least
five indicated that no medical staff was present when they visited
the facility in time of need. They stated that the hospital did not
have adequate staff or equipment to deal with emergency cases
and thus laborers had to go to the nearest Social Security Hospital
in case of emergency. The lack of local and external transport service makes workers even more vulnerable in case of an accident.
This issue requires an immediate solution.

Infrastructure and facilities provision at SIE has set a precedent
for industrial estates in the Punjab in terms of better planning and
implementation. However, there is considerable room for improvement if one compares it with international standards.

Having made heavy investments in infrastructure (road network


Industrial Policy in Punjab

and underground electrification system), it is essential that adequate resources are devoted to its maintenance needs as recommended in the NESPAK design review.
Table 3: Services Needed by Investors
Needed Service

Number of firms
(Out of 25)

Solid Waste Management system


Gas supply


Enhanced communication with and improved efficiency of PIEDMC management


Technical Training services


Commercial areas


Uninterrupted power supply


Transport arrangement for

a) within estate mobility
b) bus service from Lahore to SIE


Commercial areas


Combined Effluent Treatment Plant


Increase in green areas


Labor residential arrangement

Improved one window operations

Landfill site

Business center


It is thus suggested that infrastructure maintenance be outsourced

to companies specializing in maintenance services as efficient upkeep of infrastructure is currently one of the most significant chal-


Analyzing the Sundar Industrial Estate

lenges for PIEDMC.

While the absence of a solid waste management system, worker
housing, transport system and commercial areas are among the
most conspicuous deficiencies of the estate, more importantly
the set of infrastructure and services promised (Common Effluent
Treatment Plant - CETP, computerized weighing station or technical training facilities) to investors at the time of sale can result in
a serious lack of credibility for the PIEDMC. CETPs importance for
the estate has been emphasized by many exporters claiming that
foreign buyers emphasize environmentally friendly production
practices. Additionally, increase in green areas and their improved
maintenance have also been demanded by investors.
Investors have also requested for improvement in managements
efficiency, reduced response time, and efforts to increase communication between investors and management.
A training centre for labor to compensate for the dearth of skilled
labor in the surrounding area is also a common demand. Other
areas of concern include provision of a proper cargo service to
transport materials during the construction phase, and a reliable
local as well as Lahore to SIE transport system. Pharmaceutical
firms have specifically asked for a common pharmaceutical laboratory and a training assistance centre.
But most importantly, it the extreme gas load-shedding which prevents SIE to fulfil its primary purpose of providing unhindered
utilities to factory units. Since SIE is PIEDMCs first project, SIEs
success is heavily linked to PIEDMC and generally to the industrialization of Punjab. It is thus important for PIEDMC to take a
pro-active role in resolving the issues of inventors at SIE by taking


Industrial Policy in Punjab

up its case with the Punjab Government.


Institutional Analysis
Productive and efficacious institutions are imperatives for developing a countrys capacity to devise and implement developmental policies and solve issues. According to Douglas North, Institutions have been devised by human beings to create order and
reduce uncertainty in exchange...they determine the transaction
and production costs and hence the profitability and feasibility
of economic activity. Institutions provide the incentive structure
of the economy; as that structure evolves, it shapes the direction
of economic change towards growth, stagnation or decline.33 An
institutional analysis of PIEDMC is thus important to understand
the interests and incentives underlying policy formulation and decision making; to assess the regulatory framework and lacunas
in implementation; and to design more meaningful interventions
and devise practical and feasible solutions.
Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC), formed in 1973, has
been responsible for the management of industrial estates in Punjab and is currently managing 22 small industries in Punjab. Considering industrial estates under PSIC have had inadequate and
insufficient infrastructure, and poor planning and management,
PIEDMC was formed by the Government of Punjab in 2003 specifically to uplift industrial estate standards to make them internationally compatible in terms of planning and infrastructure provision.
PIEDMC was incorporated as a section 42 company under Com-


Douglas North. Institutions, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 5, issue 1

(Pittsburgh: AEA Publications, 1991)


Industrial Policy in Punjab

panies Ordinance 1984. It is owned by the Government of Punjab

and is run by a Board of Directors (BOD) comprising sixteen directors. It was tasked with developing SIE, upgrading Quaid-e-Azam
Industrial Estate (QIE) and expanding and upgrading Multan Industrial Estate (Phase I and Phase II). In addition, the PIEDMC further has four upcoming projects build four new industrial estates
at Rahim Yar Khan, Sargodha, Vehari and Kasur as soon as formal
approval is granted and adequate funds are disbursed for this purpose. Majority of the PIEDMC directors are private sector industrialists and the rest are ex-officio members demonstrating PIEDMC
as an example of Public-Private Partnership. The Chairman/Chief
Executive Officer are both from the private sector while the day to
day affairs are looked after by the CEO. Aon Mehdi, the Marketing
Director PIEDMC, describes the Company as an Infrastructure Development & Management company. Its key objectives as stated
on its website include the provision of:
a) Infrastructure
b) One-Window Operation services to its investors.
The PIEDMC head office is located within the premises of SIE. The
Head Office manages affairs of all industrial estates that fall within
its domain. A separate office exists for SIE which deals specifically with all matters pertaining to SIE. The departments unique
to the Head Office include the CEO Secretariat, GM Secretariat,
Corporate Division, Marketing, HR and IT. The departments listed
above provide central supervision and management for all industrial estates. The rest of the departments (Finance & Accounts,
Engineering and Environment) have two branches or subdivisions.
One branch deals with issues related to SIE and the second with all
other estates. The total employed staff at the SIE and Head Office
is approximately 86 and 63 respectively.


Institutional Analysis

The initial vision of SIE as stated by a former CEO34 was to build

an estate that aimed to provide state of the art infrastructure and
services to entrepreneurs. A soft loan of Rs. 1 Billion was provided
to PIEDMC to initiate the development of new Industrial Estates.35
(The loan is being paid back to the government in installments).
The Government has not provided any further grants and loans to
PIEDMC and the institution is fully responsible for managing its
own expenses. The main purpose of PIEDMC as mentioned above
was to provide infrastructure management and OneWindow Operations with the objective of achieving orderly, planned and balanced industrialization in Punjab through investor facilitation. An
analysis of the customer support system and infrastructure provision is presented to evaluate the performance of the institution.

Service Delivery & One-Window

The first responsibility of PIEDMC is to guide its clients through
various steps culminating in setting up the business on SIE land.
These steps include purchase of land, approval from various government departments, obtaining utility connections and the issuance of completion certificate. The client is assisted during these
set of processes through a system called the One-Window Operations (OWO).
A comprehensive guideline of the OWO is provided on the website
and in the form of a booklet from the PIEDMC office. A transparent, clear and precise list of processes is outlined in the booklet. It
clearly mentions charges and fees for various processes. Contrary
to the claim of investors that there are unnecessary charges and
fees for every step, the charges seem standardized, reasonable and


According to Sabir P Chauhan, former CEO, PIEDMC, interviewed for study

Information regarding the use and further breakdown of the loan was not disclosed


Industrial Policy in Punjab

fairly transparent.
The term One-Window Operations is commonly misused and
misinterpreted by most government organizations in Pakistan.
What they practically offer is guidance and advisory services to
their clients. They guide them through complicated bureaucratic
procedures & processes and suggest the best way of getting things
done by providing assistance wherever possible. However, a thorough implementation of OWO entails that the client submits a
complete set of documents to OWO contact person who is then
responsible for coordinating with all other departments involved
to provide the client with the final product/service/document. Instead, PIEDMCs customer support service is just an advisory service that guides clients through all necessary steps. An OWO at
PIEDMC should entail that the customer service department provide the client with a list of documents required for the entire
process, i.e from land acquisition up to obtaining the Sale Deed.
This would include documents relating to building plan approval
as well as other documents requiring submission to government
departments including Labor, EOBI, Social Security and Environment. The investor should complete the documents with PIEDMCs
guidance and submit them to PIEDMC without needing any direct
contact with government departments. However, currently the applicants have to coordinate with the following government departments on their own:

Environment Protection Department

Labor Department
Social Security Department and EOBI

This is a cumbersome process and takes several months to get approval from the above departments, thus defeating the very pur-


Institutional Analysis

pose of OWO. However, the management claimed that it made

positive & substantial efforts to facilitate investors, and minimize
response and process time. Investor feedback on the usefulness of
One-Window Operation services was mixed. Many were unsure
what OWO was and did not know that customer service at PIEDMC
was called One-Window Operations.
PIEDMC has moved one step closer to the implementation of OWO
as in the last month few government departments have set up
offices at the SIE, each with one full time representative. EOBI,
Social Security, SNGPL, Rescue1122 offices are now operational.
However for a functional OWO, PIEDMC needs to assume complete
responsibility of coordinating with these various departments for
its clients. A well-working OWO system plays a critical role in attracting local as well as international investment. Hence PIEDMC
needs to pay particular attention to refining the process.
For post setup service delivery ensuring the provision of utilities, amenities and the maintenance of estates infrastructure, the
PIEDMC levies monthly operation and maintenance charges of Rs.
4,000/acre. The charges are minimal and cover a wide variety of
services available to SIE investors including maintenance of road
network, water supply, electrical network security, fire fighting
and medical services etc. But some facilities promised to the investors are unavailable (solid waste management services, computerized weighing station, commercial areas, residential areas, technical training centre for labor) and others (medical services) are of
poor quality. Thus PIEDMC should concentrate on the efficient
provision of basic utilities, improve service delivery and provide
services needed or promised to its investors even if it requires
increasing O&M charges. For instance, there is particularly high
demand for a solid waste management system and local transport


Industrial Policy in Punjab

facilities from investors. They have showed willingness to pay for

these services provided the estate takes the initiative to provide

The role of top leadership is critical for the developmental, implementation and management phases of any project. In the Chinese
SEZs growth experience, the author specifically emphasizes the
importance of strong commitment to reform and pragmatism at
the top36. It is thus important to understand and analyze the role
of top management at the SIE. The initial vision of SIE was to provide quality infrastructure to investors as communicated by former CEO of PIEDMC.37 This vision was implemented through superior infrastructure including the road network, drainage system,
and an underground electrification system. However, complete
implementation of the vision did not occur. The concept that initially included commercial areas, hotels, technical training center,
landfill site, combined effluent treatment plant and other facilities
was gradually restricted and even after a lapse of five years, the
promised infrastructure has not been built.
Thus the initial commitment and pragmatism of early leaders who
had envisioned the project has gradually withered away as much of
the infrastructure stands incomplete and many issues unresolved.
Investor feedback attests to this as results indicate that most of
the early investors, i.e. the investors who had set up their factories
in the year 2004-2007 were highly satisfied with PIEDMCs management during that particular time period. According to them,
PIEDMC provided responsible guidance, assistance and facilitation. These investors are largely of the opinion that the quality of
service provided by PIEDMC has deteriorated over time and they


Douglas Zhihua Zeng, 2011

According to Sabir P Chauhan, former CEO, PIEDMC, interviewed for study

Institutional Analysis

are dissatisfied with the current management. The investors who

set up industry after 2007 have mixed feedback about the management. Response of other firms which have set up businesses post
2007 has been negative. The response of the most recent set ups
which are about to go into production has been the most negative.
There is also a difference in feedback in terms of size as most large
corporations/setups like Kansai Paints, Tetra Pak, Allied Motors,
CHT Pakistan gave positive feedback and stated that the management has been helpful and efficient. Thus it may be inferred from
the data that larger corporations are given preferential treatment
while the quality of management has deteriorated over time.
Overall, about 32% (8 out of 25) of the investors said that the
management is cooperative and efficient, and that the response
time of request/complaints is minimal. 20% (5/25) rated the managements performance as average, while 48% (12 out of 25) were
of the opinion that the management was bureaucratic and inefficient and the processes cumbersome with unnecessary delays.
They also complained of a complete lack of effort on the part of
top management to communicate with investors or to take them
on board on policy matters. They suggested arranging seminars
and policy dialogues where by the SIEs top management and investors can discuss common problems, debate policy issues and
build a consensus on the future vision for the estate. Considering
PIEDMC was meant to be a Public-Private Partnership arrangement as 10 out of 16 members of its BOD are industrialists, a
lack of partnership has led to the formation of an advisory body,
Sundar Industrialists Welfare Association (SIWA) consisting of all
industrialists at SIE which has been operational since 2007. SIWA
is meant to communicate the industrialists concerns and demands
to PIEDMC. Recently a Board of Management (BOM), SIE consisting of industrialists has been formed. It is meant for the resolution


Industrial Policy in Punjab

of functional problems raised during the day to day activities of

the estate. A BOM is already present both at MIE and QIE, and has
considerable authority to effectively implement rules and manage
the estates affairs.
Investor feedback at SIE suggests that investors are dissatisfied
with the extent of government involvement and leadership initiative as a number of impeding factors have lead to a stunted
industrialization process at SIE. Thus a proactive and persistent
governments and managements role is essential for the success
of SIE. The Chief Ministers continued interest and commitment
could steer the project in the right direction and help exploit the
true potential of Sundar Industrial Estate. This demands a systematic enhancement of private sectors role in decision making by
making the BOD an effective body.


Environment and Energy at SIE

Sustainable industrial development entails that productivity is
constantly improved, resources are utilized in an efficient manner and the use of resources is such that minimal environmental
damage is caused. The environmental aspect is of prime importance and a prerequisite for sustainable development. Thus it is
important to devise a strategy to manage and minimize the environmental impact of industrial processes as industrial pollution is
one of the main contributors to escalating levels of air and water
pollution in the country.

Conflicting viewpoints exist on whether land use before development of the SIE site project was agriculture. Nadeem argues that
the Site Inspection Report (SIR) submitted by the District Officer
Environment, Lahore, as well his own site visit attests that prior
land use was agriculture38, although the EIA report states otherwise. The SIR indicated that considerable green area would be lost
due to construction of SIE and that no buffer zone was provided
between the estate and surrounding residential localities. He also
points out that Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA)
1997 and Lahore Master Plan 2021 were violated while the timeline of SIE notices and approvals indicate that construction began
before EIA approval. This is attested from that fact that agriculture
is still being practiced in surrounding and adjacent areas of SIE as
well as on some vacant plots within SIE. Overall, Nadeem makes
a case that SIE has had significantly negative environmental im38

Obaidullah Nadeem, 2010


Industrial Policy in Punjab

pact during its development phase and minimal efforts were made
to comply with environmental regulation and to compensate affected individuals. However, one good environmental initiative at
SIE was that its bylaws prohibited setting up of certain environmentally dangerous industries such as poultry farms and leather
Environment Protection Department (EPD) has a clear methodology
for the enforcement of environmental laws. It conducts the Initial
Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment
of factories to assess the degree of environmental damage and to
outline certain rules to be followed during production. Conditional
NOC is then issued to allow construction and monthly monitoring is carried out during construction. Once the operation phase
starts, the factories are required to submit compliance reports on a
quarterly basis. Factories can get their waste tested from any EPD
approved laboratory and submit the results to EPD. Unannounced
visits are made by EPD for confirmation of compliance.
Although the EPDs processes are clear, factory visits and interviews indicate that there is a serious issue of environmental enforcement and a general lack of environmental awareness and
compliance. Interviews of factory owners showed that many factories obtained EIA certification after starting or even completing construction suggesting that PIEDMC and EPD enforcement
mechanism is flawed and ineffective.
The common pattern in investors response to an environment related question was hesitancy to disclose any information. Only
two out of the twenty five firms were willing to share information
regarding the composition and quantity of their solid waste. Four
firms shared data regarding total water waste. Many claimed to


Environment and Energy at SIE

have zero or near zero solid waste. All textile firms surveyed said
that they sold solid waste while their water waste was sent to the
main drain without treatment as it was not hazardous. Pharmaceutical industries claimed that they had no solid waste, and their
water waste was non hazardous thus requiring no prior treatment
before flowing into the main drain. Two plastic factories claimed
zero production waste, and the other three claimed to have very
less solid waste which was sold. Some interviewees said informally
that they dump their solid waste at the nearest empty plot. Cases of
solid waste dumping in empty plots were frequent according to the
engineering department, which deals with these cases. While EPD
is responsible for ensuring safe disposal of solid waste by individual factories, there is currently no method of collecting and disposing off solid waste at SIE. Additionally, while landfill land has
been allocated within SIE, construction has not yet begun. Thus all
occupants are responsible for their own solid waste disposal. Some
factories sell their waste to EPD approved buyers, some hire private
vendors for waste disposal at the Mahmud Buti site while many
just dump it in empty plots.
Only one out of the twenty five factories surveyed has an air pollution control system installed while SIE does not have any ambient quality tester installed at the estate. However, EPD claims to
perform air quality tests occasionally at SIE through its mobile
While the EPD has made preliminary waste water treatment mandatory for each factory, all twenty five factories visited are noncompliant of the rule. Most factories are relying on the construction of a Combined Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for water
waste treatment. The Sundar Times, Volume 7, Issue 2 states that
tender opening of the CETP project was due on May 7, 2008 for


Industrial Policy in Punjab

a 150,000 m3/per day treatment capacity plant to be completed

in the first quarter of 2010. But the construction of CETP has not
yet begun as SIE is still trying to find funding for it. Considering
that the CETP will require two years for construction, and SIE is
nowhere close to obtaining funding as it requires an investment
of approximately Rs. 1 billion, the problem is expected to persist
for many years to come. Production at SIE started in 2006 and assuming that the CETP gets built in the next 2 years, by 2013 seven
years of untreated wastewater of industrial sectors like pharmaceuticals, dye manufacturers and paper making would have flown
into the Nehla Drain (one of the most contaminated drains in the
city). For as long as the CETP is not built, it will continue to be
used as an excuse by firms to not treat their hazardous wastewater themselves. Thus, it is the shared responsibility of EPD and
PIEDMC to ensure that investors provide preliminary treatment to
their waster waste.
Table 4: Environmental Compliance at SIE
Environmental Aspect

No of Factories
(out of 25)

EPD certificate


ISO certification

Solid waste disposal system

Landfill facility

Waste water treatment plant/mechanism

Air pollution control device

In assessing regulatory mechanisms, it can be stated that currently

the Environment Department at SIE has only one environmental
officer. Previously, the environment department at SIE consisted


Environment and Energy at SIE

of 7 people and according to the EPD respondent, the previous environmental manager was actively involved in the environmental
maintenance of SIE while the current management is not making the required effort. Most of the needed information regarding SIEs environmental management system could not be elicited from PIEDMCs Environment Department. Basic information
regarding the total solid and water waste generation of SIE, solid
waste disposal mechanism and number of firms with ISO certifications, was not shared.
The lack of solid waste disposal system, CETP, and required air
pollution control mechanism has made the environmental situation at SIE very critical. Absence of a landfill site has resulted in
dumping of solid waste in empty plots a common practice while
wood burning in some factories is causing further environmental
damage. These environmental concerns need to be addressed on
an urgent basis. The environment department at SIE needs to be
expanded and improved for better enforcement of environmental
regulations. Additionally, better environmental management also
requires raising awareness of factory owners, developing a longterm vision and better management skills.

Energy sources have a significant impact on the environment as
polluting energy sources can cause environmental stress and degradation. Thus efficient and environmentally friendly use of energy is required for sustainable industrial development.
Energy and industry are inextricably linked as more than 40% of
the energy in Pakistan is consumed by the industrial sector. Pakistans current energy crisis has resulted in slackened industrial


Industrial Policy in Punjab

growth as existing energy sources are unable to meet industrial

energy demands. Therefore there is a dire need for Pakistan to
explore alternate forms of energy to support its industrial sector.
Additionally, energy derived from fossil fuels has resulted in rising levels of pollution and has caused considerable environmental
damage. Consistent and environmentally benign sources of energy
can provide a solution to problems of energy shortage and well as
of a deteriorating environment.
The supply of energy is integral to the performance of any industrial estate. At SIE, the gas and electricity shortage has created serious impediments for industrial operations and has slowed down
the industrialization process considerably. Gas load shedding during the winters and electricity shortage during summers has forced
many industrialists to discontinue production for 5-6 months every year or to even completely shut down their business. Additionally, many industries at SIE are shifting to Hattar Industrial Estate
located in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa where gas supply is continuous
even though SIE provides an outstanding set of infrastructure and
However, electricity and gas shortage in the country has also created several opportunities to explore alternate energy sources. The
issue of energy shortage (at SIE) can be solved by devising a forward looking policy whereby clean energy sources are employed.
This requires investment in finding low cost options for an energy
source with a consistent and assured supply, and minimal adverse
environmental effects. Few alternate energy sources have been explored40 but no suitable solution has been found as yet. Instead
the impact has been the opposite. Two out of twenty five factories
visited were using wood burning as part of their energy generation


According to Mr. Jawad, Secretary SIWA, interviewed for study

According to Muhammad Fareed, Senior electrical engineer, Electrical department, SIE,
interviewed for study

Environment and Energy at SIE

processes due to the unavailability of gas. This process costs twice

as much and also results in environmental damage.
SIE has been planning to set up its own power plant for many
years now and it is now necessary that the plan is implemented.
Many investors have also suggested that SIE should consider exploring alternate forms of energy, and persuade the government to
support setting up an alternative energy plant. It is thus suggested
that the government should support and incentivize investment in
alternative energy sources as it is crucial for the success of SIE.


Conclusion &
PIEDMCs mandate as stated by the former CEO is Punjab Industrial Estates (PIE) has become a significant benchmark for industrialization in Punjab. Based on PublicPrivate Partnership the
companys mandate is to achieve orderly, planned and balanced
industrialization through a network of modern and innovative
industrial estates providing one-window facilities to entrepreneurs.
From the analyses and discussions done in the context of this
paper, it is evident that SIE has established itself as a benchmark
for other industrial estates in Punjab and the country. Having said
that, there is still significant room for improvement and considerable efforts are essential to bring it at par with industrial estates
in other developing and developed countries.
There is no one particular issue stagnating industrialization in
the country. From worldwide economic recession, an unfavorable
investment climate and energy shortage, all such factors are detrimental to industrial progress. SIE needs to follow a solutionoriented approach and explore options to solve or manage internal as well as external issues dampening industrial investment.
Although it is one of the most organized and planned estates of
the country, it still needs to implement the plan effectively. Given
its superior basic infrastructure including road network, underground electrification system and well laid out sector-wise distri-


Industrial Policy in Punjab

bution, SIE holds immense potential for attracting local and foreign investors significantly enhancing the potential for planned
industrialization. The development approach of SIE is systematic
and is a breath of fresh air considering Pakistans existing illplanned industrial management.
However, certain internal and external factors have prevented
rapid industrialization of SIE and even after a lapse of seven years,
a vast majority of plots have yet to undergo industrialization. A
combination of national issues, internal management conflicts
and a lack of thorough implementation of planned facilities have
resulted in sluggish progress of SIE. The issues highlighted in this
study need to be carefully discussed and further analyzed to devise a comprehensive industrialization plan for SIE in consultation
with all stakeholders.

- The commitment of the government as well as top management
is pivotal for the success of any development project. It is particularly important for the success of SIE which has attempted
to break the longstanding and chronic inefficiency in industrial
pattern through the implementation of a unique and remarkable
idea in Pakistans industrial scenario in general and Punjab in
particular. In this context, the colonization drive launched by
the Chief Minister was a fruitful and much-required initiative
but it has also led to several unwanted outcomes. A number of
plot owners have merely constructed boundary walls and have
obtained completion certificates, when in reality they have no
plans of starting production. A strict check needs to be kept on
such occupants and the colonization drive needs to be implemented more effectively.


Conclusion & Recommendations

- SIE has emerged as a priority choice of location for an entrepreneur in the province of Punjab. It is thus crucial for the government to realize and acknowledge SIEs capacity to induce
investment as harnessing the proper potential of the project
can provide a huge stimulus to the provinces industrial and
economic growth. A sustained engagement by the Government
and appropriate measures to resolve outstanding issues could
also develop SIE as a platform to attract international investment.
- For the SIE to succeed and utilize its full potential, the Punjab
Government needs to explore alternate sources of energy for
the Estate as the most pressing issue faced by industrialists is
the shortage of gas. Many industries shut down throughout the
winter due to gas load shedding while several industries are
closing down altogether solely due to unavailability of gas.
Other investors are resorting to energy creation methods like
boilers operating on wood burning. Such uninformed and inadequately researched pursuits will only lead to increased production cost and environmental damage.
- Importance of ensuring both the continued supply of electricity and gas within the estate cannot be over emphasized. Although SIE provides a system of load management, investors
do not have round the clock access to electricity at the same
rate. To ensure uninterrupted and continuous round the clock
supply of electric power supply at SIE, the estate has to plan
the construction of an independent electric power plant. Such a
policy option would demand heavy investment and the private
investor alone can not succeed in this venture. In this arena a
meaningful and substantive Public-Private Partnership would
be an appropriate policy choice. For the last five years, SIE has


Industrial Policy in Punjab

been trying with little success to establish its own power plant.
Now is the time to clinch Public-Private Partnership to achieve
this goal.
- Incomplete infrastructure, despite its quality does not rouse investor confidence. Therefore immediate attention must be paid
towards its completion. Expeditious completion of infrastructure could improve the level of trust between the investor and
PIEDMC. This study reiterates that NESPAKs design review
need to be pursued and implemented.
- PIEDMCs management requires significant improvement and
a proper One-Window Operation needs to be incorporated.
PIEDMC needs to proactively ensure removal of communication barriers between management and investors, and investors participation in SIE policy procedure. It is important because their existing relationship would not address collective
issues; magnetize new investment or stakeholder participation
in further development of SIE.
- The in built management component of SIE needs to be made
more effective through an effective Board of Management. The
concept of Public-Private Partnership needs to be implemented
more effectively by increasing private sector stakes in SIE as
currently all investment is made by the government. Increase
in private sector stakes will lead to greater engagement, interest and commitment on the part of the private sector.
- Pharmaceutical sector appears to be the most dynamic and
rapidly growing sector as 80% of the industries expected to
start production within the next year belong to this sector. The
government needs to cultivate and encourage this sector by


Conclusion & Recommendations

providing incentives to maximize its potential and establish a

shared pharmaceutical control laboratory.
- SIE should encourage setting up of labor intensive industries by
providing common services, production facilities and technical
training to those sectors. Currently the most labor intensive industries operating in SIE are food, pharmaceutical, plastic and
textile. SIE needs to devise a well thought out strategy to target
these sectors.
- Close proximity of a mix of enterprises in the estate presents
opportunities for cooperation, expertise sharing and cost savings; hence SIE should devise a policy to exploit this untapped
- A number of labor issues need immediate attention, most important being a shortage of skilled labor in the SIE vicinity.
Thus establishment of a technical training centre, collective
transport within and between SIE and Lahore, and labor residence at the SIE are strongly recommended.
- The environmental factor has not yet been given due importance at the SIE leading to a drastic long term impact as no
solid waste management system, waste water treatment (individual and collective), and air pollution control system are in
place. Investments need to be made for a Combined Effluent
Treatment Plant (CETP) for water waste treatment and a landfill
site, while a strict implementation of the environment regulatory regime is required.


Survey Results
Sample Size: 25
Table 4: Sector Wise Industry Distribution







Table 6: Production Commencement Year

Time period

Number of factories

Between 2006-2008

Between 2008-2010


2010 onwards

Table 7: Factory Establishment

Establishment Type
New factories
Re-Located factories



Industrial Policy in Punjab

Table 8: Assistance and Facilitation Provided at PIEDMC


Number of firms





Table 9: Feedback Regarding Labor Issues

Satisfied with labor supply in surrounding areas


Out of 25

Dissatisfied with labor supply in surrounding areas


More than 50% of labor shifted from



Most labor coming from surrounding


Expect TEVTA training centre to be



Are not sure if TEVTA training centre will

be useful



Factory Name:
Plot Number:
Size of factory:
Basic Information:
1. Please enlist the products currently being produced in your factory.
2. When did your factory begin production?
3. Is you factory new or have you moved from somewhere else?
If yes:
a) Where was your factory originally located?
b) What was the main reason you moved from there?
c) How would you compare SIE to your former factory location
and what do you find better about SIE?
4. To what degree are you satisfied with the following facilities
provided at SIE?
Scale: 1: Excellent 2:Average 3:poor
One-window operation
Electricity supply
Water Supply
Gas Supply
Sewerage system
Waste Water Collection System
Solid Waste disposal system
Communication network


Industrial Policy in Punjab

Road network
Hospital/emergency medical services
Computerized Weighing stations
Availability of skilled labor in the area
Comments/Suggestions for improvement:
------------------------------------------------------------------5. How satisfied are you with services provided by PIEDMC?
6. Would you like PIEEMC to offer any particular facilities that
would improve the profitability of your business? Please list in
order of preference.
7. Have you utilized any opportunities for expertise sharing
with other factories within Sundar Industrial Estates? If yes,
please elaborate
1. What is the total number of people employed in your factory?
Please fill out the tables below:
Occupational Group
Administrators and Managers
Skilled Workers
Semi-skilled workers
Unskilled Workers


Number of workers

Average pay scale



Number of workers


2. What are the average working hours per week of:

Skilled Labor:
Semi-skilled & Unskilled labor:
3. Was there adequate supply of labor in the area around SIE?
4. TEVTA plans to build a vocational centre at SIE. How helpful
would you consider be for labor productivity at your factory?
5. What are the main problems faced by labor at SIE and what
solutions do you propose?
1. Does your factory have an ISO certification?
Solid Waste:
2. Please fill out the table below.
3. How much of the waste is sent to a landfill?(tonnes per day)
4. How much is sent to an incinerator?
5. Do you have a solid waste treatment canter? Please elaborate
6. What is the total quantity/percentage of waste that is recycled?
7. List the factories in SIE that reuse the waste from your factory.
Also specify the corresponding approximate quantity/ percentage.


Industrial Policy in Punjab

Solid Waste Composition:

Waste Types

Total Quantity

Percentage of total

Organic Waste
Waste wood
Waste Metal
Waste Paper
Waste Plastics
Hazardous waste
Waste Oil
Waste Solvent
Construction waste

Water Waste:
8. How do you minimize water wastage?
9. Do you have a water waste treatment center? Please elaborate
10. What is the average volume of water waste per day?
Gaseous Emissions:
11. What are your average gaseous emissions per day?
12. Do you have an air pollution control system installed (if required)?



Table 10: Interviews at Industrial Units



Majestic Plastic Industries

Mr. Nasir Mahmood Baig (GM Operations)


Al-Quresh Plastic

Mr.Faraz Shaukat (CEO)


SVA Ruba Plastics

Mr. Tahir Zeb Khan (Planning Manager)


Pipeplus Eternal Group

Mr. Rana Asim Amin (Production Manager)



Dr. Shahzad Anwar (CEO)


Soxlinks International

Mr. Anwar Waheed (Director)


Hou-Lin International

Mr. Ahsan Bhutta (Director)


Lasani Fibers

Mr. Muhammad Adil Kamal (CEO)


Batala Textiles

Mr. Zakir Sharif Chaudhry (Director)


Lala Textiles

Mr. Muhammad Pervez (Director)


Medisave Pharmaceuticals

Mr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mehar (Technical Director)


Aventek Pharmaceuticals

Mr. Khalid Farooq (Production Manager)


Izfar Pharmaceuticals

Mr. Abubakr Yusuf (Director)


Astle Medical Devices

Mr. Kashif Siddiqui (Director)


Evergreen Pharmaceuticals

Muhammad Farooq (CEO)



Mr. Irfan Qadri (Director)


Symbol Industries

Mr. Khawar Qayyum (General Manager)


Kansai Paint

Mr. Abdul Wahid (Production Manager)


Standard Aluminum

Mr. Zulfiqar Hameed (Director)


Industrial Policy in Punjab


Prime Aluminum

Mr. Waqas Ali (Administration Manager)



Mr. Zafar Lone (Production Manager)


Allied Motors

Mr. Sultan Murad Raja (Administration Officer)


Pepsi- Cola

Mr. Abu Bakar Alvi (Employee Relations



Al-Quresh Paper

Mr. Faraz Shaukat (CEO)


CHT Pakistan

Mr. Ashraf Pervez (Manager Operations)

Table 11: Interviews with PIEDMC Management




Major General Javed Iqbal


Mr. Mohammad Syed Sharif

General Manager

Mr. Aon Mehdi

Marketing Manager

Mr. Naveed Mushtaq Gill

Chief Engineer

Mr. Muhammad Fareed


Senior Electrical Engineer

Miss Mehek Masood

Environment officer

Mr. Farhan Pervez

Finance Controller

Mr. Aazib Shaukat

Building Control Division

Mr. Syed Turab Haider

HR Officer


Table 12: Other Interviews



Dr. Syed Iftikhar Hussain


Director R&D, Technical and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA)

Mr. Jawad A Khan

Secretary, Sundar Industrialists Welfare Association (SIWA)


UNIDO, Industrial Estates: Principles and Practice (UNIDO, 1997). Accessed
September 7, 2011.
R. Raci Bademli, Chapter 1, Industrial Estates in OIC countries (SESR
publications UNDP, 2000)
Douglas Zhihua Zeng, How Do Special Economic Zones and Industrial
Clusters Drive Chinas Rapid Development? (The World Bank:2011), Accessed
September 10, 2011.
UWE Diechmann, Somik V. Lall, Stephen J. Redding, and Anthony J. Venables
Industrial Location in Developing Countries The World Bank Research
Observer, vol. 23, no. 2 (Oxford University Press, 2008)
Chel-Joo Cho (1996) The determinants of Rural Industrial Estate Performance
in Korea Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, vol.8, issue1,
15-32 (1995)
Peter H Gloeckner, Industrial Estates: an instrument for industrial development
and promotion (Lahore: Ferozsons, 1966)
Obaidullah Nadeem, Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment
of Development Projects (Lahore: UET, PhD thesis, 2010)
UNIDO, Industrial Estates: Principles and Practice (UNIDO, 1997). Accessed
September 7, 2011.
Muhammad Naeem Akhtar and Ms. Mehr-u-Nisa, A Training Need Assesment
Study for Establishment of Advance Technical Training Institude (GTTI),


Sunder Industrial Estate, Lahore. (Lahore: TEVTA, 2008)

Douglas North. Institutions, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol.5, issue
1 (Pittsburgh: AEA Publications, 1991)
NESPAK, Design Review and Financial Planning: Sundar Industrial Estate
(NESPAK, 2007)
Bureau of Statistics Government of Punjab, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
Punjab 2007-2008 Volume 1, (Lahore: Planning & Development Dept, 2009)
Punjab Industrial Estates, Sundar Times, Volume 9, Issue 5 (Lahore: Punjab
Industrial Estates, 2006)
Punjab Industrial Estates, Sundar Times, Volume 7, Issue 3 (Lahore: Punjab
Industrial Estates, 2008)
Punjab Industrial Estates, Sundar Times, Volume 10, Issue 6 (Lahore: Punjab
Industrial Estates, 2010)
Punjab Industrial Estate Development & Management Company,
Quaid-e- Azam Industrial Estate,
National Industrial Park Development & Management Company,
Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation,


CPPG Publications

Pakistan, Afghanistan & US Relations:

Implications and Future Directions

Saeed Shafqat
Raheem ul Haque

Saeed Shafqat and Raheem ul Haque

Pakistan, Afghanistan & US Relations:
Implications and Future Directions

A Publication of the Centre for Public Policy and Governance





Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University)


Estd. 1864

Occasional Paper Series

for Public Policy
and Governance


Rickshaw & Environmental Pollution:

Assessing Punjab Governments
Rickshaw Policy

Raheem ul Haque

Raheem ul Haque

Rickshaw & Environmental Pollution:

Assessing Punjab Governments Rickshaw Policy

Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University)

Special Issue on Pakistan & Afghanistan



. & News

Centre for Public Policy & Governance

Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)

ISSN 2076-9997

From the Directors Desk

Number 11 - 13
April 2011

Since 2009 the Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPPG) has held
several seminars and policy dialogues on Afghanistan. The Centre has not
only encouraged diversity of views on the subject but also explored what
experts have to offer on possible American exit strategy from Afghanistan
and how that may affect Pakistan. In this Special Issue we have attempted
to bring together diverging perspectives on the subject and also some actionable policy choices for policy makers consideration. Besides putting together the narratives and arguments of our esteemed invited guest speakers/
experts, we are also sharing an extensively researched article by our Senior
Research Fellow. At the CPPG we are optimistic that our contribution will
lead to a constructive dialogue on the possibilities and prospects of a post
Afghanistan strategy for Pakistan. As a first step in this direction, this issue
also proposes a framework for Pakistans counter terrorism strategy for deliberation, dialogue and further actionable policy research. During the coming months we also plan to have a one Day Conference on the theme and
would welcome any suggestion to make it meaningful and policy relevant.


Editorial Board

Saving Pakistan: Devising an Agenda for Counter Terrorism Strategy

Strategic Depth: Does It Promote Pakistans Strategic Interests?
Seminar Series
> US Exit Strategy for Afghanistan. What are the Implications
for Pakistan?
> Afghanistan Policy: Challenges of Reconstruction and Development
> Endgame in Afghanistan: A Pakistani Perspective
Visitors & Activities
Faculty & Staff
Contact Us


Dr. Saeed Shafqat

Raheem ul Haque

Quarterly Research & News

Hajra Zafar is Research Associate at the Centre for Public Policy & Governance,
FC College. She obtained her Masters in Economics from Boston University in
May 2010. She was selected for the prestigious USAID funded scholarship program entitled WLTIE (Womens Leadership Training in Economics) for her graduate studies. Hajras research interests are in the fields of Environmental Policy,
Development Strategies and Industrial Policy and her Masters research papers
include Social Justice and Climate Change, Analyzing Changes in Economic Policies of Poland: A Historical Perspective and The Basel Approach to Bank Regulation. She has worked extensively on curriculum development for the forthcoming
M.A Public Policy program and writes for the Research & News Quarterly journal
of the Centre. She has also acted as a focal member of the CPPG team in collaborating with strategic partners and institutions for seminars and policy dialogues
held at the Centre.

ISBN: 978-969-9661-01-3

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