Installation Utility
Installation Utility
Installation Utility
Reference Manual
Installation Utility 7.5.52
November 2006
Copyright 2006 BMC Software, Inc., as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.
BMC Software, the BMC Software logos, and all other BMC Software product or service names are registered trademarks
or trademarks of BMC Software, Inc.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks belong to their respective companies.
BMC Software considers information included in this documentation to be proprietary and confidential. Your use of this
information is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable End User License Agreement for the product and the
proprietary and restricted rights notices included in this documentation.
Customer support
You can obtain technical support by using the BMC Software Customer Support website or by contacting Customer
Support by telephone or e-mail. To expedite your inquiry, see Before contacting BMC.
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product information
product name
product version (release number)
license number and password (trial or permanent)
machine type
operating system type, version, and service pack or other maintenance level such as PUT or PTF
system hardware configuration
serial numbers
related software (database, application, and communication) including type, version, and service pack or
maintenance level
messages received (and the time and date that you received them)
Chapter 1
Installation overview
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Common problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
The installation utility will not launch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
The computer on which you want to install products does not have a web
browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Online help does not display properly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Installation fails with a failed to run script error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Installable image installation fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Installation fails with unable to connect to remote host error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Installation will not proceed past the specify installation directory page. . . . . . . 99
Installation utility may stop responding if double quotes and angle brackets are
used in a directory path during a multiple CD installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
After a product installation, Internet Explorer 5.0 stops responding and
consumes 99 percent CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
After a product installation, the installation utility cannot change a Windows
Server 2003 Itanium Terminal Server computer from install mode to execute
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
The installation utility is unable to perform directory-related functions on
Windows platforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Gathering diagnostic information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Where to find diagnostic information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Generating debug information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Sending diagnostic information to BMC Software Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Appendix B
Installation overview
This chapter provides information about the installation utility. It presents the
following topics:
About the installation utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The installation utility interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Options for installing products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Options for selecting products to install. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting products by using the default installation path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting products by using the custom installation path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing and configuring sudo to create a privileged account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing a multiple CD installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gathering product configuration information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a navigation pane that displays an indicator of where you are in the installation
a data entry pane that displays each page that requires input during the
a footer pane that displays a Help button, Back and Next buttons, Exit button, and
on certain pages, the following additional buttons:
Undo Changes - returns any values that you enter in the currently displayed
configuration data entries. Consult the product documentation for the products
that you are installing to determine the conditions under which you will need to
enter any advanced configuration information.
The only selectable options shown are product solutions or groups, which are
comprehensive sets of products designed to work together. If you are installing
products using the default installation path, you can select only these comprehensive
solutions or groups from the product selection tree. When you select a solution or
group, all of the products included in that product set are automatically selected; you
may not be able to deselect individual products that you do not want to install if you
use the default path.
In addition, you are presented with subsequent pages to enter only mandatory
product configuration information.
Use the default installation path if your installation scenario is similar to one of the
following examples:
Chapter 1
Installation overview
Click this
check box...
The selectable options shown are solutions or groups and individual products. When
you select a solution or group, all of the products that belong to that product set
(including required and optional products) are automatically selected. However, by
using the custom installation path, you can deselect any of the optional products that
you do not want to install.
In addition, you are presented with subsequent pages to enter both mandatory and
optional product configuration information about these products.
Use the Custom installation path if your installation scenario is similar to one of the
following examples:
You are upgrading a previous product installation (you can also use the Custom
path if you are installing a product for the first time).
You would like to select and deselect products within product groups.
You are familiar with the product set that you are installing.
2 Install sudo in the /usr/local/bin directory. If you install it in another location, create
a link in /usr/local/bin directory to the location where sudo is installed.
4 On the computer where you install sudo, enter the following lines for the User
privilege specification in the sudoers file located in the local /etc directory:
install_accountname ALL=(ALL) PASSWD:ALL
Defaults: install_accountname shell_noargs, timestamp_timeout=0, !set_logname
The variable install_accountname is the name that you give to your sudo-privileged
account. These entries authenticate the user. The installation utility always expects
a password prompt, so sudo must be configured to supply the password. No
entries are required for the host alias, user alias, or command alias specifications.
Following is an example sudoers file:
# /etc/sudoers example file
# Host alias specification
Chapter 1
Installation overview
The variable install_accountname is the name that you give to your sudo-privileged
After sudo is installed and configured, run the installation utility to perform the
product installation and in the pages that require the root account and password,
enter the sudo-privileged account and password instead.
When you select the products that you want to install, the installation utility displays the
approximate disk space required to complete the installation. When you perform a multiple
CD installation, you must also make sure that the temporary directory that you specify has
adequate disk space to make a copy of all the components required by the product.
Enter the name of the directory and click Next. The installation utility
A progress bar is displayed on the installation utility page while this process is
running. After the directories have been created and the files copied from the first
product CD, the installation utility displays the Additional CDs Needed page. On the
Additional CDs Needed page, you will be asked to load each of the required product
CDs in sequence. Insert each CD and click Next to copy the files to the temporary
directory. After the files have been copied from each of the required CDs, you will be
asked to place the original CD back in the CD-ROM drive. The installation utility
copies the required pieces from each CD to the temporary space that you designate
and combines all the files for the installation.
On UNIX systems, you cannot eject removable media while the media is being accessed;
therefore, if your installation requires multiple product images and you are using removable
media, from a command line, cd to / then launch the installation utility by specifying the
absolute path; for example, /mnt/cdrom/
After the installation is complete, the installation utility removes the copied files and
the temporary directory if it was created by the installation utility during this
installation. If you selected an existing directory as the temporary space to store the
product files, then the installation utility removes only the copied files and the
bmc_install_temp_space directory.
If the installation does not complete successfully, the installation utility will display the MultiCD Temporary Area page after the Installation Results page and give you the option to save
the product files in the temporary directory or have the installation utility remove the files
and the directory. If you choose to save the files, you will not be asked to copy the product
files again when you restart the installation.
Chapter 1
Installation overview
This chapter describes requirements and options for installing and uninstalling
products in Windows environments. It presents the following topics:
Checking installation requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing to a Windows Server 2003 computer from a network drive . . . . . . . . .
Hardware requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web browser requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Displaying installation utility online help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Memory and disk space requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Network requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Before you begin installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Starting the installation utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Command line options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating, distributing, and installing installable images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installable image files and directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Account requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating an installable image of products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deploying the installable image to your environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing an installable image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing control files for installable images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the ctltool to edit control files for installable images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locating log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Product installation directory structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uninstalling BMC Software products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing an attended uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing an unattended uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
start the installation utility from a command line and use the -timeout command
line option. This option increases the amount of time that the installation utility
waits to connect to the Perl HTTP server before it times out. The installation utility
uses the Perl HTTP server to install products.
For more details on the command line options, see Command line options on
page 24.
For details and recommendations from Microsoft about installing and administering in a
Windows Server 2003 environment, see the Microsoft website at
Hardware requirements
The hardware requirements include
If you use pop-up blocker software to prevent pop-up windows from being displayed in your
Web browser, you must temporarily disable the software on the computer on which you want
to install products to run the installation utility. The procedures and requirements for
disabling pop-up blocker software vary depending on the software that you are using.
Consult the documentation provided with the pop-up blocker software for instructions.
If you do not have a web browser on the computer on which you want to install
products, you can:
create an installable image on a computer with a browser then install the image on
the computer that does not have a browser. For more details, see Creating,
distributing, and installing installable images on page 42.
use the -serveronly command line option to start the Perl HTTP server on the
computer without the browser then connect to that server from a computer that
has a browser. For more details, see Command line options on page 24.
The installation utility will not run in Internet Explorer if any of the following conditions exist:
The computer on which you are running the installation utility is located in a Web content
zone that has a security setting of High. Security options are set in the Internet Options
dialog box
The option Use HTTP 1.1 is deselected. This setting is located on the Advanced tab in the
Internet Options dialog box
You used the -serveronly command line option to start the Perl HTTP server on another
computer, and you are connecting to that server from a Windows Server 2003 computer
that has the component Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration installed and
enabled. You can verify if this component is installed in the Add/Remove Programs
dialog box.
Remove the proxy server connection setting by selecting Tools => Internet Options
=> Connections tab => LAN Settings and clearing the Use a proxy server check box.
Chapter 2 Installing and uninstalling products in a Windows environment
Bypass the setting by selecting Tools => Internet Options => Connections tab => LAN
Settings => Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
the web browser that you are using to run the installation utility must be Javaenabled
you must have a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or Java Plug-in version 1.1.2 or later
If you are running the installation utility on a Windows computer that has Internet
Explorer configured to use the Java Virtual Machine version 1.3.1, accessing the Help
system will cause the installation session to hang. To resolve this issue, perform one
of the following tasks:
configure Internet Explorer to use a different JVM version if multiple versions are
installed on your computer
use the -serveronly command line option to start the installation utility Perl HTTP
server on the computer that is running the JVM version 1.3.1, then connect to that
server from a computer that has a different version of the JVM installed.
Network requirements
Network requirements
You must have a properly installed TCP/IP local area network.
The installation utility provides a command line option called -serveronly that you can use to
start the Perl HTTP server on one computer and connect to that server across a network from
a browser running on another computer. The installation utility uses standard, unsecured
HTTP for network communications, which can create security risks for passwords and other
information that you may want to be secured across network traffic. Therefore, BMC Software
recommends that you install locally or create an installable image to distribute to remote
systems rather than use the
-serveronly command line option in an unsecured network. For more information on
command line options, see Command line options on page 24.
Close all open applications on the computer where you are running the installation
Map all drives that you will use during the installation.
If you are installing products on a backup domain controller, review the following
If you are installing products on a backup domain controller (BDC) without first
installing to the primary domain controller (PDC) in a single domain, you must
perform the following procedure before you install the products.
Use Windows Explorer to open the CD directory and double-click setup.exe. (Do
this only if you do not want to specify any special command line options.)
Open a DOS command window and change to the CD-ROM drive where the
product CD is located. At the prompt, type setup.exe and any other command line
options you would like to include (if any), then press Enter.
When you launch the installation utility from a command line, you can specify certain
command line options to access additional functionality. For details on command line
options, see Command line options on page 24.
Only one installation session should be started at one time. If you need to perform multiple
installations on the same computer, close out of each installation session and close all
associated browser windows before beginning a new session.
For details
see page 26
-host_override hostname
lets you override the default host name that the see page 28
installation utility uses to connect to the Perl
HTTP server. You can enter either a host name
or an IP address. This option can be used
standalone or with the
-serveronly option.
-locale locale
see page 29
Table 1
For details
-override_file location
see page 32
lets you install previously released BMC
Software products onto new versions of
compatible platforms. With this option, you
specify the location of a file that contains new
platform definitions that override the platform
information stored in a product's installation
files. The installation files are used to
communicate installation information to the
installation utility when the product is
installed. You can also use the override file to
update the platforms that you can select when
you create an installable image.
-port portnum
-releaseversion version
-repository_designator role
lets you select a system role from the command see page 35
line so that only those products designated for
that system role are displayed in the Select
Products and Components to Install page.
-shutdownservice minutes
see page 38
tells the installation utility to not assign user
rights to a default installation account during a
product installation or to not unassign user
rights from a default installation account
during a product uninstallation. If you use this
option, you must set the user rights manually.
-timeout seconds
lets you specify the number of seconds that the see page 39
installation utility will wait to connect to the
Perl HTTP server before timing out.
see page 34
see page 37
Command format
setup.exe -h
setup.exe -?
setup.exe -help
This option lets you create a control file instead of perform a product installation. You
navigate through the installation utility as you would if you were performing a
product installation; however, at the end of the process, no products are actually
installed. Instead, a control file is created, and the installation utility displays a link to
the control file so that you can view it. The installation utility uses control files to
perform product installations.
The control file that you create shows a list of the products that will be installed and
the product configuration values that the installation utility will use to install the
products. Use this option to help you debug a failed installation, look for potential
problems with an installation before actually installing products, vary the product
configuration values to see the impact on the installation, or change the product
configuration values associated with an installable image by creating a new control
file to use with the image. The control file is located in the following directory
depending on your operating system:
For Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003:
drive:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\BMCinstall
You can use this option to create a control file to perform a product uninstallation. For more
details, see Performing an unattended uninstallation on page 57.
command format
setup.exe -createcontrolfile
-host_override hostname
This option lets you override the default host name that the installation utility uses to
connect to the Perl HTTP server. By default, the installation utility connects to
localhost for a local product installation. If you launch the installation utility by using
the -serveronly command line option, the installation utility uses the primary IP
address of the computer where the Perl HTTP server is launched as the default host.
This option lets you override this default so that you can specify the host name or IP
address that you want the installation utility to use on computers with multiple IP
addresses. This option can be used standalone or with the -serveronly option.
Command format
setup.exe -host_override hostname
setup.exe -serveronly -host_override IPaddress
-locale locale
This option lets you select and install only those products that are compatible with
the locale (language) that you specify. You can specify only one locale. The
installation utility will filter the list of products that will be displayed in the Select
Products and Components to Install page to display only those products that are
either specific to the locale that you specify or that do not have a locale designation.
If you do not specify an option, then the locale from the system on which you are
running the installation utility is used. If the system locale is not supported by the
installation utility, then the English locale, en_US, is used. This option does not
change the language of the text displayed in the installation utility. The installation
utility will run in English regardless of the system locale or the -locale option that you
enter except as noted. In addition, you will be able to input only English characters.
If you set the -locale option to be the same as the system locale, you will install the
appropriate products and language resource files, but the installation utility will run in either
English or the system locale language and will accept input in either English or the system
locale language.
Command format
setup.exe -locale en_US
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
This option lets you install products on a computer running Windows 2000 Terminal
Services, Windows NT Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Terminal
Services if the change.exe file does not exist on the computer. The installation utility
uses the change.exe file to change a computer running one of these services to install
mode if it is not already in install mode. If the file does not exist, the installation fails
with an error message that the installation terminated abnormally. To bypass the
change.exe requirement, launch the installation utility from the Add/Remove Programs
utility to put the computer in install mode and specify this option so that the
installation utility will not look for the change.exe file.
Command format
setup.exe -no_change_exe
1 Click Start => Settings => Control Panel => Add/Remove Programs.
2 In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click Add New Programs.
3 Click the CD or Floppy button.
4 In the Install Program From Floppy Disk or CD-ROM dialog box, click Next.
5 In the Run Installation Program dialog box, browse to the location of the product
image and select setup.exe or if you are installing products from an installable
image, select install.exe.
6 In the Open text box, enter -no_change_exe after setup.exe or install.exe and click
1 Click Start => Settings => Control Panel => Add/Remove Programs.
2 In the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box, click Install.
3 In the Install Program From Floppy Disk or CD-ROM dialog box, click Next.
4 In the Run Installation Program dialog box, browse to the location of the product
image and select setup.exe or if you are installing products from an installable
image, select install.exe.
5 In the Command line for installation program text box, enter -no_change_exe after
setup.exe or install.exe and click Finish.
-override_file location
This option lets you specify a file (override.dat) that will override platform definitions
in product installation files so that you can:
After you have downloaded an updated override.dat file, when you install products,
launch the installation utility from a command line and use this option to specify the
location where you downloaded the file.
Do not edit the contents of the override.dat file. The installation utility may be unable to read
the edited file.
Command format
setup.exe -override_file c:\temp\override.dat
Although this functionality is being provided in this version of the installation utility, it
cannot be used at this time because a valid override.dat file does not currently exist on the ftp
-port portnum
This option lets you specify a port number to use to connect to the Perl HTTP server.
Use this option if the default port number to the server is locked and you want to
specify another open port, or if you are using the -serveronly command line option
and you need to open a port through a firewall. If not specified, the installation utility
uses a default of 50001. If the default port number is in use, the installation utility
increases the number by one and tries again to connect to the server.
Command format
setup.exe -port 3184
setup.exe -serveronly -port 3184
Any number from 1025 to 65534.
-releaseversion version
In a PATROL environment, this option lets you install a new KM into an existing
PATROL environment.
Command format
setup.exe -releaseversion 3.4
-repository_designator role
This option lets you select a system role from a command line so that only those
products specified for a particular system role will be displayed in the Select Products
and Components to Install page. Each role has a specific code associated with it. The
roles (codes) that you can enter vary from product to product. Valid options can be
found in the sysrole.xml file in the \Index directory of the product image that you are
installing from. If you specify this option, the Select System Roles page will not be
displayed in the installation utility.
Command format
setup.exe -repository_designator PAT,PAA
Depends on the products that you are installing. See the sysrole.xml file for valid
This option lets you start the Perl HTTP server on one computer, then connect to that
server using a browser on another computer. Use this option if you do not have a
browser on the computer where you want to install products. When you launch the
installation utility with this command line option, the Perl HTTP server is started,
and a message box is displayed that shows a URL. Leave this message box open. On
the computer with the browser, start the browser and enter the URL displayed in the
message box to connect to the Perl HTTP server.
By default, this option uses port number 50001 to connect to the Perl HTTP server. If
that port is busy, the installation utility automatically increases the number by one
and tries again to connect. You can specify the port that you want to use by using the
-port command line option with this option.
The -serveronly command line option is not secure over a network and using it in an
unsecured network environment could result in security violations. If this is an issue for your
environment, you may want to consider either performing only local installations or creating
an installable product image that can be sent to a remote computer and installed on it locally,
rather than installing over an unsecured network. For details on creating an installable image,
see Creating, distributing, and installing installable images on page 42.
Command format
setup.exe -serveronly
setup.exe -serveronly -port 3184
-shutdownservice minutes
This option lets you increase the number of minutes that the installation utility waits
for a service to shutdown before proceeding with an installation. The installation
utility typically waits two minutes for a service to shut down. This option lets you
increase that number up to five minutes.
Command format
setup.exe -shutdownservice 3
Any number from 2 to 5.
This option keeps the installation utility from assigning user rights to a default
installation account, if one is required, during a product installation. If you use this
option, you must set the user rights for the installation account manually. Use this
option if the computer on which you are running the installation utility is not
connected to a network or if you are getting error messages when the installation
utility attempts to assign the user rights.
Command format
setup.exe -skipuserright
You can also use this option to keep the installation utility from unassigning user rights from
the installation account during a product uninstallation. Change to the BMC product
installation directory\Uninstall directory and enter:
uninstall.exe -skipuserright
-timeout seconds
This option lets you specify the number of seconds that the installation utility will
wait to connect to the Perl HTTP server before timing out.
Command format
setup.exe -timeout 120
Any number from 120 to 500.
This option lets you record detailed information about what is happening in the
installation utility interface during a product installation. The installation utility adds
this information to the beginning of the standard log file. You can view the standard
log file from the installation utility when the installation is complete. This option also
saves the control file that the installation utility uses to install products. Normally, the
installation utility deletes the control file after the installation is complete. You can
use the saved control file and the information generated by this option for debugging
For information on the installation log files created and where to find the log files, see
Locating log files on page 51.
Command format
setup.exe -trace
Using this option causes the installation utility to record passwords unencrypted in the
installation log files.
This option displays a dialog box that shows the version number for the installation
Command format
setup.exe -v
You cannot create an installable image that can be installed on both Windows and UNIX
computers. You must create one image for all Windows operating systems and one image for
all UNIX operating systems; however, you can create the images from either a Windows or
UNIX computer.
install.exerun this executable from a command line to install the products in the
image on the computer where the image is located.
*.ctlThis extension designates the control file that stores the installation and
product configuration information that you enter in the installation utility when
you create an installable image. The installation engine uses the information stored
in the control file to install the products in the location and with the configuration
that you specify.
*.logwhen the installation is complete, log files are created in the user's profile
directory under Application Data\BMCinstall unless you use one of the command
line options listed in Table 2 on page 47 to redirect the files to a new location.
The installation utility uses information stored in the following directories to install
the image.
Productsthis directory contains subdirectories that store the product files needed
by the installation utility to install the products that are part of the image.
Account requirements
which stores the default text files that control the order in which the products are
installed and that list the operating systems that are recognized by the installation
If you selected the option to compress and save the image to a .zip file, you will see
the following files:
and files.
cizip.exerun this executable from a command line to extract the installable image
Account requirements
To create an installable image on Windows platforms, you must be a member of the
local Administrator group on the computer on which you are creating the image. To
install the image, the person performing the installation must be a member of the
local Administrator group on the computer on which the image is installed.
6 Optionally, select to have the image compressed and saved to a .zip file. Click Next.
7 Select the target operating systems on which you want to install the image. Click
You can select multiple Windows or UNIX platforms for each image that you
create. Alternatively, you can select the Local System option, which lets you create
an image that can be installed only on computers with the same platform and
configuration as the computer on which you are creating the image. This includes
service pack level.
You cannot create an installable image that can be installed on both Windows and UNIX
computers. You must create one image for all Windows operating systems and one image for
all UNIX operating systems; however, you can create the images from either a Windows or
UNIX computer.
8 Select the products that you want to include in the image. Click Next.
9 Proceed through the installation as you would if you were installing products
locally, entering all required product configuration information.
10 On the Review Selections and Create Image page, click Create Image.
11 When the status indicator reaches 100 percent, click Next on the Export Status page.
12 Verify that the process was successful and optionally view the log file. Click Next.
13 Review or enter any postinstallation product configuration information.
14 Click Finish to exit the installation utility.
When you create an installable image, the product configuration information that you
enter, such as product installation directory, account names, passwords, and so forth,
must be the same for all computers on which the image is installed. If you want to
specify different product configuration values for different computers, you can
create a separate image for each set of values that you want to implement.
launch the installation utility from a command line and use the -createcontrolfile
command line option to create a new control file to use with the image. For more
details, see Command line options on page 24.
use the ctltool to change the variables stored in the image's control file after the
image is generated. For more details, see Editing control files for installable
images on page 49.
Tar the image and use ftp or secure ftp to send it to a remote computer.
Selecting the Compress Installable Image option in the installation utility to create
a .zip file that you can then send to other computers.
If you created an installable image on a Windows computer to be installed on UNIX
computers, you must make sure that the method that you use to transfer the image (for
example, tarring the image) maintains execute permissions on the installable image files when
you unpack the files on the UNIX computer. If the permissions are not maintained, you may
receive an error message similar to the following when you try to install the image: "Error:
Executable not found './thorinst.s25'. To correct the file permissions, before you
install the image, perform one of the following tasks depending on where the installable
image directory resides:
If you exported the image to a directory that is at the root level, for example, /image, change to
the root directory and enter
chmod -R 755 /image
If you exported the image to a directory that is not at the root level, for example,
/image/myimage, change to the directory in which the image directory is located (/image),
and enter
chmod -R 755 /image/myimage
The option filename is the name of the .zip file that contains the installable image
directories and files, and the option directory is the path to the directory where the
files will be placed after they are extracted from the .zip file. If you specify a
directory that does not exist, the directory will be created. If you do not specify a
drive with the directory name, the directory will be created in the same directory
where the .zip file is located.
For options, enter any command line options that you want to specify as listed in
Table 2 on page 47.
6 You can optionally unzip the file and automatically start the installation by
entering the following command:
cizip.exe -u -x filename directory
The -x option launches the installation utility after the file is unzipped. If you
choose this option, you cannot specify any of the command line options listed in
Table 2.
Table 2
-path directory
lets you specify the path name to the installable image if you
are not in the same directory
lets you specify the location where you want to store the
comprehensive log file and the name of the log file to be
stored in that location. You can specify a complete path and
filename or just the file name. If you specify just the file
name, the log file is stored in the same directory where the
installable image files are located. The location and file
naming convention that you use for this option will also be
used for the product log, user log, and standard output log
unless you use the additional command line options to
specify the location and file names for these log files. For
example, if you name the comprehensive log file testing.log
and store the log file in a directory called c:\install\logfiles,
the product log file will be named testing-product.log, the
user log file will be named testing-user.log, and the standard
output log will be named testing-output.log and these log
files will also be stored in the c:\install\logfiles directory.
lets you specify the location where you want to store the
product log file and the name of the product log file to be
stored in that location. You can specify a complete path and
filename or just the file name. If you specify just the file
name, the log file is stored in the same directory where the
installable image files are located.
lets you specify the location where you want to store the user
log file and the name of the user log file to be stored in that
location. You can specify a complete path and filename or
just the file name. If you specify just the file name, the log file
is stored in the same directory where the installable image
files are located.
Table 2
lets you specify the location where you want to store the
standard output log file and the name of the log file to be
stored in that location. You can specify a complete path and
filename or just the file name. If you specify just the file
name, the log file is stored in the same directory where the
installable image files are located.
-shutdownservice min
The installation utility executes and installs the products associated with the image to
the installation directory that you specified when you created the image. When the
process is complete, one of the following status messages is displayed on the
command line:
For Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 environments, the
default directory is:
In previous releases of the installation utility, log files were stored in the same
directory as the installable image files.
The option drive:\path\inputfile.ctl represents the path to and name of the control
file that you want to edit (the control file that was created with the installable
image), and the option drive:\path\outputfile.ctl represents the path to and name of
the new control file that you want to create.
For example, you create an installable image and store the image in a directory on
your D: drive called installable image. When you create the image, the installation
utility creates a .ctl file named install.ctl and stores that file in that directory along
with the image files. To edit this control file and create a new one in the same
directory, at the command prompt, you would change to D:\installable
image\Install\instbin, and enter
ctltool.exe D:\installable image\install.ctl D:\installable image\newfile.ctl.
If the path that you enter for the input control file or the output control file has a space in it,
you must enclose the path in quotes.
The installation utility displays the first value stored in the control file.
4 Type a new value and press Enter to save your entry and display the next variable.
To keep the existing value, press Enter. If you are changing a password variable,
the value is encrypted in the new control file.
When the ctltool has finished displaying all the variables in the control file, the
command prompt is displayed.
5 Rename the new control file to install.ctl so that when you install the image, the
installation utility uses the new control file. The installation utility looks for a
control file named install.ctl to perform the installation.
Optionally, you can use the -install command line option when you install the image to
specify the location and name of the new control file that you want to use. For more details
on the -install command line option, see Installing an installable image on page 46.
concatenated logContains information from all other log files created during a
product installation.
user logLists error messages about fatal errors that caused an installation to fail.
The information in this log file is the first section in the concatenated log file.
standard output log Lists messages that are usually sent to standard output. The
information in this log file is the third section in the concatenated log file.
front end trace logShows detailed information about activities in the installation
utility interface during installation. This file is created if you launch the installation
utility from a command line and use the -trace command line option. The
information in this log file is the fifth section in the concatenated log file. For more
details on using the -trace command line option, see Command line options on
page 24
you started the installation utility and used the -trace command line option or the
-createcontrolfile command line option
The installation utility stores the log files in the following directories:
For Windows NT:
C:\winnt\Profiles\username\Application Data\BMCinstall
You cannot enter a root directory as the product installation directory for BMC Software
products, because if you uninstall products from that directory, you may unintentionally
uninstall products other than BMC Software products. If you need to install into a root
directory to install a product upgrade, you can create an installable image and specify the root
directory as the installation directory for the products in the image; however, if you need to
uninstall the products from the root directory, do not use the uninstall-all.ctl file to perform
the uninstall.
Product installation directories are stored in installation utility history files as full path names;
therefore, do not rename the product installation directory after you install products, because
the installation utility will be unable to find the renamed directory if you uninstall products.
By default, the installation utility uses c:\Program Files\BMC Software as the product
installation directory. When you install products, the installation utility creates a
subdirectory in the product installation directory for each product that you install
and the following additional subdirectories that store information required by the
installation utility:
itoolsstores utilities that may be used by the products that you install
Uninstall\Install\instbasestores the Perl binaries and the Perl HTTP server code;
Uninstall\Install\instdatastores default text files that control the order of the list
of products that you can select to install and the order in which the products are
installed, and that list the operating systems that are recognized by the installation
Performing the tasks described in this section might remove files needed by a previous
version of the installation program to uninstall products installed with that version. Likewise,
if you use a previous version of the installation program to uninstall products, you might
remove files needed by this version of the installation utility to perform the uninstallation
In addition, FTP and Telnet are not required for the uninstallation process on Windows.
You can optionally launch the uninstallation utility by choosing Start => Settings =>
Control Panel => Add/Remove Programs and in the Add/Remove Programs Properties
dialog box, in Windows NT environments, double-clicking on BMC Software Tools, and
in Windows 2000 environments, selecting BMC Software Tools and clicking
2 Select the installation directory from which you want to remove a product. Click
4 Select the product or products that you want to uninstall. Click Next.
To uninstall all products, uninstallation files, log files, and configuration files
You must reboot your computer after you perform this procedure.
Do not use the uninstall-all.ctl file to uninstall products from a root product installation
directory, such as C:\. Doing so may unintentionally uninstall products other than BMC
Software products.
The options -log and -output let you specify a location for a standard log file and an
output log file. The standard log file contains all installation status information,
and the output log file contains messages on the progress of the installation that
are normally sent to standard output. The path to log file and path to output log file
variables can be any valid path and file name (with a .txt extension) that you
specify. If the path includes spaces, you must enclose it with quotes.
For example, if C:\Program Files\BMC Software is your product installation
directory, you would change to C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Uninstall\
Install\instbin directory and enter the following:
thorinst.exe -uninstall C:\Program Files\BMC
Software\Uninstall\Install\instdata\uninstall-all.ctl -log
Z:\NetworkLogs\MyLogs.txt -output Z:\NetworkLogs\MyLogs.out
This procedure removes all installation files and directories. The files used to
perform the uninstallation will be marked for deletion and will be removed when
the computer on which the products were uninstalled is rebooted.
After the control file is created, you can rename it and copy it to another location or to
other computers, then use the following procedure to uninstall products.
The computer where you use the control file must have the same configuration, such as
operating system, installed products, product installation directory, and so forth, as the
computer on which the control file was created.
The option path to control file is the path to and name of the control file that you
created in the previous procedure. The options -log and -output let you specify a
location for a standard log file and an output log file. The standard log file contains
all installation status information, and the output log file contains messages on the
progress of the installation that are normally sent to standard output. The path to
log file and path to output log file variables can be any valid path and file name (with
a .txt extension) that you specify. If the paths to the control file and log files include
spaces, you must enclose them with quotes.
This chapter describes requirements and options for installing and uninstalling
products in UNIX environments. It presents the following topics:
Checking installation requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web browser requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Displaying installation utility online help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Memory and disk space requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Network requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Before you begin installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Starting the installation utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Command line options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating, distributing, and installing installable images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installable image files and directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating an installable image of products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deploying the installable image to your environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing an installable image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing control files for installable images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the ctltool to edit control files for installable images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locating log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Product installation directory structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uninstalling BMC Software products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing an attended uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing an unattended uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3
If you use pop-up blocker software to prevent pop-up windows from being displayed in your
Web browser, you must temporarily disable the software on the computer on which you want
to install products to run the installation utility. The procedures and requirements for
disabling pop-up blocker software vary depending on the software that you are using.
Consult the documentation provided with the pop-up blocker software for instructions.
If you do not have a web browser on the computer on which you want to install
products, you can:
create an installable image on a computer with a browser then install the image on
the computer that does not have a browser. For more details, see Creating,
distributing, and installing installable images on page 79.
use the -serveronly command line option to start the Perl HTTP server on the
computer without the browser then connect to that server from a computer that
has a browser. For more details, see Command line options on page 65.
You must have JavaScript enabled in Netscape.
You must have Web fonts installed to perform this procedure.
1 Start Netscape.
2 Click View => Character Set => Japanese (Auto-Detect) to change the character set to
3 Click View => Character Set => Set Default Character Set to set Japanese as the default
character set.
You may also need to change the font settings. To do this, perform the following
1 Start Netscape.
2 Click Edit => Preferences.
3 Under Appearance, click Fonts.
4 Select the fonts and sizes that you want to use.
5 Click OK.
Using proxy server definitions
If you have defined a proxy server for internet connections, your browser may be
unable to connect to the Perl HTTP server that is used by the installation utility. To
resolve this issue, perform one of the following tasks for the browser that you are
Remove the proxy server connection setting by selecting Edit => Preferences =>
Advanced => Proxies => Direct Connection to the Internet.
Chapter 3
Bypass the setting by selecting Edit => Preferences => Advanced => Proxies =>
Manual Proxy Configuration. Enter your domain in the No Proxy for text box.
the web browser that you are using to run the installation utility must be Javaenabled
you must have a Java virtual machine or Java Plug-in version 1.1.2 or later installed
if you are using Netscape, the java40.jar file must exist in your Netscape installation
If it does not exist, you must download and reinstall Netscape.
the variable MOZILLA_HOME should be set to point to the root of the Netscape
installation directory
For sh or ksh users, if the Netscape installation directory is /opt/netscape, enter the following
commands to set this variable:
For csh users, if the Netscape installation directory is /opt/netscape, enter the following command to set
this variable:
setenv MOZILLA_HOME /opt/netscape
Network requirements
You must have a properly installed TCP/IP local area network.
The installation utility provides a command line option called -serveronly that you can use to
start the Perl HTTP server on one computer and connect to that server across a network from
a browser running on another computer. The installation utility uses standard, unsecured
HTTP for network communications, which can create security risks for passwords and other
information that you may want to be secured across network traffic. Therefore, BMC Software
recommends that you install locally or create an installable image to distribute to remote
systems rather than use the
-serveronly command line option in an unsecured network. For more information on
command line options, see Command line options on page 65.
Map all drives that you will use during the installation.
Set the DISPLAY environment variable as follows so that the GUI interface will be
displayed properly on your system.
For csh users, set your display variable to point to the DISPLAY terminal by
typing the following command:
setenv DISPLAY myworkstation:0.0
Chapter 3
For sh users, set your display variable by typing the following command:
DISPLAY=myworkstation:0.0; export DISPLAY
For ksh users, set your display variable by typing the following command:
export DISPLAY=myhostname:0.0
Disable any profiles that affect the login and root accounts. The installation and
root accounts should have a clean login meaning that the login should be free of
any special processing before a shell prompt is displayed.
Make sure you have write permissions for the $HOME and $HOME/BMCINSTALL
The installation utility supports only Bourne shells. A Korn shell, C shell, or Bash shell is
acceptable, but these shell types are not supported and, on rare occasions, may cause
intermittent problems during the installation; for example, the installation utility may be
unable to access the root account to perform the installation.
On UNIX systems, you cannot eject removable media while the media is being accessed;
therefore, if your installation requires multiple product images and you are using removable
media, then from a command line, cd to / and launch the installation utility by specifying the
absolute path; for example, /mnt/cdrom/
You can specify certain command line options to access additional functionality. For
details on command line options, see Command line options on page 65.
Only one installation session should be started at one time. If you need to perform multiple
installations on the same computer, close out of each installation session and close all
associated browser windows before beginning a new session.
For details
see page 67
-host_override hostname
lets you override the default host name that the see page 69
installation utility uses to connect to the Perl
HTTP server. You can enter either a host name
or an IP address. This option can be used
standalone or with the
-serveronly option.
-locale locale
-override_file location
see page 71
lets you install previously released BMC
Software products onto new versions of
compatible platforms. With this option, you
specify the location of a file that contains new
platform definitions that override the platform
information stored in a product's installation
files. The installation files are used to
communicate installation information to the
installation utility when the product is
installed. You can also use the override file to
update the platforms that you can select when
you create an installable image.
-port portnum
Chapter 3
see page 70
Table 3
For details
-releaseversion ver
see page 73
-repository_designator role
lets you select a system role from the command see page 74
line so that only those products designated for
that system role are displayed in the Select
Products and Components to Install page.
-timeout seconds
lets you specify the number of seconds that the see page 76
installation utility will wait to connect to the
Perl HTTP server before timing out.
This option displays the list of command line options.
Command format
./ -h
Chapter 3
This option lets you create a control file instead of perform a product installation. You
navigate through the installation utility as you would if you were performing a
product installation; however, at the end of the process, no products are actually
installed. Instead, a control file is created, and the installation utility displays a link to
the control file so that you can view it. The installation utility uses control files to
perform product installations.
The control file that you create shows a list of the products that will be installed and
the product configuration values that the installation utility will use to install the
products. Use this option to help you debug a failed installation, look for potential
problems with an installation before actually installing products, vary the product
configuration values to see the impact on the installation, or change the product
configuration values associated with an installable image by creating a new control
file to use with the image. The control file is located in the $HOME/BMCINSTALL
directory in a subdirectory with the naming convention computername-PID-timestamp.
A subdirectory is created for each installation session
You can use this option to create a control file to perform a product uninstallation. For more
details, see Performing an unattended uninstallation on page 91.
Command format
./ -createcontrolfile
-host_override hostname
This option lets you override the default host name that the installation utility uses to
connect to the Perl HTTP server. By default, the installation utility connects to
localhost for a local product installation. If you launch the installation utility by using
the -serveronly command line option, the installation utility uses the primary IP
address of the computer where the Perl HTTP server is launched as the default host.
This option lets you override this default so that you can specify the host name or IP
address that you want the installation utility to use on computers with multiple IP
addresses. This option can be used standalone or with the -serveronly option.
Command format
./ -host_override hostname
./ -serveronly -host_override IPaddress
Chapter 3
-locale locale
This option lets you select and install only those products compatible with the locale
(language) that you specify. You can specify only one locale. The installation utility
will filter the list of products that will be displayed in the Select Products and
Components to Install page to display only those products that are either specific to
the locale that you specify or that do not have a locale designation.
If you do not specify an option, then the locale from the system on which you are
running the installation utility is used. If the system locale is not supported by the
installation utility, then the English locale, en_US, is used. This option does not
change the language of the text displayed in the installation utility. The installation
utility will run in English regardless of the system locale or the -locale option that you
enter except as noted. In addition, you will be able to input only English characters.
If you set the -locale option to be the same as the system locale, you will install the
appropriate products and language resource files, but the installation utility will run in either
English or the system locale language and will accept input in either English or the system
locale language.
Command format
./ -locale en_US
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
-override_file location
This option lets you specify a file (override.dat) that will override platform definitions
in product installation files so that you can:
After you have downloaded an updated override.dat file, when you install products,
launch the installation utility from a command line and use this option to specify the
location where you downloaded the file.
Do not edit the contents of the override.dat file. The installation utility may be unable to read
the edited file.
Command format
./ -override_file /tmp/override.dat
Although this functionality is being provided in this version of the installation utility, it
cannot be used at this time because a valid override.dat file does not currently exist on the ftp
Chapter 3
-port portnum
This option lets you specify a port number to use to connect to the Perl HTTP server.
Use this option if the default port number to the server is locked and you want to
specify another open port, or if you are using the -serveronly command line option
and you need to open a port through a firewall. If not specified, the installation utility
uses a default of 50001. If the default port number is in use, the installation utility
increases the number by one and tries again to connect to the server.
Command format
./ -port 3184
./ -serveronly -port 3184
Any number from 1025 to 65534.
-releaseversion version
In a PATROL environment, this option lets you install a new KM into an existing
PATROL environment.
Command Format
./ -releaseversion 3.4
Chapter 3
-repository_designator role
This option lets you select a system role from a command line so that only those
products specified for a particular system role will be displayed in the Select Products
and Components to Install page. Each role has a specific code associated with it. The
roles (codes) that you can enter vary from product to product. Valid options can be
found in the sysrole.xml file in the /Index directory of the product image that you are
installing from. If you specify this option, the Select System Roles page will not be
displayed in the installation utility.
Command format
./ -repository_designator PAT,PAA
Depends on the products that you are installing. See the sysrole.xml file for valid
This option lets you start the Perl HTTP server on one computer, then connect to that
server using a browser on another computer. Use this option if you do not have a
browser on the computer where you want to install products. When you launch the
installation utility with this command line option, the Perl HTTP server is started,
and a message box is displayed that shows a URL. Leave this message box open. On
the computer with the browser, start the browser and enter the URL displayed in the
message box to connect to the Perl HTTP server.
By default, this option uses port number 50001 to connect to the Perl HTTP server. If
that port is busy, the installation utility automatically increases the number by one
and tries again to connect. You can specify the port that you want to use by using the
-port command line option with this option.
The -serveronly command line option is not secure over a network and using it in an
unsecured network environment could result in security violations. If this is an issue for your
environment, you may want to consider either performing only local installations or creating
an installable product image that can be sent to a remote computer and installed on it locally,
rather than installing over an unsecured network. For details on creating an installable image,
see Creating, distributing, and installing installable images on page 79.
Command format
./ -serveronly
./ -serveronly -port 3184
Chapter 3
-timeout seconds
This option lets you specify the number of seconds that the installation utility will
wait to connect to the Perl HTTP server before timing out.
Command format
./ -timeout 120
Any number from 120 to 500.
This option lets you record detailed information about what is happening in the
installation utility interface during a product installation. The installation utility adds
this information to the beginning of the standard log file. You can view the standard
log file from the installation utility when the installation is complete. This option also
saves the control file that the installation utility uses to install products. Normally, the
installation utility deletes the control file after the installation is complete. You can
use the saved control file and the information generated by this option for debugging.
For information where to find installation log files, see Locating log files on
page 87.
Command format
./ -trace
Using this option causes the installation utility to record passwords unencrypted in the
installation log files.
Chapter 3
This option displays a dialog box that shows the version number for the installation
Command format
./ -v
You cannot create an installable image that can be installed on both Windows and UNIX
computers. You must create one image for all Windows operating systems and one image for
all UNIX operating systems; however, you can create the images from either a Windows or
UNIX computer.
install.shrun this executable or script from a command line to install the products
*.ctlThis extension designates the control file that stores the installation and
product configuration information that you enter in the installation utility when
you create an installable image. The installation engine uses the information stored
in the control file to install the products in the location and with the configuration
that you specify.
*.logwhen the installation is complete, log files are created and stored in a
subdirectory in the $HOME/BMCINSTALL directory unless you use one of the
command line options listed in Table 4 on page 83 to redirect the files to a new
The installation utility uses information stored in the following directories to install
the image.
Productsthis directory contains subdirectories that store the product files needed
by the installation utility to install the products that are part of the image.
Chapter 3
which stores the default text files that control the order in which the products are
installed and that list the operating systems that are recognized by the installation
If you selected the option to compress and save the image to a .zip file, you will see
the following files:
and files.
6 Optionally, select to have the image compressed and saved to a .zip file. Click Next.
7 Select the target operating systems on which you want to install the image. Click
You can select multiple Windows or UNIX platforms for each image that you
create. Alternatively, you can select the Local System option, which lets you create
an image that can be installed only on computers with the same platform and
configuration as the computer on which you are creating the image.
You cannot create an installable image that can be installed on both Windows and UNIX
computers. You must create one image for all Windows operating systems and one image for
all UNIX operating systems; however, you can create the images from either a Windows or
UNIX computer.
8 Select the products that you want to include in the image. Click Next.
9 Proceed through the installation as you would if you were installing products
locally, entering all required product configuration information.
10 On the Review Selections and Create Image page, click Create Image.
11 When the status indicator reaches 100 percent, click Next on the Export Status page.
12 Verify that the process was successful and optionally view the log file. Click Next.
13 Review or enter any postinstallation product configuration information.
14 Click Finish to exit the installation utility.
When you create an installable image, the product configuration information that you
enter, such as product installation directory, account names, passwords, and so forth,
must be the same for all computers on which the image is installed. If you want to
specify different product configuration values for different computers, you can
create a separate image for each set of values that you want to implement.
use the -createcontrolfile command line option to create a new control file to use
with the image. For more details, see Command line options on page 65.
use the ctltool to change the variables stored in the image's control file after the
image is generated. For more details, see Editing control files for installable
images on page 85.
Tar the image and use ftp or secure ftp to send it to a remote computer.
Chapter 3
Selecting the Compress Installable Image option in the installation utility to create
a .zip file that you can then send to other computers.
If you created an installable image on a Windows computer to be installed on UNIX
computers, you must make sure that the method that you use to transfer the image (for
example, tarring the image) maintains execute permissions on the installable image files when
you unpack the files on the UNIX computer. If the permissions are not maintained, you may
receive an error message similar to the following when you try to install the image: "Error:
Executable not found './thorinst.s25'. To correct the file permissions, before you
install the image, perform one of the following tasks depending on where the installable
image directory resides:
If you exported the image to a directory that is at the root level, for example, /image, change to
the root directory and enter
chmod -R 755 /image
If you exported the image to a directory that is not at the root level, for example,
/image/myimage, change to the directory in which the image directory is located (/image),
and enter
chmod -R 755 /image/myimage
The -u option unzips the file, the filename option is the name of the .zip file that
contains the installable image directories and files, and the directory option is the
path to the directory where the files will be placed after they are extracted from the
.zip file. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the directory will be created.
If you do not specify a drive with the directory name, the directory will be created
in the same directory where the .zip file is located.
For options, enter any command line options that you want to specify as listed in
Table 4.
5 You can optionally unzip the file and automatically start the installation by
entering the following command:
./ -u -x filename directory
The -x option launches the installation utility after the file is unzipped. A platformspecific script is stored in the /tmp directory and the installation is run from that
script. The script is not removed after the installation is complete. If you choose the
-x option, you cannot specify any of the command line options listed in Table 4.
The cizip utility can be used only on computers that have a dd binary that supports the
following command line options in their standard formats: if, of, bs, skip, and count.
Table 4
-path directory
lets you specify the path name to the installable image if you
are not in the same directory
Chapter 3
Table 4
lets you specify the location where you want to store the
comprehensive log file and the name of the log file to be
stored in that location. You can specify a complete path and
filename or just the file name. If you specify just the file
name, the log file is stored in the same directory where the
installable image files are located. The location and file
naming convention that you use for this option will also be
used for the product log, user log, and standard output log
unless you use the additional command line options to
specify the location and file names for these log files. For
example, if you name the comprehensive log file testing.log
and store the log file in a directory called /install/logfiles, the
product log file will be named testing-product.log, the user
log file will be named testing-user.log, and the standard
output log will be named testing-output.log and these log
files will also be stored in the /install/logfiles directory.
lets you specify the location where you want to store the
product log file and the name of the product log file to be
stored in that location. You can specify a complete path and
filename or just the file name. If you specify just the file
name, the log file is stored in the same directory where the
installable image files are located.
lets you specify the location where you want to store the user
log file and the name of the user log file to be stored in that
location. You can specify a complete path and filename or
just the file name. If you specify just the file name, the log file
is stored in the same directory where the installable image
files are located.
lets you specify the location where you want to store the
standard output log file and the name of the log file to be
stored in that location. You can specify a complete path and
filename or just the file name. If you specify just the file
name, the log file is stored in the same directory where the
installable image files are located.
The installation utility executes and installs the products associated with the image to
the installation directory that you specified in the installation utility when you
created the image. When the process is complete, one of the following status
messages is displayed on the command line:
No status messages are displayed on the command line until the installation is
Log files are created and stored in the $HOME/BMCINSTALL directory unless you use
one of the command line options listed in Table 4 on page 83 to redirect them to
another location. If you use the -log command line option only, all log files will be
stored to the same location and with the same file naming convention that you
specify for the -log option. In previous releases of the installation utility, log files were
stored in the same directory as the installable image files.
Chapter 3
The option path/inputfile.ctl represents the path to and name of the control file that
you want to edit (the control file that was created with the installable image), and
the option path/outputfile.ctl represents the path to and name of the new control file
that you want to create.
For example, you create an installable image and store the image in a directory
called installableimage. When you create the image, the installation utility creates a
.ctl file named install.ctl and stores that file in that directory along with the image
files. To edit this control file and create a new one in the same directory, at the
command prompt, you would change to installableimage/install/instbin, and enter installableimage/install.ctl installableimage/newfile.ctl.
The installation utility displays the first value stored in the control file.
3 Type a new value and press Enter to save your entry and display the next variable.
To keep the existing value, press Enter. If you are changing a password variable,
the value is encrypted in the new control file.
When the ctltool has finished displaying all the variables in the control file, the
command prompt is displayed.
4 Rename the new control file to install.ctl so that when you install the image, the
installation utility uses the new control file. The installation utility looks for a
control file named install.ctl to perform the installation.
Optionally, you can use the -install command line option when you install the image to
specify the location and name of the new control file that you want to use. For more details
on the -install command line option, see Installing an installable image on page 82.
concatenated logContains information from all other log files created during a
product installation.
user logLists error messages about fatal errors that caused an installation to fail.
The information in this log file is the first section in the concatenated log file.
standard output logLists messages that are usually sent to standard output. The
information in this log file is the third section in the concatenated log file.
front end trace logShows detailed information about activities in the installation
utility interface during installation. This file is created if you launch the installation
utility from a command line and use the -trace command line option. The
information in this log file is the fifth section in the concatenated log file. For more
details on using the -trace command line option, see Command line options on
page 65.
root script logLists the root scripts that should be run during an installation
session and each scripts arguments. If root scripts fail to run during a product
installation, you can use this log file to determine what scripts you will need to run
manually after the installation is complete.
Chapter 3
All log files are deleted after the installation is complete except for the concatenated
log file unless:
when you started the installation utility, you used either the -trace or the
-createcontrolfile command line option
You cannot enter a root directory as the product installation directory for BMC Software
products, because if you uninstall products from that directory, you may unintentionally
uninstall products other than BMC Software products. If you need to install into a root
directory to install a product upgrade, you can create an installable image and specify the root
directory as the installation directory for the products in the image; however, if you need to
uninstall the products from the root directory, do not use the uninstall-all.ctl file to perform
the uninstall.
Product installation directories are stored in installation utility history files as full path names;
therefore, do not rename the product installation directory after you install products, because
the installation utility will be unable to find the renamed directory if you uninstall products.
By default, the installation utility uses /opt/bmc as the product installation directory.
When you install products, the installation utility creates a subdirectory in the
product installation directory for each product that you install and the following
additional subdirectories that store information required by the installation utility:
itoolsstores utilities that may be used by the products that you install
Uninstall/Install/instbasestores the Perl binaries and the Perl HTTP server code;
Uninstall/Install/instdatastores default text files that control the order of the list of
products that you can select to install and the order in which the products are
installed, and that list the operating systems that are recognized by the installation
Performing the tasks described in this section may remove files needed by a previous version
of the installation program to uninstall products installed with that version. Likewise, if you
use a previous version of the installation program to uninstall products, you may remove files
needed by this version of the installation utility to perform the uninstall tasks.
Chapter 3
2 Select the installation directory from which you want to remove a product. Click
4 Select the product or products that you want to uninstall. Click Next.
5 (optional) If the uninstallation utility detects any orphaned components, select to
remove these components from your computer.
The information that you are required to enter depends on the products that you
are uninstalling; for example, you may be required to enter a root password to run
a script. These pages may also display only information that you need to know
once the products are uninstalled, such as if a script needs to be run manually after
the uninstallation is complete.
9 On the Review Settings for Control File page, click Create Control File.
10 Verify that the process was successful and optionally view the control file.
11 Click Finish to exit the installation utility.
By default, the new control file is stored in $HOME/BMCINSTALL in a subdirectory
with the naming convention computername-PID-timestamp.
After the control file is created, you can rename it and copy it to another location or to
other computers, then use the following procedure to uninstall products.
The computer where you use the control file must have the same configuration, such as
operating system, installed products, product installation directory, and so forth, as the
computer on which the control file was created.
The option path to control file is the path to and name of the control file that you
created in the previous procedure. The options -log and -output let you specify a
location for a standard log file and an output log file. The standard log file contains
all installation status information, and the output log file contains messages on the
progress of the installation that are normally sent to standard output. The path to
log file and path to output log file variables can be any valid path and file name (with
a .txt extension) that you specify.
Troubleshooting a Windows
Appendix A
Common problems
Common problems
This section contains troubleshooting information for the following common
Problem Type
page 95
The computer on which you want to install products does not have a web
page 96
page 96
page 97
page 98
page 98
Installation will not proceed past the specify installation directory page
page 99
Installation utility may stop responding if double quotes and angle brackets
are used in a directory path during a multiple CD installation
page 99
page 99
page 100
page 101
Remove the proxy server connection setting by selecting Tools => Internet Options
=> Connections tab => LAN Settings and clearing the Use a proxy server check box.
Bypass the setting by selecting Tools => Internet Options => Connections tab => LAN
Settings => Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
Remove the proxy server connection setting by selecting Edit => Preferences =>
Advanced => Proxies => Direct Connection to the Internet.
Bypass the setting by selecting Edit => Preferences => Advanced => Proxies =>
Manual Proxy Configuration. For 4.7x versions, choose View and enter your domain
in the Exceptions text box for versions 4.75 and 4.76 and in the No Proxy for text box
for versions 4.77 and 4.78. For version 7, enter your domain in the No Proxy for text
Appendix A
The computer on which you want to install products does not have a web browser
use the -serveronly command line option to start the Perl HTTP server on the
computer without the browser then connect to that server from a computer that
has a browser. For more details, see Command line options on page 24.
create an installable image then install the image on the computer that does not
have a browser. For more details, see Creating, distributing, and installing
installable images on page 42.
the web browser that you are using to run the installation utility must be Javaenabled
you must have a Java virtual machine or Java Plug-in version 1.1.2 or later installed
on the computer where you are running the installation utility
If you are running the installation utility on a Windows computer that has Internet
Explorer configured to use the Java Virtual Machine version 1.3.1, accessing the Help
system will cause the installation session to hang. To resolve this issue, perform one
of the following tasks:
configure Internet Explorer to use a different JVM version if multiple versions are
installed on your computer
use the -serveronly command line option to start the installation utility Perl HTTP
server on the computer that is running the JVM version 1.3.1, then connect to that
server from a computer that has a different version of the JVM installed.
Rename the Program directory or file, perform the installation, then rename the
directory or file back to its original name.
Install products to a directory that does not have a Program directory or file.
When you specify the destination path to install the products, use the short name
such as C:\progra~1\bmcsof~1 instead of using C:\Program Files\BMC Software.
Appendix A
You used the Local System option to create the image and you installed the image
on a computer that does not have the same platform or configuration (including
the service pack level) as the computer on which you created the image.
You are installing the product on a platform that you did not select when you
created the image.
You are installing the product on a platform that is not supported by the product.
This option allows you to specify the host name or IP address that you want the
installation utility to use on computers with multiple IP addresses. For more details
on the -host_override command line option, see Command line options on page 24.
Installation will not proceed past the specify installation directory page
The installation utility and a product file downloaded Make sure that the installation utility and product
from either the BMC Software ftp or download sites files reside in the same directory before you extract
are not in the same directory.
the files and start the installation.
You may be installing a component, such as a patch,
that is designed for another operating system.
Appendix A
After a product installation, the installation utility cannot change a Windows Server 2003 Itanium Terminal Server
These problems result from POSIX not being installed or enabled on the computer
where you want to install products. The installation utility uses the POSIX subsystem
on Windows computers to perform directory-related commands. To see if POSIX is
enabled, check the following registry key:
Appendix A
This page is displayed in the installation The status page displays the following
utility while products are being installed, information:
an installable image is being created, or
products are being uninstalled.
a message indicating what action the
installation utility is currently taking
the status of that action
the percent complete of the process
You can review this information while the
process is being performed and look for any
potential problems with the installation.
page 103
page 103
page 104
Turning on trace mode causes passwords to be recorded in plain text and not encrypted in the
installation log files.
Appendix A
The name of the product CD (or downloaded product image) that you are
The installation logs (located in your users profile directory in the Application
Data\BMCinstall directory)
The operating system on which you are installing products, including version and
service pack
The method you used to start the installation utility and any command line options
that you specified
Amount of disk space on the computer where you are installing products
Appendix B
Common problems
Common problems
This section contains troubleshooting information for the following common
Problem Type
page 107
page 107
page 108
page 109
page 109
The computer on which you want to install products does not have a web
page 110
page 110
page 111
page 111
page 112
page 112
page 113
Installation will not proceed past the specify installation directory page
page 113
page 114
page 115
Cannot extract a compressed installable image that is saved to a network share page 115
on AIX platforms
Installation fails on computers running Red Hat and SuSE Linux
page 115
The installation utility is unable to run root scripts and reports an invalid root page 116
password on computers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.0
Error messages are displayed when launching the installation utility on
computers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.0 on Itanium
page 116
Exit the current installation session and restart the installation utility using the
-serveronly command line option to start the Perl HTTP server. To connect to the
server, on another computer, open Netscape or Internet Explorer and in the
browser enter the URL returned by the setup command. For more details on the
-serveronly option, see Command line options on page 65.
Leave the current installation session running. On the same computer, launch
Netscape and enter the following URL:
Appendix B
Remove the proxy server connection setting by selecting Edit => Preferences =>
Advanced => Proxies => Direct Connection to the Internet.
Bypass the setting by selecting Edit => Preferences => Advanced => Proxies =>
Manual Proxy Configuration. For 4.7x versions, choose View and enter your domain
in the Exceptions text box for versions 4.75 and 4.76 and in the No Proxy for text box
for versions 4.77 and 4.78. For version 7, enter your domain in the No Proxy for text
Internet Explorer
Remove the proxy server connection setting by selecting Tools => Internet Options
=> Connections tab => LAN Settings and clearing the Use a proxy server check box.
Bypass the setting by selecting Tools => Internet Options => Connections tab => LAN
Settings => Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
Appendix B
The computer on which you want to install products does not have a web browser
use the -serveronly command line option to start the Perl HTTP server on the
computer without the browser then connect to that server from a computer that
has a browser. For more details, see Command line options on page 65.
create an installable image then install the image on the computer that does not
have a browser. For more details, see Creating, distributing, and installing
installable images on page 79.
the web browser that you are using to run the installation utility must be Javaenabled
you must have a Java virtual machine or Java Plug-in version 1.1.2 or later installed
on the computer where you are running the installation utility
the variable MOZILLA_HOME should be set to point to the root of the Netscape
installation directory
For sh or ksh users, if the Netscape installation directory is /opt/netscape, enter the following
commands to set this variable:
For csh users, if the Netscape installation directory is /opt/netscape, enter the following
command to set this variable:
setenv MOZILLA_HOME /opt/netscape
For more details on these options, see Command line options on page 65.
Appendix B
you have enough disk space on the computer on which you are installing
This option allows you to specify the host name or IP address that you want the
installation utility to use on computers with multiple IP addresses. For more details
on the -host_override command line option, see Command line options on page 65.
The installation utility and a product file downloaded Make sure that the installation utility and product
from either the BMC Software ftp or download sites files reside in the same directory before you extract
are not in the same directory.
the files and start the installation.
You may be installing a component, such as a patch,
that is designed for another operating system.
Appendix B
Unable to run root scripts error message is displayed on computers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0
Run the root scripts manually after the product installation is complete. The
installation utility creates a root script log that lists the scripts that were to be run
during the installation session and each scripts arguments. You can use this log file
to determine what scripts you will need to run. By default, the script log file is
located in a subdirectory in the $HOME/BMCINSTALL directory and uses the
following naming convention: computername_timestamp.log_rootscripts.
Appendix B
The installation utility is unable to run root scripts and reports an invalid root password on computers running Red Hat
These error messages are displayed when the 32-bit compatibility system libraries
have not been installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.0 systems. These libraries
are required to launch the installation utility.
Status page
This page is displayed in the installation The status page displays the following
utility while products are being installed, information:
an installable image is being created, or
products are being uninstalled.
a message indicating what action the
installation utility is currently taking
the status of that action
the percent complete of the process
You can review this information while the
process is being performed and look for any
potential problems with the installation.
Appendix B
page 118
page 118
page 119
Turning on trace mode causes passwords to be recorded in plain text and not encrypted in the
installation log files.
The name of the product CD (or downloaded product image) that you are
The operating system on which you are installing products, including version and
kernel width (32 or 64 bit)
Any command line options that you specified when you started the installation
Appendix B
BMC Software, contacting 2
Internet Explorer
bypassing proxy server definitions 24
removing proxy server definitions 24
setting font size 24
bypassing proxy server definitions 67
removing proxy server definitions 67
setting character sets for Japanese locales 67
setting font size 68
requirements for displaying installation utility online
in UNIX environments 68
in Windows environments 25
changing the default host name when installing products
on UNIX platforms 75
on Windows platforms 33
character sets, setting in Netscape for Japanese locales 67
command line options
for installing an installable image
in UNIX environments 89
in Windows environments 52
for starting the installation utility
in UNIX environments 71
in Windows environments 28
control files
definition 47, 85
editing for installable images by using ctltool
in UNIX environments 92
in Windows environments 54
using to uninstall products
in UNIX environments 97
in Windows environments 62
-createcontrolfile command line option
for UNIX platforms 74
for Windows platforms 32
using to uninstall products
in UNIX environments 97
in Windows environments 62
using the -trace command line option
for UNIX platforms 83
for Windows platforms 45
Default installation path 15
created as part of an installable image
in UNIX environments 85
in Windows environments 47
designating temporary space for multiple CD
installations 18
overview of default installation directory structure
for UNIX environments 94
for Windows environments 57
files used to install an installable image
in UNIX environments 85
in Windows environments 47
-h command line option
for UNIX platforms 73
for Windows platforms 31
Help, requirements for displaying in the installation utility
for UNIX platforms 68
for Windows platforms 25
host name
changing the default when installing products
on UNIX platforms 75
on Windows platforms 33
-host_override command line option
for UNIX platforms 75
for Windows platforms 33
installable images
account requirements for Windows platforms 48
command line options for installing
in UNIX environments 89
in Windows environments 52
in UNIX environments 86
in Windows environments 48
deploying before installing
in UNIX environments 87
in Windows environments 50
directories. See files and directories used for
editing control files by using ctltool
in UNIX environments 92
in Windows environments 54
files and directories used for installation
in UNIX environments 85
in Windows environments 47
locally on a UNIX computer 88
locally on a Windows computer 51
maintaining permissions when deploying to UNIX
platforms 50, 88
installation directories
overview of default directory structure
for UNIX environments 94
for Windows environments 57
installation log files
location in UNIX environments 93
location in Windows environments 56
installation paths
Custom 16
Default 15
Typical. See Default
installation prerequisites
for Windows platforms 26
required file for Terminal Services 26
required umask setting for UNIX 69
installation requirements
for UNIX environments 6669
for Windows environments 2226
installing installable images
command line options
for UNIX platforms 89
for Windows platforms 52
deploying before installing
in UNIX environments 87
in Windows environments 50
how to install
on UNIX platforms 88
on Windows platforms 51
Internet Explorer
bypassing proxy server settings 24
removing proxy server settings 24
requirements for displaying Help 25
setting font size 24
IP address
changing the default when installing products
on UNIX platforms 75
on Windows platforms 33
launching the installation utility
for multiple CD installations on UNIX platforms 70
on UNIX platforms 70
on Windows platforms 27
-locale command line option
for UNIX platforms 76
for Windows platforms 34
log files
accessing after performing an installation
in UNIX environments 93
in Windows environments 56
Microsoft Windows
Terminal Services file required to change installation
mode 26
multiple CD installations, launching the installation utility
on UNIX platforms 70
bypassing proxy server settings 68
removing proxy server settings 67
requirements for displaying Help 68
setting character sets for Japanese locales 67
network requirements
for UNIX environments 69
for Windows environments 26
-no_change_exe command line option for Windows
platforms 35
online Help, requirements for displaying in the
installation utility
UNIX platforms 68
Windows platforms 25
-override_file command line option
for UNIX platforms 77
for Windows platforms 37
-port command line option
for UNIX platforms 78
for Windows platforms 38
for installing products on Windows platforms 26
required file for Terminal Services 26
setting umask value before installing on UNIX
platforms 69
privileged account, creating with sudo 17
problems, common
for UNIX environments 112
for Windows environments 100
product installation directories
overview of default directory structure
for UNIX environments 94
for Windows environments 57
product support 3
proxy server settings
bypassing in Internet Explorer 24
bypassing in Netscape 68
removing in Internet Explorer 24
removing in Netscape 67
-releaseversion command line option
for UNIX platforms 79
for Windows platforms 39
selecting products
by using the Custom installation path 16
by using the Default installation path 15
-serveronly command line option
for UNIX platforms 81
for Windows platforms 41
-shutdownservice command line option for Windows
platforms 42
silent installation. See installable images
silent uninstallation
on UNIX platforms 97
on Windows platforms 62
-skipuserright command line option for Windows
platforms 43
starting the installation utility
command line options
for UNIX platforms 71
for Windows platforms 28
on UNIX platforms 70
on Windows platforms 27
sudo, installing and configuring 17
support, customer 3
technical support 3
Terminal Services, file required to change installation
mode 26
-timeout command line option
for UNIX platforms 82
for Windows platforms 44
-trace command line option
for UNIX platforms 83
for Windows platforms 45
trace mode
for UNIX platforms 83
for Windows platforms 45
unable to run root scripts error message is
displayed on computers running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 120
cannot extract a compressed installable image
that is saved to a network share on AIX
platforms 121
common problems 112
computer does not have a web browser 116
determining installation utility version number
display cannot be opened 113
error messages are displayed when launching the
installation utility on computers running Red
Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.0 on Itanium 122
installation fails on computers running Red Hat
and SuSE Linux 121
installation fails or configuration scripts cannot
be run after installation 118
installation fails with unable to connect to
remote host error 119
installation fails with an unable to install Perl
error message 118
installation utility is unable to run root scripts
and reports an invalid password on computers
running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.0 122
installation utility will not launch 114
installation utility windows turn blank on Red
Hat Linux 7.0 computers 117
installation will not proceed past the Specify
Installation Directory window 119
javascript error messages are displayed during
installation 115
Mozilla browser renders installation utility pages
with extra space 121
online Help does not display properly 116
Perl HTTP server could not be started when
using the -serveronly command line option 117
sending information to Customer Support 125
setting DISPLAY environment variable 69
typing errors cannot be corrected in an Xemulator 113
using an unsupported UNIX shell causes
problems during installation 115
after installation, the installation utility cannot
change a Windows Server 2003 Terminal
Server computer from install mode to execute
mode 106
common problems 100
computer does not have a web browser 102
determining installation utility version number
installable image installation fails 104
installation fails if change.exe file does not exist
in Terminal Server environments 101
umask setting 69
unattended uninstallation
on UNIX platforms 97
on Windows platforms 62
uninstalling products
in UNIX environments 95
in Windows environments 58
umask setting 69
-v command line option
for UNIX platforms 84
for Windows platforms 46
web browser
Internet Explorer
bypassing proxy server definitions 24
removing proxy server definitions 24
setting font size 24
bypassing proxy server definitions 67
removing proxy server definitions 67
setting font size 68
setting character sets for Japanese locales 67
web browser (continued)
requirements for displaying installation utility online
in UNIX environments 68
in Windows environments 25
Terminal Services file required to change installation
mode 26