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L/L Research: Sunday Meditation

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L/L Research is a subsidiary of

Rock Creek Research &

Development Laboratories, Inc.
P.O. Box 5195
Louisville, KY 40255-0195

L/L Research

Rock Creek is a non-profit

corporation dedicated to
discovering and sharing
information which may aid in
the spiritual evolution of

ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TRANSCRIPT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the
weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in
the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination
and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind,
for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.
CAVEAT: This transcript is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any
obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.
2006 L/L Research

Sunday Meditation
November 26, 1989
Emotions, Part II
Group question: What is the function of emotions
in the life of the spiritual seeker, and what value is
there to the seeker in attempting to uncover or
develop or feel the full range of emotions, especially
the caring for those about one and feeling the vitality
of life and being able to express the feelings that
move through one?
(Carla channeling)
I am Quo. Greetings to you all in the love and in
the light of the one infinite Creator, whom we serve
in our humble way as do you in yours. We are most
grateful to share these few steps of your path of
seeking with you, and to explore with you concepts
having to do with the nature of consciousness.
Previously, we had established that in truth,
although the intellect is highly regarded within your
culture, it is, nonetheless, not as intelligent a portion
of the mind as the deeper intuitions, what some
might call gut instinct, and others call the prompting
of the still small voice within, the higher self,
guidance, or by whatever name an entity chooses to
relate itself to a wider, wiser intelligence. This
intelligence is emotion. We established that the
surface emotions of life having to do with being
caught in traffic, being late, having to wait, feeling
negative emotions, feeling quick positive emotions
with no depth, is the province of the mundane.

2006 L/L Research

We do not suggest that you follow each whim, each

thought, each impulse. We suggest, rather, the trust
in the process of seeking within for the truth which
will set you free, though it may not set another free.
Each of you is unique, and the emotions that are
your deeper intelligence are unique to you, their
balance is unique to you, and the fruit of that
balance in service is unique to you. Thus, we have
established a great respect for the intuition and
emotion that is the essence of intelligence.
We shall pause as this instrument is concerned.
(Pause while Carla checks with Jim, who has been
(Carla channeling)
I am Quo, and am again with this instrument, and
greet each again in love and light and thanks. We
shall continue.
For emotion to be considered the deeper
intelligence, a new concept must be created, a word
which is not within your working language, to
indicate not the emotion of the easy joys and the
easy sorrows, but those emotions which move deeply
within the roots of mind, moved by the tides of
many, many past experiences and many choices
made, moved by the guidance of whatever you wish
to call that spirit that comforts and supports when
all of humankind seems to have failed you. Why
would we ask you to dive so deep into yourself when

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

there is a world of manifestation for you to enjoy?
There is a reason, and we feel it is a worthy one, and
it is from this point that we wish to go forward.
As entities are given physical vehicles at birth and
move into the world, their first emotion is anger,
their second, love. So begins the dynamic of a
lifetime: anger at change, and love at being fed. The
anger, that of change, that of moving from the safety
and quiet of the womb to the harsh illusion of your
world is extremely traumatic, and it creates in the
entity, even so small a one, that desire so to use
emotion so as to control that which occurs. One
cries if one feels hungry, and one is fed. One cries if
one is uncomfortable, and ones diapers are changed.
This is the beginning of each incarnation, the duality
being present from the beginning of hatred of
change and love of the ideal.
When we ask you to plunge deeply within
yourselfand remember, this is only our opinion
we are asking you to consult the only reliable source
of information for yourself. Those such as we may
speak words which inspire or aid or otherwise enable
entities to know more and more of their true selves.
This work is done internally and in the company of
intimate friends, mates, children and other family. If
one deals with ones own life situation by the use of
logic, intellect and cleverness, one shall fall short of
ones own desires, for the intellect is intended to be
your servant, not your master. In the same way are
your deeper feelings to be tools, resources and
instruments for your spiritual evolution, not carrying
complete authority, but substantially worthwhile to
seek out and to hear and to feel.
Now, let us examine the fabric of the universe as we
understand it to be. The one great original Thought
is not a thought, it is a purified emotion. It is Love.
You may call it the Logos, the Creative Word, but it
is in essence a pouring through the channel of the
self of the infinite love of the one Creator. To
attempt to manipulate ones feelings is to attempt
the masquerade ball. Yet the ball must end and the
masks come off, and the finery, the feathers, the
ribbons laid away, and there you sit, all of the masks
gone, all of those whom you were to impress having
left you alone. And as you sit you ask yourself to take
off your mask, and you take that mask off and you
find another, and another, and another. The nature
of the intellect is such that eventually you will find
that the layers enclose a nothingness, for intellect is a

2006 L/L Research

cold, logical biocomputer which is designed to make

choices. It is not designed to be the vehicle for
manifestation. The heart, that which this instrument
would call gut feeling, these are those things which
enable manifestation among each of those who serve
the one infinite Creator in service to others. The
primal Logos of all that is, is emotion, the deepest
intelligence of all, infinite, without flaw, without
distortion, the carrier wave of consciousness.
And so, if you wish to manifest that which you have
found to be good, if you wish to manifest your desire
to find that which is good, if you seek and hunger
for the truth, there is work to be done, for the
intellect, the past, the future and all considerations
of humankind must needs be put in abeyance on a
regular basis for the amount of time it takes to sit in
silent waiting until one is able to feel the presence of
the infinite One.
We ask each within this group at this time to pause
and allow that experience of love poured into your
waiting heart to manifest itself to you.
I am Quo. I am again with this instrument. Is that
love not astounding? Is that love not impossible for
humankind to sustain? Yet you are other than
human. That of you which is human is that which
must do the manifesting, that which creates the
inspiration and desire to manifest love of the Creator
and love of others, comes from crossing the
threshold to the unconscious with the care,
persistence and devotion of the lover who is willing
to wait and watch and seek from afar, content to sit
at the edge of the crowd listening to that faraway
voice at the center of the crowd that speaks the
truth, for you have many, many voices within you
which are manifestations of biases. These biases need
to be examined, and in this intellect and logic play a
great part. However, as you wish to be of service to
the infinite One, and as you wish to love each other,
know that the universe is, in essence, an emotion, it
is consciousness. Consciousness does not necessarily
think. Consciousness allows itself to avail itself of
that infinite source of information within.
It is in this way that you are attempting, through
meditation and contemplation, through the
balancing of the days extreme emotions, to give to
yourself that which cannot be done without some
aid. There is, for instance, no possibility of an
entitys being able to cogitate, ruminate, ideate and

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

manifest love. Indeed, it is possible for such a person
to manifest a universal and very real compassion, but
love engages being, love sets on fire the desire to
help, love causes soil of the heart to become fallow,
that seeds may spring therein which flower out into
the tree of manifestation of love with its many
blossoms, its beautiful aroma and its faithful use.
Yes, my friends, more than ever as you realize,
recognize and respect your own inner wisdom as a
portion of the creation, as you continue to meditate
faithfully, then you may be undisturbed, insofar as it
is possible, by the painfulness of change. For you
now seek the beginnings of the fourth density.
Within third density the spotlight was on the self,
the emerging consciousness, the discovery that that
consciousness is one with all and one with the
Creator. It is the chief lesson of this particular
density, to learn to love, and to learn to accept love,
feeling both worthy to love and to be loved.
Much has been written about love. Within your holy
works love is described by many phrases, Love is
patient, Love is long-suffering, and so forth. May
we say that love in the sense in which we understand
it is in the impatience, is in the misunderstanding, is
in every portion and every cell, every iota of creation.
You cannot move yourself from the roots of your
being. You are rooted in that which you may call the
Kingdom of Heaven, and your roots are deep and
imperishable, and down, down into the world of
illusion do you grow your branches and produce the
bloom that promises fruit.
Within your culture, as we have said, the intellect is
valued almost to the exclusion of deep, quiet,
confident, considered intuition. You are an
impatient people, eager, and perhaps running faster
with you feet than your heart and your mind can
follow. Thus, the first priority may seem very selfish
to one, and that is to learn to love the self,
unequivocally, with complete self-forgiveness, with
full knowledge of the various iniquities of ones own
character. You must allow yourself to become aware
that the Creator and the creation lies within you,
each of you. It is not well to speak as though one
were ever and always unworthy to be the vessel for
divinity. All of clay and dust, bone and muscle is by
definition unworthy to carry imperishable ideals into
a world which you experience as that which is not

2006 L/L Research

Now, you see the interplay of love and faith against

the dynamic catalyst of a mundane and sometimes
intensive nature. What shall you do in this situation?
What shall be your decision in that situation? It is
appropriate to use all of the resources at your
command. If you have any ignorance of the subject
as it is known by humankind, fill the mind with
what was written. Use the intellect to discriminate
upon the subject in which you are interested, then
surrender control of the process, carefully and
fastidiously, to the love within, the spark of the
Creator within that makes us all one.
Those who have not been able to love themselves are
by definition unable to love the Creator, for each is
the Creators prodigal son or daughter, each is an
heir of eternity. This is not said to puff you up with
pride, but to say that each of you is a cell in the
living body of the creation of love. Once you have
learned to come into some contact with the Creator
on a daily basis, it is then time to gaze at that which
lies before you, at the stones in the road, at the
stragglers by the wayside, at the thirsty, at the
hungry, at the homeless. The manifestation of the
Logos that is within you, that of unconditional love,
has never been needed more than at this juncture in
the passing [of] your planet into fourth density space
and time.
It is often said Thou shalt not judge, not only
within your holy works, but also by those whose
sense of fairness and ethics makes it mandatory for
them to yield to all the same benefit of doubt that
one would hope would be yielded to the self in the
same circumstances. The density in which you are is
a density in which you choose not how to think, but
how to love. If you love yourself, you will think in
terms of manipulation and control, elitism,
perquisites and power on a personal level. If your
love is of the Creator and of those in whose eyes you
see shining the light of the one infinite Creator, then
you are one who may radiate to that person. Often
no words are necessary. It is well to move with the
deepest instincts, to give a hug, to give a kiss, to give
verbal support, to leave alone, to treat as precious
each entity, each imperishable light being that is
about you.
What is the purpose of emotion? The purpose of
emotion within third density is so to engage the
mind, the heart, and the soul of the entity which
seeks that it becomes more and more aware of the

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

depth and breadth of each present moment and
possibilities for loving within each moment.
Needless to say, we do not speak of the clinging,
dependent love. We do not suggest that the
surrender to the higher self be made before the self
has been tuned so as to hear the true voice from
within. Many are those who would whisper in the
ear of one who seeks to be of service. Discrimination
remains important always, and this includes those
things which we say to you. Let us not be a
stumbling block before you.
Now let us look at the way emotion is deepened.
Each of you is aware of the system of chakras, or
energy centers within the being. It is understood that
each needs to be minimally clear and balanced for
the full energy of the one infinite Creator, the life
force, the prana, if you will, to move upwards within
the body to meet that inspiration which comes from
the infinite One, from the comforter, from your
guidance, from your inner self. Over and over again
we suggest to you the daily meditation for the
clearing of cobwebs from the mind and the heart, of
picking up the old newspapers, the leftover takeout
food, the banal junk of a banal society that is intent
upon not listening to any voice within which might
cause discomfort.
The universe itself is an emotion, it is consciousness,
it is love. Each of you will go through many
definitions of the word love as you experience
various facets of conditional and unconditional love.
Your goal, and it is a difficult one within this
density, is so to use the deep wisdom of the intuition
and choice-making nature of the intellect in
harmony to move in the direction that you and the
Creator have set for yourself this day. And in that
regard we would say that it is not well to create in
the mind that which one desires, unless one is
absolutely sure that one desires it and will never
regret having it, for any desire that is unmet in third
density must be met before the entity may move
forward to the next level of classes, the next level of
illumination, the next level of peace and joy.
How many times, my friends, have you seen a loved
one, and found a way to touch that loved one, to
strengthen it with your very being? How many times
have you been the one to make peace among
brothers and sisters? Do you not see the sweet hand
of love moving through you in manifestation of the
glorious love and light of the one infinite Creator? If

2006 L/L Research

you wish to manifest you must feel, deeply, sincerely

and honestly. Not all entities can serve in this same
way, as not all entities have been given the same
gifts, and as we have said before, all services are equal
when done for the love of the one infinite Creator.
We would not mislead you. You cannot by any
means whatsoever achieve a higher state of
consciousness. No mental act, no deliberate series of
choices, no action within the illusion shall bring you
the paradise of peace that you seek. That which will
bring you quietude and serenity is the finding of that
deeper self within through meditation, and the
surrendering of the minute power of the human
intellect to the infinite wisdom, compassion
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Carla channeling)
I am Quo. We shall continue. You are the hands,
you are the voice of the Creator, and as you love
each other as you love yourself, so you love all that is
the Creator. This is the function of purified
emotion, to become a channel through which
infinite love may flow so that you do not dry up like
a shallow well or a desert spring, but remain well
watered, well fed, well inspired with food and drink
for the soul. In that consciousness you become
hollow, and in your purity of love you allow love to
speak by surrendering to the Infinite within.
This surrender is not one made without
discrimination and care. Surrendering to those who
say, This and this and this you must believe, that
and that and that you must do, is an acceptable
choice for those who cannot use intellect and feeling,
but merely have a generalized need to know what is
right and what is wrong to do in life, so that one
does not have to think, grow, change, expand and
transform the self. For these people, and we do not
put them down in insult, this is the way to progress,
and progress they will, however slowly. But each of
you wishes to move more quickly, to become true
channels of light, to feel true peace in the heart, to
feel genuine, authentic harmony and serenity, to
meet ones companions with joy, trust, sharing and
caring. Are these all not words of emotion? Can one
reason oneself to this attitude? No, my friends, no.
Why, then, are you in your shell, this thick,
impenetrable shell of forgetting? We say to you, you
are in this shell of forgetting so that you may make
your choice unfettered by the knowledge of the

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

answers to the test. Many are the students who
simply write down what the teacher says and parrot
it back to the teacher to make a good grade. In
spiritual or metaphysical work this line of endeavor
is of no virtue, for you are seeking authenticity of
self, and only in the authenticity of the self-forgiven
self can the Creator move from infinite intelligence
through infinite energy into your heart, your spirit,
your hands, and your eyes, that you may behold the
glory of all that is about you, that you may feel
anguish for those many, many things that are awry,
and then to affirm that it is possible for this
unfortunate condition to cease.

then giving up the process to your inner self? Was

this what you were speaking of?

Allow your love to spring forward from within. It is

not yours, it is not anothers, it is the Creators. Love
one another, my friends, and you shall love the
Creator, and this purified emotion of sacrificial love
shall move you ever more quickly toward the
homeland of peace.

As to the imaging of that which you desire, we

exhort you to be extremely careful, as you create
what you desire and focus upon it, for you shall
receive it. However, there is always, as in many of
your myths and fairy tales, the difficulty of
attempting to control what occurs. The difficulty is
this: for every desire there are unsatisfactory sideeffects which will occur when the desire has been
met. You are then involved in an unbalanced
fashion, and some call this karma, with that which
you have created as a life and desired within the life

We thank you for allowing us to finish our thoughts

on this subject. There is more material in this area,
but it would require further questioning.
We would offer to the instrument known as Jim the
opportunity to close the session. A simple silence
will express this entitys desire not to speak because
of the difficulty of speaking at this time. I am Quo.
(Carla channeling)
I am Quo. I am again with this instrument. We
have examined the instrument known as Jim, and
find that in order for us to be able to use this
instruments vocal mechanism at this time we would
have to induce a trance state. This we are unwilling
to do, as without dedication, protection and
planning such sacrifice of energy is unacceptable to
us as a gift. It is a gift we cannot take unless it is fully
offered. We shall therefore open the meeting to any
questions which may remain upon the mind of those
here. Is there a query at this time?
T: Yes, I have a question. At one point I sort of went
awayI missed a small portion of what was
channeled, and when I came back you had said
something to the effect that then you can
surrender to the process, to your inner self,
something to that effect. My question is, were you at
that time talking about the creating process of
holding a thought and then creating the desire and

2006 L/L Research

I am Quo. My brother, we were not speaking of

such, but rather were speaking of the work entailed
in moving beyond the surface consciousness to the
deeper and more trustworthy wisdom that lies deep
within the self. We do not ask you to surrender to
any outer authority. We ask you only to surrender to
that portion of yourself that you have found to be
imperishable, worthy, beautiful and able to manifest
the fruits of an unconditional love which is your
birthright, which moves through you from a deep
place of self-acceptance within.

Therefore, unless the intuition is most deep,

heartfelt and worthy to the self of being held all
through the incarnational life experience, we
strongly suggest that you are faithful in listening,
and when you go forth from your meditation you
carry with you the desire to love. Ones path is taken
one step at a time, one expression of love at a time,
one expression of honesty which may lance a boil of
misunderstanding and heal. To communicate with
the heart and the love of the infinite One is to heal,
and by the power of that love the Creator may, if all
love, transform and renew the creation of the Father.
This instrument is informing us that we are
spending a rather long time, so we would ask if there
is a final query at this time. I am Quo.
K: I find that there are a number of concepts that I
have accepted without perhaps fully understanding
them, over the years. One of these is the idea of
accepting and loving yourself. Could you offer
briefly some suggestions on how to begin to go
about the process of accepting and loving yourself in
order to move on to loving others?

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

I am Quo. We are most happy to speak to this
subject, for within your heavy chemical illusion it is
very difficult to have an unbridled love of the divine
self within, for one is so taken with the surface
iniquities of mundane living, the little
disappointments, the little irritations, the hostility,
and all the repertoire of negative emotions, that one
cannot even believe that one could possibly be
worthy, and, indeed, as a human in third density
one is not yet worthy of utter self forgiveness except
for one thing: the nature of creation is utterly selfforgiven. In finding that basic truth you may claim
your worth.
Let us gaze at it in another manner. Upon the
surface you are one person, and your sphere is
populated with many, many other persons, some of
which are very much in sympathy with you, many of
which have almost nothing on the surface in
common with you. Furthermore, those who wish to
be of service are walking a tightrope betwixt service
gladly given and the service of the doormat. And
when one perceives oneself as a doormat because one
is, as this instrument would say, nice, one does not
feel that oneself is worthy, but rather than oneself is
an hypocrite and a liar, or at least one who tells the
fib so as not to offend.
Move within the self at this moment. Consciously
allow the awareness to move through the short term
memories. Now allow all the pain and joy of this
experience of incarnation to be gazed at with eyes of
love, for you have learned from each and every
challenge. You have not reached the self, you are
forgiving the imperfections of the self which an
imperfect world was formed on purpose to cause you
to feel. If you never felt unworthy your worthiness
would have no passion, no strength, and no stamina.
It is only when one moves through the awareness of
ones human limitations within third density, and
accepts each imperfection, each folly, each
thoughtlessness as the action of one who simply was
not properly tuned, then you may move on to more
fertile territory. Not to forgive an imperfect self
and that is the surface self of eachis to deny that
there is more, and that that more is a divine mystery
which we may only call love.
In claiming the worth of the self it is necessary to
gaze at ones relationship with the infinite One. This
entity created you before it created the densities, the
stars, and the planets which make up your illusion.

2006 L/L Research

You are portions of the active consciousness of the

one infinite Creator of love and light that is within
you. And so you do not honor the small self by
feeling worthy, but rather you surrender to the
greater Self within, and then you may love all of
your idiosyncrasies, all of your faults, because you
know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that as you slip
you may forgive yourself, pick yourself up, and walk
on. You are imperishable. You are creatures of love.
Once you have made the difficult choice between
serving others as a way of serving the Creator and
expressing that relationship, and serving the self and
so expressing a relationship of total unity with the
Creator, then you have made the decision that this
density was created to enable you to make.
All upon the outside of the consciousness has a
tendency to appear negative, and to evoke negative
emotion. Consequently, you, as a spirit of light, are
gazing constantly at the darkness of ones own
Earthly vessel. This Earthly vessel is made of clay
and chemicals and water, and an electrochemical
system which enables that which you call
consciousness to have a home, and you may be
grateful for that imperfect self. You cannot exonerate
yourself for the things that you have done amiss.
That is not self-forgiveness. When you have done
that which you consider amiss, it is well for you
immediately to go to the entity whom you feel you
have slighted and to create harmony once again
betwixt the two, knowing that not only are you an
entity of Earth, but also the other is similarly
befuddled and confused in a sea of illusion that is
the third density.
You must go deeper. You must move from the mind
which condemns, judges, evaluates, and so forth to
the heart, where resides that infinite spark of
imperishability which is the Creator within. It is this
portion of the self that is worthy, and because you
carry within yourself, within this Earthly vessel, the
glorious perfection of the infinite One, so you may
move into the point of view of that within you
which is the Creator, as the Creator forgives a
perishable, various, woeful entity for making the
errors of childhood.
Yes, the universe, the Creator has already forgiven all
that you may do. Your yourself, however, must
forgive the self, be at peace with the self,
acknowledge all of the thoughts of the self, and
attempt as much as possible to become better. It is

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

well to realize that perfect behavior is not only
impossible but meaningless. It is the heart, the love,
the emotion that makes you worthy, and as the
intensity of your love of the Creator and your love of
fellow men and your love of yourself grow, so shall
you become a more and more metaphysical light
being, moving affirmatively from your strength
that is, the Creator withinrather than running
from, avoiding, or being embarrassed about many,
many errors that any limited, somewhat ignorant,
and often biased child might make.
You in the third density have chosen to be children.
You are children of the one infinite Creator. Are you
less than worthy? A child may misbehave, but a child
is forgiven. You are prodigal, you have squandered
your inheritance. All who are Earthly in third
density have so done, with extremely few exceptions.
Yet, by doing so you strip away for yourself the
illusion that this will bring pleasure, that will bring
satisfaction, control will give you what you want,
and demand will always be heard. A sense of
worthiness comes as one becomes aware of oneself as
the worthy servant, the least of all, one who is always
in error, yet one who carries an imperishable, holy
and divine spark of the Creator.
To see oneself as a cell in the body of creation is a
most helpful concept, because as you gaze in thought
at your own anatomy and physiology you may see
that each cell is equally important. The skin, the
muscles, the mind, the simple reaching out of the
hands that is possible because you are in physical
existence, these are causes for rejoicing, these are
causes for thanksgiving and praise, for you have the
opportunity to act as a channel, a worthy and loving
channel for the infinite love and light of the one
Creator. Self-acceptance is a good start upon selfforgiveness. To accept ones faults as they are,
paradoxically, is to open oneself up to the possibility
of change, growth and transformation.
May we answer you further, my sister?
K: No, thats very helpful for now, thank you.
We thank each of you, and would at this time close
the meditation, wishing each to respect and seek the
heart within, the deep intuition within, not to
denigrate the Earthly vessel in which you move, for
though it makes many, many errors, yet it has the
hands to give, the mouth to speak, the eyes that offer
the softness of a loving glance, the breasts that may
give the babe nourishment, the loins that shall
2006 L/L Research

produce souls whom one may love and by whom

one may experience the incredible gift of
unconditional love. Love one another, my friends,
unconditionally, and if there is a condition, use the
intellect for that for which it was made. It is a burro;
load it with the information and let it climb the
mountain to the answer.
We are no more worthy than you. We are all seekers,
all pilgrims, and all imperfect. We could suggest that
one may look forward to a time when one is not so,
shall we say, imperfect, as seen by the self, but we
assure you that these feelings of unworthiness,
insecurity and other feelings of this kind are
designed completely by yourself before the
incarnation to teach you to love, and to love that
which is imperfect is to make it worthy.
Examine your soul. All that is, is within you, the
bad, as you would call negative emotions and ideas,
and the good, as you would call positive emotions
and ideas. But the source of your worth is that which
makes the universe One, and yourself a citizen as
important as any, as worthy as any. You are a part of
the infinite Creator; you are worthwhile, necessary
and beloved. May you love yourself enough to move
the imperfections out of the way of your service, and
never ever to hold a grudge against the self, but to
forgive the self, to intend a newness which is less
imperfect in the ways of doing things.
As always, meditation is the great tool. Prayer, as this
instrument understands it, is also a great tool when
one is upset with another, for one may pray for that
other, and in so doing heal the self of negative
emotion as well as being effective in prayer and
uplifting of the self in consciousness.
We leave you with that desire to be uplifted, to be
transformed, and, indeed, many times, to be
uncomfortable. Comfort is for those who are asleep.
Comfort is for those for whom someone is willing to
tell them exactly what to think about everything. It
is a comfortable life. One can attain fourth density
light by this means, but it is very difficult, for a
feeling of richness and completion of the self is the
same problem exactly as the feeling of a great mass of
wealth. Clinging to ones possessions is not
necessary. When you have made your peace with the
imperfections of the self, wait until you feel the
presence of the infinite One, of your guidance, of
your comforter, and at that point say, I wish to do
the will of my greater Self, I surrender my imperfect

Sunday Meditation, November 26, 1989

human self. What would you have me do? Be
willing; that is the key. Be discriminatory; those
discriminations are the lions that guard the truth.
In this truth, love, light, peace and joy of the infinite
Creator, we leave you, with blessings and ever
flowing love for those who are awake and seeking.
We are those known to you as Quo. Adonai, my
friends. Adonai vasu. 

2006 L/L Research

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