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Hydrotide User's Manual Rev D

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Hydrotide Data Logger

(TGR-1050-HT & TWR-2050-HT)

Users Manual

Rev D

May 2007

RBR Ltd.

RBR Europe Ltd.

27 Monk Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3Y7, CANADA

Tel: +1 613.233.1621 Fax: +1 613.233.4100
[email protected] www.rbr-global.com

17 Cratlands Close, Stadhampton, Oxfordshire OX44 7TU, UK

Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1865.890979
[email protected] www.rbr-europe.com

Table of Contents
About this Manual.......................................................................................................................... 2
Warranty Statement....................................................................................................................... 3
Package contents .......................................................................................................................... 4
Basic operating instructions ........................................................................................................ 4
Installing and changing the batteries .......................................................................................... 4
Installing the RBR Windows Software ........................................................................................ 6
Communicating with the logger................................................................................................... 6
RS-485 .................................................................................................................................... 6
Using an RF modem ............................................................................................................... 6
Calibration ................................................................................................................................... 7
Deployment ............................................................................................................................... 12
Maintenance and repairs........................................................................................................... 13
Repairs.................................................................................................................................. 13
Calibration............................................................................................................................. 13
Technical information ................................................................................................................ 14
Connector wiring instructions and pin assignments ............................................................. 14
Connector Assembly Information.......................................................................................... 16
Appendix A Battery life calculation ........................................................................................ 17
When to replace the batteries ................................................................................................... 17
Predicting battery life................................................................................................................. 17

About this Manual

This manual provides instructions for the proper use and care of the Hydrotide
data loggers manufactured by RBR Ltd. It contains operating instructions for field
deployment and use. Information on the RBR Windows Software for
programming and data recovery is located in the Submersible Data Logger
Users Manual.
All RBR manuals are distributed on a mini-CD with each logger, and can also be
found online at our website (www.rbr-global.com).

Warranty Statement
All data loggers manufactured by RBR Ltd. since September 2002, are warranted
against defects in workmanship or original parts and materials for life.
Units suffering from such defects will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of
RBR Ltd., provided that the problem has appeared during normal use of the
instrument for the purpose intended by us. The liability of RBR Ltd. extends only
to the replacement cost of the instrument. The customer will bear all costs of
shipment to us for repair; all other costs, including return shipment, will be borne
by RBR Ltd.
This warranty does not cover consumables or normal wear and tear, nor does it
cover damage caused by negligent use or mishandling. Attempted modification
or repair of any unit without the prior consent of RBR Ltd. will immediately void
any warranty in force.
Users are expected to maintain a regular program of calibration. Equipment,
such as sensors made by other companies, is warranted only to the extent
provided by the original manufacturers.
We reserve the right to grant or refuse warranty repairs at our discretion if we
consider that there are reasonable grounds for doing so.

Package contents
The RBR Hydrotide logger package consists of the following:
1. The RBR Hydrotide logger
2. The Druck sensor if supplied by RBR; or a sensor connector if sensor is
customer supplied
3. A cable to connect to your computer, part #2204-604A-1.8m, 1.8m length
4. This Hydrotide Users Manual
5. RBR Datalogger Users Manual
6. Additional data connector for custom length, part #2204-604A-xm
7. A mini-CD-ROM containing the RBR Windows Software and associated
8. If the RS-485 option was selected at the time of ordering, then an RS-485
to RS-232 adaptor will also be supplied.

Basic operating instructions

Installing and changing the batteries
For a discussion of battery life expectancy, please refer to
Appendix A battery lifetime calculation (p.16).
Important: RBR Hydrotide data loggers do not have a backup battery. If the logger
has entered its standby state, the clock can run for approximately two minutes without
batteries; however, it will almost certainly lose a significant amount of time. It is also
quite possible that the clock will reset. We strongly suggest that the logger be
programmed after the batteries have been changed.

RBR Hydrotide data loggers are powered by eight C size cells. Before changing
the batteries, ensure that the logger is not sampling and leave it idle for at least
one minute after disconnecting it from the computer. This will ensure that it has
entered its standby state and its operation will not be disturbed by removing the
old batteries.
To remove the batteries, open the box and gently pry each cell from its holder.
When replacing the batteries note the polarity and replace batteries in each
holder accordingly, see the photograph below. Always replace all eight batteries
at the same time.

Photograph of battery holders

Installing the RBR Windows Software

Please see the Software section of the Submersible Data Logger Users
Manual for instructions relating to logger programming and data retrieval.

Communicating with the logger

The DATA/PWR connector will have
been configured for either RS-232 or
RS-485 protocol according to the
specification at time of order. It is
possible to change the instrument from
one to the other afterwards. Please
contact RBR Ltd for details on how this
may be done.
To establish a link between the logger
and a PC, connect the supplied cable to the DATA/PWR connector and a RS232
serial port on the computer.
If your computer does not have an available serial port, but does have a USB
port, a serial to USB adapter may be used. Simply fit the serial connector into
the serial to USB adapter and plug the adapter into the USB port on the PC.
Please note that the USB adapter's drivers must be installed before it will work.
When this installation is complete, the correct COM port must then be chosen in
COM settings in the logger operating software. Please see the RBR Software
User Manual for more details.
If the TWR-2050HT or TGR-1050HT has been enabled for RS-485 connection,
then an RS-485 to RS-232 converter will have been supplied. Use this with the
RS-485 side connected to the logger and the RS-232 to the computer.
Using an RF modem
RBR Hydrotide loggers may be connected to an RF modem, making it possible
to program the logger remotely and to view and save data as it is collected. This
will require a slightly different connection cable to permit control of the modem.
The COM settings portion of the Software guide has configuration instructions
for the RF modem. The Real-time display section has more details about live
data collection.

There are two ways to calibrate this instrument.
Method 1. Using the sensor calibration certificate.
This will have two calibration numbers which give the output for zero pressure
and that for full range as highlighted in the example (overleaf). To convert these
to the two calibration numbers to insert into the logger, several steps must be
taken. Conversions or corrections must be applied for (the bold figures refer to
the supplied spreadsheet):
Conversion of psi to dBar D20


Density of water

1.0281 for standard seawater


Acceleration due to gravity D22


Gain of the amplifier



Drive voltage



Full scale range


15.0000 psi

Output at full range (mV)


103.300 mV (assumes 10V excitation)

Output at zero (mV)


0.0000 mV

From the calibration sheet:

From this, the calibration constants are computed:

Constant a = D30*10*D29*D20 / (D25*D30*D24*D21*D22)
Constant b = D25*1000*10*D29*D20 / (D25*D30*D24*D21*D22)
Constants c and d may be set to zero.
When these constants are entered, the output will be in metres of water.
The multiplier is entered as the second coefficient in the calibration window (see
page 31 of the Submersible Data Logger Users Manual).
If, as an example, the first coefficient is zero and the second one is 41.358235,
then enter the coefficients at follows;

Having entered the multiplier value with an offset of zero, a measure should now
be made of the real offset. Start the logger taking samples at a 1 second period
without averaging set and with no wave bursts being enabled for a TWR-2050HT. Locate the logger at the monitoring site and use a measured staff gauge to
plunge the Druck sensor into the water. Maintain the sensor in place for two or
three minutes. When the data is downloaded from the logger, use the View
Statistics window (page 32 of the Submersible Data Logger Users Manual) to
obtain a measure of the average depth of the sensor. With the Gauge depth and
the logger readings, a value for the offset can be calculated:
Offset = Gauge depth Logger depth

Enter this offset into the calibration coefficients window (y).

For example if the Gauge depth from the staff is 10m and the logger readings
provide a value of 11m then the offset is -1m.

When calibration is completed, click on the Set calibration button to update the
constants within the logger.

Sample Calibration Certificate from Druck

Sample Spreadsheet showing calibration calculation.


Method 2. Calibration Using Online Two point Calibration.

Connect the unit, with a sensor, to a computer and run the RBR software.
Select the Calibration function, and then select View statistics/ Two-point
Follow the on-line instructions for setting the zero level and to obtain a reading at
a known depth.
The program will then compute the appropriate values for the calibration
constants which may then be entered into the logger.
For more details of calibration procedure, please refer to the RBR Data Logger
Users Manual, Software - Calibration functions - View Statistics/Two-point


Once you have ensured that the batteries are fresh and have programmed the
logger, the instrument is ready to be deployed. There are three precautions you
should take to avoid damaging the logger:
1. Heed the maximum pressure rating. All RBR loggers with pressure
sensors are individually rated to a maximum depth/pressure.
2. Mounting the logger and the pressure transducer. The Hydrotide
instruments need to be mounted so that the electronics enclosure is
protected from the weather, and the cable to the transducer needs to be
carefully routed to prevent any accidental damage. The pressure
transducer itself needs to be fixed at some known depth, and also
protected from accidental damage.
3. Use desiccant when necessary. The critical part of this instrument that
could be affected by moisture is the vent cable which goes from the
pressure transducer to the electronics enclosure. Every precaution must
be taken to ensure that this remains dry during installation. The sensor is
supplied with a desiccant pack sealed to the connector. When ready for
installation, quickly remove this pack and connect the cable to the
electronics. If moisture does enter the tube, then condensation may occur
and the pressure will have a fixed offset. The hydrotide data logger also
has desiccant cartridges installed inside the logger box. These DriCap
desiccant cartridges have indicating silica gel, which turns from blue to
pink, warning when adsorption capacity has been reached and cartridges
should be replaced.


Maintenance and repairs

We support all instruments and software that we manufacture. First line support
is always available by phone, fax or e-mail. Please contact us immediately if you
are experiencing problems with your RBR product. It is very important to contact
us before returning your instrument, as some difficulties can be easily solved onsite by the user. Please have the model and serial number of the unit handy
when you contact us.
There are no user-repairable parts of the logger. Any attempt at repair, whether
successful or not, without prior authorization from RBR Ltd. will void the warranty.
If it is necessary to return the product to RBR for an upgrade, repair, or
calibration; please review the detailed shipping information on our website before
returning the unit.
We recommend that you verify the calibration of your data logger before any
critical deployment, periodically once a year, or if you suspect the calibration to
be out of specifications. Discuss your calibration needs with RBR. In some
cases, you will be recommended to return the instrument to RBR to have it
checked and re-calibrated. Please contact us for our current calibration fees.


Technical information
Connector wiring instructions and pin assignments



Connector Assembly Information

Follow the diagram for the assembly of Amphenol connectors.


Appendix A Battery life calculation

When to replace the batteries
Compared to the cost of deployment, the cost of a new set of batteries is close to
negligible. We highly recommend that the batteries be replaced before every
deployment unless there is no doubt that they have sufficient capacity.
Battery voltage does not decrease linearly and is therefore not an accurate
indicator of battery capacity. However, if the logger software indicates that the
batteries have less than 6V remaining, the batteries should be replaced.
When in doubt, replace the batteries.

Predicting battery life

Battery life prediction is a complicated issue. In RBR loggers, battery life is a
strong function of the type of logger, the type and number of sensors attached,
the sampling scheme (sampling period and the use of: real-time data collection
and averaging), and the temperature of the logger during the deployment.
Manufacturers data for the batteries do not provide information that can be
directly related to way the batteries are used in RBR Loggers.
The RBR Windows Software calculates the expected battery usage (in mA Hours
- mAH) for the logger during setup. The nominal capacity of the batteries used in
the Hydrotide loggers is 8000mAH at room temperature. The software will warn
the user if the expected battery usage for a particular deployment scenario is
above this value. The software will not prevent a logger from being started even
if a warning is given. The user should view these predictions and further de-rate
the batteries if the expected deployment is in the cold. The battery usage
estimate is stored as part of the log files and may be used after deployment to
enable the user to obtain a characterization of how a particular logger performs.
RBR continues to characterize battery life in its loggers and will continue to
improve the battery life calculator in future versions of the RBR Windows


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