Personality - Type Theory of Personality, Trait Theory of Personality, Psychodynamic Theory of Personality, Phenomenological Theory of Personality

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Personality - Type theory of personality,

Trait theory of personality, Psychodynamic

theory of personality, Phenomenological
theory of personality

client centered therapyclient-centered therapycognitive therapy techniquesapproachtheoriesselfsocial

The unique pattern of psychological and behavioral characteristics by which each

person can be distinguished from other people.

Personality is fundamental to the study of psychology. The major systems

evolved by psychiatrists and psychologists since Sigmund Freud to explain
human mental and behavioral processes can be considered theories of
personality. These theories generally provide ways of describing personal
characteristics and behavior, establish an overall framework for organizing a
wide range of information, and address such issues as individual
differences,personality development from birth through adulthood, and the
causes, nature, and treatment of psychological disorders.

Type theory of personality

Perhaps the earliest known theory of personality is that of the Greek physician
Hippocrates (c. 400 B.C.), who characterized human behavior in terms of four
temperaments, each associated with a different bodily fluid, or "humor." The
sanguine, or optimistic, type was associated with blood; the phlegmatic type
(slow and lethargic) with phlegm; the melancholic type (sad, depressed) with
black bile; and the choleric (angry) type with yellow bile. Individual
personality was determined by the amount of each of the four humors.
Hippocrates' system remained influential in Western Europe throughout the
medieval and Renaissance periods. Abundant references to the four humors
can be found in the plays of Shakespeare, and the terms with which
Hippocrates labeled the four personality types are still in common use today.

The theory of temperaments is among a variety of systems that deal with

human personality by dividing it into types. A widely popularized (but
scientifically dubious) modern typology of personality was developed in the
1940s by William Sheldon, an American psychologist. Sheldon classified
personality into three categories based on body types: the endomorph (heavy
and easy-going), mesomorph (muscular and aggressive), and ectomorph (thin
and intellectual or artistic).

Trait theory of personality

A major weakness of Sheldon's morphological classification system and other
type theories in general is the element of oversimplification inherent in
placing individuals into a single category, which ignores the fact that every
personality represents a unique combination of qualities. Systems that address
personality as a combination of qualities or dimensions are called trait
theories. Well-known trait theorist Gordon Allport (1897-1967) extensively
investigated the ways in whichtraits combine to form normal personalities,
cataloguing over 18,000 separate traits over a period of 30 years. He proposed
that each person has about seven central traits that dominate his or her
behavior. Allport's attempt to make trait analysis more manageable and useful
by simplifying it was expanded by subsequent researchers, who found ways to
group traits into clusters through a process known as factor analysis.
Raymond B. Cattell reduced Allport's extensive list to 16 fundamental groups
of inter-related characteristics, and Hans Eysenck claimed that personality
could be described based on three fundamental factors: psychoticism (such
antisocial traits as cruelty and rejection of social customs), introversionextroversion, and emotionality-stability (also called neuroticism). Eysenck
also formulated a quadrant based on intersecting emotional-stable and
introverted-extroverted axes.

Psychodynamic theory of personality

Twentieth-century views on personality have been heavily influenced by the
psychodynamic approach of Sigmund Freud. Freud proposed a three-part

personality structure consisting of the id (concerned with the gratification of

basic instincts), theego (which mediates between the demands of the id and
the constraints of society), and the superego (through which parental and
social values are internalized). In contrast to type or trait theories of
personality, the dynamic model proposed by Freud involved an ongoing
element of conflict, and it was these conflicts that Freud saw as the primary
determinant of personality. His psychoanalytic method was designed to help
patients resolve their conflicts by exploring unconsciousthoughts,
motivations, and conflicts through the use of free association and other
techniques. Another distinctive feature of Freudian psychoanalysis is its
emphasis on the importance of childhood experiences in personality
formation. Other psychodynamic models were later developed by colleagues
and followers of Freud, including Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, andOtto
Rank (1884-1939), as well as other neo-Freudians such as Erich
Fromm, Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949), and Erik Erikson.

Phenomenological theory of personality

Another major view of personality developed during the twentieth century is
the phenomenological approach, which emphasizes people's self-perceptions
and their drive for self-actualization as determinants of personality. This
optimistic orientation holds that people are innately inclined toward
goodness, love, and creativity and that the primary naturalmotivation is the
drive to fulfill one's potential. Carl Rogers, the figure whose name is most
closely associated with phenomenological theories of personality, viewed
authentic experience of one's self as the basic component of growth and
wellbeing. This experience together with one's self-concept can become
distorted when other people make the positive regard we need dependent on
conditions that require the suppression of our true feelings. The clientcentered therapydeveloped by Rogers relies on the therapist's continuous
demonstration of empathy and unconditional positive regard to give clients
the self-confidence to express and act on their true feelings and beliefs.
Another prominent exponent of the phenomenological approach

was Abraham Maslow, who placed self-actualization at the top of his

hierarchy of human needs. Maslow focused on the need to replace a deficiency
orientation, which consists of focusing on what one does not have, with a
growth orientation based on satisfaction with one's identity and capabilities.

Behavioral theory of personality

The behaviorist approach views personality as a pattern of learned behaviors
acquired through either classical (Pavlovian) or operant
(Skinnerian) conditioning and shaped by reinforcement in the form of
rewards or punishment. A relatively recent extension of behaviorism, the
cognitive-behavioral approach emphasizes the role cognition plays in the
learning process. Cognitive and social learning theorists focus not only on the
outward behaviors people demonstrate but also on their expectations and
their thoughts about others, themselves, and their own behavior. For example,
one variable in the general theory of personality developed by social learning
theorist Julian B. Rotter is internal-external orientation. "Internals" think of
themselves as controlling events, while "externals" view events as largely
outside their control. Like phenomenological theorists, those who take a social
learning approach also emphasize people's perceptions of themselves and
their abilities (a concept called "self-efficacy" by Albert Bandura). Another
characteristic that sets the cognitive-behavioral approach apart from
traditional forms of behaviorism is its focus on learning that takes place in
social situations through observation and reinforcement, which contrasts with
the dependence of classical and operant conditioning models on laboratory
Aside from theories about personality structure and dynamics, a major area of
investigation in the study of personality is how it develops in the course of a
person's lifetime. The Freudian approach includes an extensive description of
psychosexual development from birth up to adulthood. Erik Erikson outlined
eight stages of development spanning the entire human lifetime, from birth to

death. In contrast, various other approaches, such as those of Jung, Adler, and
Rogers, have rejected the notion of separate developmental stages.
An area of increasing interest is the study of how personality varies across
cultures. In order to know whether observations about personality structure
and formation reflect universal truths or merely cultural influences, it is
necessary to study and compare personality characteristics in different
societies. For example, significant differences have been found between
personality development in the individualistic cultures of the West and in
collectivist societies such as Japan, where children are taught from a young
age that fitting in with the group takes precedence over the recognition of
individual achievement. Cross-cultural differences may also be observed
within a given society by studying the contrasts between its dominant culture
and its subcultures (usually ethnic, racial, or religious groups.

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