College of Education: The Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1

Classroom management is the ways teacher organize and structure their
classrooms for the purposes of maximizing student cooperation and engagement
and minimizing disruptive behavior (Arends, 2007).Passion for learning and creating
methods and strategies to form an environment where success and conducive
learning take place is a must to come up with positive outcome on each student.
That is how vital teachers are inside every classroom.
According to Meiers and Wilkinson (2007), school may be the only stable and
predictable environment where students regularly experience. Therefore, proportion
of teachers role in forming students academic performance has the biggest
contribution among any other factors because it provides them convenience and
inconvenience in understanding the lesson.
There are many methods available for the teacher in promoting good
classroom management. Their common denominator knows good managerial skills.
Every teacher is a manager and managing the classroom involves knowing the
nature of their students and integrating appropriate standards to be met.
Problem arises when teacher failed to understand that every set of classroom
will need different kinds of management techniques. Individual differences are


Chapter 2

This chapter deals with the reviewed literature and studies relevant to the
present. It covers both local and foreign materials to support the concept of this
study. These are presented to strengthen the framework of the study.

Foreign Literature
The ability of teachers to organize classrooms and manage the behavior of
their students is critical to achieve positive educational outcome (Oliver & Reschly,
2007). Indeed, every teacher's role was to impart the knowledge he knows to his
students within the path of a particular area to achieve the set goal. In transmitting
what teacher knows would involve techniques and even problems along the process.
As one of the elements of a classroom, Garcia (2005) points out several roles
of a teacher in his book, Psychology of a Classroom. Teacher stands as instructor
that initiates, guides learning and sees that learning really takes place. They don't
just throw the concept, instead, they need to find a way to evaluate whether the
students have understood what was discussed, but teaching is not telling. We don't
normally get answers as exactly as what we have just said. Most of the time, we
highlight the most important or the catchy part of what was just discuss for


Chapter 3

This chapter deals with the discussion of the method of research to be used,
venue of the study, the target population and the sampling scheme employed and
the description of the student-respondents. The kind of instruments used, the
procedures in gathering data, and the statistical treatment utilized are also

Research Methodology Used

The descriptive research design will be used in the study. According to Naval
(2010), descriptive design gives a clear statement of what is existing at the present
understanding of why it is so and what might be. The study will be using
descriptive design because it focuses on the description of the classroom
management of a teacher such as organizational skills, instructional skills, teacherstudent relationship and its effect to the students academic performance.
Descriptive research is not only concerned with fact gathering but also with
identifying and predicting relationships between variables.
The primary aim of the researcher in this study was to know the effects of
classroom management to the academic performance of the third year students of

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