Brand Health of Dove
Brand Health of Dove
Brand Health of Dove
Project- Stage 1
Submitted To:
Prof. S. Govindrajan
Submitted By:
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 3
History and Evolution of Dove ...................................................................................................................... 3
Instrument of Data Collection....................................................................................................................... 5
Brand Asset Valuator Model (An adaption from Young & Rubicam BAV Model) .................................... 5
Laddering .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Findings and Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 8
Brand Asset Valuator Model ..................................................................................................................... 8
Laddering ................................................................................................................................................ 13
References .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Executive Summary
With increase in disposable incomes, growth in rural demand is expected to increase because
consumers are moving up towards premium products. Dove is positioned as premium soap in
India. This Report aims at measuring the Brand Image of Dove. This Report tracks the brand
image of Dove with two approaches a) Quantative Research b) Qualitative Research. The Project
uses a suitable adaption of Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator model for Quantative
Research and uses the Laddering method for Qualitative Research. With the help of Quantative
Research, the project aims to find a quantify intangible pillars of Brand Dove like
Differentiation, Relevance, Knowledge and Esteem. The BAV Model gives scores on the four
pillars which demonstrate potential for Dove. The BAV Model scores of three Brands have been
taken to compare the position of Brand Dove Vis-a Vis other Brands like Garnier and Nestle.
The Power Grid shows the Brands health and momentum. The BAV Model findings and
implications can be used for developing Brand strategies and tactics.
Laddering as a qualitative research technique helps identify the core values that individual
customers may associate with a brand and thus help in constructing a brand personality that the
customers can identify with. The report gives a HVM (Hierarchical Value Map of Premium Soap
Category, which was obtained by the laddering method. Content Analysis and Implication
Matrix summary have also been covered in the report. Self Esteem and Self Worth are the most
significant core values of respondents, and confidence is one of the key consequences of using
premium soap.
Dove is a personal care brand owned by Unilever. It was launched by Unilever in 1957 in US,
years after Unilever acquired soap factory De Duif in The Netherlands, from which the brand
name Dove is derived. Dove has been available in India since 1995. Dove's logo is a silhouette
profile of a dove, the colour of which often varies. Dove's products include:
antiperspirants/deodorants, body washes, beauty bars, lotions/moisturizers, hair care and facial
care products.
Dove has grown from a US-only soap bar into one of Unilever’s biggest global brands. It is now
the world's #1 cleansing brand, and #3 in the Anglo-Dutch company's portfolio behind Knorr and
Lipton. During the 1990s, the group began to extend the brand across the complete personal care
spectrum, and Dove now encompasses a wide range of products from bar soap to shower gel, and
from deodorants to shampoo-conditioners.
Its mantra is that it provides a refreshingly real alternative for women who recognise that beauty
is not simply about how you look, it is about how you feel. Dove has been positioned throughout
its history without referring to it as "soap", but as a "beauty bar" with one-fourth cleansing
cream; they stress its moisturizing of skin while washing in contrast to the drying effects of
regular soaps (which their advertising calls simply "soap"). Advertisements reinforced the
message by showing the cream being poured into the beauty bar. In 1979, the phrase "cleansing
cream" was replaced with "moisturizer cream". In 1979, a Pennsylvania dermatologist showed
that Dove dried and irritated skin significantly less than ordinary soaps. As a result of this study,
Unilever started aggressive marketing and won more than 24% of the market by 2003.
Dove has attracted widespread media attention since 2004 for its marketing. That year, Ogilvy &
Mather launched a series of ads for Dove portraying the "real beauty" of ordinary women. The
brand competes fiercely with Procter & Gamble's Olay, Beiersdorf’s Nivea and Johnson &
Johnson's Neutrogena, all of which have a similarly broad product range. In 2006, Dove started
the Dove Self-Esteem Fund. It purports to be "an agent of change to educate and inspire girls on
a wider definition of beauty and to make them feel more confident about themselves". To this
end, Dove created a number of largely online-only short films, including Daughters,
Evolution, Onslaught and Amy. Dove's ‘Campaign for Real Beauty’ was praised by people in
the advertising world, as well as from real consumers for representing something different to the
typical fashion advertising. By focusing on the distorted perception of beauty that much of the
fashion industry is guilty of promoting, Dove successfully separated its brand from that category
and made it stand for something different and something real. The early part of the campaign
was mainly driven by TV ads, and billboard ads featuring their "real" models. Later, Dove used
social media, using it to drive even more interest online in the central theme behind the entire
campaign. One of the most popular videos on YouTube right now is Dove's Evolution of
Beauty, a video also posted on their website.
Dove has evolved from functional brand to a brand with a point of view after Unilever
designated it as a masterbrand, and expanded its portfolio to cover entries into a number of
sectors beyond the original bath soap category. The development caused the brand team to take a
fresh look at the cliches of the beauty industry. The result was the controversial Real Beauty
campaign. As the campaign unfolded, Unilever learnt to use the Internet, and particularly social
network media like YouTube, to manage controversy.
Brand Asset Valuator Model (An adaption from Young & Rubicam BAV Model)
Brand Asset Valuator suggests that brands are built in a very specific progression of four
consumer perceptions: Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem and Knowledge.
We have used three sets of standard questionnaire (20 Questions each) for three Brands. A
standard structured questionnaire has been used since the Young & Rubicam method adaption is
a quantative one and cannot be open ended which will bring in subjectivity in the model.
Methodology: A quantitative survey was conducted for all the three brands (Dove, Garnier and
Nestle) separately among a homogenous population (students at XIM).
1) Since the population for the survey is homogenous, each respondent has equal probability
of being in the sample of survey.
2) The reason for floating three independent surveys instead of a single survey was that, (
for example if a respondent gives the highest preference for dove on a particular attribute,
that is strongly agree , he will be cognitively driven not to mark the same response for
another brand say Garnier. However otherwise in the same population (which is uniform)
another respondent might just give the highest preference for Garnier. So our objective
was to avoid a sample which prefers one brand and is biased towards the other brands,
just because he wants to mark a different response to the other brand. Also there is a
tendency to mark at random when three questions are asked at the same time. This
tendency is slightly reduced when the respondent is exposed to just one brand at a time.
We have chosen 5 attributes each to measure the four pillars of BAV. From the 48 attributes used
by Young and Rubicam, the group zeroed in on 5 attributes each (that is 20 attributes in all), our
group could identify (with to that pillar) with most certainty. The following tables give the break
1 Distinct
1 Good Value
2 Innovation
2 Authenticity
3 Unique
3 High Performance
4 Different
4 More Value
5 Original
5 Association
Esteem Knowledge
3 Trustworthy 3 Tradition
Laddering is an interview technique that leads to identification of core values of the respondents
and the corresponding attributes and consequences due to which the respondents use this
attribute. Laddering is a method that helps you elicit the higher or lower level abstractions of the
concepts that people use to organize their world. The laddering interview technique is an
unstructured approach. The informants become reflective and elicit what is important to them
and why. Laddering techniques involve creating, reviewing and modifying of hierarchical
knowledge, often in the form of ladders (i.e. tree diagrams).
1) Cannot be used to observe motives, attitudes or intentions and can lead to ambiguous or
at times misleading results
2) Since the respondent may not be sure of what some attributes mean, there is a possibility
of them being missed out which does not happen in case of laddering.
3) Laddering helps in synthesizing the core of the brand resulting in the visual
representation of the brand’s central characteristics
4) Today competition is not just limited to product category and Aaker’s model is limited to
a product category. This is a thing of past and is myopic in its approach.
5) Aaker’s model does not give an insight into consumer behavior.
The type of laddering used is Preference Consumption Differences. The questions were based on
the differentiation with second best preferred brand. In case of absence of this, the questions
focussed on the attributes due to which respondents use this brand. The identification of the
major attributes led to their consequences and the underlying values.
The average scores for Brand Dove on all four pillars (out of 25) are
Differentiation 19.02
Relevance 18.11
Knowledge 15.21
Esteem 20.18
19.02Dove Brand Strength
Differentiation Relevance
Since differentiation is greater than relevance, the brand has potential to grow. The brand has the
power to build relevance. However as the data suggests there is not a huge difference between
differentiation of the vis –a-vis the relevance of the brand. Differentiation is the engine that pulls
the brand train. Differentiation is critical in the successful development and maintenance of a
brand. Combination of Differentiation and Relevance forms Brand Strength. Since
Differentiation and Relevance for Brand Dove is almost same, Brand Strength is high, which
implies Brand Dove can exist in the market as a viable entry. High Brand Strength allows the
brand to both defend itself from competition and generate margin, earnings and economic value.
Dove Brand Stature
Knowledge Esteem
A healthy sign for Brand Dove is absorbed, as the Esteem score for Brand Dove is significantly
higher than knowledge. Brand Dove is better liked than known. Customers would like to know
Brand Dove better. Esteem relates to how well a brand fulfills its implied or overtly stated
consumer promise. It doesn’t occur without Differentiation and Relevance having preceded it,
but it can outlive those Pillars by many years. The combination of Esteem and Knowledge forms
Brand Stature. The combination of Esteem and Knowledge is slightly lower, which implies the
brand pervasiveness in the market is low.
4 Pillars Of BAV
20.00 19.02
4 Pillars Of BAV
Differentiation Relevance Knowledge Esteem
Dove has the highest Esteem score out of the the four pillars. The perceived quality and
consumer perceptions about dove are good and its popularity is growing. The brand is keeping its
promises. The consumer's response to a marketer's brand-building activity is driven by his
perception of two factors: quality and popularity, both of which vary by country and culture,
which in case of Dove is high in case of Dove indicating good health of the Brand.
Differentiation score of dove is the next highest. The brand stands apart from its competitors is
unique in its offering. Brand health is built and maintained by offering a set of differentiating
promises to consumers and delivering those promises to leverage value.
From the consumer survey, it was found out that the values for relevance and knowledge are
much lower with respect to differentiation and esteem.
Calculation of Brand strength (Differentiation & Relevance) and brand stature (Esteem &
• Brand Stature = Mean of (Product of Esteem & Knowledge scores of each respondent)
converted to a scale of 100 by diving by the maximum score possible
• Dove comes in a zone which shows that it is beginning to exit from leadership stage and
is slightly moving towards the declining stage. Its strength and stature scores are both
above 50%. The decline can probably be attributed to low scores in knowledge. Even
though the score for relevance is low, the brand strength has been carried largely through
its differentiation. As a recommendation, relevance scores can be increased by showing
more value to the customer and strengthening the identity of brand Dove.
• A different category FMCG brand is Nestle. Across the surveyed consumers, Nestle was
found to occupy a major position in terms of strength and stature. It possesses high
esteem and high relevance scores.
The responses were analyzed to form Attribute-Consequence-Value chains for all the
respondents. The similar attributes, consequences and values were grouped together. These
ACVs were and organized to form the following table. Some of the entities were derived from
sub entities which are specified below.
7 Confidence Professionalism
No Harmful Effect on Skin,
8 Healthy Healthy Skin
9 Feel Good Factor
10 Good Looking Glow on the Skin
11 Better Personality
No extra moisturiser, Low
12 Convenience consumption of Time
13 Value For Money Superior Value
14 Sophistication
15 Indulgence
16 Show off
17 Perception Tidyness, Unkempt, Grooming
18 Long Term benefits
19 Self Esteem Respect, Dignity, Acceptance
20 Individuality Independence, Distinction
21 Self Worth Accomplishment
22 Security Sincerity, Security
The serial numbers of the ACVs from the table were taken as the codes for further analysis. The
ACVs were transformed to the following
Raw Data for Dove Analysis
Summary Implication Matrix
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 Smell 1 1
2 Gentle 2 3 2
3 No Harmful Chems 2 3
4 Moisturising 2 1 4
5 Premium Product 2 5
6 Acts as a conditioner 2 6
7 Confidence 1 1 5 7
8 Healthy 2 2 1 8
9 Feel Good Factor 2 1 1 1 9
10 Good Looking 2 1 1 10
11 Better Personality 2 3 11
12 Conveniece 2 12
13 Value For Money 2 13
14 Sophistication 2 1 14
15 Indulgence 1 1 1 15
16 Show off 1 1 16
17 Perception 2 1 2 17
18 Long Term benefits 1 18
19 Self Esteem 19
20 Indivuality 20
21 Self Worth 21
22 Security 22
The cutoff value for the HVM matrix was taken was 2 as it was the most common value in the
Implication matrix. Using this and the data from the Implication table the ladder was built.
• Self Esteem emerged as the core value for most of the respondents. It was followed by
self worth and Individualism.
• The consequence that mattered the most was Confidence. In fact it led to both Self
Esteem and Self Worth. It was supported by consequences like feeling good, external
perception and looking good.
• Respondents who see confidence as a consequence of using the products see Gentleness,
Lack of harmful chemicals and Moisturizer were the product attributes that drove it.
• The conditioning attribute was seen as a value for money proposition by some users at it
led to saving of time and effort from using other conditioners which led to Self Worth as
a core value.
• Consumers who viewed premiumness of the soap took it as a reflection of their level of
sophistication. This led to the satisfaction of their core value that was Individualism.
• A few respondents felt a sense of security from the long term benefits promised and
perceived from the brand.
1) Segmentation:
Attribute Value
Social Achievement
Smell 1 0 1 0 0 0
Gentle 3 0 3 2 0 2
No Harmful 2 0 2 0 0 0
Moisturising 2 1 3 0 0 0
Premium 0 0 0 0 2 2
Acts as a 0 0 0 2 0 2
9 6
The four values have been classified to higher level values as follows:
Social: Self Esteem and Security- These two values are more to do with social standing of a
person as to how a person is seen in the society.
Personal: Self worth and individuality- These two values relate a person to oneself as to how a
person stands upto his/ her expectations. Self worth is inclusive of acceptance of oneself and
From the ladder frequencies for attribute- value linkage, the results are as follows:
It is evident that this range of products and this brand is more applicable to people who are
conscious about their social values and worth in the eyes of others.
Driving Force- The value orientation for the brand needs to be social values. It is important to
note that the values that are derived from maximum respondents are self esteem and self worth.
So, we can conclude that this range of products cater to an inherent need in a person to feel
confident about himself/herself. This leads to a person seeing that he/she is accepted in the
society and people perception about that person is positive.
Leverage Point- The value which has to be reinforced by the ads is Self Esteem as this is the
value exhibited by the maximum number of respondents.
Executional Framework- Since the brand is perceived to be a premium one and one which has a
sophisticated imagery, the tone and style of the advertisement should reflect the same. The
consequences and benefits should be put subtlety so that the viewer is tasked with interpreting
them. This comes from the HVM which depicts varied benefits perceived by the users.
Consumer Benefit- Confidence is the clear winner when it comes to consumer consequence. The
underlying consequences leading to this are external perception, feeling of goodness and looking
good. Hence one or more of these consequences need to be emphasised visually in the
advertisements. The coherent theme which needs to be communicated verbally is Confidence.
Message Elements- What emerges from the Hierarchical Value Model is the importance of
confidence in the four major values – Self Esteem, Self Worth, Individuality and Security. The
product attributes which leads to the consequence of Confidence are gentleness, absence of
harmful chemicals and moisturising property. These product attributes need to be highlighted in
the advertisements to induce the need for confidence among the viewers.