The Star News November 20, 2014

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November 20, 2014

Volume 141 + Number
ber 47

Medford, Wisconsin


Human remains
believed to be
missing hunter

Opening win eludes

Rib Lake girls


by News Editor Brian Wilson

Marilyns expands in
downtown Medford

Ask Ed

Cold work
School to consider
dropping federal
lunch program

page 8

Drug testing for
unemployment is a
waste of resources


Area deaths
Obituaries start on
page 18 for:
Lorna Angelich
Jeanette Clendenning
LaVon George
Jean Goessl
Ardith Vlach

Hospital project complete

pages 9-12

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photo by Brian Wilson

The Medford Electric Utility crew was busy this week hanging holiday decorations
in the downtown and along Hwy 13. Workers needed to stay bundled up with temperatures in the teens.

Remains of a hunter found on Saturday morning are

believed to be those of Todd Sikora, 52, of Medford.
According to sheriff Bruce Daniels, Sikora was reported missing early Saturday morning. Investigation
as to his whereabouts led investigators to Sikoras hunting property in the town of Hammel and to his hunting
On Nov. 15, at approximately 1:50 a.m., the Taylor
County Dispatch Center received a report of a missing
person. The initial reporter told officers he and his son
had plans to meet Sikora either at a city of Medford residence or at hunting land owned by the man west of Medford. When the caller could not locate the individual at
either location, he notified law enforcement out of concern. Officers from the Medford Police Department and
sheriffs office initiated a search for the man.
Ultimately the search led to a wooden, elevated, boxlike hunting stand on Sikoras property. His ATV was
located near the stand. The stand had obviously been
on fire at some point recently. What is believed to be
human remains were located within the rubble of the
debris from the fire.

See REMAINS on page 4

County sticks with the status quo

County board meetings will
remain at the call of the chair;
education committee chopped

would set quarterly meeting dates. A motion

made by supervisor Chuck Zenner that would
set meetings for January and July, in addition
to those set by statute for April and October,
failed for lack of a second. Since 2002 the

by News Editor Brian Wilson

More notification but no set schedule for
county board sessions is the recommendation
coming from the countys rule setting committee.
Members of the committee on committees
and rules voted 3-1 on Tuesday with two members absent to go to a plan to have the county
send out email notices to municipal clerks
and all the libraries. This would be in addition
to notices already sent to the board members
and media.
They committee did not support a plan that

county has averaged just over four full county

board sessions a year. Zenner voted against
just going with the increased notification.
Supervisor Sue Breneman expressed frustration at not having a set county board
meeting schedule. She stated she was not
calling for more meetings, but she wanted to be able to tell people when upcoming board meetings would be. She noted
even courthouse staff often did not
know when the next meeting would
be held.
Supervisor Lester Lewis works
with the Wisconsin Towns Association, (WTA). He explained WTA
attorneys typically want all counties to operate the same way. We
are definitely different, Lewis
said, of Taylor Countys strong
committee system. However, he

Roger Ewan and Sue Breneman questioned the purpose of

the education committee.

See COUNTY on page 4


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Page 2


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Thursday, November 20, 2014

November is National Caregivers Month

November has been designed National Caregivers Month. Caregiving for
loved ones is one of the most important
and most challenging responsibilities
of our lives. As we care for these people
we must eat better, feel better and work
better. Pam Peterson of the Wellness Coalition of Taylor County gives resources
and support tips to be good caregivers.
Take care of the caregiver. Many
caregivers neglect their own physical health. They ignore what is ailing
them. To avoid getting sick, exercise,
eat a proper diet and get regular medical exams. Taylor County Commission
on Aging sponsors a monthly newsletter
Caregiver Assistance News. It is available by calling 715-748-1491.
Exercise as part of your day. Put it
on the schedule of what you need to do
as a caregiver. Even moderate exercise
is beneficial because it breaks the cycle
of being sedentary. Exercise improves

mood and physique and can be an opportunity to socialize. Schedule a time to get
away with a friend for a walk or try a local exercise class. Taking care of yourself
is one of the ways to be a better caregiver
and not burn out.
Ask for help. Caregivers think they
can and must do everything themselves.
You may be able to do that some of the
time, but you need to pace yourself and
find effective ways to share or get help
from others so you dont burn out. Locally, support is available from organizations like Hope Hospice, Stepping Stones,
the veterans office seek their help.
Changes in your attitude can relieve stress. Control your attitude. Dont
dwell on what you lack or what you cant
change. Caregiver Media Group is a leading provider of information, support and
guidance for family and professional
caregivers. They produce Todays Caregiver magazine, the first national maga-



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Hi 13F
Lo -4F

Cub Scouts visit The Star News ofce

Photo by Brian Wilson

Cub Scouts from Pack 86 of Gilman visited The Star News ofce on Nov. 13 and
learned about how newspapers are made. Scouts visiting were (l. to r.) Isaac Johnson,
Adam Draeger, Dalton Wisocky and Cordell Birch.

Monday, Nov. 24

678-2656 or Laura 715-678-2517 evenings.

Taylor County Right to Life Meeting 6:30 p.m. Frances L. Simek Memorial Library, 400 N. Main St., Medford.
Everyone welcome.
Alzheimers Support Group Meeting 1:30 p.m. Multi-purpose Building,
corner Hwy 13 and 64, Medford. Information: Taylor County Commission on Aging 715-748-1491.
(DAV) Jump River 31 Meeting 7:30
p.m. Legion Clubhouse, 224 N. Powell,

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)

1013 of Rib Lake Meeting Weighin 6 p.m. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Rib Lake Senior Citizens Center, Hwy 102 and Front
Street. Information: Mary 715-427-3593 or
Sandra 715-427-3408.
High and Low Impact Step Aerobics Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7
p.m. Stetsonville Elementary School,
W5338 CTH A. Information: Connie 715-

Medford Rotary Club Meeting

Breakfast 6:45 a.m. Filling Station Cafe
& Bar, 884 W. Broadway Ave., Medford.
Information: 715-748-0370.
Al-Anon Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E.
Broadway, Medford. Information: 715427-3613.

Community Calendar
Gamblers Anonymous Meetings
Call 715-297-5317 for dates, times and

Sunday, Nov. 23
Alcoholics Anonymous Open 12
Step Study Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E.
Broadway, Medford.

Tuesday, Nov. 25

zine dedicated to caregivers, or check out

their website,
Caregivers of children and adults
with special needs can find support from
local schools and there are many support groups throughout the county. The
Autism Support Group meets the third
Thursday of the month from 6 to 7 p.m.
in the Medford Elementary School computer room. For more information, call
the Medford school district office at 715748-4620.
UW-Extension Family Caregiving is
a nonprofit organization that supports
family caregivers by offering educational
courses and classes for caregivers. Their
website has information on caregiving
and caregiving resources in Wisconsin.
Information about classes and resources
is available by calling 715-748-3327.
Human Services of Taylor County offers community services to elderly and
disabled residents of Taylor County.
They have programs and services available through the long-term support unit
for those you are caring for. The Taylor
County Health Department also offers
community services for all county residents.
Every caregiver needs respite time.
It may be hard to think of yourself and
your needs but if you dont you will burn
out. Respite is a temporary break from
responsibility. Check with Taylor County Commission on Aging or Human Services for respite care programs available
in this area.
A respite zone is an area within your
home set aside just for you as a caregiver.
The idea is that this is your space. Identify a free space in your home and use it
to take a break while the person in your
care rests or is taken care of by someone
As a caregiver, attend a support group
that can help you. The Taylor Made Support Group provides support and information for caregivers and those affected
by Multiple Sclerosis, stroke and related
illnesses. The Alzheimers support group
meets locally the fourth Monday of each
month at Aspirus Country Gardens.

Alcoholics Anonymous Open Topic

Meeting 7 p.m. Community United
Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting
7 p.m. Hwy 64 and Main Street, Medford.
Information: 715-512-0048.

Wednesday, Nov. 26
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
7 p.m. Senior Citizens Center, Hwy 102
and Front Street, Rib Lake. Information:
Arlene 715-427-3613.
Medford Lions Club Meeting Dinner 6:30 p.m. B.S. Bar & Grill, W4782 Hwy
64, Medford. Information: 715-785-7573.

Friday, Nov.28
Narcotics Anonymous Open Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church
of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford. Information: 715-965-1568.

7-Day Forecast for Medford, Wisconsin

Last weeks weather recorded at the Medford Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Weather forecast information from the National Weather Service in La Crosse

The weather is taken from 8 a.m. to 8 a.m. the following day. For example 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m. Wednesday.

Hi 17F
Lo 14F

Hi 34F
Lo 32F

Hi 37F
Lo 26F

Hi 30F
Lo 16F

Hi 23F
Lo 11F

Hi 24F
Lo 14F

Hi 29F
Lo 25F
Precip. .32

Hi 27F
Lo 14F
Precip. .02

Hi 21F
Lo 14F
Precip. Tr.

Hi 22F
Lo 12F
Precip. Tr.

Hi 23F
Lo -2F
Precip. 0

Hi 17F
Lo 1F
Precip. .1

Hi 22F
Lo 5F
Precip. .01

Rib Lake Village Board denies Norgaards claim

2008 Village, $784.04; Rib Lake township, $134.40.

2009 Village, $87.68; Rib Lake township, $301.03.
2010 Village, $48.63; Rib Lake township, $217.38.
2011 Village $0.00; Rib Lake township, $0.00. (An act of arson burned North
Garden Trees to the ground, no personal
property to report.)
2012 Village $0.00; Rib Lake Township $1,071.72. (We bought the land and
Irwin admitted hes made mistakes
before. He made another one last night.
In 2008, I invested close to $90,000 into
North Garden Trees. That capital investment purchased a new super duty truck
from Medford Motors, three new trailers
from RWS Trailer and $15,000 worth of
green painted equipment from Riesterer
& Schnell. In accounting, you do not take
these numbers and go backwards to provide a negative return. You apply them
forward. Its called a depreciation schedule.
North Garden Trees was a small business start-up in 2004 with a handful of
old shovels, tools and a used skid steer
and tree spade. At todays point in time,
Renee and I have invested over $400,000
into this business and most of those dollars were spent locally. My 2008 business
investments resulted in a (year 2010)

Sign goes up

$2,549.57 personal property tax payment

to the village of Rib Lake. When Renee
and I went to an open book at the village hall, we noticed that multiple year
board member and the only business
man on the board, Bill Schreiner, had
paid $20 for his Rib Lake Roller Mill personal property tax. The same year that
my Bobcat and tree spade business paid
over $2,500, a retail business that was 10
times larger than mine paid $20. As a result of this revelation, I completed an audit and review of my taxes. This is when
I discovered I was incorrectly paying tax
on trucks and trailers, which Wisconsin
statute or law defines as an illegal tax.
My actual 2010 tax, which I should have
paid to the village/township of Rib Lake,
is $266.01.
At last nights [Nov. 12] board meeting, [Wayne] Tlusty called for a vote.
Carpenter made the motion to deny repayment and Schreiner made the second
motion. My final, exasperated comment
to the board was, It shouldnt have come
to this. I believe if the citizens and taxpayers in the Village of Rib Lake knew
the true facts and figures, they would be
dismayed with Ken Schmieges desperate use of a doctrine, that he explained
would leave them upset with the village
board (if they did the right thing) and refunded the Norgaards overpaid personal
property taxes.

photo by Brian Wilson

Buy these photos online at

A crew installed the ACE Hardware sign at the Medford Cooperative on Friday. The
Medford Cooperative recently made the switch to carrying ACE products. In addition
to the hardware changes, the cooperative is planning to remodel the grocery store and
expand to the east.


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Norgaards response
The Norgaards had been allowed to
make their case for a refund at previous
board meetings. The presentations by
Schmiege and Irwin were strictly to provide a legal opinion and recommendations to the board so it could make a decision. The Norgaards were not permitted
to give additional information or make
Following the meeting, Ken Norgaard
sent an email to The Star News. Following are excerpts from the email:
Irwin told the board Norgaard received his refund for 2010, but if you
take the numbers backwards, a negative
number is derived. Irwin gave the impression to the village board either my
CPA, myself or both of us had committed tax errors or fraud. Irwin could have
used North Garden Trees amended tax
returns and explained to the board my
corrected personal property taxes should
have been as follows:
2007 Village, $728.71 (As my business grew, I leased land and a barn in the
township of Rib Lake, which explains
future tax payments to two municipalities.)

Page 3


Acting on the advice of its attorney,

the Rib Lake Village Board of Trustees
unanimously voted at its Nov. 12 meeting
to deny a request from Ken and Renee
Norgaard to refund $4,748.08 in overpayments of their personal property taxes to
the village.
The Norgaards contend they made a
mistake on their 2006 through 2010 tax returns by including vehicles and trailers
used for their landscaping business, and
overpaid their personal property taxes
to the village. In 2011, they informed the
village of the mistake and were refunded for the overpayment for the 2010 tax
year, but not for the 2006 through 2009 tax
years. Since then, the Norgaards have
been trying to receive repayment from
the village for those years.
Ken Nordgaard told the board during the citizen comments period of the
agenda he had spoken by phone with Albert Romportl, head of the Department
of Revenue District Equalization office
in Wausau, who told him the overpaid
taxes to the village related to the trucks
and trailers was considered, by definition, an illegal tax; Wisconsin Statute
Section 74.33 allows the recovery of an
illegal tax payment and the municipality has the authority to refund said tax;
and that Statute 74.33 was an open-ended
statute, meaning there is no time frame
attached to it.
Renee and I feel we are completely
within our boundaries to request the village of Rib Lake government body, the
village board, do the right thing and refund us for this nearly $5,000 overpaid
illegal tax and that you do it in a very
timely fashion because its been ongoing
since 6 [2006], 7 [2007] 8 [2008], 9 [2009] and
10 [2010], Nordgaard said.
Village attorney Ken Schmiege said
he had reviewed the facts of the case as
they were presented to him and applied
them to the law of the State of Wisconsin.
He said Nordgaard correctly referred to
Section 74.33 of the state statutes that
does allow a refund of personal property
taxes if you notify the government entity
by Jan. 31 of the year the taxes are due.
It is my understanding Mr. Norgaard
properly notified the village in time to
have his 2010 taxes reviewed and he, in
fact, was provided the refund, Schmiege
said. But thats not the same for the 2006
through 2009 taxes. He made a claim, but
the claim wasnt made in a timely manner according to state statutes.
Schmiege said the problem is Nogaard
is asking the village board to, basically
out of the goodness of their heart, make
a decision to give Norgaard a refund for
the 2006-2009 tax year. He said if the board
did that, it would not be doing it pursuant to state statutes and would have to do
it as an independent action.
I dont believe that would be proper
under the circumstances, Schmiege
said. If you make an independent decision to provide Mr. Norgaard with a tax
refund for years 2006 though 2009, youre
probably going to have to do that for anyone that has filed taxes for those years.
Schmiege said the main reason the
board should not make an independent
decision is because Wisconsin has a law
or doctrine called the public purpose
doctrine, which says a government entity can only expend funds for a public
purpose. He said if the board made an independent decision to provide Norgaard
with a tax refund, it would have to show
there was some public purpose for doing
that. Since the deadline for filing for a tax
refund has passed, if the board decided to
give him a tax refund based on the good
will of the board members, it would, in
fact, be a gift to Norgaard.

My legal opinion is you may not do

that, Schmiege said. The public purpose doctrine requires it be something
that is good for the entire public. This
would be something that would be good
for one person and one person alone. I
cant imagine an argument that could be
put in play here that could say Mr. Norgaard could get a refund that would serve
the public purpose.
Village assessor Bob Irwin confirmed
the Norgaards did notify the village of
the 2010 over payments before the Jan.
31, 2011 deadline and briefed the board
on a discussion he had with Norgaards
accountant about submitting an amended return. It was decided not to ask for
an amended return, but Irwin said he
did ask for a breakdown of the error the
accountant felt was included in the values on the 2010 tax statement. He said
the breakdown listed values for 2008 of
a truck, garage improvements and three
trailers for a total of $61,000 and in 2005
listed another truck for $8,900. Irwin
said he recalculated the values based on
the information received from the Norgaards accountant to determine what
the overpayment was, which the village
returned to the Norgaards.
Irwin said if the same values are
plugged into the other years tax returns,
which the Norgaards contend also included the trucks and trailers, their personal property values would have ended
up with a negative number. If I would
have plugged them into the values that
were reported in 2009, the end result
would have been a negative number for
their personal property statement. Its
hard to understand how that could happen, Irwin said.
He said looking back at the Norgaards
tax statements for prior years, they were
pretty consistent, noting the value of the
Norgaards personal property jumped
from $67,900 in 2009 to $108,000 in 2010,
indicating the trucks and trailers had indeed been included in the tax statement
for that year. I cant see in the prior
years where any of those values were included in the values we were presented
with, Irwin concluded.
If we would decide to do this [give the
Norgaards a refund], would we be subject
to penalties? asked trustee Bob Carpenter.
I dont see any penalty you would be
subject to, replied Schmiege. Its possible it could go on without any problems
at all, but of course, someone could complain about it. Thats the kind of thing
youre looking for.


by Reporter Donald Watson


Thursday, November
January 2, 2014
20, 2014

   $ !!"y. 13, Phillips



Page 4

2, 2014

County looks at ways to increase board participation in decisions

Continued from page 1

He said board members knew there

would be something for each of those
meetings, but he was not confident there
would be items for other meetings. Breneman disagreed, saying if the department
heads knew there were set meetings coming up, they would be more likely to send
things to the full county board for action.
Zenner supported setting the additional meeting dates and at least trying it for
the coming year. I dont have a problem
setting the meetings, he said. He suggested they could always be canceled if
there was not enough on the agenda.

said he believed the committee system

was more efficient compared to the counties where all decisions were made at
monthly county board meetings.
For Lewis, the importance is having
meetings where things are accomplished,
rather than meeting for the sake of having a meeting. He supported the current
system where, other than the April reorganization meeting and the October budget meeting, all other county board sessions are at the call of the chair.

UCC supports Stepping Stones

submitted photo

The Community United Church of Christ Candlelight Guild issued a check to Stepping Stones of Taylor County from the proceeds of the lunch served at the holiday fair.
Pictured are Gloria Christianson from the Candleight Guild, Ashley Kuprin and Tanya
Sincere from Stepping Stones, and Joan Deckelman, Sandy Kummer, Susie Nicks,
Dawn Brink and Rev. Cathy Burbury.

County clerk Bruce Strama and county board secretary Linda Daniels reviewed the current meeting notification
process. A letter is sent to county board
members and department heads and the
media about six weeks before a meeting,
alerting them if they have any items to be
added to the agenda, and when the agenda is set, a second notice is set out. The
meeting notice is also published in The
Star News, the official county newspaper
and posted to the county website.
Breneman said many people, especially in western Taylor County, do not go to
the county website or get The Star News.
She said having a set meeting schedule
would help people know when county
board sessions would be held.
Lewis said the April and October
meetings have been part of state law for
many years and people still dont know
about them. I dont excuse people for being ignorant, he said.
Supervisor Dennis Fuchs serves on
both a town board and school board in
addition to the county board. He said
those meetings are on a set schedule and
still no one comes other than those with
a specific concern.
County board chairman Jim Metz
agreed, stating unless people had a reason to come to the meeting such as
concern over a school referendum the
public would not attend.
The committee recommendation will
go to the full county board for action at
their Jan. 15 meeting. The action came
from a meeting that included a farreaching discussion on how to increase
involvement of county board members
in county decision making and make
the county government more open to the
One suggestion Breneman had was
to turn the county board tables around
to face the public. The board currently
sits in a U pattern with the public behind
them. Breneman noted it made it difficult
to hear from the audience seating.
Lewis also made a proposal to spread
out involvement in county decision making processes by prohibiting any committee to be made up of members that would
form a quorum of another committee.
For example, three of the five members of
the highway committee also serve on the
finance committee, and three members
of the finance committee serve on the
personnel committee. Lewis noted that
in general, if something was approved by
the highway committee to go to finance,
they could be guaranteed approval at the
finance committee level.
By limiting the number of committees
any group of supervisors could serve on,
it would require more involvement from
all 17 members of the county board. Zenner, who is vice chairman of the board
and serves on a number of high profile
committees, supported the idea. He said
for anyone not on those committees, the
current committee structure could make
them feel out of the decision making process for the county.
Any change in how the committees
are structured would require a change in

county code. Because committees are set

for the two-year term of the county board
supervisors, Lewis said any change
would not go into place until after the
April 2016 election.
Another option discussed was to increase the membership of committees to
include more supervisors. Strama noted
the county already spends $45,000 in per
diems and adding more people to the
committees would increase that expense.
There was also a question of the creation
of county board quorums with larger
committees. This was a concern at Tuesdays meeting since supervisors Rollie
Thums, Breneman and Roger Ewan had
attended the committee meeting. If all
five members of the rules committee had
been in attendance, there would have
been nine members of the 17-member
county board present. As it was, Diane
Albrecht and Dave Bizer were absent.
Metz is officially only a voting member
of any committee, other than executive,
if he is needed to make a quorum for the
committee. No action was taken on the
committee restructuring and Lewis said
he would consider bringing it to a full
county board meeting for action in the
future. Under county code, any supervisor may bring an item directly to the
county board.
In other business, the rules committee
voted to recommend the county get rid
of the education committee and instead
designate the county board chairman as
the liaison with Northcentral Technical
College (NTC).
The vote to eliminate the education
committee came after education committee members Ewan and Breneman
questioned the role and purpose of the
committee. In the past, the committee
served as the intermediary between the
county board and NTC when the college
was leasing space from the county. With
NTC in its own building, the purpose of
the committee has been in doubt for its
Thums said in the past the committee had pushed for the creation of computer classes and other education opportunities for the general public, and put
county money toward those efforts. The
county currently has about $6,000 in reserve funds for that purpose. This money
has not been added to in recent years and
is only frugally spent, Breneman said. As
part of the committees action, the money
would stay in the education budget rather than be brought into the general fund.
Fuchs noted it was not uncommon to
have a committee be dormant for a number of years. For example, he said he
served on the mining committee for several years without them meeting, only
to have it become active and meet again
almost monthly for a period of time as
the county dealt with the potential metallic mine in western Taylor County. The
mining committee has since gone dormant again.
It was noted the chair of any committee has the authority to decide there
arent enough agenda items to justify a
meeting and cancel it.

Remains believed to be hunter

Continued from page 1
Sikora has not been seen or heard
from since the time this matter was reported to law enforcement.
Forensic analysis will be conducted
to verify the identity of the individual located at the site of the burned tree stand.
All indications are the remains are those
of Mr. Sikora. At this time the Taylor
County Sheriffs Office is unable to say
how long the identification process will

take, Daniels said.

According to Daniels, Sikora had a
practice of heating the box stand with
a sunflower type LP heater and frequently napped in the stand.
Daniels said no foul play is suspected.
He cautioned with the upcoming gun
deer season, all those participating in
the hunt or going outdoors should practice safety.

Thursday, November
January 2, 2014
20, 2014



Page 5

County plans $1 million project for CTH M

by News Editor Brian Wilson
When Taylor County supervisors refinanced the countys construction debt
last month, they approved borrowing an
additional $1 million to go toward highway purposes.
On Tuesday, members of the highway
committee formally designated the CTH
M rebuild, from Brush Creek Road to
CTH G, as where that money would be
The county had previously planned on
rebuilding the five-mile stretch of CTH M
near Miller Dam, but had been forced to
scale back on the project due to the cost.
Because of interest savings, the county
was able to borrow an additional $1 million as part of a refinancing of longterm
debt without a major impact to the current debt service payment.
While it was known it was going to be
used for highway purposes, the formal
designation on which project was held
off until this weeks meeting. According
to committee chairman Scott Mildbrand,
this allows greater flexibility in how the
money is spent so if the project comes
in under budget, they can use the extra
money for other road needs.
According to highway commissioner
Jess Sackmann, the project is expected
to cost about $850,000 to complete. Work
would take place in 2016. It would involve
pulverizing the existing road surface and
repaving it. In preparation for the project, the county will look at replacement
of large culverts at Weasel Creek. They
are outside our level of expertise, Sackmann said. He asked the committee for

permission to hire SEH Engineering to

prepare the design and bid specifications
for the culvert replacement. Engineering work is expected to cost between
$7,500 and $7,800. Culvert replacement
is expected to be about $150,000. SEH
had done the preliminary design work
for the project when it was first proposed as part of a larger road rebuild a
few years ago. Weasel Ceek is one of the
main tributaries feeding into the Miller
Dam (Chequamegon Waters) Flowage
and Sackmann said he would like to see a
permanent replacement made to the corrugated iron culverts currently in place.
The metal culverts, while less expensive,
decay over time and will eventually need
to be replaced. He suggested since there
is money available for the project, the
county should go with concrete culverts
or box culverts, such as the ones used on
CTH O near the Hwy 13 intersection a
few years ago.
Sackmann said the plan is to do culvert replacement in 2015 and let it set
through next winter before the 2016 repaving project.
In other business, committee members:
Discussed possible improvements to
Rustic Road. Committee member Rollie
Thums asked the county to consider using so-called blue granite from the Athens area as a road surface. The crushed
granite is very hard and compacts tightly, creating a hard driving surface that
stands up to traffic. However, it is significantly more expensive than the gravel
currently placed on the road, largely because of transportation costs. Sackmann
noted there is a gravel pit within 2.5 miles

of Rustic Road, while hauling from Athens would be a significant expense. Another option proposed by Sackmann was
to use ground recycled road material in a
gravel mixture. The county has amassed
a stockpile of the road material which
makes it an economical alternative with
many of the same benefits. Sackmann
will look into the idea further and bring

Route change

back estimates for a future meeting.

Designated five engineering firms to
solicit for design work for a pair of county bridges. Under the state bridge aide
program, the county must submit a list of
five engineering firms which are invited
to present proposals on the project. After
one is selected, the state will negotiate
the price for the work.

Buy these photos online at

photo by Mark Berglund

Members of the Taylor County Highway Committee voted to change an ATV road
route through Stetsonville to eliminate the Hwy 13 crossing at CTH A. Last month the
county approved opening CTH A through the village to ATV traffic, but scaled back
the approval because the sheriffs department noted the high number of accidents at
the intersection in the past year and the poor visibility there. ATVs will be allowed
up to the intersection to park at a lot on the west side of the road and to use the gas
station. It will be up to the village to designate a crossing at a different intersection.

City sets new curb building rule for homeowners

by News Editor Brian Wilson
Enforcement of the citys cross connection program will not be going away
any time soon.
We have an obligation to provide safe
drinking water to all customers, said
city coordinator John Fales to members
of the Medford City Council on Tuesday night. Fales was asking the city to
approve a new four-year contract with
Hydro Designs of New Berlin to do the inspections for commercial and industrial
water customers.
The city water department does the
inspection for residential customers.
With residential you are looking at
about four areas, Fales said. He noted
with commercial and industrial, Hydro
Design has caught things that had been
missed by even master plumbers.
Cross connection occurs when there

is potential for contaminated water to

be sucked into the water system during
a drop in water pressure. While rare,
these back-flow situations could result in
widespread contamination of the drinking water system. According to Fales, the
state administrative code requiring the
programs has been in place since 1998,
but it was only in the past few years mandatory enforcement was required.
So we are providing a service to our
customers, said alderman Arlene Parent.
The new contract with Hydro Design
replaces the current three-year contract
which expires at the end of the year. The
fee under the new contract is $795 per
month, which is a reduction from the
current fee of $860 per month.
Alderman Mike Bub questioned if this
would be an ongoing expense for the city
and if so, should the city look at an even
longer-term contract in hopes of getting a

better rate. Fales noted the firm had originally offered just a three-year contract,
but the city pushed it to four years.
According to Fales, other communities in the region are beginning to catch
up to the city with enforcement of the
cross connection program. With more
customer base to spread cost over, the
city is benefiting from the higher volume.
In other business, aldermen:

Approved a new ordinance that

spells out what is required of homeowners who build driveways on roads with
existing curb and gutter. The new ordinance will require homeowners to replace the curb and gutter in full, including the proper expansion joint between
the curb and driveway apron. In the
past, contractors would often just cut the
existing curb flush with the street level
rather than tear out and replace the curb.
This change will require a complete reinstallation.

Approved the 2015 city budget

following a public hearing where no one
other than city employees and council
members were present. The budget is
unchanged from one reviewed and recommended for approval last month. It
reflects a 3.25 percent increase in city
spending. What this means for taxpayers is about a 2 cent per $1,000 of value
increase in their tax rate for the city portion of the property tax bill. The city will
set the final tax rate next month when all
taxing entities have their budgets finalized.

Approved a class B beer and a

class C wine license for Marlyns Go Go
Grill located in the former fire department building on Whelen Street. Marilyn
Frank recently expanded her catering
business into the entire space with seating for more than 100 people.


School Age Children (age 5 & up) & Adults

Register at the Simek Center (Hwy. 64, Medford)

Wednesday, December 3rd & 10th, 2014
3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8 Weeks of Lessons Begin on Wed., January 7th, 2015


For more information call

Jackie 715-748-3036 or Mike at
Simek Recreation Center 715-748-6655
[email protected]




Page 6A

20, 2011

Star News

Have a successful and safe hunting season

Remains found in a town of Hammel tree stand are
believed to be those of a Medford hunter who went out
into the woods last weekend, never to return.
No foul play is suspected in the death, which appeared to be due in part to the type of LP gas heater
used to warm the box-like tree stand. The death is a sad
reminder of the dangers that await those who take part
in outdoor activities. With the nine-day gun deer season
beginning this Saturday morning, thousands of hunters across the state will be taking part in the annual
With deer population numbers down in this region,
due in part to last years long and severe winter, hunters
may be anxious to even see a deer and may be tempted
to stray from safe hunting practices in order to bag that
elusive buck.
Safety during gun deer season, or any other activity, is no accident. Since the hunter education program
was implemented in 1967 and made mandatory in 1985,
hunting accidents have decreased dramatically. Other
requirements, such as the 1980 mandate that all hunters must wear blaze orange, have also contributed to the
increase in hunting safety.
According to the Department of Natural Resources,
in 1966 the state hunting incident rate was 44 injuries
for every 100,000 hunters. Now the rate, based on a 10
year average, is 4.04 incidents per 100,000 hunters, a reduction of more than 90 percent. Wisconsin has experienced four gun-deer seasons free of fatalities, (1972,
2010, 2011 and 2013), with three of them occurring in the
past four years.

A hunting party from 1908 with their deer.

Unfortunately, accidents and tragedies such as last
weekends death happen. The goal is to be vigilant in
safety practices so the only memories of the hunt are
good ones and the only trophies are the ones hung on
the wall.
Conservation Warden Jon King, who leads the states
Hunter Education Program, reminds those heading out
for the hunt to follow basic safety rules including: Treat

every firearm as if it is loaded; always point the muzzle

in a safe direction; be certain of your target and what
is beyond it; and keep your finger outside the trigger
guard until ready to shoot.
For those using tree stands, the state offers the following safety tips: Always use a full-body harness; always unload your firearm before climbing into or out of
the stand; and maintain three points of contact during
the ascent or descent two hands and one foot, or two
feet and one hand.
Hunters should also be aware of their own physical
condition. With extreme cold and poor weather, it is easy
to suffer frostbite or hypothermia. Hunters, especially
those who are traveling a distance to their hunting land,
need to be aware of weather conditions and plan accordingly. When using heaters in stands, be sure to use the
appropriate type of heater for an enclosed space.
Hunters need to be aware of their own physical abilities. The adrenaline rush of seeing a flash of a whitetail or the rack of a trophy buck can get any hunters
heart racing. The bigger danger is in the overexertion
of hauling the deer out of the woods after the kill. Be
aware of shortness of breath, chest or arm pain and
other warning signs of a heart attack. Make sure you
have a way to contact a hunting partner or emergency
personnel if you are in distress.
The annual gun deer season is a tradition spanning generations and a way to connect with family and
friends. A safe hunt helps ensure the memories of the
hunt will be good ones.

Drug testing for unemployment is a waste of resources

Gov. Scott Walker wants people to pee
in a cup before they can collect unemployment.
As if the blow of losing ones job is
not enough, Walker, along with legislative leadership, wants to pour salt on the
wounds by treating those down on their
luck as potential offenders rather than
people in need. The initiative to require
the tests for those seeking unemployment
and FoodShare assistance has been identified as a top priority for the governor
who won reelection by a narrow margin
earlier this month.
Simply put, Walker wants to flush government resources down the drain in the
hopes of preventing a handful of people
with drug and alcohol problems from receiving state and federal benefits. Considering the impact drug and alcohol abuse
can have on families, it is unconscionable
to further punish the families of those
potentially denied benefits because of an
That said, the real issue isnt whether
making recipients of food stamps and unemployment benefits submit to a drug test
is a good or bad idea. The issue is this will
cost the state more money than it will potentially save.
Making people pee in a cup is a luxury,
not a vital state service. At a time when

Star News

the state claims to not have enough money to maintain existing roads, and frugal
counties are forced to decide which paved
county roads will go back to gravel first,
implementing a new and expensive program to flush tax money down the drain is
an extravagance Wisconsin cannot afford.
The state unemployment compensation fund is paid by employers, with assessments based in part on the size of the
employers payroll. The fund is intended
to cover not only the cost of the unemployment benefits, but also the expense
of administering the program. In good
economic times, the unemployment fund
is flush with cash. In poor times when
there are mass layoffs, the fund runs out
of money resulting in the need for greater
assessments against the employers paying into the system.
According to a Nov. 10 article in the
Wisconsin State Journal the state of Missouri spent $500,000 over an eight month
period to administer 636 tests yielding
20 positive results. This factors out to be
$25,000 for each positive result. If any
business had the same sort of investment
for such a small return, they would be out
of business very quickly
Other than as a welfare program for
the labs that will be hired to perform the
drug tests, the math just doesnt make

sense. This is yet again, one of those times

where the perception of the problem does
not match the reality.
If Wisconsin has so much money that
it can provide every vital service to its
citizens, and still have a pile of money
left over, the money should be given back

to those who paid into the system, rather

than being flushed down the drain.
With ideas such as this, which make
no economic or moral sense, perhaps the
drug testing needs to start with the governors office and legislature.

Quote of the Week:

Members of The Star News editorial board include Publisher Carol OLeary, General Manager Kris
OLeary and News Editor Brian Wilson.

We are definitely different.

Supervisor Lester Lewis during Tuesdays county rules committee meeting.

Lewis was referring to the countys strong committee system. The county board meets a few
times a year, leaving most decisions to the committees.

Write a Vox Pop: Vox Pops, from the Latin Vox Populi or Voice of the People, are
the opinions of our readers and reflect subjects of current interest. All letters must be signed
and contain the address and telephone number of the writer for verification of authorship
and should be the work of the writer. Letters will be edited. No election-related letters will be
run the week before the election. E-mail: [email protected].



Page 3

Vox Pop

Roupp encourages people to support humane society efforts

During the summer this year we

noticed a black tomcat roaming our
neighborhood. He slept underneath
an apartment building across the
street then wandered around and
back to our place. I put some dry
food out for him and he ate like it
was never going to appear again.
I bought a feeder filling it with
dry food, he waited for it to be filled,
eating like there was no tomorrow.
Pretty soon he sometimes slept on
our front steps. My husband even
built a cushioned/waterproof shelter for him. We were helping him
get through his life but we didnt
want to have another pet.
He was very friendly, not feral, and we figured someone had
dumped him to fend for himself.
We let him in our enclosed front
porch before the big snow a couple
of weeks ago. We gave him food and
water, a litter pan and treats, even
some toys.

We have rescued kitties when we

lived north of Chicago. Some were
dumped by irresponsible owners.
Some were feral and picked up by
the shelter, neutered and released.
Some we adopted and loved until
they became old and ill and died.
All of our kitties had their
shots and yearly checkups at the
vet. Each of them was spayed to
prevent more kittens from appearing. Last week we had to take the
black tomcat to the Taylor County
Humane Society in Medford. He
was very sick with an upper respiratory infection. I discovered that
Rib Lake was among the top three
towns with people abandoning
their animals outside when they
didnt want them anymore. What?
Who would do such a terrible thing
to an animal?
As you may have read in The
Star News, there was a Rib Lake
man living out in the country try-

ing to take care of cats dumped

off at his farm. The Taylor County
Animal Shelter has over 50 cats it
is trying to find homes for. What is
it with people that they do not see
that adopting a pet means caring
for that pet? Frostbite, diseases,
starvation, dehydration, fear, being
killed by other animals and much
more lurks around every blade of
grass for cats dumped in a town, a
forest, along highways etc.
When you adopt an animal, it
is a lifetime commitment to that
animal. It needs its shots, needs to
be neutered, needs good food and
water, it must to go to the vet, and
above all it needs love that includes
caring for its needs. I urge everyone
to think about adopting a cat and
making a donation to the Taylor
County Humane Society, Bauer Dr.,
Medford, WI 54451, 715-748-6750.
Sue Roupp, Rib Lake

School corner
Hello, Dave Fleegel here, your current Medford School
District Board President. Things are going great, and a
lot of great things are going on in our district.
What is the school board? What do we do? Who can
be a school board member? How do I get involved? For
the Medford Public School District the board has nine
members, with three members up for election each year.
Terms are three years in length, and there is no limit
to the amount of terms you may serve. The goal is to
have nine members of the general public represent their
peers. Members of the school board have been elected to
study options, processes, and facts about the education of
our children. This is all done within our available budget
each year.

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Who can be a school board

Any resident 18
years of age or older of the
Medford School district can
run for a position. You do not
need any special certification,
qualification or degree. Some
skills that may be helpful include, listening well, ability
to ask questions, and the confidence to share ideas. As an
example a past school board
president, Mark Hoffman, said
Dave Fleegel to me one day, There arent
any people your age involved in
what happens in our schools,
city or county. He was and is still very correct. When I
ran I was 31, and the father of two bouncing baby girls.
Im certainly full of ideas (some may use other words)
but I realized that I was offered a solid education from
our district, and wanted to make sure those opportunities continued for my children. I am now a father of four
and turning 40 this coming year, and with the exception
of Brandon Brunner I dont believe there is another representative in the county, city or school governing bodies that is younger. Where am I going with all of this,
well simply if you have something in our county that you
think could be done better, or should be done differently
why let all the elders make the decisions of how things
should be done I encourage you to step up, and throw
your hat in the ring, and have a direct impact on our future. I only request that you be ready to listen to the facts,
hear all sides of the story and then ask the why and why
not questions.
How to get involved? Well for the school board its very
easy, simply stop at the district office on State Street and
pick up the declaration of candidate paperwork after Dec
1, fill it out, and drop it off prior to January 6, 2015 and
your name will appear on the ballot this April. A unique
opportunity presents itself this spring as we will elect
four board members. The top three vote getters, will be
awarded three-year terms, and the fourth highest vote recipient will be awarded a two year term. I will be on the
ballot again this spring, and you the voters will decide
if I am worthy of staying and providing input, and guidance for the future of our district.
I hope you have been able to follow along through my
ramblings, and I apologize for the grammatical errors,
but as you may have been able to determine I should have
paid a little more attention in English class in school, actually I should have paid a lot more attention in school
period. So I have asked for no corrections to be made to
my article, simply because I am just a regular resident,
proud to have a diploma from the Medford Senior High.
I have a voice, you can too. Hope to see your name on the
ballot this spring.
Dave Fleegel, Medford School Board president

Brian Wilson

Be our guest
If you are reading this expecting a detailed and objective critique of last weekends production of Beauty
and the Beast by the Medford Area Senior High School
drama department, you may be disappointed.
I want to be upfront and make no claims to be unbiased when it comes to commenting on the outstanding
efforts of the students involved with the production. In
this case I am closer to being a character in the play The
Music Man where the the boys get their instruments
for the first time and where the parents shout encouragement about how great it was.
Perhaps that is not the best comparison, because the
play was actually really, really good. It was probably one
of the best efforts I have seen at the Red/White Theatre
in recent years which, considering the high level of
talent in Medford schools, is saying a lot.
Brad Acker did an excellent job as the Beast. Wearing
the massive mask on stage throughout the majority of
the production had to have been a challenge for him. It
is a credit to his acting ability that he was able to convey
emotion through his body language without being able
to see his face. I loved the part where he was chasing his
Katy Branstetter was an excellent choice for Belle.
Her voice had a depth to it that I was surprised to hear in
a sophomore. I look forward to future productions.
Andrew Reuter and Colin Porten brought the needed
physical level of comedy to their roles as Gaston and LeFou. Both the Reuter and Porten families have produced
some amazing performers in recent years. It was great to
see this trend continue.
Joseph Frey and Jared Weise were the dynamic duo
of Cogsworth and Lumiere, lending believability to a
talking clock and candlestick, while maintaining overthe-top French accents. Esther Lusenge as Babette also
provided plenty of comic relief as the flirtatious feather
Adam Swedlund was a scene stealer as Chip, and during the pantomime opening as the spoiled young prince,
did an outstanding job for such a young actor. Sarah
Lundy as Mrs. Potts also did a great job holding a teapot pose while singing for several hours is hard work,
but she made it seem easy.
Richard Colwell had the challenging role of playing
Belles father, Maurice. He presented the crackpot, but
caring character convincingly.
Likewise Katie Durham as Madame De La Grande
Bouche was hilarious as a dresser dressed up like an opera viking in the castle chase scene. Of all the scenes,
the chase through the castle was probably my favorite
likely because it reminded me of the old Scooby Doo
cartoons I would watch as a kid.
These were just some of the outstanding performances from all the students in the production. I could fill
several more pages listing all of the outstanding performances.
Part of what makes a local high school production of
any play a worthwhile experience, is knowing the young
men and women who put in the time and energy needed
to make it a success.
A complete outsider could be a harsh critique and
point out miscues or props that didnt quite behave like
they were supposed to. From an educational standpoint,
those details are important as the student performers
learn and improve. From the audience perspective, we
came expecting to see young people putting their best
foot forward and showing what they can do. I can tell
you that I was impressed, not only as a dad to two of the
young people in the play, but as someone who loves the
For the record, my daughter, Beth, was a member of
the chorus as a village person and a cheese grater, and
my son, Alex, played a village boy. Anyone attending
Thursday nights show could tell Alex was the one eating massive bites from a roll on stage during the opening
While musicals are always fun, I am looking forward
to seeing students talents in Of Mice and Men this
spring. The depth of talent of area student performers is
a testament to their teachers, directors and parents who
prepare them for the spotlight.
Brian Wilson is News Editor at The Star News.

Medford considers dropping federal hot lunch

Page 8

Proposal would reject federal

lunch subsidy, but avoid standards
by Reporter Mark Berglund
The Medford Area School Board may ask food service
bidders for an option of running the program independently of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
Like almost all districts, Medford is enrolled in the federal food service program. The district is in the final year
of its contract with Taher Inc. The finance committee directed finance director Jeff Albers on Friday to write the
bids for the next food service contract with two options.
The first would look like the current contractor-directed
one using standard federal commodities, subsidies and
rules. The second option would have potential contractors present a food service plan without the standards
and purse strings of the national system.
Albers said bids will be released to potential contractors in January. The board will likely make a decision on
the next contract at its March or April meeting.
Enrollment in the national program is voluntary for
school districts. Wisconsin has approximately 30 districts which chose to finance the cost locally rather than
play by the national rules. Districts that turn away the
financial carrot of the national program are often ones
which have low numbers of students eligible for free- or
reduced-price meal subsidies. The percentage of Medford
area students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals
varies by school building. Stetsonville Area Elementary School has 49.4 percent, Medford Area Elementary
School has 42.3 percent, Medford Area Middle School is
at 40.3 percent and Medford Area Senior High is at 39.8
According to the Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction (DPI), the Medford Area School District received more than $444,095 in federal lunch program and
breakfast program reimbursement for the 2013-14 school
year. The state match/aid payment was $15,859.87 for
that school year.

Get a Discount on
Your Phone Service
If you think you cant afford local phone service, think
again. You could qualify for a discount on local phone
service through a low-income telephone assistance
program called Lifeline Assistance. Lifeline Assistance
credits reduce monthly local service charges.

Not taking federal school lunch money would eliminate standards, but the question remains if it would save
Medford is operating in its first five-year contract
with Taher. The school board picked the Minnesotabased company after having two outside bidders make
presentations on the food and financial benefits of their
service. Medford operated its own food service program
for many years with a higher level of participation.
The move to a contracted food service program came
as the federal government and DPI both began tightening
standards in areas like nutritional standards and financial accounting. Participation and satisfaction with food
service, particularly at the high school level, dropped as
all those changes came to be.
At Fridays meeting, Taher representatives outlined
the meal planning process, from its start at the corporate
level to decisions made at the local level by food service
managers, to provide the healthy menu choices students
will want to eat. School board president Dave Fleegel
said a classmate of his is now leading a school food service program where that district opted out of the national program, and he wondered if the option was feasible at
Medford. Board member Mark Temme wondered if the
food service is a victim of its own success as the diversity of selections and products is better than many home
menus. The students are seeing more diversity than
they see at home. You have got to expect some rejection
until they get used to the offerings, he said.
According to the DPI, NSLP is operating in more than
100,000 public and nonprofit private schools and residential institutions for children. In the 2012-13 school year,
the program served low-cost or free lunches to more than
31 million children per day. This program not only assists the needy households, but also the children whose
parents have decided not to prepare a home-packed


Will Hold


Whos Eligible?
If you have a household income that is at or below
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for the Musical Comedy

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In the swing choir room

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Auditions will consist of a cold reading

of the script and singing a song from
the show.

Show dates Feb. 12, 13 & 14


Scripts and music CD available for a 2

night check out at the Frances L. Simek
Memorial Library in Medford
For more information, contact
Patrick Porten at 715-748-6393
or Doug Robertson at 715-965-2792



2, 2014

lunch. The Congressional Research Service reports

about 40 percent of lunches served each year are purchased at full price.
In Wisconsin, 97 percent of school districts participate
in the NSLP. Of the 84,387,072 lunches served in public
school districts during the 2012-13 school year, more than
46 percent of the meals were purchased by students who
do not qualify for free- or reduced-price lunch benefits.
According to DPI through Medford district enrollment and lunch participation data for the 2013-14 school
year, the average participation rate locally was 70 percent. The district averaged 1,527 daily lunches during
this school year. About 58 percent of the lunches were
served to students who do not qualify for free- or reducedprice lunches.
According to DPI, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers the school lunch program
and provides funding for participating schools food service operation for the meals served to students. Most
of the support USDA provides to schools in the NSLP
comes in the form of a cash reimbursement for each meal
served. The current (July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015)
basic cash reimbursement rates for schools that served
less than 60 percent free- and reduced-price lunches during the second preceding school year are $2.98 for free
lunches, $2.58 for reduced-price lunches and 28 cents for
full-priced student lunches. School food authorities certified as compliant with the meal pattern requirements
receive an additional 6 cents per student lunch in performance based reimbursement. The breakfast reimbursement rate is $1.93 for a free meal, $1.63 for a reducedprice breakfast and 28 cents for each full-price breakfast
In the Medford district, a full-price lunch at the high
school costs $2.45 with a second unlimited meal available
for another $2.95, and an extra entree can be purchased
for $1.85. A breakfast is $1.50 and a second breakfast costs
another $1.60. The first lunch costs $2.15 at the elementary school and $2.30 at the middle school.
Schools participating in NSLP also receive agricultural commodities as a supplement to the per-meal cash
reimbursements, in amounts based on the number of
lunches they serve. The value set by USDA is 24.75 cents
for each lunch served to students in Fiscal Year 2014-15.
Schools can get commodities as they are available from
surplus agricultural stocks. In Wisconsin, more than
$25 million worth of USDA foods was distributed in the
2012-13 school year to the 799 public school districts and
private schools choosing to participate in the USDA food
program. The Medford districts allocation for the 201415 school year is estimated at $65,190 based on last years
total student lunch counts of 263,396.
Another factor most districts weigh when considering
participation in NSLP is the use of data on free- or reduced-price eligibility for accessing federal educational
programs like Title I. Those districts who do not collect
the NSLP data must find other means to determine eligibility for federal funds.
According to DPI, the national program was established as a measure of national security, to safeguard
the health and well-being of the nations children and to
encourage domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities. In the six decades since its origin,
the program has made a significant shift from not only
preventing malnutrition, but also fighting childhood
Meals are required to meet nutrition standards as
part of changes required by congressional reauthorization of the program in 2010. These NSLP nutrition standards were updated to reflect the U.S. Dietary Guidelines
for Americans. Special emphasis is placed on minimizing saturated fat and sodium, and incorporating low fat
dairy products, whole grains, fruits and vegetables in
students meals.
Rules say local school wellness policies must be developed to involve parents, students, and the school community in efforts to promote healthy eating environments,
offer nutrition education and increase physical activity
throughout school campuses. Foods sold in competition
are regulated in schools that participate in NSLP.
New nutrition standards were issued for competitive
foods and beverages sold outside of the federal reimbursable school meals program during the school day, such
as organization fundraisers or vending machines. These
standards set limits on calories, salt, sugar, and fat in
foods and beverages, and promotes snack foods that have
whole grains, low fat dairy, fruits, vegetables or protein
foods as their main ingredients.
These standards are the minimum requirement for
schools. States and local education agencies can continue to implement stronger nutrition standards for all
competitive foods in schools.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Page 9

Planning pays off for hospital expansion

Expansion, renovation
project completed on
time and under budget
by News Editor Brian Wilson
It took four years of planning, approval by three separate boards, and nearly
two years to complete, but on Saturday
Aspirus Medford Hospital celebrated the
completion of its $16 million expansion
and renovation project.
I am immensely pleased to report
that we not only completed this project
on time, but also under budget, said Aspirus Medford CEO Gregg Olson during
a ribbon cutting ceremony held Saturday
at the hospital.
The project we are celebrating today
is a vision that has required leadership,
foresight and a tremendous amount of
planning. This could not be possible
without the foresight of our boards of directors, the devotion of our medical staff
members, the enthusiasm of our leaders, and the input of our staff members.
The impact that this project has on our
community is immeasurable. Without
all of you, this project would not be possible, Olson said, praising the current
and former board members and staff who
worked on the project.
The expansion and renovation project got its symbolic start on April 5, 2013
with a groundbreaking under the canopy
of what was then the front entranceway.
Saturdays festivities occurred close
to where the first shovels of dirt were
turned for the project, but in the past 18
months, the location has changed dramatically with the location now in a spacious community education room next to
a new entryway and pharmacy.
By the numbers, the project involved
approximately 21,000 square feet of new
space and 20,000 square feet of remodeled
space. Work was done in three phases,
the first was the preliminary renovation
of the emergency department. The second was the construction of a new lobby,
birth center and cancer infusion center,
the third phase was remodeling of the
previous birth center into administrative offices, and additional work at the
emergency department.
Oslon noted because the project was
able to come in under budget, they were
able to do some extra improvements in
areas, such as the emergency department, to improve patient care and services.

Ribbon cutting

photos by Brian Wilson

With the help of local and state dignitaries Bruce Czech, chairman of the Aspirus Medford Hospital and Clinics Board of Directors, cuts the ribbon to mark the completion of the $16 million expansion and renovation project.

Gregg Olson
CEO Aspirus Medford

Bruce Czech
Board chairman

As part of the project, the hospital

kept an eye on appearances with aesthetic enhancements to help tie together the
older aspects of the facility with the new
additions. In addition, the hospital made
a call for photographers from across the
region to submit their artwork. The hospital corridors and rooms are showcases
for these local talents.
While Saturdays event looked to the

future of the hospital and clinic, it also

was a testament to the work that had
gone into the project long before any dirt
was moved.
It was during that design phase that
Gary Robida, director of facility services
for Aspirus Medford, was unsure if he
would ever see the project actually begin.
The traditional way public buildings
have been designed for decades is to have

Rep. Mary Williams

Sen. Jerry Petrowksi

an architect or engineer draw up plans,

which are then approved by a board and
the buildings are built. The day-to-day
users of the space would typically have to
adapt to whatever they were given. With
ever tighter margins and the need for increased efficiencies, this process doesnt
work so well.

See ASPIRUS on page 10

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Matt Heywood
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Maurer Roong is
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Mike Riggle
MMA board chair


Page 10

Hard work recognized

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Page 11


photos by Brian Wilson

Gregg Olson, Aspirus Medford CEO, presented commemorative clocks to Gary Robida, facilities manager, and Cindy Reinke, director of materials management for the
facility. The two were instrumental in the project running smoothly.


Memorial Health Center, Medford Grand Opening...

Division of Pieper Electric, Inc.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of this project.


iElectrical Construction & Service

iSecurity & Fire Alarm
iLow Voltage Systems

Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics

photo by Keith Wrage

The Apsirus Medford Campus grew by another 20,000 square feet as part of a hospital renovation and expansion project. A grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony marked
the completion of the final phase of the 18-month-long project. Major changes included the addition of the birthing center, renovation of the emergency department and remodeling
existing spaces for other needs. Aspirus Medford Hospital and Clinics employs more than 650 people in Medford, making it the 4th largest employer in the community.

Aspirus celebrates completion of Medford expansion project

Continued from page 9
Instead of going with the old way of
designing and building a space, Aspirus
Medford, along with its general contractor Myron Construction, and Scott Uhen,
the project architect with Eppstein Uhen,
went at the challenge of designing the
space from an end-user point of view.
Instead of forcing the eventual users to
adapt to the space, they spent considerable time and effort studying how the
space would be used by both the staff and
the public, and the space was adapted to
meet those needs. This process included
building full-scale mock-ups of various
departments in a local warehouse. Staff
members walked through the mock-ups

with sticky notes, pointing out things

they liked and things they didnt. Changes were made and the process was started
Although somewhat skeptical about
the process in the beginning, Robida
quickly became a believer in its value
based on the results.
It is much easier and cheaper to
change the mock-ups than to have change
orders later, he said of the project. He
noted while change orders are inevitable
with any project, the groundwork done
before the designs were ever finalized
eliminated the need for any major changes later.
I believe that the planning of this expansion project took just as long, or per-

haps longer than, the actual construction

phase itself. That planning has certainly
paid off today with a healthcare facility
that is more efficient and responsive to
the needs of the patients it serves, said
Mike Riggle, chairman of the Memorial
Member Association (MMA). The MMA
along with Aspirus are the parent organizations which own Aspirus Medford
Hospital and Clinics,
It was my pleasure to serve on the
board during this entire process planning, construction, and now the celebration. Your board of directors are very
proud of the end product and the results
of this construction project, Riggle said.
Making major changes and additions
to any building is a challenge. The pro-

cess becomes more complicated in a

healthcare environment where the building is open 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. Heather Stoffel, project manager
with Myron Construction, said the project, while challenging, was also very rewarding.
The main challenge was shutting
down the main entrance and moving everybody over to the ED entrance and getting everybody in and registered through
what was pretty much their back door,
Stoffel said.
Another challenge was with the construction of a two-story addition that included the new birthing center on the ex-

See PROJECT on page 12


on your new addition and renovation! Perrins

Surface Solutions is proud to have partnered with
Aspirus on this investment in our communitythank

Growing campus

Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics would like to thank the following
contractors and businesses who worked so diligently on our construction
project. Thank you for assisting us in providing our community a beautiful and
technologically advanced health care facility.
Adrenalign Marketing Inc.
Ambassador Steel Fabrication
American Asphalt of WI
American Engineering Testing
Appleton Lathing Corp
Block Iron & Supply Co
Complete Thermal Systems, Inc.
Construction Specialties
County Materials Corporation
Creative Edge
D.L. Gasser Construction
Engineering Concepts Inc.
Eppstein Uhen Architects
Finishing Touch
Firestopping Specialist LLC
Foundation Supportworks of WI
Graphic House
Hillside Damproofing Inc.
Hurd Window Center
InPro Corporation
Integrity Fire Protection
KBK Services, Inc.
Krukowski Stone Co., Inc.
Lewis Construction Inc



N3451 State Highway 13

Medford, WI 54451

Park scene

photo by Brian Wilson

With construction of the new birthing center addition, windows in the hospital
rooms looked out to a brick wall. A muralist out of Minnesota was brought in to paint
a park scene to brighten the view.

Premiere service

photo by Brian Wilson

The new birthing center rooms more closely resemble high-end spa rooms than
traditional hospital rooms. The birthing center addition has been a popular part of the

Masse's Floor Coatings Inc.

Maurer Roofing Inc.
Melvin Companies
MidCon Products Inc.
Miron Construction Co., Inc.
Nimsgern Steel Corp
Omni Glass & Paint Inc.
Otis Elevator Company
Perrin's Surface Solutions LLC
Photos by Julee
Pieper Electric, Inc.
Quality Roofing Inc.
REI Engineering
Return on Investment Systems
Schulists Custom Cabinets
The Julien Shade Shop, Inc.
Top Hat
Unistrut International Corp
Wm M Heinz & Sons Inc.


Page 12

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Project had challenges, but staff, contractor pleased with outcome

Continued from page 11

commitment to excellence. Excellence is

when employees feel valued, physicians
isting front of the hospital. She said the feel their patients are getting great care,
weather also didnt help with last years and patients feel the service and quality
severe winter hampering efforts.
they receive are extraordinary. It aligns
Those challenges aside, Stoffel said staff and leaders and puts the why back
the project was greatly helped by the pos- into healthcare. He said this type of
itive attitude and cooperation of every- project exemplified that effort and will
one on the staff and in the community.
reap benefits for the community for deThe staff here was great, she said. cades to come.
It went far better than anyone could
Matt Heywood, Aspirus president and
have imagined. .
CEO, also praised
. . Everybody was
the Medford hospijust amazing.
tal and its efforts.
For Stoffel, her
Medford is one of
favorite part of
seven hospitals in
the project was the
northern Wisconconstruction of the
sin and Michigans
Upper Peninsula
Helping to bring
in the Aspirus sysnew babies into
the world is always
First and forea great thing, she
most, please allow
said. She noted the
me to congratulate
uniqueness of the
you on this wonwater birth option
derful project. Asat Medford. I do
pirus, Inc. could
a fair amount of
not be more proud
of the accomplishphoto
and hadnt had the Emergency care
ments of the Aspiopportunity to see
rus Medford orgaThe emergency department also received nization. You have
these before, she
an overhaul to improve patient care.
proven, time and
Those words of
time again, your
praise were echoed
strengths and conby the speakers
tributions to the
at Saturdays dedication ceremony and Aspirus system, Heywood said
open house.
He listed a few of the accomplishments
Bruce Czech, board chair for Aspirus Aspirus Medford and its staff accomMedford, quoted healthcare leadership plished in the past year, including meetexpert Quint Studer saying, The jour- ing and exceeding industry benchmarks
ney to becoming a world-class organiza- while also being recognized for outstandtion begins with a firm and measurable ing achievement by five different outside

KBK Services
congratulates the
Aspirus Medford Hospital
on their new expansion.
We are proud to have been
part of the project.

and expansion signifies a growing econorganizations.

omy, an advancement in healthcare serThose honors include:

The HealthStrong organization vices and technology offered here, and a

recognized Aspirus Medford as being a strong future for business, industry, and
the families living in Taylor, Price, and
Top 100 Critical Access Hospital.

Beckers Hospital Review lists Clark counties, Wellner said.

The local dignitaries were joined by
them as one of the 100 Great Community
State Sen. Jerry Petrowski and Rep.
Hospitals in the country.

The Studer Group chose Aspirus Mary Williams. Both legislators praised
Medford Hospital & Clinics as one of its the project and the impact it has on imRural Healthcare Organizations of the proving access to healthcare throughout
the region.
Petrowski spoke of having an oppor
The Wellness Council of America presented its coveted Gold Well Work- tunity to witness surgery taking place
as part of an outreach day and how implace Award to this organization.

And the Professional Research pressed he was with the skill and techConsultants, through surveys nation- nology that enabled life saving efforts.
wide, has documented that Aspirus Med- He praised the hospital for making a continued investment
fords nursing care,
in the region and
serits people.
vices, and surgical
services are among
shared in congratthe top 10 percent
in the nation. Its
and the Medford
radiology services
community on the
are noted to be in
projects complethe top 25 percent.
And Pediatrician,
Dr. Susan Messerly
was also singledRecognition
out and honored
In addition to
with a 5-Star Exhis primary job in
cellence Award for
facility services,
Overall Quality of
Robida also served
as the owners
photo by Brian Wilson
What Aspirus Cancer care
representative for
Medford Hospital
The cancer infusion center was greatly ex- the project and
has accomplished
panded. It serves nearly 200 local patients worked
through their prowith the construcwith
cess improvement
tion crews and
contractors. Olson
this construction
praised Robidas
project is nothing less than superb. And efforts, noting he was able to do what was
I speak on behalf of the entire system often an additional full time jobs worth
when I say congratulations on a job well of work. His oversight was keenly indone, he said.
strumental in the overall success of this
Mayor Mike Wellner also spoke, project and for that we extend our gratipraising the hospitals commitment and tude for his commitment to the building
impact to the Medford community. A process, Olson said.
strong economy needs a strong healthDuring Saturdays ceremony, Olson
care system. We worked together to also highlighted the work of Cindy Reachieve both, Wellner said.
inke, the director of materials manageNot only do you literally keep our ment. As with any construction project
community members healthy through of this magnitude, there is a tremendous
the healthcare services you provide here, amount of coordination that needs to take
but you also provide economic stability place in order to purchase and secure all
and health for the business and industry the various fixed equipment and furnishin and around this area, he said. Well- ings. For the most part, Cindy singlener noted with more than 650 individuals handedly spearheaded each and every
employed at Aspirus Medfords campus, purchase and coordinated the phasing of
it is the 4th largest employer in Taylor deliveries in an extremely efficient and
County. He said staff wages create an in- cost effective manner, he said.
flux of over $27 million in disposable inFollowing the dedication ceremony
come that is invested back into the com- and ribbon cutting, hospital staff and
munity and local businesses.
volunteers led tours for the more than
Medford is very proud of its Aspirus 200 people who attended the open house.
hospital and clinic. Your construction

Aspirus Medford Hospital
Concrete Products,
Materials & Services

Plumbing &

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Serving Central Wisconsin for 82 Years

Thursday, November
January 2, 2014
20, 2014




Teachers worry about wages

by Reporter Sue Hady
Mounting dissatisfaction with the impact of 2011
Wisconsin Act 10 was evident in the comments made by
teachers at the Rib Lake Board of Education meeting on
Nov. 13. Governor Scott Walkers controversial legislation, Wisconsin Act 10, severely curtailed the collective
bargaining rights of most public employees. Between
15 and 20 teachers attended the board meeting to voice
their frustration regarding the impact of the legislation
on a small rural district that is struggling to be competitive in recruiting teachers and maintaining a stable
workforce. Board members sat quietly for over an hour
as teachers spoke about their issues and concerns, and
they proposed several options regarding compensation
models which they asked the board to consider.
Math teacher John Adams said he is saddened because teachers no longer have the opportunity to have
a discussion with the board regarding whats going on
and what is needed, in the same manner as prior to Act
10. The salary schedule before Act 10 had 13 steps which
enabled employees to receive a step increase of $1,307 a
year for each additional year of experience, and provided additional compensation for continuing education
credits. Since Act 10, teachers have been frozen on the
salary schedule, and only receive a cost-of living adjustment.
Adams said teachers want to know what they will
earn in the future, if they continue to work for the district. He said stability for the district is important. We
continue to have people come here and leave, and as a
group we looked at what can we do to make the people
want to stay, said Adams. He said the district had done
some things in the past to stay competitive. We shortened the amount of time it took people to get to the top
where you could get a professional wage. And I think
that kept people here, Adams said. You had families
that came here and wanted to make this their home.
And I think you want that as a community, I really do.
Im not seeing that anymore. Were losing good people,
and one of the reasons were losing them is they can go
somewhere else and make more money.
District administrator Lori Manion said, This is my
third year here in the district. Were now on our third
high school teacher in Englisha core, grassroots-contented area that needs to be stable for any district. And
were on the third one, for varying reasons, but were
on the third one. Is that impacting our student achievement?
Manion said the impact of Act 10 has resulted in a
significant reduction in the pay for employees since the
salary schedule was frozen. But that is only the beginning. She pointed out employees are now paying more
for their health insurance in terms of premium costs,
drug costs, and co-pays. Additionally, employees are
now contributing 50 percent towards their retirement,
whereas in the past, the district paid the entire amount.
When added together, these changes have resulted in
an average loss of about $4,100 from the paychecks of
each teacher, this year. Manion said the overall result is
morale is impacted, young teachers are moving on, and
rural schools, in particular, are dealing with vacancies
that are becoming harder to fill.
Music teacher Matt Robisch gave an analogy regarding sports and coaching. He said in order to build a winning sports team, you need to have consistent coaching.
Its hard to establish good teams if you dont have a
coach thats consistent and they can build that team.
And I think you can draw that parallel very easily. Its
very easy to see that consistency leads to success in
sports, and it works the same in education.
Robisch also commented on the budget. And I just
want to clarify that the district bottom line has not
changed, that the district budget is relatively stable,
and that million dollars is somewhere.
Teacher Craig Scheithauer commented on the loss
of income for district employees. Its important to see
those numbers because that is money out of peoples
pockets. And its money were not spending in Rib Lake,
either, because we cant.
Scheithauer described a change in outlook regarding
the teaching profession. He said, John was saying that
when you came out of college, you knew you werent going to make what a four year graduate maybe made in a
lot of professions. But part of the willingness for people
to just sign up for that anyway was you know that in
the end you had really good insurance, and you knew
that if you stuck with it for three decades or more you
had really good retirement. He added, That balancing
doesnt happen anymore the way things are done.
I think thats eventually going to affect our profession, said John Adams. I dont see people wanting to

do this anymore. He said people who get out of college

with large student loan debts arent going to be able to
afford to go into teaching.
Matt Robisch commented, The problem in the future
is going to be attracting new people. And Ive always
believed that rural districts are going to find it much
harder to attract young people, because of the advent
of technology, the fast pace of society. Where they are
educated, there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of experiences that they can have. Robisch continued, Once
you find someone that wants to be here it is imperative
that you do what you need to do to keep them here, if
they like it here.
Spanish teacher Pam Schultz pointed out teachers in
a rural school district have to teach a wider variety of
classes, while making less money than teachers from a
larger district. She said, If I have to come to Rib Lake
and teach six different things a day and I can go down
the highway to School B and only teach two things a
day, where are you going to go? She said having to
teach more levels requires more preparation time per
class. The hard-to-hire positions arent just the specialized ones, said Schultz. Everybody is stretched very
thin here.
Manion reviewed examples of teacher compensation
models in various school districts. John Adams then
proposed three slightly different salary schedules for
the boards consideration. Adams commented that prior
to Act 10, the compensation model for teachers worked
well and he recommended returning to a similar model.
The common elements of all three options presented
to the board included an annual step increase of about
$1,000 for each year of experience in the district, plus a
consumer price index (CPI) increase of about $735 added to the base wage, annually. The step increase would
hit a ceiling after 13 to 17 years of experience, depending
upon the schedule. There would also be some additional
compensation for continuing education credits. One
of the options presented by the teachers, for example,
would have a teacher with a bachelors degree receiving
a starting salary of $36,714. After 17 years of experience
(with no additional credits) the salary would be at its
maximum of $52,714, and no longer eligible for a step
increase based on longevity.
Pam Schultz commented that without a salary schedule for teachers, Theyre not seeing where theyre
starting and where theyre going to end up. And they
feel like they dont know where theyre going and they
dont have direction for their profession and for their
career that way, and that leads to them not feeling valuedpeople not feeling valued here, not feeling appreciated here and not knowing where theyre going here,
and thats leading to a lot of issues with morale, and so
Board member Joan Magnuson reacted to the proposals presented by the teachers. They are the people that
are doing the work for us and theyre doing a fantastic
job, and they should have a voice in how they should be
Later in the evening the board went into closed session to consider contract issues and negotiations with
the Rib Lake Education Association, the union representing teachers. It was later reported that no action
was taken by the board while in closed session.
Under other business, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forester Scott Mueller addressed the
board with the recommendation to harvest some of
the less desirable trees in the school forest in order to
encourage the growth of hemlock, pine, oak and other
hardwoods. Mueller said balsam fir has taken over sections of the school forest and has suppressed the growth
of other species of trees. He said the balsam fir needs
to be removed, along with aspen and white birch. The
area of the forest to be harvested is hilly, reported Mueller. He said the hills make harvesting more difficult
in heavy snow, since most of the operators are mechanized. The plan is to allow a section of the forest to be
untouched to enable students to see the difference between how a managed forest looks compared to one that
is not managed. The board approved this proposal.
The board reviewed first readings of proposed policy
updates concerning open enrollment and background
checks for all personnel including volunteers and support staff.
The board received an update on the energy performance project. Consultants informed the board $3.3 million worth of upgrades were rated as having high priority, $1.2 million were rated as having medium priority,
and $600,000 worth of upgrades were rated as having
low priority. A public meeting will be held on Nov. 20 at
6:30 p.m. in the middle school library in order to narrow
down the range of projects to be completed.

New equipment for fitness centers

Donors to the Aspirus Medford Foundation provided

all of the funding to purchase state-of-the-art equipment
to help Aspirus Therapy & Fitness patients and members
achieve their rehabilitation and fitness goals. Two SCIFIT PRO2 Total Body bikes were purchased: one for
Aspirus Therapy & Fitness Medford and the other for
Aspirus Therapy Prentice. The bikes combine an upper body exerciser with a lower body recumbent bike,
providing both a strength and cardiovascular workout.
The bikes have a variety of adjustable features and the
removable seat allows wheelchair accessibility.

photo by Brian Wilson

Tour guide

Kaaron Keene talks to a group touring the Medical/

Surgery area at Aspirus Medford Hospital and Clinics
Saturday afternoon. The hospital held an open house
giving tours as part of the dedication event for the recently completed expansion project.

Free breast cancer

screening and testing

For women who qualify for the program.

Call 1.800.847.4707 to learn more.
Supported by a grant from the Central
WI Afliate of Susan G. Komen
With thanks to: Radiology Associates of Wausau
 !  !#%" !
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Taylor County Forest

Timber Stumpage For Sale
Sale Date: Friday, December 5, 2014
10:15 a.m.
Six timber sales are available. Aspen, Balsam Fir,
Hemlock, Tamarack, Brasswood, White Ash, Oak and
Mixed Hardwood stumpage will be offered for sale. Bids
will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, December
4, 2014.
For pertinent timber sale information, contact either the
Taylor County Forestry Department, 224 South Second
Street, Medford, WI 54451 at (715) 748-1486, or the DNR,
660 Wheelock Street, Medford, WI 54451 at (715) 7484955.
Jake Walcisak, Assistant Forest Administrator
Scott Lindow, DNR Forester
(1st ins. Nov. 13, 2nd ins. Nov. 20)


Notice of Spring Election

Town of Grover
April 7, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be
held in the Town of Grover on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 the
following offices are to be elected to succeed the present
incumbents listed. The term for all offices is for two years
beginning on Tuesday, April 14, 2015.
Town Board Chairperson
Town Board Supervisor
Town Board Supervisor

Craig Bolz
Elvin Doberstein
William Grote
Mary Quante
Holly Sromek

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to

circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2014, and
the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m., on
Tuesday, January 6, 2015, in the office of the town clerk.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
GIVEN under my hand in the Town of Grover this 20th
day of November, 2014.
Mary Quante, Town of Grover Clerk
[email protected]



Notice of Judicial Election

April 7, 2015
State of Wisconsin
} ss
Government Accountability Board } ss
Spring Election
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be
held in the several towns, villages, cities, wards, and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, on Tuesday, April
7, 2015, the following officers are to be elected:
Judicial Officers
term of ten years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose term of office will expire on July 31, 2015:
Ann W. Bradley
six years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose
term of office will expire on July 31, 2015:
District 3 Michael W. Hoover
ONE CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE, for the term of six
years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose
term of office will expire on July 31, 2015:
Taylor County Ann N. Knox-Bauer
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to
circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2014, and
the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, January 6, 2015. Candidates for Justice of the
Supreme Court, Court of Appeals Judge and Circuit Court
Judge file with the Government Accountability Board.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
DONE in the City of Madison, this 3rd day of November, 2014.
/s/ Kevin J. Kennedy
Kevin J. Kennedy, Director and General Counsel
Government Accountability Board
212 East Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 7984
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7984


Page 14


Notice of Spring Election

Town of Browning
April 7, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be
held in the Town of Browning on Tuesday, April 7, 2015,
the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. All terms are for two years beginning on Tuesday, April 14, 2015.
One Town Chairman
Two Town Supervisors
One Town Clerk
One Town Treasurer

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Notice of Public Hearing

The City of Medford Plan Commission will hold a Public Hearing to gather public input on Monday, December
6, 2014 beginning at 5:00 p.m. The hearing will be in the
Council Conference Room at City Hall, 639 S. Second
Street and will be as follows:
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request from Tammy
Hoffman for a Conditional Use Permit under Section
3.31.2.f of the City of Medford Zoning Code to operate an
Esthetics (facial and body treatments) in-home business
at her property located at 125 N. Park Street.
Virginia Brost, City Clerk


(1st ins. Nov. 20, 2nd ins. Nov. 27)

Otto Klinger
Don Purvis and Larry Virnig
Patti Kraegenbrink
Melody Kuenne

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a town caucus for

the purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the
spring election ballot for the above listed offices will be
scheduled during the month of December 2014. The caucus will be held on a date not sooner than Tuesday, January 6, 2015 and not later than Tuesday, January 27, 2015.
Notice of the scheduled date of the caucus will be given at
least five days before the caucus.
Town of Browning
Patti Kraegenbrink, Town Clerk


want you to be aware of the following public notices
published the week of NOVEMBER 4, 2014:

DNR Air Pollution Permit Application Reviews: Veritas Steel,

Nov. 9; Quad Graphics, Nov. 10.
GENERAL NOTICES: LESB, Nov. 3; MLC, Nov. 4; Womens
Council, Nov. 4; Board on Aging, Nov. 6; WEDC, Agenda, Nov.
8; State Riverway Board, Nov. 10; LWSRB, Nov. 10,; Wisconsin
Investment Board, Nov. 10.

(1st ins. November 20, 2nd ins. November 27)


Search public notices from all state communities online at:

Notice of Spring Election

April 7, 2015
State of Wisconsin
Village of Rib Lake
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be
held in the Village of Rib Lake, on the first Tuesday of April
2015, being the seventh day of said month; the following
officers are to be elected:
A Village President for the term of two years, to succeed Wayne Tlusty, whose term will expire on April 13,
A Village Trustee for the term of two years, to succeed
Doug Polacek, whose term will expire on April 13, 2015.
A Village Trustee for the term of two years, to succeed
Bill Schreiner, whose term will expire on April 13, 2015.
A Village Trustee for the term of two years, to succeed
George Tesch, whose term will expire on April 13, 2015.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2014 and the
final day for filing nomination papers in the office of the
Village Clerk is 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 6, 2015.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on the third Tuesday of
February, 2015, being the seventeenth day of said month.
GIVEN under my hand, done in the Village of Rib Lake,
this 13th day of November, 2014.
Dawn R. Sevenson, Village Clerk


Notice of Spring Election

City of Medford
April 7, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be
held in the City of Medford on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, the
following offices are to be elected to succeed the present
incumbents listed. The term for Mayor and Alderperson
begins on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. The term for all other
offices begins on May 1, 2015. All terms are for two years
unless otherwise indicated.
Alderperson, District 1
Alderperson, District 2
Alderperson, District 3
Alderperson, District 4

Arlene Parent
Gregory Knight
Patricia DeChatelets
Michael Bub

Information concerning aldermanic district boundaries

may be obtained from the City Clerk, 639 South Second
Street, Medford, WI.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2014, and the
final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 in the Office of the City Clerk, 639
South Second Street, Medford, WI 54451.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
Done in the City of Medford on November 20, 2014.
Virginia Brost
City Clerk, WCPC/MMC

WNAXLP is a public service made possible

by the members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Notice of Spring Election

Town of Deer Creek
April 7, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an election to be
held in the Town of Deer Creek, on Tuesday, April 7,
2015, the following offices are to be elected to succeed
the present incumbents listed. All terms are for two years
beginning on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. All incumbents are
eligible for re-election.
Town Board Chairman
Town Board Supervisor
Town Board Supervisor
Town Clerk
Town Treasurer

Ray Sackmann
Richard Halopka
Harley Waldhart
Jeneane Metz
Deb Fierke

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, a town caucus for the

purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the spring
election ballot for the above offices will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. at the Deer Creek
Town Hall.
DONE in the Town of Deer Creek on November 20,
Jeneane Metz, Town Clerk

Medford Area Public School District

Notice of School Board Election
(s. 120.906(6)(B), Wis, Stats.)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors
of the Medford Area Public School District that a school
board election will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, to fill
the following board positions, The term of office for school
board members is three years beginning on Monday, April
27, 2015 (except for the 4th seat - this position will complete a vacant two-year term).
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member

Brandon Brunner (3 year term)
Dave Fleegel (3 year term)
Jeff Peterson (3 year term)
Kelley Isola (2 year term)

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that a Campaign Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy, must
be filed no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6,
2015, in the office of the school district clerk (124 West
State Street, Medford),
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
A description of the school district boundaries can be
obtained from the school district office,
Given under my hand, on November 5, 2014
/s/ Cheryl Wibben
Cheryl Wibben, School District Clerk


Thursday, November 20, 2014


Page 15

Gilman residents to see slight tax increase for 2015

by Reporter Kayla Peche
At the Nov. 12 regular Gilman Village Board meeting, the board approved
a 3.84 percent budget increase for the
new year.
Candice Grunseth, village clerk, said
part of the increase is for the library.
We have no say in that, but that is a
positive for them, Grunseth said.

Case No. 14CV000148
Artisan and Truckers Casualty Company as Subrogee of
Kevin Ehmke
PO BOX 205
MEDFORD WI 54451-0205
You are hereby notified that
the Plaintiff named above has
filed a lawsuit or other legal
action against you. The Complaint, which is also served on
you, states the nature and basis
of the legal action.
Within forty (40) days after
November 13, 2014, you must
respond with a written answer,
as that term is used in Chapter
802 of the Wisconsin Statutes,
to the Complaint. The court
may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the
requirements of the statutes.
The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court,
Clark County, 517 Court Street,
Room 405, Neillsville WI 54456
and the Kohn Law Firm, Plaintiffs attorneys, whose address
is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300,
Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may
have an attorney help or represent you.
If no Complaint accompanies
this Summons you must respond
within the said 40 day period
with a written demand for a copy
of the Complaint by mailing or
delivering said written demand
to the court and to the Plaintiffs
attorneys at their respective addresses listed above.
If you do not provide a proper
answer to the Complaint or provide a written demand for said
complaint within the 40 day period, the court may grant judgment against you for the award
of money or other legal action
requested in the Complaint,

The tax levy will also increase by a

small amount, .839, because of the net
new construction. Net new construction
includes changes to equalized value because the construction of new buildings
and improvements to land, minus the demolition or destruction of buildings, and
removal of land improvements.
Also, the village carried around $2,000
over from the previous years levy, bring-

and you may lose your right to

object to anything that is or may
be incorrect in the Complaint. A
judgment may be enforced as
provided by law. A judgment
awarding money may become a
lien against any real estate you
own now or in the future, and
may be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.
Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 31, 2014.
Kohn Law Firm S.C.
BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson
Joseph R. Johnson
State Bar No. 1053052
Attorney for Plaintiff
(1st ins. November13,
3rd ins. November 27)


Case No. 14-IN-15
In the Matter of the Estate of
Keith Krug, Decedent.
1. An application for informal
administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of
birth of March 11, 1934 and date
of death of October 27, 2014,
was domiciled in Taylor County,
State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 549 Billings Ave.,
Medford, WI 54451.
3. All interested persons
waived notice.
4. The deadline for filing a
claim against the decedents estate is February 13, 2015.
5. A claim may be filed at the
Taylor County Courthouse, Medford, Wisconsin.
/s/ Toni Matthias
Toni Matthias, Probate Registrar
Date: November 4, 2014
Gene G. Krug
State Bar No. 1008399
205 South Second Street
Medford, WI 54451
(715) 748-2273
(1st ins. November 13,
3rd ins. November 27)


School District of Rib Lake

Notice of School Board Election
(s. 10.01(2)(a). and 120.06(6)b, WI Stats)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors
of the School District of Rib Lake that a school board election will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, to fill the following board positions. The term of office for school board
members is three years beginning on Monday, April 27,
District at Large
Town of Rib Lake
Town of Westboro

George Zondlo
Steve Martin
Marlene Rymer

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a Campaign Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy must be
filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015,
in the office of the School District Administrator at 1236
Kennedy Street, Rib Lake, WI.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
Marlene Rymer
School District Clerk


ing the levy amount to about $151,500.

Grunseth said the village also qualified for the expenditure restraint this
year, so added revenue will come from
Otherwise nothing major really
changed in the overall amounts, Grunseth said.
The board will approve the tax rate
sometime in December.

In old business, the board officially

signed the garbage contract with Kurt
Redforn of Express Disposal. Redforn
will send a letter to each resident, which
will include all Express information.
The garbage contract begins Jan. 1,
and the first official pick up date is Tuesday, Jan. 6.

Public notices

Notice to
Westboro Residents

Notice of Spring Election

Town of Medford
April 7, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election is to
be held in the Town of Medford on Tuesday, April 7, 2015,
the following office is to be elected to succeed the present
incumbents listed. The term for all offices is for two years
beginning on Tuesday, April 14, 2015.
Town Board Chairperson
Town Board Supervisor
Town Board Supervisor
Town Clerk
Town Treasurer

Notice is hereby given that on Friday, December 5,

2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center, N8855 Second Street, a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget will
be held.

Notice of Special Town Meeting

for the Electors

Vernon Pernsteiner
Gary Czarnezki
Stanley Schmidt
Diane Maar
Carol Pernsteiner
Ray Metz

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to

circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2014, and
the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m., on
Wednesday, January 1, 2015 in the office of the Town
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 17,
Diane Maar, Clerk, CMC



Notice of Public Hearing on

the Proposed 2015 Budget

Notice is hereby given that immediately following

completion of the Public Hearing on the proposed 2015
budget, a special town meeting of the electors called pursuant to 60.12(1)(c) of WI Statutes by the town board to
adopt the 2014 town tax levy to be paid in 2015 pursuant
to 60.10(1)(a) of the WI Statutes and to approve total
highway expenditures for 2015 pursuant to 82.03 of the
WI Statutes.
The Town Board will adopt the 2015 Annual Budget immediately following the Public Hearing and Town Meeting.
Copy of the proposed 2015 budget is available in the
Town Clerks Office, call 715-427-3566 to set up an appointment.
Rebecca Zuleger, Town Clerk

(1st ins. Nov. 20, 2nd ins. Nov. 27)


Village of Stetsonville
2015 proposed Budget Summary
Public Notice for Budget Hearing
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jean M. Thomsen Memorial Library,
located at 105 N. Gershwin Street, a public hearing will be held.
General Government
Public Safety
Public Works
Culture, Rec, Educ
Debt Service
Capital Outlay
Total Expenses

























Fund Bal

Tax Revenue
Intergovermental Revenue
Tax Equivalent
Public Charge
Misc. Revenue
Other Finance Sources
Total Revenues



Fund Balance (12/31)



Fund Name
Tax Incremental District #1
Municipal Water Utility
Wastewater Utility






A complete copy of the proposed line item budget for 2015 is available from the Village Clerk Treasurers office by
request, (715) 678-2191.
Shawn Sullivan, Village Clerk Treasurer


(1st ins. November 20, 2nd ins. November 27)


Page 16

Accident reports

Taylor County Law Enforcement

Two-vehicle accidents

Courtney S. Ziembo and Anne C. Laroche were involved in an accident on

Nov. 10 at 7:35 a.m. at the intersection of
CTH O and Hwy 13 in the city of Medford.
According to the accident report, the Laroche vehicle was eastbound on CTH O
and stopped at a red light at the intersection with Hwy 13 when it was struck in
the rear by the Ziembo vehicle, which
was unable to stop in time. The Laroche
vehicle sustained damage to the rear
Ann M. Tom and Gerald P. Roberts
were involved in an accident on Nov. 10
at 4:15 p.m. at the intersection of Whelen
Avenue and CTH O in the city of Medford. According to the accident report,
both vehicles were stopped on Whelen
Avenue waiting to make a turn onto CTH
O. The Tom vehicle started to move forward, but stopped because of approaching traffic, and was struck in the rear by
the Roberts vehicle. Roberts stated he
assumed the Tom vehicle had made the
turn, and he was looking toward the east
while his vehicle was moving forward.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
17 at 9:21 a.m. at the intersection of Pirus
Road and Hwy 64 in the town of Maplehurst. According to the accident report,
a vehicle was eastbound on Hwy 64 when
it was struck in the passenger side by a
vehicle which slid through the stop sign
at the intersection with Pirus Road. The
driver of the second vehicle said he was
driving too fast for conditions and could

not stop for the stop sign. The first vehicle sustained moderate damage to the
passenger side and was towed from the
scene. The second vehicle sustained moderate damage to the front of the vehicle.

One-vehicle accidents

Marlene J. Pollock was involved in

an accident on Nov. 10 at 6:59 a.m. in the
parking lot at Aspirus Medford Hospital
in the city of Medford. According to the
accident report, the Pollock vehicle was
turning from South Gibson Street into
the parking lot when it slid and struck a
hospital sign and post. The vehicle sustained minor damage to the front bumper. The sign was not damaged and was
stood back up.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
10 at 12:30 p.m. on CTH A in the town of
Little Black. According to the accident
report, a vehicle was eastbound on CTH
A when the driver lost control on the icy
roadway and the vehicle spun out of control and into the north ditch. The vehicle
sustained minor damage to the passenger side and was towed from the scene.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
10 at 9:55 p.m. at the intersection of River
Drive and Jolly Avenue in the town of
Medford. According to the accident report, a vehicle was westbound on Jolly
Avenue and attempted to stop at the intersection with River Drive. The vehicle
slid through the intersection and into the
west ditch on River Drive.

Two-vehicle accident

Patrick G. Chariton and Miranda M. Shore were involved in an accident on Nov. 11

at 12:47 p.m. in an alley off West Broadway Avenue in the city of Medford. According
to the accident report, the Chariton vehicle was plowing snow in the alley between
North Park Avenue and Luepke Way when the plow struck the Shore vehicle, which
was parked in the alley right-of-way. The Shore vehicle sustained minor damage.




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Hit-and-run accident
Mark C. Steinman was involved in a hit-and-run accident on Nov. 9 at 1:43 a.m. at
the intersection of Hwy 13 and Allman Street in the city of Medford. According to the
accident report, the Steinman vehicle was northbound on Hwy 13 and was attempting
to proceed west onto Allman Street when the driver lost control of the vehicle in the
roundabout. The vehicle struck the curb and slid sideways, striking a traffic sign and
fire hydrant. Steinman left the scene without reporting the accident. The fire hydrant
and traffic sign were broken off. The Steniman vehicle sustained damage to the front
end from hitting the traffic sign and damage to the drivers side front and rear doors
from hitting the fire hydrant.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
11 at 5:40 p.m. on Hwy 64 in the town of
Medford. According to the accident report, a vehicle was westbound on Hwy 64
when the driver lost control due to slippery road conditions. The vehicle spun
on the roadway, entered the south ditch
and overturned onto the passenger side.
The vehicle sustained moderate damage
to the rear passenger side, rear and top.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
12 at 4:47 a.m. on Hwy 64 in the town of
Browning. According to the accident report, a vehicle was westbound on Hwy 64
when the driver lost control on a patch of
ice on the roadway. The vehicle entered
the north ditch and rolled onto its top.
The vehicle sustained moderate damage
and was towed from the scene.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov. 12
at 10:40 a.m. on CTH D in the town of Rib
Lake. According to the accident report, a
vehicle was southbound on CTH D when
the driver lost control due to the icy roadway while negotiating a curve and the
vehicle slid into the west ditch. The vehicle sustained moderate damage to the
front and it was towed from the scene.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
12 at noon on CTH D in the town of Rib
Lake. According to the accident report,
a vehicle was eastbound on CTH D and
the driver failed to negotiate a curve. The
vehicle slid off the roadway into a deep
ditch and rolled onto its top. There was
very severe damage to the entire vehicle
and it was towed from the scene. The
driver was transported for medical treatment.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov. 13
at 6:50 p.m. on CTH Q in the town of Medford. According to the accident report, a
vehicle was northbound on CTH Q when
it struck a dog in the roadway. The vehicle sustained damage to the front passenger side bumper.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov.
14 at 7:15 p.m. on Whittlesey Avenue in

the town of Chelsea. According to the accident report, a vehicle was eastbound on
Whittlesey Avenue when the driver lost
control on a patch of ice on the roadway.
The vehicle spun and entered the north
ditch, striking a tree. The vehicle sustained severe damage to the front driver
side and middle passenger side.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to an accident on Nov. 14
at 9:23 p.m. on Crane Drive in the town
of Medford. According to the accident report, a vehicle was southbound on Crane
Drive when the driver swerved to avoid a
deer in the roadway. The driver lost control of the vehicle due to icy road conditions and the vehicle went into the ditch.
The vehicle sustained severe damage
to the front and undercarriage and was
towed from the scene.

Hit-and-run accidents

A vehicle owned by Keith W. Larson

and an unknown vehicle were involved
in a hit-and-run accident on Oct. 27 at
9:59 a.m. in the Medford Plaza parking lot
in the city of Medford. According to the
accident report, a vehicle was backing
out of a parking space when it struck the
legally-parked and unoccupied Larson
vehicle in the adjacent parking space.
The vehicle then left the scene. The Larson vehicle sustained damage to the rear
A vehicle owned by Kevin Payne was
involved in a hit-and-run accident on
Oct. 31 at 2:23 a.m. at the intersection of
Hwy 13 and Allman Street in the city of
Medford. According to the accident report, the Payne vehicle was northbound
on Hwy 13 and making a right turn onto
Allman Street when it struck a sign in
the roundabout. Payne identified himself
as a passenger in the vehicle. The driver
of the vehicle is unknown.
Elizabeth T. Terrones and a vehicle
owned by James H. Gehrig were involded in a hit-and-run accident on Nov. 8 at
noon in the parking lot at Walmart in
the city of Medford. According to the accident report, the Terrones vehicle was


Thursday, November 20, 2014


Dispatch log
Gilman Police Department
Nov. 13 Traffic control on E. McSloy St. at 11:18 a.m.; traffic complaint on
S. Fourth Ave. and E. Murphy St. at 12:59
Nov. 14 Suspicious activity at 325
N. Fifth Ave. at 1:40 p.m.

Medford Police Department

Nov. 10 Traffic complaint at 540 E.
College St. at 9:47 a.m.; escort on Hwys 13
and 64 at 12:10 p.m.; theft at 509 E. Clark
St. at 1:34 p.m.; accident at 1015 W. Broadway Ave. at 3:25 p.m.; lockout at 1065 W.
Broadway Ave. at 3:39 p.m.; agency assist
at 102 S. Washington Ave. at 4:08 p.m.; accident at S. Whelen Ave. and CTH O at
4:13 p.m.; welfare check at 204 E. Broadway Ave. at 5:55 p.m.
Nov. 11 Parking problem on S.
Main St. at 2:05 a.m.; welfare check at 112
S. Park Ave. at 9:01 a.m.; traffic complaint
at 534 N. Second St. at 11:11 a.m.; accident
at W. Broadway Ave. and S. Wisconsin
Ave. at 12:47 p.m.; commercial alarm at
134 S. Eighth St. at 6:12 p.m.; noise complaint at 663 N. Second St. at 11:14 p.m.
Nov. 12 Suicidal subject; suspicious activity at 725 E. Perkins St. at
11:06 a.m.; traffic complaint at S. Eighth
and Perkins Sts. at 12:37 p.m.; accident
at courthouse at 1:10 p.m.; fraud at 1124
S. Eighth St. at 3:10 p.m.; ambulance request at 707 E. South St. at 8:46 p.m.; disorderly conduct at 217 S. Park Ave. at
11:56 p.m.
Nov. 13 Ignition interlock installation at 115 N. Fourth St. at 7:54 a.m.;
traffic complaint at 230 S. Eighth St. at
9:41 a.m.; ambulance request at 127 E. Division St. at 10:06 a.m.; lockout at 315 N.
Hwy 13 in village of Stetsonville at 2:02
p.m.; traffic hazard on Hwy 13 in village
of Stetsonville at 2:08 p.m.; vehicle inspection at 1260 S. Eighth St. in town of
Medford at 2:19 p.m.; 9-1-1 hangup at 1015
W. Broadway Ave. at 2:33 p.m.; lockout at
144 S. Main St. at 3:40 p.m.; 9-1-1 hangup
at 190 Medford Plaza at 6:38 p.m.; intoxication on N. Eighth St. at 9:58 p.m.
Nov. 14 Warrant arrest at court-

Accident reports
Continued from page 16
eastbound through the parking lot when
it sideswiped the legally-parked Gehrig
vehicle and left the parking lot. Terrones
stated she left the scene and failed to notify Gehrig of the accident because she
didnt have insurance.
Karl J. Kelz and Joel A. Fischer were
involved in a hit-and-run accident on
Nov. 10 at 3:15 p.m. in the parking lot at
Medford High School in the city of Medford. According to the accident report,
the Kelz vehicle was stopped waiting to
make a left turn from the parking lot onto
Hwy 64 when it was struck in the rear by
the Fischer vehicle, which was unable
to stop due to icy road conditions. Kelz
and Fischer agreed to meet at a gas station down the street to exchange names.
Fischer left the scene without leaving
any identification information. A passenger in the Kelz vehicle sustained a neck
injury as a result of the accident.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded to a hit-an-run accident
on Nov. 12 at 1:10 p.m. on Rustic Road in
the town of Rib Lake. According to the
accident report, a vehicle was eastbound
on Rustic Road when the driver swerved
to avoid an oncoming pulp truck. The vehicle left the roadway and struck a tree,

Page 17

Taylor County Law Enforcement

house at 1:39 p.m.; theft at 105 E. Broadway Ave. at 2:50 p.m.; threats at 215 S.
Washington Ave. at 4:30 p.m.; threats at
520 S. Whelen Ave. at 7:45 p.m.; request
for officer at 870 N. Eighth St. at 8:39 and
11:45 p.m.
Nov. 15 Request for officer at 870 N.
Eighth St. at 1:21 a.m.; missing person at
824 Impala Drive at 1:47 a.m.; lockout at
101 S. Gibson St. at 7:14 a.m.; escort at S.
Washington Ave. and W. Conrad at 10:34
a.m.; commercial alarm at 344 N. Eighth
St. at 1:59 and 3:13 p.m.; traffic hazard at
W. Broadway Ave. and Centennial Pkwy.
at 4:23 p.m.; juvenile runaway.
Nov. 16 Citizen assist at W. Broadway and Billings Aves. at 11:05 a.m.; disorderly conduct at 135 S. Gibson St. at
11:59 a.m.; fraud at Riverside Terrace at
12:33 p.m.; structure fire at 647 S. Park
Ave. at 1:03 p.m.; threats at 343 N. Seventh St. at 2:36 p.m.; request for officer
at 870 N. Eighth St. at 3:04 p.m.; animal
complaint at 517 E. Ogden St. at 3:08 p.m;
request for officer at 521 Lemke Ave. at
6:44 p.m.
Nov. 17 Traffic hazard on CTH O in
town of Hammel at 4:57 a.m.

River Dr. and Jolly Ave. in town of Medford at 9:55 p.m.; accident at CTH A and
Oriole Dr. in town of Deer Creek at 10:16
Nov. 11 Accident at Hwy 13 and
Crane Dr. in town of Little Black at 6:06
a.m.; ambulance request at N3762 Grahl
Dr. in town of Browning at 8:06 a.m.; accident at Hwy 13 and County Line Rd.
in town of Deer Creek at 8:20 p.m.; warrant arrest at 225 N. Hwy 13 in village of
Stetsonville at 10:17 a.m.; citizen assist
at W10141 Hwy 64 in town of Maplehurst
at 10:34 a.m.; deer tag request at CTH D
and Harper Dr. in town of Rib Lake at
4:26 p.m.; missing person at N2824 Crane
Dr. in town of Medford at 5:39 p.m.; accident at W4982 Hwy 64 in town of Medford
at 5:44 p.m.; commercial alarm at 134 S.
Eighth St. at 6:12 p.m.; harassment at
W14768 County Line Rd. in town of Roosevelt at 7:02 p.m.; accident at Hwy 13 and

Court proceedings

Gravel Rd. in town of Little Black at 8:35

Nov. 12 Deer tag request at Hwy 13
and South St. in town of Chelsea at 3 a.m.;
accident at Hwy 64 and Grahl Dr. in town
of Browning at 4:47 a.m.; welfare check at
W9141 CTH A in town of Holway at 9:22
a.m.; welfare check at 731 S. Front St. in
village of Rib Lake at 9:42 a.m.; injury accident at CTH D and Rustic Rd. in town
of Rib Lake at 10:45 a.m.; suicidal subject; bond violation at courthouse at 11:29
a.m.; injury accident on CTH D in town
of Westboro at 12:09 p.m.; trespassing at
N1235 West St. in village of Lublin at 1:09
p.m.; accident at Rustic Rd. and Meyer
Dr. in town of Rib Lake at 1:16 p.m.; 9-11 hangup at 630 McComb Ave. in village
of Rib Lake at 2:21 p.m.; structure fire at
W13946 Trucker La. in town of Ford at

See DISPTACH LOG on page 18

Taylor County Circuit Court

Rib Lake Police Department

Nov. 13 Citizen dispute at 1000 Kennedy St. at 5:38 p.m.

Taylor County
Sheriffs Department
Nov. 10 Accident on CTH O and Q
in town of Little Black at 8:04 a.m.; traffic complaint at 540 E. College St. at 9:47
a.m.; suspicious activity at W. Finch Ave.
and N. Franklin St. in village of Stetsonville at 12:26 p.m.; accident at Gibson Dr.
and CTH A in town of Little Black at 1:02
p.m.; accident at CTH E and County Line
Rd. in town of Little Black at 1:06 p.m.;
threats at N8934 Bus. Hwy 13 in town of
Westboro at 1:57 p.m.; battery at W1493
CTH F in town of Roosevelt at 3:51 p.m.;
burglary at W5618 Jolly Ave. in town of
Medford at 4:50 p.m.; welfare check at 204
E. Broadway Ave. at 5:55 p.m.; accident at

Taylor County Law Enforcement

sustaining minor damage to the front
and passenger side. The driver of the
pulp truck did not stop.
Terrie R. Revels and Kevin F. Mayer
were involved in a hit-and-run accident
on Nov. 12 at 1:10 p.m. in the parking lot at
the Taylor County Courthouse in the city
of Medford. According to the accident
report, the Revels vehicle was attempting to pull into a parking space when it
slid into the Mayer vehicle, causing damage to the front passengers side quarter
panel. The Revels vehicle then backed up
and parked in a different parking space.
The driver of the Revels vehicle failed to
report the accident.

Deer-related accidents

The following deer-related accidents

were reported:
Nov. 7 at 7 a.m. on CTH E in the town
of Molitor and 5:49 p.m. on Hwy 64 in the
town of Browning; Nov. 12 at 5:20 p.m. on
CTH H in the town of Pershing, 6 p.m. on
Hwy 13 in the town of Chelsea, 7:20 p.m.
on CTH Q in the town of Medford and 9:46
p.m. on CTH O in the town of Medford;
Nov. 13 at 5:05 a.m. on Hwy 64 in the town
of Browning; Nov. 14 at 7:25 p.m. on Hwy
64 in the town of Hammel.

Pleas entered

Jeramiha J. Sackman, 35, Augusta,

pled no contest to disorderly conduct.
He was ordered to pay a fine and costs of
$579, and write a letter of apology, submitted to and approved by the Taylor
County victim/witness coordinator, to
the victim.

Probation ordered

Johnathan Kuy a.k.a. Johnathon N.

Kuy a.k.a. Johnny Kuy a.k.a. Johnathan
Kuy, 18, Wusau, pled no contest to being a party to a crime of theft of movable
property-greater than $5,000-$10,000, being a party to a crime of criminal damage
to property, and being a party to a crime
of theft of movable property-greater than
$10,000. He was sentenced to two years
initial confinement in prison, followed
by two years of extended supervision
for the theft of movable property-greater
than $5,000-$10,000 charge; three years
initial confinement in prison, followed
by three years extended supervision for
the theft of movable property-greater
than $10,000 charge; and nine months in
jail for the criminal damage to property
charge. The sentences are to run consecutively. The sentence was imposed and
stayed and Kuy was placed on probation
for six years for the theft charges and two
years for the criminal damage charge. As
conditions of his probation, Kuy must
pay a fine, costs and joint restitution
of $10,202.62; provide a DNA sample or

Disposition reports

show proof of prior submission; obtain

his GED/HSED at the discretion of the
probationary agent; obtain/maintain
full-time employment; must not enter
Happy Joes, Fourmens Farm & Home
or Hickory Nutz; have no contact with
co-defendents in the case; write a letter of
apology, pre-approved by the probationary agent, to each of the victims; and undergo counseling as deemed appropriate
by the probationary agent. Kuy also pled
no contest to being a party to the crime
of burglary of a building or dwelling. He
was sentenced to serve one year in jail,
to run concurrent to the sentence he is
presently serving, and was ordered to
pay costs of $243. Two counts of criminal
damage to property and two counts of
burglary of a building or dwelling were
dismissed but read in.
Robbie S. Strebig, 34, Medford, pled no
contest to operating while under the influence-third offense. He was sentenced to
serve 190 days in jail and ordered to pay a
fine and costs of $3,256. His sentence was
imposed and stayed and he was placed on
probation for two years. As conditions
of his probation, Srebig must serve 45
days in jail; pay a fine and costs of $1,735;
complete an alcohol and drug assessment
and follow through with a driver safety
plan; attend and successfully complete
OWI treatment court; and attend and
successfully complete an OWI victim impact panel. Strebigs drivers license was
revoked for 24 months and an ignition interlock device is to be installed on his vehicle for one year. A charge of operating
with a prohibited alcohol concentration
(PAC) was dismissed on a prosecutors


Mandy N. Berndt, 27, Withee, pled no

contest to an amended charge of speeding
11-15 mph over the limit and was fined
$175.30. The original charge had been
speeding 16-19 mph over the limit.
John E. Gustafson, 67, Fall Creek,
pled no contest to an amended charge
of speeding 11-15 mph over the limit and
was fined $175.30. The original charge
had been speeding 16-19 mph over the
Tevin A. W. Wilkes, 19, Colby, pled
guilty to operating without a valid license-first offense and was fined $200.50.

A divorce was granted on Nov. 3 to

Jody J. Gehrke, 43, Westboro, and Lu A.
Gehrke, 47, Westboro. They were married on Aug. 29, 1992 in Wisconsin. Joint
custody of one minor child was granted.
A divorce was granted on Nov. 3 to
Jay A. Dyrcz, 26, Medford, and Kelly K.
Dyrcz, 25, Medford. They were married
on Sept. 24, 2011 in Wisconsin. Custody
of one minor child was granted to the
A divorce was granted on Nov. 3 to
Dustin C. Rinehart, 28, Stetsonville, and
Patricia M. Rinehart, 27, Weyerheuser.
They were married on Dec. 21, 2012 in


Page 18

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Phillips-Medisize announces expansion of ve facilities in state

Gov. Scott Walker visited PhillipsMedisize Corp. in New Richmond to join
company officials in announcing the
company is undertaking a $30 million
expansion at five facilities throughout
Wisconsina move expected to create
484 new jobs in four counties.
Phillips-Medisize is already a major
employer in Wisconsinwith 1,400 employees at 12 facilities throughout the
state. An investment of this magnitude
really solidifies this growing companys
commitment to Wisconsin, Governor
Walker said. Phillips-Medisize has

operations around the world and had

other options for this expansion. Their
decision to stay and grow here says a lot
about the states strong business climate
and dedicated workforce.
Phillips-Medisize Corp., a leading provider of design, development and manufacturing, has already started construction at facilities in New Richmond and
Menomonie, and future expansions are
planned at its facilities in Hudson, Phillips, Medford and Eau Claire.
To help secure the new jobs, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corpora-

tion (WEDC) has authorized Phillips-Medisize to receive up to $5 million in state

tax credits over the next 39 months. The
actual amount of tax credits the company will earn will be contingent upon the
number of jobs created.
With the expansion of the metal injection molding facility in Menomonie,
the facility will be nearly 50,000 square
feet. The expansion will allow for the
site to house an additional 10 molding
presses and one continuous debind and
sintering furnace. This will be the second expansion of this site in the last two

Dispatch log

years. Concurrent with this expansion,

the company will add another continuous debind and sintering furnace, which
will bring the site to four continuous and
three batch furnaces.
The project also calls for a
33,000-square-foot addition at PhillipsMedisizes medical facility in New Richmond. This expansion will include the
construction of additional clean room
space due to the facilitys focus on the
manufacturing and assembly of diagnostic and surgical products. Construction
is expected to be complete in late 2015.

Taylor County Law Enforcement

Continued from page 17

2:49 p.m.; citizen assist at 655 Pearl St. in
village of Rib Lake at 4:12 p.m.; animal
complaint at N6623 Ellis Rd. in town of
Pershing at 5:21 p.m.; accident at CTH H
and Rued Rd. in town of Pershing at 5:28
p.m.; accident at N6357 Hwy 13 in town of
Chelsea at 6:04 p.m.; traffic hazard at Stetson Ave. and Oriole Dr. in town of Deer
Creek at 6:26 p.m.; accident at CTH Q and
Perkinstown Ave. in town of Medford at
7:20 p.m.; accident on CTH O in town of
Hammel at 9:46 p.m.; disorderly conduct
at 217 S. Park Ave. in city of Medford at
11:56 p.m.
Nov. 13 9-1-1 hang up at N6942 Wellington Lake Dr. in town of Greenwood
at 3:17 a.m.; ambulance request at W9004
Apple Ave. in town of Holway at 4:04
a.m.; accident at Hwy 64 and Lekie Dr. in
town of Browning at 5:05 a.m.; disorderly conduct at 142 S. Hwy 13 in village of
Stetsonville at 8:52 a.m.; sex offense; welfare check on S. Lincoln St. in village of

Stetsonville at 9:50 a.m.; disorderly conduct at CTH M and Kleutsch Dr. in town
of Hammel at 10:45 a.m.; fraud at W8219
Center Ave. in town of Hammel at 1:22
p.m.; lockout at 315 N. Hwy 13 in village
of Stetsonville at 2:02 p.m.; traffic hazard
at N. Hwy 13 in town of Deer Creek at
2:08 p.m.; information at N4137 Oriole Dr.
in town of Medford at 3:11 p.m.; citizen
assist at 326 S. Lincoln St. in village of
Stetsonville at 3:22 p.m.; citizen assist at
939 High St. in village of Rib Lake at 4:06
p.m.; citizen dispute at 1000 Kennedy St.
in village of Rib Lake at 5:38 p.m.; citizen
assist at W936 Wood Lake Ave. in town
of Rib Lake at 6:08 p.m.; property damage
at W3482 Center Ave. in town of Browning at 6:11 p.m.; accident at CTH Q and
Cedar St. in town of Medford at 6:50 p.m.;
accident at Hwy 73 and Cemetery Rd. in
town of Cleveland at 7:47 p.m.; accident at
W6422 Fawn Ave. in town of Westboro at
9:32 p.m.; transport to Fond du Lac County mens facility at 9:44 p.m.
Nov. 14 Transports to Lincoln

Hills at 5:22 and 10 a.m.; welfare check

at N9589 Johnson Ave. in Sheldon at 1:06
p.m.; drugs in county at 1:33 p.m.; ignition interlock installation at N292 11th
Ave. in town of Maplehurst at 1:48 p.m.;
transport to Lincoln Hills at 2:41 p.m.;
traffic complaint on southbound Hwy 13
in town of Westboro at 2:48 p.m.; drugs at
4:26 p.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at N3167 CTH Q in
town of Medford at 4:33 p.m.; lockout at
N7330 Evergreen Dr. in town of Rib Lake
at 5:06 p.m.; accident on Whittlesey Ave.
in town of Chelsea at 7:25 p.m.; accident
at Hwy 64 and Wren Dr. in town of Hammel at 7:25 p.m.; information at N2499
Ness Rd. in town of Aurora at 8:12 p.m.;
information at W4123 CTH M in town of
Greenwood at 8:17 p.m.; accident at Hwy
64 and Crane Dr. in town of Medford at
9:23 p.m.
Nov. 15 Missing person at W15194
Pinewood Dr. in town of Taft at 12:03 a.m.;
missing person at 824 Impala Dr. at 1:47
a.m.; accident at Allman Ave. and CTH Q
in town of Medford at 5:10 a.m.; burglary

at Hwy 13 and Alfalfa Ave. in town of

Chelsea at 10:18 a.m.; deer tag request at
W8122 Hwy 64 in town of Hammel at 12:16
p.m.; trespassing at W4217 CTH A in town
of Deer Creek at 12:24 p.m.; traffic hazard
at W8585 CTH M in Town of Hammel at
2:37 p.m.; deer tag request at N5658 Tamarack Dr. in town of Greenwood at 7:07
p.m.; ambulance request at N2877 Winter
Sports Rd. in town of Grover at 7:13 p.m.;
agency assist at Hwy 13 wayside in town
of Westboro at 8:13 p.m.
Nov. 16 Accident at Hwy 64 and
CTH C in town of Goodrich at 1:52 a.m.;
citizen assist at Hwy 64 and Billings Ave.
at 11:05 a.m.; information at 424 W. Cedar
St. at 11:26 a.m.; burglary at N1039 Hwy
13 in town of Little Black at 3:23 p.m.; suicidal subject.
Nov. 17 Traffic complaint on Hwy
64 at 5:06 a.m.

Wisconsin State Patrol

Nov. 11 Accident at CTH C and
Hwy 102 in town of Rib Lake at 3:22 p.m.


Reports of Area Deaths

Lorna Angelich

Lorna J. Angelich,
51, Marsheld, Mo.,
died while under the
care of her family and
hospice, in Rib Lake on
Monday, Nov. 17. A family memorial will take
place in the summer. A
visitation service will
be held on Tuesday,
Nov. 25 from 4 to 7 p.m.
at Good Shepherd Catholic Church parish hall.
The former Lorna
Mueller was born on
May 12, 1963 in Medford to Lorin and Jean Mueller.
She attended Medford area schools. She worked
as a job coach at Black River Industries for many
years before taking a job at Maurices in Medford.
The past 10 years she was a homemaker.
She enjoyed spending time with her family, caring for others and listening to music.
Survivors include three children, Amber (Josh)
Fallos of Rib Lake, and Frank (Katie) Mueller and
Nikole (Kory Kasperek) Lake, both of Medford;
her parents, Jean Mueller of Medford and Lorin
Mueller of Marsheld; three siblings, Todd Mueller of Coloma, Kay Mueller of Eau Claire and Tim
Mueller of Joplin, Mo.; and ve grandchildren, Isabella and Ruby Fallos, Riley and Benjamin Mueller, and Brantley Kasperek.
She was preceded in death by a brother, Jay
Paid Obituary 47-144424

Jeanette Clendenning

Jeanette I. Clendenning, 89, Rib Lake, died on

Wednesday, Nov. 19 at her
home, under the care of
her family and hospice.
Funeral services will be
held on Saturday, Nov. 22
at 11 a.m. at United Methodist Church in Rib Lake,
with Rev. Kyochul Shin
ofciating. Interment will
be at Lakeview Cemetery
in Rib Lake.
Visitation will be held
at the church on Saturday
from 10 a.m. until the time of service.
Hemer Funeral Homes of Medford and Rib Lake
assisted the family with arrangements.
The former Jeanette Curran was born on Dec. 17,
1924 in Rib Lake to the late Chester Leo and Augusta
Ida (Pries) Curran. She attended Ward Grade School
and was a 1942 graduate of Rib Lake High School.
She moved to Milwaukee at the end of World War II
in 1945 and worked at International Harvester, then
in 1946 she moved to Chicago, Ill., where she worked
at Great Lakes NAVAL. She then worked for an insurance company before working at Johnson & Johnson
for 10 years.
On Aug. 13, 1966 at First Methodist Church in
Taylor Falls, Minn., she married Melvin Spike H.

Clendenning, who preceded her in death on Dec. 28,

2003. She returned to Rib Lake in 1966 and was employed by Taylor County as the register in probate for
24 years until her retirement in 1985.
She was a member of Rib Lake United Methodist Church, Rib Lake Community Club, LehmanClendenning American Legion Auxiliary, Rib Lake
United Methodist Church Womens Society, Rib
Lake Library Partners and Rib Lake T.O.P.S., and a
past member of Thursday evening womens bowling
league and Saturday evening mixed couples bowling
league. She enjoyed camping, cross country skiing,
bowling and traveling in the United States and overseas.
Survivors include a daughter, Gwen Clendenning
of Evansville; a step-son, Mel (Pat) Clendenning
of Rib Lake; a step-daughter, Lori (Russ) Keller of
Streamwood, Ill.; two step-grandchildren, Sarah and
Timothy Clendenning; nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends.
In addition to her parents and husband, she was
preceded in death by a step-son, John Clendenning;
a step-daughter, Linda Padilla; two brothers, Harold
and Marlin Curran; and a sister, Lorraine Nebeker.
In lieu of owers, the family requests memorial
contributions be given to the family for future designation.
Online condolences may be made at
Paid Obituary 47-144432

Friday rallies support Gilman school goals
Page 20

2, 2014


by Reporter Mark Berglund

Gilman Elementary School students
may not know PBIS stands for positive
behavioral interventions and supports,
but they have a pretty good idea what
TGIF means. The elementary students
and teachers gather twice a month on
Friday mornings to celebrate good behavior, teamwork, and other student accomplishments.
The most recent Friday rally was
held in the Gilman school library as
students from kindergarten through
fourth grade got and gave high fives and
praise as teachers pointed out examples
of individual and classroom behavior.

Gilman elementary students were excited as they

waited for names to be called during Fridays assembly
celebrating good behavior and accomplishments.

Students and classes were rewarded for

doing it The Pirate Way. The good acts
done by students do not go unnoticed
and many are called up to claim prizes
from the pirate treasure chest.
On this particular day, there were
some big awards going out to students.
The Accelerated Reading program is in
full swing and 53 students got honors for
their accomplishments there. Teacher
Jamie Wilson had the biggest surprise
for students as she presented them with
the large School of Recognition plaque
recently awarded in a state capitol ceremony. She told the students about the
Jamie Wilson told students
event and how their hard work and improvement helped the school claim the how their efforts led to a state

The Gilman Elementary School saw 53 students make

Accelerated Reading goals in the first quarter, including
these third and fourth graders who at least doubled their

photos by Mark Berglund

The second grade saw students doubling their AR

goals. Support from Lions and Lioness clubs makes the
achievement medals possible.

Medford starts work on district-wide school technology plan

by Reporter Mark Berglund
The Medford Area School District began formal planning for the next threeyear information technology plan on
The work begins as the district is in the
first of a three-year upgrade in its technology infrastructure and the introduction
of chromebooks at the middle school. The
district will add chromebooks to high
school classrooms next year and plans to

bring either tablet-style or chromebooks

to the elementary schools the third year.
As staff and students adapt to the new
technology, the focus in the first year is on
using the tool to enhance the classroom
experience, rather than make them take
home tools for daily homework.
The committee includes an internal
committee of district staff which includes
Kristi DeBruyne, Pat Eloranta, Shari Gajewski, Charlie Heckel, Dennis Hinderliter, Laura Lundy, Lisa Vanusek, Caroline
Radlinger, Cathy Retzer, Jenny Shipman,

Margo Swedlund and Christie Wirz. Other

committee members include school board
members Dave Fleegel, Mark Temme and
Brandon Brunner, public librarian Ann
LaRoche, Kari Rappe and Tom Rasmussen.
The timeline for completing the plan includes subcommittee reports in Feb. 2015,
a check of the budget and plan progress
by the internal committee in March, and
full committee approval of the final plan
in late March or early April. The plan will
then go to the full school board and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
for final approval and implementation in
June. The district began filing technology
plans with the state in 1997 and the new
one will be the seventh version of it.
Before breaking into subgroups, committee member Rasmussen raised the is-

sue of internet resources available in the

community. He lives in a rural area of the
school district and wondered how many
students might struggle to access high
enough internet speeds to use technology
from their homes. The district conducts
an annual survey of eighth grade students
on 21st century skills to gauge availability
and skills in the area. The question asks if
the student has reliable access to technology at home. The survey saw 127 respond
yes and 25 respond no. The survey makes
no distinctions why a student would have
unreliable access to technology.
Committee members said sensitivity
to the issue is important as teachers prepare lessons, but the task of providing
high speed internet access at a reasonable
cost in all corners of the district may be
beyond the scope of the committee.

Bond set for teen charged

for school bomb threat
by News Editor Brian Wilson


A teenager accused of posting a bomb

threat to social media that caused the
evacuation of Medford Area Senior High
School last month was in court Tuesday
for a bond hearing.
Jacob A. Gouza, 17, Athens faces a
felony bomb scare charge. The class I felony carries a maximum penalty of three
years, six months imprisonment, and a
$10,000 fine.
On Tuesday, Judge Ann Knox-Bauer
set a $3,000 signature bond for Gouza.
In addition, he is prohibited from using social media and entering any property owned by the Medford Area Public

School District except for the purpose

of attending the alternative high school.
Gouza waived the preliminary hearing
and a pretrial conference is scheduled for
9:30 a.m. on Jan. 15.
The charges stem from an Oct. 1 bomb
scare posted to the social media app Yik
Yak. The post warned of a bomb in a student locker. Law enforcement was able
to get information about who posted the
anonymous threat from Yik Yak.
According to the criminal complaint,
when contacted by law enforcement and
asked if he posted the threat, Gouza admitted making the threat and said he did
it as a joke. Gouza said he had no intention of bombing the school and he apologized to officers for doing it.




Inside this section:

Ask Ed 9, 12

Marilyns 10-11

Living 14-15

Classieds 16-19

Fall update
for some
Page 6


Bowe achieves state swim

goal, enjoys experience
by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
From day one of her senior year
Medford swimmer Samantha Bowe has
had one goal make it to state.
Last Friday, she achieved her goal
when she competed in Madison in the
100-yard breaststroke at the WIAA
Divison 2 swim meet.
Ive had it taped up in my locker all
year. It was the only thing I was focused
on this season, she said.
Bowe swam the 100 yards in a time
of 1:11.65, finishing
16th among swimmers at state. The
time was right in
line with her season best of 1:11.59
which she posted at
last weeks Stevens
Point sectional that
propelled her to
It was a great
experience, I was Samantha Bowe
so happy I got to
go, Bowe said.
Bowe was supported in Madison
by her parents, as well as most of the
Medford Raiders swim team including
swim coaches Anne and Rich Burghaus.
I was a bit scared when we first got
there, but it was really nice to have my
teammates there, Bowe said. I settled down in a bit and then it was just
an amazing and exciting experience. I
wasnt even that nervous.
It was a big help to have Samantha
Poehler warm up with me, she added.
She was my partner in the breaststroke
all season and it made it feel like just
another meet with her there. Its a mental thing that helped me settle into the
rhythm of the swim.
The Division 2 breaststroke was won
by Shorewood senior Rachel Munson,
who posted a time of 1:05.86. This marked
her third straight state title in the discipline. Other GNC competitors in-

cluded Emily Kubisiak (14th, 1:10.40) of

Lakeland and Alexis Burroughs (15th,
1:10.46) of Ladysmith-Bruce-Flambeau.
It was exciting to go up against the
top swimmers in the state, Bowe said.
Its hard to imagine that theyre the
same age as you and that youre swimming against them. Its unbelievable how
good some of those girls are. It was actually a big help that Emily (Kubisiak) was
in the lane next to me, Ive been swimming against her all year and that helped
to settle me down too.
Her pre-race routine is key in helping
her get into the race mindset as well.
I put a towel over my head to block
everything out, then I just listen to music
and jump around. It helps me get focused.
After that, its all a race, she said. She
wouldnt list specific songs, but noted
that she switches between a mixture of
country and energetic pop music to get
herself in the groove.
While her high school swim career
has come to a close, Bowe knows she will
be involved in the sport for a long time.
Ill be racing in winter club coming
up, but after that I plan to stay involved,
theres no way I could leave the sport.
Ive been swimming since I was three
and I dont see myself giving it up. I get to
do something I love, she beamed.
Bowe continues a strong recent tradition of Medford breaststroke swimmers.
In 2012 Katie Homeyer also competed in
the discipline at state.
Bowes 16th-place finish gave Medford
one point in the team standings, good for
37th place. Grafton successfully defended
its 2013 championship, scoring 290 points
in Fridays meet. Madison Edgewood won
the runner-up trophy with 254 points and
DeForest toppped the 200-mark with 203.
Tomahawk led Great Northern
Conference teams with a 12th-place
finish. The Hatchets scored 72 points.
Ladysmitih-Bruce-Flambeau was 15th
with 56 points and Lakeland was 33rd

See BOWE on page 5

Protecting the basketball

Photo by Matt Frey

Rib Lakes Ciara Scheithauer pulls up the basketball after dribbling into trouble
near halfcourt during the first half of Tuesdays non-conference season-opener at
Columbus Catholic. She was able to pass to an open teammate. Meena Thill applies
the defensive pressure for the Lady Dons, who won 38-20.

Third-quarter shooting spree ends hopes of opening win

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The Rib Lake Lady Redmen were
within striking distance until a threepoint shooting barrage in the first four
minutes of the third quarter did them in
during a 38-20 basketball season opening
loss Tuesday at Columbus Catholic.
The Lady Dons sank four three-balls
in their game-clinching 12-0 run that
turned a seven-point advantage into a
31-12 bulge. That was too much for Rib
Lake, who never found any consistent
rhythm on offense.
We needed to find out where we are,
Mike Wudi said after his head coaching
debut with the Lady Redmen. Were
The Redmen found out they need to
continue to work on protecting the basketball. In a similar theme to the past few

seasons, Rib Lake had issues with turnovers, which was the primary reason the
offense never got going. Wudi pointed out
the Lady Redmen attempted just 28 twopoint shots, a direct refletion of having
too many empty possessions due to turnovers. They made nine of those shots.
Early on, Columbus Catholics dominance on the offensive glass was an issue
as well, leading to a handful of secondchance points for the home team.
Rib Lakes zone defense held up well
enough to allow the team to briefly take
a lead in the first quarter. Regan Dobbs
drilled a baseline jumper from the right
side and Ciara Scheithauer finished
off one of Rib Lakes best press breaks
with a short shot to tie the game at 4-4.
Scheithauer went coast to coast for a layin and a 6-4 lead, but the Dons answered
with a three-pointer from Meena Thill

and never trailed again.

Columbus Catholic led 10-6 after one
quarter and stretched the lead to 14-6
before Scheithauer fed Dobbs from the
high-post for a high-percentage shot.
Jessica Trad answered with a triple for
the Dons to make it a nine-point game.
Dobbs rebounded a Mariah Thums miss
and scored and Katie Cardey hit a jumper to pull the guests within 19-12 at halftime.
But when the Dons got three triples
from Abby Baierl and another from
Trad, the damage was done.
Buckets from Gracie Weinke and
Dobbs helped Rib Lake stay within 33-16
by quarters end. Scheithauer got the last
four of her game-high 10 points in the final quarter.
Dobbs finished with six points for Rib
Lake and Cardey and Weinke, two of

three freshmen who got significant minutes, scored two each.

Dobbs led the team with nine rebounds. Scheithauer had six, Cardey and
Jasmine Fitzl had four each and Weinke
had three. Scheithauer had all four of Rib
Lakes steals. Thums, Cardey, Dobbs and
Hailey Wudi all had an assist.
We did and will continue to play hard
for four quarters, Wudi said.
Baierls three third-quarter triples
gave her Columbus Catholics scoring
lead with nine points. Thill and Trad
scored seven apiece.
Rib Lake is back in action Friday
when it hosts Stratford for the 7:30 p.m.
home opener in a non-conference contest. The Redmen are at Pittsville for another non-conference game Tuesday that
tips at 6:30 p.m.



Page 22

Thursday, November
September 20,
22, 2014

Raider girls view first month as key stretch of the season

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The season didnt get off to the
smoothest of starts with last weeks winter storm canceling three practices, but a
good start when the games start could be
the key to the season for Medfords girls
basketball team.
The Raiders open their 2014-15 season
by playing six of their first seven games
on the road and four of those road games
are Great Northern Conference contests.
By Jan. 6 assuming winter weather
doesnt postpone anything Medford
will have completed its first round of
GNC play.
For the Raiders to improve upon their
3-9 GNC record and 8-14 overall mark
from a year ago and to stay in the conference title chase as long as possible, Medford head coach Scott Wildberg said a
good month of December is critical.
We will have to be focused right away
and continually get better, Wildberg said
Tuesday. Our younger girls and newer
girls will have to quickly go through
their learning curve. Usually you have
non-conference games in December to
kind of get that out of your system. This
year, we have no time to mess up.
The new season starts Friday on the
same court the 2013-14 season ended. The
Raiders get a tall non-conference test at
Merrill with the varsity tip time set for
7:30 p.m. Merrill bookended Medfords
2013-14 season with a lopsided win in
game one and a 52-34 win in a WIAA Division 2 regional semifinal that was close
until a late third-quarter run.
From there, its on to a stretch of five
straight GNC games, starting with the
lone home game of the seasons first
month, a Dec. 2 date with Antigo.


Northland Pines
Nov. 18: Mosinee 73, Wausau East 56.
Nov. 20: Rhinelander at Marshfield, Wittenberg-Birnamwood at Mosinee, Oconto Falls at
Antigo, Hurley at Lakeland, Northland Pines at
Nov. 21: Medford vs Merrill, Antigo at
Nov. 22: Rhinelander at Sheboygan North.
Nov. 24: Prentice at Lakeland.
Nov. 25: Mosinee at Sauk Prairie.

The Raiders got just enough practices

in last week to be able to participate in a
five-team scrimmage session at Mosinee
on Friday. As expected, Wildberg said
the Raiders were rough around the edges
early. The Raiders had very little in place
in terms of offensive sets or inbound
plays. But, the motion offense is based on
reading and reacting to what the defense
gives you, and those reactions were what
Wildberg wanted to see from the girls. By
the third round, he said things looked
much better.
I think the girls came out feeling
pretty good about the success they had
toward the end, but they still know they
have some corrections to make, Wildberg said.
The Raiders will rely on six returning
letter winners for leadership and playmaking ability on both ends of the floor.
Senior guard Abbie Bergman and senior forward Jen Stolp are two-year letter
winners and Heidi Wildberg is the third

returning senior to the varsity roster.

Guards Jenice Clausnitzer and Lakyn
Kummer and post Kendal Laher are the
returning juniors.
From there, roles will be defined as
the season progresses. Seniors Marissia Friedel, Karyssa Gulish and Keesha
Faude were working for playing times
in the early practices. Juniors Morgan
Dutzle and Molly Carstensen could work
their way into some prominent roles and
sophomore Victoria Lammar should be a
key addition to the varsity lineup. Freshmen Myranda Baker and Hailee Clausnitzer are getting a chance to show what
they can do at the varsity level as well.
The rotation will work itself out as
the year goes on, Wildberg said. But
one nice thing is that I think we can come
up with a pretty good rotation. We have
some nice, quick guards, we have some
good power forwards. We have some nice
post players. Its a good mix.
Overall, participation in the program
is high with more than 40 girls having

initially signed up to play. That will place

about 14 or so girls on each team. Wildberg said the coaching staff is stressing
that everyone will have an important
role on their respective team, whether
its logging significant minutes in games,
to helping each other get better in practice and supporting from the bench when
they arent in the game at that time.
At the varsity level, Wildberg said he
and the girls favor playing at a faster pace
and he thinks the Raiders will have the
depth to do that.
I think this team wants to create
some tempo and hopefully we can get
some easy layups that way, he said. We
want to pressure the ball as much as possible and take teams away from easy offense.
Id say one area where well probably
struggle early is our shooting, Wildberg
added. Hopefully we can make some
of that up by increasing our takeaways

See MEDFORD on page 7

2014-15 Medford girls basketball varsity schedule

Nov. 21
Dec. 2
Dec. 5
Dec. 12
Dec. 16
Dec. 19
Dec. 23
Dec. 30
Jan. 6
Jan. 9
Jan. 16
Jan. 19
Jan. 23
Jan. 27

at Merrill, 7:30 p.m.

ANTIGO, 7:15 p.m.
at Tomahawk, 7:15 p.m.
at Rhinelander, 6 p.m.
at Mosinee, 7:15 p.m.
at Lakeland, 7:15 p.m.
at Ashland, 5:45 p.m.
at Northland Pines, 7:15 p.m.
WAUSAU EAST, 7:30 p.m.
at Antigo, 7:15 p.m.
at Colby, 7:30 p.m.
TOMAHAWK, 7:15 p.m.
at Stanley-Boyd, 7:30 p.m.

Jan. 29
Feb. 3
Feb. 5
Feb. 6
Feb. 13
Feb. 17
Feb. 19
Feb. 24
Feb. 27
Feb. 28
March 5
March 7
March 12
March 14

RHINELANDER, 7:15 p.m.

at Ladysmith, 7:15 p.m.
at Chippewa Falls, 7:15 p.m.
MOSINEE, 7:15 p.m.
LAKELAND, 7:15 p.m.
NEKOOSA, 5:45 p.m.
WIAA regional, 7 p.m.
WIAA regional semifinal, 7 p.m.
WIAA regional final, 7 p.m.
WIAA sectional semifinal at Wausau East, 7 p.m.
WIAA sectional final at Marshfield, 7 p.m.
WIAA state semifinal at Madison, 3:15 p.m.
WIAA state championship at Madison, 3 p.m.

Lady Redmen hope to make daily improvements as rebuild continues

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The rebuilding process continues for
Rib Lakes girls basketball program,
which again will be among the youngest
in the Marawood Conference.
The one positive development at the
start of the new season is some newlyadded depth. With 15 girls out for basketball to start the season, the Lady Redmen
will be able to fill full varsity and JV
rosters. That means everyone should get
playing time.
Theres no better way to improve than
to play.
Kids dont come out for sports to
practice, said Mike Wudi, who is entering his first year as Rib Lakes head
coach. They want to play in games.
A year ago, Rib Lake got caught in a
numbers crunch during a 3-19 season.
The Redmen didnt have enough players
for two squads and it got difficult to find
game action for some of the youngest
players, who probably werent ready for


Rib Lake
Nov. 18: Columbus Catholic 38, Rib Lake 20;
Abbotsford 47, Greenwood 38.
Nov. 20: Edgar at North. Lutheran, Abbotsford
at Newman Catholic, Prentice at Three Lakes.
Nov. 21: Stratford at Rib Lake, Phelps at
Nov. 24: Prentice at Lakeland, Solon Springs at
Nov. 25: Rib Lake at Pittsville, Athens at
Marathon, Abbotsford at Auburndale, Edgar at
Stratford, Elcho at Phillips, Chequamegon at

varsity play.
The good news is we have 15 kids
out, Wudi said. That was our first goal,
to have two full teams.

2014-15 Rib Lake girls basketball varsity schedule

Nov. 18
Nov. 21
Nov. 25
Dec. 2
Dec. 5
Dec. 9
Dec. 12
Dec. 19
Dec. 23
Jan. 5
Jan. 6
Jan. 9
Jan. 15
Jan. 19
Jan. 20

at Columbus Catholic, L 38-20

STRATFORD, 7:30 p.m.
at Pittsville, 6:30 p.m.
TOMAHAWK, 7:30 p.m.
ATHENS, 7:30 p.m.
at Prentice, 7:30 p.m.
EDGAR, 7:30 p.m.
at Winter, 5:45 p.m.
at Chequamegon, 5:45 p.m.
FLAMBEAU, 5:45 p.m.
PHILLIPS, 7:30 p.m.
at Abbotsford, 7:30 p.m.
at Athens, 7:30 p.m.
LAKE HOLCOMBE, 7:30 p.m.
PRENTICE, 7:30 p.m.

Jan. 23
Jan. 29
Feb. 3
Feb. 9
Feb. 12
Feb. 17
Feb. 20
Feb. 21
Feb. 24
Feb. 27
Feb. 28
March 5
March 7
March 12
March 14

at Edgar, 7:30 p.m.

at Butternut, 7 p.m.
CHEQUAMEGON, 7:30 p.m.
at Spencer, 7:30 p.m.
ABBOTSFORD, 7:30 p.m.
at Phillips, 7:30 p.m.
Mara. Crossover (3rd-7th at North), 7:30 p.m.
Mara. Championships at Abby, 1 & 2:45 p.m.
WIAA regional, 7 p.m.
WIAA regional semifinal, 7 p.m.
WIAA regional final, 7 p.m.
WIAA sectional semifinal at Chetek, 7 p.m.
WIAA sectional final at Spooner, 7 p.m.
WIAA state semifinal at Madison, 3:15 p.m.
WIAA state championship at Madison, 11 a.m.

Rib Lakes varsity and JV squads

got the winter season started Tuesday
with losses in Marshfield to Columbus
Catholic. The Redmen host their home
opener Friday when Marawood South
rival Stratford invades Rib Lake High
School for a 7:30 p.m. varsity tip.
Rib Lake will be at Pittsville on
Tuesday for a varsity-only trip. Tip time
there is 6:30 p.m.
With those 15 players, Wudi and JV
coach Mark Krommenacker still hope
to use the WIAAs five-quarter waiver to
their advantage as they figure out who
best fits on what level. The important
thing is that the girls are playing and improving.
We want to get better day by day and
eventually we want to be a more competitive team, Wudi said. Last year, we
were in some games, but there were too
many games where we werent. At some
point, we feel we have to be more competitive.
The Redmen bring back two solid
centerpieces to build the varsity roster
around. Senior Ciara Scheithauer and
junior Regan Dobbs were honorable
mention choices in the Marawood North
last winter. Scheithauer is the lone senior who returns from a year ago, demonstrating how young the club remains.
She is a three-year varsity player, having
played one year in Gilman and two with
the Redmen. Senior Megan Beard, who
last played as a freshman, is now back
with the team.
Scheithauer and Dobbs were the
teams leading scorers and rebounders
last season. Scheithauer also was among
the league leaders in steals.
Dobbs and guards Mariah Thums
and Jasmine Fitzl lead the junior class.
In all, seven juniors are playing basket-

ball. Casey Scheithauer, Shawna Annala

and Emily Colson are back after seeing
some spot minutes as sophomores. Zoe
Reissner is new to the program, but her
athleticism and tenacity should make
her a positive addition, Wudi said.
Fitzl and Thums had some strong outings a year ago and were the teams top
outside shooters.
Cassidy Kohls is the lone sophomore.
She may wind up being a key piece of the
JV roster. The freshman class has potential. It includes Grace Weinke and Katie
Cardey, who played varsity volleyball in
the fall, and Hailey Wudi, who had a solid first season in the varsity cross country lineup. Caitlyn Fitzl and Ajia Maki
round out the freshman class.
The first week of practice was a bit
hectic to say the least. Weather forced a
couple of practices to be canceled. With
new coaches come new drills, new terminology and new systems. Then with
the first game scheduled for the earliest
possible date, Wudi said there was a little
pressure to get a lot accomplished in a
short amount of time.
But the girls put the work in, and got
through it.
Were focusing on the fundamentals, Wudi said. Were not going to be
real fancy offensively. What were really
concerned with right now is protecting
the basketball. Thats our biggest point of
emphasis on the offensive end. We have
to cut down the turnovers. We cant have
those 30-plus turnover games.
Defensively, Wudi said the early focus
has been establishing basic man-to-man
fundamentals early on.
The improvement Rib Lake is seeking
hopefully will come as long as the effort

See RIB LAKE on page 7


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Page 3

Gilman girls again seeking to improve offensive punch

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
At the start of the new basketball season, the Gilman girls certainly dont lack
experience at the varsity level. The Lady
Pirates, however, would like to see that
experience lead to more consistent success.
The three seniors have been playing at the varsity level since they were
freshmen and a couple of juniors were
fast-tracked to varsity ball as well.
Theyve slowly but surely improved the
past two to three seasons. Now the team
and head coach Chris Skabroud hope to
make a move in the competitive Eastern
Cloverbelt Conference.
Because we didnt have the numbers, the seniors were all on the varsity as freshmen and it was tough for
them, Skabroud said Monday. It probably hurt them confidence-wise at times.
They work hard, they have good attitudes. Hopefully for them, well come out
of it with a good year. Just being their senior year in itself, I think has given them
some confidence.
The Pirates tip off the new season
tonight, Thursday, with an Eastern
Cloverbelt Conference matchup at
Greenwood. The home opener follows
Tuesday against a formidable Loyal
squad that is coming off a 15-3 year in
league play.
Skabroud and assistant coach Jenny
Kulesa are working with a 16-girl roster,
which should comfortably fill two teams
and distribute playing time fairly well.
Seniors Kendall Skabroud, Makaylen
Skabroud and Desire Budzinski are the
leaders as they enter their fourth varsity seasons. Makaylen Skabroud and

Budzinski have done most of their work

inside in the paint. Skabroud has spent
the majority of her time outside.
Juniors Morgan Birkenholz and Kyla
Schoene were key members of last years
squad that finished 3-15 in the conference
and 4-19 overall.
Those five players represent the core
group Gilman will lean on this winter.
They know what to expect, coach
Skabroud said. They know how tough
the conference is. Theyve shown good
leadership and I would expect them to
lead the team.
Skabroud might have the luxury of
some added depth off the bench this
season. Sophomores Taylor Hendricks
and Kayla Chause are making full-time
moves up to the varsity lineup to give
Skabroud a solid seven-player rotation. Juniors Mackenzie Elwood, Katie
Monson and Racheal Krug have all taken
some big steps forward, Skabroud said,

and could challenge for time.

Theyve all improved, he said of
those juniors. They just need to show
me what they can do in game situations
when it counts. I know they can do it because Ive seen it in practice.
Rebecca Heier is the fourth member
of the senior class. Shes new to the sport
and will probably start playing more
at the JV level, but Skabroud said as
she gets more comfortable, her size and
strength inside could be an asset against
certain teams.
If there is a point of emphasis in the
first couple weeks of practice, it will
come on the offensive end, which the
Pirates have been trying to improve for
some time.
The Pirates averaged 34.5 points per
game overall last winter and 33.1 points
per game in conference play. Six times
they were held under 30.
Skabroud often felt the team was get-


Columbus Cath.
Nov. 18: Columbus Catholic 38, Rib Lake 20; Abbotsford 47, Greenwood 38.
Nov. 20: Gilman at Greenwood; Columbus
Catholic at Stratford.
Nov. 21: Neillsville at Loyal, Colby at Granton.
Nov. 25: Loyal at Gilman, Colby at Spencer,
Columbus Catholic at Greenwood, Owen-Withee
at Granton, W.R. Assumption at Neillsville.

Rib Lake Sports

Friday, November 21

Stratford (H), V-7:30 p.m., JV-5:45 p.m.

Tuesday, November 25
at Pittsville, V-6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 25
at Columbus Catholic, V-7:30 p.m., JV-5:45 p.m.

See GILMAN on page 7

2014-15 Gilman girls basketball varsity schedule

Nov. 20
Nov. 25
Dec. 4
Dec. 9
Dec. 12
Dec. 15
Dec. 18
Dec. 22
Jan. 8
Jan. 13
Jan. 16
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Jan. 22
Jan. 27

at Greenwood, 7:30 p.m.

LOYAL, 7:30 p.m.
COLBY, 6:30 p.m.
at Neillsville, 7:30 p.m.
AUGUSTA, 7:30 p.m.
CORNELL, 7:30 p.m.
SPENCER, 7:30 p.m.
at Owen-Withee, 7:30 p.m.
at Granton, 7:30 p.m.
at Columbus Catholic, 5:45 p.m.
GREENWOOD, 7:30 p.m.
at Thorp, 7 p.m.
at Bruce, 7:30 p.m.
at Loyal, 7:30 p.m.
NEILLSVILLE, 7:30 p.m.

Medford Sports

Friday, November 21
at Antigo, 5 p.m.
Tuesday, November 25
at Mosinee, 7 p.m.


ting the shots it wanted. Gilmans goal

this year is to make more of them.
Its no secret weve had a tough time
offensively the last three years, he said.
The thing weve been stressing early is
finishing at the basket. Thats something
we know we have to do better. Weve
been focusing a lot on shooting. Thats
still the name of the game.
Along with shooting better, the Pirates
have a goal of attacking the basket more
aggressively. Hopefully that can lead to
better shots or, if nothing else, some more
free throw opportunities to add points.
This group has tended to use its aggression on defense, which Skabroud
hopes can be a strength this season. In
conference play, the top three teams
Neillsville, Loyal and Owen-Withee
poured in nearly 70 points per game
against Gilman last year, though some of

Friday, November 21
at Merrill, V-7:30 p.m. JV & JV-5:45 p.m.


Jan. 30
Feb. 2
Feb. 5
Feb. 10
Feb. 13
Feb. 16
Feb. 19
Feb. 21
Feb. 24
Feb. 27
Feb. 28
March 5
March 7
March 12
March 14

at Colby, 7:30 p.m.

at Lake Holcombe, 5:45 p.m.
at Spencer, 7:30 p.m.
OWEN-WITHEE, 7:30 p.m.
GRANTON, 7:30 p.m.
Clov. Crossover (3rd-9th at East), 7:30 p.m.
Clov. Championships at Neills., 6 & 7:30 p.m.
WIAA regional, 7 p.m.
WIAA regional semifinal, 7 p.m.
WIAA regional final, 7 p.m.
WIAA sectional semifinal at Chetek, 7 p.m.
WIAA sectional final at Spooner, 7 p.m.
WIAA state semifinal at Madison, 3:15 p.m.
WIAA state championship at Madison, 11 a.m.



PO Box 149, Medford


909 Casement Court,


Gilman Feed Co.

400 N. Railroad Ave., Gilman

Tuesday, November 25
Scrimmage at Altoona, V & JV, 6 p.m.

Gilman Sports

Thursday, November 20
at Greenwood, V-7:30 p.m., JV & C-team, 5:45 p.m.
Tuesday, November 25
Loyal (H), V-7:30 p.m., JV & C-team, 5:45 p.m.


Monday, December 1
at Northland Pines, 7 p.m.


Tuesday, December 2
Rhinelander (H), 5:30 p.m.

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Tuesday, December 2
Neillsville (H), V-7:30 p.m., JV & C-team, 5:45 p.m.


Saturday, December 6
at Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Duals, 9 a.m.

Saturday, December 6
at Chequamegon Invite, 10 a.m.


Saturday, December 6
at Stratford Schoenherr Duals, 10 a.m.

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Page 4

Thursday, November
September 20,
22, 2014

Young Raider hockey team progresses one successful shift at a time

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The graduation of last years fourman senior class and the shrinking of
this years senior class to two has put
Medfords hockey team back in a position of being one of the youngest and
thinnest in terms of numbers in the
Great Northern Conference.
Thats not the easiest position to be in
when youre playing in a league where
the top half of the standings always features some of the areas premier squads.
But third-year head coach Chad
Demulling said Wednesday while his
14-man crew understands challenges
ahead, the guys arent fretting about it
and are simply looking forward to playing hockey.
So far in practice everybody has been
working hard, Demulling said. The at-

titudes have been outstanding. Nobody

has said anything about how young we
are or how light we are. Theyre just
looking forward to having fun playing
hockey and giving their best effort.
The Raiders will gauge where they are
at tonight, Thursday, with a scrimmage
in Park Falls against ChequamegonPhillips. Adjustments from the scrimmage will need to be made quickly as
the Raiders turn right around and travel
to Antigo Friday for the 2014-15 season
opener, which has an early 5 p.m. faceoff.
The Red Robins are coming off an outstanding 23-2-2 season that included the
Great Northern Conference championship and a WIAA sectional final appearance.
Its on to Mosinee Tuesday, a rink the
Raiders have struggled mightily at in the
past decade. The home opener is a non-

2014-15 Medford boys hockey schedule

Nov. 21
Nov. 25
Dec. 2
Dec. 4
Dec. 9
Dec. 12
Dec. 16
Dec. 18
Dec. 23
Jan. 6
Jan. 8
Jan. 9
Jan. 13
Jan. 15
Jan. 16

at Antigo, 5 p.m.
at Mosinee, 7 p.m.
LAKELAND, 7 p.m.
ANTIGO, 7 p.m.
at Ashland, 7 p.m.
at Tomahawk, 7 p.m.
at Chequamegon-Phillips, 7 p.m.
MERRILL, 7 p.m.
at Lakeland, 7 p.m.
at Merrill, 6 p.m.

Jan. 17
Sparta or LAnse at Merrill, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m.
Jan. 20
MOSINEE, 7 p.m.
Jan. 22
WAUPACA, 7 p.m.
Jan. 27
TOMAHAWK, 7 p.m.
Feb. 3
at Rhinelander, 5 p.m.
Feb. 5
at Northland Pines, 7 p.m.
Feb. 7
at Viroqua, 3:15 p.m.
Feb. 12 at Waupaca, 7 p.m.
Feb. 17 WIAA regional semifinal, TBA
Feb. 19 or 20 WIAA regional final, TBA
Feb. 24 WIAA sectional semifinal, TBA
Feb. 28 WIAA sectional final at Chippewa Falls, TBA
March 5 WIAA state quarterfinal at Madison, 6 p.m.
March 6 WIAA state semifinal at Madison, 8:30 p.m.
March 7 WIAA state championship, 2:30 p.m.


conference game against Marshfield on

Dec. 2.
Besides seniors Jacob Kadlecek and
Carter Jamieson, the opening-day roster
includes just three juniors. After that,
five sophomores and four freshmen will
be vying for ice time.
Demulling said patience will be a
must as the sophomore skaters build
upon what they learned last year and the
freshmen get their first exposure to varsity hockey.
Success can be measured in many
ways, Demulling said of the teams
approach. It can be measured in individual performance. It can be as simple
as lines coming together. It can be measured in a successful shift, a successful
period or in a game. Were looking for
those kinds of successes. Winning and
losing will take care of itself if we play
as hard as we can and do our best when
were out on the ice.
Medfords top three defensemen were
among last years graduates, so that is an
area of concern coming into the new season. While Jamiesons goal tending is expected to be one of the teams strengths,
defense and keeping teams off the scoreboards is about the work of an entire
unit. And its something Medford wants
to do better.
Depending upon our opponent, you
may see us move some of our better guys
to defense, Demulling said. It will be
a matter of what do we need to trade for
that game.
Fortunately, the Raiders have some
skaters who appear to have some flexibility. Kadlecek (14 points) and junior
Klayton Kree (18 points) are Medfords
top returning
scorers from a


Northland Pines
Nov. 21: Medford at Antigo.
Nov. 25: Medford at Mosinee, Northland Pines
at D.C. Everest, Ashland at Tomahawk, Chequamegon-Phillips at Rhinelander.

year ago and can play wherever needed.

Junior Kyle Dettmering is also being
groomed to play both forward and defenseman. Sophomore Dylan Hraby was
a center last year, but will see more defensive time this year. Sophomore Mike
Pernsteiner is another experienced
player who could move around, depending on the situation. Sophomore Conrad
Bolz played hockey for the first time last
season and has made major strides in the
past year. He played as a forward, but
Demulling said Bolz is taking an interest
in being a defenseman.
Junior Mike Knight and sophomore
Jack Schafer figure to play prominent
offensive roles. Schafer had eight goals
and three assists in his freshman season.
Knight had a goal and two assists.
Kadlecek, Kree and Schafer ideally
will be Medfords top offensive line. Due
to the lack of depth, the Raiders will have
to run a two-line system.
Jamieson is the undisputed starter
between the pipes for the third straight
year. Sophomore Spenser Scholl and
freshman Tyler Kadlecek back him up.

See HOCKEY on page 5


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Testament of Louis C. Thomsen,
this is a notice of general circulation
that all descendants of
Jens M. & Marie Weeke Thomsen are
eligible to apply for a scholarship from
the Thomsen Family Scholarship Trust.

The Medford VFW would like to thank BJs Barbecue,

WIGM, County Market, Marathon Cheese, the
Ladies Auxiliary and everyone else that dropped
off desserts. Thanks to all the veterans
that showed up, it was very much
We salute you and all who have
served and applaud your courage
and dedication.

The Medford VFW

Please send inquiries to:

BMO Global Asset Management
Attn: Thomsen Family Scholarship Trust
111 E. Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53202


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Thursday, November 20, 2014


Page 5

Huge class set for Medford Hall of Fame induction on Dec. 30

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The largest class of inductees since
1996 will officially be welcomed into the
Medford Area Senior High Athletic Hall
of Fame on Tuesday, Dec. 30.
Eight new inductees received the necessary votes through two rounds of balloting by the Hall of Fame Committee.
The second round vote took place on
Thursday, Nov. 13. Six of the inductees
were standout student-athletes at the
school. Two were longtime head coaches.
The student-athlete inductees are 2002
graduates Tyler Russ and Paul Henrichs,
2004 graduates Josh and Jordan Crass,
2001 graduate Jake Crass and 1998 graduate Steve Guden. James Elliott and Lois
Giese are the coaching inductees.
Russ was a unanimous selection. He
was a four-year letter winner in football,
basketball and track and field.
In football, Russ was an AllLumberjack Conference award winner all four years, capped by earning
Offensive Player of the Year and Punter
of the Year awards in his senior season
of 2001. That year, he was a first-team
all-state selection. He holds several
school records and his 30 career receiving touchdowns was a state record at the
In track, Russ was a three-time
Division 1 state qualifier in the 110-meter
high hurdles and 300-meter intermediate
hurdles. He placed as high as third in the

high hurdles and fifth in the intermediates in 2001. Injury prevented him from
qualifying as a senior. He still holds the
school record in the high hurdles and set
an indoor state record in the 55-meter
high hurdles.
Russ was a four-time All-Lumberjack
Conference award winner in basketball
as well.
The Crass family sends all three wrestling brothers into the Hall of Fame at
the same time. Twins Josh and Jordan
were dominant during their four-year
run, never losing after their freshman
seasons. Each won state championships
from 2002-04 with the first two coming
when Medford was still in Division 1.
Both were four-time conference and regional champions and three-time sectional champions. Josh finished 176-3 for
his career. Jordan was 175-5, including a
school-record 54-0 as a senior.
They led Medford to its second-place
finish in the WIAA Division 2 state team
wrestling tournament in 2004.
Jake Crass went 110-9 in his high
school career, which included four regional titles, two sectional titles and
the 103-pound state championship as a
sophomore in 1999. He was fourth at 119
pounds in 2001. All of that was against
Division 1 competition. He was a threetime Lumberjack Conference champion.
Henrichs was a four-year force for
Medfords boys basketball teams from
1999-2002. He was the Lumberjack

Conferences Player of the Year and

Association All-Star his senior season
and the teams Most Valuable Player for
his last three seasons.
Henrichs was a three-year letter winner in baseball, earning team MVP honors twice. He was a three-year letter winner in football, teaming up with Russ to
make a deadly pass receiving duo. He
was the Lumberjack Conferences top
tight end his senior season.
Guden was another three-sport standout. In wrestling, he was a four-time
Lumberjack Conference champion, a
three-time regional champ, a two-time
sectional champion and took fifth at state
twice all in Division 1. He was a threetime letter winner in baseball, earning
team MVP honors twice. He was a firstteam All-State selection as a senior.
Guden lettered three times in football as well, earning first-team AllLumberjack honors as a linebacker as
a senior. He was a second-team running
back as a senior and a second-team linebacker as a junior.
Elliotts induction follows his 36 years
as Medfords boys tennis coach and 34
seasons as the girls head coach. His
teams won more than 200 dual meets in
both sports. He was a two-time District
4 Coach of the Year. His teams sent several individuals to the state tournament.

Participation in tennis went from less

than 10 players in the beginning to well
over 25 and often close to 40 in the 1990s
and 2000s.
Giese coached track and field for 30
years, retiring after last season. Most of
that time was spent with the girls program, but she also was the boys head
coach for 12 years.
Giese is an 11-time Lumberjack
Conference Girls Coach of the Year
and led 12 girls team champions in the
Lumberjack. Medfords girls teams won
eight Lumberjack Conference relay
meets as well. Giese coached both girls
and boys regional team champions. Giese
was the Great Northern Conference
Boys Coach of the Year in 2011 and the
Wisconsin Track Coaches Associations
Region 1 Boys Coach of the Year for
2013. Her teams included 48 state place
winners (boys and girls) and three state
champions (girls).
Giese coached volleyball for 10 years,
leading Medford to its first regional
championship in 1982, and she coached
basketball for four years.
The induction ceremony will take
place between the varsity girls and boys
basketball games Dec. 30 at Raider Hall.
The girls will take on the Menomonie
Mustangs at 1 p.m. and the boys will play
the Phillips Loggers at approximately
3:30 p.m.

Hockey team opens at Antigo

Continued from page 4
Scholl also could see some skating time.
Jamieson had a save percentage of .865
during Medfords 2-21 season while facing more than 1,000 shots.
If we give Carter some defensive help,
his save percentage could be around 90
percent, Demulling said. Against some
of the tougher teams we play, hes saved
40 to 50 shots.
Payton Nelson, Garrett Paul and Ryan
Perrin join Tyler Kadlecek in the freshman class are Demulling said Perrin has
a strong skill set to work with and Paul
has a hockey motor that wont quit.
Weve talked about personal goals for
each player, Demulling said, referring
to the small successes the team wants to
build from. Weve talking about where
they want to be early in the season, what
they want to accomplish by mid-season
and where they want to be at the end. If

16th at state

Photo by Matt Frey

Medford senior Samantha Bowe, shown here swimming the 200-yard individual
medley at the Great Northern Conference meet on Oct. 31, finished her prep swim
career by taking 16th in the 100-yard breaststroke at the WIAA Division 2 state meet.

Bowe reaches her state goal

Continued from page 1
with eight.
Tomahawks Lauren Hilt had two topfive finishes. The sophomore was second in the 50-yard freestyle with a time
of 24.19 seconds, 0.61 seconds behind
Grafton senior Samantha Senczyszyn.
Hilt was fifth in the 100-yard freestyle at
52.93 seconds. Senczyszyn won that race
too in 50.95 seconds.
GNC Swimmer of the Year Jordan
Fuse had two top-eight placements. She
was fifth in 100-yard butterfly at 57.97 seconds. Graftons Autumn Haebig won it in
a state record time of 55.63 seconds. Fuse
was eighth in the 200-yard individual
medley in 2:13.66. Munson won in 2:03.02.
Hailey Teichmiller had Lakelands
top finish, taking 13th in the 200-yard
freestyle at 2:00.86. She was 16th in the
500-yard race.

WIAA Division 2 100-yard

breaststroke results
1. Rachel Munson, Sr., Shorewood, 1:01.7;
2. Sara Hagen, Jr., McFarland, 1:03.29; 3. Erin
Fons, Sr., DeForest, 1:05.89; 4. Carolyn Jungers,
Jr., Greendale, 1:05.97; 5. Emma Blackdeer,
Sr., DeForest, 1:06.45; 6. Jenna Silvestri, Fr.,
Kohler-Sheboygan Area Lutheran, 1:07.35; 7.
Olivia DeRemer, So., Milton, 1:07.55; 8. Maggie
McNeil, Jr., Madison Edgewood, 1:07.62;
9. Emma Linaberry, So., McFarland, 1:07.91;
10. Rachel Hauer, Sr., Grafton, 1:08.4; 11.
Madelyn Hammer, Fr., Monroe-New Glarus,
1:08.7; 12. Jamine Ring, Sr., River Valley,
1:08.87; 13. Grace Storms, Jr., Monona Grove,
1:10.24; 14. Emily Kubisiak, Jr., Lakeland,
1:10.4; 15. Alexis Burroughs, So., LadysmithBruce-Flambeau, 1:10.46; 16. Samantha
Bowe, Sr., Medford, 1:11.65.

Greenwood-Gran. 4
McDonell Central 4
Newman Catholic 4
W.R. Assumption
Nov. 14 WIAA Div. 6 Level 4: Fond du Lac
Springs 31, Athens 7.
Nov. 15 WIAA Div. 7 Level 4: Owen-Withee 55,
Almond-Bancroft 21.
Nov. 20 WIAA Div. 7 state championship:
Owen-Withee vs. Pepin-Alma at Madison.
Rib Lake -Prent. 0
Nov. 14 Div. 6 Level 4: Darlington 21, Edgar 20.

we can see that progress throughout the

year, that will be a measure of success.
The Great Northern Conference
schedule figures to be a tough one again
for the Raiders, who were 0-14 in league
play last winter. Demulling said Antigo,
Northland Pines, Waupaca and Mosinee
appear to be the deepest and most experienced teams. Medford, Rhinelander,
Lakeland and Tomahawk could be jockeying for position underneath them.
In non-conference play, Medford
That team is in a similar rebuilding
mode as Medford. Usual foes like Merrill
and Ashland remain on the schedule.
Wausau East and Viroqua are new additions. Marshfield is back on the docket
after a year off it.
There will be some opportunities for
us, Demulling said. We need to take advantage of them. Hopefully were on the
same page and can do that when we get
those opportunities. We know we have
to be patient with the youth we have.
Hopefully we can survive and have some
fun and become a close-knit team.
Camp Randall Stadium, Madison
Nov. 21 Div. 1 championship
Hartland Arrowhead (10-3) vs. Kimberly (13-0),
4 p.m.
Nov. 21 Div. 2 championship
Menasha (13-0) vs. Waukesha West (11-2), 1 p.m.
Nov. 21 Div. 3 championship
Rice Lake (10-3) vs. Wisconsin Lutheran (13-0),
10 a.m.
Nov. 20 Div. 4 championship
Somerset (13-0) vs. Little Chute (11-2), 7 p.m.
Nov. 20 Div. 5 championship
Amherst (13-0) vs. Lancaster (12-1), 4 p.m.
Nov. 20 Div. 6 championship
Fond du Lac St. Marys Springs (13-0) vs. Darlington (12-1), 1 p.m.
Nov. 20 Div. 7 championship
Owen-Withee (12-1) vs. Pepin-Alma (13-0), 10 a.m.

Page 6



Thursday, November 20, 2014

Local athletes excelling in college ranks during fall season

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
Across the country, local high school
graduates have been making their mark
in collegiate athletics. Recent alumni
of Medford, Gilman, and Rib Lake high
schools have enjoyed success in football,
volleyball, cross country, softball and
even rugby this past fall.
Evan Lewandowski, a 2010 Medford
graduate, has enjoyed a stellar fall as the
top runner for the UW-Parkside mens
cross country team. The fifth-year senior
finished no worse than sixth in any meet
this season, and led the Rangers in each
Lewandowski helped the Rangers
secure a season-opening win at the UWParkside Midwest Open on Sept. 13. He

Still running
Lewandowski takes aim at an NCAA
Championship berth this Saturday at the
NCAA Division II Midwest Regional,
hosted by Southern Indiana.
Photo courtesy of UW-Parkside Sports Information

finished second out of 100 runners with a

time of 25:17.7 in the 8K race.
On Sept. 27, Lewandowski finished
sixth overall as the Rangers took first
place at the Roy Griak Invitational in
Minneapolis, Minn. His time of 26:06
paced the team. The Rangers finished
with a team score of 90 that was best out
of 33 competitors.
At the Oct. 11 UW-Parkside Lucian
Rosa Invitational the Rangers finished
second as a team out of 17 participants.
Lewandowski placed sixth individually
his 8k time of 25:15.5. The University of
Windsors (Ont.) score of 44 was enough
to nudge the Rangers (67) for first at the
Lewandowski finished third individually at the UW-Oshkosh Invitational on
Oct. 18. His time of 24:39.5 helped the
Rangers secure a fifth place finish out of
45 teams.
At the Great Lakes Valley Conference
meet on Nov. 8 the Rangers (52) were
narrowly beaten by Southern Indiana
(30) for the conference championship.
Lewandowski placed third out of 133 runners with a season-best time of 24:20.8.
The Rangers continue their season
on Saturday in Evansville, Ind. at the
NCAA Div. II Midwest Regional, hosted
by Southern Indiana.
Lewandowski achieved All-American
honors in 2012 with his 34th place finish
at the NCAA Championships before being redshirted in 2013.
Jordan Christianson, a 2011 graduate of Medford High School, had a strong
year for the UW-River Falls football
team. The senior wide receiver snagged
45 passes this year and had 673 receiving yards, a 14.9 yards per reception average, along with six touchdowns. Each
of those stats were tops on the Falcons
team this season. Christianson finished
sixth in the Wisconsin Intercollegiate
Athletic Conference by averaging 4.5 receptions per game. His mark of 67.3 yards
per game was good enough for fifth in
the conference while his six touchdown
placed him eighth in the WIAC.
Despite Christiansons big season,
the Falcons were unable to generate a
winning record. They finished 2-5 in the
WIAC and 3-7 overall. They were close in
several games, however, including a 2825 loss to traditional Div. III powerhouse
UW-Whitewater in the final week of the
Christianson did his part in that

Fine Falcon
Christianson takes a handoff on a jet
sweep. Christianson is better known for
his pass-catching ability, ranking among
the best receivers in the WIAC.
Photo by Kathy Helgeson, UWRF University Photographer

near-upset, catching five passes for 111

yards and two touchdowns. It appeared
Whitewater would roll over the Falcons
when they scored 14 points in the games
opening eight minutes. However, River
Falls battled back and going into the
fourth quarter were only down 21-12.
At the 14:12 mark of the final quarter,
Ryan Kusilek found Christianson for a
56-yard touchdown to put the Falcons

within a field goal. Twelve minutes later

he found Christianson again to put River
Falls in the lead with just over a minute
to go. Despite Christiansons big quarter,
Whitewater would pull out the win with
26 seconds to go when Justin Howard
caught an 11-yard pass from Matt
Behrendt. On Oct. 4 the Falcons suffered
a narrow defeat to UW-Stevens Point, 1714. Christianson caught six passes for 68
yards and added one rushing attempt for
three yards.
Christiansons season-high 119 receiving yards came in the Falcons Sept. 20
win over South Dakota M&T, 43-28. He
caught five passes in the game, including
two touchdowns and caught his seasonlong pass of 61 yards in the victory.
Christianson caught both touchdowns
the River Falls offense could muster
during their Oct. 11 24-14 loss to UWPlateville. He finished that game with
three catches for 33 yards, in addition to
the two scores.
His season-high in receptions came on
Sept. 13 when he caught eight passes en
route to 103 yards in the Falcons 22-6 loss
against Simpson (Iowa).
In addition to his receiving numbers
Christianson also had nine rushing attempts for 32 yards.
Christianson finishes his collegiate
football career with 97 receptions for
1300 yards and 13 touchdowns. He was
the Falcons 2013 Offensive Player of the
Year and was listed as an honorable mention on the All-WIAC football team that
year. He also was named to the WIAC
Scholastic Honor Roll in 2011 and 2012.
Ben Porten, a 2010 graduate of
Medford High School continues to work
as a student offensive assistant coach
on the Falcons squad, while three freshman, halfback Joey Leonard, linebacker Justin Yaron, and offensive lineman Ian Porten, all 2013 graduates of
Medford, made the team as well.
Rosemeyer also had a big senior season
in the WIAC as a receiver for the UWStout Blue Devils. Rosemeyer caught 44
passes for 440 yards this season for an
even 10 yards per reception. His 5.5 receptions per game were good enough for 3rd
in the WIAC and his 55 yards per game

See COLLEGE on page 7

Bizer earns All-Region football honor

Medford senior Derrick Bizer is one
of nine offensive linemen on the 2014
Wisconsin Football Coaches Association
All-Northwest Region Team.
Its the first All-Region honor for
Bizer, who was a unanimous first-team
All-Great Northern Conference performer at offensive tackle for the Raiders.
Bizer was a second-team All-GNC choice
as a junior.
Bizer helped pave the way for Medford
to average 187.3 rushing yards per game
in six GNC games, which ranked third in
the conference. The Raiders were fourth
in the league in total offense.
Eight of the nine All-Northwest offensive linemen are seniors. The only exception is Marathon junior Sam Buchberger.
Joining Bizer on the team are Austin
Harty of Somerset, Cole LaLiberty of
Chetek-Weyerhaeuser, Jeff Franzoi of
Hurley, Greg Peterson of Frederic, Alex
Morning of Bloomer, Jake Schmitt of
Stratford, Mitch Lien of Clear Lake and
Noah Berger of New Richmond.
The All-Region teams were announced
last week. The WFCAs All-State teams

Monday and included one player from
the Great Northern
Rhinelander wide
White got honorable mention.
quarterback Zach
Baun was named
Derrick Bizer
Player of the Year
and Mequon Homestead defensive lineman was named the states Defensive
Player of the Year. Dean Matsche of
Division 1 state finalist Kimberly was
named Assistant Coach of the Year.
Besides Bizer and White, four more
GNC players earned All-Region awards.
Defensive lineman Dustin Dengel and inside linebacker Jake Nohr of conference
champion Merrill and inside linebacker/
running back Chris Tomski and defensive back Chris Vils of Mosinee made the

Strong season

Photo courtesy of UW-Stout Sports Information

UW-Stout wide receiver Cody Rosemeyer breaks a tackle during the Blue Devils
win over UW-River Falls on Nov. 8. Rosemeyer caught 44 passes this season.

Thursday, November 20, 2014



College athletes in fall sports

Continued from page 6
placed him eighth in the conference. His
reception total was tops on Stouts roster, while his yardage was good enough
for second. Rosemeyer did not play during weeks four and five this year.
The Blue Devils had a down year and
finished 1-6 in the WIAC and 2-8 overall.
During a four-game stretch in the middle
of the season, Stout never scored more
than seven points, was shut out twice
and lost each game by more than 14.
Rosemeyers production suffered along
with the rest of the offense, but he was
a big reason in the late-season surge the
team experienced.
In the final two weeks of the season,
Rosemeyer hauled in an impressive 23
passes and totaled 164 yards, though he
did not score a touchdown. In Stouts 3423 victory on Nov. 8 over UW-River Falls,
he caught a season-high 13 passes for 73
yards. In the final week of the season, a
31-24 loss to UW-Stevens Point on Nov.
15, he once again hit double-digit receptions, this time nabbing 10 catches for
91 yards. Rosemeyers best yardage day
came on Sept. 6 when he caught five balls
for 92 yards in Stouts 23-19 loss to Dakota
Rosemeyer showed he could contribute in multiple ways on offense by adding 26 yards on nine rushing attempts
and also completed his only passing attempt of the season for 19 yards.
He wraps up his collegiate career
with 85 receptions for 929 yards and one
Brent Stiglich, a 2011 Medford graduate, has emerged as a key second-team
linebacker for the Minnesota-Duluth
football team this
season. In 10 games
played, the fourthyear junior racked
up 35 tackles, including 18 solos.
His 35 tackles put
him eighth on the
Bulldogs defense.
Brent Stiglich

and clinched a share of their league-record 19th Northern Sun Intercollegiate

Conference title with also undefeated
Minnesota State-Mankato. This also
marks their seventh straight NSIC North
Division crown. Stiglichs finest game
came on Oct. 25 when he piled up 11 total
tackles, including six solos, and forced a
fumble in the Bulldogs 38-10 drubbing
of Bemidji State. In addition to his 35
tackles, Stiglich also had six tackles for
losses, 1.5 sacks, one forced fumble, and
four pass breakups. The Bulldogs juggernaut earned a number four seed in
Super Regional Three and will take on
five-seeded Northwest Missouri State
this Saturday.
Ben Hemer, a 2012 alumni of Medford
High School, is a member of the UWMadison Badgers football team. Hemer
was redshirted his first year on campus
and is currently fighting for playing time
at the offensive guard position. He gained
his first game action by playing on the final four snaps of Wisconsins 68-17 win
over Bowling Green on Sept. 20.
Hemer is the brother of current
Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman
and former Badger, Ethan Hemer.
Heidi Langteau, a senior at UWGreen Bay and 2011 graduate of Medford
High School, competed on the varsity
womens cross country team this fall. Her
best 5K time of the season came on Oct. 3
when she ran the course in 21:36.3 at the
Notre Dame invitational in West Bend,
Ind. She finished 111th out of 118 runners
at that meet. The Phoenix placed eighth
out of nine teams in the Horizon League
this year. At the conference championship meet on Nov. 1, Langteau finished
82nd out of 96 with her time of 25:42. The
Phoenix scored 184 points, 113 behind
conference champion Youngstown State.
Green Bays season came to an end
at the Nov. 14 NCAA Div. 1 Great Lakes
regional as they finished 30th out of 32
participating teams. UW-GBs top runner at the UW-Madison course was Sarah
Mauel who finished 114th with a time of
Langteau also ran at the UIC
Invitational, the UW-Parkside meet,

Medford girls at Merrill Friday

Continued from page 2
and getting a few turnovers. I think our
shooting will get a little bit better as the
year goes on.
Cutting down on turnovers on the offensive end is another focus of Medfords
as it starts the new season. Turnovers
were a major issue for the Raiders at
times last year, especially early when a
fairly young squad was getting adjusted
to varsity play.
Defense is our focus right now, Wildberg said. We cant allow penetration
into the lane. We have to keep teams on
the perimeter and keep their shooting
percentages down from the outside. If we
let teams get layups and get into the lane
on us, were going to struggle.
The other aspect from a year ago
Medford desperately wants to change is
the ability to win close games. At face
value, the Raiders records werent what
the program is used to and were quite
disappointing. But one could look at the
results and say had Medford just scored
25 more points over six GNC games, the
Raiders wouldve finished a very respectable 9-3 in the league and 14-8 overall.
Two of those six close losses were by two
points at home and another came in overtime at Northland Pines.
That is something the girls coming

back see, Wildberg said of the Raiders

tough luck in close games. They know
its there and they hate that its there.
They are focused on making sure that
doesnt happen again this year.
Close games are something Wildberg
expects a lot of again this winter. Hes
guessing the Great Northern Conference
race will be tight with Rhinelander being his early favorite. Northland Pines
brings back unanimous first-team AllGNC selection Lexi Smith, who is just a
sophomore and the leagues top returning scorer. Mosinee, the defending champion, brings back All-GNC first-teamer
Autumn Michlig and second-team point
guard Bailey Schultz. Antigo and Lakeland again dont figure to be pushovers.
Tomahawk is seeking to break a 24-game
GNC losing streak
I couldnt be happier with the girls
attitudes coming into the season, Wildberg said. Theyve just been great.
Theyre doing everything I asked them to
do. Theyre working hard in practice.
If we have some success in December
in these conference games, then watch
out in January and February, he added.
Thats why I feel it is so important for us
to smell some success early.

and the DuPage Invitational and logged

finishes of 40th, 106th, and 119th, respectively.
Courtney Geisler, a 2011 graduate of
Rib Lake High School wrapped up her senior season as libero and chief defensive
specialist for the UW-La Crosse Eagles
girls volleyball team. Geisler piled up 353
digs during the fall
season, by far the
highest number on
the squad.
Geislers big year
was not enough
to keep the Eagles
from finishing with
a 9-18 record, including 1-7 in the
WIAC. La Crosse
finished at the bottom of the nine Courtney Geisler
The conference title
was shared by UW-Stevens Point and
UW-Whitewater, who both went 7-1 in
conference play.
During the Eagles 3-1 loss to the
University of Chicago (Ill.) on Sept. 12
Geisler amassed a monstrous 40 digs in
the four set match, falling one short of the
school-record 41 set by Kris Kozlovsky in
1997. Geisler scored more than 20 digs
on several occasions during the season.
During the Sept. 10 victory over Saint
Marys University (Minn.) she had 27
digs. In an earlier game on Sept. 12, she
had 29 digs along with four assists in
a victory over St. Norbert College. On
Oct. 3 against Luther (Iowa), Geisler had

Page 7

20 digs along with five assists and during the Oct. 18 3-0 win over Macalaster
College (Minn.) she had 20 digs and three
Geislers average of 4.3 digs per set
placed her sixth in the conference. Along
with her strong dig numbers she also
compiled stats of five kills, 41 assists, one
block, and 13 ace serves during the fall
Jenna Fedors, a sophomore softball player at the Naval Academy in
Annapolis, Md., was a 2012 graduate of
Gilman High School. In the fall section
of their season, the team has compiled an
11-2 record, including an undefeated 9-0
in the North Atlantic South Conference.
After losing two of their first three
games, the Midshipmen have rattled off
10 straight wins, capped by blowouts of
Loyala (Md.) by scores of 24-0, 25-1, and
13-1 on Oct. 26. On their current winning
streak, the Naval Academy club team has
won nine games by double digits. The
team wraps up its season in spring 2015.
Lindsey Bucki, a 2012 graduate of
Medford, is a member of the Winona
State girls rugby team. The squad has
dominated its opposition this year, including several victories by over 100
points. In the Div. II American Collegiate
Rugby Association tournament the Black
Katts have defeated UW-Whitewater
(28-0), Arkansas (94-0), and Utah Valley
University (20-7) en route to the national semifinals. Winona State takes on
Bowdoin College in a national semifinal
match on Dec. 6 in Palm Coast, Fla.

Gilman aims for more offense

Continued from page 3
that could be attributed to turnovers by
the Pirates. However, Gilman held the
rest of the conference to a more than
respectable 41 points per contest and
held Spencer and Granton under 30 in its
three league wins.
Our weakness is not our defense,
Skabroud said. Weve been pretty consistent in that area. I think these girls
like to play defense. They have no problem with doing it. They work pretty hard
at it. Theyll play good defense. Most often our problem is finishing at the basket
on offense.
Last years top three teams remain
Skabrouds bets to stay on top of the
Eastern Cloverbelt in 2014-15. Neillsville
lost four-time Conference Player of the
Year Jenny Lindner, who is now hooping
it up at UW-Milwaukee, along with fellow
All-ECC first-teamer Katelyn Crothers
and three more players who earned AllECC awards. Still, the Warriors figure to
be a factor.
It will be interesting to see how
Neillsville does, he said. Theyll still be

good. Loyal might have a good shot at taking it this year and I would never count
out Owen-Withee.
Owen-Withee wound up at state in
Division 5 last March. The Blackhawks
lost All-ECC performer Bailey Karaba
but return three All-ECC award winners, including first-teamer Stephany
Heggemeier. Loyal went 21-4 last year
while led by two freshmen (second-teamers Morgan Reinwand and Karsyn Rueth)
and a sophomore (Devyn Schoonover),
so hopes are definitely high with the
From there, Skabroud expects some
competitive jockeying for position between Colby, Greenwood, Columbus
Catholic and, hopefully, his own team.
Augusta is no longer in the conference,
though Gilman will host the Beavers in a
non-conference game December 12.
If we keep working on our objectives
and get where we need to go with those,
well be OK, Skabroud said. Hopefully
for the seniors, it all pays off in the end.

Rib Lake still a young group

Continued from page 2
is there.
The one thing I always hung my hat
on as a JV coach is that I want my teams
to play hard for four quarters, said
Wudi, a one-time boys JV coach at the
school. These girls work hard. They can
play scrappy. Lets play hard for a full
four quarters and see what happens.
The Redmen were 1-9 in the Marawood
North a year ago, good for a fifth-place tie
with Chequamegon. Rib Lake ended a
long conference losing streak by beating
the Screaming Eagles 34-28 on Feb. 6.
Athens is the defending North champion. The Blue Jays went 9-1 to tip Phillips

by a game. Wudi guesses both teams

will be formidable again. I would expect Athens to be strong again, he said.
Phillips lost Kendra Brown (the North
Player of the Year), but I think theyll
still be decent. But teams like Abbotsford
and Prentice are solid too. I dont think
theres a clear cut favorite. I dont think
anyone is going to run the table.
Edgar makes its North Division debut
this winter. The Wildcats were 3-11 in the
South Division a year ago.
Were at the bottom looking up, but
as far as were concerned, theres only
one way to go, Wudi said.

Thursday, November
September 20,
22, 2014



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For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

November 20, 2014 Page 9

Marilyns expands in
downtown Medford
pages 10-11

This Weekend
Friday, November 21
Rowdy Boys Entertainment from 8 p.m. to ? at
JuJus Place.
Ladies Night at The Thirsty Moose.
Singles Pool Tournament starting at 7:30 p.m. at

Saturday, November 22
Jump River 1st Responders Annual Spaghetti
Dinner at Jump River Community Center from 4:30 to
8:30 p.m.
DJ from 9 p.m. to close at Cindys.
Graffic Sound DJ at Crossroads.
52nd Annual Rib Lake Fire Department
Hunters Ball from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. at Zondlos.
2nd Annual Deer Hunter Widows Weekend from
3 to 7 p.m. at PBRs Lounge Around.
Dance Party DJ starting at 9 p.m. at The Last
Live band Alliance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at

Multi day events

Holiday Bazaar on Friday, Nov. 21 from 1 to 5 p.m.
and Saturday, Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at United
Methodist Church.
Auditions for 25th Annual Putnam County
Spelling Bee on Nov. 23 and 24 starting at 7 p.m. in the
swing choir room at Medford Senior High School.

Wednesday, November 26
Ads Tunes at Patti Jos Crossroads.
Rib Lake Fireworks Hunters Ball from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. at Zondlos.
Just for Fun Karaoke starting at 9 p.m. at The
Last Straw.
Hunks The Show starting at 9 p.m. at Gad.
Live music by Robert Allen Peihl from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. at Roost Bar in Stetsonville.
Graffic Sound DJ from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Hacienda.

All Conference Band and Choir

SHOOT for the Turtle Club this Hunting Season

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W7944 Perkinstown Ave. Medford, WI


submitted photo

Fourteen MASH students were selected to be members of the 2014 Great Northern Conference All Conference
Band and Choir. On Saturday, Nov. 8, students traveled to Lakeland High School, rehearsed with guest conductors,
and had a finale concert that evening. Participating choir members include: Megan Clark, Megan Pearson, Abby
Gollhardt, Esther Lusenge, Ben Nelson, Josh Brooks, Richard Colwell and Agustin Mahner, and participating band
members include: Amanda Bauer, Grace Becker, Madelyn Brost, Dalton Berry, Megan Backhaus, and Clayton

64 west to E, north to Perkinstown Ave., Left on Perkinstown 2 miles


Welcome to



For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

Thursday, November 20, 2014 Page 10-11

Fire Station

Fans of Marilyns Go Go Catering got a chance to sit down and celebrate on Nov. 12
during the grand opening of the expanded space on Whelen Ave. in Medford. For the
past three years, Marilyn Frank has operated from the kitchen and a small dining
area in the former Medford city building now owned by Clarence and Marge Kropp.
She recently got the chance to expand into the larger area to the south.
The new space is the former home of the Medford Fire Department and she has
honored the memory by naming the location Marilyns Fire Station. In the corner
where a player piano will go, the hose-drying racks are still visible in the rooms
dcor. The red brick gives the large space a beautiful, all-season look which is suitable
for any occasion. The red brick is a huge draw, she said.
For those who need a large room for meetings, parties, weddings or family occasions,
the space can be rented. During the open house, the room was congured with tables
and chairs for just over 100 guests, the bar area was serving non-alcoholic drinks, and
there was a food buffet.
The catering is always fun, but to bring some of the parties here will be great,
Frank said. She will continue to operate the catering kitchen from the smaller half
of the space.
In addition to the fantastic food and location, the room is wired for internet and a
large TV can project Powerpoint-style applications if business or a presentation is on
the agenda for a gathering.
Frank plans to continue her Thursday lunch meals in the new space. The Fire House
is next door to the downtown farmers market location and she will still have her
Tuesday offerings in season. She plans to sponsor some of her own special occasions.
Frank offers a catering menu but works with any client on their needs. In addition
to traditional meals, she has served the historical society ethnic dinners, the Rotary
Clubs international night, and a wedding where American and Ukrainian dishes
came together.
Mark Berglund

page design by Mandi Troiber

Buy these photos online at

photos by Mark Berglund



For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

Thursday, November 20, 2014 Page 12

A free community

Thanksgiving Dinner
we be held at
Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Medford on
Wed., Nov. 26, 2014
from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

The public is invited.

Rib Lake High School Choir


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Friday, November 28
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1:00 a.m.

VFW Hall - Westboro


photo by Mark Berglund


Anne & Randy Brost

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Buy these photos online at

Gilmans 2013-14 middle school leadership academy team of Maverick Birkenholz, Dayne Tallier and Ryan
Webster made a donation to the Western Taylor County Library. The donation was paid for by their service
project. The donation is a backpack filled with ecology books and devices to help young people learn about the
outdoors. The backpack contains field guides and devices related to white-tail deer. It can be checked out for use.


DJ Music

Leadership group helps library

In-House Gun Raffle


Make tracks to the Western

Taylor County Public Library
Volunteers are Deer to Us recognition day was
held on Wednesday, Nov. 19 with appetizers, coffee
and spiced apple cider from 2 to 6 p.m. Live music was
provided by the Gilman Community Choir.
Raffle baskets are on display for silent auction bidding which ends on Tuesday Nov. 25 at 5 p.m.
Post your hunting photos in the library or on
Facebook (Western Taylor County Public Library
page) to win funny bucks at Gilman businesses.
Coloring contest for all ages. Coloring sheets available now. All pictures have to be turned in by Tuesday,
Nov. 24 at 5 p.m.
Story time on Thursday, Nov. 20 with Sue Purkapile
and on Monday, Nov. 24 with Pamm Spooner begin-

ning at 3:30 p.m.

There are also daily contests.
People are invited to wear blaze orange into the
library and enter your name for a free movie rental
from Gilman Corner Store. Those checking out items
are invited to enter the weekly drawing for Broadway
Theatre gift certificates.
People may also add a personalized leaf to the
Thankful Tree.
There is also a new ongoing adult book trivia
contest Make Trax-Pay your Tax book scavenger
hunt. The contest began Nov. 19 and runs through
April 15, 2015. Come into the library and see what its
all about.

There goes the sun from Barrow

It has been a rather unusual couple of weeks in
Barrow, including warmer temperatures into the 30s
due to a visiting tropical storm, according to Dave
Anderson of the local U.S. weather office. Meanwhile,
Arctic cold in the Midwest.
But this coming week, Anderson said, the sun is
going to set at 1:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 18 and not
return until next year. It is due to come back on Jan.
23, 2015.
He said the weather office always gets inquiries
about the disappearance
of the sun, including the
Weather Channel. But so
far, no contacts yet.
Long-time Barrow
Stetsonville, Wisconsin
resident Craig George said
he has some ideas on how
to enjoy the lack of sun
see more Northern Lights,
finish indoor projects and
play music.
In the 25 years I lived in
Barrow, we would always
see a number of residents
in their vehicles at the
edge of town, looking one
last time before the sun
would dip below the horizon in November.
Actually, a person
would still be able to see
the sky brighten around

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

(Wisconsin Synod)

Invites you to join them for their annual


Thursday, November 20, 2014, 7:00 p.m.

and their


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day - 9:30 a.m.

Sundown on shores of Arctic Ocean

where the sun was, over the lunch hour, but the actual
disc of the sun would stay below the horizon.
And people like Craig George would then just carry
on business or school or retirement, etc., enjoying
each day, even with no visible sun.
Some would get special lights to help avoid any
disorders. I think there were usually more events including some movies, events with goodies, music, etc.
Nothing like an Eskimo dance to get lots of energy and
Earl Finkler, Medford

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Sports Page
Thursday Businessmens League
Irene Borman
Lori Zenner
Janet Haenel
Irene Borman
Art Wild
Dave Kallenbach
Casey Nernberger 257
Ron Ziemba
Nov. 6: Sports Page 29, Haenels 11; Rockys Cozy Kitchen 27, blind
13; Als Auto Dock 28, Jensen & Son Asphalt 12; Melvin Companies
30, Turtle Club 10; Werner Sales & Service 26, Medford Motors 14;
Shell Shack 34, Rural Insurance 6; VFW 20, PBRs Lounge Around 20.
Three-Man Major League
Rocky Mantik
Casey Nernberger
Ron Ziemba
Shawn Trimner
Lori Zenner
Ron Ziemba
Nov. 11: Rockys Cozy Kitchen 28, BBs Aquatic II 2; Klinner Insurance I 26, blind 4; Krug Bus 19, Team Stihl 11; 8th Street 24, Klinner
Insurance II 6; KZ Electric 20.5, Nite Electric 9.5; Cindys Bar & Grill
23, Sports Page I 7; Sports Page II 20, BBs Aquatic I 10.
Monday Mens City League
Curt Haenel
Dave Kallenbach
Dave Kallenbach
Tim Klingbeil
Adam Haenel
Clint Carbaugh
Nov. 10: Sports Page 30, T&C Water 10; JR Construction 33, blind 7;
Northwestern Mutual 29, Mayer Accounting 11; Klingbeil Lumber 27,
Crossroads 13; Fidelity Bank 27, WTC 13.
Tuesday Night Mixed League
Rick Acker
Rick Acker
Ed Brandt
Virgil Wysocki
Virgil Wusocki
Justin Smith
Justin Smith
Nov. 11: Medford Co-op 38, Fuzzys Bar 2; High View II 31, High
View I 9; Riemer Builders 29, Liske Marine 11.

Blue Monday League

Carol Willman
Shirley Lemke
Anna Goessl
Anna Goessl
Shirley Lemke
Carol Willman
Nov. 10: Strikes R Us 5, Bakers 2; Holy Rollers 4, Happy Joes 2; Big
Birds Lodge 5, Heiers Wreaths 2.

Medford Womens League
Results: Main Street I 5, Hacienda 4; VFW 7, Gad 2; Cindys 7, Step
N Up 2; Main Street II 6, Bogeys 3.
Wednesday Night League
Thirsty Choppers, 17; Kountry Korners I, 16; Gad Bar, 15; Step N Up
I, 15; Mainstreet II, 15; Cindys Bar I, 12; PBRs Lounge Around, 12;
Mainstreet I, 12; Thirsty Moose, 12; Deer Trail, 10; Kountry Korners
II, 9; Step N Up II, 9; Cindys Bar II, 8.
Nov. 5: Cindys I 6, PBRs Lounge Around 3; Kountry Korners I 5,
Gad 4; Deer Trail 5, Kountry Korners II 4; Thirsty Moose 6, Mainstreet I 3; Thirsty Choppers 5, Mainstreet II 4; Step N Up II 5, Step N
Up I 4; Cindys II, bye.
Nov. 12: Kountry Korners I 5, Cindys II 4; PBRs Lounge Around
9, Kountry Korners II 1; Gad 6, Mainstreet I 3; Mainstreet II 7, Deer
Trail 2; Step N Up I 6, Thirsty Moose 3; Thirsty Choppers 8, Step N
Up II 1; Cindys I, bye.

Sports Shorts
The Taylor
Association will meet on Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at
Rib River Bar & Grill. The meeting will be hosted by the
Interwald Wanderers Snowmobile Club.

Important to learn new rule changes

before Wisconsins nine-day gun deer hunt
Opening weekend of the gun deer season, a special
time of year for hunters throughout Wisconsin, is almost here.
This year, hunters will see some important rule
changes implemented as a result of Deer Trustee Report recommendations and extensive input from the
hunting public.
While many of your favorite hunting traditions will
endure, hunters are encouraged to take some time this
week to make sure they are ready for any rule changes
that will affect their hunt.
Many of the most common questions that we have
received about these rules involve tagging deer and
what tag they can use, said Kevin Wallenfang, big
game ecologist for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. To answer their questions, we first tell
them to focus only on the area where they hunt. If they
know their county and other basic information, they
will have no problem learning this seasons new rules.
The department has provided a number of useful resources to help hunters learn the new rules. All hunters
are encouraged to review the 2014 deer hunting regulations and FAQs, which are available at, key-

word deer. The deer page also features regulations

brochures, tag information and availability, and maps
showing new management units and zones.
To ask specific questions before or during the hunt,
hunters can also contact the DNR Call Center toll-free
at 888-WDNRINFo (888-936-7463). Call center staff are on
hand seven days per week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Spanish- and Hmong-speaking representatives are also available.
Hunters interested in receiving email updates regarding new regulations can sign up to receive occasional email reminders about season dates, license and
tag types, and other important information. Visit dnr. and click on the email icon near the bottom of
the page for subscribe for updates for DNR topics,
then follow the prompts and select a list of your choice.
Wallenfang encouraged all hunters to take some extra time to review the new rules before heading into the
field this weekend.
It will help prevent confusion and frustration so
hunters can focus on enjoying this exciting week with
family and friends, and hopefully bringing home your
deer, he said.


An Outdoormans


Mark Walters sponsored by

Anything for a rat

Hello friends,
This weeks column is about parts of a truly exhausting 10 days of my life. I had fun, but the wear and tear of
being on the go in the outdoor world is tearing me up.

Thursday, Oct. 30
High 58, Low 35
The sun is still an hour from rising and my 13-yearold daughter Selina and I are paddling a canoe down a
remote creek that feeds a flowage that is the backwaters
for a cranberry marsh.
Our pup Fire will be fetching anything that we knock
out of the sky hopefully, if we are fortunate enough to
shoot a duck or a goose. Our journey is a good mile and
we have decoys set and a temporary blind made on what
looks to be a beautiful morning.
There were not many ducks around us today, but
once again I watched my daughter, who is what I would
describe as the perfect sportswoman. Selina could have
shot at a pair of widgeon on the set but will not shoot
ducks on the water.
Many of you may not remember this, but Selina could
have shot what may have been a state record sow black
bear when she was 10. The sow was with two smaller
bears that we were not sure were cubs, even though
they were quite large.
For a half-hour, that sow was in her sights and she
would not take it. The next day I interviewed three professionals in that area and they all said it was a sow
with 1.5-year-old bears. That was her 15th hunt that season and she did not fill her tag.
Today, we were busted by a pair of mallards. I made
a lucky shot and dumped a beautiful drake. Fire made
a very determined retrieve. The green head had three
curls in his tail feathers. The decision was made that
this duck should be living on our living room wall.
Perhaps the largest part of this day was the canoe trip
back to the truck. It is quite the jaunt. Anyone watching
might think they are in Canada as the scenery is nonstop remote.
I had no plan of trapping this fall other than the incredible experience of trapping a wolf with my good
buddy Big Elk Jody Bigalke. That plan changed when

A photo cutline in last weeks Deer Hunting Extra
inadvertently identified Winter-area land owner Rick
Verbsky as Mark Verbsky. We apologize for the error.

136 W. Broadway

N1690 State Hwy 13
Ogema, WI 54459

Medford, WI 54451




Wednesday Mid-Weekers League

Anna Goessl
Anna Goessl
Carol Willman
Julaine Anderson
Anna Goessl
Shirley Lemke
Nov. 12: Happy Joes 5, Mach Lock Locksmith 2; Werner Sales &
Service 7, Sports Page 0; Medford Motors 4, Lounge Around 3.


Page 13


Classy Ladies League

Nancy Acker
Nancy Acker
Ann McNamar
Ann McNamar
Margie Guziak
Margie Guziak
Results: Tease Tanning Plus 5, &M Apartments 2; Als Auto Dock 5,
The Flower Shoppe 2; Fidelity Bank 7; Rockys Cozy Kitchen 6, J&B
Custom Carpentry 1; Klinner Insurance 5, Moosies Ice Cream 2; VFW
5, Paulines Hair Fashion 2.


Fax: 715.767.5436
[email protected]


I saw a whole bunch of muskrat houses and feeding stations.

First, Selina and I obtained permission to trap. Then
I went home and boiled my traps and prepared for a life
of living out of a canoe.

Sunday, Nov. 2
High 52, Low 31
Yesterday I put out most of my traps on the creek that
feeds this flowage. I only had two hours of daylight. I
should have skipped the creek and just worked the flowage. The water level in the creek rose four inches and the
rats swam over my traps instead of stepping in them. I
was really excited for this day, but knew I was doomed
after checking the first few sets and realized there was
too much water between my trap and the muskrats foot.

Friday, Nov. 7
High 44, Low 27
I have been working this floating bog for six days now
and the danger is always present. I am walking three
feet above a marsh that floats. When one falls through,
if you are not holding onto a canoe, you might not find
bottom or the hole you fell through.
The exhaustion of paddling a canoe, always being
wet, jumping on the marsh and then pulling yourself
back into the canoe dozens of times each day is incredible.
The drive here is 40 minutes. I get back to my truck
an hour after dark. My rule when I get home is I have
to work for an hour with cattle or firewood before I can
even open the door to come in my house.
Today I caught 13 rats and a mink. I borrowed my dog
Fire to a couple of young duck hunters for a half-hour
and she made an excellent retrieve for them.
I am in what I call my busy season. It runs from
August until the last day of deer gun season. I am so
tired I have a hard time focusing. I love raising cattle,
shooting ducks, trapping rats and hanging out with
If my investments work out, I will slow down in 20
years and catch up on my sleep.
Make hay while the sun shines!

The Star News

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Page 14

Milestones, Memories, Births, Engagements, Weddings

Aspirus gives holiday schedule Medford plans holiday event

In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, Thursday, Nov. 27, Aspirus Clinics in Medford, Gilman, Rib
Lake, Phillips, and Prentice will be closed. Aspirus
Therapy & Fitness Medford and Prentice, and Aspirus
Pharmacy Medford will also be closed.
Aspirus Medford Walk-In Clinic will be open from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., and Aspirus Medford Hospitals emergency department will be open 24 hours.
Normal business hours resume on Friday, Nov. 28.

The Friends of the Downtown invite you to shop

Downtown Medford on Small Business Saturday, Nov.
29. The Medford Senior High School Choir will provide
Christmas Caroling throughout the day.
The MASH Choir will have groups of students in
Historic Downtown Medford caroling, spreading good
cheer, handing out special Small Business Saturday
canvas bags, gift certificates and more.


With Kate Bromann, County Market Nutritionist

Proud to be Community Owned

The holiday season is upon us! This is a time of
year for spending time with family, sharing homecooked meals, sitting around the warm re and
nding that perfect gift. As fun and festive as the
holidays can be, there is one side effect that most
of us try to avoid that extra 5 or more pounds
that were left with when all the festivities are
over. Im often asked for advice this time of year
about how to make the holidays healthier and
avoid that unwanted weight gain. Here are a
few suggestions to get you through the season in
great shape:
Try some new & healthy recipes at your
holiday table. Here are some of my favorite
websites for nding holiday recipes that have
less calories, fat & sugar and more of the healthy
ingredients that we need to eat more often: www.,, and for
those with diabetes that are counting carbs: www. Simply click on the recipe sections
and try a new recipe or two at your holiday
table this year. Your guests will appreciate it,
Stay active. It can be an extra challenge to keep
exercising when the weather gets cold and snowy,
but its also a beautiful time to enjoy the great
outdoors. You just have to dress for it! Anything
that keeps you active & outside longer in the
wintertime is a good investment in your future
health. Warm clothing like long underwear, boots,
hats, scarves, gloves several layers works best
can keep you comfortable when youre outside
walking, snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding,
sledding and playing with your kids. Ask Santa
for some good winter gear! Another great
alternative is to nd a gym or tness center in
your area and join for the winter months if you
really dont want to be outside. Home equipment
like rowing machines, stationary bikes, exercise
videos and free weights can also keep you
active during the winter. Make a commitment
to yourself to get active for 3-5 days a week. If
you havent been exercising, its important to

160 Medford Plaza
check with your healthcare provider and start
gradually, but DO start!
Find some new holiday crafts ideas. I know,
baking together as a family is a huge tradition
this time of year. Why not start a new tradition
and make something fun and useful that wont
nd its way to your hips? Here are just a few
crafty ideas:
holidays/christmas-ideas/christmas-holidaycrafts. If you simply cant give up that holiday
baking, nd an outlet for your creations such as
a church bake sale, neighbor in need, local food
pantry, or a member of our military who is far
away from loved ones this holiday season.
Bring a healthy low calorie option to
potlucks and parties. Be the one to offer
the healthy dish at your next party or family
potluck. Your fellow guests will thank you.
Use a smaller plate. When you nd yourself
at the ultimate buffet feast, simply use a smaller
plate to help regulate your portions without
feeling cheated.
Have a healthy snack before the party. Its
tempting to save your appetite for that holiday
party or feast, but if you have a healthy snack
before you go, you will eat less.
Cut back on alcoholic beverages. Remember,
those calories from alcohol DO add up quicker
than you think. Opt for lighter versions
whenever possible, drink less, or mix wines
with a bit of club soda for a wine spritzer with
half the calories.
Do you have a favorite recipe but arent sure
how to make it healthier? Email your recipes
to Kate at: [email protected]. She
will make suggestions about how to make your
recipe healthier and may even feature your
recipe in a future article!

Kate Bromann is the Nutritionist for Medfords County Market. She has over 25 years
of experience as a Registered Dietitian, working in the hospital, clinic and nursing home
setting. A favorite part of Kates job has always been educating clients and the community
about relevant nutrition topics and cooking healthy meals. She is here to help you achieve
your nutrition goals! Visit and click on Upcoming Events to
see the classes Kate has coming up.
If you have any questions for Kate, contact her via email at [email protected] or via phone at (715) 748-8561.

Ryan and Brittany Wokatsch

Brittany Peche and Ryan Wokatsch were united in
marriage on Aug. 16 at St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church in Marathon with Pastor Jon Hadler officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mike and Tammy Siroin
of Rib Lake. The groom is the son of Randel and Kerry
Wokatsch of Marathon.
Kayla Peche was the maid of honor. Bridesmiads
were Kacie Ramsey, TaMara Weir, Cayla Pitts, Sadie
Jensen and JennaRae Obernberger. Tyler Pitts was
the best man. Groomsmen were Kyle Wokatsch, Ross
Wokatsch, Kory Wokatsch, Ben Wesolowski and Jake
Miniature bride was Aubree Laessig, the brides godchild.
Ringbearers were Michael and Matthew Siroin, the
brides brothers.
A reception was held at Zondlos Ballroom in Rib
The bride is a retail sales representative at Cellcom
and is attending Northcentral Technical College for an
associate degree in marketing.
The groom works on the family farm and is attending the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for a degree in business management.
The couple honeymooned in Maui and Oahu, Hawaii. They reside in Weston.

Finley Mae
Cole and Jennifer Klemm of Medford announce the
birth of a daughter, Finley Mae, born on Nov. 12 at Aspirus Birthing Center - Medford. She weighed six pounds,
13 ounces and was 19 inches long. Her grandparents are
Lon and Linda Rundquist and Kevin and Julee Klemm,
all of Medford. Her great-grandparents are Betty Rainaldo of Hurley, and Jim Zuleger and Nelda Klemm, both
of Medford.

Browning Michael
Mary Kemp and Mike Arndt of Athens announce
the birth of a son, Browning Michael, born on Oct. 15 at
Aspirus Birthing Center - Medford. He weighed seven
pounds, 15 ounces and was 22 inches long. His grandparents are Gene and Judy Kemp of Athens, Robert Arndt
of Spencer, and Diane Arndt of Abbotsford. His greatgrandmother is Donna Krueger of Abbotsford.

Gabrielle Patrice
Paul and Dayna Herold of Wausau announce the
birth of a daughter, Gabrielle Patrice, born on Nov. 11 at
Aspirus Wausau Hospital. She weighed seven pounds,
.45 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long.

Reid Vincent
Andrea and Sean Zuckerman of Lakewood, Ohio announce the birth of a son, Reid Vincent, born on Nov.
12 at Fairview Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. He weighed
nine pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. His
grandparents are George and Barb Tuma of Medford,
and John and Eileen Zuckerman of St. Louis, Mo. His
great-grandparents are Melvin and Leona Brink of Medford, and Ruth Zuckerman of St. Louis, Mo.



Thursday, November 20, 2014

Page 15

Sally talks food and giving thanks

Well, its Thanksgiving pretty soon, a time to eat a
lot of food, enjoy the company of those you love, and be
fervently thankful the Pilgrims were not left to figure
out the holiday all on their own. Seems they were in the
habit of periodically declaring a day of thanksgiving, an
event that copied the sour joylessness of their Sabbaths,
in which all activities except church-going and Biblereading were banned. Given the Pilgrim authorities
tended to hang, drown, or burn people who disagreed
with them, I imagine those churches were plum full every time the preacher decided it was time to be thankful.
Happily, the Wampanoag folks showed up and suggested eating and wrestling instead. The preacher was
no doubt annoyed at the frivolity of it all, but the relieved
Pilgrim citizens could argue they were only making concessions to benighted savages so as to have an evangelizing opportunity. And so it is that history brings us green
bean casserole and televised football games in Uncle Ernies basement.

Modern Thanksgiving exercises

It isnt just in the 17th century that being thankful as
an abstract notion has gotten people hung up I think
weve all known those awkward moments when some
well-intentioned soul has suggested going around the
table to give everyone an opportunity to declare their
thankfulness. This is an exercise that usually results in
people desperately trying to find something that is both
true and not too revealing.
Then there was the time I recall when a preacher got
lost in his prayer at an environmentally-themed event.
When I tuned back in to what the poor guy was saying,
he was earnestly intoning, and we thank you for the,
the forests and all the trees and the birds and the clouds
and, and the whales I snapped my head around to
my buddy, whose eyes flew open as he removed his pipe
and mouthed Whales? at me. Only the fierce glare of
his wife kept us from disintegrating into giggles. (Thank
goodness it wasnt a Pilgrim preacher we would both
still be smokin.)


From past les of The Star News


November 18, 2004

Concerned parents and teachers
packed a Gilman School Board meeting
last Monday to speak on a scheduling
proposal that calls for fifth and sixth
grade students to rotate between teachers for core subjects next year.
The proposal from School District
Administrator Drew Johnson also
eliminated the positions of sixth grade
teacher Linda Krizan and high school
social studies teacher Shana Heidtke.
The scheduling proposal for the 200506 school year would have fifth-graders
moving between three core teachers
and sixth-graders moving between four
core teachers. It is an extension of what
is taking place in fifth grade this school
The proposal calls for teachers Sheri
Hauser, Jane DeStaercke, Susan Poulda, Gregg Kuhs, Steven Parker, Eileen
Grunseth, Jaimie Wilson, Debora Danielson, Jim Wirth, Pat Schultz, Terese
Oberle, Kurt Rhyner, Bonnie Lang and
Tom Schradle to teach classes between
fifth and seventh grades. In some cases,
high school and elementary teachers
would be asked to teach some classes
in fifth, sixth and seventh grades.


November 22, 1989

Following some last minute switch-

The Table
Sally Rassmussen

Real thankfulness
It isnt so odd that our formal acts of being thankful tend to fall so flat, because the experience of being
thankful is often a subtle, complex, and nuanced thing.
It is like a well-balanced understanding of our place in
the world, an honest sense of what we have to offer and
what, in turn, we need from others. It is a thoughtful moment, an awareness, a mindfulness of the world around
us. It is often intensely private, and difficult to put into
It is that moment when you notice anew these people
you love, when you stand at the edge of the room and see
them with fresh eyes, and for just that moment all that
fills your mind is love and gladness. While its true that
in the next moment Uncle Ernie will make an off-color
remark to your best friend and you will want to skewer
him with the carving fork still, that quiet, private moment of deep gladness is just as real and just as much
something you can build on.

What should you cook?

Writing a food column the week before Thanksgiving
fills a person with all sorts of odd thoughts. Do people
really want advice on turkey basters? Recipes for Knock
Your Socks Off Cranberry Zinger? The worlds newest
version of pumpkin pie? Clever hints for decorating
your table with giant origami turkeys? I decided against
any of these options for a number of reasons: 1. I cant
pretend to be interested in any of them. 2. People only
read things like that for cynical amusement. 3. Thanksgiving is best left free of innovation.

ing of votes by three county board supervisors, it was out-again, in-again for
Taylor County Highway Commissioner
James Seidl last week.
Seidl, who has been highway commissioner here since 1975 and whose current
two-year term expires December 31, was
being challenged by Allan P. Thielke, a
sales representative for a Wausau trucking company and a second ward alderman in the City of Medford.
On Tuesday, county board supervisors stunned just about everyone by
voting 9-8 for Thielke. Voting in the majority were Supervisors Henry Gebauer, Vermon Brecke, Kenneth Mannel,
George Lewandowski, Joe Kay, Francis
Rosiejka, Charles Heglund, Arlene Archie Parent and Herbert Bergmann.
For the moment, at least, Thielke was
the highway commissioner-elect.


No, you dont need a food columnist, or a foodie magazine, or a television cooking show to tell you what to
make for Thanksgiving. Make what you always make,
make what people like to eat, make what nudges peoples
happiest memories. In all your planning, in all your
shopping, in all your preparing, be most mindful of the
people, rather than the food, and you will find opportunities abound to lift anothers burden, make someone
laugh, feed a persons hunger. Happy Thanksgiving.


south of Dr. Nystrums office is nearing


Richard Neuman, seven year old son

of Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Neuman, town
of Maplehurst, sustained a fractured
leg when he was struck by a truck early
Wednesday morning, Nov. 8, on Highway 64 near the Nightingale tavern.
Richard was on his way to school and
had stepped out from behind one truck
when he was struck by one belonging
to Clarence Berg and driven by Herman
Seifert of Oakfield.

The Medford Lbr. Co. are enlarging

their lumber yard by filling in along
the river.

November 16, 1939


November 20, 1914

The new curling rink on the Wesle lot

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson

packed their goods this week to move
to Holway, where they will make their
home on a farm.
Dr. H. M. Nedry drove to the Packard
home near Holway last Friday, Where
he prepared the operation of removing
a cancer from Mr. Packards face. He
was assisted by a trained nurse, who is
a relative of the Packard family. He is
doing as well can be expected for such
an old gentleman.

Remember When November 2004

November 19, 1964

Excepting for stopgap work, no major improvements of highway 13 have
been programmed before 1970. That was
the gist of a talk given to county board
members Thursday during the fall session by Al Blunt, Eau Claire, district
engineer for the state highway commission.
Discussed was the probable relocation of highway 13 at some future time
with the possibility of skirting Medford
and of bypassing other communities to
include Marshfield and many towns on
the highway route heading north.
Blunt said that state highway department has put into effect an engineering
study on highway 13 for the 1965 fiscal
year. He added that the study has been
broadened to include work with the adjoining district south of Medford in conjunction with a study to cover the road
north from Wisconsin Rapids, and to include the district to the north.

Galen Scharer (l. to r.), George Buksa and Bernard Dums were among the honored guests at the Rib Lake Veterans Day observance held in the schools gymnasium. Taylor County veterans of all service branches and eras were honored November 11 with events commemorating Veterans Day in area schools, churches and
at The Highground.

Rib Lake High School
first quarter honor roll

Page 16

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Honor roll at
Immanuel Lutheran

A Honor Roll Anya Apfelbeck,

Avery Apfelbeck, James Doman, Judson Doman, Clarissa Edelburg, Alex
Emmerich, Evelyn Gruel, Kari Kreklau,
Kelsie Kreklau, John McMurry, Eliina
Quante, Rick Reinhart, Karissa Shotliff
and Alexis Steffen.
B Honor Roll Jeremiah Gruel,
Hannah Quante, Alex Reinhart and
Mariah Schaaf.

Nuernberger receives
optometry scholarship
Kelsey Nuernberger of Medford was
recently awarded a scholarship from the
Wisconsin Foundation for Vision Awareness and the Wisconsin Optometric
Association to be
used in the pursuit
of her doctorate degree in optometry.
The award is
year to optometry
students who are
are members of
Optometric Associations. Selection is based on academic
performance and ability, character, leadership and interest in the profession of
Nuernberger is currently a third year
student at Indiana University College of
Optometry in Bloomington, Ind.

High Honor Kyle Annala, Shawna Annala, Megan Beard, Krista Betz,
Jordan Blomberg, Michaela Blomberg,
Jordan Cardey, Regan Dobbs, Nicholas
Eisner, Kelly Ertl, Rachel Filipiak, Joe
Frombach, Victoria Goodnoe, Carter
Hopkins, Moriah Hopkins, Jared Hovde,
Rachel Hoyt, Branden Jerome, Kyle Matyka, Jonathan Monty, Tiffany Peterson,
Jerry Reinhardt, Zoe Reissner, Casey
Scheithauer, Ciara Schmitt, Samantha
Staab, Hunter Swan, Mariah Thums and
Tristian Weinzatl.
Honor Samantha Butler, Austin
Ewan, Jasmine Fitzl, Lindsay Grubbs,
Damon Lueck, Joe Scheithauer, Olivia
Schuppel, Maci Sherfield, Colton Tibbetts, Cody Van Luven, Rebecca Van Luven, Noah Weinke and Rachel Wilhelm.

Holiday services
to be published
in special listing
The Star News will be publishing a
special listing of Christmas and New
Years services and special programs for
area churches in the Dec. 18 issue of the
If you would like your churchs services and programs included in this listing, mail them to The Star News, P.O.
Box 180, Medford, WI 54451; fax them to
715-748-2699; email them to [email protected] or drop them off at our
office at 116 S. Wisconsin Ave.
Please include a contact name and
telephone number in case we have any

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Self Help Evening Group for
Victims of Sexual Abuse. Tuesday & Wednesday evening
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Also Saturday Mens Group. For information write: Evening Group, P.O.
Box 366, Stratford, WI 54484.
(Meeting place not disclosed).


wood furnace. Safe, clean, efficient, wood heat. 25 year
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nine embroidery programs,
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$1,600 OBO. 715-384-4176.

FIVE NEWSPAPERS are available for purchase at The Star

News office, 116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford: The Star
News, The Tribune-Phonograph
(Abbotsford, Colby, Curtiss,
Dorchester, Milan, Unity), The
Record-Review (Athens, Edgar,
Marathon, Stratford), TribuneRecord-Gleaner
Greenwood, Loyal, Spencer),
and Courier Sentinel (Cornell,
Cadott, Lake Holcombe). Stop
in to purchase a subscription.

mailed to your home for free!
Sign up at Aspirus Pharmacy in
Medford today. 715-748-5800.
OVER 30,000 homes can
read your classified ad when
its placed in The Star News
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The Star News today at 715748-2626 to place your ad.

Dont tell your friends about your indigestion. How are you is a greeting,
not a question.
Arthur Guiterman

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etc., on the Abbotsford Masonic
Lodge. Please email [email protected].


Highest Honor Brooke Buehler,

Cody Matyka, Julie Schubert and Chelsea Shook.


For Sale

November 23rd
from 9am-12pm
at the

Medford Fairgrounds
~ Elva Drier ~



communicate with your customers?

Place an ad in this paper by calling
748-2626 today!
116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Corporation is accepting applications for CNC machinists,
welders and general labor. Competitive wage, excellent fringe
benefits, normal work week
is four 10 hour days - Monday through Thursday. Apply
in person at Meyer Mfg. Corp.,
Hwy. A West, Dorchester, WI.

HELP WANTED: Bagger operator Gilman Forest Products. Apply in person, 400
N. 1st Ave., Gilman, WI.

For advertising
utility, newspapers
consistently rank
higher than
direct mail.

Page 17


Village of Stetsonville
Public Works/Maintenance
Full Time Position
Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Maintain and
operate mechanical equipment including but not limited to;
tractor, snow removal equipment, and dump truck. Perform
maintenance of streets, parks, and municipal buildings.
Requirements: Must possess good mechanical skills.
Must be self-motivated and be able to work without direct
Application Deadline: Monday, December 1, 2014
Start Date: ASAP


Please send or email your letter of interest and resume to:

Shawn Sullivan
Village of Stetsonville
PO Box 219
Stetsonville, WI 54480
or request an application by contacting:
[email protected] or 715-678-2191

Full-time with benets, 7.25 hours per day, school days

only. The Medford Area Public School District currently
has an opening requiring the ability to help provide
behavioral, safety and communication support for a
high school student with signicant autism; the ability
to work with students, families, and staff in a respectful and condential manner; the ability to problem-solve
and make day-to-day decisions; work with minimal supervision, excellent attendance record, and exibility.
Applicant must be a high school graduate. Previous
autism experience and training preferred and/or willingness to be trained.
Apply by Monday, December 1, 2014 to:
Medford Area Public School District
Human Resources
124 W. State Street, Medford, WI 54451
For more information: visit our website at click on employment opportunities.
All positions are subject to the school districts criminal
records, drug testing and physical examination policies.
An equal opportunity employer.


for openings in Medford!



Starting wage to $12.50 per hour



Pay increases can be earned within the rst 30 days on the job.
Looking for candidates with a good work history, a positive attitude
and the willingness to learn.

Weather Shield offers the following full benet package:

Fitness Center

Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics, Inc.

135 S. Gibson Street
Medford, WI 54451



Job description: Candidate will solicit job contracts from existing
and potential customers in the food processing industries for custom manufactured processing equipment and turn-key systems.

Responsibilities required, but not limited to: Candidate will be expected to compile
lists of prospective customers based on information from industry ads, trade shows,
web sites and other sources. Travel is required to call on current and potential customers. Other contact with customers is required via phone to solicit orders and conduct as
a courtesy for follow-up. Develop and maintain relationships with purchasing contacts
and investigate and resolve customer issues. Keep track of expenses related to travel for
obtaining sales, attend trade shows and focus on obtaining accounts.

Industry experience is encouraged

Please email resume and cover letter to [email protected]

fax to (715) 223-6140, or send to:

Loos Machine & Automation, Inc.

205 West Washington Street, Colby, WI 54421
Visit us online at


Do you enjoy teaching others while getting in shape? Are you looking for a
job thats exible and fun? We are looking for customer-focused individuals
to teach group classes at Aspirus Medford Therapy and Fitness. We have
exibility with schedules for interested candidates. The instructor will provide
exceptional customer service, ensuring that participants are involved in the
class and are receiving a meaningful, safe workout. The qualied candidate will
have previous customer service experience working with the public and be CPR
certied (or must obtain within 30 days). Paid training would be available.
The quality of our care is directly related to the staff we hire. And our staff is
extraordinary. If you are interested in experiencing the difference of Aspirus
Medford, please apply on-line at

Incentive pay equal to up to 10% of wage paid in addition to hourly wage

4 day work schedules with possible overtime hours on Friday and Saturday
Shift premium for second and third shifts
Vacation time
Paid Holidays
Company paid Short Term Disability
Company paid Life Insurance
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Vision Insurance
401k with employer match

Stop in and ll out an application today:

531 N. 8th Street
Medford, WI 54451

Ace Ethanol, LLC in Stanley, WI offers a very safe and fast-paced work environment,
competent and committed co-workers, competitive base pay, excellent employee benefits,
and profit-sharing eligibility - all in an industry-leading and state-of-the-art facility. We are
currently seeking highly motivated individuals for the following opening:

Distillers Grain Merchandising Manager

Provides for the timely and accurate management of activities related to the inventory,
movement and storage of incoming commodities and outgoing products. Responsible for
sales and marketing of dry distillers grains (DDG). Works with customers and potential
customers to increase local sales of the product. Works with General Manager to establish
DDG pricing, monitor market movements and respond accordingly. Works with Accounting
to accurately record transactions and problem solve exceptions. Positively represents the
Company in these interactions. Requires at least an associates degree in agriculture or
related area (a 4-year degree is preferred) and at least 3 years of inventory management
experience, preferably in agricultural commodities. Knowledge of corn grading is very helpful,
as is use of Grain Smart computerized inventory system. Must have ability to read and clearly
speak English, interact professionally with other people, diplomatically communicate and
enforce Company policies and procedures, perform basic math operations, use a computer
proficiently for data entry and retrieval, read scales. Working knowledge of Microsoft Outlook,
Excel and Word is necessary. Works mostly during regular office hours on weekends. May be
required to work overtime, evenings, weekends or holidays. Due to 24/7/365 operations,
must be reliable and timely in reporting to work. Pre-employment drug screening and
background check required. Salary is dependent upon qualifications.
Please apply by sending resume and salary requirements to:
Ace Ethanol LLC
Attn: Joanna Hart
815 W. Maple Street
Stanley, WI 54768
Phone: (715)644-2909
Fax: (715)709-0290
Email: [email protected]


Page 18



N2393 Larson Drive,


909 Casement Court,


204 N. Washington Ave.,


3 Bedroom, 2 bath, open concept

home with a family room with
built-in bar, ample kitchen storage,
detached 3 car garage & more.
Approx. 2.8 acres with a patio,
deck, large yard, pond, 6 apple
trees, very private youll love it.

Here we have a chalet style home

or cabin nestled in the woods,
close to the Chequamegon
National Forest. As you walk in
youll notice the beautiful knotty
pine walls, cathedral ceilings and
beautiful views of the private lake.

Very well maintained ranch home

with many amenities including a
beautiful wood burning replace,
large family room, open concept
oor plan, 30x40 garage and
40x20 storage shed all sitting on
11.4 wooded acres.

This former Hardees building has

been remodeled for the Happy
Joess Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor
franchise. The business can be
purchased with or without the

1.5 story duplex with covered

front porch, new roof and freshly
painted interior. This rental is
ready to go.

#1303376..................$129,900 #1405437..................$169,500 #1406456..................$192,500 #1407042..................$425,000 #1407056....................$56,800


Retirement benets
PTO (Paid time off)
Health insurance available for eligible positions
Karen Simington, RN, MSN, DON
Clark County Health Care Center
Clark County is an ADA/CRC/EEO employer.

Visit us at:


Production Positions
Potential to progress to Skilled Operator Positions
Entry pay of $17.75/hr. with appropriate shift premium
Must be available for all work assignments as well as scheduled
overtime to include extended hours and weekend work.
Incumbents must comply with company established
attendance policy.
No guarantee of 40 hours per week and must be available for
stand-by scheduling.
Must be able to lift objects weighing an average of 60 pounds
on a regular basis and occasionally maneuver up to 100 pounds.
Must be able to perform repetitive hand assembly.
Must possess computer skills with ability to learn company
computer-based programs.
Ability to read, write, comprehend and follow verbal and
written instructions, and must possess basic mathematics skills.
Must be 18 years or older.
Pre-employment physical assessment required.



Sue Anderson

Susan J. Thums

Builders of steel-frame, fabric-membrane buildings,

is accepting applications for a full-time


Jamie Kleutsch

Duties Include: General construction, erection and installation

of buildings, preferably fabric tension structures. Ability to use
tools such as impact wrenches, screwdrivers, grinders and
other electrical tools. Able to lift 50 to 100 lbs. on a regular
basis and read a tape measure.
Ideal candidate will have experience constructing pre-engineered buildings, excellent communication skills, organizational skills, clean driving record, ability to travel 48 states, be
detailed oriented and able to handle multiple tasks with minimal
supervision. Full benets package including health insurance
and 401k available.

Please email resume to: [email protected],

or stop in and complete our application
Paramount Installers, LLC, P.O. Box 35, Stratford, WI 54484-0035

Hurd Windows & Doors is now owned by


Currently Accepting Applications for

Entry Level Manufacturing Positions

$14.00 per hour starting pay.

Hurd Windows and Doors. Here is your

A Division of

Land OLakes, Inc.

306 Park St., Spencer, Wis.
Please apply during business hours of 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
Drug screen and background check required for all
successful candidates.

Kelly Rau


Terra Brost

Jon Roepke

Angela Mueller




Now Accepting Applications for Professional

Over the Road Truck Drivers!
Top wage of $.422 per mile. Average 2,150 Miles Per Week
$300 Average Weekly Drop and Pickup Pay in Addition to
Mileage Pay
$2,000 Sign-on Bonus
401K Retirement and Health Insurance Plans Available

Land OLakes, Inc., a cheese-processing plant in central
Wisconsin, has the following employment opportunities:

Jodi Drost



We are seeking CARING AND DEPENDABLE individuals to

work in a nursing home setting. Full-time and part-time p.m.
positions available.
Excellent wages (Starting $13.31 per hour, with p.m.



N4553 Division Dr.,


Dan Olson



N2387 Castle Dr.,




Thursday, November 20, 2014

Interested candidates should send resume and letter of

application to:

Weather Shield

One Weather Shield Plaza

Medford, WI 54451
[email protected]

MarquipWardUnited, is currently looking for motivated people

to become part of our people centric company located in Phillips,
r&MFDUSJDJBO TUTIJGU Perform duties required to install
electrical wiring, electrical components, conduit and fittings
following established procedures and working from work
orders, wiring diagrams, drawings, and verbal instructions.
A two-year technical degree in electrical or equivalent work
experience in the electrical industry required.
involving the skills of two or more maintenance or craft
occupations to keep machines, mechanical equipment, or
the facility in repair. Duties involve maintenance activities, keeping building in an orderly condition; welding;
machining; carpentry; repairing electrical or mechanical
equipment; installing, aligning, and balancing new equipment; repairing buildings, floors, or stairs; grounds care and
cleaning snow or debris from sidewalk.
Send resumes to: [email protected]
MarquipWardUnited Attn: Culture and People Development
1300 No. Airport Rd., Phillips, WI 54555
Equal Opportunity EmployerM/F/D/V



Thursday, November 20, 2014


Silverado, extended cab 4x4,
160,000 miles, good running condition, $3,900 OBO.
2004 CHEVY 2500 Silverado crew cab, 6.0 liter, gas,
6.5 box, running boards,
$16,500 OBO. 715-965-2235.


K&C FIREWOOD Processing will come to you. I take

the sweat out of making firewood. Will cut loggers cords
into firewood. 715-748-4430.
ready. Sign up for free text or
email alerts at Aspirus Pharmacy in Medford. 715-748-5800.
cards, envelopes, letterhead,
invoices, statements, promotional items, etc. Call of stop by
The Star News office to place
your order. 715-748-2626, 116
S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford.

270 REMINGTON 7600 with
Bushnell scope, like new,
30-30 LEVER action Winchester
rifle, Tasco scope, carrying case,
3 boxes of shells. Call Quill,
715-654-5179, leave message.
HUNTING HUB blind: Barronett
insulated bell bottom blind,
five - hub blind quilted fabric,
shoot thru mesh windows, size
76x76by 67 height. Brand
new, never used, $170. Traditions Pursuit ultralight .50 cal.
black powder rifle, comes with a
3-9x40 scope, bullets, primers,
powder and all cleaning accessories, $300 firm. Lone Wold
hand climber Combo II climbing
tree stand, brand new condition,
only 17-1/2 lbs., 30x19-1/2 onepiece cast aluminum platform,
fits trees 6-19 in diameter, 350lb. weight rating; never used in
the woods, $285. 715-897-3402.
THE SILENT Glide carries
American and Canadian brands:
Northern Lites, Iverson and Faber. Atlas, Yukon Charlie and
Tubbs are Chinese made. We
can help you select the one that
is best for you. Children, hikers,
racers, women, trappers, hunters and XXL people. Try before
you buy. Great service, products
and prices. 715-748-0148, [email protected]., www.silentglidecanoeand

14 EWES, good bloodlines,

grazing flock, $125 each. Also 1
ram, flock produces good lambs.
N12782 Owen Avenue, Owen.

now, $400; also taking down
Cavilair-Yorkie cross and Teddy Bears.
W4775 Elm Ave., Stetsonville,
1-1/2 miles east of 13. Lic.
#271226-DS. No Sunday sales.

apartment, $460 includes sewer,
water, garbage, storage unit, onsite laundry, garage available, no
dogs, cats okay. 715-965-4440.


ONE BEDROOM upper apartment, $400 per month, nonsmoking, no pets, stove,
refrigerator, heat, water, electric. Rib Lake, 715-427-5783.


system w/2 stainless pipeline
for 90 barn. Berg barn cleaner
w/chain and hydro manure
pump. Van Dale 18 silo unloader. 16 Loyal feed conveyor. Energy King indoor wood
furnace, like new. Best offer.
W15163 Franks Ave., Gilman.

trailer house located in Goodrich
plus utilities, all appliances
home 1/2 mile south of Medford
on Hwy 13. $650/month plus
heat and electric, 1 car garage
included, no pets, nonsmoking,
1 year lease and security deposit
required. Jason, 715-829-4180.

home on double lot in Westboro, $390 plus utilities and
11/15/14. Call 715-965-4688.

FOR RENT: Small two bedroom

home in Medford. 715-748-4791.
HOUSE FOR rent, three
bedroom, 1 bath, full basement, 2 car garage, North
St., Rib Lake, $550/month.
Contact Lynn, 618-960-0196.
LOWER, SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apartment, A/C, nonsmoking, village of Rib Lake,
MEDFORD ONE bedroom lower, $360, includes sewer, water,
garbage, storage unit, onsite
laundry, garage, available, no
dogs, cats okay. 715-965-4440.


homes, 765 S. Gibson Ave. 2
bedroom apartments include
appliances, spacious rooms,
walk-in closet, in-unit laundry,
secure entrance, garage, deck/
patio and utilities (heat, sewer
& water). 2 bedroom $670-680/
month. Call now, 715-3402331,

Woodridge Housing is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer




homes available for rent at $625/
month or for sale at $22,900 in
Medford. Contact Pleasant Valley Properties at 715-879-5179.
Ask us about our rent special.

ALLMAN PARK, 2 bedroom,

rent $725, includes heat, water/
sewer, garbage, in-unit washer/
dryer, dishwasher, A/C, 1 car detached garage. 715-497-6161.
One bedroom apartments for
those 62+. Rod Becker Villa, 645
Maple Court, Rib Lake. Owner
paid heat, water, sewer and
trash removal, community room,
laundry facilities, additional storage, indoor mail delivery and
off-street parking. Tenant pays
30% of adjusted income. Pet
friendly property For an application, contact Impact Seven Inc.,
855-316-8967 or 715-357-0011.

SPACIOUS UPPER two bedroom in Medford, $475, no

dogs, cats okay. 715-965-4440.


TWO+ bedroom near middle

school, Medford, 1 car attached
garage, no pets, $525 plus utilities, available Dec. 1. Call 715560-0223 or 715-965-8219.

6.2 ACRE lot tested for holding tanks or mound to be sold
with home package, $19,000.
See Wausau Homes Medford
for home plans. Contact Jason at 715-829-4180 to view.
LAND FOR sale: 12 acre wooded country lot, 3 miles northwest
of Medford on blacktop road.
Contact Jason, 715-829-4180.

Medford Ofce Hwy. 13 South
Luke Dixon, Jon Knoll,
Jesse Lukewich, George Zondlo

518 N. Shattuck Street,
Move-in ready 3 bed, one full bath
ranch home. Custom cherry cabinetry,
family room, large private backyard,
detached garage and storage shed.




218 E. Blackhawk Ave.,



TIME: 4:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

Bob Bosold from WAXX will be here to help Courtesy Auto present the
checks to our organizations:
Thorp Food Pantry Cardinal Closet Greenwood Food Pantry
Clark County Relay for Life Personal Development
Jump River Food Pantry Clark County Humane Society
Stanley Food Pantry & Weekend Backpack Program

d & o o d T i me
G re

Well maintained 4 bed, 1.75

bath home on a double lot. Full
basement, vinyl windows, steel
siding, two car garage.


W9091 County Road D,
Like new hunting cabin on +/-35.5
wooded acres. Open concept design,
QLVKHGLQWHULRU Private setting,
abundant wildlife.


Vacant Land Zuege Road,
Rib Lake

Easy to Find Just Off Hwy. 29, Thorp, WI


(excludes Thorp Courier & West Central WI Shopper)

Auto, Misc. for Sale, Garage Sale, etc.)

+/-47.80 acres of vacant land with a mix

of tillable and wooded acreage. Located
just east of Rib Lake.



BOLD AD: $5/publication per week

Mail to: P.O. Box 180, Medford, WI 54451

Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________City/Zip___________________


W9258 St. Hwy. 64,

Completely renovated open concept
2 bed, 1 full bath maintenance free
country home or your new hunting
headquarters. Located close to the
Chequamegon National Forest.


Ph # ______________________________________________
Amount Enclosed $ ______________
Ad must be pre-paid. Please enclose check or call for credit or debit card payment.
One word on each line.




CLEAN-UP America Recycling.

Will pick up your unwanted
washers, dryers, refrigerators,
freezers, batteries, all sorts of
metals. Cleaning up properties,
estates, etc. State licensed,
DNR certified. Please call
715-223-6976, 715-613-7016.



FOR SALE: 4x5 round bales

of hay, no rain. 715-564-3304.


Page 19




Please check the paper(s) where you

want your ad to run and number of times
you would like it to run:
Weekly Price # Weeks
 Star News Shopper
Central WI Shopper
West Central WI Shopper
 The Star News
 Thorp Courier
 Tribune Record Gleaner
 Courier Sentinel
 TP & RR & TRG
Full Combo***:






*20 per word

**30 per word

***50 per word

418 E. Perkins St.,

Must see 2 bed, 1 full bath home
on Tee Hi Golf Course. Updated
kitchen, large living room. Sunroom
overlooking golf course. Private
backyard patio. New forced air gas

Vacant Land - Crane Dr.,
14.58 wooded country acres with a
private pond and three season cabin.
Property features driveway leading to
building site with power. Property has
been surveyed



Page 20

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Medford senior Samantha Bowe nished 16th in the 100-yard breaststroke during the WIAA Division 2 girls state
swim meet, held Friday at the UW-Madison Natatorium. Bowe nished the race in 1:11.65.
Bowe qualied for state with a third-place nish in the breaststroke at the WIAA Division 2 Stevens Point sectional.
She had a personal-best time of 1:11.59. That time gave her the nal state-qualifying spot.
The state appearance was Bowes rst, though she was an alternate for the
2012 state-qualifying 200-yard medley relay team, which nished 11th.

New school records were set this season

in the 500-yard freestyle (Schumacher
at 5:39.03), the 200-yard freestyle relay
(Loertscher, Schumacher, Olson and
Bergman at 1:44.13) and the 400-yard
freestyle relay (Olson, Josie Brost,
Schumacher and Loertscher in 3:51.51).


Honorable mention went to Bowe in the

100-yard breastroke, Schumacher in the
500-yard freestyle, Paige Olson earned
honorable mention in the 200-yard freestyle
and to the 200-yard freestyle relay team
of Loertscher. Schumacher, Olson and


Medford nished the 2014 with a third-place nish in the eight-team

Great Northern Conference and a sixth-place nish in the
15-team sectional meet. The Raiders had three second-team
All-GNC performances. Abbie Bergman had two in the
100-yard buttery and 100-yard backstroke.
The 200-yard medley relay team of Mara Schumacher,
Bowe, Bergman and Alyssa Loertscher had the
other one.



410 S. 8th St.,


Proud Sponsors
143 W. State,



140 S. Main St.


Locally Owned & Operated


Medford, Abbotsford,
Thorp & Stanley

ROMIGS Hardware, Septic,

545 W. Broadway, Medford, WI

Quality embroidery & screen printing



W5507 Cty. Rd. O

Burzynski Insurance

C&D Lumber
729 Kennedy Street
Rib Lake


& Lumber
201 Hwy. 13, Stetsonville



302 S. 8th St.


Proud To Be Community Owned

Jacks Auto Repair, LLC




4UI4U .FEGPSEt715-785-5300

Fuzzys General Store

& Bait Shop
Located on the corner of CTH E and

Gilman Corner Store

120 E. Main Street, Gilman

Handel Automotive
N3657 State Hwy 13, Medford
316 S. Main Street, Medford

Hwy. 13, Stetsonville


Jensen, Scott,
Grunewald & Shiffler S.C.

Jerrys Computer
W4229 State Hwy. 102

Krugs Bus Service & Tours

549 Billings Ave., Medford

275 Joan St.


Plumbing & Heating


Medford Dental Clinic

309 E. Broadway, Medford

Dr. Daniel Miskulin

Dr. Gary Krueger


Niemuth Implement
306 S. State Hwy. 13, Stetsonville

[email protected]

N7918 Hwy. 73, Gilman


Hwy. 13, Next to Cenex,


1210 N. Division St., Colby


Treasure Chest Gifts

345 N. 8th St. (Hwy. 13), Medford

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