Nicholas Wolterstorff, Terence Cuneo) Inquiring About God
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Terence Cuneo) Inquiring About God
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Terence Cuneo) Inquiring About God
Selected Essays, Volume
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Nicholas Wolterstor and Terence Cuneo
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Wolterstor, Nicholas.
Inquiring about God : selected essays / Nicholas Wolterstor, Terence Cuneo.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
---- (hardback) . Philosophical theology.
. Analysis (Philosophy) I. Cuneo, Terence, II. Title.
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Editors introduction
page vi
Divine simplicity
God everlasting
Suering love
Barth on evil
Editors introduction
Several years ago, I approached Nick Wolterstor with the idea of publishing his papers in the philosophy of religion and epistemology. Lying
behind the suggestion was the thought that it would be good for the philosophical community to have these essays, which lay scattered in various
essay collections and journals, collected together. Nick liked the idea and,
fortunately, so did Cambridge University Press. The result is two volumes
of Nicks collected papers: Inquiring about God and Practices of Belief.
Nick and I chose to include the thirteen chapters that comprise this
volume. Our primary principle of selection was to include self-standing
essays that have minimal overlap with each other and the various books
that Nick has published. With the exception of the Introduction and
chapter , Is God disturbed by what transpires in human aairs?, the
essays that appear in this volume have all been previously published and
are in more or less their original form. Editing has been done here and
there to increase clarity, minimize overlap, and bring some language up
to date.
For their help in seeing this project through, I would like to thank Sean
Christy, Joyce Dunlap, and Donna Kruithof; they have provided muchappreciated assistance in preparing the book. I would also like to thank
Jim Bratt at the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship for providing a
summer stipend, which helped underwrite copyediting assistance. Finally,
Id like to express a note of special thanks to Nick himself. Our mutual
baement concerning the latest computer technologies notwithstanding,
it has been a great pleasure to work on this project together.
The past several decades have seen an extraordinary ourishing of philosophy of religion within the analytic tradition of philosophy. The essays
that follow, written over a span of thirty-ve years, are located within that
development. In the essay that opens the collection, Analytic philosophy
of religion: retrospect and prospect, I oer a general characterization of
the development, along with an account of the changes within the analytic tradition of philosophy that made analytic philosophy of religion
possible in the form it has taken.
Most discussions from the Western philosophical tradition that we
would classify as philosophy of religion fall under one or the other of
three headings. Some are philosophical reections on some aspect of the
human phenomenon of religion: reections on religious experience, on
the nature of religious language, on liturgy and ritual, on the interpretation of sacred texts, on prayer, on the essence of religion, and so forth.
Some are philosophical reections on the epistemology of religious
belief: reections on the nature of religious belief, on what is required of
a religious belief for it to count as knowledge and whether some religious
beliefs do in fact count as knowledge, on what is required of a religious
belief to be entitled and whether some religious beliefs are in fact entitled,
on the probability that one and another religious belief is true, and so
forth. And some are philosophical theology, that is, philosophical reections on God and Gods relation to experience and reality: reections on
various of Gods attributes, on the relation of God to evil, on the relation
of God to human freedom, on the relation of God to laws of nature, and
so forth. Apart from the fact that analytic philosophers have displayed
no interest in reecting on the essence of religion, all the questions mentioned have been discussed over the past several decades, many at length.
At mid-twentieth century there were no intimations of this development. There were some discussions on various aspects of religion;
observers might have expected those to continue, though not to ourish.
But no philosophical theology was being done, not, at least, within
mainline philosophy. Instead of talking about God, philosophers were
debating whether it is possible to talk about God. Pervasive doubts on
that score made reections on the epistemology of beliefs about God
Why were philosophers not talking about God but debating whether
it is possible to talk about God? Obviously some were not talking about
God because they did not believe in God. But even those who counted
themselves as theistic believers found themselves preoccupied with the
meta-question of whether it is possible to speak about God. Why was
The immediate culprit was logical positivism, which at the time
appeared to be in its prime but was in fact near death, as shortly became
clear. The positivist criterion of meaning appeared to have the implication that theological sentences lack sense; the criterion had been formulated with that result in mind, among others. But preoccupation with the
meta-question, whether it is possible to speak about God, did not begin
with the positivists. It began with Kant.
A prominent theme in Kants critical philosophy is that of the limits
or boundaries of thought and knowledge. Confronted with the traditions
of rational theology, rational psychology, and rational cosmology, Kants
critical philosophy led him to ask whether such enterprises represent
attempts to trangress the boundaries of the knowable. Indeed, it became
for Kant a serious question whether we can even have genuine thoughts
about God never mind whether any of those thoughts constitute knowledge. May it be that God is beyond the boundary of the thinkable? If so,
then not even theologia revelata is possible.
The power of Kants question has haunted and intimidated theology
in the modern period, both theology as developed by theologians and
theology as developed by philosophers. It has led theologians to preface whatever they have to say on theological matters with lengthy prolegomena; it led mainline philosophers to stay away from philosophical
theology altogether, and to talk instead about religion and the possibility
of theology. In the second essay in this collection, Is it possible and
desirable for theologians to recover from Kant? I discuss in detail Kants
doctrine of limits and why this doctrine led him to regard it as a serious question whether God lies beyond the limits of the thinkable and
Critique of Pure Reason, A = B. The passages I quote are all from Critique of Pure Reason,
A = B. I use the Norman Kemp Smith translation (New York: Macmillan & Co.,
Rational theology comes in two main forms, said Kant. In one form,
it thinks its object through pure reason, solely by means of transcendental concepts (ens originarium, realissimum, ens entium), in which case it
is entitled transcendental theology. In the other form, it thinks its object
through a concept borrowed from nature (from the nature of our soul)
a concept of the original being as a supreme intelligence and it would
then have to be called natural theology. Those who engage in the former
type of rational theology are called deists, says Kant; those who engage in
the latter type are called theists.
[Deists] grant that we can know the existence of an original being solely through
reason, but maintain that our concept of it is transcendental only, namely,
the concept of a being which possesses all reality, but which we are unable to
determine in any more specic fashion. [Theists] assert that reason is capable of
determining its object more precisely through analogy with nature, namely, as
a being which, through understanding and freedom, contains in itself the ultimate ground of everything else. Thus the deist represents this being merely as a
cause of the world the theist as the Author of the world.
The best-known recent example of an ontological argument is that presented by Alvin Plantinga
in God, Freedom, and Evil (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, ). Plantinga makes a brief
attempt to show that he is getting at what Anselm had in mind; I do not nd the attempt convincing. My view is that Plantingas argument is not a reformulation of Anselms argument but a
new ontological argument.
Kant would not regard the remainder of the essays in this collection as
essays in rational theology, nor would he regard most of the writings I
have been calling analytic philosophical theology as rational theology.
For the same reason he would not regard them as philosophical theology.
He might regard them as theologia revelata Im not sure.
Why would he not regard them as rational theology, and thus not as
philosophical theology? Because he would not regard them as theology
based solely upon reason. Given what he meant by that, he would be
right; they are not theology based solely upon reason.
Kant did not explain what he meant by theology based solely upon
reason. But from his dierentiation of various types of theology that
he regards as based solely upon reason, we can make a good inference.
Theology is based solely upon reason, and is thus rational or philosophical theology, only if it is based solely on premises that all normal, adult,
appropriately informed human beings would accept if those premises
were presented to them and they understood them. Possibly Kant had
in mind additional restrictions on the sort of premises that theology may
employ if it is to be rational or philosophical theology; but at least this
restriction holds.
Many analytic philosophers of religion, myself included, engage in
the enterprise as religious believers without making or having made
any attempt to base our religious convictions on premises that all normal, adult, appropriately informed human beings would accept if those
premises were presented to them and they understood them. With respect
to a good many of our religious convictions we do not make, and have
not made, any attempt to base them on any premises whatsoever. So too,
many analytic philosophers who work in philosophy of mind enter the
discussion as committed physicalists without making or having made
any attempt to base their physicalist convictions on premises that all normal, adult, appropriately informed human beings would accept if those
premises were presented to them and they understood them.
This description of how analytic philosophers engage in philosophy
raises the obvious question, are they entitled to employ their Christian
convictions in this way, or their physicalist convictions, or whatever?
Are they not defecting from the high calling of the philosopher to base
I myself do not regard the last, Tertullians enduring question, as philosophical theology.
philosophy solely upon reason? Kant would say they are defecting;
present-day philosophers assume they are not. Why the change?
The change in view concerning what might be called the epistemology
of philosophy reects dramatic changes in epistemology generally over the
past thirty years or so. Here is not the place to discuss those changes. Let
me simply say that most analytic philosophers operate on the assumption that little of interest would emerge if philosophers did in fact conne themselves to premises that all normal, adult, appropriately informed
human beings would accept if those premises were presented to them
and they understood them. There is no serious alternative to engaging in
philosophy employing considerations that one nds compelling but that
some of ones fellow philosophers do not. Philosophy has become a pluralist enterprise. Or rather, in spite of the self-perception of many philosophers, it always has been that.
But then why talk about philosophical theology? The term implies a
distinction between theology as developed by philosophers and theology
as developed by theologians between philosophical theology and theological theology. Kant was carrying on the tradition of distinguishing
the two by saying that philosophers appeal solely to reason whereas theologians appeal also to revelation. The now-current view among analytic
philosophers concerning the epistemology of philosophy makes that way
of distinguishing no longer applicable. The fact that someone views certain of his religious convictions as having their source in revelation does
not imply that appealing to those convictions in the course of his reections about God establishes that he is not engaged in philosophy.
I see no structural dierence between philosophical and theological
theology. In the West there is a distinct tradition and practice of philosophy, and a distinct tradition and practice of theology. Though these
two traditions and practices overlap, we are all able to pick out works
that clearly belong to one or the other. Whiteheads writings about God
belong to the tradition and practice of philosophy though theologians
not infrequently read and discuss them. John Calvins and Karl Barths
writings belong to the tradition and practice of theology though philosophers now and then read and discuss Calvin and Barth. Philosophical
theology is what emerges when someone engaged in the practice of
philosophy and carrying on its tradition turns his or her reections to
God. Anyone acquainted with the two traditions and practices, that of
I discuss them in several of the essays that will appear in another collection of mine, Practices of
Belief: Essays in Epistemology, Terence Cuneo, ed. (Cambridge University Press, ).
philosophy and that of theology, will recognize that the essays in this
collection are philosophical.
With the exception of the last essay, Tertullians enduring question, all
the essays, from the fth on, are essays in which I deal directly with one
or another of Gods attributes or with some aspect of Gods relation to the
world. I do so by engaging, in a certain way, the tradition of Christian
philosophical theology. Let me explain, beginning with an explanation
of what I have in mind by Christian philosophical theology, and then
explaining my particular mode of engagement with it. A happy consequence of overcoming the Kantian anxiety is that one can treat ones
pre-Kantian predecessors in philosophical theology as genuine dialogue
A prominent feature of how those philosophers who are Christians have
gone about developing philosophical theology is that they have required
of their reections that they cohere with what Christian Scripture claims
and presupposes about God.
Sometimes their reections have been directly on some aspect of what
Scripture claims about God. In my book Divine Discourse, for example,
I reect philosophically on the claim, running throughout Hebrew and
Christian Scripture, that God said so-and-so, and on the claim often
made about Christian Scripture that it is the word of the Lord. I was
aware that the biblical writers were not alone in claiming that God had
spoken to them or to someone they knew; so I realized that my reections had broader relevance than just to the claims of divine speech made
within and about Scripture. But in any case, I was not led by philosophical arguments to conclude that God speaks. I found this claim already
being made; and I decided to reect on it philosophically. It is, after all,
an intriguing and highly provocative claim.
By contrast, Aquinas arrived at the conclusion that God is ontologically immutable by employing what Kant would have classied as rational
theology of the cosmo-theological sort. (I discuss Aquinas line of argument for Gods immutability in the essay, God everlasting.) Aquinas
interpreted Scripture as claiming the very same thing, however; he held
that philosophical reasoning and Scriptural claim converge on this point.
So though it would be misleading to characterize Aquinas reections on
divine immutability as philosophical reections on the biblical claim that
God is immutable, it would also not be correct to say that the role of
Scripture in his reections on immutability was merely to set boundaries
to his conclusions. He had independent philosophical reasons for holding
that God is immutable; but he would have insisted that his reections do
not merely cohere with Scripture but are a philosophical articulation of
Scriptures claim that God is immutable. So when I say that those philosophers who are Christians have required of their philosophical theology
that it cohere with what Scripture claims and presupposes about God, it
should not be inferred that the actual relationship has been no more than
coherence. Coherence is the minimum.
A fair number of philosophical theologians have felt no compunction
whatsoever to have their conclusions cohere with what Christian Scripture
claims and presupposes about God; Plotinus and Whitehead come to
mind. Conversely, many of those who have interpreted Scripture to nd
out what it claims and presupposes about God have had no interest in
reecting philosophically about God; many are in fact downright hostile
to philosophical theology. Christian philosophical theology is the challenging project of achieving an understanding of God that both coheres
with Scripture and is philosophically cogent.
Determining what Christian Scripture claims or assumes about God
is no simple task. Distinguish between how some passage of Scripture
presents God, what the writer (editor) of that passage was claiming or presupposing about God in thus presenting God, and what Scripture claims
and presupposes about God. What is directly before us when we read
Scripture is the rst; what we have to get to by interpretation is the last.
Some passages in Scripture present God as having wings; others present
God as a rock. No interpreter believes that the writers (editors) of these
passages were claiming or presupposing that God has wings or that God
is a rock. A passage may present God as a rock without the writer claiming or presupposing that God is a rock; that will be the case if is a rock
is being used metaphorically. Probably only completely dead metaphors
can be fully parsed out into some literal equivalent. But when some biblical writer presents God as a rock, what he is claiming, at least, is that God
is steadfast and reliable.
In my Divine Discourse (Cambridge University Press, ) I argue that it is not texts that claim
things, but authors (or editors) who claim things by way of authorizing a text, those claims then
having various presuppositions. I likewise hold that metaphor, hyperbole, etc., are not matters
of meaning but of use; authors (editors) use words metaphorically, hyperbolically, ironically, etc.
In apparent violation of these principles, I will speak of Scripture as claiming and presupposing
things about God. I speak thus so as to leave open the question of who it might be that is claiming and presupposing these things by way of the text of Scripture.
In Divine Discourse I did not devote much attention to what goes into interpreting a body of writings as one work. I discuss the issues more fully in The Unity Behind the Canon, in Christine
Helmer and Christof Landmesser, eds., One Scripture or Many? Canon from Biblical, Theological,
and Philosophical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, ).
I am using the translation of the English Dominican Fathers (New York: Benziger Brothers,
and so forth. My engagement with the tradition of Christian philosophical theology mainly takes the form of engaging various components of
this classical formulation of philosophical theology, now and then bringing other gures into the picture in addition to Aquinas. (The essay on
Anselm is dierent in that there I engage the opening argument in a formulation of Christian philosophical theology which yields the conclusion
that God is that than which nothing more excellent is possible, rather
than the conclusion that God uniquely possesses aseity.)
One can engage philosophical theology in one or another of its classical formulations in a variety of dierent ways. If one nds oneself in basic
agreement with its line of argumentation and its conclusions, one can set
oneself the project of giving a deeper and richer account than ones predecessors gave of one and another attribute, and of dealing with puzzles and
objections better than they did. In contrast to engagement of this sort,
mine is a critical engagement. I have serious questions about various parts
of Christian philosophical theology in most of its classic formulations,
including its classic Thomistic formulation; I do not believe that God is
simple, ontologically immutable, eternal in the sense of being outside of
time, or impassible.
My argument against Anselms onto-theology is that the opening
move does not work; Anselms ontological argument is not sound. My
argument against the classic Thomistic formulation of philosophical
theology is dierent. I do not argue that Aquinas line of argument is
unacceptable simply qua rational theology of the cosmo-theological sort.
To the contrary, in Divine simplicity I defend Aquinas explanation of
divine simplicity against a number of philosophical objections that have
been lodged against it in recent years. And in the following essay, Alston
on Aquinas on theological predication, I argue that Aquinas solution to
the problem of how it can be that, if God is simple, our predications
about God are not all synonymous, has been widely misunderstood. On
Aquinas view, the term good applies literally and univocally to both
God and creatures, as do the terms powerful, knowledgeable, and
so forth. Aquinas does have a doctrine of analogy, as all commentators
agree; but that doctrine is not what it is commonly taken to be, namely,
that such terms as good and powerful apply only analogously to
both God and creatures.
My critical engagement takes the form of arguing that, on key points,
Christian philosophical theology of this and most other classic formulations fails to meet the requirement that it be compatible with what
Christian Scripture claims and presupposes about God. To those who
that, nor is it that when paired with my Divine Discourse. I say nothing
about such important and much-discussed topics as the nature of Gods
knowledge and Gods power; I do not discuss the Trinity. And my contribution to the topics I do discuss could rightly be described as piecemeal and mostly negative. I argue that God is not simple, not outside of
time, not ontologically immutable, not impassible. We would like to hear
something positive on these topics; and we would like to see those positive contributions assembled into a comprehensive understanding of God
which is an alternative to that found in Aquinas classic formulation, and
indeed, an alternative to that found in all other classic formulations. This
collection gives reasons for rejecting the classic formulations; in so doing,
it gives some indication of what an alternative formulation would be like.
But it scarcely goes beyond that.
I would guess that it is my purely negative treatment of the traditional
doctrine of Gods aseity that will leave readers most dissatised. If simplicity, eternity, ontological immutability, and impassibility all have to
go, then aseity also has to go. But surely God is not a hapless victim. So
what should replace aseity?
If God uniquely possessed aseity, then not only the existence but also
the properties of everything other than God would be dependent on God,
while the existence and properties of God would not be dependent on
anything other than God. I agree that, in one way or another, the existence of everything other than God is dependent on God, whereas God
is not dependent on anything other than Godself for Gods existence. I
likewise agree that, in one way or another, entities other than God having
the properties they do have are dependent on God. My disagreement is
with the claim that Gods having the properties God does have is never
dependent on anything other than God.
I hold, for example, that God has been wronged by us that being
wronged by us is one of the things that characterizes God. God has this
property on account of our having wronged God; had we not wronged
God, God would not have this property. Thus Gods having that property
is dependent on us. I likewise hold that God is disturbed by our wronging God, as God is disturbed by our wronging each other. God reacts
negatively to such wrongings. Though someone might undertake to argue
that being wronged by me at a certain time does not represent a genuine
change in God from how God was before the wronging took place, no
one will undertake to argue that being disturbed by my wronging God does
not represent a change in God from how God was before God was disturbed. And as I argue in God everlasting, no one should undertake
to argue that Gods knowledge, that God is now being wronged by me,
does not represent a genuine change in God from how God was before I
wronged God.
Barth held that God chooses to let Godself be disturbed by our actions
and chooses to save us from what we need saving from; God might have
remained sovereignly aloof, says Barth. I am dubious. I think that once
God made us as creatures who have the worth of bearing the image of
God, then certain ways of treating us are required of God on pain of
wronging us; God could not remain aloof. And I think that once God
made us as creatures capable of wronging God and each other, and did
not prevent us from doing exactly that, then too God could not remain
aloof. The relevant choice goes farther back in the life of God. The situation is not that, having made us, God then faced the choice of whether
or not to remain sovereignly aloof. God did not have to create us as the
sort of creatures that we are and permit us to wrong God; thats where the
choice lay. In creating us as the sort of creatures we are, creatures of great
worth but capable of wronging God, and in permitting us to wrong God,
God chose to be passible, thereby also choosing to give up aseity.
The collection concludes with an essay of quite a dierent sort, Tertullians
enduring question. A question raised by all the preceding essays is how
we should deal with the texts of our predecessors. Tertullian, so I argue,
represents one way; his near-contemporary, Clement of Alexandria, represents a very dierent way. The intellectual tradition of the West has been
a never-ending contest between these two ways. I leave it to the reader to
determine on whose side I come down.
Let me close on a personal note by oering my warm thanks to Terence
Cuneo for the work he has put into editing this volume. He has been a
superb editor. Indeed, without his prodding, this collection would probably never have come about.
then to listen to reasons voice. Rather than being philosophers, they are,
at bottom, defenders of the faith using the tools of philosophy!
These, I say, are the things that philosophers from the continental
tradition regularly say about contemporary analytic philosophy of religion. It seems to me that in thus speaking, they have their eye on some of
the most important features of this tradition in philosophy of religion. I
would say, however, that with respect to the second and the third points,
theres considerable distortion involved in their statement of the point. So
let me formulate for myself these three features.
In the rst place, most recent analytic philosophers of religion do
indeed take metaphysical realism concerning the external world and the
self for granted and also realism concerning God. A corollary of this is
that there has been a great owering of philosophical theology philosophical reections about God among these philosophers. Second, one
of the major preoccupations of recent philosophy of religion in the analytic tradition has been epistemology. Even the much-discussed problem
of evil, for example, has for the most part been treated as an epistemological issue. Epistemology has been hegemonic. Furthermore, part of what
accounts for the impression the continental person has of epistemological
condence and theological conservatism is that the stand most analytic
philosophers of religion take concerning the various doxastic merits
knowledge, warrant, entitlement, justication, rationality, etc. is that a
good many religious beliefs as they come possess these merits. They dont
have to be supported, defended, stripped down, or whatever, in order to
possess them. Thirdly, most analytic philosophers of religion over the past
quarter century have been what I would call perspectival particularists
in their understanding of how philosophy is to be practiced; they were
of this conviction well before deconstructionism melodramatically came
to the same conclusion on its own anti-realist grounds. The majority of
recent analytic philosophers of religion have not supposed that one could
or should practice philosophy as a generic human being, appealing solely
to reason. They have regarded philosophy in general, not just philosophy of religion, as in good measure and in various ways an articulation
of ones own particular perspective. That is why these philosophers have
neither tried to shed nor to conceal the religious convictions that they
bring to philosophy; and that is why they have not attempted to discover
some perch above the fray from which they could, qua purely rational
beings, practice suspicion and lodge critique. They have not only been
willing to describe religion from within; they have practiced philosophy of
religion from within.
How did recent analytic philosophy of religion acquire these characteristics? That is the question I want now to address. I concede that analytic
philosophy in general often wears a completely ahistorical face; I likewise
concede that, until this same past quarter century, its interest in the history of philosophy and its competence at dealing with that history were
minimal. But analytic philosophy came from somewhere; that is to say,
from somewhere in history. Its not the product of a shaft of light darted
unexpectedly into our existence by the keepers of the Platonic ideas. It
has historical antecedents.
To the nding of historical antecedents there is, of course, no
end: antecedents have antecedents, those have antecedents; and so forth.
But I would say that the best place to begin the story that leads up to contemporary analytic philosophy of religion is with the philosophers of the
latter third of the seventeenth century, and with their eighteenth-century
successors. Among those philosophers there emerged an ideal that, in my
judgment, sets the agenda for the next three centuries of philosophical
reections on religion. No doubt Maimonides was a great and inuential
philosopher of religion. But what he said is not part of the philosophical
memory of the contemporary analytic philosopher of religion. Not so for
Locke, Hume, and Kant, along with a number of lesser gures: Butler,
Paley, and so forth.
When I say that what happened there set the agenda for the next three
centuries, I do not mean that the history of the past three centuries is
the history of agreement with those great predecessors; many of us disagree with them on fundamental issues. I mean that their basic questions
remain for us live questions; and that their answers remain provocative
and challenging. Either we try to answer their questions, whether in the
way they themselves answered them or some other way; or we try to show
that theyre bad questions and should not be answered. We dont ignore
What is that ideal that emerged in the eighteenth century and the latter part of the seventeenth? The ideal of a rationally grounded religion.
No doubt a similar ideal had arisen among the Greek philosophers of the
classic period. But this ideal was something new in the Christian West.
Among the medieval philosophers and theologians one nds the ideal of
a scientic theology that is, the ideal of a theology so constructed as to
satisfy the criteria for a scientia. But when I say that in the late seventeenth
century and on into the eighteenth there emerged the ideal of a rationally
grounded religion, I have something dierent in mind than the ideal of a
scientic theology.
A rationally grounded religion was presented as an ideal for everyone,
not just for professional theologians and philosophers. Furthermore, the
ideal was not that of everyone becoming a theologian or philosopher, be it
amateur or professional; it was the ideal of everyone becoming a rational
religious believer. It was an ideal for everybody, not just for the intellectual elite; and it was an ideal concerning religion, not concerning the
construction of theology.
The two great articulators of this new cultural ideal were Locke and
Kant. My thesis will be that one of the reasons philosophers in the contemporary continental tradition nd present-day analytic philosophy of
religion so baing and o-putting is that analytic philosophy of religion stands in the tradition shaped by Locke, rather than in the tradition
shaped by Kant.
It was in the context of the intellectual crisis of the seventeenth century
in England and central and northwest Europe that the ideal emerged of a
rationally grounded religion. The texts handed down to the intellectuals
of medieval Western Europe were, to our eyes, extraordinarily diverse in
their contents: Christian Scripture, Greek and Latin church fathers, classic Greek antiquity, Greco-Roman late antiquity, including Stoic and neoPlatonic texts, and so forth. But for the most part, this diversity caused
the high medievals no particular anxiety. Education, let us recall, was
largely text-based. And rather than highlighting what to our eyes are ruptures and dissonances in their textual inheritance, the medieval philosophers and theologians, without denying the strains, typically treated their
textual inheritance, with the exception of a few blatantly heretical texts,
as all together embodying a vast system of highly articulated wisdom.
Nobody supposed that this body of texts composed by human beings was
infallible; the claim was only that it contained wisdom. The challenge of
the interpreter was to extract the wisdom embedded in the textual tradition, and then to build upon it.
By the time of John Locke, in the mid-seventeenth century, few if any
embraced any longer this picture of the textual inheritance. Few if any
believed any longer that the textual heritage contained just a few heretical
texts, these embraced only by marginal groups such as the Bogomils in the
former Yugoslavia. Everybody now believed that the textual inheritance
contained a vast number of heretical texts. Dierent people, however, had
I explore Lockes views in detail in John Locke and the Ethics of Belief (Cambridge University
Press, ).
Kant claims there is? If there is, is it true that all rationally grounded
beliefs about what lies over the boundary will have to start from something about the self we know? And is it furthermore true that the upshot
of developing such rationally grounded beliefs is Kants peculiar blend
of anti-realism (idealism) concerning empirical reality, with realism concerning the transcendent self and God? By no means all philosophers
after Kant accept his philosophy of the boundary. To say it again: the
argument has never been settled to the satisfaction of both parties.
In the meanwhile, we live with self-serving caricatures by each party of
the other: the boundary philosopher regards the non-boundary philosopher as naive; the latter regards the former as muddled. But let me speak
for a moment as a non-boundary philosopher: the situation is not that we
have failed to consider the Kantian alternative, and are consequently still
wandering about in unenlightened naivet; the situation is rather that we
have considered the Kantian arguments and found them wanting. Kant is
not some fact of nature with whom one has no choice but to cope.
A century ago, it would have appeared likely that idealism, of the
Hegelian type, would be the dominating force in Anglo-American philosophy for a good time to come. Powerfully argued forms of idealism
were rapidly replacing somewhat mindless versions of Scottish Common
Sense philosophy. But due largely to the interventions of Moore and
Russell, thats not how things turned out. Shortly after it gained ascendancy, idealism was beaten back in the English-speaking world; the metaphysical realism that had traditionally dominated anglophone philosophy
recovered its composure. The origins of analytic philosophy lie in that
realist intervention by Moore and Russell. By now, various philosophers
located within the analytic tradition have espoused versions of idealism,
and of Kantian-style blends of empirical idealism with trans-empirical
realism another illustration of the fact that the identity of the analytic
tradition is a narrative rather than a systematic identity. Nonetheless, it
remains the case that the analytic tradition, in its metaphysical orientation, is dominantly opposed to both of these. And that, then, is the main
factor accounting for the thoroughgoing metaphysical realism of most
recent analytic philosophers of religion. Such philosophers neither accept
the Kantian boundary and its metaphysical implications nor do they
accept the Hegelian argument that things are a certain way only relative
to our conceptual schemes.
One might, however, be a metaphysical realist in ones orientation,
accepting neither Hegelian idealism nor the Kantian blend of empirical
idealism with trans-empirical realism concerning the self and God, while
and metaphysics that had been present in the analytic tradition from its
very beginnings reasserted themselves. In this respect, the relative prominence of ontological and metaphysical concerns in recent analytic philosophy of religion witness the prominence of ontological concerns in the
philosophical theology being practiced is a reection of such concerns
in analytic philosophy generally.
As I read the history of the matter, the disappearance of positivism from
the scene not only goes a long way toward accounting for the theistically
realist commitment of most recent analytic philosophy of religion, and a
long way toward accounting for the interest in ontology and metaphysics
which has gone along with that. It also goes a long way toward accounting for its deep preoccupation with epistemology specically, with the
epistemology of religious belief. The Wittgensteinian, in his polemic with
the positivists, held that what dierentiates God-talk from other types
of speech is not that it gives expression to beliefs about a transcendent
realm of fact, but that it gives expression to a certain way of interpreting
and valuing ones ordinary experience the religious way. That interpretation meant, perforce, that if the Wittgensteinian was to talk about religious belief, he had to talk about the role of religious belief and speech in
life; there was, on his view, nothing else for him to talk about. But when
positivism collapsed, and philosophers of religion who were in general
metaphysical realists found themselves with no good reason not to extend
their realism to include God-thought and God-talk, they found themselves facing head-on an epistemological challenge to religious belief that
for centuries had been a prominent component in the intellectual culture
of the modern West, replaced there only for a short time by the rather
dierent challenge to religious belief issued by logical positivism. I refer
to the challenge issued by John Locke, to the eect that its the obligation
of everyone whatsoever to see to it that his or her religion is a rational
religion to see to it that whatever religious beliefs she may have are held
on good evidence. In other words, I suggest that if we want to understand
the preoccupation of recent analytic philosophy of religion with epistemology, we must look to intellectual culture, and to its embrace of that
ideal of a rational religion of which I spoke earlier.
When faced with a challenge such as Lockes evidentialist challenge to
religious belief, one can obviously either accept the challenge or reject it.
If one accepts the challenge, one can then either try to meet it, or one can
declare the challenge victorious and religious belief untenable. In turn,
if one tries to meet the challenge, one can try to do so in either of two
ways, or a combination thereof: one can try to assemble evidence for the
religious beliefs one does have, or one can trim ones beliefs until they do
not go beyond the evidence one nds oneself to have.
I think it safe to say that almost no one who is today engaged in analytic philosophy of religion accepts the Lockean evidentialist challenge.
Some would accept one or another severely qualied version of it; but
almost no one would accept it in the unqualied form in which Locke
issued it. Almost no one would hold that it is the obligation of everybody,
if they are religious at all, to see to it that their religion is rational by virtue
of being based on evidence consisting of certitudes. This new situation,
beyond doubt, is mainly the result of so-called Reformed epistemology.
What made the emergence of Reformed epistemology possible was the
emergence, around the same time, of meta-epistemology, and the identication, which meta-epistemology in turn made possible, of classical
foundationalism as one among many alternative accounts of the conditions under which our beliefs possess one or another such merit as warrant,
entitlement, justication, and so forth. To speak autobiographically for a
moment: its clear to me now, in retrospect, that my own graduate school
training in epistemology simply took classical foundationalism for granted,
and worried over issues that arose within that particular theory. The fact
that meta-epistemology had not yet emerged made it impossible to gain
that degree of epistemological self-consciousness that now is common.
The relevance of meta-epistemology to the emergence of Reformed
epistemology is this: the Reformed epistemologists discerned that
Lockes issuance of his evidentialist challenge to religious belief
depended essentially on his classical foundationalism. According to the
classical foundationalist, religious beliefs, or more specically, theistic
beliefs, are not of the sort that can appear in the foundation; if they
are to appear in a scheme of warranted beliefs, entitled beliefs, justied beliefs, or whatever, they will have to appear in the superstructure,
not in the foundation which is just to say that they will require the
support of non-theistic beliefs that do qualify for the foundation. But
if classical foundationalism proves unacceptable, then this whole way
of looking at things shakes and topples unless, of course, one can
quickly replace it with some other epistemological structure that, mirabile dictu, does the same work.
The Reformed epistemologists were already dubious of the validity of Lockes evidentialist challenge to religious belief; it was their recognition that Lockes challenge depended essentially on his classical
foundationalism that led them then to attack classical foundationalism,
with devastating results. We are now a long way from those initial, almost
exclusively negative, polemical forays. William P. Alston has since published his Perceiving God, in which he argues that a good many beliefs
about God are rationally held not because the person has Lockean-style
arguments for the belief, but because the person holding the belief has
experienced God. Alvin Plantingas Warranted Christian Belief has
made its appearance; Plantinga argues that a good many beliefs about
God have the status of knowledge even though the believer does not have
Lockean-style arguments in favor of them. And in sections of my Giord
Lectures, I argue, similarly, that many beliefs about God for which one
does not have Lockean-style arguments are nonetheless entitled. Using
rational as a catch-all word for the various truth-relevant doxastic merits, one could say this: religious beliefs can be rational without being rationally grounded. The fundamental signicance of Reformed epistemology
is, thus, that it denies the fundamental premise of Enlightenment philosophy of religion, shared alike by Locke and those in his tradition, and
by Kant and those in his.
It is partly these results that those who speak of the gullibility of analytic philosophers of religion have in mind; it is partly these results that
lead them to accuse the analytic philosophers of religion of failure to be
suspicious and to launch critique. But its not the claim of the Reformed
epistemologists that religious beliefs are impervious to critique. Quite
to the contrary; they insist that a good many of the religious beliefs of a
good many people are not justied, are not rational, are not entitled, are
not warranted, and so forth. What they reject is classically foundationalist accounts of these merits. They reject the swashbuckling insistence that
religious beliefs are lacking in doxastic merit if the believer does not hold
those beliefs on the basis of yet other beliefs that provide evidence for the
religious beliefs and are themselves certain. Why must they be held on
the basis of any other beliefs, be those other beliefs certain or not?
Those who accuse the analytic philosophers of religion of epistemological gullibility probably have their eye on something more in this
philosophical development than just the rejection of the ideal of a rationally grounded religion. They probably also have their eye on the obvious
condence, of the analytic philosophers of religion, that by argumentation we can learn something about God that it is possible to engage in
philosophical theology. The rejection of Kantianism is here at its most
striking. In the analytic philosophers of religion there is nothing like that
Quoted from Anselm of Canterbury : The Major Works, translated and edited by Brian Davies and
G. R. Evans (Oxford University Press, ), .
be treated less exclusively as epistemological problems will raise the question in the minds of many: How else could they be treated if not as epistemological problems? My answer is that they could instead be treated as
challenges to be faced by the person committed to leading a religious way
of life. My second point then is this: I think that we who are analytic philosophers of religion should begin to devote more attention than we have
to the role of religion in life. On this point, the Wittgensteinian philosophers of religion have something to teach us. Earlier I made the point that
the Wittgensteinians, given their theistic anti-realism, had nothing else to
discuss than the role of religion in life; philosophical reection on God
is not an option for the Wittgensteinian. But be that as it may: religion
obviously does play a role in life. That calls for a great deal more philosophical reection than those in the movement I have been describing
have thus far devoted to it.
Furthermore, in reecting on the role of religion in life, its important
not just to concentrate on private and exotic mystical experiences. For
most believers, communal liturgical practices play a far more important
role in their lives than private mystical experiences. Yet there have been
remarkably few philosophical reections on liturgy. Likewise there have
been remarkably few reections by analytic philosophers of religion on
the role of religion in society.
A third suggestion I wish to make is really a special case of the second,
but worth singling out for special attention. A prominent part in the lives
of most religious believers is the reading and interpreting of canonical
Scriptures. Yet there has been little attention paid by analytic philosophers to the important and fascinating problems of interpretation that
this practice raises. The English tradition of philosophy, in contrast to
the continental of the last century and more, has always paid far more
attention to problems of perception than to problems of interpretation.
Hence it is that one nds far more discussion of mystical experience than
of Scriptural interpretation in the recent analytic tradition. On this point,
we in the analytic tradition have much to learn from our continental fellows. I have practiced what I am now preaching with the publication of
my Divine Discourse.
Fourth, I think we can no longer ignore, to the extent we have, the problems posed by religious pluralism. I make no plea for the Schleiermachean
scheme of religion as having an essence of which the many religions are
manifestations. Likewise I make no plea for Wissenschaft as the product
solely of our generic humanity. But taking the fact of religious pluralism
as an important topic for philosophical reection does not require signing on to either of these pleas. Let me add that, in my judgment, a serious philosophical address to the problems raised by religious pluralism
will require of us far more inter-religious philosophical dialogue than we
have engaged in up to this point. There was considerably more of such
dialogue among the medieval theologians and philosophers than there is
among us.
Last, I fully endorse the continuation of work in the area of philosophical theology. This, in my judgment, is one of the most important if not
the most important contributions by those who work within the movement of analytic philosophy of religion. Epistemology has been important, but mainly as a polemical operation. Or to change the metaphor, it
has been important as a ground-clearing operation. Not so for the philosophical theology that has been produced. Of course it is this component
of recent philosophy of religion in the analytic tradition that most annoys
and unnerves those theologians and philosophers who identify with the
Kantian positions on fundamental metaphysics and the boundary.
Have you not learned your Kantian lessons? they exclaim.
I close then by returning to one of my basic themes: its not a matter
of learning or not learning ones Kantian lessons. We are dealing here
with deep, unresolved issues within the modern philosophical tradition.
Recent philosophy of religion in the analytic tradition represents one set
of answers to those unresolved issues. It does so with a quite extraordinary
blend of rigor and imagination. It is, in fact, one of the grand episodes in
the history of philosophical reections on religion.
About nine months ago, a very gifted theology student came to my oce,
said that she had been reading my recently published Divine Discourse,
and asked whether she could talk about it. The subtitle of Divine Discourse
is: Philosophical Reections on the Claim that God Speaks. That gives
an indication of what the book is about.
Could we talk about it? Of course! What author doesnt like the attery implicit in someone saying, Ive just read your just-published book
and would like to talk about it? She had many insightful things to say.
Oddly, however, it is not her insightful comments that have stuck with
me so much as two perplexing comments. What I nd so fascinating
about your book, she said, is that the book begins and you just start
talking about God. I remember thinking to myself: I suppose so. But
the project of the book was to reect on whether God speaks; and that
required talking about God. So what else might she have expected? Just
then there was a knock at the door and I was distracted; when we got
back to our conversation, I forgot to ask her what she meant.
The other perplexing thing she said was this: Whats forward for you
is backward for me and whats backward for you is forward for me. Theres
only one chapter in the whole book thats forward to forward. I asked
her what she meant. Well, she said, what you discuss last I would have
discussed rst; and what you discuss rst I would have discussed last if
I had gotten around to it at all. My last chapter was on epistemology; so
I knew, or thought I knew, what she meant. She would have put epistemology up front, and discussed substantive matters later assuming the
epistemological matters proved not to occupy the entire book. Of course,
what she actually said was not just that the book as a whole was backward
to forward, but that all the chapters except one were backward to forward
and forward to backward. What she meant by that I did not understand,
and still do not.
But I do now know what she meant by saying, The book begins
and you just start talking about God. Very recently this same student
remarked to me, What I nd so frustrating about modern theologians
is that they wont let me say the things about God that I want to say
about God or wont let me say them until Ive shown that such things
can be said about God. So that was it! What she saw in my book was
someone who, if he wanted to say something about God, just went
ahead and said it. Presumably, then, she would make the same remark
about certain other books in philosophy of religion published recently
by philosophers in the analytic tradition for example, about William
P. Alstons book, Perceiving God. The book begins and Alston just starts
talking about God.
Her recent comment, if I had had nothing more to go on than the
comment itself, might still have been perplexing. But the context of our
discussion made clear what she meant. We and a few others had been
talking about the inuence of Immanuel Kant on modern theologians.
That was the context in which she expressed her frustration. It was the
Kantian inuence, so she suggested, that led theologians to tell her that
she should not say the things about God that she wanted to say without
rst showing that such things could be said about God and that she
should stop saying those things if she couldnt show that they could be
said about God.
I could have replied that surely this was not true of all modern
theologians; they didnt all say this. She really ought to watch her generalizations. I did not say that, because I knew which theologians she had
in mind. Without now mentioning them, they constitute, all together,
a large proportion of the modern theologians with whom she was interacting in her studies a large proportion of the theologians constituting the modern component in the canon of the theological curriculum
of her university-a liated divinity school. It was those theologians
who were telling her that she shouldnt say the things about God that
she wanted to say without rst showing that such things could be said
about God.
I might also have insisted that she really ought to disambiguate her
word say. Tillich, to take but one example, was not really telling her
to stop using the words, God reveals. But the student I have in mind
is philosophically quick and sharp; I know what she would have said in
reply. Yes, I know that, she would have said. I know that hell let me
use the words. But he wont let me mean by those words what I want to
mean by them unless I show that one can mean that.
I submit that the crisp comment of this student is as good a formulation as we are going to get of a fundamental methodological theme in
a good many modern theologians: we are not to say about God what
we might want to say without rst showing that such things can be said
about God. And I submit that she was right in seeing Kant as the decisive
inuence here. Another methodological theme that is almost as pervasive
among modern theologians, maybe in fact just as pervasive, is that we are
not to say about God what we want to say without rst establishing that
we are justied in saying those things. In this essay, I want to neglect that
theme and concentrate on the other, viz., on the theme that we are not
to say about God what we want to say without rst establishing that its
possible to say such things about God. This latter theme, obviously, has a
certain priority over the other. If the things I want to say about God cannot really be said about God, then the question of whether I am justied
in saying them, or entitled to say them, does not even arise.
Take note of the structure of the students thought. She came to theology
wanting to say certain things about God. Possibly she also emerged from
her study of theology wanting to say new things about God. But on this
occasion, this last was not what she had her eye on.
How did she come by these things that she wanted to say about God?
I did not ask her; but I feel condent in saying that she came by them
through induction into, and participation within, such primary religious
practices as reading sacred Scripture, participating in the liturgy of the
church, and engaging in private devotions. Perhaps she also came by
them through religious experiences that befell her. In short, it was her
prior (and continuing) religious formation and practice which brought
about that she wanted to say things about God and no doubt, say things
to God. The theology she studied frustrated her in this regard. Perhaps
I should make clear that she is by no means someone who thinks that
everything she has been taught in Sunday School or told by her pastor is
correct. I would be surprised if frustration constituted the totality of her
aective response to the theology she studied; I would guess that sometimes she has experienced a satisfying deepening of insight. But frustration was prominent. And she located the source of that frustration in
the theologians appropriation of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. An
interaction, thus, among three fundamental components of human life
I quote from the version translated by Shlomo Pines with an introduction by Leo Strauss
(University of Chicago Press, ). References to this book will be given parenthetically in the
thought he knew all along about the meaning of terms in the prophets,
and consider that he has renounced the foundations of the Law (Guide,
a). Alternatively, he could hold fast to his [prior] understanding of
these terms and not let himself be drawn on [by] his intellect and by
what he has learned in the philosophy classroom, instead, turning his
back on it and moving away from it (Guide, b). To his description of
this latter option Maimonides at once adds that such a person, having
learned what he did in the philosophy classroom, will perceive that his
renunciation of this learning has brought loss to himself and harm to
his religion. He would be left with those imaginary beliefs to which he
owes his fear and diculty and would not cease to suer from heartache
and great perplexity (Guide, b). From this it is obvious that repudiation of philosophy is not the option that Maimonides recommends; he
does not think the student of philosophy could do that with a clear conscience. But neither does he recommend the rst option, that of renouncing Torah in favor of philosophy. We are instead to go between the horns
of the dilemma. Rather than seeing philosophy as in conict with Torah,
we should see it as opening up to us the true meaning of Torah. The
project Maimonides sets himself in his Guide is to work this strategy out
in detail. He takes passages from the Torah which appear to contradict
what is learned in the philosophy classroom, and oers interpretations in
which all appearance of conict is removed. The student of philosophy
can remain a faithful member of the synagogue.
There are many things that the philosophy student learns in the classroom with which Torah gives the appearance of being in conict. But
as one reads along in Maimonides, one becomes aware of the fact that
there is one source of apparent conict looming high above all others. Its
something that the philosophy student learns about God; namely, that
God is simple. It looms above all others in two ways. The doctrine of
divine simplicity has a truly extraordinary number of implications for our
understanding of God; that is to say, it proves extraordinarily fecund for
discussions on philosophical theology taking place within the philosophy
classroom. And interpreting Scripture so as to make the results compatible with the doctrine of simplicity and its implications proves to require
extraordinary exegetical ingenuity at an extraordinary number of points.
Since the doctrine has almost entirely disappeared from theological
consciousness, I had better explain what it is; one can read vast stretches of
contemporary theology and never come across it. To understand the doctrine, we must realize that it was formulated in the context of Aristotelian
ontology. The fundamental strategy of Aristotelian ontology is to analyze
doctrines, and one has to grant an astonishing list of other things about
Now recall the situation: the student learning all these things in the
class on philosophical theology came to the class as a faithful member of
the synagogue, the church, or the mosque. He will, accordingly, be perplexed by what he has been hearing. The picture of God that he acquired
from Scripture and liturgy is the picture of a God who acts in history,
who does one thing after another, who has options available, and so forth.
He has now been taught by his philosophy professor that this picture is
radically mistaken; accordingly, he will have to reinterpret systematically
all the language from Scripture and liturgy that conveyed to him his earlier picture of God either that, or just scrap that language.
Up to this point, everything has proceeded very smoothly within the
philosophy classroom itself. Now things begin to get sticky. The philosopher teaching the class oers arguments for the love and the knowledge
of God, these arguments resting heavily on those prior commitments to
the aseity and simplicity of God. He argues that God knows all things
and loves all things. Our student is surprised. He is not surprised to
hear someone claiming that God knows and loves all things; he himself
already believed this, on the basis of Scripture and liturgy. What surprises
him is that his philosophy teacher believes this, and that his philosophy
teacher is trying to argue for it philosophically. For the claim appears to
him, the student, to be in conict with the prior commitment to divine
simplicity. Is it not the case that acts of knowledge are dierentiated by
diversity of objects of knowledge? Perhaps by other features as well; but at
least by that. My knowledge of A is distinct from my knowledge of B if A
is distinct from B. So how can a simple God know many things?
There are more such surprises in store. The teacher goes on to argue
that God wills wills many things. This too is surprising. Once again,
its not surprising that someone should believe that God wills. This is also
something that the student came to the classroom believing; he picked it
up from Scripture and liturgy. The surprise lies in hearing his teacher of
philosophical theology arming this, and arguing for it philosophically.
Earlier his teacher observed that simplicity implies that God is devoid of
potentialities; God is pure actuality. But if in God there are no potentialities, no options, what could possibly be meant by the attribution of will
to God?
And somewhere along the way it occurs to the student to suspect that
his teacher has inadvertently fallen into incoherence. God is simple, so the
teacher argued; and from this he extracted a long list of additional things
to be said about God. But if God is simple, how can there be additional
things to be said about God? To say additional things about ordinary
things is to single out additional features of the thing. But in the simple
God, there are no distinct features to be singled out; all Gods features
are identical with each other. Yet surely we are not just repeating ourselves when we say that God is eternal, immutable, knowledgeable, and
so forth.
Come to think of it, how can we say even one thing about God? To
say something about some ordinary thing is to pick out some feature of
that thing and attribute that feature to that thing. But in God, there is
no feature to pick out, for there is no distinction between God and Gods
features. Given the theistic ontology that has been developed, it seems
impossible to predicate anything of God. Yet we have to have been doing
exactly that in developing our theistic ontology. Or so it certainly seems.
Lastly, somewhere along the line the Christian student in the classroom is going to raise his hand and ask: How is simplicity compatible
with trinity? Doesnt the person who believes that God is triune thereby,
and perforce, believe that God is not simple?
I trust that my main point is abundantly clear. Its not a new thing for
the theologian to say to the religious person that she cannot just say and
mean about God what her religious formation and practice have taught
her to want to say and mean about God; nor is it a new thing for that
prohibition to have philosophical roots. The roots and consequences of
the prohibition in modern theology are dierent, however, from those in
medieval theology; I will draw the contrast later.
The student who expressed to me her frustration with modern theology
is thoroughly acquainted with medieval theology; shes knowledgeable in
both the medieval and the modern periods. She knows that the doctrine
of divine simplicity conicts at many points with the picture of God that
one picks up from reading Scripture and participating in the liturgy; she
knows that it also created immense diculties within the philosophical
classroom itself. She knows, in short, about the dark menacing shadow
cast by the doctrine of divine simplicity over both religious life and theology. Yet her frustration is with modern theology. She does not by any
means accept everything the medieval theologians say; she argues with
them. Shes not a theological throwback. But the medieval theologians
dont frustrate her in the way the modern theologians do. They might
bore her sometimes whom dont they bore sometimes! but they dont
frustrate her. She thinks the clue to why the modern theologians frustrate her is to be found in the inuence of Immanuel Kant on modern
theology. Lets pursue that clue.
No matter which part of Kants thought one picks up, the project of
elucidating that part accurately and briey has no more than a marginal
chance of success. Nonetheless, let me try. My interpretation will be relatively traditional. I have doubts whether this relatively traditional interpretation is correct; more relevant to the purposes at hand, however, is
the fact that the traditional interpretation is the one that inuenced the
theological tradition.
Fundamental to Kants thought on the matter at hand is the metaphor
of a boundary. If we can discern how he uses that metaphor, we will
have in hand what is necessary for our purposes here. One of the passages in which the metaphor is most prominent is the Conclusion to the
Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics. And let me note, by the way, that,
contrary to what one might have expected, Kants Prolegomena appears
to have had far more inuence on modern theology than his Religion
within the Bounds of Reason Alone. My guess is that, had the latter been
the more inuential, Kants inuence on theology would have been quite
dierent all in all, less productive of skepticism concerning our ability
to speak about God. Kant titles the Conclusion of the Prolegomena, On
the Determination of the Bounds of Pure Reason; and at the beginning
of the third section of the Conclusion he makes clear that his use of
the metaphor of a boundary is by no means incidental: At the beginning of this note, he says, I made use of the metaphor of a boundary,
in order to establish the limits of reason in regard to its suitable use
(Prolegomena, ).
One of the most fundamental themes in Kants thought is that reality
puts in its appearance to us, and that it does so in the form of representations mental representations. Mental representations just are episodes
of realitys putting in its appearance to us. These representations are for
See the discussion of Kant in Does the role of concepts make experiential access to ready-made
reality impossible? in my Practices of Belief, Terence Cuneo, ed. (Cambridge University Press,
), ch. .
I quote from the version edited by Lewis White Beck (New York: Liberal Arts Press, ).
Quotations from the Critique of Pure Reason are from the version edited by Norman Kemp Smith
(New York: Macmillan, ). References to these books are given parenthetically in the text.
us items or episodes of intuition, of awareness, of Anschauung. The occurrence of episodes of awareness is thus a mark of receptivity to reality on
our part. If reality did not act upon us in the manner of putting in its
appearance to us, our mental life would have no intuitional content.
Things may well be dierent for other beings. There may be beings who
have it in their power to bring about intuitional representations of entities.
Not so for us who are human beings. We have intuitions only so far as
the object is given to us, in distinction from being brought about by us.
And this, in turn, is only possible for human beings in so far as the mind
is aected in a certain way (Critique of Pure Reason, A). An awareness
of dizziness, an awareness of some patch of color, an awareness of something textured, take what example of awareness you will, all are inputs
from reality; none is an output of oneself.
A fundamental structural feature of our human intuitions is that all
of them occur in time, and many occur in space. Thus temporality and
spatiality are related to our sensuous intuitions as form is related to matter. Time and space are forms of intuition. Thats all they are: structural
features of how reality appears to us. They are not features of the reality
putting in the appearance. Its no accident that these are forms of intuition; it could not be otherwise, not for us, anyway. For it is of the essence
of the human being to be so constituted that reality can put in its appearance to us only if the intuitions which constitute that appearance occur
within time and space. There may be, for all we know, beings for whom
this is not true, beings whose intuitions are not spatial and temporal as
indeed there may be beings other than human beings for whom time and
space are forms of intuition.
One of Kants most important doctrines about intuitions is that in the
absence of intuition, there is no knowledge. The point is not that our
knowledge of things is conned to those things of which we have awareness; one can have knowledge of people one has never met. The point is
rather that all our knowledge of entities is either awareness of those entities or ultimately grounded in awareness of some entities or other. Though
I can have knowledge of people I have never met, I couldnt have such
knowledge if I were totally devoid of sensory input. To put the point in
Kants own words: in whatever manner and by whatever means a mode
of knowledge may relate to objects, intuition is that through which it is
in immediate relation to them, and to which all thought as a means is
directed (Critique of Pure Reason, A). Kant adds to this the further
strong claim that our knowledge of objects is limited to what we could in
principle experience.
But though all knowledge of objects has either an intuitional component or basis, intuition is not sucient for knowledge. Knowledge is
always conceptual; knowledge always incorporates concepts. Accordingly,
our intuitions, if they are to play a role in our cognitive life, must somehow gain entry into our conceptual space. Such entry occurs by virtue
of the fact that human awareness is always awareness under concepts. I
dont just hear something, I hear it as middle C; I dont just see something, I see it as a dog; I dont just have sensations, I experience my sensation as dizziness; and so forth. The British empiricists thought that we
extract concepts from the intuitions given to us, and compare intuitions
with concepts that we already possess so as to judge whether the concept
ts the intuition. Either way, concepts are always Johnny-come-latelys on
the empiricist view rst the intuition, then the concept. Kant insists, to
the contrary, that awareness is always awareness under concepts; the intuitional given is always already conceptualized, always already conceptually
interpreted. This is the fundamental role of concepts, on which all else
rests: to serve as modes of interpretation of intuitions. Its true that concepts also function as the predicates of our judgments. But if we did not
conceptualize our intuitions, if we did not interpret them conceptually,
if our intuitions were not intuitions under concepts, we could never connect intuitions with judgments.
It is ones own understanding that provides and applies concepts.
Intuitions are thought through the understanding, and from the understanding arise concepts (ibid.). Conceptualizing is thus a mark of mental
activity, in contrast to intuitions, which are a mark of mental receptivity.
It follows that all knowledge, based as it is on conceptualized intuitions,
represents a blend of receptivity and activity.
The fundamental role of concepts, to say it again, is to interpret our
intuitions. Concepts are rules for interpreting the manifold of intuitions.
I interpret my sensory intuitions as, say, my experience of an elephant.
But I could also interpret those very same intuitions as sensory states of
myself; in fact, anything that can be interpreted as an experience of a
spatio-temporal object can also be interpreted as a sensory state of the
percipient. Thus it was Kants view that we should reject the picture,
developed by Descartes and Locke, of there being spatio-temporal objects
in addition to our mental representations. External spatio-temporal
objects are not in addition to representations. The situation is rather that
the manifold of intuitions can (in good measure) be conceptually interpreted not just as states of self but also as experience of external objects.
Objectivity is the product of conceptual interpretation of intuitions as
The boundary of a eld is not just the bounds of the eld, but the line
dividing that eld from other elds. Unlike bounds, boundaries are
always between things. Kant had that in mind when he used the metaphor
of a boundary. A boundary, he says, is something positive, which belongs
to that which lies within as well as to the space that lies without the given
content (Prolegomena, Conclusion, ). The intuitional employment of
the categories determines the boundary between the humanly knowable
and the humanly unknowable, between the phenomenal and the noumenal, between reality as it puts in its appearance to us and reality as it is in
itself. It is the calling of the philosopher to discuss the role of reason, such
as it is, on both sides of the boundary. In our reason both are comprehended, and the question is, How does reason proceed to set boundaries
to the understanding as regards both these elds? (ibid.)
Th is last point requires brief elaboration. Knowledge of the transcendent, Kant has been saying, is unavailable to us, since the bounds
of the intuitional employment of the categories de ne the bounds of
human knowledge, and those bounds coincide with the bounds of
time. But do not infer, he insists, that because the transcendent is
closed to knowledge, it is closed to every form of intellectual access
whatsoever. In a famous passage from the preface to the second edition
of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant remarks that he found it necessary to deny knowledge, in order to make room for faith. Though the
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, . References to Kaufmans book are given parenthetically in the text.
not to be identied with any particular nite reality. But if absolutely nothing
within our experience can be directly identied as that to which the term God
properly refers, what meaning does or can the word have? (God the Problem, )
Though Kant could certainly have written this passage, with the exception
of the phrase language game, the thought is not, I would say, uniquely
Kantian. Thats not true for Kaufmans restatement of the problem some
pages later; the Kantian framework is now unmistakable:
The real referent for God is never accessible to us or in any way open to our
observation or experience. It must remain always an unknown X, a mere limiting idea with no content. It stands for the fact that God transcends our knowledge in modes and ways of which we can never be aware and of which we have
no inkling. (God the Problem, )
So what to do? Make do, says Kaufman, with the available referent of
the word God. It is this that bears signicantly on human life and
thought. It is the available God whom we have in mind when we worship or pray; it is the available referent that gives content and specicity
to any sense of moral obligation or duty to obey Gods will Th is does
not mean, of course, that believers directly pray to or seek to serve some
mere idea or image in their minds that would be the crassest sort of
idolatry; it is rather that what their images and ideas are of is the available
God, not some utterly unknowable X (God the Problem, ).
And what is the available referent? It is the meaning (as opposed to
the referent) of the word God. It is our ideas of God, the ways we have
come to think of God. It is:
that structure of meaning which has developed over many centuries in the West,
growing out of certain Hebrew (and also Greek) roots. It is carried in the culture
as the meaning of God and is elaborated and developed in many ways in literary documents and works of philosophical and theological reection, as well
as in religious liturgies and institutions, moral practice and reection, and the
ordinary work and speech of everyday life. (God the Problem, )
at one and the same time one of the concepts that I possess and one of
the concepts that is satised by the thing I perceive, namely, an eagle.
As I myself see the matter: to possess the concept of table is to grasp the
property of being a table. If that is so, then properties are at one and the
same time entities that we grasp and entities that external objects possess.
They are the links.
On this picture, how might God be gotten in mind? Notice that Kants
use of the metaphor of boundary now no longer has applicability. We no
longer have to suppose that the applicability of our concepts is conned
to our intuitions. So one way we might get God in mind is by the use of
denite descriptions. The expression, Creator of the universe might pick
God out; synonymously: The one who brought about all that might not
have been. And secondly, it may be that some human beings have had
God in mind as that of which they were aware. For a possibility that we
now have to take seriously is that human beings might sometimes have
awareness of God.
Let me tip my hand. The alternative way of thinking about these matters that I have been pointing towards is the Reidian way. It is my own
judgment that there were two philosophers who towered above all others
in the late eighteenth century Immanuel Kant, of course, but along
with him, Thomas Reid. Reids genius has been obscured for reasons
that I wont here go into. I judge the time ripe for exploring the Reidian
At the end of our books about God, those of us who are not Kantians
will discuss how it is that we human beings can think and speak about
God. That for us is an important matter of intellectual curiosity. But not
a matter of agony. We empathize with those who experience the Kantian
agony, but we do not share it.
If one believes that ones car is in good running order, one does not
spend the whole day tinkering under the hood to determine whether it
could possibly be in good running order, and if so, how. One gets in and
drives o. Along the way one might discuss with ones passengers how it
is that this old car runs especially if they thought it wouldnt!
In his Critique of Practical Reason, Kant argued that the Summum Bonum
is a necessary ideal of practical reason. Acknowledging morality as real
requires that we also think of such a state as real. One aspect of the
Summum Bonum is that in it, each persons happiness is directly proportioned to that persons moral worth. Obviously this present life does not
qualify as such a state, nor are we as human beings capable of bringing
about such a state. Accordingly, Kant drew the conclusion that, for there
to be such a state, there must be a God who proportions happiness to
virtue, and we ourselves must enjoy some sort of immortal existence
transcending this present physical/historical existence of ours. Another
aspect of the Summum Bonum is that, in it, each person can endlessly
progress in the direction of ideal moral worth hence also in the direction of complete happiness. Or to put the same point dierently, the
Summum Bonum is that state in which it is possible for us, whatever we
may have done in the past, to advance toward becoming persons entirely
well-pleasing to God. God will express pleasure over our advance in moral
worth by granting to us ever greater happiness.
In Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, Kant speaks again of the
Summum Bonum, only now from the side of religion rather than from
the side of morality. He assumes that religious belief, if it is to be justiably held, must be based on adequate evidence. Religious belief is not
self-justifying. It must receive its justication from elsewhere. Thus Kant
continues the tradition of evidentialism concerning religious belief that
was initiated by John Locke. Furthermore, Kant was convinced that
Though without ever reaching it: if after this life another life awaits [the man of good
disposition], he may hope to continue to follow [the course of moral improvement] and to
approach ever nearer to, though he can never reach, the goal of perfection (Religion, ; cf. ). I
quote from the version translated and edited by Theodore M. Greene and Hoyt H. Hudson (New
York: Harper Torchbooks, ). References to this text are given parenthetically in the text.
For a discussion of Locke, see my The Migration of the Theistic Arguments: From Natural
Theology to Evidentialist Apologetics, in Robert Audi and William J. Wainwright, eds.,
morality is the only area of human existence in which there is any hope
of nding the adequate evidence. Adequate reasons for religious beliefs
will always prove to be moral principles. It would be a serious mistake
to say of Kant that he tried to reduce religion to morality. What he tried
to do, rather, was show that morality provides us with reasons for holding certain central religious beliefs, thus making us justied in holding
them. Kant regarded the moral principles in question as necessary truths
albeit synthetic, not analytic, necessary truths. Thus Kant was not only
an evidentialist concerning religious belief; his particular way of trying to
carry out the evidentialist requirement satises the demands of classical
In discussing the justication of religious belief, Kant had his eye
especially on Christianity. He did not think that everything in the
Christianity of the churches could be rationally grounded. But he did
think that the core, the kernel, of Christianity could be justied and,
conversely, that Christianity was, above all religions, a religion of morality. The ritualistic side of Christianity should be seen, he thought, as having merely historical worth: rituals are necessary, for a time, if humanity
is to progress to the point where it can discard a faith of divine worship
and make do with a purely rational religion. Furthermore, some passages
in the Bible may have to be interpreted in a somewhat forced manner.
Yet Kant thought that, overall, no serious violence would be done to the
New Testament at least, if we interpret it as proclaiming a religion that
can, in fact, be grounded on moral foundations if we interpret it, as
regards its essential content, in line with the universal moral dogmas
(Religion, ).
The main element of Christianity on which Kant had his eye in
Religion was faith in salvation. Are we warranted, he asked, in holding
out salvation endless increase in happiness as a genuine possibility
for ourselves? If faith in the possibility of salvation is to be justied, we
must be entitled, Kant said, to believe two specic things about our moral
Rationality, Religious Belief, and Moral Commitment (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, ),
. Th is essay is reprinted in my Practices of Belief: Essays in Epistemology, Terence Cuneo, ed.
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ).
An essential part of Kants overall interpretive strategy was to treat biblical narrative as a vivid
mode of representation (Religion, ) of moral truths: since the sacred narrative, which is
employed solely on behalf of ecclesiastical faith, can have and, taken by itself, ought to have absolutely no inuence upon the adoption of moral maxims, and since it is given to ecclesiastical faith
only for the vivid presentation of its true object (virtue striving toward holiness), it follows that
this narrative must at all times be taught and expounded in the interest of morality (Religion,
So too,
this debt that is original, or prior to all the good a man may do this, and no
more, is what we referred to in Book One as the radical evil in man this debt
can never be discharged by another person, so far as we can judge according
to the justice of our human reason. For this is no transmissible liability which
can be made over to another like a nancial indebtedness rather is it the most
personal of all debts, namely a debt of sins, which only the culprit can bear and
which no innocent person can assume even though he be magnanimous enough
to wish to take it upon himself for the sake of another. (Religion, )
Are we then each forever laden with the guilt we have acquired by the
radical evil of our character? Is there no way in which we, past as well as
future, can become well-pleasing to God? Is hope for salvation mere illusion? Must all humankind look forward to endless punishment and exclusion from the kingdom of God (Religion, )?
No, says Kant. Though satisfaction must be rendered to Supreme
Justice, in whose sight no one who is blameworthy can ever be guiltless
(Religion, ), right there in the act of conversion we can spy the satisfaction rendered to divine justice (Religion, ).
The good principle is present quite as much in the desertion of the evil as in the
adoption of the good disposition, and the pain, which by rights accompanies the
former disposition, ensues wholly from the latter. The coming forth from the
corrupted into the good disposition is, in itself (as the death of the old man,
the crucifying of the esh), a sacrice and an entrance upon a long train of
lifes ills. These the new man undertakes in the disposition of the Son of God,
that is, merely for the sake of the good, though really they are due as punishments to another, namely to the old man (for the old man is indeed morally
another). (Religion, )
In short, the moral life here in this present existence of ours requires that
we repeatedly reject what promises to give happiness, in favor of the call
of duty. It requires that we choose sorrow and suering. It is this giving
up of happiness, this painful embrace of sorrow, that constitutes punishment for the guilt of our former adoption of an evil character.
But the person who, by strength of will, has undergone conversion and
thereby painfully entered a life of suering this pain making satisfaction for the guilt of the radical evil that characterized him or her before
conversion is not yet in the clear, not typically so, anyway. For though
ones heart may now be pure, it does not follow that all ones actions will
be pure. On the contrary, that person is called to moral progress. Good
characters come in varying degrees of strength (Religion, , , n). So
what is to be done about the guilt of the person of good character who
performs incidental acts of wrongdoing? Though the guilt of evil character may not haunt us throughout eternity, provided we change our heart,
will the guilt for evil actions do so, in particular, the guilt for evil actions
done subsequent to our conversion?
No, says Kant. Divine forgiveness will undo such guilt. In the rst
place, although the man (regarded from the point of view of his empirical nature as a sentient being) is physically the self-same guilty person as
before and must be judged as such before a moral tribunal and hence by
himself; yet, because of his new disposition, he is (regarded as an intelligible being) morally another in the eyes of a divine judge for whom this
disposition takes the place of action (Religion, ). And secondly, what
in our earthly life (and possibly at all future times and in all worlds) is
ever only a becoming (namely, becoming a man well-pleasing to God) is
credited to us exactly as if we were already in full possession of it
(Religion, ). Just as the punishment consisting in the pain of choosing
a good character wipes out the guilt one has acquired because of ones evil
character and the deeds that owed from it, so divine forgiveness wipes
out, for those who have a good but weak character, the guilt they acquire
as the consequence of episodically falling into evil actions.
This divine forgiveness of the evil deeds done by persons of good but
weak character, granted on the ground of their goodness of character
or as Kant puts it, this making good by God in consideration of an
upright disposition, the deciency of the deed (Religion, ) is called
by Kant an act of grace. Obviously in calling it this he is suggesting
that his account has captured an important dimension of Christianity.
It is questionable, however, whether there is anything at all gracious in
Gods act, as Kant conceives it. What Kant is doing, in his entire argument, is probing the implications of our human rights and obligations.
But something is an act of grace on someones part only if the rest of us
have no right to his or her performance of that act. If we have a moral
claim on someones doing something, then for that person to do that is
not for the person to act graciously but for the person to grant what is
due us. It is not to act graciously but to act justly. We may of course be
distressed over a persons failure to act graciously; perhaps the source
Cf. Religion, : We learn from this deduction that only the supposition of a complete change
of heart allows us to think of the absolution, at the bar of heavenly justice, of the man burdened
with guilt. (See also Religion, and n.)
Th is appears to be also how Kant understands grace. In one passage he says that a superiors
decrees conferring a good for which the subordinate possesses no legal claim but only the (moral)
receptivity is called grace (Religion, n). And in another he says that it is customary (at least
in the church) to give the name of nature to that which men can do by dint of the principle of
virtue, and the name of grace to that which alone serves to supplement the deciency of all our
moral powers and yet, because suciency of these powers is also our duty, can only be wished for,
or hoped for, and solicited (Religion, ). Kant does not indicate disagreement with this
customary practice.
of our distress is that we do not like what that failure reveals about the
persons character. But what it reveals is not a deciency in the acknowledgment of legitimate claims on him. Thus Kant cannot have it both
ways: he cannot hold that we can expect Gods forgiveness, since Gods
failure to forgive would violate the moral order of rights and obligations, and also hold that Gods granting of forgiveness is an act of grace
on Gods part. But since Kants project is to ground religion rationally
in the deliverances of morality, that is, in the structure of rights and
obligations, it is grace that will have to go. God must be understood in
the Kantian scheme as required to forgive. Of course this means that a
sizable gap begins to open between Christianity, on the one hand, and
Kants rational religion, on the other.
There is one passage that appears to say something quite dierent from
what I have just interpreted Kant as holding. It appears to say that even
those of good character do not have a moral claim on Gods forgiveness of
the guilt of their incidental wrongdoings. That passage reads:
That what in our earthly life (and possibly at all future times and in all worlds)
is ever only a becoming should be credited to us exactly as if we were already
in full possession of it to this we really have no legal claim, that is, so far as
we know ourselves and so the accuser within us would be more likely to propose a judgment of condemnation. Thus the decree is always one of grace alone,
although fully in accord with the divine justice, when we come to be cleared of
all liability by dint of our faith in such goodness; for the decree is based upon a
giving of satisfaction (a satisfaction which consists for us only in the idea of an
improved disposition, known only to God). (Religion, )
A more serious question to raise about Kants appeal to divine forgiveness is why, in Kants scheme, God would ever do such a thing as
forgive. In the Christian vision, divine forgiveness, though indeed an
act of grace, is not unmotivated. It is grounded in Gods love. God, out
of love for Gods human creatures, transcends the entitlements of justice and forgives. Kant does, on occasion, speak of the love of God
toward men (Religion, ). That seems entirely gratuitous, though. In
the Kantian scheme, all we know of God is that God honors and ensures
the requirements of morality i.e., of rights and obligations. Kant himself emphasizes, indeed, that we must place Gods benecence not in
an unconditioned good will toward His creatures but in this, that He
rst looks upon their moral character, through which they can be wellpleasing to Him, and only then makes good their inability to fulll this
requirement of themselves (Religion, ). Here is Kants thought: to have
rejected ones evil character and chosen a good character is to be committed to an endless progress in goodness. Though for us it is impossible
to know with surety whether we have indeed adopted a good character,
Gods sight penetrates to the heart. If God sees there a good disposition,
then God judges the sequence of individual actions, ordered overall
in the direction of moral progress, as a completed whole (Religion,
); and God does this on account of the good disposition from
which this progress itself is derived (Religion, ). What is in fact ever
only a becoming is by God credited to us exactly as if we were already
in full possession of it (Religion, ) on the ground that because of
his new disposition, man is morally another in the eyes of God for
whom this disposition takes the place of action (Religion, ).
Kant distinguishes here between, on the one hand, the persons underlying character or disposition and, on the other, the persons sequence of
actions that, in the case of the person of good character, exhibits moral
progress. And he then says that God judges the moral ideal as attained , on
the ground that the underlying disposition is pure. There are two ways
of interpreting judges here. In one interpretation, God arms that the
person has reached perfection of action, and this because that persons
character is good. But this would be to attribute the armation of falsehood to God. I think, accordingly, that we should be extremely reluctant
to conclude that this is what Kant had in mind. The other interpretation
is that God, because of the persons purity of heart, treats the person as if
the persons actions had reached perfection.
This latter, more plausible, interpretation raises the question: Why
would God do a thing like that? Ultimately Kants answer has to be: the
Further reections on these matters would do well to take account of this passage from Hannah
Arendts The Human Condition (University of Chicago Press, ), : The alternative to
forgiveness, but by no means its opposite, is punishment, and both have in common that they
attempt to put an end to something that without interference could go on endlessly. It is therefore quite signicant, a structural element in the realm of human aairs, that men are unable to
forgive what they cannot punish and that they are unable to punish what has turned out to be
unforgivable. Th is is the true hallmark of those oenses which, since Kant, we call radical evil
and about whose natures so little is known, even to us who have been exposed to one of their rare
outbursts on the public scene. All we know is that we can neither punish nor forgive such oenses
and that they therefore transcend the realm of human aairs and the potentialities of human
power, both of which they radically destroy wherever they make their appearance. I think that
Arendt quite clearly misunderstands Kants notion of radical evil. Yet her contention that only
what can be punished can be forgiven, and that there are some crimes which human beings cannot punish, is eminently worth considering.
practical context it is very hazardous, and hard to reconcile with reason, since
that which is to be accredited to us as morally good conduct must take place not
through foreign inuence but solely through the best possible use of our own
powers. (Religion, )
What then was Kants resolution, or attempted resolution, of the diculty? What he goes on to say is this:
the impossibility thereof (i.e., of both these things occurring side by side)
cannot really be proved, because freedom itself, though containing nothing supernatural in its conception, remains, as regards its possibility, just as
incomprehensible to us as is the supernatural factor which we would like to
regard as a supplement to the spontaneous but decient determination of freedom. (Religion, )
Kant himself, in one passage, spoke of these claims as contradicting each other: Man, as we know
him, is corrupt and of himself not in the least suited to that holy law. And yet, if the goodness
of God has called him, as it were, into being, i.e., to exist in a particular manner (as a member
of the kingdom of Heaven), He must also have a means of supplementing, out of the fullness of
His own holiness, mans lack of requisite qualications therefor. But this contradicts spontaneity
(which is assumed in all the moral good or evil which a man can have within himself), according
to which such a good cannot come from another but must arise from man himself, if it is to be
imputable to him (Religion, ).
(at least in a continual approximation to complete harmony with the law), may
hope that what is not in his power will be supplied by the supreme Wisdom in
some way or other (which can make permanent the disposition to this unceasing
approximation). (Religion, )
least pains, will in the future be the inevitable consequence of this faith and this
acceptance of the proered favor. No thoughtful person can bring himself to
believe this. (Religion, )
It is true, indeed, that the issue cannot be settled through insight into
the causal determination of the freedom of a human being, i.e., into the
causes which bring it about that a man becomes good or bad; hence it
cannot be resolved theoretically (Religion, ). But as a matter of fact,
says Kant, a reective person cannot bring himself to believe that atonement would be extended to the unconverted; that would be a violation of
our moral intuitions. Where shall we start, i.e., with a faith in what God
has done on our behalf, or with what we are to do to become worthy of
Gods assistance (whatever this may be)? In answering this question we
cannot hesitate in deciding for the second alternative (Religion, ).
In short, when Kants discussion of the antinomy is scrutinized,
it proves not to upset our interpretation but to conrm it. God, in the
Kantian system, wipes out the guilt of our wrongdoing if we present God
with a good character; God is, in fact, morally required to do so. We have
seen that such wiping out, if it were possible, would, in its indiscriminateness, raise a serious issue of justice. Further, we have seen that the
claim that God can alter our moral status conicts with Kants repeated
insistence that only we ourselves can do so. But in fact such wiping out
is not possible. Forgiveness is not the declaration that the guilty are no
longer guilty but the declaration that the guilty will no longer be treated
as guilty. Forgiveness, in that sense, is eminently possible. Often, when
it occurs, morality is transcended. The forgiven have no moral claim on
forgiveness; it comes to them as grace.
What Kant arms is that only the worthy are saved and that God, so
as to bring it about that some are saved in spite of the wrongdoing of all,
makes those of worthy character worthy in action as well. Kant arms
this without ever surrendering the armation that each can make only
himself or herself worthy. What Christianity arms is that the unworthy
are saved saved by the grace of divine forgiveness.
A few assessments concerning the relative strength of the arguments of Anselm and Gaunilo are
cited in Jasper Hopkins, Anselms Debate with Gaunilo, in Hopkins, ed., Anselm of Canterbury,
vol. IV (Toronto and New York: Mellen Press, ).
Th roughout, I shall be using the translation by Jasper Hopkins, A New, Interpretive Translation of
St. Anselms Monologion and Proslogion (Minneapolis, MN: Arthur J. Banning Press, ). I do
so with some hesitation, since the translation is very interpretive indeed. But all translations are
interpretive; and Hopkins has certainly thought through the issues with care. (See, for example,
his very combative introduction.) Further, I have no objection to raise against his translation of
any of the passages that I cite. I shall use G as an abbreviation for the title of Gaunilos text,
On Behalf of the Fool, and A as an abbreviation for the title of Anselms text, Reply to
Gaunilo. Vertical slash marks within the quotations indicate places where Hopkins added words
or phrases to clarify the literal text. References to these works will be given parenthetically in the
In the points made in this paragraph I am following closely Hopkins in Anselms Debate with
the bluster? Why the sarcasm? If charity to the befuddled Gaunilo inspired
Anselms silence concerning the point of disanalogy, what inspired his
sharp bluster? Anselm remarks that It is easy even for someone of very
little intelligence to detect what is wrong with the other objections which
you raise against me on behalf of the Fool; and so, I thought I ought to
forego showing this (A ; ). But Anselm makes this sharp comment
after his rst reference to the analogue and before the second, in neither
of which, as we have seen, does he pinpoint the disanalogy. Furthermore,
he continues the comment as follows: But because I hear that they do
seem to some readers to avail somewhat against me, I will deal with them
Thus and this is the second consideration Anselm does not refrain
from pointing out Gaunilos errors, be they obvious or not. If one comes
straight from the cryptic crispness of chapters and of the Proslogion
to the paragraph in Anselms response to Gaunilo in which he blusters,
I will nd and will make him a present of that lost island no longer to
be lost, one might with some plausibility regard this as another example
of Anselms cryptic elegance. In fact his response to Gaunilo is as prolix
and repetitious as the Proslogion is economical and elegant. But if Anselm
belabors Gaunilos errors and presumed errors, why does he leave this
error unanalyzed? It makes one suspicious.
Then, too, there is something suspicious about Anselms opening
declaration that he will answer Gaunilo as a Catholic rather than as
a fool, a declaration that has its payo just a bit later when Anselm
says: But I make use of your faith and conscience as a very cogent
consideration |in support of| how false these |inferences| are ( A ; ).
[I]f that than which a greater cannot be thought is not understood or
thought and is not in the understanding or in thought, then, surely,
either () God is not that than which a greater cannot be thought or
() He is not understood or thought and is not in the understanding
or in thought. Of course Gaunilo is not one of the Psalmists fools;
he is a believer. So it would not be appropriate to answer him as a fool.
But why answer him as a Catholic, calling on his faith and conscience?
Why not answer him as a rational person, calling on his capacity to
grasp the self-evident?
Most readers of Anselm do not have these suspicions, whether because
they do not read enough of Anselms text, or because they are bewitched
by his towering reputation, or whatever; or, having them, they stie them.
I, having them, propose not stiing them, to see where they lead.
() Therefore there exists in reality that than which nothing greater can be
() This being cannot even be conceived not to exist.
Did Anselm accept this construal of his argument? He should have
and he did. That Anselm held claims () through () is clear from chapter
of Proslogion: when the Fool hears my words something than which
nothing greater can be thought, he understands what he hears. And what
he understands is in his understanding So even the Fool is convinced
that something than which nothing greater can be thought is at least in
his understanding; for when he hears of this |being|, he understands |what
he hears|, and whatever is understood is in the understanding (Proslogion
; ). In his reply to Gaunilo Anselm rearms these points:
And so, in the argument which you criticize I said that when the Fool hears the
utterance that than which a greater cannot be thought, he understands what
he hears. (Surely, if it is spoken in a language one knows, then one who does not
understand |what he hears| has little or no intelligence |intellectus|.) Next, I said
that if it is understood, |what is understood| is in the understanding. (Or would
what |I claim| to have been necessarily inferred to exist in reality not at all be in
the understanding?) (A ; )
to the distinction itself, but to the points Gaunilo makes by using the
intelligere/cogitare distinction, that Anselm raises his objections. So let us
turn to those.
Gaunilo uses his terminological point to object to line () of the argument. But when one says that this Supreme Being cannot be thought not
to exist, he might better say that it cannot be understood (nequeat cogitari)
not to exist or even to be able not to exist (G ; ). The general principle to which Gaunilo is alluding here can be expressed as follows: where
N is any nominative expression you please, the predicate understands
N to be so-and-so can be truthfully armed of someone only if N is
so-and-so, whereas it is possible for the predicate conceives N to be soand-so to be truthfully armed of someone even if N is not so-and-so.
Specically then, though the predicate understands (knows) God not
to exist cannot be truthfully armed of anyone, since God does exist,
there may well be persons of whom one can truthfully arm the predicate thinks of God as not existing. Accordingly, the thing to say, when
we arrive at line () of the argument, is not that one cannot think of, but
that one cannot understand, God as not existing. That God exists, and
even that God cannot fail to exist (G ; ), can be known; but God
cannot be known (understood) to not exist, nor even to possibly not exist
(non esse aut etiam posse non esse), since God does exist, and necessarily so.
Anselm sees clearly what Gaunilo is objecting to in this part of his argument, and he states the objection himself as follows: As for your claim
that when we say that this Supreme Thing cannot be thought not to exist
we would perhaps do better to say that it cannot be understood not to exist
or even to be able not to exist (A ; ).
However, says Gaunilo, it may be that there is an important limitation
on the scope of our ability to conceive of what does not exist and of what
is not the case; perhaps we can conceive of what does not exist or is not
the case only if we do not know that it exists or is the case. For example,
perhaps we can conceive of the non-existence of God only if we do not
know that God exists. I do not know whether, during the time when I
know most certainly that I exist, I can think that I do not exist (G ; ).
If our ability to think and conceive is in fact thus limited, then the person
who knows that the being than which nothing greater can be conceived
exists in reality will indeed nd himself or herself unable to conceive
or think of God as not existing (conceive or think of the non-existence
on the scope of our power of conceiving was due to confusion on his part,
says Anselm. Concerning something that one knows to exist, one cannot
conceive that it does and does not exist ; we cannot think |it| to exist and at
the same time think |it| not to exist (A ; ). However, that is a dierent point from whether we can think of something as not existing while
knowing that it exists. But if one confuses the second phenomenon with
the rst, then one will be led to deny that many things which we know
to exist we think not to exist, and many things which we know not to
exist |we think| to exist (A ; ). The truth of the matter, so Anselm
suggests, is that we can conceive the non-existence of anything that exists
except for that which exists most truly of all and thus most greatly of
all (Proslogion ; ). All existing things can be conceived not to exist,
with the exception of that which exists supremely. Indeed, all and only
things which have a beginning or an end or are composed of parts and
whatever (as I have already said) at any place or time does not exist as a
whole can be thought not to exist. But only that in which thought does
not at all nd a beginning or an end or a combination of parts, and only
that which thought nds existing only as a whole always and everywhere,
cannot be thought not to exist (A ; ).
How shall we assess the outcome of the attack and defense concerning
line () of the argument? Gaunilo thinks that we can conceive of anything whatsoever as not existing, or perhaps instead, of anything whatsoever of whose existence we do not know. Either way, so he claims, Anselm
is not entitled to say, at the end of the argument, that that than which
nothing greater can be conceived is unique in that it alone among existing things cannot be thought (conceived) not to exist. Anselm replies that
we can conceive of anything whatsoever as not existing except for that
which exists in the highest degree (possible); its non-existence is uniquely
inconceivable. Ones estimate of the cogency of the ending of Anselms
argument will depend on ones estimate of the principle concerning the
scope of conceiving that he proposes in place of Gaunilos principle the
principle, namely, that one cannot conceive of the non-existence of that
which exists most truly (and that is, on that account, eternal, simple, and
always and everywhere a whole). But since the matters are dicult and
complex, and since Gaunilo has more interesting and decisive things to
say about other parts of the argument, I propose moving on and not trying to determine whether Gaunilo was correct in this part of his attack.
A full consideration of the matter would have to take into account what Anselm says about Gods
uniqueness in Proslogion and .
What is surprising for us in our century is that Anselm did not adopt
a dierent defense or rather, that he did not phrase this part of his
argument dierently in the rst place. Why did he not speak of its being
impossible that God not exist rather than of its being inconceivable that
God not exist? Of the necessity of Gods existence rather than of the inconceivability of Gods non-existence? Rather than claiming in Proslogion
that there can be thought to exist something which cannot be thought
not to exist; and this thing is greater than that which can be thought not
to exist (), why did Anselm not instead claim that it is possible to
think of a being that exists necessarily; and this is greater than one that
does not exist necessarily? Why allow oneself to get into these indecisive
arguments about the scope of our power of conceiving? It is often said or
assumed nowadays that by inconceivable Anselm just meant impossible.
Not only does the drift of the argument above make that implausible;
there are passages in which Anselm clearly distinguishes inconceivability
from impossibility: it is evident that |that than which a greater cannot
be thought| neither () fails to exist nor () is able not to exist nor () is
able to be thought not to exist (A ; ). Moreover, he himself on at least
two occasions states the argument in terms of impossibility rather than
[I]f indeed it can be even thought, it is necessary that it exist. For no one who
doubts or denies that there exists something than which a greater cannot be
thought doubts or denies that if it were to exist it would neither actually nor
conceivably (nec actu nec intellectu) be able not to exist. For otherwise |i.e., if
it existed but in either respect were able not to exist| it would not be that than
which a greater cannot be thought. (A ; )
But it is evident that, likewise, that which is not able not to exist can be thought
and understood. Now, someone who thinks this thinks of something greater than
does someone who thinks of that which is able not to exist. (A ; )
Why did Anselm not evade Gaunilos criticism by preferring this argument? I do not know. Perhaps because he was in pursuit of Gods uniqueness; and in existing necessarily, God is not unique.
Gaunilo also uses his intelligere/cogitare distinction to raise an objection to the beginning of the argument. The objection can be put in
the form of a dilemma: when Anselm says that this thing is in my
understanding simply because I understand what is said (G ; ), he
- -
Let us return to Gaunilo. Gaunilo has suggested that to avoid begging
the question against the fool at the beginning of the argument, Anselm
should have used something like the following as steps (), (), and () in
the argument:
(*) If one understands the words that than which nothing greater can be
conceived, then one has a conception of that than which nothing greater
can be conceived.
(*) If one has a conception of that than which nothing greater can be
conceived, then at least in ones conception (mind) there exists that than
which nothing greater can be conceived.
(*) It is impossible that that which exists in the fools mind, namely, that
than which nothing greater can be conceived, should exist in the mind
alone and not also in reality.
What does Gaunilo wish to say about this non-question-begging variation
on the original argument? He wishes to say two quite dierent things,
one of them, in my judgment, indecisive, the other entirely decisive. Let
us begin with the indecisive, quoting at some length what Gaunilo says:
|[I]n this way| I also |can| not |think of| God Himself (whom, surely, for this
very reason, I can also think not to exist). For neither am I acquainted with
this thing itself nor am I able to make inferences |about it| on the basis of some
other similar thing; for even you maintain that it is such that there cannot be
anything else similar |to it|. Now, suppose that I were to hear something being
said about a man totally a stranger to me |a man| whom I was not even sure
existed. Still, by means of the specic or generic knowledge by which I know
what a man is (or what men are), I would be able to think of him as well, by
reference to the very thing that a man is. But when I hear someone speaking
of God or of something greater than all |others|, I cannot have this thing |in
my thought and understanding| in the way that I might have that false thing
|i.e., that unreal man| in my thought and understanding. For although I can
think of that |non-existent man| by reference to a true |i.e., a real| thing known
to me, I cannot at all |think of| this |supreme| thing except only with respect to
the word. And with respect only to a word a true thing can scarcely or not at all
be thought of. For, indeed, when one thinks in this way |i.e., with respect to a
mere word|, he thinks not so much the word itself (i.e., not so much the sounds
of the letters or of the syllables), which assuredly is a true thing, as he does the
signication of the word that is heard. Yet, |the signication is| not |thought| in
the manner of one who knows what is usually signied by this word i.e., one
who thinks in accordance with the true thing, even if |it exists| in thought alone.
Rather, |the signication is thought| in the manner of one who does not know
that |which is usually signied by the word| but who thinks only () according to
the movement-of-mind that is brought about by hearing this word and () in the
fashion of one trying to represent to himself the signication of the word he has
heard. (But it would be surprising if he could ever |in this manner| discern the
true nature of the thing.) Therefore, it is still evident that in this way, and not at
all in any other way, this thing is in my understanding when I hear and understand someone who says that there is something greater than all |others| that can
be thought. (G ; )
Two distinct lines of thought are interwoven in this passage. The line
on which I shall focus rst, the indecisive line, goes as follows: God
cannot be understood by us; neither can we stand to God in the relation
of conceiving God. God is beyond our understanding and conceiving.
But we do in some way understand the words that than which nothing
greater can be conceived. Accordingly, understanding those words does
not require that one stand to that than which nothing greater can be conceived in the relation of conceiving of it and understanding it.
What is Anselms response? Begin with this:
For even if anyone were so foolish as to say that something than which a greater
cannot be thought does not exist, nevertheless he would not be so shameless as
to say that he cannot think or understand what he is saying. Or if some such
|impudent person| is found, not only is his word to be rejected but he himself is
to be despised. Therefore, with regard to whoever denies the existence of something than which a greater cannot be thought: surely, he thinks and understands
the denial he is making. And he cannot think or understand this denial without |thinking or understanding| its parts one of which is that than which a
greater cannot be thought. Therefore, whoever denies this |viz., that this being
exists| thinks and understands |the signication of| that than which a greater
cannot be thought. (A ; )
The point Anselm is making is clear, especially from that last sentence: if
we understood the words of some denite description, the K that is F,
then we have a conception of, and understand, the K that is F. But this
is the very principle that Gaunilo is calling into question calling into
question, for one thing, because it compromises the doctrine of Gods
unintelligibility; so far, Anselm has simply rearmed the principle without saying anything to answer Gaunilos scruples.
But let us look farther. What we would be inclined to say here is that
one may understand the words that than which nothing greater can be
conceived without there being that entity and without our standing to
it in the relation of conceiving or knowing or understanding it. But this
reply is not available to Anselm. For its clear from the passage just quoted
that, on his view, if one understands the words that than which nothing
greater can be conceived, then one conceives and understands the being
or entity than which nothing greater can be conceived. So this is what he
says in place of what we would have said:
Yet, even if it were true that that than which a greater cannot be thought could
not be thought or understood, nonetheless it would not be false that that than
which a greater cannot be thought can be thought and understood. Nothing
prevents our saying |the word| unsayable, even though that which is called
unsayable cannot be said. Moreover, we can think |the concept| unthinkable,
(In chapter of his response, Anselm goes about trying to show how we
could actually arrive at this conception of God, which, while adequate, is
not thorough.)
To the fool Anselm must argue, without any appeal to the faith, that if
one understands the words that than which nothing greater is conceivable, then one stands to the entity than which nothing greater is conceivable in the relation of conceiving of it. To the Catholic, however, he can
dispense with his theory as to what goes into understanding words and
simply argue that it is an implication of the faith that we have a conception (and understanding) of God. This, then, is the signicance of his
saying that he will answer Gaunilo as a Catholic rather than as a fool:
But I contend that if that than which a greater cannot be thought is not understood or thought and is not in the understanding or in thought, then, surely,
Anselm clinches the point later: But if a Catholic makes this denial, let
him remember that the invisible things of God (including His eternal
power and divinity), being understood through those things that have
been made, are clearly seen from the mundane creation (A ; ). In
short, the Catholic should accept points (*) and (*) in the revised argument even if the inferences from () to (*) and from (*) to (*) are not
It would appear that Anselm has the better of this part of the interchange. Why should it not be that, though our cognitive grasp of God is
woefully inadequate when measured against the reality of God, nonetheless it is good enough for us to be able to say and believe things about
God? We do not know what Gaunilo thought about this part of Anselms
response; so far as I can see, a Catholic would have to accept it. But
Gaunilo has another line of thought up his sleeve; and this, I think, is
decisive. Compared to this new line of thought, everything so far has
been preliminary skirmishing.
The rather lengthy passage quoted from Gaunilo contains, or at least hints
at, a line of thought distinct from the one just canvassed. It can be seen as
presenting Anselm with a new dilemma, this one a dilemma pertaining
to Gaunilos proposed variant on Anselms original argument. The presentation of the dilemma requires distinguishing two dierent phenomena
called conceiving (thinking). If one understands some expression in
particular, some denite description then it might appropriately be said
of one that one has a conception; if I understand the expression the earths
moon, then I have a conception of the earths moon. But we must distinguish two dierent acts, or states, called conception. The phenomenon
sometimes called conceiving consists of having a cognitive grip on that
which the words signify or as we in our century would put it, on that
which the words refer to, or stand for, or designate. The phenomenon at
other times called conceiving consists, rather, says Gaunilo, of imagining for ourselves, or representing to ourselves, a signication of the words.
We might call these two kinds of conceiving, respectively, R-conceiving
(R for reality), and I-conceiving (I for imagination). R-conceiving will not
Of course, we who come after Frege would want to say that the relevant
distinction is not that between knowing the referent of an expression and
imagining a referent, but that between knowing the referent of a word and
knowing the sense of the word. Though Gaunilo is groping in the right
direction, he doesnt have a rm hold on that for which he is groping.
But back to Gaunilos proposed variant on Anselms argument, with
Gaunilos distinction in hand between two kinds of conceiving. We may
agree that if the fool understands the words that than which nothing
greater can be conceived, then he has a corresponding conception. But
what shall we understand this conception as being, a case of R-conceiving
or a case of I-conceiving? The tacit assumption of the argument is that
it consists of conceiving that which the denite description signies or
refers to namely, that than which nothing greater can be conceived. In
short, the tacit assumption of the argument is that it consists of a case
of R-conceiving. But why, says Gaunilo, would the fool grant that that
is what he is doing? Why would he not insist that, so far as he knows,
all he does when he hears the words and understands them is imagine
a signication? Why would he not insist that, so far as he knows, it is
I-conceiving that he is engaged in? We do, after all, speak of thinking
about Pegasus, conceiving of the golden mountain, and so on conceiving of things that dont exist. Such conceiving is not to be analyzed as
consisting of standing in the relation of conceiving to what the expression
refers, since the expression doesnt refer to anything. It consists of hearing and understanding the expression and imagining a referent. Thus the
issue of whether the entity to which the expression refers exists only in the
mind or also in reality does not even arise since it is not granted that the
expression refers to anything.
I suggest, in short, that Gaunilos fundamental objection to his nonquestion-begging variant on Anselms argument is that the kind of conception that the fool will grant that he has is of no use for the argument,
and that the kind of conception that is needed for the argument the fool
will not grant that he has. The fool will resist the move from (*) to (*).
It might be thought that I am over-interpreting what Gaunilo has to
say about conception in the passage quoted or if not that, basing too
much on too little. But Gaunilo makes the same point in other passages.
Referring to the passage from Proslogion in which Anselm says that a
painting rst exists in the mind of the artist and then is made by the
artist to exist in reality, Gaunilo says this: before that painting is made
it exists in the painters art. And such a thing in the art of the painter
is nothing other than a part of the painters understanding (G ; ).
Notice that last phrase: is nothing other than a part of the painters understanding. By contrast, when genuine knowledge or understanding takes
place, then whatever true |i.e., real| thing, when heard of or thought of, is
apprehended by the understanding: without doubt that true thing is other
than the understanding by which it is apprehended (G ; ). One
can indeed say that understanding the words of some denite description
the K that is F requires having a conception of the K that is F; but its
not true that the type of conceiving required consists of performing the
mental act of conceiving that entity for which those words stand. Thus
it is that Gaunilo says: I do not concede to it any other existence than
that |existence| (if it is to be called existence) present when the mind tries
to represent to itself a thing completely unknown, |trying to do so| in
accordance with a word which it has merely heard (G ; ).
We understand the expression the golden mountain. So we may be
described as having a conception of the golden mountain. Thus it may be
said that we have conceptions of things that dont exist. But we must not
fall into the trap of supposing that there are those things that there is
a non-existent golden mountain and that for one to have a conception
of the golden mountain is for there to be a golden mountain and for one
to stand to that entity in the relation of conceiving it. How, then, from
the |alleged| fact that it is, patently, greater than all |others| does one
prove to me that that |which is| greater |than all others| exists in reality? For I still so doubt and deny it to exist that I claim that this greater
|than all others| is not even in my thought and understanding even in
the way that numerous doubtfully real and uncertainly real things are
(G ; ). One may understand the words the present king of France,
and have what is appropriately called a conception of the present king of
France, without there being the present king of France in any mode of
being whatsoever.
My use of this example, along with the example of the golden mountain, is obviously meant to suggest that the fundamental topic of dispute
between Gaunilo and Anselm was a topic of dispute again in the twentieth century between (among others) Meinong and the early Russell on the
one hand, and Frege on the other. Meinong is the Anselm of the twentieth century, Frege the Gaunilo. A singular term, said Frege, may have a
sense without having a reference; and to understand a singular term is, in
general, to understand its sense, not to understand its reference. It is not
inappropriate to say, of someone who understands the singular term the
golden mountain, that this person has a conception of the golden mountain. But this is to be understood as consisting in grasping the sense of the
expression, not in grasping its reference. It has no reference to be grasped.
After citing a singular term that has no reference, Michael Dummett,
speaking for Frege, says that:
Such an expression has a sense because we have a criterion, perhaps quite sharp,
at any rate at least as sharp as for most names having a genuine reference, for
an objects being recognized as the referent of the name: but it lacks a reference,
because as a matter of fact there is nothing which would identify any object as
the referent of the name; there is no object which satises the condition determined by the sense for being its referent. What could be more straightforward?
Of course, Gaunilo does not distinguish between the sense and the reference of expressions in the articulate way that Frege does. And Frege would
never have said that the grasping of the sense of an expression is nothing
other than a part of the understanding itself; the senses of expressions are,
on Freges view, objective features of language. But then, Anselms alternative account of linguistic understanding and conception was scarcely
less primitive than Gaunilos; it remained for Meinong to develop an
ontology in which, of all the entities that there are, some exist in reality
and some do not.
Yet, primitive and unacceptable though Gaunilos account of linguistic understanding and conception was, it was adequate for his polemical question: Why assume that if one understands the words that than
which nothing greater is conceivable, then there is that than which nothing greater can be conceived and one stands to it in the relation of conceiving? Other accounts than this can be given of what goes on when
Michael Dummett, Frege: Philosophy of Language, nd edn. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, ), .
The reply is clear; Anselm rearms the very principles under dispute and
then adds that they are self-evidently true. But what is the import, in the
polemic, of the reply? I see no other way of interpreting its import than
as follows: Gaunilo has uncovered a weak point in Anselms ontological
argument, a crucial weak point; and Anselm has nothing to say in his
own defense. So he rearms his conviction that the principles under
dispute are self-evidently true, and leaves it at that. He says nothing at
all to support his conviction. Not until the twentieth century would the
dispute be substantially advanced beyond where Gaunilo and Anselm
left it Gaunilo questioning Anselms theory of linguistic comprehension and conception and oering suggestions for an alternative theory,
Anselm claiming that the original theory (itself not much more than suggestions) was self-evidently true. But let us be clear on the structure of the
polemic: since it was Anselm who gave the argument, the burden of proof
was on him. He did not bear the burden.
Let me summarize Gaunilos major objection, using mainly his own
words: If that which cannot even be thought in accordance with the true
nature of anything must |nonetheless| be said to be in the understanding,
then I do not deny that in this |improper| sense it is in my |understanding| (G ; ). That is to say: if all you mean by having so-and-so in the
understanding is having a conception of so-and-so, then even things that
could not exist can be in the understanding.
But since from this |concession| its existence also in reality cannot at all be
inferred, I still will not at all concede to it that existence |in reality| until |that
existence| is proved to me by an indubitable line of reasoning. Now, anyone who
says, that which is greater than all |others| exists, |for| otherwise it would not
be greater than all |others| does not pay enough attention to whom he is speaking. For I do not yet admit indeed, I even doubt and deny that that |which
is| greater |than all others| exists at all in reality. I do not concede to it any other
existence than that |existence| (if it is to be called existence) present when the
mind tries to represent to itself a thing completely unknown, |trying to do so| in
accordance with a word which it has merely heard. (G ; )
And now, nally, what, given Anselms assumptions, is wrong with this
analogous argument? I understand the meaning of the words an island
than which none greater can be conceived. If someone understands those
words, then that person understands (or conceives of) an island than
which none greater can be conceived. And if someone understands (or
conceives of) an island than which none greater can be conceived, then
that island exists in the mind. But if that island existed only in the mind,
then one could conceive of it as greater. But that one, the one which exists
in the mind, is that island than which none greater can be conceived.
Therefore it exists in reality.
I submit that the argument is fully analogous to Anselms, and that
the reason Anselm failed to point out the disanalogy is that he realized
there was no disanalogy to point out. Anselm displayed an implication of
Meinongianism that he liked; Gaunilo, one that everyone nds embarrassing. Of course, there are variants on Anselms argument to which the
corresponding variant on Gaunilos lost island argument is not a good
analogue. But Gaunilo was not oering an analogue to all possible variations on Anselms argument; he was oering an analogue to Anselms
argument. The analogue is apt. The absurdity of its conclusion shows that
something has gone wrong in Anselms argument. Gaunilo oered a suggestion as to what that was. Anselm rearmed the principles to which
Gaunilo took exception and declared them self-evident, having nothing
to say in their support. The monk from Marmoutiers deserves better from
history than he has received. He saw that Anselms argument in Proslogion
depended on taking meaning to be reference; and he saw that meaning
is not reference.
As for the other parts of Anselms treatise, they, said Gaunilo, are
argued so truthfully, so brilliantly, |so| impressively, and, indeed, abound
with such great usefulness and with such great fragrance (because of an
innermost scent of devout and holy aection) that they are not at all to
be despised on account of the things which in the beginning parts are
rightly sensed but less cogently argued (G ; ).
Divine simplicity
Once upon a time, back in the so-called middle ages, theologians, Jewish,
Christian, and Muslim alike, in developing their doctrine of God, gave
extraordinary prominence to the attribute of simplicity. God, they said,
is simple; in God there are no distinctions whatsoever. I am not aware of
any theologian in these three traditions contending that Gods simplicity ought to be prominent in ones religious consciousness, in the way,
for example, that it appears to have been prominent in the religious consciousness of Plotinus. It was, instead, theoretical prominence that they
gave it.
For one thing, they recognized its theoretical fecundity. If one grants
Gods simplicity, then one also has to grant a large number of other
divine attributes: immateriality, eternity, immutability, having no unrealized potentialities, etc. Aquinas, in his earlier Summa contra gentiles,
still argued for Gods eternity, immateriality, and lack of passive potency
before he introduced Gods simplicity. By the time he wrote his later
Summa Theologiae he had fully recognized the theoretical fecundity of
this attribute and moved it up to the top of the list, introducing it immediately after he had established the existence of a rst mover. Secondly,
the doctrine of divine simplicity had, for the medievals, extraordinary
framework signicance. If one grants that God is simple, ones interpretation of all Gods other attributes will have to be formed in the light of
that conviction. Of course the fecundity of this attribute for deriving others of Gods attributes, and its framework signicance, are quite beside
the point unless one has good reason for holding that God is simple. The
medievals thought they had such good reason.
A theology structured by moving from Gods existence immediately
to Gods simplicity and then on to Gods other attributes seems part of a
quaint and bygone era for anyone reared on twentieth-century theology.
Contemporary theologians seldom speak of Gods simplicity. And when
they do, they rarely (if ever) give it a signicant structural role in their
doctrine of God let alone give it the pre-eminent role that it enjoyed
in the articulated doctrine of God developed by the medieval school
I shall not on this occasion ask why this striking alteration has taken
place in the mode of structuring theology partly because, though I nd
the question intriguing, I am far short of knowing the answer. I suspect
that a full answer would illuminate, down to a deep level, the dierences
between contemporary theology and medieval school theology. But I am
more in need of illumination on that score than able to give illumination.
On this occasion I want to pursue the answer to a dierent question suggested by the dierence between medieval and contemporary attitudes
toward the doctrine of simplicity. And from here on I shall speak mainly
of Christian philosophical theology.
The doctrine that God is simple was understood by the medievals as
the denial of any form of composition in God. In his Summa Theologiae
Aquinas, before drawing the general conclusion that God is simple, dismisses various specic modes of composition. He argues, among other
things, that:
() God is not distinct from Gods essence;
() Gods existence is not distinct from Gods essence;
and that:
() God has no property distinct from Gods essence.
Since I shall want to refer to these three theses rather frequently in what
follows, let me, for convenience sake, call them the theistic identity claims.
In the Thomistic texts there is no sign none of which I am aware,
anyway that Aquinas found anything ontologically problematic in these
claims. He marshals arguments for them. He does not toss them out as
self-evident. But he gives no sign of baement over how it can be that
something would be identical with its essence, nor over how it can be that
that entitys existence would be identical with its essence, nor over how it
can be that all its properties are identical with its essence (and hence, that
its essence itself has no complexity).
Though Aquinas gave no sign of nding anything problematic in the
theistic identity claims as such, when he combined those claims with certain other convictions of his, he experienced baement aplenty. Aquinas
found himself, by virtue both of his construal of his biblical inheritance
Divine simplicity
William of Ockham, vols. (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, ).
Divine simplicity
these two dierent styles. We need, if you will, a paradigm shift. Metaontology is what is needed. Possibly the reason Stump and Kretzmann
nd nothing problematic in the doctrine is that they, being medieval
scholars themselves, do their thinking in terms of this alternative ontological style.
I am also inclined to think that we will never succeed in nding a
satisfactory non-trivial formulation of the doctrine of divine simplicity in
our own dominant contemporary ontological style. But I see no way of
defending this thesis; for all I know, it might be the case that right over
the horizon is a creative discussion by someone who proves that it can be
done by doing it. Hence I shall content myself with the less daring thesis,
that to understand the medievals we must enter imaginatively into a style
of ontology dierent from that which is dominant among us.
But rst, what exactly are the diculties that we have with the identity
claims? Alvin Plantinga has canvassed them lucidly in his book Does God
Have a Nature? A substances essence, says Plantinga, will be a certain
one of its properties that conjunctive property that includes as conjuncts
those properties that the substance has in all possible worlds in which it
exists. So if God is identical with Gods essence, then God is identical
with a property. But God, being a person, is not a property.
That is the most fundamental diculty. But Plantinga also nds difculties in roughly the region where Aquinas and most medievals found
them. Let us suppose that God has the attributes of omniscience and
omnibenevolence. Now the theistic identity claims entail that all Gods
attributes are identical with God and, hence, with each other. But surely
omniscience and omnibenevolence are not the identical property; and if
either were identical with God, then, once again, God would be a property, which God is not.
These moves are so simple, swift, and decisive, that Plantinga acknowledges that what he has refuted must not be what the medievals meant. So
he tries again. The medievals speak of Gods goodness, Gods existence,
Gods power, Gods wisdom, etc. Maybe in speaking thus they did not
mean to refer to properties. Maybe with the expression Gods goodness
they did not intend to refer to that property of goodness that God has.
Maybe with the expression Gods existence they did not intend to refer
to that property of existence that God has, and so forth. Maybe they
intended to pick out entities of some other ontological category. Perhaps,
Divine simplicity
instances that is both plausible in its own right and whose consequences
are consistent with the theistic identity claims. And we must be assured
that Gods being a property instance is not incompatible with Gods having the properties that we want to predicate of God. Mann faces up to
both these challenges; but let me, on this occasion, rush past what he
says about the identity and diversity of property instances to get to what
he says on the issue of whether Gods being a property instance would
be compatible with our convictions as to what God is like. Mann formulates the challenge to his view thus: this conclusion oends against
deeply entrenched theistic belief that God is knowing, loving, and active.
In brief, God is a person; no property instance is a person; therefore God
is not a property instance. Given the theists beliefs about the personhood
of God, the doctrine of divine simplicity must be rejected.
Manns way of answering this objection is to argue that one of the
principles assumed in the objection, viz., that no property instance is
a person, is false. Take anything whatsoever, says Mann, and consider
all its properties. From these, single out that conjunctive property that
includes as its conjuncts all the properties of the thing. Call that the rich
property of the thing. The thing itself, says Mann, is an instantiation of
the appropriate rich property. To generalize: For anything whatsoever,
there is an appropriate rich property. Therefore, everything is a property
instance of some rich property or other. Therefore, every person is a property instance It is certainly true that most property instances are not
persons, yet every person is a property instance.
It appears to me that Mann has here fallen into an ontological trap. Let
us once again have before us the distinction between an exemplication
of a property and an instance of a property. Whereas Socrates exemplied
the property, wisdom, Socrates wisdom instantiated it.
Now a person certainly exemplies its rich property. But what reason
is there to think that the person also instantiates that property that in
this case the instantiation is the exemplication? What reason is there
to think that Socrates instantiation of his rich property just is Socrates?
I see no reason at all to think this; nor does Mann oer any reason. I
surmise that Mann, at this crucial point in his argument, momentarily lost sight of the distinction between an exemplication of a property
and an instance of a property. Mann does not think that Socrates wisdom
is identical with Socrates, whereas he does think that the one and only
Divine Simplicity, .
Divine Simplicity, .
Divine simplicity
causal agent, that one being God. And perhaps this is Manns actual line
of thought. For though he uses words which suggest that he wishes to
question Plantingas assumption that properties, in general, are abstract
objects, he also says the following, which appears to go in the other direction that I have suggested: if properties are causal powers and if God is
a property, then he is a causal power. Moreover, if the property that God
is is variously identied as omniscience, omnipotence, moral perfection,
and the like, then the property cum causal power that God is looks more
and more analogous to the causal powers that ordinary persons have.
About this, I think we must simply say that the thought is too undeveloped for us to know whether Manns theory that properties are causal
powers meets Plantingas objection to the identication of God with any
property, or whether it merely presents the proposal to which Plantinga
made his objection under a new guise. I might add that Mann himself
stresses the inchoate character of his theory.
We have canvassed one of the recent attempts to oer a construal of
the theistic identity claims that will both make those claims ontologically intelligible and not yield consequences patently unacceptable to
theists. None of the attempts of which I am aware has made any signicant advance in this endeavor. One possible explanation for this situation is that we are just much less intelligent than our medieval forebears;
not only can we not devise an acceptable account of divine simplicity; we
cannot even understand accounts presented to us by the medievals that
they found non-problematic. I prefer another explanation. The theistic
identity claims were put forward by thinkers working within a very different ontological style from ours. They worked within a style of ontology that I shall call constituent ontology. We typically work within a style
that might be called relation ontology. We should expect that claims that
are baing within the one style will sometimes seem straightforward
within the other. The theistic identity claims are a paradigm example of
I propose now to try to enter into that alternative way of thinking
far enough to explain how a medieval, thinking within the style of constituent ontology, would have understood those theistic identity claims.
One criterion of success in this endeavor will be that those claims cease
to be baing. Baement is to enter at the next point, where we try to
show that divine simplicity is compatible, say, with God having free
choice, and where we try to devise a theory of predication note, not a
Divine simplicity
viz., human nature. Yet obviously Socrates is not identical with Plato. How
are we to explain this?
Well, notice in the rst place that both Socrates and Plato are made out
of something; namely, out of a certain lump, or parcel, or bit, or quantity
of matter (we dont have the right word in English). And the bit of matter out of which Socrates is made is distinct from the bit of matter out
of which Plato is made. So let us think of Plato and Socrates as composites, articulated composites, with dierent constituents playing dierent
roles. That composite that is Socrates will include his nature, but will also
include his bit of matter. And what makes Socrates distinct from Plato is
that he is made out of a dierent bit of matter. Admittedly that is not the
only thing that makes him distinct; he also has dierent accidents. But
thats the basic thing.
Having said this, we had better look once again at that human nature
that we found, or thought we found, in both Socrates and Plato. Is the
situation really that there is a common human nature that enters into
dierent substantive-composites? Or do the dierent bits of matter that
enter into substantive-composites also, as it were, particularize the
natures? Does Socrates, contrary to initial appearances, have a distinct
nature from Plato similar but distinct? And if so, is it the matter out
of which Socrates is made that makes his nature distinct from all others? Suppose it is. And suppose, further that we make Socrates nature an
object of thought, focusing just on the nature and abstracting from the
bit of matter with which it is associated in that composite that is Socrates.
Is that which we are thinking of in such a case distinct from what we
would be thinking of if we thought about Platos nature along the same
lines, or is it identical with it?
All these questions, and many more in the same region, were posed
and discussed by the medievals. It would serve no purpose in this essay to
go into them farther. But notice that the diculties are posed by material
objects sharing, or being capable of sharing, or apparently being capable of sharing, their natures. In the case of immaterial entities, everyone
agreed: everything is its own nature.
I have already suggested that what enters into the sorts of composites that you and I are is more than a certain nature and a certain bit
of matter. We also possess various attributes that, though they are not
involved in what we are as such, nonetheless characterize us. Some of
these are essential to us; some, non-essential. We should not think of
these attributes themselves as constituents of those composites that we
are. But for each of these properties not belonging to a things nature,
Divine simplicity
and form, He must be His own Godhead, His own Life, and whatever else is
thus predicated of Him.
There are interesting connections between that part of the Thomistic perspective that I have been expounding, and some of the things Mann says.
It is Aquinas view that humanity, i.e., human nature, has as its instances
the various particularized human natures to be found in reality Socrates
nature, Platos nature, etc. Not human beings, but human natures, are
the instances of humanity each human being including in its composite a human nature but always more than that as well. But what, then,
about the property of being a human being ? What does this have as its
instances? The instances of this property will be human beings. But obviously human beings are also the entities that exemplify this property. In
the case of such individuating properties as this, then, exemplication
and instance coincide rather than for those properties that Mann calls
We are ready to look at the second of the three theistic identity claims.
The rst, that God is not distinct from Gods essence, has proved to be
non-problematic when considered within the medieval frame of thought;
perplexities arise instead for certain of those entities not identical with their
essences. But what about the claim that Gods existence is not distinct
from Gods essence. Isnt Gods existence an accident, or an accident-like
entity? If so, how can it possibly be identical with Gods nature?
Let us be sure that we have in hand the most felicitous way of putting
the question here. I think it is not helpful to say that Gods essence is
to exist as if what God is as such were just a lump or bit of existence.
I think it is only slightly better to say that Gods essence is identical
with Gods existence. The most felicitous way to put the claim, in my
judgment, is the way Aquinas puts it in the rst section of chapter of
Summa contra Gentiles: Gods essence or quiddity is not something other
than his being. In other words, Gods existence is not something distinct from Gods nature. We have seen that God is a something-as-such,
Jan Aertsen called my attention to the fact that there are some words in Thomas Latin text for
which the equivalents are missing in the Dominican translation that I have been using (New York:
Benziger Brothers, ). I have inserted them in brackets. With the passage quoted, compare
Summa contra Gentiles, Book One, Chapter , section : There must be some composition in
every being that is not its essence or quiddity. Since, indeed, each thing possesses its own essence,
if there were nothing in a thing outside its essence all that the thing is would be its essence, which
would mean that the thing is its essence. But, if some thing were not its essence, there should be
something in it outside its essence. Thus, there must be composition in it. Hence it is that the
essence in composite things is signied as a part, for example humanity in man. Now, it has been
shown that there is no composition in God. God is, therefore, His essence.
Divine simplicity
See Chris Menzel, Theism, Platonism, and the Metaphysics of Mathematics, Faith and
Philosophy (): .
Summa Theologiae , , resp.
Aquinas was of the view that, for every non-divine nature, what belongs
to the nature is not existence but potentiality for existing. What belongs
to what I am as such is not existence but being capable of existing. My
existence is the realization, the actualization, of this potential. Thus for
non-divine entities, their essence and their existence stand in a potentiality/actualization relation to each other. Existence must be compared to
essence, if the latter is a distinct reality, says Aquinas, as actuality to
potentiality (ibid.). What makes God dierent from everything else is
that it is not potentiality for existing that belongs to what God is as such,
but existing. There seems, then, to be nothing ontologically problematic in
the second of the theistic identity claims, the claim that Gods existence
is not distinct from Gods essence, when that claim is considered within
the framework of the constituent ontology characteristic of the medievals.
The principal problem in this area will be to explain how, for an entity
that exists necessarily, there can yet be something that accounts for its
The last of the theistic identity claims that we are considering is that
God has no properties distinct from Gods essence. Perhaps the best way
to begin reecting on this is to consider some necessary entity other than
God some number, say. So consider the number . The number stands
to me in the relation of just having been mentioned by me; we would
conclude, in contemporary ontology, that it has the relational property
of having been mentioned by me. We all feel, however, that this property
is extrinsic to the number , in contrast, say, to the property of being
odd, which is intrinsic to it. Though I think we all have some grasp of
this extrinsic/intrinsic distinction, no one, to the best of my knowledge,
has yet succeeded in articulating it. Its not the same as the contingent/
necessary distinction. For instance, take the two properties of having
believed that God is simple, and having been mentioned by me. Aquinas
possesses both of these properties. Clearly the former is intrinsic to him,
the latter, extrinsic. Yet both are contingent properties of him.
Now it seems plausible to think that all the intrinsic properties of the
number are essential to it. It even seems plausible to think that they all
belong to what the number is as such, i.e., to the nature of . So I think
there is also nothing especially problematic in the third identity claim,
that none of Gods properties is distinct from Gods nature. Admittedly
Aquinas would not have made the point in the way I just made it, in
terms.of a distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties of a thing.
He would have denied that what I have called extrinsic properties are truly
properties. Whatever I do when I assertively utter of something, was
Divine simplicity
referred to by me, Aquinas would not have described that as predicating a property of it. If he had conceded that they are extrinsic properties,
he would have faced the question: In what are their property instances
present? He would have been extremely reluctant to view those as constituents of that entity that purportedly possesses the extrinsic properties.
(Furthermore, he would probably have thought it misleading to speak of
anything other than the nature of the thing as intrinsic to it.)
The task I set myself in this essay has been completed. I wanted to
show that the three theistic identity claims, which to many of us who do
ontology in the twentieth century seem so baing, are, when approached
within the ontological framework of the medievals, not at all baing.
The root of the dierence, I have suggested, is that whereas the medievals worked within the style of constituent ontology, we typically work
within the style of relation ontology and as part of this dierence we work
with a dierent view of essence. Of course not every constituent ontology
will render the theistic identity claims non-problematic. The great exception to my generalization about the style of twentieth-century ontology
is Gustav Bergmann. Bergmann worked relentlessly in the style of constituent ontology. His way of developing constituent ontology was such,
however, that he would probably nd the theistic identity claims as bafing as do the rest of us. So my point has not been that working in the
style of constituent ontology automatically makes the theistic identity
claims non-problematic, but rather that working in the style of relation
ontology automatically makes them problematic.
According to the dominant style of twentieth-century ontology, the
essence of an entity is something to which it bears a certain relation the
relation of necessarily exemplifying it. Likewise a contingent property of an
entity is something to which it bears a relation, the relation of contingently
exemplifying it. And if we acknowledge property instances, these too are in
relation: the property instances of those properties that some entity exemplies are present in that entity. The pattern is clear: twentieth-century
ontology is relentlessly relational in its style. We dont think of entities as
being composites of constituents but as standing in multiple relationships
with other entities. And naturally God stands in relationships too. A medieval looking at our ontology would nd acknowledgment of essence just
missing. We talk about the properties of things; and some of those properties we call the essence of the thing. But nowhere do we give ontological
acknowledgment to what an entity is as such. What we call the essence of
Divine simplicity
Fifth Ennead IV, . I use the version of the Enneads translated by Stephen MacKenna (Burdett,
NY: Larson Publications, ).
the relevant purpose was the moral life: it is conducive to the moral life
to think of the transcendent as if it were a God related to us as a father.
For Plotinus, the relevant purpose was the mystical vision: to think of
the One as existing, as one, etc., is more conducive to the mystical vision
than to think of it as not thus:
when we speak of this First as Cause, we are arming something happening not
to it but to us, the fact that we take from this Self-enclosed: strictly we should
put neither a This nor a That to it; we hover, as it were, about it, seeking the
statement of an experience of our own, sometimes nearing this Reality, sometimes baed by the enigma in which it dwells
Our way then takes us beyond knowing; there may be no wandering from
unity; knowing and knowable must all be set aside; every object of thought,
even the highest, we must pass by, for all that is good is later than This and
derives from This as from the sun all the light of the day.
Not to be told; not to be written: in our writing and telling we are but urging towards it: out of discussion we call to vision: to those desiring to see, we
point the path; our teaching is of the road and the travelling; the seeing must be
the very act of one that has made this choice.
None of the medieval school theologians was willing to follow this noncognitive strategy; only some of the mystics were willing to do so. Hence
the perplexities.
It would require another paper to canvas and appraise the strategies
that the medievals adopted in their struggle to explain how it can be that
we can make a multiplicity of distinct true predications concerning the
simple God. But I suggest that if we grant them their ontological style,
the constituent style, then the place to engage them is not on the theistic
identity claims as such. Those prove to be non-problematic. The place
to engage them, in the rst place, is on the tenability in general of constituent ontology. The place to engage them, in the second place, is on
the general question of whether it is possible, while holding that God is
simple, to develop a theory of predication that adequately accounts for
the multiplicity of distinct things Christians wish to say about God. And
the place to engage them, thirdly, is in their attempt to show that the
doctrine of simplicity does not contradict other fundamental doctrines.
As part of this third engagement, we shall want to look closely at their
attempt to nd something in the simple God and its relationships to
other things that can be called knowledge, something else to be called
love, something else to be called creating, something else to be called
Divine simplicity
I discuss some of the issues in Suering love, chapter in the present volume.
I have in mind Irreducible Metaphors in Theology, Can We Speak Literally of God?, and
Functionalism and Theological Language. These can now be found in the collection of Alstons
articles, Divine Nature and Human Language: Essays in Philosophical Theology (Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, ). An important paper on a closely related topic, Referring to God, is also
to be found in this collection.
Quoted from William P. Alston, Irreducible Metaphors in Theology, in Divine Nature, .
Nicholas Wolterstor, Divine Discourse (Cambridge University Press, ).
opponents of literal speech about God must concede that one can arm
something true of God by the literal use of such negative or disjunctive
predicates as is not a toucan or is either a toucan or not a toucan. Nor
did he content himself with observing that what have come to be called
Cambridge predicates must be true of God for example, is said by
many theologians to be insusceptible of having predicates true of him
when they are used literally. It was what he called intrinsic predicates
that Alston had his eye on predicates that, as he put it, tell us something about the nature or operations of the subject.
Apart from observing that some of those who insist, in their theory,
that such speech is impossible, nonetheless take its possibility for granted
in their practice, Alstons argument in these articles came in two parts.
He oered an account of metaphor, according to which a condition of
saying something true about some entity by way of speaking metaphorically about it is that it be possible to say something true about that
entity by speaking literally about it; and he argued that there is good
reason to think there is sucient similarity between Gods actions and
states of self, and our actions and states of self, for certain predicates to
be literally true of both. I judge both parts of Alstons argument to be
In spite of the cogency of his argumentation, however, Alstons articles
appear to have had little inuence on those whom he was addressing,
namely, the theological community. Why is that? Well, for one thing,
most theologians dont pay much attention to what contemporary analytic philosophers are saying, even if the latter are speaking directly to
theological issues and to claims made by theologians. But I think there
is another reason as well. Alston addresses the conclusion of the theologians, namely, that literal speech about God is impossible, but not the
lines of thought that led them to this conclusion. He explicitly announces
that he will not be doing the latter. It seems evident to me that, in general, human beings who nd themselves in situations of this sort will
often stick with what they have believed all along believed for what
At one point, Alston makes the argument more dicult for himself than it need be by a rming
the thesis that all human basic actions consist in moving some part of ones body (Divine Nature,
.). Th is seems to me not correct. For example, this morning I have been thinking about
Alstons case for literal speech about God because I decided to do so. My thinking about the topic
is a basic action; I did not perform it by performing some other action. And my thinking about
Alstons case does not consist of moving some part of my body.
In Can We Speak Literally of God? he says, In my opinion, all these arguments are radically
insucient to support the sweeping denial that any intrinsic predicate can be literally true of
God. But this is not the place to go into that (Divine Nature, , his emphasis).
were supposedly good reasons and either ignore arguments against their
view or live with cognitive dissonance.
In the course of his articles, Alston identies three major lines of
thought that have led theologians to the conclusion he is contesting. Some
regard the conclusion as an implication of their view that God is not a
being but the ground of all beings; some regard it as an implication of
their view that God is an ontologically simple being; and some regard it
as an implication of their view that God is transcendent, wholly other. I
myself regard this latter claim as coming in two forms; or more precisely,
I regard the language of transcendence and otherness as regularly used to
express two quite dierent claims. Some theologians regard Scripture as
teaching that God is transcendent, and hold that it is an implication of
this Scriptural teaching that none of our predicates is true of God when
used literally; others hold the philosophical thesis that God, being outside
of time, transcends the bounds of literal use of concepts. Behind the rst,
the second, and the fourth of these lines of thought there is a philosophical gure who is generally regarded as having given to that line of thought
its classic formulation Plotinus, Aquinas, or Kant, respectively.
One way to supplement Alstons argumentation, thus making it more
likely that his goal will be achieved of disabusing theologians of the view
that nothing true can be said of God when using intrinsic predicates literally, would be to contest the claims that God lacks individuality, that
God is simple, and that God is outside of time. Another way to go would
be to concede these claims for the purpose of the argument and then
go on to argue that it does not follow that nothing true can be said of
God when speaking literally. No doubt it would be especially eective in
persuading theologians of this last point if one could show that not even
their great patron philosophers Plotinus, Aquinas, and Kant held that
nothing true can be said of God when using intrinsic predicates literally.
This seems to me in fact to be the case. Plotinus, though he certainly
denied that The Supreme, as he sometimes called it, is an entity, nonetheless did not hold that nothing true can be said of it when using intrinsic predicates literally. He did hold this thesis, so far as I can tell, for
one-term predicates; but most denitely he did not hold it for multi-term
predicates. For example, he held it to be true of The Supreme that it was
the ultimate ground of everything other than itself, ultimately accounting for the existence and character of all else. So too Aquinas explicitly
says that when one predicates of God the intrinsic predicates good and
powerful and speaks literally, one arms of God what is true of God.
And Kant held that when one abstracts from our ordinary concept of
In Eleonore Stump, ed., Reasoned Faith: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann (Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, ), . References to this article are given parenthetically in the text.
Functionalism and Theological Language, in Divine Nature, .
Immediately after presenting this six-fold typology, Alston says that the
most radical partisans of otherness, from Dionysius through Aquinas to
Tillich, plump for something in the () to () range and explicitly reject
(). The possibility of () has been almost wholly ignored, and () has not
fared much better. Alston agrees that it is Aquinas view that we can
speak truly of God using terms in their literal sense; his argument is that
Aquinas sees himself as having to pay the price, for that position, of denying straight univocity. My argument will be that Aquinas arms both
straight univocity and the possibility of saying of God what is literally
true of him while also arming analogy.
Let us get Alstons interpretation before us. A great many commentators
give the impression of doing their best to put out of mind Aquinas answer
to his question in Article of Question , Part I of Summa Theologiae.
Alston does not. The question is whether any term (nomen) can be said
(dicatur) literally ( proprie) of God? Employing the distinction between
saying a term literally of some thing and saying it metaphorically of it,
Aquinas answers that not all terms are said metaphorically of God; but
some are said literally (sed contra). These are those terms that signify the
perfections that ow from [God] and are to be found in creatures, yet
which exist in [God] in an eminent way (resp.). Aquinas cites being,
good, and living as examples; these terms, he says, can be said literally of God (ad ).
There is no reason in the text to suppose that Aquinas is not using
literal ( proprie) strictly and in its literal sense. And given that it is metaphorice that he contrasts with proprie, our term literal is surely the correct translation. In short, it was clearly Aquinas view that, when using
the terms literally, we can arm of God what is true of God by predicating of God such perfection terms as exists, good, and living. Here is
Alstons summary of Aquinas thought on the matter:
In article [Aquinas] argues that some terms can be used literally [ proprie] of
God, namely, those that do not include in their meaning the imperfect mode in
which a perfection is realized in creatures, for example, such terms as being,
good, and living. Lets call these pure perfection terms. By contrast, those
Neither the Dominican nor the Blackfriars translation of the Summa Theologiae is entirely satisfactory for my purposes, since both misinterpret Aquinas on the very points that I will be discussing. In general, however, I will be following the Dominican translation, on the ground that it is
more literal, revising it when I deem that necessary.
terms that do include a creaturely mode in their meaning, for example, rock
and lion, can be said of God only metaphorically. (ATP, )
From Functionalism and Theological Language, in Divine Nature, (his emphasis). Alston
adds, in a footnote, that neither Thomas nor the Thomistic tradition has seized this opportunity
to locate an area of univocal predication. What I will be arguing is that Aquinas does what
Alston here says he does not do; viz., he uses the distinction between the property signied by a
term and the mode of signifying to locate an area of univocal predication.
Also see Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles I, , : And so with reference to the mode of signication no name is ttingly applied to God; this is done only with reference to that which the name
has been imposed to signify. Such names, therefore, as Dionysius teaches, can be both armed
and denied of God. They can be armed because of the meaning of the name; they can be
denied because of the mode of signication.
reason for this claim: For wisdom in creatures is a quality, though not
in God.
Everyone reading this essay will know that Aquinas did not content
himself with saying that when we predicate the same term of God and
of creatures, and we speak truly in both cases, our terms are always said
equivocally of God and creatures. The equivocation is not mere equivocation. Though dierent things are being said, theres a relation between
the things said, making the predications analogous. Equivocal, yes; but
the equivocation of analogy.
Cajetan, in The Analogy of Names (), distinguished three types of
analogy inequality, attribution, and proportionality and argued that
Aquinas, in his teaching concerning predications of God, had in mind
the analogy of proportionality (i.e., of relationality). Cajetans interpretation became canonical among followers of Aquinas, especially among
neo-Thomists of the twentieth century. Alston argues that there is no
indication whatsoever in the Thomistic texts that Aquinas had the analogy of proportionality in mind; everything indicates that he was thinking in terms of the analogy of attribution. Alstons argument seems to
me decisive. For my purposes here, however, it makes no dierence one
way or the other. What is important is just Aquinas consistent teaching
that, given Gods ontological simplicity and our ontological complexity, terms are never said univocally of God and creatures but at best
Alston perceives with greater clarity than any other interpreter I know of
that Aquinas now appears to have a serious problem on his hands. Pure
perfection terms are literally true of God. The res signicata of those pure
perfection terms is just those perfections themselves, not any particular
mode of participation in the perfection. Hence such terms can be applied
literally to God, even though our creaturely mode of participation in
those perfections is dierent from Gods mode of participation. Yet as
between God and creatures, these perfection terms, like all others, are
predicated at best analogically, never univocally.
But if in the two instances, predication of creatures and predication
of God, the same perfection is designated by the predicate term, and if
both God and we have that perfection (albeit in a dierent mode), and if
the term applies literally to God, how could the term not apply literally
Alston remarks that at one point in [his] decades-long reection on
this topic, [he] thought that this was the last word (ATP, ). He now
thinks he has a solution to the problem. His solution is to back away from
interpreting Aquinas as holding that God and we participate in the same
perfection; the dierence in our modes of participation makes for a difference in the perfections (forms). In Alstons words, both dierence of
form and dierence of mode of being of the form are derived from the
same basic divinecreature dierence: the simplicity of God. There can
be no exact reproduction of form just because creatures have in a divided
way what is found in God in an absolutely simple way, without any real
distinction between the perfections (ATP, ). Hence in predicating a
pure perfection term of God and of creatures, we are not predicating the
same res signicata after all.
Alston cites two passages in favor of this interpretation, one from
Summa Theologiae and one from Summa contra Gentiles. Let me say
something about the latter passage a bit later, and consider the former
here. Here is the passage, in the rather more literal translation of the
Dominicans than in the Blackfriars translation that Alston uses:
God prepossesses in Himself all the perfections of creatures, being Himself simply and universally perfect. Hence every creature represents Him, and is like
Him so far as it possesses some perfection; yet it represents Him not as something of the same species or genus, but as the excelling principle of whose form
the eects fall short, although they derive some kind of likeness thereto. (ST I,
, , resp.)
of God but only similar to them; they fall short of Gods perfections.
But let us not forget that over and over in these articles of Question ,
Aquinas cites as the relevant dierence between us and God that God
participates in perfections as a simple being whereas we participate in perfections as complex beings. So when Aquinas speaks of the eects [falling] short, what eect does he have in mind the perfection itself that is
to be found in us, or our mode of participation in the shared perfection?
The passage all by itself seems to me ambiguous on the matter (in Latin,
that is). But if so, it cannot be used as evidence for Alstons point.
Apart from the fact that neither this passage nor, as we shall see shortly,
the other that Alston cites, supports his interpretation, there are a number
of textual and systematic reasons for not embracing his solution. Recall
that in the very next article after the one from which Alston has just
quoted, Aquinas, employing his distinction between the res signicata of
terms and their modus signicandi, says that, as regards the former, perfection terms apply literally ( proprie) to God. So if Alstons present view were
correct, then, given that predication is analogous as between God and us,
and given Aquinas clear statement that perfection terms are literally true
of God, it would follow that perfection terms are only metaphorically
true of us. I think there are at least three good reasons for not interpreting
Aquinas as holding this.
First, Aquinas nowhere says that perfection terms apply only metaphorically to us, not literally. Admittedly it is also true, so far as I know, that
he nowhere says that they do apply to us literally. But if you and I were
writing, we wouldnt bother to make a point of that; it would seem too
obvious. Only if we held that no such terms apply to us literally would we
even raise the issue of whether they apply to us literally or metaphorically.
So, too, for Aquinas. The only question in the region he thinks worth
discussing is whether any terms apply to God literally.
Second, this interpretation conicts with the way Aquinas employs
the distinction between the res signicata and the modus signicandi of
terms. We quoted him as saying, in Summa Theologiae I, , , ad , that
certain terms signify perfections absolutely, without any [creaturely]
mode of participation being part of their signication. Given the looming presence of the doctrine of divine simplicity in these articles, he surely
means to include, under the category, creaturely mode of participation,
Herbert McCabe, in the Blackfriars translation that Alston is using, pretty much eliminates the
ambiguity; he translates it Alstons way: But a creature is not like to God as it is like to another
member of its species or genus, but resembles him as an eect may in some way resemble a transcendent cause although failing to reproduce perfectly the form of the cause.
And third, one has to weigh up against those two rather allusive passages
that Alston cites in favor of his new interpretation, all those other passages
that Alston himself cites when leading up to his statement of the problem
that Aquinas has apparently created for himself. These latter passages seem
to me much more clear in their armation that the perfection is identical,
than are the passages Alston now cites, in their armation that the perfections are not identical. Here is one of those clearer passages. I will quote it
in the translation that Alston was using, that of the Blackfriars:
All the perfections of all things are in God This may be seen from two considerations. First, because whatever perfection exists in an eect must be found
in the producing cause: either in the same formality or in a more eminent
degree Since therefore God is the rst producing cause of things, the perfections of all things must pre-exist in God in a more eminent way Second
God is being itself, of itself subsistent. Consequently, He must contain within
Himself the whole perfection of being Now all the perfections of all things
pertain to the perfection of being: for things are perfect precisely so far as they
have being after some fashion. It follows therefore that the perfection of no thing
is wanting to God. (ST I, , , resp.)
All the perfections of all things are in God. This seems to me as clear a
statement as one could want of the view that the perfections in God and
in us are the same.
If the problem that Alston so acutely identies is not to be solved his way,
how then is it to be solved? Well, Alston assumes, along with all other
interpreters I am familiar with, that when Aquinas is talking about analogous predications of a term, he means to say that the res signicata in the
one instance is analogous to, but not identical with, the res signicata in
the other instance. That is to say, Alston and the other commentators
assume that the property predicated in the one case is not identical with
the property predicated in the other case. In Alstons own words, Aquinas
view is that pure perfection terms are predicated of God in a sense not
exactly the same as that in which they are predicated of creatures but in
a sense that is related to the latter (ATP, ). I suggest that we give up
that assumption. That is not what Aquinas had in mind when he says that
predications as between God and creatures are at best analogous. He is
not saying that the terms predicated have a dierent sense. They have a
dierent mode of signication, undeniably; but the thing designated (signied) is exactly the same.
Suppose that you and I held Aquinas ontology. What would we say
on this matter of predication? Given our conviction that God and we
participate in the same perfections, we would say that in assertively uttering God is alive, God is good, God is powerful, and the like, the
predicate terms alive, good, and powerful have exactly the same
sense that they do when we assertively utter, about some human being,
he is alive, he is good, he is powerful. The predicate terms designate
(signify) the same perfection in both cases. In assertively uttering God is
alive and assertively uttering Joe is alive, we are predicating the same
form of two dierent things. But given our other conviction, that God
participates in perfections as a simple being whereas Joe participates in
them as a complex being, we would say that we are claiming a dierent relationship to hold in the two cases though not entirely dierent,
since in both cases we can describe the subject as participating in what
is designated by the predicate term. Its our predicating of the predicate
term to God that is analogous to our predicating it of Joe; the analogy is
to be located, not in the sense (meaning) of the predicate term itself but
in the copula. This, I submit, is what we would say if we held Aquinas
And this is what Aquinas says. Consider, once again, his comment in
the sed contra of I, , : That which is predicated of several things according to the same term, but not according to the same ratio, is predicated of
them equivocally. But no term applies (convenit) to God with that ratio
according to which it is said (dicitur) of a creature. The clue to Aquinas
doctrine of analogical predication lies in taking with full seriousness the
reason he proceeds to give for this claim. The reason is that wisdom in
creatures is a quality, though not in God.
In Question of Part I of the Summa Theologiae, Aquinas had argued for
the doctrine of divine simplicity; in God there is no distinction between
God and Gods essence, between God and Gods attributes, between one
of Gods attributes and another, and so forth. It follows that in predicating is wise of God we are claiming a dierent relation to hold between
wisdom and God from that which we claim to hold between wisdom and
some human being when we predicate is wise of that human being. The
is in God is wise necessarily has a dierent force, a dierent ratio,
from the is in Socrates is wise assuming that we are using our words
in such a way that in each case what we say is true. But the force (ratio) of
the copula in the two cases is not completely dierent and unconnected;
the copula is not being used purely equivocally. Its force (ratio) when used
to speak of creatures is analogical to its force (ratio) when used to speak
of all other words. But Aquinas does not say that the word is not used
in the same sense. He says that the term is not said of (dicitur) God and
creatures according to the same ratio.
Consider a third passage, part of the sed contra of the same question.
McCabe translates it this way: Wisdom, for example, means a quality
when it is used of creatures, but not when it is applied to God. So then it
must have a dierent meaning, for we have here a dierence in the genus
which is part of the denition. I have already quoted part of the paragraph in my own translation. Let me now quote the whole passage in a
literal translation:
That which is predicated ( praedicatur) of several things according to the same
term, but not according to the same ratio, is predicated of them equivocally. But
no term applies (convenit) to God according to that ratio according to which it
is said of (dicitur) a creature; for wisdom in creatures is a quality, though not in
God. Now a dierent genus changes [the] ratio, since it is part of the denition;
and the point is the same in [i.e., for] others. Therefore that which is said (dicitur) of God and of creatures is said equivocally.
Aquinas does not say that the term wise has a dierent meaning when
applied to God and to creatures.
I mentioned earlier that Alston cited two passages in support of his claim
that Aquinas thinks the perfections in which creatures participate are not
identical with those in which God participates similar to and derived
from, but not identical with. Life, existence, goodness, power, and the like,
are not the same in us as in God. Let me now quote the second passage he
cites in support of his interpretation. It comes from Summa contra Gentiles
I, , . The rst part of the passage, from section , runs as follows:
An eect that does not receive a form specically the same as that through which
the agent acts cannot receive according to a univocal predication the name arising from that form Now, the forms of the things God has made do not measure up to a specic likeness of the divine power: for the things that God has
made receive in a divided and particular way that which in Him is found in a
simple and universal way. It is evident, then, that nothing can be said univocally
of God and other things.
Notice that the way forms in things are said not to measure up to forms
in God is just that God receives forms in a simple way and we receive
forms in a divided way. Its for that reason that nothing can be said
The same pure perfection terms apply literally to both God and creatures
with respect to their res signicata. Its the act of predicating that is not
univocal or if you prefer, the force of the copula. Of course, if one dissents from Aquinas doctrine of divine simplicity, as Alston and I both
do, then Aquinas reason for holding that the predicating of terms of God
is only analogical to the predicating of terms of creatures falls away.
Those contemporary theologians who hold that no terms apply literally
to God have no support for their contention in Aquinas, nor do those
slightly more guarded ones who hold that predicate terms that apply to
God never have the same sense as those that apply to creatures.
In conclusion, let me return to my vested interest in these matters. I hold
that God speaks that is, discourses, performs illocutionary acts; and as I
indicated earlier, I have argued, in Divine Discourse, that it is philosophically tenable to hold that this is literally true of God. If, when speaking
literally, one predicates of God that God discourses, one says what is true
of God.
In the course of arguing, in the Third Article of Question of Part
I of his Summa Theologiae, that certain terms which apply literally to
Its clear from the three articles under discussion that Alston and I are in agreement on this; he
too has a vested interest in the issue of whether it is literally true that God speaks. In another
article collected in Divine Nature, Some Suggestions for Divine Command Theorists, Alston
argues that Gods speaking should not be understood as including Gods promising or covenanting; in chapter of Divine Discourse I give reasons for concluding that his argument on this
point is not compelling.
creatures also apply literally to God with respect to their res signicata,
not their modus signicandi Aquinas remarked that perfections which
ow from God to creatures exist in what he calls a more eminent way
in God than in creatures. Take the perfection wisdom. What he means
is that though the res signicata of the term wise, namely, wisdom, is
to be found in both God and creatures, the way in which God is wise is
eminent compared to the way in which we are wise, indeed, pre-eminent.
The dierence that is ontologically most fundamental is that, whereas for
us wisdom is one among other attributes, Gods wisdom is identical with
God. Another dierence, though less fundamental ontologically, is that
whereas we are always limited in what we know, God is unlimited in
knowledge, in wisdom. Being one among other attributes and being limited
with respect to whats known do not, however, belong to the things signied by our term wise, only to its mode of signication.
May it be that similar things are to be said about speech, that is, discourse the performance of illocutionary acts? Is discourse a perfection
that exists eminently in God but only non-eminently, limitedly, in us?
And does being limited in discourse, though not belonging to the res signicata of our term speaks, nonetheless belong to its modus signicandi,
so that though the term applies literally to both God and creatures with
respect to what it signies, it applies to creatures alone with respect to the
way it signies? What we have seen is that, for Aquinas, this question is
dierent from the question as to whether predicating the term speaks of
creatures is only analogical to predicating the term of God, not equivocal.
But since Alston and I deny that God is ontologically simple, Aquinas
reason for holding that predication of terms to God is only analogous to
predication of terms to us is rendered irrelevant.
I doubt that there is an eminent/non-eminent distinction between
God and us with respect to discourse. Eminence with respect to discourse
would presumably consist of being capable of performing any appropriately responsible act of discourse whatsoever, and necessarily so; noneminence would consist of lacking that capacity, or if not lacking it, at
least not possessing it necessarily. Now it is clear that you and I are limited in all sorts of ways in our capacity for performing acts of discourse.
There are countless truths I cannot assert because, among other considerations, I lack the conceptual repertoire for doing so, and so also for
you. And there are countless declarations I cannot make because I lack
the standing requisite for doing so, and so also for you; I cannot make
the judicial declaration guilty, since I am not a judge. But God is also
limited in such ways. Though it is my view, contra Alston, that God can
literally promise, nonetheless there are all sorts of promises I can make
that God cannot make. I can promise my grandchildren to drive them
to the zoo; God cannot promise that. And if there are so-called essential
indexicals, with the English personal pronoun I being among them
as I am inclined to think is the case then the proposition I assert when I
assertively utter, I am running late for class, is not one that anyone else,
including God, can assertively utter.
Nonetheless, it is the case that God is very dierent indeed from the
sort of speaker that we come across in our experience thus very dierent
from the sort of person to whom we learn to apply the concept speaking and the word speaks. The persons to whom we learn to apply that
concept and that word are all embodied persons, whereas God has no
body. That dierence between us does not imply, so I have argued, that
it cannot be said literally and truly of God that God speaks that is, discourses. But it does imply, I freely concede, that application to God of the
term speaks or discourses is for us a highly idiosyncratic application
of the term.
I have no objection to using Aquinas conceptuality at this point and
saying that though having a body belongs to the modus signicandi of our
term speaks, it does not belong to the res signicata of the term. Alstons
way of explaining the distinction, in his essay Functionalism and
Theological Language, seems to me here the best. Let me quote again
what he says, changing the example this time from making to speaking :
The most general idea is that the common possession of abstract features is
compatible with as great a dierence as you like in the way in which these features are realized This general point suggests the possibility that the radical
otherness of God might manifest itself in the way in which common abstract
features are realized in the divine being, rather than in the absence of common
features. What it is for God to speak is radically dierent from what it is for a
human being to speak; but that does not rule out an abstract feature in common,
viz., that of performing an illocutionary act.
Divine Nature, .
God everlasting
The most noteworthy contemporary example is Oscar Cullmann, Christ and Time, translated by
Floyd V. Filson (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press, ).
is so because God the Redeemer is a God who changes. And any being
that changes is a being among whose states there is temporal succession.
Of course, there is an important sense in which God as presented in the
Scriptures is changeless: God is steadfast in Gods redeeming intent and
ever faithful to Gods children. Yet, ontologically, God cannot be a redeeming God without there being changeful variation among Gods states.
If this argument proves correct, the importance of the issue here confronting us for Christian theology can scarcely be exaggerated. A theology which opts for God as eternal cannot avoid being in conict with
the confession of God as redeemer. And given the obvious fact that God
is presented in the Bible as a God who redeems, a theology that opts for
God as eternal cannot be a theology faithful to the biblical witness.
My line of argument will prove to be neither subtle nor complicated.
So the question will insistently arise, why have Christian theologians so
massively contended that God is eternal? Why has not the dominant tradition of Christian theology been that of God everlasting?
My argument will depend heavily on taking with seriousness a certain feature of temporality that has been neglected in Western philosophy. But the massiveness of the God-eternal tradition cannot, I am
persuaded, be attributed merely to philosophical oversight. There are, I
think, two factors more fundamental. One is the feeling, deep-seated in
much of human culture, that the owing of events into an irrecoverable
and unchangeable past is a matter for deep regret. Our bright actions
and shining moments do not long endure. The gnawing tooth of time
bites all. And our evil deeds can never be undone. They are forever to be
regretted. Of course, the philosopher is inclined to distinguish the mere
fact of temporality from the actual pattern of the events in history and
to argue that regrets about the latter should not slosh over into regrets
about the former. The philosopher is right. The regrettableness of what
transpires in time is not good ground for regretting that there is time.
Yet where the philosopher sees the possibility and the need for a distinction, most people have seen none. Regrets over the pervasive pattern of
what transpires within time have led whole societies to place the divine
outside of time freed from the bondage of temporality.
But I am persuaded that William Kneale is correct when he contends
that the most important factor accounting for the tradition of God eternal within Christian theology was the inuence of the classical Greek
philosophers on the early theologians. The distinction between eternal
William Kneale, Time and Eternity in Theology, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
(): .
God everlasting
being and everlasting being was drawn for the rst time in the history of
thought by Plato (Timaeus ), though the language he uses is reminiscent of words used still earlier by Parmenides. Plato does not connect
eternity and divinity, but he does make clear his conviction that eternal
being is the highest form of reality. This was enough to inuence the
early Christian theologians, who did their thinking within the milieu of
Hellenic and Hellenistic thought, to assign eternity to God. Thus was the
fateful choice made.
A good many twentieth-century theologians have been engaged in
what one might call the dehellenization of Christian theology. If Kneales
contention is correct, then in this essay I am participating in that activity. Of course, not every bit of dehellenization is laudatory from the
Christian standpoint, for not everything that the Greeks said is false.
What is the case, though, is that the patterns of classical Greek thought
are incompatible with the pattern of biblical thought. And in facing the
issue of God everlasting versus God eternal we are dealing with the fundamental pattern of biblical thought. Indeed, I am persuaded that unless
the tradition of God eternal is renounced, fundamental dehellenizing
will perpetually occupy itself in the suburbs, never advancing to the city
center. Every attempt to purge Christian theology of the traces of incompatible Hellenic patterns of thought must fail unless it removes the roadblock of the God-eternal tradition. Around this barricade there are no
Before we can discuss whether God is outside of time we must ask what
it would be for something to be outside of time. That is, before we can
ask whether God is eternal we must ask what it would be for something
to be eternal. But this in turn demands that we be clear on what it would
be for something to be a temporal entity. We need not be clear on all the
features which something has by virtue of being temporal on all facets
of temporality but we must at least be able to say what is necessary and
sucient for somethings being in time.
For our purposes we can take as the decisive feature of temporality
the exemplication of the temporal-ordering relations of precedence, succession, and simultaneity. Unless some entities did stand to each other
in one or the other of these relations, there would be no temporal reality. Conversely, if there is temporal reality then there are pairs of entities whose members stand to each other in the relation of one occurring
God everlasting
that, on the latter, an entity is eternal if none of its aspects bears any
temporal-order relation to any of those events which are its aspects;
whereas on the former, what is required of an entity for it to be eternal
is that none of its aspects be related by any temporal-order relation to
any event whatsoever. Of course, if every event which bears any temporalorder relation to any event whatsoever is also simultaneous with itself,
then everything which fails to satisfy the temporal array denition of
eternal will also fail to satisfy the time-strand denition.
At this point, certain ambiguities in the concepts of precedence, succession, and simultaneity should be resolved. By saying that event e occurs
simultaneously with event e, I mean that there is some time at which both
e and e are occurring. I do not mean though indeed this might reasonably also have been meant by the words that there is no time at which
one of e and e is occurring and the other is not. When two events stand
in that latter relation I shall say that they are wholly simultaneous. By saying that e precedes e, I mean that there is some time at which e but not
e is occurring, which precedes all times at which e is occurring. I do not
mean that every time at which e occurs precedes every time at which e
occurs. When e stands to e in this latter relationship, I shall say that it
wholly precedes e. Lastly, by saying that e succeeds e, I mean that there
is some time at which e but not e is occurring which succeeds all times
at which e is occurring. This, as in the case of precedence, allows for
overlap. And, as in the case of precedence, an overlapping case of succession may be distinguished from a case in which one event wholly succeeds
When simultaneity, precedence, and succession are understood
thus, they do not stand for exclusive relations. An event e may precede,
occur simultaneously with, and succeed, another event e. But of course
e cannot wholly precede e while also being wholly simultaneous with it,
and so forth for the other combinations.
Reecting on the consequences of the above denitions and explanations, someone might protest that the denition of eternal is altogether
too stringent. For consider, say, the number . This, no doubt, was referred
to by Euclid and also by Cantor. So, by our explanation of aspect, s
being referred to by Euclid was an aspect of the number , and s being
referred to by Cantor was another aspect thereof. And of course the former
preceded the latter. So, by our denition, is not eternal. But it may
be protested the fact that something is successively referred to should
not be regarded as ground for concluding that it is not eternal. For after
all, successive references to something do not produce any change in it.
God everlasting
Although they produce variation among its aspects, they do not produce
a changeful variation among them.
In response to this protest it must be emphasized that the concept of an
eternal being is not identical with the concept of an unchanging being.
The root idea behind the concept of an eternal being is not that of one
which does not change but rather that of one which is outside of time.
And a question of substance is whether an unchanging being may fail to
be eternal. The most thoroughgoing and radical way possible for an entity
to be outside of time is that which something enjoys if it satises our denition of eternal. And it must simply be acknowledged that if an entity
is successively referred to, then it is not in the most thoroughgoing way
outside of time. There is temporal succession among its aspects.
However, the idea of change could be used by the protester in another
way. It is indeed true that not every variation among the aspects of an
entity constitutes change therein. Only variation among some of them
call them its change-relevant aspects does so. So on the ground that the
change-relevant aspects of an entity are more basic to it, we might distinguish between something being fundamentally non-eternal and something being trivially non-eternal. Something is fundamentally non-eternal
if it fails to satisfy the concept of being eternal by virtue of some of its
change-relevant aspects. Something is trivially non-eternal if its failure to
satisfy the concept of being eternal is not by virtue of any of its changerelevant aspects.
Now in fact it will be change-relevant aspects of God to which I will
appeal in arguing that God is not eternal. Thus my argument will be that
God is fundamentally non-eternal.
In order to present our argument that God is fundamentally non-eternal
we must now take note of a second basic feature of temporality; namely,
that all temporal reality comes in the three modes of past, present, and
An important fact about the temporal array is that some events within
it are present : they are occurring ; some are past : they were occurring ; some
There are two other basic features of temporality: one is the phenomenon of temporal location the fact that events occur at or within intervals. The other is the phenomenon of temporal
duration the fact that intervals have lengths. In the preceding discussion, I repeatedly made
appeal to the phenomenon of temporal location without calling attention to doing so.
are future: they will be occurring. Indeed, every event is either past or
present or future. And not only is this the case now. It always was the
case in the past that every event was either past or present or future. And
it always will be the case in the future that every event is either past or
present or future. Further, every event in the array is such that it either
was present or is present or will be present. No event can be past unless
it was present. No event can be future unless it will be present. Thus the
present is the most basic of the three modes of temporality. To be past is
just to have been present. To be future is just to be going to be present.
Further, if an event is past, it presently is past. If an event is future, it presently is future. In this way, too, the present is fundamental.
The reason every event in the temporal array is either past, present, or
future is as follows: in order to be in the array at all, an event must occur
either before or after or at the same time as some other event. But then,
of course, it must occur sometime. And when an event is occurring it
is present. So consider any event e which is to be found in the temporal
array. If e is occurring, e is present. If, on the other hand, e is not occurring, then e either precedes or succeeds what is occurring. For some event
is presently occurring. And every event in the array either precedes or
succeeds or is wholly simultaneous with every other. But if e were wholly
simultaneous with what is occurring, e itself would be occurring. So e
either succeeds or precedes what is occurring if it is not itself occurring.
Now for any event x to precede any event y is just for x sometime to be
past when y is not past. So if e precedes what is occurring and is not
itself occurring, then e is past. On the other hand, for any event x to succeed any event y is just for x sometime to be future when y is not future.
So if e succeeds what is occurring and is not itself occurring, then e is
future. Hence everything to be found in the temporal array is either past,
present, or future.
In contemporary Western philosophy the phenomenon of temporal modality has been pervasively neglected or ignored in favor of the
phenomena of temporal-order relationships, temporal location, and
temporal duration. Thus time has been spatialized. For though space
provides us with close analogues to all three of these latter phenomena,
it provides us with no analogue whatever to the past/present/future
A recent example of the neglect of temporal modality in favor of temporal location is to be found
in David Lewis, Anselm and Actuality, No s (): . Concluding several paragraphs of
discussion he says, If we take a timeless view and ignore our own location in time, the big dierence between the present time and other times vanishes.
God everlasting
See the writings of Arthur Prior, especially Time and Modality (Oxford University Press, );
Past, Present and Future (Oxford University Press, ); and Time and Tense (Oxford University
Press, ).
Th is reects the fact that the past is what was present ; the future what will be present.
Thus, strictly speaking, the T operator is unnecessary. Attaching T to any sentence s always yields
a sentence which expresses the same proposition as does s by itself. Th is reects the fact that what
is past is presently past, what is future is presently future, and, of course, what is present is presently
golden chain tree is owering). And My golden chain tree will have
been owering has as its translational equivalent F [P (my golden chain
tree is owering)].
Let us now introduce a fourth tense operator, D, dening this one in
terms of the preceding three thus:
Def. : D( ), if and only if P ( ) or T( ) or F ( ).
And let us read it as: It was or is or will be the case that Let us call
this the tense-indi erent tense operator. And, correspondingly, let us call a
sentence which has at least one tense operator and all of whose tense operators are tense-indierent, a wholly tense-indi erent sentence. Furthermore,
as the ordinary language counterpart to the tense-indierent operator let
us use the verb in its present tense with a bar over it, thus: My golden
chain tree is owering. Or My golden chain tree owers.
Finally, let us add to our linguistic stock a certain set of modiers of
these tense operators modiers of the form at t, before t, and after
t, where t stands in for some expression designating a time which is such
that that expression can be used to designate that time no matter whether
that time is in the past, present, or future. These modiers are to be
attached to our tense operators, thus: P at ( ). The result of attaching one to an operator is to yield an operator of a new form what one
might call a dated tense operator. The proposition expressed by a sentence
of the form P at t(s) is true if and only if the proposition expressed by s
was true at or within time t. The proposition expressed by T at t(s) is true
if and only if the proposition expressed by s is true at or within time t.
And the proposition expressed by F at t(s) is true if and only if the proposition expressed by s will be true at or within time t. Thus the proposition
expressed by P at (my golden chain tree is owering) is true if and
only if my golden chain tree was owering at or within . Similarly,
the proposition expressed by a sentence of the form P before t(s) is true if
and only if the proposition expressed by s was true before t ; likewise for
T before t(s) and F before t(s). And the proposition expressed by a sentence
of the form P after t(s) is true if and only if the proposition expressed by s
was true after t ; likewise for T after t(s) and F after t(s). Let us call a sentence which has tense operators and all of whose tense operators are dated
ones, a fully dated sentence.
The assumption underlying a great deal of contemporary philosophy
can now be stated thus: every proposition expressed by a sentence that is
not wholly tense-indierent and not fully dated is a proposition that can
be expressed by some sentence that is wholly tense-indierent and fully
God everlasting
dated. Consider, for example, the sentence T (my golden chain tree is
owering) the translational equivalent of the ordinary sentence, My
golden chain tree is owering. Suppose that I assertively utter this sentence on June , . The assumption is that the proposition I assert by
uttering this sentence is that which is expressed by D at June , (my
golden chain tree is owering). And in general, where s is some present
tense sentence, the assumption is that the proposition asserted by assertively uttering s at time t is just that which would be asserted by assertively
uttering D at t(s). Similarly, it is assumed that the proposition asserted by
assertively uttering P(s) at time t is that which would be asserted by assertively uttering D before t(s). And it is assumed that the proposition asserted
by assertively uttering F(s) at time t is that which would be asserted by
assertively uttering D after t(s).
On this view, tense-committed sentences are characteristically used to
assert dierent propositions on dierent occasions of use. For example, if
the sentence My golden chain tree is owering is assertively uttered on
June , it is being used to assert that it is or was or will be the case on June
that my golden chain tree is owering; whereas, if uttered on June , it
is being used to assert that it is or was or will be the case on June that
my golden chain tree is owering. Whether this view is correct will be
considered shortly. If it is, then tense-committed sentences are in that way
dierent from wholly tense-indierent sentences. For these latter are used
to assert the same proposition on all occasions of utterance.
I think we now have the assumption in question clearly enough before
us to weigh its acceptability. It is in fact clearly false. To see this, suppose
that I now (June , ) assertively utter the sentences My golden chain
tree is owering and D at June , (my golden chain tree is owering). The proposition asserted with the former entails that the owering
of my golden chain tree is something that is occurring, now, presently.
But the latter does not entail this at all. In general, if someone assertively utters a present tense sentence s at t, what he asserts is true if and
only if the proposition expressed by D at t(s) is true. Yet s and D at
t(s) express distinct propositions. So also, if I now assertively utter My
golden chain tree was owering, what I assert entails that the owering
of my golden chain tree is something that did take place, in the past.
Whereas the proposition asserted with D before June , (my golden
chain tree is owering) does not entail this. And this non-identity of
the propositions holds even though it is the case that if someone assertively utters P(s) at t, what he asserts is true if and only if the proposition
D before t(s) is true.
God everlasting
to every event and every interval is of that decient sort, I do not know
where we are in the temporal array. For I do not know which events are
present, which are past, and which are future.
It might seem obvious that God, as described by the biblical writers, is a
being who changes, and who accordingly is fundamentally non-eternal.
For God is described as a being who acts in creation, in providence, and
for the renewal of humankind. God is an agent, not an impassive factor in
reality. And from the manner in which Gods acts are described, it seems
obvious that many of them have beginnings and endings, that accordingly they stand in succession relations to each other, and that these successive acts are of such a sort that their presence and absence on Gods
time-strand constitutes changes thereon. Thus it seems obvious that God
is fundamentally non-eternal.
God is spoken of as calling Abraham to leave Chaldea and later
instructing Moses to return to Egypt. So does not the event of Gods
instructing Moses succeed that of Gods calling Abraham? And does not
this sort of succession constitute a change on Gods time-strand not
a change in Gods essence, but nonetheless a change on Gods timestrand? Again, God is spoken of as leading Israel through the Red Sea
and later sending Gods Son into the world. So does not Gods doing the
latter succeed Gods doing the former? And does not the fact of this sort
of succession constitute a change along Gods time-strand?
In short, it seems evident that the biblical writers regard God as having a time-strand of Gods own on which actions on Gods part are to
be found, and that some at least of these actions vary in such a way that
there are changes along the strand. It seems evident that they do not
regard changes on time-strands as conned to entities in Gods creation.
The God who acts, in the way in which the biblical writers speak of God
as acting, seems clearly to change.
Furthermore, is it not clear from how they speak that the biblical
writers regarded many of Gods acts as bearing temporal-order relations
to events that are not aspects of God but rather aspects of the earth, of
ancient human beings, and so forth? The four cited above, for example,
seem all to be described thus. It seems obvious that Gods actions as
described by the biblical writers stand in temporal-order relations to all
the other events in our own time-array.
Let us henceforth call an event that neither begins nor ends an everlasting event. And let us call an event that either begins or ends, a temporal event. In the passage above, St. Thomas is considering Gods acts
of bringing about temporal events. So consider some such act; say, that
of Gods bringing about Israels deliverance from Egypt. The temporal
event in question, Israels deliverance from Egypt, occurred (let us say)
in . But from the fact that what God brought about occurred in
it does not follow, says Aquinas, that Gods act of bringing it about
occurred in . In fact, it does not follow that this act had any beginning or ending whatsoever. And in general, suppose that God brings
about some temporal event e. From the fact that e is temporal it does
not follow, says Aquinas, that Gods act of bringing about e s occurrence
is temporal. The temporality of the event that God brings about does not
infect Gods act of bringing it about. Gods act of bringing it about may
well be everlasting. This can perhaps more easily be seen, he says, if we
remember that God, unlike us, does not have to take steps so as to bring
about the occurrence of some event. God need only will that it occur. If
God just wants it to be the case that e occur at t, then e occurs at t.
Summa contra Gentiles II, ; cf. II, , . I use the edition translated and edited by Anton C.
Pegis (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, ).
God everlasting
Thus God can bring about changes in our history without Godself
changing. The occurrence of the event of Israels deliverance from
Egypt constitutes a change in our history. But there is no counterpart change among Gods aspects by virtue of God bringing this event
Now let us suppose that the four acts of God cited above instructing
Moses, calling Abraham, leading Israel through the Red Sea, and sending
Gods Son into the world regardless of the impression we might gain
from the biblical language used to describe them, also have the structure
of Gods bringing about the occurrence of some temporal event. Suppose,
for example, that Gods leading Israel through the Red Sea has the structure of Gods bringing it about that Israels passage through the Red Sea
occurs. And suppose Aquinas is right that the temporality of Israels passage does not infect with temporality Gods act of bringing about this
passage. Then what is strictly speaking the case is not that Gods leading Israel through the Red Sea occurs during . What is rather the
case is that Israels passage through the Red Sea occurs during , and
that God brings this passage about. And the temporality of the passage
does not entail the temporality of Gods bringing it about. This latter
may be everlasting. So, likewise, the fact that the occurrence of this passage marks a change in our history does not entail that Gods bringing
it about marks a change among Gods aspects. God may unchangingly
bring about historical changes.
It is natural, at this point, to wonder whether we do not have in hand
here a general strategy for interpreting the biblical language about God
acting. Is it not perhaps the case that all those acts of God that the biblical writers speak of as beginning or as ending really consist in God performing the everlasting event of bringing about the occurrence of some
temporal event?
Well, God does other things with respect to temporal events than
bringing about their occurrence. For example, God also knows them. Why
then should it be thought that the best way to interpret all the temporalevent language used to describe Gods actions is by reference to Gods
action of bringing about the occurrence of some event? May it not be
that the best way to interpret what is said with some of such language is
by reference to one of those other acts that God performs with respect to
temporal events? But then if God is not to change, it is not only necessary
that the temporality of e not infect Gods act of bringing about the occurrence of e, but also that every act of God such that God performs it with
respect to e not be infected by the temporality of e. For example, if God
God everlasting
By a similar argument the number can be seen to be fundamentally non-eternal. Surely s being
odd and s being prime are both change-relevant aspects of . If either of these were for a while
an aspect of and then for a while not, we would conclude that had changed. But these two
aspects occur simultaneously with each other. They stand to each other in the temporal-order
relation of simultaneity. Hence is fundamentally non-eternal.
See Summa Theologiae I, , .
God everlasting
Th is line of argument is adumbrated by Arthur Prior here and there in his essay Formalities of
Omniscience, in Time and Tense. It is also adumbrated by Norman Kretzmann, Omniscience
and Immutability, Journal of Philosophy (): . The essence of the argument is
missed in discussions of Kretzmanns paper by Hector Castaneda, Omniscience and Indexical
Reference, Journal of Philosophy (): ; and Nelson Pike, God and Timelessness (New
York: Schocken Books, ), ch. . Castaneda and Pike fail to take the modes of time with full
seriousness; as a partial defense of them it should perhaps be admitted as not wholly clear that
Kretzmann himself does so.
time lacked modes and only if propositions were all constant in truth
value could Gods knowledge be unchanging assuming that Gods
knowledge comprises temporal as well as everlasting events.
The act of remembering that e has occurred is also an act infected by
the temporality of e (remembering is, of course, a species of knowing).
For one can only remember that e has occurred after e has occurred. P
remembers that e occurs entails that e has occurred. So if e is an event
that has a beginning, then the act of remembering that e has occurred has
a beginning. But some events with beginnings are such that God remembers their occurrence. Consequently this act on Gods part is also a temporal event. It, too, cannot be everlasting.
God is also described by the biblical writers as planning that God
would bring about certain events which God does. This, too, is impossible if God does not change. For consider some event which someone
brings about, and suppose that he planned to bring it about. His planning to bring it about must occur before the planned event occurs. For
otherwise it is not a case of planning.
So in conclusion, if God were eternal, God could not be aware, concerning any temporal event, that it is occurring nor aware that it was
occurring nor aware that it will be occurring; nor could God remember
that it has occurred; nor could God plan to bring it about and do so. But
all of such actions are presupposed by, and essential to, the biblical presentation of God as a redeeming God. Hence God as presented by the biblical writers is fundamentally non-eternal. God is fundamentally in time.
As with any argument, one can here choose to deny the premises rather
than to accept the conclusion. Instead of agreeing that God is fundamentally non-eternal because God changes with respect to Gods knowledge,
Gods memory, and Gods planning, one could try to save ones conviction that God is eternal by denying that God knows what is or was or
will be occurring, that God remembers what has occurred, and that God
brings about what God has planned. It seems to me, however, that this is
clearly to give up the notion of God as a redeeming God; and in turn it
seems to me that to give this up is to give up what is central to the biblical vision of God. To sustain this latter claim would of course require an
extensive hermeneutical inquiry. But lest someone be tempted to go this
route of trying to save Gods eternity by treating all the biblical language
about God the redeemer as either false or misleadingly metaphorical, let
God everlasting
me observe that if God were eternal, God could not be the object of any
human action whatsoever.
Consider, for example, my act of referring to something, X. The event
consisting of my referring to X is a temporal event. It both begins and
ends, as do all my acts. Now the event of my referring to X is identical
with the event of Xs being referred to by me. And this event is an aspect
both of X and of me. So if X is a being that lasts longer than my act of
referring to X does, then for a while X has this aspect and for a while not.
And thus X would have succession on its time-strand. And so X would
not be eternal. Thus if God were eternal, no human being could ever
refer to God or perform any other temporal act with respect to God.
If God were eternal, one could not know God. In particular, one could
not know that God was eternal, or even believe that God was. Indeed, if
God were eternal one could not predicate of God that God is eternal. For
predicating is also a temporal act. So this is the calamitous consequence
of claiming of God that God is eternal: if one predicates of God that God
is eternal, then God is not.
I have been arguing that God as described by the biblical writers is a
being who changes. That, we have seen, is not self-evidently and obviously so, though the mode of expression of the biblical writers might lead
one to think it was. Yet it is so nonetheless. But are there not explicit
statements in the Bible to the eect that God does not change? If we are
honest to the evidence, must we not acknowledge that on this matter the
biblical writers contradict each other? Let us see.
Surprisingly, given the massive Christian theological tradition in favor
of Gods ontological immutability, there are only two passages (to the
best of my knowledge) in which it is directly said of God that God does
not change. One of these is Malachi :. The prophet has just been saying to the people that God is wearied by their hypocrisy; however (he
goes on), God will send Gods messenger to clear a path before God; and
God will take his seat, rening and purifying. As a result of this cleansing, the oerings of Judah and Jerusalem shall be pleasing to the Lord
as they were in days of old. And then comes this assurance: I am the
Lord, unchanging; and you, too, have not ceased to be sons of Jacob.
The biblical declarations are treated more fully in chapter of this volume, Unqualied divine
From the days of your forefathers you have been wayward and have not
kept my laws. If you will return to me, I will return to you, says the Lord
of Hosts.
Surely it would be a gross misinterpretation to treat the prophet here
as claiming that God is ontologically immutable. What he says, on
the contrary, is that God is faithful to Gods people Israel that God
is unchanging in Gods delity to the covenant God has made with
them. All too often theologians have ontologized the biblical message.
Malachi : is a classic example of a passage that, cited out of context,
would seem to support the doctrine of Gods ontological immutability.
Read in context, however, it supports not that but rather the doctrine
of Gods unswerving delity. No ontological claim whatever is being
The other passage in which it is said of God that God is unchanging is
found in Psalm :. Again we must set the passage in its context:
My strength is broken in mid course; the time allotted me is short.
Snatch me not away before half my days are done, for thy years last
through all generations.
Long ago thou didst lay the foundations of the earth, and the heavens
were thy handiwork.
They shall pass away, but thou endurest;
like clothes they shall all grow old;
thou shalt cast them o like a cloak, and they shall vanish;
but thou art the same and thy years shall have no end;
thy servants children shall continue,
and their posterity shall be established in thy presence.
God everlasting
I am that I am (Exod. :) has also sometimes been used to support the doctrine of Gods
immutability. However, this is one of the most cryptic passages in all of Scripture; and to
understate the point it is not in the least clear that what is being proclaimed is Gods ontological immutability. There is a wealth of exegetical material on the passage, but see especially the
comments by J. C. Murray, The Problem of God (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, ),
ch. .
Biblical Words for Time (London: SCM, ).
thought may be clothed with verbal dierences. Barrs objection is apropos. But though we have traveled a very dierent route from Cullmanns
we have come out at the same place. We have not engaged in any word
studies. Yet, by seeing that Gods temporality is presupposed by the biblical presentation of God as redeemer, we too have reached the conclusion
that we share time with God. The lexicographical and philosophical cases
coincide in their results.
Though God is within time, yet God is Lord of time. The whole array
of contingent temporal events is within Gods power. God is Lord of
what occurs. And that, along with the specic pattern of what God does,
grounds all authentically biblical worship of, and obedience to, God. It is
not because God is outside of time eternal, immutable, impassive that
we are to worship and obey God. It is because of what God can and does
bring about within time that we mortals are to render God praise and
All Scriptural quotations are taken from the New Revised Standard translation.
This episode stands out as one of the great numinous episodes of the biblical narrative. But its representation of God as having a history that can
be narrated is not exceptional but typical of Scriptures presentation of
God: God responds to what transpires in human aairs by performing
a succession of actions, including actions of speaking. An implication of
this presentation of God is that theres change in Gods life; if a person
does one thing at one time and a dierent thing at a later time, then
theres change in that persons life. Behind the change in action there
is, in turn, a change in knowledge: Gods successive responses to Moses
were motivated by Gods knowledge, each time, of Moses new protest;
the changes in Gods knowledge tracked the changes in Moses protest.
These, I say, are implications of how Scripture presents God: God has a
history, and in this history there are changes in Gods actions, responses,
and knowledge. The God of Scripture is One of whom a narrative can be
told; we know that not because Scripture tells us that but because it oers
such a narrative. I hold that an implication of this is that God is in time.
If something has a history, then perforce that being is in time.
Let me articulate a hermeneutical principle that I have just now been
employing and will continue to employ: an implication of accepting
Scripture as canonical is that one will arm as literally true Scriptures
presentation of God unless one has good reason not to do so.
I have two reasons for arming this principle. In the rst place, I hold
that the fundamental principle with which we all operate in our interpretation of all discourse is that the discourser is to be taken as speaking
literally unless we have good reason, in a given case, to conclude that she
is not doing so. To speak literally is to say what ones sentence means in
the language. Taking the discourser as speaking literally is the default
option; the alternative, taking her as not speaking literally, has to bear
the burden of proof if it is to be accepted. If she says, Its late, then I
interpret her as speaking literally, saying what the sentence means in the
language, that its late unless I have good reason to think that she was
not on this occasion speaking literally. If it were always completely up
for grabs whether a person was speaking literally, metaphorically, ironically, and so forth, ones interpretation of ones fellows could never get
o the ground.
I defend the principle at much greater length in chapters of my Divine Discourse (Cambridge
University Press, ).
III, .. I am using the translation of J. F. Shaw in Philip Scha, ed., The Nicene and PostNicene Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, reprint).
One is amazed that this passage would ever have been cited in support of divine timelessness. What it says on the face of it is not that
God is timeless but that God existed before creation, indeed from everlasting to everlasting. How could God exist before creation and yet be
timeless? The writer adds that, as God sees things, a long time is, in
retrospect, like a day, or like a night watch. Rather than supporting
divine timelessness this seems, if anything, to do the opposite. When
God looks back over a thousand years they seem, to God, to have lasted
The writer is indeed making an ontological or perhaps better, a cosmological point; but that point is not ontological immutability. Whereas
Gods creation is transitory, God abides. For God, unlike the creature,
does not wear out; Gods years are without end. What the writer says is
not that God is ontologically immutable but that God is everlasting; God
endures. God has years, indeed, but to those years there is no end.
The passage most plausibly cited in support of Gods ontological immutability is no doubt James :, in which it is said that with God there is
no variation or shadow due to change. Lets have before us the preceding
verse along with the verse following:
Do not be deceived, my beloved. Every generous act of giving, with every perfect
gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is
no variation or shadow due to change. In fulllment of his own purpose he gave
us birth by the word of truth, so that we would become a kind of rst fruits of
his creatures. (Jas :)
In place of no variation or shadow due to change some ancient manuscripts say, no variation due to a shadow of turning. Probably that doesnt
make any dierence. The writer appears to be working with the image of
a beam of light shining on a rotating object, dierent parts of the object
falling into shadow as the object rotates. God, he says, is not like such
an object; God is like the light. The writer has just told his readers that
when they are tempted to do evil, they must not ascribe that temptation
to God; God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one
(Jas :). God is the source only of what is good God is the sole source
of good. In that respect God is like a source of light in which there is no
variation or shadow due to change.
Is the writer of James here arming Gods ontological immutability?
I think the most we can say is that though its possible hes doing that,
its not likely. Its likely that what hes saying is that God is unchangeable
in that God is never the source of evil, only and always of good which
falls far short of arming ontological immutability. Yet the context does
not entitle one to dismiss entirely the possibility that the writer was alluding to Gods ontological immutability. That would go beyond what his
argument required, yet he might nonetheless have been alluding to it as
grounding his argument. But if these considerations are correct though
its not likely that the writer was alluding to ontological immutability,
the possibility that he was doing so cannot be decisively dismissed then
obviously this passage cannot be used as a proof text for Gods ontological immutability.
I conclude that the situation for Gods ontological immutability is like
that for Gods timelessness: there are no passages in Scripture that can be
cited as supporting the doctrine.
Whether or not we should take Scripture as literally true in its presentation of God as having a narratable history depends, I said, on whether we
have good reasons for not so taking it; the burden of proof, for Christians,
lies on those who think it should not be so taken. We will want to take
note of the reasons that have been oered. But I propose spending the
bulk of my time developing some arguments of my own in support of
the view that God does have a history, and that God, accordingly, is not
timeless everlasting, and necessarily so, but not eternal. If these arguments are cogent, the eect will be that we will know in advance that the
burden of proof will be impossible to bear or to speak more modestly,
that it will be extremely dicult to bear.
My strategy will be rst to oer some reections on the nature of time,
then to move on to consider what it would be for something to be outside
of time; and then nally to use the results of these inquiries to show why
God cannot be outside of time.
It will be asked where I propose to get the knowledge of God to which
I will be appealing at that last point of the argument. My answer is: I will
be getting it from Scripture; I will be appealing to what we learn about
time in that series it has the property of being future while lacking those
of being present and of being past; then at a certain time in the B-series
it loses the property of being future and gains that of being present while
continuing to lack the property of being past; then it loses that property
and ever after has the property of being past while lacking that of being
present or being future.
Whats wrong with this picture, as the tense theorist sees things, is that
it treats past, present, and future as properties of events and regards the
three properties as equal in status. In fact the present is basic, in the following way. Whats fundamental in time is the occurrence of events this
for the most part having nothing to do with your and my temporal relationship to those events. When an event occurs, thats when its present;
being present at t and occurring at t come to the same thing. Its only
because an event occurs and it cant occur without occurring at some
time that it has a location anywhere in the B-series. If its now past,
thats because its occurring is now sometime in the past. Theres no other
way for it to get into the past than that way. Its occurring is now over.
What remains now is the fact that it did occur. But the fact that it did occur
is very dierent from its occurring. The distinction between present, past,
and future marks a dierence in the ontological status of events; and of
these, the status of the present is basic.
Does an event that occurred still exist when it is past? That depends on
what one means by the question. If one means, Does that event continue
to occur? the answer is of course, no; its occurring is over. If one means,
Can that event be a component of various facts pre-eminently of the fact
that it is past and can we refer to it? the answer is, yes. If one chooses to
use exist so that a sucient condition of somethings now existing is that
it is now a component of facts and can be referred to, then past events
What about the future? Are future events likewise components of facts,
and can we refer to them? Tense theorists divide on this point. My own
view, which I wont here defend since it wont make any dierence in what
follows, is that only when an event is occurring or has occurred can it be a
component of facts and can it be referred to. There are lots of general facts
about the future, but no facts having particular events as constituents.
Now for the picture with which the tenseless theorist operates: things
and events are spread throughout B-series time as they are throughout
space, and no event in the series diers from another in ontological status, nor does any event ever change its ontological status. Those whose
date is have exactly the same status as those whose date is and
as those whose date is (this last being when this present essay is being
written); and of no event is it the case that at a certain time it has the
ontological status of occurring and then at a later time the dierent ontological status of having occurred after having been nowhere present in
the B-series before it occurred.
Past, present, and future enter the picture when agents who do things
at times (in the B-series) enter the picture. We all use two distinct ways of
specifying the positions of events in the B-series. One consists of picking
out some event and then specifying the temporal position of everything
else by reference to that event: the letter arrived a week after he mailed it.
In addition to ad hoc employments of this strategy, we now have a universal system, consisting in part of taking the birth of Christ as the universal
reference point and locating all other events by reference to that one; as in,
for example, the stock market crashed in AD . The other is the indexical
strategy. We specify the location of events in terms of their relation to the
location of whats now; for example, the stock market crashed seventy years
ago. The distinction between past, present, and future has no ontological signicance. When I say, The kettle is whistling now, I am making
no claim concerning the ontological status of the kettles whistling; I am
simply relating the kettles whistling to my act of saying that its whistling.
What I say is true if the kettles whistling is simultaneous with my act of
saying that its whistling if it occurs at the same date. Correspondingly,
its whistling is in the past if it precedes my act of saying, and its in the
future if it follows my act of saying.
Now for some of my reasons for holding that the tenseless theory is
untenable: most of the discussion of these matters over the past fty years
or so has been conducted in terms of language, propositions, speech acts,
truth and meaning. Early on it was the contention of the tenseless theorists that any proposition asserted by assertively uttering a tensed sentence
on some date could equally well be asserted with a tenseless sentence in
which one specied that date. For example, the proposition I assert by
assertively uttering in the tensed sentence The stock market crashed
seventy years ago could equally well have been asserted by uttering the
dated tenseless sentence The stock market crashes seventy years before
Suppose this claim were true; its not obvious what ontological conclusion should be drawn. The proposition asserted can be expressed with
either a tensed date-free sentence or a tenseless dated sentence; how do we
get from that to the conclusion of the tenseless theorist that the only facts
are tenseless facts B-series facts? Be that as it may, however, I argued in an
earlier essay on these matters that the claim is mistaken. The proposition
asserted in the one case is not identical with that asserted in the other;
they have dierent entailments. What I say in assertively uttering The
stock market crashed seventy years ago entails nothing at all about the
date of the crash; what I say in assertively uttering The stock market
crashes in entails nothing at all about how long ago that was.
The tenseless theorist D. H. Mellor in eect concedes this point in
e ect, since he conducts his discussion in terms of the meaning of sentences rather than the identity of propositions: he concedes that a datefree tensed sentence does not mean the same as any dated tense-free
sentence. To this he adds the important point that tensed sentences are
indispensable in human aairs. Having conceded that no dated tense-free
sentence is identical in meaning with a date-free tensed sentence, some
tenseless theorist might think to handle the problem in procrustean fashion by proposing to abolish sentences of the latter sort; since they cannot
be reduced to tenseless sentences, get rid of them. We cannot, Mellor
argues; for we cannot do without that indexical system of temporal reference. The alternative non-indexical system is not sucient.
This leads Mellor to propose, in place of the claim by earlier tenseless theorists about identity of meaning of sentences, a claim about truth
conditions for tensed sentences. To understand his claim, we must have in
hand the distinction between a sentence, on the one hand, and utterances
and inscriptions of that sentence, on the other. Mellor marks the distinction with the now-familiar terminology rst introduced by C. S. Peirce,
type and token. The sentence as such is a type; utterances and inscriptions of the type are tokens. The account of the truth conditions for tense
that Mellor oers is a thesis concerning the truth conditions of tokens
of tensed sentences. More specically, since the statement of conditions
mentions the token, it is a token-reexive account. More specically yet,
it is, as one would expect, a tenseless token-reexive account. For tokens of
present-tense sentences, the account goes as follows:
Any token T of E is occurring now is true if and only if E occurs simultaneously with T.
The thought is this: from the set of all sentence-tokens that ever exist
and which are of the form, E is occurring now (where E stands in for a
designation of some event), pick any one you wish; that token will be true
just in case the event designated occurs simultaneously with at the same
time in the B-series as the token. (Occurs is to be understood as tenseless.) The reader can easily gure out for herself the corresponding truth
conditions for tokens of past-tense and of future-tense sentences.
The criterion oered seems to me denitely correct; lets not spend time
worrying the matter. The question to consider is what signicance that
has. There is an a priori reason for expecting that it wont have much.
Sentences of vastly dierent meaning, and propositions of vastly dierent content, often have the same truth conditions. Take the proposition
Its an animal if a cat, and the proposition + = ; their truth conditions
are exactly the same: theyre both true in all possible worlds. Hence the
sentence Its an animal if a cat is true if and only if + = .
But lets go beyond a priori considerations to look at the case before
us. Notice, in the rst place, that the criterion for the truth of the token
entails the existence of the token; the token T cannot occur simultaneously with the event E unless T exists. That the criterion should have this
entailment seems correct. Mellor takes sentence-tokens to be the bearers
of truth and falsehood; and a condition of some bearer of truth and falsehood being true is that the bearer exist. In this regard, the criterion proposed by Mellor is a denite improvement over one proposed around the
same time by J. J. C. Smart. Smarts account has come to be called the
tenseless date theory (compared to Mellors tenseless token-reexive
theory). For present-tense tokens, Smarts account goes like this:
Any token T of E is occurring now, uttered or inscribed at time t, is true if and
only if E occurs at t.
Smarts criterion is not sucient for the truth of the token; whats needed
is not just that the event referred to occur at the time the token was
uttered or inscribed, but also that there be that token at that time.
Back then to Mellors proposal. Notice that the very thing that makes
it satisfactory as a necessary and sucient condition for the truth of a
tensed sentence-token that it entails the existence of the token makes
it unsatisfactory as a specication of the meaning of the sentence, and
unsatisfactory as a specication of the content of the proposition asserted
by the assertive utterance of the sentence. When I assertively utter a sentence of the form E is occurring now, I am making no claim whatsoever about my act of assertively uttering the sentence, nor about the
J. J. C. Smart, Time and Becoming, in Peter van Inwagen, ed., Time and Cause: Essays Presented
to Richard Taylor (Dordrecht, Netherlands: D. Reidel, ), .
Mellor rightly recognizes that the acceptability of his tenseless tokenreexive account of the truth conditions for tensed sentence-tokens does
not, by itself, imply that the A-series is not an objective dimension of
time; accordingly, after articulating his account of truth conditions he
goes on to oer an argument for the non-objectivity of tense by adapting
McTaggarts argument for the non-reality of time in general. The argument seems to me fallacious. I judge that on this occasion I can forgo
showing that, however, since we already have good reason for concluding that the basic thesis of the tenseless theorist, that tense supervenes on
our operation of the indexical system for specifying temporal location,
cannot be sustained. Rather than tense supervening on our operation of
the system, we cannot operate the system without being able to pick out
those events and dates that have the unique ontological status of occurring now. Knowing which events occur simultaneously with which falls
short of knowing which ones are occurring now.
What would it be for something to be outside of time timeless, eternal?
Best to begin with what it is for something to be within time. Events
are obviously within time. They are that by virtue of occurring within
a period (or moment) of time, hence of beginning at a time and of ending at a time; if they endure, they are also within time by virtue of being
half over at a certain time, a quarter over, and so forth. And if there are
changes within the event, then the event is also within time by virtue of
the lapse of time between the two termini of the change.
The situation for things other than events substances, such as human
beings, animals and plants; properties, such as being quizzical and being
smart ; numbers; and so on is dierent. Such entities, though many of
them have spatial parts, do not have temporal parts. Only a small part of
that rather long event that is Bill Clintons occupancy of the oce of US
president is occurring today; by contrast, our fourteen-year-old cat is all
here right now; hes not mostly over, not more than half gone.
In many cases the signicance of this dierence between events and
non-events is considerably diminished by virtue of the fact that for many
non-events there is the history or biography of that entity; and the history
or biography of an entity is a complex event. Our cat has a history. That
history began at a certain time and will end at a certain time; and since
fourteen is already rather old for a cat, his history is by now well more
than half over. Furthermore, over the years there have been a lot of new
developments in that history. In short, a story could be told about our cat;
a narrative of its history could be composed.
But theres no story to be told about numbers, no narrative to be composed. Thats because numbers have no history. They neither come into
existence nor go out; nor do they change. For some numbers it happens
that they are discovered at a certain time; but the event of a numbers discovery is an item in the history of its discoverer, not in the history of the
number. Its discovery makes no dierence to the number; it represents no
change in it.
When it comes to non-events I propose that we take whether or not
something has a history as the determinant of whether or not it is in time.
What brings it about that you and I are in time? The fact that we each
have a history, the fact that about each of us theres a story that can be
told, a narrative that can be composed. What brings it about that numbers are not in time that they are timeless? The fact that none has a
So our main question is this: Does God have a history? Is there a story
to be told about God, a narrative to be composed? Theres nothing to be
narrated about Gods coming into or going out of existence, since, as we
all agree, God doesnt come into or go out of existence, necessarily so. The
question comes down to whether theres a history of Gods actions and
responses, and of the knowledge that lies behind those. Is there a story to
be told about Gods actions, about Gods responses to what transpires in
Gods creation, and about the ow of Gods knowledge that lies behind
One might hold that something is (or was or will be) in time if its ever true to say of it that it
now exists. Then the theist will perforce be committed to the view that God is in time. For the
theist holds that God exists. And by exists I dont see that one ever has any option but to mean
presently exists or did and does and will exist, or does or did or will exist. In general,
our verbs have no truly tenseless sense. The so-called tenseless sense is really the disjunctive
sense: does or did or will. My reason for not using the criterion cited just above for determining whether God is in time has to do with the central reason that the tradition oered for
holding that God is timeless. Th at reason is that God must be understood as changeless. It is
Gods ontological immutability that was of central concern. It appears to me that Anselm did
interpret Gods timelessness so rigorously that one cannot even say God presently exists. But
I fail to see that he oers any other reason for concluding that God is timeless than that God
does not in any way change; and surely it would be a mistake to conclude that numbers, for
example, change just because we can say of some number that it presently exists, and did, and
will exist.
The core of the point Aquinas is making is that one must distinguish
between (a) the time at which one enacts ones decision to do whats
Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles , ; cf. , a. I use the translation of the English
Dominicans (New York: Benzinger Brothers, ).
necessary to make something happen and (b) the time at which, so one
has decided, it shall happen. I think there are better analogies to illustrate
the point than the one Aquinas oers. Most of us will remember those
toys from childhood in which one releases a marble at the top of the toy
and the marble then descends through a series of loops, springs, trapdoors
and the like, until fteen seconds or so later it emerges at the bottom.
Perhaps I am especially fond of that sequence in which the marble opens
the trapdoor, falls through it, hits the spring and is tossed up into the air.
In order to make that happen, I release the marble at the top at a certain
moment; no further decisions are required on my part. Nonetheless, its
not until ve seconds after I release the marble that it opens the trapdoor,
and not until three seconds later is it tossed up into the air. Perhaps I also
decide that it shall be tossed up into the air at the very moment that the
clock in the hall begins to strike noon. Then I release the marble precisely
eight seconds before the time at which, so I calculate, the clock will begin
to strike. And thats all I do; in particular, I dont do anything in addition
at noon.
Its along these lines, so Aquinas suggests, that we should think of
Gods action. From the fact that God decided to bring about a sequence
of two events it does not follow that God rst enacted the decision to
bring about the earlier event and then enacted the decision to bring about
the later. For any pair of events that God decided to bring about, no matter how separated in time those events may be, Gods enactment of the
decision to bring about one of them is simultaneous with his enactment
of the decision to bring about the other. The temporal sequence is entirely
in the events, not at all in God.
To which the only thing to be added is that theres no such thing as the
time before God made the decision and no such thing as the time after
God made the decision; were that the case, God would after all have a history. What separates the position of traditional orthodox Christian theology from deism is the insistence, on the part of the former, that theres no
time at which God is not yet enacting the decision, nor any at which God
is no longer enacting it. The deist holds that God made the decision and
ever since then has watched it play out.
An implication of the traditional orthodox position is that none of
Gods actions is a response to what we human beings do; indeed, not only
is none of Gods actions a response to what we do; nothing at all in Gods
life is a response to what occurs among Gods creatures.
Why is that? The traditional theologians had a number of reasons for
holding that there is nothing in God that is a response, chief among them
name; God intervenes. If all God knew was the tenseless fact that Moses
at some time or other asks for the name, then God wouldnt know when
to oer the name.
In place of this biblical presentation of God as responding and intervening, those who hold that God is eternal think of God as considering in advance all the possibilities and acting accordingly all of this
being timeless. A variation on the childs toy I asked us to imagine earlier
may be helpful. Suppose there are various paths that the marble can take,
depending on where exactly I release it. But the possibility of monitoring
the progress of the marble and then, depending on what I think about it,
intervening at certain points opening or not opening a trapdoor at a certain bend is not open to me. So what do I do in forming my decision as
to where to release the marble? Lets add this is important that neither
I nor anyone else has ever yet released a marble in this apparatus, or any
like it. Well, what I do is gure out which path the marble would follow
for each position of release, and then evaluate those paths. That is, I gure
out the relevant counterfactuals, and I make my appraisals. If I released
the marble here it would follow path A; and though that has a stretch that
would be glorious, it also has a stretch that would be pretty dull. If, on
the other hand, I released the marble there, it would follow path B; and
though on B there would be nothing so glorious as that stretch in path A,
there would also be nothing as dull. In the light of my discovery of these
counterfactuals and my appraisal, I make my decision. I make my decision in the light of the various possibilities and their relative excellences;
I dont mindlessly plunge ahead. So theres something like responsiveness
in my process of decision: responsiveness to the possibilities. But having
chosen one of the options, I dont respond to the actual progress of the
marble, and I dont intervene.
Something like that is how the defender of divine eternity thinks of
Gods action with the following important addition: if you and I are
free agents, then God must also know what you and I would freely do.
The toy through which the marble descends is entirely mechanical no
free action there. But human beings are central to Gods decisions; and
if we are capable of free action, then, so a good many thinkers have held,
there must be facts of the matter as to what we would do in various situations, and God must know those facts. There must be counterfactuals
of freedom. For suppose we were capable of free action, but there were
no facts as to what we would freely do in all the various situations in
which we would nd ourselves. Then God would simply have to take a
risk. Hence it is that most of those who hold to Gods eternity either deny
I am here to some extent disagreeing with things I said on this matter in my God everlasting.
In the following passage this reason is hinted at, and blended with,
the other two reasons: that whereas God is supremely excellent, mutable
things lack a certain excellence, and that the lack of mutability in God is
one of the fundamental dierences between Creator and creature:
So, we may reasonably say, [the supreme beings] place is no place and its time no
time. Now, to have been discovered not to possess time or place, is immediately
to have been declared free from the jurisdiction of the time and place. What,
therefore, no time or place denes, space and time do not conne. The creator
of all substances, the supreme substance, is necessarily free from the natures and
laws of everything it has created from nothing. It is not subject to them. Is it
then under the rules and regulations of time and place? All rational reection,
for every sort of reason, rules this out. Rather its power and its power is just its
essence rules over and regulates everything it has made. ()
Unlike the creature, no part of Gods eternity [leaks] away with the past
into non-existence, or [ies] past, like the scarcely existing momentary
present, or, with the future, [waits] pending, in non-yet existence just
because it is, was and will be ().
I think Anselm is right in his contention that if God has a history, then
God is not unconditioned in the way that Anselm understands God to be
unconditioned, and right in his contention that God lacks something that
Anselm regards as an excellence; likewise he is right in his contention that
if God has a history, then the distinction between Creator and creature
is not grounded in the way Anselm thinks it is grounded. So obviously the
questions to consider are whether Anselms understanding of Gods aseity and excellence is compelling, and whether the person who holds that
God has a history is inevitably left without an adequate way of marking
the distinction between Creator and creature. I hold that the answer to
both questions is no. But it would be a disservice to the issues at stake,
and a dishonoring of Anselm, to discuss them quickly and supercially.
What one says about Gods relation to time involves a very great deal of
the rest of ones theology.
Suering love
My heart grew sombre with grief, and wherever I looked I saw only
death. My own country became a torment and my own home a
grotesque abode of misery. All that we had done together was now
a grim ordeal without him. My eyes searched everywhere for him,
but he was not there to be seen. I hated all the places we had known
together, because he was not in them and they could no longer
whisper to me, Here he comes! as they would have done had he
been alive but absent for a while My soul was a burden, bruised
and bleeding. It was tired of the man who carried it, but I found no
place to set it down to rest. (Augustine, Confessions IV, ; IV, )
It is in passages such as this, where he exposes to full view the grief that
overwhelmed him upon the death of his dear friend from Tagaste, that
Augustine is at his most appealing to us in the twentieth century. We are
attracted both by the intensity of his love and grief, and by his willingness to expose that grief to his friends and the readers of his Confessions.
To any who may have experienced torments similar to those Augustine
here describes, the passage also has the mysteriously balming quality of
expressing with delicate precision the grief they themselves have felt. All
the places and all the objects that once whispered Here he comes or
Here she comes have lost their voice and fallen achingly mute.
It is a rough jolt, then, to discover that at those very points in his life
where we nd Augustine most appealing, he, from the time of his conversion onward, found himself thoroughly disgusting. His reason for exposing his grief was to share with his readers his confession to God of the
senselessness and sinfulness of a love so intense for a being so fragile that
its destruction could cause such grief. Why do I talk of these things? he
asks. And he answers, It is time to confess, not to question (Confessions
IV, ).
Su ering love
In the years between the death of his friend and the death of his mother
Augustine embraced the Christian faith. That embrace made his response
to his mothers death very dierent from that to his friends. I closed her
eyes, he says,
and a great wave of sorrow surged into my heart. It would have over-owed in
tears if I had not made a strong eort of will and stemmed the ow, so that the
tears dried in my eyes. What a terrible struggle it was to hold them back! As she
breathed her last, the boy Adeodatus began to wail aloud and only ceased his
cries when we all checked him. I, too, felt that I wanted to cry like a child, but
a more mature voice within me, the voice of my heart, bade me keep my sobs in
check, and I remained silent. (Confessions IX, )
On that earlier occasion, tears and tears alone were sweet to him, for in
his hearts desire they had taken the place of his friend (Confessions IV, ).
In his reminiscences he asked why that was so, why tears are sweet to the
sorrowful. How can it be that there is sweetness in the fruit we pluck
from the bitter crop of life, in the mourning and the tears, the wailing and
the sighs? (Confessions IV, ). But now, on the occasion of his mothers
death, he fought against the wave of sorrow (Confessions IX, ).
His struggle for self-control was not successful. He reports that after
the burial, as he lay in bed thinking of his devoted mother, the tears
which I had been holding back streamed down, and I let them ow as
freely as they would, making of them a pillow for my heart. On them
it rested (Confessions IX, ). So now, he says to God, I make to you
my confession Let any man read it who will And if he nds that I
sinned by weeping for my mother, even if only for a fraction of an hour,
let him not mock at me but weep himself, if his charity is great. Let
him weep for my sins to you (Confessions IX, ). The sin for which
Augustine wants the person of charity to weep, however, is not so much
the sin of weeping over the death of his mother as the sin of which that
weeping was a sign. I was, says Augustine, guilty of too much worldly
Obviously there is a mentality coming to expression here that is profoundly foreign to us. In our own day there are still those who hold
back tears usually because they think it unbecoming to cry, seldom
because they think it sinful. But rare is the person who believes that
even to feel grief upon the death of a friend or ones mother is to have
been guilty of too much worldly aection. The mentality expressed not
only shapes Augustines view of the proper place of sorrow and suering
in human life; it also contributes to his conviction that in God there is
no sorrow or suering. Gods life is a life free of sorrow indeed, a life
free of upsetting emotions in general, a life free of passions, a life of apathy, untouched by suering, characterized only by steady bliss. In thus
thinking of God, Augustine was by no means alone. Indeed, the view
that Gods life is that of blissful non-suering apathy enjoyed near total
consensus until the twentieth century. Among the church fathers, only
Origen and Lactantius thought dierently and Origen, only inconsistently so.
But why would anyone who placed himself in the Christian tradition think of Gods life as that of non-suering apathy? The identity of
that tradition is determined (in part) by the adherence of its members, in
one way or another, to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
And even those who read while running cannot fail to notice that God
is there pictured as one who sueringly experiences this world and therefore grieves. What was it, then, that led the tradition to bracket this
dimension of the biblical picture of God? Many of our modern theologians reject the proposition that God acts miraculously in history; if they
remain within the Christian tradition, they bracket that part of the
biblical narrative and picture. But bracketing did not begin with the
Enlightenment. It was practiced already by the church fathers, on all the
passages that spoke of the passions and the suering of God. In this essay
I wish to dig down to the roots of this practice; and having done that, to
go on to ask: Were they right in this claim of theirs, that God does not
sueringly experience the world?
We cannot do better than begin with Augustine. But we would be
ill-advised to move at once to what Augustine said about emotions and
suering in the life of God. For it was true of Augustine, as it was of
most others in the tradition, that his reections on the place of emotions and suering in Gods life were merely a component within his
more comprehensive reections on the place of emotions and suering
in the ideal life of persons generally divine and human together. We
must try, then, to grasp that totality. Let us begin with what Augustine
says about the proper place of emotions and suering in human
Augustine frames his thought within the eudaemonistic tradition of
antiquity. We are all in search of happiness by which Augustine and
the other ancients did not mean a life in which happiness outweighs grief
and ennui but a life from which grief and ennui have been cast out a
life of uninterrupted bliss. Furthermore, Augustine aligns himself with
the Platonic tradition in his conviction that ones love, ones eros, is the
fundamental determinant of ones happiness. Augustine never imagined
Su ering love
that a human being could root out eros from his existence. Incomplete
beings that we are, we inescapably long for fulllment. The challenge,
accordingly, is to choose objects for ones love such that happiness
Now it was as obvious to Augustine as it is to all of us that grief ensues
when that which we love is destroyed or dies, or is altered in such a way
that we no longer nd it lovable. Says he, in reecting on his grief upon
the death of his friend, I lived in misery like every man whose soul is
tethered by the love of things that cannot last and then is agonized to
lose them The grief I felt for the loss of my friend had struck so easily into my inmost heart simply because I had poured out my soul upon
him, like water upon sand, loving a man who was mortal as though he
were never to die (Confessions IV, ; IV, ). The cure is to detach ones
love from such objects and to attach it to something immutable and
indestructible. For Augustine, the only candidate was God. Blessed are
those who love you, O God No one can lose you unless he forsakes
you (Confessions IV, ).
What might be called Augustines evangelistic strategy follows
straightforwardly. If it is happiness and rest for your soul that you
desire and who does not? then x your love on the eternal immutable God. Addressing his own soul, and thereby all others as well,
Augustine says: [In God] is the place of peace that cannot be disturbed, and he will not withhold himself from your love unless you
withhold your love from him Make your dwelling in him, my soul.
Entrust to him whatever you have All that is withered in you will
be made to thrive again. All your sickness will be healed (Confessions
IV, ).
No doubt for the reason that is vividly stated in this passage from Plotinus:
And so this being, [Love, Eros] has from everlasting come into existence from the souls aspiration towards the higher and the good, and he was there always, as long as Soul, too, existed.
And he is a mixed thing, having a part of need, in that he wishes to be lled, but not without a
share of plenitude, in that he seeks what is wanting to that which he already has; for certainly
that which is altogether without a share in the good would not ever seek the good. So he is
born of Plenty and Poverty But his mother is Poverty, because aspiration belongs to that
which is in need. (Enneads III, , ; translated by A. H. Armstrong [Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, ])
For arguments that the full notion of eros in Plato and Plotinus included some component of
self-giving, see A. H. Armstrong, Platonic Eros and Christian Agape, in A. H. Armstrong,
Plotinian and Christian Studies (London: Variorum Reprints, ), and John M. Rist, Eros and
Psyche: Studies in Plato, Plotinus, and Origen (University of Toronto Press, ).
Part of what obstructs our detachment from the world and attachment to God is illusion as to where happiness can be found. Much of
Augustines endeavor in his early writings was devoted to penetrating his
readers veil of illusions. But a striking feature of Augustines thought
here he departs decisively from the Platonic tradition is his conviction
that illumination is not sucient to redirect love. Though we may know
that only in loving God is abiding happiness to be found, yet the beauties
of the world sink their talons so deep into our souls that only by the grace
of God and the most agonizing of struggles can we break loose. Nowhere
is this anti-Platonic point made more vividly in Augustines writings than
in the brilliant description of his experience in the garden just before his
I now found myself driven by the tumult in my breast to take refuge in this garden, where no one could interrupt that erce struggle, in which I was my own
contestant, until it came to its conclusion I was frantic, overcome by violent
anger with myself for not accepting your will and entering into your covenant.
Yet in my bones I knew that this was what I ought to do. In my heart of hearts I
praised it to the skies. And to reach this goal I needed no chariot or ship. I need
not even walk as far as I had come from the house to the place where I sat, for to
make the journey, and to arrive safely, no more was required than an act of will.
But it must be a resolute and wholehearted act of the will I tore my hair and
hammered my forehead with my sts; I locked my ngers and hugged my knees;
and I did all this because I made an act of will to do it Yet I did not do that
one thing which I should have been far, far better pleased to do than all the rest
and could have done at once My lower instincts, which had taken rm hold of
me, were stronger than the higher, which were untried. And the closer I came to
the moment which was to mark the great change in me, the more I shrank from
my purpose; it merely left me hanging in suspense. (Confessions VIII, ; VIII, )
Su ering love
I see no other way to make the point in the text than with the word enjoy or some near synonym such as delight. But to do so is to risk introducing serious confusion into the interpretation
of Augustine. For he was fond of drawing a distinction between use (utl ) and enjoyment ( frui),
to equate enjoying with loving, and then to say that God alone must be enjoyed earthly things
are only for use. (See the chapter Marius Victorinus and Augustine, by R. A. Markus in A. H.
Armstrong, ed., The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy [Cambridge
University Press, ], .) My point, however, is that the use to which earthly things may
be put is probably not to be conceived in grimly utilitarian fashion; we may enjoy them. On the
other hand, Augustine was ever conscious of the fact that delight in earthly things may become
love. See his reections on the enjoyment of food, music, etc. in Confessions X, .
Here is perhaps also the best place to discuss a terminological point about love amor. I think
there can be no doubt that most of the time Augustine says that we should love God alone.
And to explicate his thought on this, I have taken love to be that mode of attachment to a thing
which is such that the destruction or change of that thing would cause one grief. But there are
also passages in which Augustine, with the great Chain of Being in mind, says that we should
love things in proportion to their worth. One nds a few such passages in Of True Religion.
But Markus (Cambridge History, ) cites one of the most elaborate of them, taken from
De Doctrina Christiana I, .: the righteous man is the man who values things at their true
worth; he has ordered love, which prevents him from loving what is not to be loved, or not loving what is to be loved, from preferring what ought to be loved less, from loving equally what
ought to be loved either less or more, or from loving either less or more what ought to be loved
equally. Probably all of us, in our rst approach to Augustine, are inclined to give such passages
as this prominence, rather than those in which he says that God alone is to be loved. They sound
so much more humane! But I think there can be absolutely no doubt that Augustine generally
meant by love, that degree of attachment to something such that the destruction or change of
that object will cast one into grief; and that he meant to say that, in that sense, God alone is to be
loved. Other things are only to be used, this use including what I have called enjoyment. Now
naturally use and enjoyment are forms of attachment to things. Hence it is not inappropriate
for Augustine sometimes to speak of a properly tempered love for these things. But the crux of
the issue is this: our love for such things is not to be such that it can cause us grief. As we shall
see shortly, Augustine also says, as one would expect, that each of us is to love our neighbor as
ourselves. But how are we to love ourselves?
Su ering love
of the wise person of the person who, by virtue of directing his life by
reason, is a person whose character and intentions are morally virtuous.
To make it clear that, in their judgment, the only thing good in itself
is moral good, they typically refused even to call anything else good.
Certain other things are, at best, preferable. The wise person, then, will
rejoice over the moral status he has attained, will wish for the continuation of that status, and will be watchful for what threatens it.
The Stoics went on to say, though, that the sage would be without
pathos, without passion. He would be apathes, apathetic. His condition
would be that of apatheia apathy, impassibility, passionlessness. What
did they mean?
In the interpretation that he oers of their position, Augustine takes
a pathos to be simply a perturbing, upsetting emotion such as fear, grief,
or ecstasy. He does not incorporate into his concept of pathos any theory as to the rightness or wrongness of such emotions. And he was of
the opinion that, in spite of all the verbal dierences between the way in
which the Peripatetics expressed their view as to the place of the passions,
thus understood, in the life of the moral person, and the way in which
the Stoics expressed theirs, there was no substantive dierence between
The Peripatetics said that though passions may befall the moral person
as well as the non-moral, they will not overthrow the rule of reason in his
life, while the Stoics said that the wise man is not subject to these perturbations (City of God IX, ). To illustrate why, in his judgment, there was
no substantive dierence between these two positions, Augustine cited an
anecdote from Aulus Gellius. Gellius was once at sea with a famous Stoic
when a storm came up and the Stoic became pale with fear of shipwreck.
After the storm had passed, Gellius courteously asked the Stoic why he
had become fearful. Thereupon the Stoic pulled out a book of Epictetus
and pointed to a passage in which the point was made that:
When these impressions are made by alarming and formidable objects, it must
needs be that they move the soul even of the wise man, so that for a little he
trembles with fear, or is depressed by sadness, these impressions anticipating the
work of reason and self-control; but this does not imply that the mind accepts
Augustine was not alone in antiquity in holding this view. Carneades held it as well or at least
went around asserting it. Cf. J. M. Rist, Stoic Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, ),
. My understanding of the Stoics is very much indebted to this book by Rist. Also helpful is
F. H. Sanbach, The Stoics (New York: W. W. Norton Co., ).
Augustine, The City of God , translated by Marcus Dods (New York: Random House, ). My
citations will be from this edition and given parenthetically in the text.
these evil impressions, or approves or consents to them. For this consent is, they
think, in a mans power; there being this dierence between the mind of the wise
man and that of the fool, that the fools mind yields to these passions and consents to them, while that of the wise man, though it cannot help being invaded
by them, yet retains with unshaken rmness a true and steady persuasion of
those things which it ought rationally to desire or avoid. (City of God IX, )
In short, whatever emotions befall the wise person, his will and judgment
remain morally intact.
Augustine goes on to speculate that perhaps the Stoics meant to assert
that the wisdom which characterizes the wise man is clouded by no
error and sullied by no taint, but, with this reservation that his wisdom
remains undisturbed, he is exposed to the impressions which the goods
and ills of this life (or, as they prefer to call them, the advantages or disadvantages) make upon them. And he goes on to remark, somewhat wryly,
that even though the Stoic refused to call his bodily safety a good, preferring some other such word as thing preferred or advantage, his
turning pale with fear indicated that he esteemed his bodily safety rather
highly as highly, indeed, as the Peripatetic who was quite willing to call
bodily safety a good and in the same situation would probably also have
turned pale from fear over the threat to it.
But if this is what the Stoics mean, then, says Augustine, all parties
agree that though the wise person may well experience such passions as
fear and grief, he will not allow them to overthrow the rule of reason in
his life will not allow them to damage his virtue. Though the wise person may not be free of passions, he will be free from them. Though they
may befall him, he will not be subject to them; they will not inuence his
intentions and judgments. It is in that sense that the sage is characterized
by apatheia by apathy, passionlessness, impassibility.
Since our concern here is with Augustines formulation of his own
view in contrast to that of the Stoics, what is directly relevant is not what
the Stoics actually said on the proper place of emotions in life but what
Augustine interpreted them as saying. Nonetheless it is worth observing that probably Augustine has described a late, non-standard version
of Stoicism. For it is clear that the founding fathers of Stoicism, Zeno
It is interesting that Rist gives essentially the same formula in this passage from Stoic
Philosophy: The Stoic wise man is a man of feeling, but his feelings do not control, or even inuence, his decisions and his actions. In this terminology he is passionless (apathes), but not without
rational feelings. From Rists full discussion it becomes clear, however, that the classic Stoics
thought that, in fact, the perturbing emotions never were fully in accord with reason.
See chapter , Problems of Pleasure and Pain, in Rist, Stoic Philosophy.
Su ering love
In the above I follow A. C. Lloyd, Emotion and Decision in Stoic Psychology, in John M. Rist,
ed., The Stoics (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, ). Compare the summary by
A. A. Long, Hellenistic Philosophy (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, ), :
The Stoic sage is free from all passions. Anger, anxiety, cupidity, dread, elation, these and
similar extreme emotions are all absent from his disposition. He does not regard pleasure as
something good, nor pain as something evil The Stoic sage is not insensitive to painful or
pleasurable sensations, but they do not move his soul excessively. He is impassive towards
them. But he is not entirely impassive His disposition is characterized by good emotional
states. Well-wishing, wishing another man good things for his sake; joy: rejoicing in virtuous
actions, a tranquil life, a good conscience ; and wariness, reasonable disinclination.
Augustine himself, in various scattered passages, uses the classic Stoic concept of pathos. He
speaks, for example, of that state which the Greeks call pathos, whence our word passion is
derived; pathos, and passion, being a motion of the mind against reason (City of God VIII, ).
Using this denition, one would have to express Augustines interpretation of the Stoic position
as that such a perturbing phenomenon as fear or grief might or might not, in a given case, be a
The dispute between the classic Stoics and the late Gellius-type Stoics
was thus a subtle one: Does one become emotionally upset only over what
one judges as evil or also over what one judges as non-preferable? Can
there be emotional disturbances not based on false evaluations? That dispute we need not enter. However, a decision on terminology is necessary.
It will be far and away most convenient for our purposes here to use the
word pathos in its neutral sense. A pathos, in the remainder of my discussion, will simply be an emotional upset, an emotional disturbance. (And
probably most of us would not even speak of those phenomena that the
Stoics called eupatheiai, and that were thought to lack any element of disturbance, as emotions.)
His own position, says Augustine, is that the Stoics and Peripatetics
were correct in their central contention: a life free from those emotions
which are contrary to reason and disturb the mind is obviously a good
and most desirable quality (City of God XIV, ). The context makes
clear that Augustine means to say something much stronger: a life entirely
free of passions (emotional upset) is to be desired. For ideal existence is
incompatible with being overcome in the way in which one is overcome
by emotions. And beyond that, it is incompatible with the suering, the
vexation, that is a component in such negative emotions as fear and
However, Augustines main emphasis does not fall on this point of
agreement between himself and the Stoics. It falls instead on his insistence that in this present life a person who desires to live in truly godly
fashion will not try to live a life devoid of pathos, of passion, of emotional
upset. She will not be apathetic. If some, with a vanity monstrous in proportion to its rarity, have become enamoured of themselves because they
can be stimulated and excited by no emotion, moved or bent by no aection, such persons rather lose all humanity than obtain true tranquility,
says Augustine (City of God XIV, ).
The reason is that none of us avoids sin. And the godly person will
grieve over the sins into which she has fallen as well as fear falling into
new ones. She will grieve over the state of her soul. If apatheia be understood as a condition in which no fear terries nor any pain annoys,
we must in this life renounce such a state if we would live according to
pathos. It would be so if it overthrew the rule of reason in the person experiencing it; otherwise
it would not be. And then to say that the wise person is characterized by apathy would be to
say that such perturbing phenomena as fear and grief would not function in him as passions; it
would not be to say that he never experiences these.
Su ering love
Gods will (City of God XIV, ). An ethic for the perfect sage is not
an ethic for the imperfect lover of God. Such a person will not just let
the emotions of fear and grief take their natural course in her life, merely
seeing to it that they do not lead to bad intentions and false judgments.
Nor will she try to root them out entirely. She will cultivate fear and sorrow fear and sorrow over the right things, however; namely, over sin.
The decisive point in Augustines departure from the classic Stoics lies in
his conviction that some fear and some sorrow is based on correct evaluation. The issue, he says, is not so much whether a pious soul is angry,
as why he is angry; not whether he is sad, but what is the course of his
sadness; not whether he fears, but what he fears (City of God IX, ; cf.
XIV, ). The eudaemonistic ideal of antiquity begins to creak and crack
before our eyes. Though we are to long for eudaemonia, says Augustine, it
would be wrong in this life to pursue it.
Now most certainly the Stoics did not recommend the cultivation of
passion in the life of the non-sage, not even in the life of the person committed to becoming a sage who falls prey every now and then to weakness
or temptation. Yet it is hard to see how they could object in principle
to adopting in their own way what Augustine here holds. Augustine has
argued that eros must be turned away from the things of this world to
God, on the ground that we must abolish the grief that follows upon the
change or destruction of objects of eros. Yet this does not mean for him
the elimination of grief and fear from life. We struggle now to reorient
our love to God. But the self does not turn freely on its axis. And so we
grieve grieve over not being able to turn right round. We grieve over our
persistent failure to achieve the project of reorientating our love. Now
the Stoics said that the sage would both rejoice over his moral perfection
and be wary of the temptations that lie in wait. But, having said that, it
is hard to see what grounds they could have for resisting admitting the
propriety of grief over moral failure by the person struggling to become a
sage. For such an emotional upset would be based on a true, not a false,
Th is is the theme of chapter , The Lost Future, in Peter Browns superb biography, Augustine
of Hippo (London: Faber & Faber, ). Consider especially this passage on p. :
Augustine is a man who has realized that he was doomed to remain incomplete in his present
existence, that what he wished for most ardently would never be more than a hope, postponed
to a nal resolution of all tensions, far beyond this life. Anyone who thought otherwise, he felt,
was either morally obtuse or a doctrinaire. All a man could do was to yearn for the absent
perfection, to feel its loss intensely, to pine for it Th is marks the end of a long-established
classical ideal of perfection: Augustine would never achieve the concentrated tranquility of
the supermen that still gaze out at us from some mosaics in Christian churches and from the
statues of pagan sages.
Su ering love
rejoicing with all humanity, then it is clear that one is thereby ascribing a
certain worthiness to each and every human being that one is not ascribing, say, to any animal. Human beings are worthy of being caught up
in ones solidarity of grieving and rejoicing. One is to honor every human
soul by grieving and rejoicing over its religious failures and successes just
as one honors ones own soul by grieving and rejoicing over its failures
and successes. The worthiness thereby tacitly ascribed to each and every
human soul is not the worthiness that consists in a persons degree of
godliness; after all, one grieves most intensely over those who are least
godly. Rather, if it be asked why it is appropriate to exist in this mysterious honoring solidarity with all human beings, the answer Augustine
gave, all too cryptically, is this: because we are all icons of God.
Thus we see in Augustine, and in all those who accept with Augustinian seriousness the biblical injunction to love ones neighbor as ones self, the seed of that plant that eventually blossomed into the recognition of natural human rights, a blossom that, in the opinion of some,
has gone to seed, destroying that sense of human solidarity from which it sprang. I have subsequently explored Augustines relation to rights in part II of Justice: Rights and Wrongs (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, ).
Th is whole line of interpretation is conrmed, I judge, by a fascinating and, to most of us, astonishing and even oensive, passage in Augustines Of True Religion, written at virtually the same
time as the Confessions :
Only he is overcome who has what he loves snatched from him by his adversary. He who loves only
what cannot be snatched from him is indubitably unconquerable He cannot lose his neighbour
whom he loves as himself, for he does not love even in himself the things that appear to the eyes or
to any other bodily sense. So he has inward fellowship with him whom he loves as himself.
The rule of love is that one should wish his friend to have all the good things he wants to have
himself, and should not wish the evils to befall his friend that he wishes to avoid himself. He
shows this benevolence towards all men. If a man were to love another not as himself but
as a beast of burden, or as the baths, or as a gaudy or garrulous bird, that is for some temporal
pleasure or advantage he hoped to derive, he must serve not a man but, what is much worse, a
foul and detestable vice, in that he does not love the man as a man ought to be loved.
Man is not to be loved by man even as brothers after the esh are loved, or sons, or wives, or
kinsfolk, or relatives, or fellow citizens. For such love is temporal. We should have no such
connections as are contingent upon birth and death, if our nature had remained in obedience
to the commandments of God and in the likeness of his image Accordingly, the Truth himself calls us back to our original and perfect state, bids us to resist carnal custom and teaches
that no one is t for the kingdom of God unless he hates these carnal relationships. Let no
one think that is inhuman. It is more inhuman to love a man because he is your son and not
because he is a man, that is, not to love that in him which belongs to God, but to love that
which belongs to yourself.
If we are ablaze with love for eternity we shall hate temporal relationships. Let a man love his
neighbour as himself. No one is his own father or son or kinsman or anything of the kind, but
is simply a man. Whoever loves another as himself ought to love that in him which is his real
self. Our real selves are not bodies. Whoever, then, loves in his neighbour anything but his
real self does not love him as himself.
Why should not he be unconquered who in loving man loves nothing but the man, the creature
of God, made according to his image? It is never improper to live aright. Whoever does this
and loves it, not only does not envy those who imitate him, but also treats them with the greatest
In his Retractions Augustine discusses this passage and says that he should not have said, hate
temporal relationships; if our forebears had done this, we their descendants would never have
been born and Gods company of the elect would not have been lled up. So hating is inappropriate. And of course in the text I have not interpreted Augustine as proposing hatred. The
thing remarkable about the Retractions passage, for my purposes, is that Augustine does not
retract the doctrine of love expounded in this passage from Of True Religion.
John M. Rist, The Stoic Concept of Detachment, in John M. Rist, ed., The Stoics (Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press, ), .
Ibid., .
Su ering love
Yet along with their emphasis on philostorgia these writers are inclined to point
out that the wise man is not concerned over the death of a child. Marcus
expressly points out both that the wise man is benevolent ( philostorgos) and that
he is the most devoid of passions contrary to reason. Hence we have to conclude that philostorgia neither confers nor recognizes value in its objects, nor
does it think of its objects as unique and irreplaceable, nor does it demand any
overwhelming emotional commitment in those who exhibit it.
Su ering love
say that neither love nor joy shall be experienced there? (City of God
XIV, ).
And now the eternal life of God, as understood by Augustine, can be
very simply described: Gods life satises the eudaemonistic ideal implicit in
all that has preceded. Gods life is through and through blissful. Thus God
too is free of negative pathe. Of Mitleiden with those who are suering,
God feels nothing, as also God feels no pain over the shortfall of godliness
in Gods errant creatures. Gods state is apatheia an apatheia characterized
positively by the steady non-perturbing state of joy. God dwells eternally in
blissful non-suering apatheia. Nothing that happens in the world alters
Gods blissful unperturbed serenity. Certainly God is not oblivious to the
world. There is in God a steady disposition of benevolence toward Gods
human creatures. But this disposition to act benevolently proceeds on its
uninterrupted successful course whatever transpires in the world.
In sum, the Augustinian God turns out to be remarkably like the Stoic
sage: devoid of passions, unfamiliar with longing, foreign to suering,
dwelling in steady bliss, exhibiting to others only benevolence. Augustine
fought free of the Stoic (and neo-Platonic) vision when it came to humanity; when it came to God, he succumbed.
The result, as one would expect, was unresolved tension in his thought.
What dierence is there between God and us which brings it about that,
for us, authentic existence in the presence of evil is a suering awareness
whereas, for God, it is a non-suering, perpetually blissful, awareness?
Augustine never says. Sometimes he suggests that when reality is seen
whole as God sees it, then nothing appears evil but everything is seen
to make its contribution to the goodness of the whole. Thus God has no
suering awareness of evil because there is no evil of which to be aware.
But if this were Augustines steady conviction, then he would seek to illuminate us as to the illusoriness of evil rather than urging us to cultivate
suering over evil.
Augustine does indeed make clear that in one important respect Gods
life is not to be identied with our eudaemonistic ideal. In humanitys
Augustine saw that if the bliss of our perfected existence is to be entirely unalloyed, regret will
have to be eliminated by forgetfulness. In its perfected existence, the soul will enjoy an everlasting pleasure of eternal joys, forgetful of faults, forgetful of punishments, but not therefore so
forgetful of her deliverance, that she be ungrateful to her deliverer (City of God XXII, ). There
is another issue in the region that, so far as I know, Augustine does not consider. Presumably the
solidarity in which we are to exist with our fellows continues into our perfected existence. But if
some souls are lost from Gods abiding Kingdom, then the absence of grief and the presence only
of joy, which is to characterize our perfected existence, can be achieved only by lack of awareness
by those who are rejoicing of those who are lost.
Su ering love
An important and highly inuential book in biblical studies has been Abraham J. Heschel,
The Prophets (New York: Harper & Row, ). Heschel argues that the theology underlying the Old Testament prophets was that of the pathos of God. For biblical studies, see also
Terence E. Fretheim, The Su ering of God: An Old Testament Perspective (Philadelphia: Fortress
Press, ). In between biblical studies and systematic theology is Kazoh Kitamori, Theology
of the Pain of God (Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, ). Also see Dorothee Solle, Su ering
(Philadelphia: Fortress Press, ). An important overview of the discussion is to be found in J.
K. Mozley, The Impassible God (Cambridge University Press, ). In addition to surveying the
discussions arming Gods passibility by a number of English theologians in the rst quarter
of this century, Mozley surveys the long tradition in Christian theology of divine impassibility from its beginnings. Also very useful is Richard E. Creel, Divine Impassibility (Cambridge
University Press, ).
Jrgen Moltmann, The Crucied God (New York: Harper & Row, ); and The Trinity and the
Kingdom (New York: Harper & Row, ).
grief and pity It is of the very nature of love to suer when its object suers
loss, whether inicted by itself or others. If the suering of God be denied, then
Christianity must discover a new terminology and must obliterate the statement
God is love from its Scriptures.
It is clear that between this view of the life of God and the Augustinian
view there is a deep clash of ideals: the ideal divine life for Augustine
was that of uninterrupted suering-free bliss; the ideal divine life for the
moderns is a life of sympathetic love. In eect the moderns insist that
the solidarity of grieving and rejoicing that Augustine recommends for
humanity on this earth is to embrace God as well. How can we adjudicate between these profoundly dierent visions?
Little will be gained by the moderns simply citing biblical passages
about God as loving. For Augustine and the other church fathers who
defended the non-suering apathy of God had not overlooked the fact that
the Bible speaks of God loving. And they too were committed to the teachings of the prophets and apostles. It was their conviction, however, that all
the statements about Gods love could be, and should be, interpreted in a
manner consistent with Gods apathy and Gods freedom from suering.
Augustines proposal became classic. Scripture everywhere witnesses
that God is pitiful, he says. But the pity of God diers from human pity.
Quoted in Mozley, The Impassible God , pp. . Compare these passages from Charles
Hartshorne: The lover is not merely the one who unwaveringly understands and tries to help;
the lover is just as emphatically the one who takes unto himself the varying joys and sorrows
of others, and whose own happiness is capable of alteration thereby Love is joy in the joy
(actual or expected) of another, and sorrow in the sorrow of another (Mans Vision of God [New
York: Harper & Brothers, ], , ). Sympathetic dependence is a sign of excellence and
waxes with every ascent in the scale of being. Joy calls for sympathetic joy, sorrow for sympathetic sorrow, as the most excellent possible forms of response to these states. The eminent form
of sympathetic dependence can only apply to deity, for this form cannot be less than an omniscient sympathy, which depends upon and is exactly colored by every nuance of joy or sorrow
anywhere in the world (The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God [New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, ], ).
See, for example, Anselm in Proslogion : How art Thou at once pitiful and impassible? For if
Thou art impassible, Thou dost not suer with man; if Thou dost not suer with man, Thy heart
is not wretched by compassion with the wretched, which is the meaning of being pitiful. But if
Thou are not pitiful, whence can the wretched gain so great comfort? How then art Thou, and
art Thou not pitiful, Lord, except that Thou art pitiful in respect of us, and not in respect of
Thyself? Truly Thou art so in respect of our feeling, and art not in respect of Th ine. For when
Thou lookest upon us in our wretchedness we feel the eect of Thy pity, Thou feelest not the
eect. And therefore Thou art pitiful, because Thou savest the wretched, and sparest the sinners
who belong to Thee; and Thou art not pitiful, because Thou art touched by no fellow-suering in
that wretchedness (from the translation by S. N. Deane [La Salle, IL: Open Court, ]). And
Aquinas in Summa Theologiae I, , , resp.: When certain human passions are predicated of the
Godhead metaphorically, this is done because of a likeness in the eect. Hence a thing that is
in us a sign of some passion is signied metaphorically in God under the name of that passion.
Su ering love
Human pity brings misery of heart; whereas who can sanely say that
God is touched by any misery? With regard to pity, if you take away
the compassion which involves a sharing of misery with whom you pity,
so that there remains the peaceful goodness of helping and freeing from
misery, some kind of knowledge of the divine pity is suggested. In
short: the love that we are to attribute to God is not the love of sympathy,
of Mitleiden, in which one shares the feelings of the other; it is the love of
well-doing, of benevolence, of agape.
And in general, as to the predication of the language of the emotions
to God: this must all be interpreted as attributing to God those e ects of
Gods agency that are similar to the eects of the perturbing emotions
in us:
Gods repentance does not follow upon error, the anger of God carries with it no
trace of a disturbed mind, nor his pity the wretched heart of a fellow-suerer
nor His jealousy any envy of mind. But by the repentance of God is meant the
change of things which lie within His power, unexpected by man; the anger of
God is His vengeance upon sin; the pity of God is the goodness of His help; the
jealousy of God is that providence whereby He does not allow those whom He
has in subjection to Himself to love with impunity what He forbids.
Thus with us it is usual for an angry man to punish, so that punishment becomes an expression
of anger. Therefore punishment itself is signied with anger, when anger is attributed to God
(from the translation by the English Dominicans [New York: Benzinger Brothers, ]).
Su ering love
that accounts for the fact that emotions can function as motives for intentionally undertaken actions: a person may run away out of fear, may send
a blistering letter out of anger, etc.
Now if this schematic analysis of the nature of emotions is correct in
its main outlines, it follows directly that God has no emotions: no grief,
no anger, no fear, and so forth. For a person can have an emotion only
if that person is capable of being physiologically upset. And God, having
no physiology, is not so capable. I am not aware that Augustine ever used
this argument for Gods apatheia: he had other arguments. But Aquinas,
for example, makes explicit use of it in Summa Theologiae, Book I, ,
art. ; and in Summa contra Gentiles I, , . In the sense of pathos that we
have been using in our discussion, we can conclude that God is lacking
in pathos. The tradition was right: God is apathetic. God does not grieve,
neither in sympathy nor, as it were, on Gods own.
But we must not conclude from this that the contest is over and that
the ancients are victorious in their combat with the moderns. For though
the issue of whether God suers is regularly blurred with the issue of
whether God has passions, I suggest that suering is in fact a distinct
phenomenon from grief and the other negative emotions, and that
the conclusion that God has no passions still leaves open the question
whether God suers. It remains an open question whether Gods apathy
is a su ering apathy.
A person grieving over some loss is suering. It will be recalled that the
recognition that grief has a component of suering is what led Augustine
to conclude that God does not experience the passion of grief. But human
suering is by no means conned to emotional states. There is also the suffering caused by physical pain, the suering caused by mental depression,
the suering caused by the desperate wish that ones sexual orientation were
dierent from what it is, and so forth. Furthermore, it is often the case that
even when the emotional state of grief subsides, the suering continues.
What then are the connections among the belief that some loss has
occurred, the emotional state of grieving over that loss, and the suering comprised in that grieving? Well, clearly the cause of the suering
that one experiences in grieving is not the physiological disturbance or
the accompanying feelings. These are not to be thought of as one of the
sources of suering in our existence, on a par with physical pain and mental depression. For as we have seen, the actual feelings involved in grief
are little dierent from those in great joy. There are tears of joy as well as
tears of grief. And it is worth recalling Augustines observation that the
grieving person may even nd sweetness in the tears of his grief.
One is tempted to conclude, then, that the cause of the suering that
one experiences when grieving is the event over which one is grieving: the
death, the maiming, the defeat, whatever. But this too cannot be correct. For there may be no such event! One may believe that the death,
the maiming, the defeat, occurred when it did not. There may in fact be
no event such that one grieves over it and it caused ones grief. And conversely, if some event occurred but one does not believe it did, the event
causes no grief.
The conclusion must be, I think, that the cause of ones suering, when
grieving over loss, is simply ones believing that a loss occurred. For whether
or not a loss of the sort in question occurred, the believing denitely
exists. When someone suers from physical pain, eliminating the pain
eliminates the suering. When someone suers over mental depression,
getting rid of the depression gets rid of the suering. So too, the suering
one experiences when grieving over loss is eliminated by elimination of
the belief that the loss occurred. When the prodigal son, thought to be
dead, returns home alive, the fathers tears of grief are transmuted into
tears of joy. Physical pain and mental depression and unsatised desire
cause suering. But so also do certain of our ways of representing reality.
And it makes no dierence whether those ways be faithful to reality or
unfaithful veridical or non-veridical.
We speak naturally of the suering caused by pain, of the suering
caused by mental depression, etc. But we must not think of the connection between some facet of our experience, on the one hand, and
joy or suering, on the other, as the connection of ecient causality.
The suering caused by pain is not some distinct sensation caused by
the pain sensation. Suering and joy are, as it were, adverbial modiers of the states and events of consciousness. Pain and depression and
the belief that someone we love has died are episodes of consciousness
that occur sueringly. The experience of art and the taste of good food
and the belief that one of our projects has succeeded are episodes of
consciousness that occur joyfully. A fundamental fact of consciousness
is that the events of consciousness do not all occur indierently. Some
occur unpleasantly, on a continuum all the way to suering; some occur
pleasantly, on a continuum all the way to joy; and some, indeed, occur
in neither mode.
Suering, when veridical, is an existential No-saying to something
in reality. With ones very existence one says No to the pain, No to
the mental depression. But when that state of consciousness that causes
the grief is one that has a propositional content, then that to which one
Su ering love
existentially says No pulls apart from the cause of the suering. One
existentially says No to the loss, not to the believing; No to the desires
being unfullled, not to the desiring. (The suering may of course lead
one to say No to the desire itself.)
Earlier we spoke of emotions as including an evaluative component.
But quite clearly there is no emotion if we just coolly evaluate something
as meeting or not meeting some criterion that we happen to embrace. The
evaluation must be an existential valuing of which we have just now been
speaking. At the core of an emotion will be our valuing of the facts and
supposed facts of the world. And that valuing may continue even though
the emotion subsides.
One more observation is relevant: the fact that suering consists of the
(intensely) aversive occurrence of some state or event of consciousness is
compatible with the fact that often we choose to do what we anticipate
will cause us suering. We choose the surgery knowing that pain will follow. In this there is nothing complex or mysterious. To understand it, we
need only remind ourselves that, as means to achieving what one desires,
one may do that which (as such) one does not desire. Truly mysterious,
however, is the fact that one may get joy out of su ering as, for example,
the person of intense religiosity who shares in the suerings of Christ and
counts it all joy. In such a case, the person joyfully experiences his sufferingly experiencing pain.
And now back to the issue: Let us suppose that God knows what
transpires in this world. The question before us then is whether some of
that knowledge is sueringly experienced and some of it joyfully. And
notice that the issue of whether God sueringly experiences some of what
transpires in this world does indeed join hands with whether God also
experiences some of it joyfully. Unless it be the case that everything in
this world is good to the eye of God or everything bad, whatever be the
answer we give to one of these questions must also be the answer we give
to the other.
Our answer must be postponed for a few pages, however, so as to introduce into the discussion a new and distinct line of thought, also embraced
with near unanimity by the patristics and medievals, leading to the same
conclusion as the perfection argument that we have thus far considered.
This additional argument for the conclusion that God experiences neither
passions nor suering may be called the ontological argument. The fact
that the perfection argument and the ontological argument join to yield
the same result is what made the tradition of Gods non-suering apathy
so enormously powerful. There is more that divides the moderns from
the ancients than a clash of moral ideals though to this more, the
moderns rarely give any attention.
Suppose that God suered on account of the pain experienced by the
people in Stalins Gulag camps and of the evil in the heart of Stalin who
put them there. Then it would be the case that what one human being
did, and what happened to other human beings, would determine the
quality of Gods life. Stalins acting as he did would bring about Gods
suering awareness of the evil in Stalins heart. The victims experience of
pain would bring about Gods suering knowledge of their pain. Or to
take another example: if God suered on account of humanitys destructive impact upon the earth, then again what transpires in the world would
determine the quality of Gods life.
But to imagine that what transpires in the world could in this way
determine the quality of Gods life is to bump up against an assumption that, ever since Plotinus, has been deeper than any other in classical
Christian theology; namely, the assumption that God is unconditioned.
The Supreme, says Plotinus, can neither derive its being nor the quality
of its being. God Himself, therefore, is what He is, self-related, selftending; otherwise He becomes outward-tending, other-seeking He
who cannot but be wholly self-poised.
On most Christian theologians this deliverance of Plotinus has had
the grip of obvious and fundamental truth. From it has been extracted a
truly astonishing list of conclusions: that God is simple, thus having no
nature as we would nowadays understand having a nature; that God is
immutable; that God is eternal; that God is entirely lacking in potentialities, thus being pure act; that God exists necessarily, since Gods essence
and Gods existence are identical; that no predicate correctly predicated
of something other than God can with the same sense be correctly predicated of God; and to break o the listing that God has no passions.
Of course, these conclusions were not all derived directly from Gods status as unconditioned. Chains of argument were used. John of Damascus,
for example, takes it that God is without ux because He is passionless
and incorporeal, and that he is by nature passionless since he is simple
Enneads VI, viii, . I use the edition translated by A. W. Armstrong (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, ).
In God everlasting (chapter in this present volume), I discuss the issue of whether
God is eternal and immutable. Alvin Plantinga, in Does God Have a Nature? (Milwaukee,
WI: Marquette University Press, ), has discussed another dimension of the Plotinian
concept of God namely, the contention that God has no properties, in particular, no
Su ering love
John of Damascus, Exposition of the Orthodox Faith I, in Philip Scha and Henry Wace, eds.,
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. IX (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, ). As to what
he means by passion, John says this in Exposition II, :
Passion is a sensible activity of the appetitive faculty, depending on the presentation to the
mind of something good or bad. Or in other words, passion is an irrational activity of the soul,
resulting from the notion of something good or bad. For the notion of something good results
in desire, and the notion of something bad results in anger. But passion considered as a class,
that is, passion in general, is dened as a movement in one thing caused by another.
My citations from the Summa contra Gentiles are from the version translated by Anton Pegis
(Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, ). Citations from the Summa Theologiae
are from the English Dominican translation (New York: Benzinger Brothers, ). References
to both these works are given parenthetically in the text.
Aquinas uses the perfection argument more explicitly in Summa Theologiae I, , , . It is interesting to note that one of Augustines reasons for regarding our human emotions as part of our
present inrmity is that the being acted upon that they involve is something from which we
should look forward to being delivered in our perfected existence: We are often over-pressed by
our emotions. A laudable desire of charity may move us: yet shall we weep whether we will or
not. For we have them by our human inrmity, but so had not Christ; for He had His inrmity
itself from His own power (City of God XIV, ).
Cf. ScG I, , : In knowing His essence, God knows other things in the same way as an eect
is known through a knowledge of the cause. By knowing his essence, therefore, God knows all
things to which his causality extends. And ScG I, , : God knows things not by receiving
anything from them, but, rather, by exercising His causality on them.
Su ering love
And how is God the cause of other things? God is the cause by virtue
of Gods will, says Aquinas. Yet it must be granted that the principal
object of the divine will is the divine essence. For if we allowed that God
directly willed things other than Godself, the principle of divine simplicity would again be violated. If God should principally will something other than Himself, it will follow that something other is the cause
of His willing. But His willing is His being, as has been shown. Hence,
something other will be the cause of His being which is contrary to the
nature of the rst being (ScG I, , ).
But if the divine self is the principal object of the divine will, how
does God cause other things? In Summa contra Gentiles I, , , Aquinas
says that in every case of willing something the principle object is just
the ultimate end for which the thing is willed. But that is misleading for
the case before us. We are not to think of God as willing other things as
means to the end of Godself. Rather, Aquinas thought is this: God wills
and loves His essence for its own sake. Now the things that we love for
their own sake we want to be most perfect, and always to become better
and be multiplied as much as possible. But the divine essence cannot be
increased or multiplied in itself. There is only one way in which the divine
self can be enriched or enhanced, namely, by way of there being other entities that resemble it. The divine essence can be multiplied solely according
to its likeness, which is participated by many, says Aquinas. It is in that
way, then, that in willing and loving His own essence and perfection
God wills the multitude of things. If we look at the multitude of beings
other than God and ask, what is the ultimate ground of their existence,
our answer is this pair of phenomena: that this whole array of beings, each
in its own way and degree resembling God (including their being ordered
to God as their end) is a sort of enhancement of the divine perfection;
and that God wills the enhancement of Gods own self.
We have been looking at Aquinas construal of Gods knowing and
willing of things other than Godself. Before we move on we should also
consider his construal of the love of God for things other than Godself,
since all the relevant phenomena are already before us. God wills Godself.
Now to will something is perforce to regard it as good; the understood
Also the principle of perfection would be violated: If the principal object of the divine will
be other than the divine essence, it will follow that there is something higher than the divine will
moving it. The contrary of this is apparent from what has been said (ScG I, , ).
And always, in addition, there was this Plotinian thought haunting medieval reections on
Gods creation: That which does not want to generate suces more to itself in beauty, but
that which desires to create wants to create beauty because of a lack and is not self-sucient
(Plotinus, Enneads III, , ).
good is the proper object of the will, the understood good is, as such,
willed (ScG I, , ). And in turn, it belongs properly to the nature of
love, that the lover wills the good of the one he loves (ScG I, , ). But
we have also found it appropriate, says Aquinas, to speak of God as willing other things. Now we have just seen that it is a necessary truth about
willing that one wills what one judges good. So God wills the good of
those other things. And since, as we have also seen, to love something is
to will the good of the thing Aquinas, be it noted, construes love simply
as benevolence it follows straightforwardly that God loves things other
than Godself.
But now, is it not stretching the sense of the words beyond their breaking point to call knowledge of other things those phenomena in the
Plotinian God to which Aquinas applies that phrase; and so, similarly,
for willing of other things and loving of other things? Consider: God
knows Godself, and God is the cause of all things other than Godself: this
pair of phenomena is what Aquinas calls Gods knowing of things other
than Godself, on the principle that to know the cause of a thing is to know
the thing. And consider: God wills Gods perfection, and the ensemble of things other than God enhances Gods perfection by resembling
God: this pair of phenomena Aquinas calls Gods willing of things other
than Godself. He furthermore proposes calling this last pair of phenomena, Gods loving of things other than Godself, on the grounds that one
only wills what one regards as good, and that to love something is to will
its good. But is not the former of these so distant from the knowledge of
things as not to deserve the title? And is not the latter so distant from the
intentional making and the loving of things as also not to deserve those
titles? What is missing throughout is any awareness of, any acquaintance
with, things other than Godself by God. God has no concept nor anything like a concept of anything other than Godself. Our intellect knows
singular things through singular species that are proper and diverse, says
Aquinas. By acquiring such singular species, we actualize our potentials for knowledge. Not so for the divine intellect. If it knew something
In ST I, , , resp., Aquinas argument would seem to run just a bit dierently: God wills
the existence of all things; and since a things existence is good, God wills the existence of all
things. But to love something is to will good to that thing. Hence God loves all things. This is
the text: God loves all existing things. For all existing things, in so far as they exist, are good,
since the existence of a thing is itself a good; and likewise, whatever perfection it possesses. Now
it has been shown above that Gods will is the cause of all things. It must needs be, therefore,
as it is willed by God. To every existing thing, then, God wills some good. Hence, since to love
anything is nothing else than to will good to that thing, it is manifest that God loves everything
that exists.
Su ering love
through a species that is not itself, it would necessarily follow that its
proportion to that species would be as the proportion of potency to act.
God must therefore understand solely through the species that is his own
essence (ScG I, , ). (Aquinas might, of course, have reached the
same conclusion from the premise of Gods simplicity.)
It appears that Aquinas himself regarded the point to which I have
objected as one of the weak points in his theory; for when he returned
to the topic of Gods knowledge in his later work, Summa Theologiae, he
reworked his thought on the topic of whether God knows things other
than himself by proper knowledge? (ST I, , ). He still holds, of course,
that God has a proper and not merely a general knowledge of things other
than Godself, his reason being that to know a thing in general and not
in particular, is to have an imperfect knowledge of it (resp.). But now he
attempts in a somewhat dierent way than before to meet the challenge
of explaining how it can be that the Plotinian God has a proper knowledge of things other than Godself.
Everything whatsoever other than God bears to God a unique relation
or resemblance with respect to its perfections. Not only do human beings,
for example, resemble God with respect to their perfections in a way different from horses, but also Socrates resembles God with respect to his
perfections in a way distinct from Plato. Furthermore, a things unique
resemblance to God can be thought of as the nature of the thing. The
nature proper to each thing consists in some degree of participation in
the divine perfection (ibid.). But the multiplicity of ways in which God
can be resembled is, in turn, a necessary and not an accidental feature of
God. His essence contains the similitude of things other than Himself
(ST I, , , resp.). But if so, then God could not be said to know Himself
perfectly unless He knew all the ways in which His own perfection can
be shared by others (a. , resp.). Hence, says Aquinas, it is manifest that
God knows all things with proper knowledge, in their distinction from
each other (ibid.).
I think it is clear, however, that this argument will not do. Aquinas
assumes that to know the proper nature of a thing is to know the thing.
Perhaps we can grant that assumption though, of course, its truth
depends on how we construe proper nature. He also assumes that a
things particular way of resembling God constitutes the nature of the
thing. That seems more controversial; but let us not contest the matter.
He further assumes, in classic Chain of Being fashion, that for every possible mode of resemblance to God, there is (or was, or will be) something
that actually bears that mode of resemblance to God. That assumption is
even more controversial; but let us still not boggle. It is because of these
three assumptions that Aquinas can say that in Gods knowing of all the
particular ways in which Gods perfection can be shared, God knows
all the particular ways in which it is in fact shared; and in Gods knowing of all the particular ways in which it is in fact shared, God knows
all the particular things of the world. Let us, on this occasion, content
ourselves with questioning Aquinas on the move that he makes before
these three: the move from Gods knowledge of Gods essence to Gods
knowledge of the distinct and multiple ways in which things can resemble Gods essence.
Now it is indeed true that the ways in which a thing can be resembled
belong to its essence. But it is not sucient for Aquinas purposes to hold
that a perfect knowledge of Gods essence implies a knowledge of all the
ways in which God can be resembled. The demands of the simplicity doctrine are such that he must say that Gods knowing of Gods essence just
is Gods knowing of the various ways in which God can be resembled.
Perhaps, indeed, the demands of the simplicity doctrine are even more
stringent than that. For someone might contend that ones knowledge of
x may be identical with ones knowledge of y even though x is not identical with y. But if that is indeed true, then what must be said is that the
doctrine of divine simplicity requires not only that Gods knowing is single but also that what God knows is single.
But now consider some one of the ways in which God can be resembled. Is that way of resemblance identical with Gods essence? Surely not.
For Aquinas identies a way of resembling God with the nature of some
thing other than God; and if such a way of resembling was identical with
Gods essence, the nature of some thing other than God would be identical with Gods essence from which it would follow that that thing
that was other than God was identical with God. The conclusion must be
that Aquinas adherence to the simplicity doctrine makes untenable this
attempt at explaining how God knows things other than Godself.
Aquinas struggle to nd in the Plotinian God something that might
appropriately be called knowledge of other things becomes even more
transparently a struggle when it comes to Gods knowledge of evil. I will
not here rehearse all his arguments; he gives some seven of them. But
the basic line of thought running through all of them is evident from
the rst: When a good is known, the opposite evil is known. But God
knows all particular goods, to which evils are opposed. Therefore God
knows evils (ST I, , ). God, Aquinas would say, knows that particular
human evil that is blindness because God knows that particular good
Su ering love
So when Aquinas speaks of Gods mercy (misericordia), he has no choice but to turn it into mere
benevolence: Mercy is especially to be attributed to God, provided it be considered in its eect,
but not as an aection to passion. In proof of which it must be observed that a person is said to
be merciful [misericors] as being, so to speak, sorrowful at heart [miserum cor]; in other words, as
being aected with sorrow at the misery of another as though it were his own. Hence it follows
insist that Gods love includes love in the mode of sympathy. The moderns paint in attractive colors a moral ideal that is an alternative to that
of the tradition, and point to various biblical passages speaking of Gods
suering love passages that the tradition, for centuries, has construed
in its own way. The tradition, for its part, oered essentially two lines of
defense. It argued that the attribution of emotions and suering to God
was incompatible with Gods unconditionedness, an argument that, so
we have concluded, should be rejected. And second, it oered a pair of
what it took to be obvious truths: that suering is incompatible with ideal
existence, and that Gods existence is immutably ideal. We saw that the
supposition that those truths are obvious was endangered in Augustines
case by his insistence that we human beings are to cultivate a solidarity of
grieving over evil and rejoicing over repentance. But we did not ourselves
oer any argument directly against those supposed truths.
How can we advance from here? Perhaps by looking more intently
than we have thus far at that claim of the tradition that Gods love consists exclusively of benevolence. Benevolence in God was understood as
Gods steady disposition to do good to Gods creatures. And since as long
as there are creatures no matter what their condition there is scope
for Gods exercise of that disposition, and since Gods exercise of that disposition is never frustrated, God endlessly takes joy in this dimension of
Godself. God does not take joy let us carefully note in Gods awareness of the condition of Gods creatures. God does not delight in beholding the creaturely good that God has brought about. If that were the case,
Gods joy would be conditional on the state of things other than Godself.
What God joyfully experiences is simply Gods own exercise of benevolence. Gods awareness of our plunge into sin and suering causes God no
disturbance; Gods awareness of the arrival of Gods perfected Kingdom
will likewise give God no joy. For no matter what the state of the world,
there is room for Gods successful exercise of Gods steady disposition to
do good; and it is in that exercise that God nds delight.
An analogue that comes to mind is that of a professional health-care
specialist. Perhaps when rst she entered her profession she was disturbed
by the pain and limping and death she saw. But that is now over. Now
she is neither perturbed nor delighted by the condition of the people that
she sees. What gives her delight is just her inner awareness of her own
that he endeavors to dispel the misery of this other, as if it were his; and this is the eect of
mercy. To sorrow therefore, over the misery of others does not belong to God; but it does most
properly belong to Him to dispel that misery, whatever be the eect we call misery (ST I, , ,
Su ering love
well-doing. And always she nds scope for well-doing so long, of course,
as she has clients. To those who are healthy she gives reassuring advice
on health maintenance. To those who are ill she dispenses medicine and
surgery. But it makes no dierence to her whether or not her advice maintains the health of the healthy and whether or not her proered concoctions and cuttings cure the illness of the ill. What makes a dierence is
just her steadiness in well-doing; in this and in this alone she nds her
delight. If it falls within her competence she will, of course, cooperate in
pursuing the elimination of smallpox; that is doing good. But should the
news arrive of its elimination, she will not join the party; she has all along
been celebrating the only thing she nds worth celebrating namely, her
own well-doing. She is a Stoic sage in the modern world.
I daresay that most of us nd such a person thoroughly repugnant;
that shows how far we are from the mentality of many of the intellectuals in the world of late antiquity. But beyond giving vent to our feelings
of repugnance, let us consider whether the picture I have drawn is even
coherent. Though this person neither rejoices nor suers over anything in
the condition of her patients, nonetheless she rejoices in her own doing
of good. But what then does she take as good ? What does she value? The
health of her patients, one would suppose. Why otherwise would she give
advice to the one on how to maintain his health, and chemicals to the
other to recover his, and all the while rejoice, on account of thus acting,
in her own doing of good? But if she does indeed value the health of her
patients, then perforce she will also be glad over its presence and disturbed by its absence (when she knows about these). Yet we have pictured
her as neither happy nor disturbed by anything other than her own welldoing. Have we not described what cannot be?
Perhaps in his description of moral action that great Stoic philosopher
of the modern world, Immanuel Kant, can be of help to us here. In the
moral dimension of our existence, the only thing good in itself is a good
will, said Kant. Yet, of course, the moral person will do such things as
act to advance the health of others. Insofar as she acts morally, however,
she does not do so because her awareness of health in people gives her
delight and her awareness of illness proves disturbing. She may indeed be
so constituted that she does thus value health and sickness in others and
act thereon. But that is no moral credit to her. To be moral she must act
not out of delight over health nor out of disturbance over illness but out
of duty. She must act on some rule specifying what one ought to do in her
sort of situation a rule to which, by following it, she accords respect.
That is what it is to value a good will: to act out of respect for the moral
law rather than out of ones natural likings and dislikings, rejoicings and
grievings. And the moral person is the person who, wherever relevant,
thus values the goodness of her will. Her valuing of that will mean, when
her will is in fact good, that she will delight therein. But if she acts out of
a desire to delight in having a good will, that too is not moral action; she
must act out of respect for the moral law.
Suppose then that our health-care specialist values the goodness of her
will and acts thereon by dutifully seeking to advance the health of her
patients delighting in thus acting. She may or may not also value the
health of her patients, being disturbed by its absence and delighted by
its presence. But if she does not in that way value her patients health,
that does not in any way militate against her delighting in her own welldoing.
We have here, then, a way of understanding how it can be that God
delights in Gods doing good to human beings without either delighting
in, or being disturbed by, the human condition. God acts out of duty.
Thus acting, God values Gods own good will without valuing anything
in Gods creation. If we interpret Gods benevolence as Gods acting out
of duty, then the traditional picture becomes coherent.
But of course it buys this coherence at great price. For to think thus of
God is to produce conict at a very deep level indeed with the Christian
Scriptures. These tell us that it is not out of duty but out of love that God
blesses us, not out of obligation but out of grace that God delivers us. To
construe Gods love as purely benevolence and to construe Gods benevolence along Kantian-Stoic lines as Gods acting out of duty, is to be left
without Gods love.
So we are back with the model in which God values things other than
Gods own good will values positively some of the events and conditions in Gods creation, and values negatively others. To act out of love
toward something other than oneself is to value that thing and certain
states of that thing. And on this point it matters not whether the love be
erotic or agapic. If one rejects the duty-model of Gods action, then the
biblical speech about Gods prizing of justice and shalom in Gods creation will have to be taken at face value and not construed as meaning that
God has a duty to work for justice and shalom.
These reections place us in a position to see better than we could
before the cause of tension in Augustines thought. Augustine urged us
to value the religious condition of our fellow human beings. But, as we
saw, he does not hold that our eros is to be attached to our fellows. Rather
it was his assumption that the religious condition of our fellow human
Su ering love
beings has its own mode of value, distinct from the mode of value that
those things have for us that satisfy our need, our eros. We are to love
our fellow human beings without being attached to them. But if we are
indeed to value in this non-erotic way the religious condition of our fellows, why would God not do so as well? Or conversely, if God does not
do so, why is it nonetheless appropriate for us to do so? The tension in
Augustines thought is due to the fact that our (non-erotic) valuing and
Gods valuing arbitrarily part ways.
In my argument I have assumed that if, believing some state of aairs
to be occurring, one values that occurrence, whether negatively or positively, then one is correspondingly delighted or disturbed. I have assumed
that ones believing is then either a delightedly believing or a disturbedly
believing, an avertive believing or an advertive believing. Some might
question this assumption. Can valuing not be existentially colorless? Can
God not value justice and shalom in Gods creation while yet Gods awareness of its presence gives God not a icker of delight nor Gods awareness
of its absence a twinge of unhappiness? My answer is that I do not know
how to envisage such a possibility. The Kantian duty-model gives us a way
of understanding how one might act intentionally to bring about some
state of aairs without valuing that state of aairs. But even Kant, along
with the ancient Stoics, assumed that valuing displays itself in the aversive
and adversive qualities of our experience. It is true, of course, that one can
evaluate things coolly and impartially. One can work in a farmers shed
evaluating potatoes without valuing positively those to which one gives
top grade or negatively those that one tosses out. But that is a dierent
matter. Evaluating is not valuing.
I come then to this conclusion: the fact that the biblical writers speak
of God as rejoicing and suering over the state of the creation is not a
supercial eliminable feature of their speech. It expresses themes deeply
embedded in the biblical vision. Gods love for this world is a rejoicing
and suering love. The picture of God as a Stoic sage, ever blissful and
non-suering, is in deep conict with the biblical picture.
For a full consideration of our topic, there is an argument of Charles Hartshorne which would
have to be considered. He argues that Gods benevolence must itself be understood as a suering
love or strictly speaking, as a love that yields suering. For God in Gods benevolence wants
human creatures to be happy. Yet so often they are not. God suers, then, from the frustration
of Gods benevolent intention. Th is, of course, is something that the tradition would never have
granted: that Gods benevolent intention could be frustrated. Theologians, says Hartshorne:
sought to maintain a distinction between love as desire, with an element of possible gain or
loss to the self, and love as purely altruistic benevolence; or again between sensuous and spiritual love, eros and agape. Benevolence is desire for the welfare of others. Of course it
But are we entitled to say that it is a su ering love, someone may ask a
love prompted by a su ering awareness of what goes on in the world? An
unhappy awareness, Yes; but does it reach all the way to suering?
What the Christian story says is that God the Father, out of love
for human beings, delivered Gods only begotten Son to the suering, abandonment, and death of the cross. In the light of that, I think
it grotesque to suggest that Gods valuing of our human predicament
was so mildly negative as to cause God no suering. But in any case,
nothing of substance hangs on degrees. The claim of the tradition was
that Gods knowledge of the world causes God no vexation at all , no
disturbance, no unhappiness. We have found reason to think that that
claim is false.
In closing let me observe that if we agree that God both sueringly and
joyfully experiences this world of ours and of Gods, then at once there
comes to mind a question that the tradition never asked, namely: What
in our world causes God suering and what in it causes God joy? And
then at once there also comes to mind a vision of the relation between our
suering and joy and Gods suering and joy that is profoundly dierent
from that to be found in the tradition. In the tradition the relation was
simply that here in this life we long to share in that uninterrupted bliss
that God enjoys from eternity. What now comes to mind instead is the
vision of aligning ourselves with Gods suering and with Gods joy: of
delighting over that which is such that Gods awareness of our delight
gives God delight and of suering over that which is such that Gods
awareness of our suering causes God suering.
The embrace of this new vision will then lead us to look once again at
the content of the Augustinian vision, according to which the only thing
in our earthly lives of sucient worth to merit suering is the religious
condition of our souls. The company of friends and relatives is to become
must be a superrationally enlightened, an all-comprehending, never wearying desire for others good, that is attributed to God. But still desire, so far as that means partial dependence for
extent of happiness upon the happiness of others Lincolns desire that the slaves might be
free was not less desire because it was spiritual, or less spiritual because it was desire that is, a
wish, capable of being painfully disappointed or happily fullled.
To hold that God wills or purposes human welfare, but is absolutely untouched by the
realization or non-realization of this or that portion of the purposed goal (due, for instance, to
human sins or unfortunate use of free will), seems just non-sense.
Does this not introduce the tragedy of unful lled desire into God? Yes, it does just that.
(Charles Hartshorne, Mans Vision of God, , , )
Compare Fretheim, in Su ering of God , p. : In terms of Jeremiah , we need to speak in some
sense of a temporary failure in what God has attempted to do in the world. Because of this, the
mourners should take up a lamentation for God as well.
Su ering love
Love [Eros] is an activity of soul reaching out after good, says Plotinus in Enneads III, , .
Augustine would agree. His argument is that the things of this world do not have sucient good
to be worth reaching out after or strictly, the good they have does not outweigh the grief they
cause suciently to make it worth reaching out after them.
failed to value them properly for valuing them properly involves having proper
reactions of feeling to their loss.
Suering is an essential element in that mode of life that says not only
No to the misery of our world but Yes to its glories.
And if one does pay to friends and relatives the tribute of a love that
may suer, then also one will struggle to prolong their lives rather than
to reorient a self cast into suering by the snung out of their lives. If
one does pay to justice among ones people the tribute of a love that may
suer, then also one will struggle to overthrow the tyrant rather than to
reconstruct ones self so as to be content under tyranny. Suering contributes to changing the world. Suering must sometimes be cultivated. We
are indeed to live in a solidarity of grieving and rejoicing but of grieving and rejoicing over the absence and presence of that mode of human
ourishing that the biblical writers call shalom; not just over the religious
condition of our souls.
This, I said, was a dierent way to go the way of No to death rather
than to love of that which dies, the way of No to injustice rather than
to love of justice, the way of No to poverty rather than to the struggle
to alleviate poverty and yes, the way of No to our distance from God
rather than to love of God. It is also, in my judgment, a better way. For it
is in line with Gods suering and with Gods joy. Instead of loving only
God we will love what God loves, including God. For it is in the presence
of justice and shalom among Gods human creatures that God delights,
as it is for the full realization of justice and shalom in Gods perfected
Kingdom that God works. To love what is of worth in this world and to
suer over its destruction is to pay to that Kingdom the tribute of anguish
over its delay. Our hearts are restless until they nd their rest in thee, O
Lord, said Augustine. What must be added is that our hearts will not
nd their full rest and should not nd their full rest until the heart of our
Lord is itself fully at rest in Gods perfected Kingdom.
on that account angry, disturbed. They held that though there is neither
negativity nor passibility in God, nonetheless God forgives.
Nowadays one hears it said in many quarters that God suers. Often
the persons who say this, though Christian, seem unaware of the nearunanimity of the Christian tradition in favor of the opposite view; and
those who are aware of the tradition often do not genuinely engage it but
content themselves with oering reasons against the traditional view that
the philosophers and theologians of the tradition would nd ludicrously
simplistic. For example: since God loves human beings, since empathy is
an important part of love, since there is suering among human beings,
and since empathy with the suering is itself a mode of suering, God
must suer.
I, too, hold that God is disturbed by what transpires in human aairs.
But rather than ignoring the tradition or brushing it aside, I propose
engaging it at its best. It is my judgment that Aquinas case for the traditional view is as powerful as anyones. So in this essay my project is
to engage his argument. Though Aquinas argument is relevant to the
general issue of whether there is negativity or passibility in God, my discussion will be focused on the narrower issue of whether God experiences
anger. Aquinas way of developing the claim that God does not experience anger implies that God cannot be wronged.
In order to understand Aquinas argument for the conclusion that God
experiences no anger, we must rst get hold of the conceptuality that
he employs in framing his argument. In the course of his discussion of
Gods love in Question of Part I of his Summa Theologiae, Aquinas
distinguishes between love, joy, and delight as passions, and love, joy, and
delight as acts of the intellective appetite. With this distinction in hand, he
observes that though love, joy, and delight are not present in God as passions, they are present in God as aspects of Gods intellective appetite (ST
, ad ). Then he goes on to say that:
As regards the formal element of certain passions, a certain imperfection is
implied, as in desire, which is of the good we have not, and in sorrow (tristitia), which is about the evil we have. Th is applies also to anger, which
I will be using the translation of Summa Theologiae by the Fathers of the English Dominicans
(New York: Benzinger Brothers, ). The translation of Summa contra Gentiles that I will be
using is that by Anton C. Pegis (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, ).
supposes sorrow. Certain other passions, however, as love and joy, imply no
imperfection. Since therefore none of these can be attributed to God on their
material side. neither can those that even on their formal side imply imperfection be attributed to Him; except metaphorically, and from likeness of
eects Whereas those that do not imply imperfection, such as love and joy,
can be properly predicated of God, though without attributing passion to him.
(ST , ad )
Before I explain the philosophical psychology that Aquinas is employing here, let me state his main point. Having distinguished between love,
joy, and delight as passions and love, joy, and delight as acts of the intellective appetite, Aquinas now asserts that the same distinction applies to
desire, sorrow, and anger. We must distinguish between desire, sorrow,
and anger as passions and desire, sorrow, and anger as acts of the intellective appetite. And his thesis is that whereas love, joy, and delight as acts
of the intellective appetite can be properly predicated of God, though
not as passions, desire, sorrow, and anger cannot be properly predicated
of God either as acts of the intellective appetite or as passions. They can
only be predicated of God metaphorically. For whereas love, joy, and
delight as acts of the intellective appetite do not imply imperfection,
desire, sorrow, and anger as acts of the intellective appetite do inherently
imply imperfection.
Appetite, for Aquinas, is the faculty for wanting that something should
be. It will do no harm also to speak of actualizations of the faculty as
appetites appetites for some particular thing. Appetites in this latter
sense are not to be identied with desires. Desires are appetites for some
good we have not. But not all appetites are for goods we have not; one
may possess some good for which one has appetite. If so, one then experiences joy or delight, the object of the joy being the good present and
In Summa contra Gentiles I, , and , , Aquinas reaches the same conclusion using a
somewhat dierent conceptuality. I analyze both passages together, that from Summa Theologiae
and that from Summa contra Gentiles, in Could God not Sorrow if We Do?
The rst change wrought in the appetite by the appetible object is called love, and is nothing else
than complacency (complacentia) in that object; and from this complacency results a movement
towards that same object, and this movement is desire ; and lastly, there is rest which is joy. Since,
therefore, love consists in a change wrought in the appetite by the appetible object, it is evident
that love is a passion; properly so called, according as it is in the concupiscible faculty; in a wider
and extended sense, according as it is in the will (ST III, , , resp.).
I myself would distinguish, as Aquinas does not, between joy in the satisfaction of ones appetite for something, and the joy one sometimes experiences in the occurrence of the object of ones
appetite. For example, theres a dierence between the joy of ones longing to see Prague being
satised, and ones joy in seeing Prague. Either can occur without the other.
Cf. ST III , , ad : In every passion there is an increase or decrease in the natural movement
of the heart, according as the heart is moved more or less intensely by contraction and dilation;
and hence it derives the character of passions.
Love, concupiscence, and the like can be understood in two ways. Sometimes
they are taken as passions arising, that is, with a certain commotion of the
soul. [I]n this sense they are only in the sensitive appetite. They may, however,
be taken in another way, as far as they are simple aections without passion or
commotion of the soul, and thus they are acts of the will. And in this sense, too,
they are attributed to the angels and to God. (ST I, , , ad )
It is now clear how Aquinas was thinking when he said that joy or
delight is properly in God and that love and joy can be properly
predicated of God. Though God has no passions, God does have intellective appetite; so when love and joy and the like are ascribed to God
or the angels, or to man in respect of his intellective appetite, they signify simple acts of the will having like eects, but without passion
(ST III, , , ad ). Joy occurs when the object of appetite is a good
present and possessed, whereas sorrow occurs when the object of appetite is an already present evil (ScG I, , ). The good that is an object
of Gods intellective appetite is present and possessed. It follows that
God experiences the joy that ensues upon satised intellective appetite.
(See especially ScG I, , .)
We are ready for the question: Why does Aquinas hold that there is no
sorrow, no anger, no desire, in God no negativity of any sort in Gods
intellective appetite? Just by virtue of knowing that God has no body, we
know that anger and sorrow qua passions have no place in Gods experience. But Aquinas holds that they also have no place qua acts of the intellective appetite. Sorrow by its very nature cannot be found in God (ScG
I, , ). Why is that?
Sorrow implies an imperfection; that is why it cannot be properly
predicated of God (ST I, , , ad ). Sorrow is caused by a present evil;
and this evil, from the very fact that it is repugnant to the movement of
the will, depresses the soul, inasmuch as it hinders it from enjoying that
which it wishes to enjoy (ST III, , , resp.). The mere fact of a mans
appetite being uneasy about a present evil, is [thus] itself an evil, because
it hinders the repose of the appetite in good (ST III, , , resp.). And
evil is, of course, the opposite of good. But the nature of the good consists in perfection, which means that the nature of evil consists in imperfection. Now, in God, who is universally perfect there cannot be defect
or imperfection. Therefore evil cannot be in God. Evil, which is the
opposite of good could have no place in God (ScG I, , and ). Hence
sorrow in general, and anger, indignation, and the like in particular, have
no place in God.
Aquinas sometimes presents this line of thought as if it were a good argument, all by itself, for the conclusion that in God there is no sorrow. In one
passage, however, he points out why it is not. Though sorrow implies the
existence somewhere of a deciency in excellence, in order to determine
whether someones sorrowing over something represents a deciency in
excellence of that person, one has to consider whether perhaps the person is
sorrowing over an evil that calls to be sorrowed over. If so, then the sorrowing constitutes an excellence in that person, not a deciency even though
sorrow as such is a diminution in well-being. Failure to sorrow over that evil
would be an evil in the person. A thing may be good or evil, says Aquinas,
not just considered simply and in itself but on the supposition of something else: thus shame is said to be good, on the supposition of a shameful
deed done. Accordingly, supposing the presence of something saddening
or painful, it is a sign of goodness if a man is in sorrow or pain on account
of this present evil. For if he were not to be in sorrow or pain, this could
only be either because he feels it not, or because he does not reckon it as
something unbecoming, both of which are manifest evils. Consequently it
is a condition of goodness that, supposing an evil to be present, sorrow or
pain should ensue (ST III, , , resp.). Sorrow is a good inasmuch as it
denotes perception and rejection of evil (ST III, , , resp.).
The main point bears repeating, since it is of crucial importance to our
subsequent argument. If a person does not sorrow over some evil present
to him, that indicates a deciency in him of either cognition or moral discernment. Either he is not aware of the evil, even though it is present to
him, or he is aware of it but does not regard it as an evil. When some evil
is present to a person, then anger, sorrow, indignation, and the like are an
excellence in that person, not a deciency in excellence even though his
life would be better were there no sorrow in him because there was no evil
present to him over which it was right to sorrow.
It is worth noting that Aquinas distinguishes two ways in which an act of appetite may imply
an imperfection: the object of the act may be an evil, or, if the object is a good, one may be related
to that good in an imperfect way. Hope is an example of the latter. Explaining why there is no
hope in God, he says that the notion of the object of a given passion is derived not only from
good and evil, but also from the fact that one is disposed in a certain way towards one of them.
For it is thus that hope and joy dier. If, then, the mode itself in which one is disposed towards
the object that is included in the passion is not betting to God, neither can the passion itself
bet him, even through the nature of its proper species. Now, although hope has as its object
something good, yet it is not a good already possessed, but one to be possessed. Th is cannot bet
God, because of his perfection, which is so great that nothing can be added to it. Hope, therefore,
cannot be found in God, even by reason of its species (ScG I, , ).
I discuss Aquinas thought on this point in Suering love, included as chapter in this present
antecedent will, not that it is out of accord with Gods consequent will;
and that only if something were out of accord with Gods consequent will
would it be appropriate for God to sorrow over it.
Here is the passage:
[E]verything, in so far as it is good, is willed by God. A thing taken in its primary sense, and absolutely considered, may be good or evil, and yet when some
additional circumstances are taken into account, by a consequent consideration
may be changed into the contrary. Thus that a man should live is good; and that
a man should be killed is evil, absolutely considered. But if in a particular case
we add that a man is a murderer or dangerous to society, to kill him is a good;
that he live is an evil. Hence it may be said of a just judge, that antecedently he
wills all men to live; but consequently wills the murderer to be hanged. In the
same way God antecedently wills all men to be saved, but consequently wills
some to be damned, as His justice exacts. Nor do we will simply, what we will
antecedently but rather we will it in a qualied manner, for the will is directed
to things as they are in themselves, and in themselves they exist under particular
qualications. Hence we will a thing simply inasmuch as we will it when all
particular circumstances are considered; and this is what is meant by willing
consequently. Thus it may be said that a just judge wills simply the hanging of a
murderer, but in a qualied manner he would will him to live, to wit, inasmuch
as he is a man. Such a qualied will may be called a willingness (velleitas) rather
than an absolute will (absoluta voluntas). Thus it is clear that whatever God simply wills takes place; although what He wills antecedently may not take place.
(ST I, , , ad )
This passage comes from the same question of the Summa that the one
quoted just previously comes from, and makes the same substantive
point, the only signicant dierence between the two passages being that
here Aquinas introduces the terminology of antecedent will and consequent will. One antecedently wills some event when, considered as such,
one wants it to happen when one wants it to happen other things being
equal, ceteris paribus. One consequently wills some event to happen when,
all things considered, one wants it to happen. This distinction in types
of willing is obviously a straightforward counterpart to the distinction
drawn in the previous passage between somethings being evil considered
as such and somethings being evil all things considered.
But given that the distinction between Gods antecedent and consequent will is a straightforward counterpart to that earlier distinction, it
is of no help in explaining and defending Aquinas claim that God does
not sorrow over sin nor, let us note, does Aquinas himself employ it for
that purpose. Were the distinction to apply to incidents of moral evil,
what the distinction would tell us is that whereas it was Gods antecedent will that the person not commit the sin, it was Gods consequent
will that the person commit the sin presumably as part of the larger
good consisting of the good of the persons being permitted to commit
the sin plus the evil of the persons committing the sin. But that was not
Aquinas view. The good that God willed was not the package consisting of the persons being permitted to sin plus the persons sinning; the
good that God willed was solely the good of the persons being permitted to sin. For the sin is not attached to Gods permission of the sin
in the way that the evil of pain is attached to the good of surgery; the
permission of the sin can occur without the sin occurring. God in no
way wills the evil of sin. Human beings dont have to sin when permitted to sin. Sin is opposed to both the antecedent and the consequent
will of God.
Consider an analogy from human aairs. Imagine a father who
strongly disapproves of something his son is inclined to do; and suppose that the father nonetheless gives the son the freedom to do this
thing, permits him to do it. Does the fathers permitting his son to do
this thing imply that he has changed his mind about it and no longer
disapproves of it? Of course not. Suppose that the son actually uses his
freedom to do that very thing. Does that imply that the father now no
longer disapproves of the act in question? Of course not. Does it imply
that the father now, in retrospect, thinks it was not a good thing to permit his son to do that? No, not that either. The father believes, both
before and after, that the package consisting of his permitting his son
to do that bad thing and the sons doing it is better than his forbidding
or preventing him from doing it; but what the father hoped for, when
he gave his son permission, was that the yet better package would come
about consisting of his permitting his son to do that bad thing and the
sons not doing it. The father sorrows over the fact that his sons action
prevented that better package from coming about. He sorrows over what
his son used his freedom to do.
It is Aquinas view that sin is opposed to the consequent will of God.
But why then does God not sorrow over sin? When we lay out Aquinas
full line of thought, we see that to this, the crucial question, he gives no
In the course of discussing the thesis that God loves all things, in Summa
Theologiae I, , , Aquinas remarks that nothing prevents one and the
same thing being loved under one aspect, while it is hated under another.
God loves sinners in so far as they are existing natures; for they have
existence, and have it from Him. In so far as they are sinners, they have
not existence at all, but fall short of it; and this in them is not from God.
Hence under this aspect they are hated by God (ad ). Does this not contradict, at the most fundamental level, the interpretation of Aquinas that
I have been developing? If God hates the sinner with respect to his sinful
act, then God sorrows, for hate is a species of sorrow. So, on Aquinas
view, God does sorrow.
The passage does not contradict my interpretation. In Summa contra
Gentiles, Aquinas notes that, in Scripture, aections are regularly predicated of God that are in their species repugnant to the divine perfection (ScG I, , ). But given the line of thought sketched out above,
Aquinas holds that such predications are to be interpreted as metaphorical rather than proper. Augustine had already developed the thought
that the ground of such metaphorical attributions is a likeness in eects.
Though Aquinas does not mention Augustine, he embraces this principle
of analysis, adding the qualication that in a few cases the ground may
instead be some preceding aection (ibid.).
Explaining the main, Augustinian, line of analysis, Aquinas says that
the will at times, following the order of wisdom, tends to that eect
to which someone is inclined because of a defective passion; for a judge
punishes from justice, as the angry man punishes from anger. Hence
God is at times called angry in so far as, following the order of His wisdom, He wills to punish someone, according to a Psalm (:): for his
wrath is quickly kindled (ScG I, , ). In short, though there is no
anger in God, God does sometimes do the sort of thing that a human
being would do out of anger, doing it out of love, however, not out of
anger. When the biblical writers predicate is angry of God, they have
to be understood as claiming about God that God performs that sort of
The same point is made in Summa Theologiae. After remarking, in the
course of his discussion of Gods will, that some things are said of God
in their strict sense; others by metaphor, Aquinas goes on to observe
that when certain human passions are predicated of the Godhead
metaphorically, this is done because of a likeness in the eect. Hence
a thing that is in us a sign of some passion, is signied metaphorically
in God under the name of that passion. Thus with us it is usual for an
angry man to punish, so that punishment becomes an expression of
anger. Therefore punishment itself is signied by the word anger, when
Let me close by highlighting the discrepancy between the role that
Aquinas assigns to sorrow in human life and his rejection of any such
role in Gods life. In Question , Article , of Summa Theologiae III,
Aquinas asks whether sorrow can be a virtuous good? In his answer
he rst observes that he has already established that sorrow can be a
good; the passage he has in mind is the one I quoted earlier, in which he
observed that though sorrow always implies some evil, nonetheless sorrow over the evil that is present to a person is an excellence in the person;
in Aquinas words, sorrow is a good inasmuch as it denotes perception
and rejection of evil. As to whether sorrow is a virtuous good, he then
says this:
These two things [perception and rejection of evil], as regards bodily pain, are a
proof of the goodness of nature, to which it is due that the senses perceive, and
that nature shuns, the harmful thing that causes pain. As regards interior sorrow, perception of the evil is sometimes due to a right judgment of reason; while
the rejection of the evil is the act of the will, well disposed and detesting that
evil. Now every virtuous good results from these two things, the rectitude of the
reason and the will. Wherefore it is evident that sorrow may be a virtuous good.
thesis that God experiences no disturbance, the dominant role was played
by the second. Aquinas rests his argument entirely on the second. A full
treatment of the topic would consider whether arguments for Gods nondisturbance that start from Gods aseity fare any better than arguments
that start from Gods excellence. An implication of Alvin Plantingas discussion of the traditional case for Gods unconditionedness in Does God
Have a Nature? is that they do not fare better. God is disturbed over our
wronging of God and our wronging of each other.
praises its Creator and Lord even on its shadowy side, even in the negative aspect
in which it is so near to das Nichtige.
All true. Yet to say it once again, things have gone terribly awry with
respect to the function of suering in our lives and with respect to lifeduration. It was and is the intent behind Gods creation and maintenance
that with the constitution God gave us we would each and all ourish until
full of years in the environment in which God placed us. But with reference to that intent, things have gone terribly awry. Sometimes a persons
constitution itself becomes disordered in such a way that the person does
not ourish; one lives in severe depression or intractable pain. More often,
the t between our constitution and our environment does not serve our
ourishing. The food I need to maintain my animal existence isnt available; so I die long before full of years, suering intensely from starvation.
You fall. If you merely break an arm, that doesnt signicantly inhibit
your ourishing, since the break soon heals and the suering caused by
the break nicely exemplies the design plan functioning properly. Life
would be far more precarious than it is if breaking bones produced no
pain. But if your fall brings about your early death, I can expatiate as
long as I have breath on the fact that this is just a natural consequence
of your doing what you did with the animal body that you have in the
physical universe which is ours; that doesnt address the fact that things
have gone awry with reference to Gods intent that you should live until
full of years. Again, rather than ourishing in the company of your fellow
human beings you may be subjected to indignity and even torture. Your
human constitution operating in your social and physical environment
does not bring about your ourishing until full of years.
The divine experiment has not worked out: the experiment of creating
these forked creatures with the constitution that they have, placing them
in this physical and social situation, and doing that, as well as maintaining and instructing them, with the intent that each and every one should
ourish until full of years. Suering and life-duration have gone agonizingly awry with reference to that intent.
Why have they gone awry? The very speech of God invites us to pose the
question. It invites us to pose the question for this case and for that case,
and for all the cases in general. Why was the life of this person snued
out when young? Why did that person suer years of intractable suering
Church Dogmatics III/: The Doctrine of Creation, translated by G. W. Bromiley and R. J. Ehrlich
(Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, ), . I discuss Barths concept of das Nichtige in detail in
Barth on evil, included as chapter of this present volume.
that not only went beyond all proper functioning but from which nothing
redemptive could any longer be extracted? Why all this brevity of life and
why all such suering? But no answer is forthcoming. Listen as we may,
we hear no further speech. Only silence. Non-answering silence.
Most philosophers and theologians in the Christian tradition would deny
that I have rightly located the silence of God. My location of the silence
is predicated on the claim that things have gone awry with reference to
Gods creating and maintaining intent in particular, that suering and
life-duration have gone awry. They would insist that that is not so.
Some would say that I have misdescribed the world. I said that in this
world of ours we are confronted not just now and then but over and
over with malfunctioning suering and suering that we prove incapable of making redemptive. The tradition of soul-making theodicy, initiated by Irenaeus, would deny this. Let me quote Calvin as an example. He
says in one passage that: Whether poverty or exile, or prison, or insult, or
disease, or bereavement, or anything like them torture us, we must think
that none of these things happens except by the will and providence of
God, that he does nothing except with a well-ordered justice.
Coming to the surface in this passage is Calvins inclination toward
radical occasionalism toward the view that God is the only true causal
agent in reality. As to the character of Gods agency, Calvin was persuaded that God acts always out of justice or love. Thus we get this other
passage: All the suering to which human life is subject and liable are
necessary exercises by which God partly invites us to repentance, partly
instructs us in humility, and partly renders us more cautious and more
attentive in guarding against the allurements of sin for the future.
The thought is clear: all suering is sent by God. Partly out of retributive justice, but mainly out of love. Suering is Gods gift to us: Gods
medicine, Gods surgery. We dont like the medicine and the surgery;
who does like medicine and surgery? But suering is for our moral and
spiritual welfare. It prods us, provokes us, into reorienting and deepening our moral and spiritual selves. The experience of suering may
Institutes of the Christian Religion , translated by Ford Lewis Battles (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster
Press, ), III.viii, .
Commentary on the First Book of Moses, called Genesis, translated by J. King (Grand Rapids,
MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, reprint). The commentary is on Genesis :.
even, in mysterious ways, provide us with the material necessary for such
deepening. As I put it in a passage in my Lament for a Son:
Suering is the shout of No by ones whole existence to that over which one
suers the shout of No by nerves and gut and gland and heart to pain, to
death, to injustice, to depression, to hunger, to humiliation, to bondage, to abandonment. And some times, when the cry is intense, there emerges a radiance
which elsewhere seldom appears: a glow of courage, of love, of insight, of selessness, of faith. In that radiance we see best what humanity was meant to be.
In the valley of suering, despair and bitterness are brewed. But there also character is made. The valley of suering is the vale of soul-making. ()
victims of the Holocaust represents the punishment of the victims for the
victims own sins, we must, emboldened by Gods own book of Job, reject
this suggestion as blasphemy against the justice of God and grotesquely
libelous of those we loved.
To suggest that God trades o the suering and early death of victims
for the opportunity provided to survivors for chastisement or spiritual
growth is to imply that I have not so much misdescribed the world as
misdescribed the divine intent. Probably that is the more common objection to the picture I have drawn.
The most common form of the objection holds that it is essential to
distinguish between, on the one hand, Gods creating and maintaining
intent and, on the other hand, Gods desires. Nothing goes awry with
reference to Gods intent. Yet it would be profoundly mistaken to say that
God is indierent as between a life of seventy seconds and a life of seventy years, indierent as between a life of malfunctioning and unredemptive suering and a life absent of such. God desires, for each and every
human being, that that human being ourish on earth in the community
of persons until full of years.
From this point onward, the objection is developed along two distinct
lines. Call the one, the Leibnizian position. The Leibnizian holds that
what must be distinguished from Gods creating and maintaining intent
is Gods ceteris paribus desires. With reference to Gods intent, everything
happens exactly as God plans: early death, unredemptive suering, everything. Nonetheless it remains true that God desires, other things being
equal, that each human being ourish on earth in the community of persons until full of years. But other things are not equal so much so that
its not possible for God to bring about a world in which that ceteris paribus
desire is satised for each and every human being. We can be assured that
in choosing to create this actual world, from among all possible worlds,
God was choosing the best possible or if there isnt any best possible,
that God was choosing as good a world as any. But the only reasonable
conclusion, given the nature of God and the way the world is, is that any
such world incorporates trade-os; not even God can achieve everything
that God desires, other things being equal. Thats why we cannot equate
what God desires ceteris paribus with Gods creating intent. Though suffering and life-duration certainly go awry with reference to the former,
nothing goes awry with reference to the latter.
Call the other way of developing the objection, the free will position.
The person who embraces this position holds that suering and
life-duration, and other things as well, go awry with reference to Gods
actual desires, not just with respect to Gods ceteris paribus desires. Not,
though, with reference to Gods creating and maintaining intent; on this
central point he agrees with the Leibnizian. The root of the disagreement
between the two lies in the fact that the person espousing the free will
position holds as the name suggests that human beings are created
capable of free agency. There are, in turn, two dierent ways of working
out the free will position, depending on whether one holds that God can
and does know in advance what agents will freely do in such-and-such
situations, or denies that.
The Molinist version of the free will position holds that God does
know this; and that God uses that knowledge to select, from among
all the possible worlds, this actual world of ours to create and maintain. Everything happens according to the foreknowledge of God. But
not everything happens because God brings it about; some of it happens because of the free agency of created persons. Though God knew
in advance what Hitler would freely do, nonetheless it was not God who
perpetrated the Holocaust but Hitler, along with his henchmen and
underlings. And God profoundly disapproved of Hitlers actions. With
reference to Gods desires and commands for those creatures capable of
free agency, volitions and aections have gone profoundly awry; as the
consequence of that, in turn, very much suering and life-duration have
gone awry. Yet nothing has gone awry with reference to Gods creating
intent. For as on the Leibnizian position, the only reasonable conclusion,
given the nature of God and the world, is said to be that God at creation
was confronted with no option but to make trade-o s. Among the goodas-any worlds available to God for creating, there was none in which it
was both true that human beings were free to make signicant choices
between good and evil, and true that each and every human being ourished on earth in the community of persons until full of years. The course
of the world makes clear that God regards free agency as something of
enormous value. But the fact that God tolerates the evil of our choices
for the sake of our freedom by no means implies that God approves of
that evil. God disapproves of it: actually disapproves of it, not just ceteris
paribus disapproves.
The Baezian version of the free will position, by contrast, denies
that God could know in advance what a person capable of free agency
would freely do in such-and-such a situation. Accordingly, assuming that
God does sometimes allow persons capable of free agency actually to act
freely, we cannot think of this actual world of ours as selected by God
from among all the possible worlds. Its realization does not represent the
unfolding of a plan chosen by God before the foundations of the world.
Thats not to say that the world as it develops is constantly surprising God;
though one cannot know what an agent will freely do in such-and-such a
situation, often one can know what he or she is likely to do. Nonetheless,
whereas providence on the Leibnizian and Molinist views consists basically of maintenance, on the Baezian view it requires a considerable
degree of intervention if God is to bring about as good a world as any
that God is capable of bringing about. The counterpart to Gods creating
intent in the Leibnizian and Molinist views is, in the Baezian view, the
combination of Gods creating and providential intents. By reference to
that intent, nothing goes awry even though very many of the actions of
free agents and the consequences thereof go radically contrary to Gods
actual desire and command.
Th ree ways of working out the same idea: though things go awry
with reference to Gods desires and commands, nothing goes awry
with reference to Gods creating and maintaining intent. The history
of the world simply exhibits the trade-o s already built into the divine
intent. God does what God intends to do, achieves what God wants to
But if we judge ourselves answerable to the biblical speech of God,
we can no more accept the Leibnizian and free will positions than that
of soul-making theodicy. Again it is especially the each-and-every
note in Gods self-characterizing speech that goes unheard or perhaps
in this case not so much unheard as consciously rejected. Lets be sure
that we rightly hear that each-and-every note. Theres no problem,
as such, with trade-os in the life of a single person: no problem as
such with the fact, for example, that I suer from the consequences of
my own free agency. I say, no problem as such; as a matter of fact,
the suering caused by physical and mental disease in our world often
goes far beyond what could possibly be redemptive. The problem inherent in the Irenaean and Leibnizian positions is that the divine intent
is regarded as using the suering and early death of one person as a
means for the chastisement or spiritual growth of another ; the problem
inherent in the free will position is that the divine intent is regarded as
permitting the suering and early death of one person for the sake of
the unencumbered free agency of another. It is this using of one person
for the good of another that the person who judges himself or herself
unredemptive suering? Why any untimely death and why any unredemptive suering?
We cannot help but ask. Yet we get no answer. None that I can discern.
We confront non-answering silence. We confront the biblical silence of
the biblical God. We shall have to live in the silence.
What will such living be like? If we have all this while judged ourselves
answerable to the speech of God in determining the questions we put to
God, then we shall likewise judge ourselves answerable to the speech of
God as we live in the silence of God.
In the rst place, we shall endure in holding on to God, and shall
engage in the practices of devotion whereby such holding on is accomplished, expressed, and nurtured.
Secondly, we shall join with God in keeping alive the protest against
early death and unredemptive suering. Till breath dies within us
we shall insist that this must not be. We shall reject all consolation
that comes in the form of urging us to accept untimely death, all that
comes in the form of urging us to be content with unredemptive suffering. We shall endure in our existential No to untimely death; we
shall forever resist pronouncing No on our existential No to untimely
death. We shall endure in our existential No to unredemptive suering; we shall forever resist pronouncing No on our existential No to
unredemptive suering. In the stories we tell of humanitys dwelling
on earth, we shall not forget untimely death and unredemptive suering; we shall keep the memory alive so as to keep the protest alive. And
in the stories we tell of our own lives, we shall not disown our suering
but own it. There will be more to our stories than that; but there will
be at least that.
Thirdly, we shall hope for the day, await the occasion, and seize the
opportunity to own our own suering redemptively. We shall struggle to
wrest good from this evil to turn it to our prot while still saying
No to untimely death and unredemptive suering.
And lastly, whenever and wherever we spot an opening, we shall join
the divine battle against all that goes awry with reference to Gods intent.
We shall join God in doing battle against all that causes early death and
all that leads to unredemptive suering: disease, injustice, warfare, torture, enmity. The self-characterization of the biblical God is not that of
a God who passively accepts things going awry with reference to Gods
intent but that of a God who does battle; and it is not that of a God who
weakly struggles in a failing cause but that of a God whose cause will
triumph. It is in that cause that we shall join, as Gods co-workers. In his
discussion of das Nichtige Karl Barth makes the point far more eloquently
than I myself could possibly make it:
The incredible and real mystery of the free grace of God is that He makes His
own the cause of the creature. There is a grain of truth in the erroneous view
that in virtue of His Godhead God himself has absolutely done away with das
Nichtige, so that for Him it is not only das Nichtige but nothing. In Him there
is room only for its negation. And as the Creator He has eected this negation
once and for all. In creation He separated, negated, rejected and abandoned das
Nichtige. How, then, can it still assail, oppose, resist and oend Him? How can
it concern Him? But we must not forget the covenant, mercy and faithfulness of
God, nor should we overlook the fact that God did not will to be God for His
own sake alone, but that as the Creator He also became the covenant Partner
of his creature. Why is this so? Because, having created the creature, He has
pledged His faithfulness to it. That is to say, He whom das Nichtige has no
power to oend is prepared on behalf of His creature to be primarily and properly oended and humiliated, attacked and injured by das Nichtige. Though
Adam is fallen and disgraced, he is not too low for God to make Himself his
Brother, and to be for him a God who must strangely contend for his status,
honor and right. For the sake of this Adam God becomes poor. He lets a
catastrophe which might be quite remote from Him approach Him and aect
His very heart. He does this of His free grace. For He is under no compulsion. He might act as the erroneous view postulates. He might remain aloof
and detached from das Nichtige. He might have been a majestic, passive and
beatic God on high. But He descends to the depths, and concerns Himself
with das Nichtige, because in His goodness He does not will to cease to be
concerned for His creature. He would rather be unblest with His creature
than be the blessed God of an unblest creature. He would rather let Himself
be injured and humiliated in making the assault and repulse of das Nichtige
His own concern than leave His creature alone in this aiction. There are
few heresies so pernicious as that of a God who faces das Nichtige more or less
unaected and unconcerned and the parallel doctrine of man as one who must
engage in independent conict against it.
I add, in closing, that it is at the very point on which Barth speaks so eloquently that biblical faith is most severely tried. Is it really true that God
will win? Can we trust the struggles outcome when we dont know the
struggles cause? Or wouldnt it help to know the cause?
Barth on evil
Though Karl Barth has much to say about evil, he does not aim to explain
evil. Explanation, he says, is impossible; evil is necessarily incomprehensible and inexplicable to us as human beings. Working as a Christian
theologian whose thought is rmly grounded in the Scriptures, he develops instead a theological framework for thinking and speaking about evil.
The development, extraordinarily rich, and as dicult and expansive
as it is rich, occurs in the third part of the third volume of his Church
Dogmatics, this being the volume in which he develops the doctrine of
Having devoted of III/ to a discussion of providence, under its
three aspects of preservation, accompaniment, and rule, he then opens
the following section thus:
There is opposition and resistance to Gods world-dominion. There is in worldoccurrence an element, indeed an entire sinister system of elements, which is not
comprehended by Gods providence in the sense thus far described, and which is
not therefore preserved, accompanied, nor ruled by the almighty action of God
like creaturely occurrence There is amongst the objects of Gods providence an
alien factor. It cannot escape Gods providence but is comprehended by it. The
manner, however, in which this is done is highly peculiar in accordance with the
particular nature of this factor The result is that the alien factor can never be
considered or mentioned together in the same context as other objects of Gods
providence. Thus the whole doctrine of Gods providence must be investigated
afresh. This opposition and resistance, this stubborn element and alien factor,
may be provisionally dened as nothingness [das Nichtige]. ()
Church Dogmatics III/: The Doctrine of Creation. I use the translation by G. W. Bromiley and
R. J. Ehrlich (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, ). References to this work are given parenthetically
in the text.
our word evil designates. Scriptural words for nothingness thus, for
evil are chaos and the demonic. The fundamental feature of nothingness is that it menaces menaces God and creature alike, especially
those creatures that are human. Evil is the actualization of this menace:
the being of the creature is menaced by nothingness, menaced in such a way
that it needs the divine preservation and sustaining and indeed deliverance if it
is not to fall victim to it and perish. Obviously it is menaced by something far
more serious than mere non-being as opposed to being, although it is of course
menaced by non-being too that is chaos according to the biblical term and
concept. ()
The word Barth actually uses to designate that which is evil is, of course,
not nothingness, since he was writing in German; its das Nichtige. The
translators recognize that nothingness is inadequate as a translation
of das Nichtige. Though accurate, its connotations are much too pallid.
Since translation is not my concern here, I will, when speaking in my
own voice, avoid the issue and regularly use Barths original, das Nichtige;
when quoting from the English translation of Barths text I will, however,
quote the translation as it stands.
Before we can get in hand the various things Barth says about das
Nichtige, we need some glimmer of what he has in mind. One point of
access to his thought here is his discussion of Heidegger and Sartre; for
though Barth regards their comprehension of das Nichtige as shallow
compared to that available to the Christian, he thinks that they did nonetheless recognize das Nichtige. They recognized that das Nichtige is
no mere ction or theme of discussion. It is no mere product of our negations to
be dismissed by our armations. It is there. It assails us with irresistible power
as we exist, and we exist as we are propelled by it into the world like a projectile.
We are forced to consider it, for it already confronts us. We experience nothingness. Their [i.e., Heideggers and Sartres] thought is determined in and
by real encounter with nothingness. They may misinterpret this encounter and
therefore nothingness, but not for a moment can they forget it. ()
Barth on evil
have consciously or unconsciously sustained this shock. In our time man has
encountered nothingness in such a way as to be oered an exceptional opportunity in this respect. More than that may and must not be said, for at all times
man has his being within this encounter, and no more than an exceptional
opportunity of realising this is oered us even to-day. Even to-day we have no
reason to boast that we have looked in the face of demons. ()
We have indeed. But all men and all women at all times and in all places
have done so whether or not they knew that they were doing so.
Heidegger and Sartre were witnesses to the menacing power of das
Nichtige. To the presence of the demonic among us. To that strange factor in reality that powerfully menaces not only our ourishing but our
existence. To that which threatens our existence and our shalom with
nihilation. More than merely human sin and its consequences, more than
merely that plus the evils that befall us, das Nichtige is that power, that
dynamic, that menacing and destructive factor (Barths words) of which
these are the concrete manifestations. Das Nichtige is the power of darkness that haunts our world. Menace. Cosmic menace.
Barths entire discussion pivots on his claim that evil is a power.
Heidegger and Sartre sensed the presence of such a power. Holy Scripture
arms it arms that there is a power of darkness that haunts reality
and is ever on the attack against creation in general and human beings in
particular, arms that human beings are helpless against it but that God,
embracing the life and ourishing of his human creatures as Gods own,
sacriced Gods own Son as victim in the battle, thereby winning the
contest. Holy Scripture regards nothingness as a kingdom, based upon
a claim to power and a seizure of power always on the march, always
invading and attacking. Its decisive insight is that God Himself is the
superior and victorious Opponent of nothingness (). It is for the
Bible no mere gure of speech or poetic fancy or expression of human
concern but the simple truth that nothingness has this dynamic, that it is
a kingdom on the march and engaged in invasion and assault (). To
deny such a power, says Barth, is to trivialize what transpired at the cross
and in the resurrection.
We must not deceive ourselves and say that it does not really do all these things,
or is not real in all these things. One form of the triumph that nothingness can
achieve is to represent itself as a mere appearance with no genuine reality. Let
us only be proud and enlightened and unafraid and unconcerned in face of it!
Let us only persuade ourselves that there is nothing in it, that there is no devil
and no kingdom of evil and demons as his plenipotentiaries, as eective powers
and forces in the life of nations and societies, in the psychical and physical life
of men and their relationships, that we can control our being without having to
take into account this alien lordship or considering that where it is not broken
all being and enterprise and achievement on earth is fundamentally corrupt and
worthless! Nothingness rejoices when it notices that it is not noticed, that
it is boldly demythologised, that humanity thinks it can tackle its lesser and
greater problems with a little morality and medicine and psychology and aesthetics, with progressive politics or occasionally a philosophy of unprecedented
novelty if only its own reality as nothingness remains beautifully undisclosed
and intact. ()
Barth faces the topic of das Nichtige head-on immediately after he has
discussed Gods providential preservation, accompaniment, and rule of
his creatures. But as he himself observes, reference to das Nichtige was
already made in his discussion of Gods preservation. So lets begin there.
Before God created if we may speak of before before God created, there was God and God alone. Nothing else, not anything else. The
primeval if we may speak of primeval state of things, other than
God, was that they just were not. That is, there were no other things than
God. If things other than God are to exist they must be brought forth
from not being. The only one who can do that is God by creating.
Creation is bringing things forth from the abyss of non-being.
But we dont yet have das Nichtige in view. For das Nichtige is not nonbeing as such. Non-being is, precisely, not anything; whereas das Nichtige
is something: there is das Nichtige. Yet its not the case that before God
Cf. : We cannot deny the power and powers of falsehood in a thousand dierent forms.
We cannot deny that in their infamous way they are real and brisk and vital, often serious and
solemn, but always sly and strong, and always present in dierent combinations of these qualities, forming a dreadful fth or sixth dimension of existence. Where? But surely the real question
is: Where not? They are there in the depths of the soul which we regard as most properly our
own. They are there in the relationships between man and man, and especially between man
and woman. They are there in the developments of individuals and their mutual relationships.
They are there in the concern and struggle for daily bread, and especially for that which each
thinks is also necessary in his case. They are there in that in which man seeks his satisfaction or
which he would rather avoid as undesirable, in his care and carelessness, in the aming up and
extinguishing of his passions, in his sloth and zeal, in his inexplicable stupidity and astonishing
cleverness, in his systematisation and anarchism, in his progress, equilibrium and retrogression,
in the great common ventures of what is called culture, science, art, technics and politics, in the
conict and concord of classes, peoples, and nations, in the savage dissensions but also the beautiful agreement and tolerances in the life of the Church, and not least in the rabies and even more
so the inertia theologorum. We cannot deny but must soberly recognise that in all these things
the demons are constantly present and active like the tentacles of an octopus. They are powers
indeed, and yet they are only the powers of falsehood.
Barth on evil
creates there is God and something else namely, das Nichtige. Before God
creates there is God and not anything else. Neither is it the case that das
Nichtige is a creature brought forth from non-being by God. Das Nichtige
is not a creature of God but comes about as the inevitable accompaniment
of Gods bringing forth of creatures.
On God there are no limitations. In particular, on Gods existence there
are no limitations. God exists eternally, necessarily, and self-suciently.
By contrast, the existence of the creature is inherently limited.
To no creature does it belong to be endless, omnipresent or enduring. The preservation which God grants to the creature is the preservation of its limited
being . It will be understood that it is not for this reason partial, transitory
or imperfect. Indeed, for this very reason it is a complete and nal and perfect
preservation. For what could be more perfect than that God should give to the
creature that which is proper to it, that to each one He should give that which
is proper, that is, that which it is able to have of being, and of space and time
for that being, according to its existence as posited by the wisdom and power of
God, and that which it ought to have of being and space and time according to
the righteousness and mercy of God? ()
The creative work of God has this in common with His work of grace that these things take
place within the created order with the very same immediacy as the act of creation itself. But
when it is a matter of the preservation of creation as such, when it is a matter of that which succeeds creation but precedes redemption, there is need of a free but obviously not of a direct or
immediate activity on the part of God ().
Barth on evil
What are we to make of this? Barths words invite the following interpretation: Gods creation has a bright and a shadow side. The bright side
consists of all the things God brought about by saying Yes to them; these
are the creatures. The shadow side consists of all the things God brought
about by saying No to them; these are the unactualized possibles. It is
these unactualized possibles, that which is not, which menace the creature
and thus constitute das Nichtige. Barth says that that which is not is truly
actual and relevant and even active after its own particular fashion ().
He says that In the power that is, the negative power of this divine
creating, approving, dividing and calling, there enters in with the creature
that which in all these things is marked o from it, and it enters in with
menacing power, the power of the denial of that which God has armed,
as the non-being which does not exist, as that which is not created, as that
which is so absolutely opposed and hostile to the creature (). He identies that which is not as that which according to the account in Genesis
: [God] set behind him as chaos (). And he describes it as the object
of Gods wrath and rejection and judgment (). The picture comes
to mind of a numberless swarm of possible wrens, robins, sparrows, and
such like, to which God in wrath said No, I refuse to create you, and
which now menace creatures by trying to drag them down into the abyss
where they too will become mere possibles.
If this is how Barth was thinking, it wont do. That there are unactualized possibles is a position that enjoys philosophical respectability
though I myself regard it as mistaken. But even if one holds that there are
mere possibles, I dont see that its tenable to suppose that creation consists of bringing about existent things, on the one hand, and non-existent
possibles, on the other. One can see what was going through Barths
mind: theres an innitude of possibilities that God rejected at creation;
Gods options were not limited to what God actually created. But the
question to ask is how Gods rejection of these possibles could bring them
about. Dont they have to be there already if God is to reject them? And
arent the actuals also possibles; viz., actualized possibles? If one holds that
there are possibles, then it is much better to think of God as selecting
some from among the already-extant possibles to actualize, and choosing
to let the others remain unactualized. But then, of course, before creation
its not God and non-being, that is, God and nothing else; its God and
an innite realm of possibles. An unacceptable option. Beyond a doubt
Barth wanted to avoid it. He saw no option but to say that in creating,
God brought about the rejected possibles.
I suggest that what Barth wants to call to our attention is an additional aspect of the menacing tendency that confronts the creature. So
far we have described that menace as the tendency toward not existing.
Barth on evil
I judge this interpretation of what Barth was really getting at to be conrmed by the following
passage, in which Barth, more than pages later than the passages we have been scrutinizing,
summarizes his earlier discussion: we were trying to understand the divine preservation of
the creature. We saw this to be Gods preservation of His creature from being over-thrown by the
greater force of nothingness. We then considered how God conrms and upholds the separation
between His creature and nothingness as eected in creation, halting the threatened and commencing enslavement of the creature. Barth immediately goes on to add the third point which I
(am about to) make in the text above: We saw that he does this because His will for His creature
is liberation for a life in fellowship with Himself, because He wills to be known and praised by
the creature as its Liberator and because He thus wills its continuation and not its destruction
We do not yet have evil in view. We have discerned das Nichtige. Its that
menacing tendency that faces the creature, by virtue of the creatures
ontological non-self-suciency, to sink out of existence, and its that
menacing tendency that faces God, also by virtue of the creatures nonself-suciency, toward the overthrowing of the demarcations made by
God at creation for the sake of fellowship with the creature. Gods providential preservation staves o that menace, however. Nothingness [has
thus far] met us as this total peril which is not actual in this form but is
warded o by Gods preservation (). So far then, no evil. Menace.
But the menace is warded o. We have not yet seen das Nichtige in its
persona of evil.
Das Nichtige not only menaces the creature; it actually makes an
incursion into the life of the creature. Evil is the incursion of das
Nichtige into creation. The pages we have been looking at occur early
in of Church Dogmatics III/, the topic of the section being God
the Father as Lord of His Creature. The topic of section is God
and Nothingness (Gott and das Nichtige). Here Barth discusses das
Nichtige in the persona of evil. Conversely: here he develops his account
of evil as das Nichtige.
Barth sets himself some crucial theological parameters. When we confront evil, we confront the fact that
between the Creator and the creature there is that at work which can be
explained neither from the side of the Creator nor from that of the creature, neither as the action of the Creator nor as the life-act of the creature, and yet which
cannot be overlooked or disowned but must be reckoned with in all its peculiarity. The simple recognition that God is Lord over all must obviously be applied
to this third factor as well. Where would be the real situation of the real man
or the real way of real trust of the real Christian if the knowledge that He is
Lord over all were not applied especially to this element? ()
Barth on evil
holiness and to the omnipotence of God when we are faced by the problem of
nothingness? ()
I allow myself a bit of poetic (philosophical?) license here. After a statement of the problem,
Barth does begin his discussion of das Nichtige with a section entitled The Misconception of
Nothingness. But what he discusses in that section is only the misconception which is the second of the two sorts in my arrangement. He discusses the misconception which is the rst, in my
arrangement, when he gets around later to what he calls a comprehensive statement ().
Even prior to creation, there will be an innitude of things that God is not. On the trinitarian
understanding of God, there will even be negations within God. These are additional reasons, not
mentioned by Barth, for not identifying negations with das Nichtige qua evil nor even with das
Nichtige as such. In those negations, there is no menace.
Barth on evil
That the creature may continue to be in virtue of the divine preservation does not mean that
either as an individual or in its totality it is a creature without any limits. It may continue to be as
a creature within its limits. It may have its place in space, and its span in time. It may begin at one
point and end at another. It may come, and stay, and go. It may comprehend the earth but not
heaven. It may be free here, but bound there; open at this point, but closed at that. It may understand one thing, but not another; be capable of one thing, but not another; accomplish one thing
but not another. That it may be in this way, within its limits, is not at all an imperfection, an evil
necessity, an obscure fate. Were we in a position to compare and comprehend all the possibilities
of all creatures, and the possibilities of the individual with those of the totality, we should be
astonished at the magnicent breadth of these limits. And certainly it is not a curse but a blessing
that there are these limits to humanity and creation, and that in some cases they are notoriously
narrow limits, of which the brevity of human life is only a single if rather drastic example. The
creature must not exist like the unhappy centre of a circle which has no periphery. It must exist in
a genuine circle, its individual environment. It has freedom to experience and accomplish that
which is proper to it, to do that which it can do, and to be satised. It is in this freedom that it is
preserved by God ().
But the fact that this negative aspect of our existence places us on the
frontier of das Nichtige, and makes us peculiarly open to its incursions,
by no means implies that this negative aspect is to be identied with the
actual incursions of das Nichtige.
To confuse the negative aspect of human existence with evil is, for one
thing, an insult to Creator and creature. Since Gods Word became esh,
He Himself has acknowledged that the distinct reality of the world created by Him is in both its forms, with its Yes and its No, that of the world
which He willed. In the knowledge of Jesus Christ we must abandon
the obvious prejudice against the negative aspect of creation and confess
that God has planned and made all things well, even on the negative side.
In the knowledge of Jesus Christ it is inadmissible to seek nothingness
here ().
But in this confusion an error is also made in relation to nothingness itself.
Being sought where he is not to be found, the enemy goes unrecognised. Being
understood as a side or aspect or distinctive form of creation, nothingness is
brought into a positive relationship with Gods will and work. Its nature and
existence are attributed to God, to His will and responsibility, and the menacing
and corruption of creation by das Nichtige are understood as His intention and
act and therefore as a necessary and tolerable part of creaturely existence. We
cannot really fear and loathe nothingness. We cannot consider and treat it as a
real enemy. ()
Barth on evil
fundamental point Barth wishes to make here is that the negativity that
constitutes evil in all its forms can be identied only if God is brought
into the picture. Unless we bring God in, well miss its nature. There
is at work in reality a power, a dynamic, toward the negating of Gods
purposes and desires, which in turn God negates. Evil is that. Evil is not
just a factor the factor, say, of things going amiss with respect to Gods
purposes and desires. Evil is the dynamic toward the frustrating of those
purposes and desires. The dynamic toward the negating of those purposes
and desires. A power of negating Gods will that in turn God negates. So
as to distinguish it from all those forms of negativity of which we have
already taken note from non-being, from that which is not, from negations, from the negative aspects of creaturely life Barth chooses to call
it nothingness, das Nichtige. The choice is not arbitrary; he thinks that
this is what Heidegger and Sartre had their eye on when they spoke of
An obvious question is whether its right to identify this dynamic
toward the active negating of Gods purposes and desires, with that ontological menace of which we spoke earlier, and which Barth also called das
Nichtige. Isnt Barth using das Nichtige equivocally?
There is indeed a dierence that must not be overlooked. The menacing tendency of creation to sink back into non-existence is averted by
God. Were God not to avert that menace, the evil of all evils would
take place, viz., the disappearance of creation, thus negating Gods
purposes and desires in the most fundamental way possible. In fact,
however, ontological menace does not become ontological catastrophe.
Gods negating of the negating power that is ontological menace takes
the form of preventing that power from being actualized. The creation
still exists. God providentially preserves it. By contrast, the menace that
is das Nichtige in its other form is not averted. Evil occurs. In this case,
Gods negating of the negating power takes the form of opposing its
Yet there remains something of importance common to ontological
menace, on the one hand, and to that negating of Gods purposes and
desires that is evil, on the other hand: both are dynamics, powers, present
in the created order, which menace Gods will. It is that shared character of menacing dynamic that requires us to see these two phenomena
together, and entitles us to call them both das Nichtige. In one of das
Nichtige s two major forms, the menacing dynamic is averted before being
actualized; in the other, the menacing dynamic is actualized before being
Barth on evil
that of earthly, for they are neither the one nor the other. They are not divine but
non-divine and anti-divine. On the other hand, God has not created them, and
therefore they are not creaturely. This is all to be said of demons as of nothingness. They are not dierent from the latter. They do not stand apart. They
derive from it. They themselves are always nothingness. They are nothingness in
its dynamic, to the extent that it has form and power and movement and activity. This is how Holy Scripture understands this alien element. ()
In pp. , Barth strongly suggests that our wish, as theoreticians, to locate das Nichtige ontologically, thus to assign to it its proper place in an ontological system, represents a victory for das
Nichtige. Instead of opposing it with tooth and fang as that which does not t into Gods creation, as that which menaces creation, we try to show how it does t in. Let us only integrate the
devil and the kingdom of demons and evil into the same system in which elsewhere and according to their dierent character we also treat of God and Christ and true man and the angels! Let
us only do this kingdom the honour of taking it seriously in this sense! Nothing could suit
it better than to nd a sure place in the philosophical outlook of man or the world of human
thought, securing recognition as a serious co-worker and opponent of God and man (). I nd
this unconvincing!
Barth on evil
the essence, of evil. Likewise, we know why there is something that has
this essence. And in a certain way we even know, as we shall see shortly,
why the menace to the creature is not averted in the case of evil, whereas,
by contrast, it is averted in the case of ontological menace. What we do
not know is the ontology of evil other than that it is a power; we dont
understand what sort of being it is that is neither Creator nor creature, yet
brought about by the Creator.
Though its been implicit in whats been said, theres one point worth
highlighting before we leave this part of our topic. That which constitutes the essence of das Nichtige is the very same thing that gives to it its
character of evil. For what is fundamentally denitive of evil, from the
Christian standpoint, is resistance to grace; and such resistance, as we
have seen, is the essence of das Nichtige.
What God positively wills and performs in the opus proprium of His election,
of His creation, of His preservation and overruling rule of the creature is
His grace. What God does not will and therefore negates and rejects, what
can thus be only the object of His opus alienum, of his jealousy, wrath and
judgment, is a being that refuses and resists and therefore lacks His grace. This
being which is alien and adverse to grace and therefore without it, is that of
das Nichtige and this is evil in the Christian sense, namely, what is alien and
adverse to grace, and therefore without it. For it is Gods honour and right to
be gracious, and this is what das Nichtige contests. It is also the salvation and
right of the creature to receive and live by the grace of God, and this is what it
disturbs and obstructs. ()
One of the forms assumed by das Nichtige s incursions into the created
order is sin. The point of saying this is that though sin is mans own act,
achievement, and guilt (), its more than that. Its something under
which we suer in a way which is sometimes palpable but sometimes we
can only sense and sometimes is closely hidden. In Holy Scripture, while
mans full responsibility for its commission is maintained, even sin itself
is described as his surrender to the alien power of an adversary. He is
led astray and harms himself, or rather lets himself be harmed. He is not
merely a thief but one who has himself fallen among thieves (). From
Cf. : The reality of nothingness is not seen sharply enough, even in its concrete form
as sin, if sin is understood only generally as aberration from God and disobedience to His will.
Th is is true enough, but we cannot stop at this generalization. Otherwise we might escape
and extricate ourselves with the assertion that we are men, creatures, and not God, and that
this we can infer that Barth would dismiss as woefully inadequate any
attempt to account for evil by locating it in free will wrongly used, coupled with the overriding value God attaches, in creation and providence,
to free will however used, rightly or wrongly. The sinful exercise of free
will is to be understood as not only an action of the agent, but also as
submission to the power of das Nichtige.
Barth insists, emphatically, that sin is not the only concrete form of
das Nichtige in its persona of evil. Das Nichtige also manifests itself in all
that exhibits and tends toward what he regularly calls evil and death,
meaning by evil not the ills which are inseparably bound up with
creaturely existence in virtue of the negative aspect of creation, but evil
as something wholly anomalous which threatens and imperils this existence; and meaning by death not dying as the natural termination of
life, but death as the total opposite of human ourishing, namely, the
ultimate irruption and triumph of that alien power which annihilates
creaturely existence and thus discredits and disclaims the Creator ().
Das Nichtige aims at the comprehensive negation of the creature and its
nature (). And it is absolutely essential that it be seen in its form
of evil and death, as well as in its form of sin, if we are to understand
what is at issue and to what we refer [I]n the incarnation God exposed
Himself to nothingness in order to repel and defeat it. He did so in
order to destroy the destroyer. The Gospel records of the miracles and acts
of Jesus are not just formal proofs of His Messiahship but as such, they
are objective manifestations of His character as the Conqueror not only
of sin but also of evil and death, as the Destroyer of the destroyer, as the
Saviour in the most inclusive sense ().
therefore our aberration from God, and to that extent our disobedience, and therefore sin and
nothingness, are basically no more than our essential and natural imperfection in contrast
with His perfection. In sin as the concrete form of nothingness we should then be dealing
again with merely the negative aspect of creation. Sin is not only the creatures act of disobedience, but also the creatures submission to das Nichtige hence, the concrete form of das
Nichtiges opposition to God.
Cf. p. : not death as a natural limitation but eternal death, the enemy and annihilator of life.
And p. : The New Testament says that [Christ] suered death for the forgiveness of the sins
of many, but it also says, and the two statements must not be dissociated, that He did so in order
to take away the power of death, real death, death as the condemnation and destruction of the
creature, death as the oender against God and the last enemy.
Barth adds that It is a serious matter that all the Western as opposed to Eastern Church has
invariably succeeded in minimising and devaluating, and still does so today, this New Testament
emphasis. And Protestantism especially has always been far too moralistic and spiritualistic
Barth on evil
I think there can be no doubt that in his account of evil at least in that
part of it that we have seen thus far Barth satises the requirement he
set for himself of honoring the holiness of God. To das Nichtige in general, and to das Nichtige in its persona of evil, in particular that is, to
das Nichtige as manifested in sins, evils, and eternal death God unrelentingly and unwaveringly says No. The essence of evil is that it is that
to which God says No; and there really are things to which God says No,
namely, sins, evils, and eternal death. Barth wants nothing to do with
any of the multitude of theories which say that those phenomena that he,
Barth, identies as sins and evils are not really evil but merely negative
aspects of human existence like the dissonances in a Bach fugue that,
if heard all by themselves, are repulsive, but that, when heard within the
context of the whole, are seen to contribute indispensably to the goodness
of the whole. Its not the case that reality is good through and through.
There is evil in it: that which is in opposition to God and to which God is
therefore in opposition. God does not survey the whole with blissful satisfaction, nding nothing to which God wishes to say No. God is angry,
wrathful. Barths metaphors for God are the metaphors of one engaged
in combat, not the metaphors of one engaged in blissful contemplation.
Battleeld, not art museum. Rather than being a majestic, passive and
beatic God on high, God is the Adversary of this adversary ().
But what about the other requirement, of honoring the omnipotence of
God? If things arent going as God wants, if reality is laced through with
that to which God says No, isnt God radically lacking in power? Not at
all, says Barth. The issue is not whether God is omnipotent, but of the
form that omnipotence takes. Gods omnipotence is not that of one who
nds nothing to which to say No, no menace and no incursion; its that
of one who wins the battle against that to which he says No. Das Nichtige
has no perpetuity. God not only has perpetuity, but is Himself the basis,
essence and sum of all being. And for all its niteness and mutability even
His creature has perpetuity the perpetuity which he wills to grant it
in fellowship with Himself, and which cannot be lacking in this fellowship but is given it to all eternity. Nothingness, however, is not created by
God, nor is there any covenant with it. Hence it has no perpetuity ().
It is broken, judged, refuted and destroyed at the central point, in the
mighty act of salvation accomplished in Jesus Christ ().
In this is to be seen the incredible and real mystery of the free grace
of God, that He makes His own the cause of the creature (). There
was no necessity in this, Barth insists. God might have been content
with the fact that in creating and preserving he overcomes the ontological menace of das Nichtige, separated, negated, rejected and abandoned
it (). He might have declared that such inroads as das Nichtige makes
within creation are the business of the creature. Gods own battle, against
the tendency of creation to slide back into non-existence, is won; let the
creature now take over. He might have remained aloof and detached,
a majestic, passive and beatic God on high (). In fact God did not.
God did not because:
having created the creature, He has pledged His faithfulness to it. That is to
say, He whom nothingness has no power to oend is prepared on behalf of His
creature to be primarily and properly oended and humiliated, attacked and
injured by nothingness. Though Adam is fallen and disgraced, he is not too
low for God to make Himself his Brother, and to be for him a God who must
strangely contend for his status, honour and right. For the sake of this Adam
God becomes poor. He lets a catastrophe which might be quite remote from
Him approach Him and aect His very heart. He does this of His free grace.
For He is under no compulsion. He might act as the erroneous view postulates [B]ut He descends to the depths, and concerns Himself with nothingness, because in His goodness He does not will to cease to be concerned for His
creature. He would rather be unblest with His creature than be the blessed
God of an unblest creature. He actually becomes a creature, and thus makes
the cause of the creature His own in the most concrete reality and not just in
appearance, really taking its place. ()
Barth adds that there are few heresies so pernicious as that of a God
who faces nothingness more or less unaected and unconcerned, and the
parallel doctrine of man as one who must engage in independent conict
against it ().
Barth concedes that the defeat of das Nichtige achieved in the mighty
act of salvation accomplished in Jesus Christ is not yet visible or recognisable (). The nal revelation of its destruction has not yet taken
place and all creation must still await and expect it (). In faith we
know, says Barth, that it is now objectively defeated as such in Jesus
Christ. It cannot be doubted (). But its not evident. The blindness
of our eyes and the cover which is still over us [obscures] the prospect of
the kingdom of God already established as the only kingdom undisputed
by evil ().
These words suggest that now, after the death and resurrection of
Jesus, it only appears that theres evil; there isnt really. But that cant be
Barths meaning; for theres nothing more fundamental to his account
Barth on evil
of evil than his insistence that there really is evil in the world. What he
has to mean is the following: once upon a time there was reason to think
that the dominion of the powers of darkness was perhaps equal, or even
superior, to that of God. However, in the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ, God has defeated the powers; accordingly, therein it is manifest
that their dominion is not, and was not, equal to Gods. All along it was
only a semblance of validity (), that is, a semblance of dominion
equal or superior to Gods. Nonetheless, though the powers of darkness
were defeated in Jesus Christ, and their dominion therein displayed as
inferior, the incursion of those powers is not yet over. So much is this the
case, that to our ordinary secular eyes theres about as much reason as
ever to wonder whether perhaps the powers of darkness are not equal or
even superior to those of God. Its not evident that das Nichtige lost the
battle. That, so I suggest, is what Barth has in mind.
Theres an obvious question: Why, if das Nichtige lost the battle, do its
incursions continue? If das Nichtige has been defeated, then it can have
even its semblance of validity only under the decree of God. What it now
is and does, it can be and do only in the hand of God (). So why do
its incursions continue?
Barths answer is that there is a legitimate place here for a favourite
concept of the older dogmatics that of permission. God still permits
His kingdom not to be seen by us, and to that extent He still permits
us to be a prey to nothingness (). And indeed, what else could Barth
say at this point? But is permission of evil compatible with the holiness
of God? Hasnt Barth, at the end of the day, failed to satisfy one of the
conditions he set for himself, that in his account of evil he fully honor the
holiness of God? Can a holy God permit evil?
The answer is surely that introducing permission of this sort at this
point does not, so far forth, compromise the holiness of God. Sins and
evils remain evil; they are not reconceived as negative aspects. The reason is that, in general, one may permit something to happen that one
could prevent while nonetheless disapproving of it, desiring that it not
happen. Ones reason for permitting it might be of many dierent sorts;
but if its to be a morally acceptable reason, it will have to be of the form
that one (non-culpably) believed that preventing the evil would not secure
a greater good, overall, than permitting it. Which implies that ones permission occurs within the context of being in control of the situation.
Clearly its along these lines that Barth is thinking. God thinks it good
that we should exist as if He had not yet mastered [das Nichtige] ().
The truth is that the incursions of das Nichtige are now, strangely, an
instrument of [Gods] will and action (). Even though das Nichtige
does not will to do so it is forced to serve [God], to serve His Word and work,
the honour of His Son, the proclamation of the Gospel, the faith of the community, and therefore the way which He Himself wills to go within and with
His creation until its day is done. The defeated, captured and mastered enemy of
God has as such become His servant. Good care is taken that he should always
show himself a strange servant. Yet it is even more important to reect that
good care is taken by this One that even nothingness should be one of the things
of which it is said that they must work together for good to them that love Him.
What does Barth mean? Does he mean that when the battle is over, das
Nichtige itself will have disappeared, so that there is no longer any menace to the creature, neither ontological nor existential? Or does he mean
that though the menace of both sorts will remain, the menace will be no
more than menace? No longer will there be an incursion of das Nichtige
into the life of the creature? No longer will there be evil sins, evils, and
death? Does he mean that just as ontological menace has always been stymied, existential menace will be stymied as well?
Th is is the strangeness that Barth had in mind when, in a passage quoted earlier, from the beginning of the section on God and Nothingness, he said that there is amongst the objects of Gods
providence an alien factor. It cannot escape Gods providence but is comprehended by it. The
manner, however, in which this is done is highly peculiar in accordance with the particular
nature of this factor ().
Barth on evil
Him the past is future, and both past and future are present. And one day
to speak in temporal terms when the totality of everything that was and is and
will be will only have been, then in the totality of its temporal duration it will
still be open and present to Him, and therefore preserved: eternally preserved.
Everything will be present to Him exactly as it was or is or will be, in all its reality, in the whole temporal course of its activity, in its strength or weakness, in
its majesty or meanness. He will not allow anything to perish, but will hold it in
the hollow of His hand as He has always done, and does and will. He will allow
it to partake of His own eternal life. And in this way the creature will continue
to be, in its limitation, even in its limited temporal duration. In all the unrest
of its being in time it will be enfolded by the rest of God, and in Him it will
itself be at rest, just as even now in all its unrest it is hidden and can be at rest in
the rest of God. This is the eternal preservation of God. ()
Karl Barths discussion of evil is extraordinarily rich, insightful, imaginative, and provocative lled with observations and emphases that the
Christian philosopher ought to take seriously. I think, to cite just a few
examples, of his observations concerning what I have called ontological
menace, of his insistence that the negative aspects of our existence are
not to be regarded as evil, of his insistence that sin, while certainly the act
of the person who sins, is also submission to an alien power, of his insistence that the nature of evil is determined by its negative relation to Gods
desires and purposes, of his insistence that God does not survey creation
with unalloyed bliss but is engaged in combat as one who is wounded
and wrathful, of his insistence that Gods omnipotence is to be located in
Gods winning the battle against menace and evil rather than in everything happening as God wishes, and, most fundamentally, of his insistence that evil is a power a nullifying, negating, nihilating power. These
particular points all seem to me true as well as important.
Along the way in my presentation of Barths thought I have made some
critical comments; just now I have expressed agreement on several fundamental points. This is the merest beginning of the critical engagement
that Barths thought merits. On this occasion it is impossible to do more,
however. In closing, let me merely call attention to the fundamental
structure of Barths account of evil, and contrast his account with some of
the major options present in the philosophical tradition.
I judge that the most fundamental points at which Barths account
diers from most of the philosophical accounts of evil is in the insistence
Barth on evil
that evil is a power, in the insistence that the negative aspects of our constitution and situation are not evil, in the insistence that evil can accordingly not be identied by reference to such negative aspects, and in the
insistence that God is wounded and angered by much of what transpires
in creation. On that last point, Barth diers not only from most of the
philosophical tradition, but from much if not most of the theological tradition as well; perhaps that is also true for the second and third points.
Barth himself discusses (), in some detail, his disagreements on
these points with the great and mighty Leibniz, and in great detail
his disagreements with Schleiermacher (while also vigorously defending
Schleiermacher against a number of misguided objections).
The traditional account to which Barths account comes closest is the
free will account that is, the account which says that evil is due to the
free agency of human and angelic/demonic persons. Barth, of course,
rejects this account. He holds that human sin must be understood, in
part, as submission to an alien, God-defying power; and he holds that that
power cannot be identied with any creature whatsoever. Nonetheless,
both accounts hold that God is genuinely displeased by what transpires
in the world; theres genuine evil. Furthermore, its open to those who
embrace the free will account to join with Barth in saying that God is
wounded and angered by what transpires in creation. The free will account
joins Barths in resisting the temptation to eliminate genuine evil by
treating sins and evils as negative aspects of our nature and situation, all
of these sins and evils together making an indispensable contribution to
the greater good, thus grounding Gods unalloyed bliss.
Barths strategy for resisting the lure of the negative-aspects account
can be seen as consisting of three moves. The rst of these is his claim
that creation without ontological menace is impossible, coupled with
his claim that Gods desire for fellowship with the creature and for the
creatures ourishing unavoidably brings about ontological menace;
only the eventual incorporation of creation into the eternal life of God
can remove this menace. Second, Barth assumes, without ever, so far
as I have noticed, making a point of the matter, that the ontological
menace is of such a character that Gods only option for dealing with
it was to overcome it after it was actualized, rather than to stymie it.
And third, God for Gods own good reasons now permits the ontological menace to continue its incursions, these good reasons consisting, at
least in part, in the fact that evil itself is now forced to contribute to the
good of the creature.
In the free will account there is nothing like the rst two of these
moves. At the point of the third move, however, there is close resemblance. The free will account is fundamentally a trade-o account. God
decided to trade o the situation of no evil coupled with no free agents,
for the greater overall good of free agency, human and cosmic, coupled
with the evil of their sins and ensuing evils. If, for each situation in which
a given agent might nd itself, there is a fact of the matter as to what
that agent would freely choose in that situation, and if God foreknew all
these facts, then God knew in advance the details of the trade-o God
was making at creation. If there are no such facts, or if there are but God
did not know them at creation, then at creation God would have held
in reserve the option of calling the whole thing o should the point be
reached where the trade-o was no longer acceptable.
Barths third move, like the free will account as a whole, consists of
viewing God as making a trade-o. Having defeated das Nichtige at the
cross, God could have called to a halt its ingressions. But God did not,
for reasons that in their totality are known to God alone; God permits
das Nichtige to continue to work evil. The details of the trade-o are signicantly dierent from that of the free will account. In the Barthian
account it is das Nichtige that God permits to continue to work evil
das Nichtige being the uncreated power that, against but mysteriously on
account of Gods will, ineluctably accompanies creation and providence;
in the free will account, it is creatures possessing the power of free agency
who are permitted to continue to work evil. Furthermore, on the Barthian
account, the goods that ensue from permitting the power of evil to continue to work its evil ways are presumably diverse as already noted,
Barth makes no attempt to generalize; on the free will account, the good
in view is just one, viz., the great good of free agency. So the dierences
are signicant. Nonetheless, the nal move in Barths three-part strategy
is also a trade-o move: God trades the good of stopping das Nichtige in
its tracks for the greater overall good that ensues from permitting it to
continue its incursions for a while. Its hard to see how an account that
both honors Gods omnipotence and, by acknowledging that there genuinely is evil in the world, not just negative aspects, honors Gods holiness, could be anything other than, in part at least, a trade-o account.
The light shines in the darkness; and the darkness has not overcome it John
What does Jerusalem have to do with Athens, asked Tertullian in memorable, bitingly eloquent words:
the Church with the Academy, the Christian with the heretic? Our principles
come from the Porch of Solomon, who himself taught that the Lord is to be
sought in simplicity of heart. I have no use for a Stoic or a Platonic or a dialectic
[i.e., Aristotelian] Christianity. After Jesus Christ we have no need of speculation, after the Gospel, no need of research. Once we come to believe, we have
no desire to believe anything else; for the rst article of our faith is that there is
nothing else we have to believe.
There is danger confronting those Christians who set out to shatter the
arguments of the philosophers: they may themselves be seduced by those
arguments and become heretics. The danger cannot be avoided; some in
the community must oppose heresy by uncovering its roots in philosophy
and then attacking those. But to those who suggest that a training in philosophy should become a more or less standard part of the education of
Christians, Tertullians answer is unequivocal as indeed are most of his
answers to most of his questions! Addressing the soul, he says:
On the Soul , . Translated and edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, The Ante-Nicene
Fathers: Vol. III, Latin Christianity, Its Founder, Tertullian (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans,
I call you not as one formed in the schools, trained in the libraries, nourished in
the Attic academies and porticoes, belching forth wisdom. I address you simple,
unskilled, uncultured and untaught, as those are who have you and nothing
else; I address you as a person of the road, the square, the workshop, that alone. I
want your inexperience, since no one of small experience feels any condence. I
demand of you that you consult only the things you bring with you as a human
being, the things you know either from yourself or from your author, whoever
that may be.
The Souls Testimony, . Translated and edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, The Ante-Nicene
Fathers: Vol. III, Latin Christianity, Its Founder, Tertullian (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans,
Quoted from Joshua :. Prescriptions, .
There were those, Clement included, who were citing the New
Testament injunction, Seek and you shall nd, to justify the project
of becoming learned Christians. Tertullians answer is eloquently
The reasonable exegesis of this saying turns on three points: matter, time, and
limitation. As to matter, you are to consider what is to be sought; as to time,
when, and as to limitation, how far. What you must seek is what Christ taught,
and precisely as long as you have not found it, precisely until you do nd it.
And you found it when you came to believe. You would not have believed if you
had not found, just as you would not have sought except in order to nd. Since
nding was the object of your search, and belief the result of your nding, your
acceptance of the faith bars any prolonging of seeking and nding. The very success of your seeking has set up this limitation for you. Your boundary has been
marked out by him who would not have you believe, and so would not have you
seek, outside the limits of his teaching.
If we were bound to go on seeking as long as there is any possibility of nding, simply because so much has been taught by others as well, we would always
be seeking and never believing.
I have no patience with the man who is always seeking, for he will never nd.
He is seeking where there will be no nding. I have no patience with the man
who is always knocking, for the door will never be opened. He is knocking at an
empty house. I have no patience with the man who is always asking, for he will
never be heard. He is asking one who does not hear.
But even supposing that we ought to be seeking now and ever, where should
we seek? Among the heretics, where everything is strange and hostile to our
truth? Instruction and destruction never reach us from the same quarter.
Light and darkness never come from the same source. So let us seek in our own
territory, from our own friends and on our own business, and let us seek only
what can come into question without disloyalty to the Rule of Faith.
If we are to see the full pattern of Tertullians thought, we must understand the import of those nal cryptic words. With rhetoric of hammering force, Tertullian has been arguing that it is incoherent to suggest that
Christians should engage in seeking the truth. To be a Christian is to
accept the teachings of Scripture; in and by accepting those teachings,
one ends ones search for the truth. And as to the more specic suggestion
that, in seeking the truth, Christians should not neglect to look into the
pagan philosophers, Tertullians response is that this is not only incoherent, but altogether futile and muddle-headed.
It was not Tertullians position, however, that Christians are to refrain
from all forms of intellectual endeavor; he was not an exponent of bare
Ibid., .
Ibid., .
Stromata I, . Translated and edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
Vol. II: Fathers of the Second Century (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, ).
Stromata VI, .
verse , as the true light that enlightens every man, John goes on in verse
to say that Logos became esh and dwelt among us. The conclusion
Clement drew was that the very same Logos that became incarnate in
Jesus Christ is at work in all humanity, leading them toward truth. This
is how he puts the point in one passage: Into all human beings whatsoever, but especially those who are occupied with intellectual pursuits, a
certain divine euence has been instilled; wherefore, even if reluctantly,
they confess that God is one, indestructible, unbegotten, and that somewhere above in the tracts of heaven, in His own peculiar appropriate eminence, He has an existence true and eternal from whence He surveys all
things. There were those in Clements day who said that it was through
human understanding that philosophy was discovered by the Greeks.
Clement rebukes them: I nd the Scriptures saying that understanding
is sent by God.
One version of the supersessionist view would be that Christianity has
so far superseded its two main antecedents, Hebrew revelation and Greek
philosophy, that there is no longer any point in paying attention to those
superseded antecedents. That was not Clements version. Beyond a doubt
the teaching which is according to the Savior is complete in itself and
without defect, he says, being the power and wisdom of God; the addition of Greek philosophy does not make the truth more powerful. Or
to put it the other way round: the absence of Greek philosophy would not
render the perfect Word incomplete, it would not cause the Truth to perish. Nonetheless, the study of Greek philosophy remains of great utility
for Christians.
For one thing, it is useful for warding o heresy and sophistry. The
learned Christian can distinguish sophistry from philosophy rhetoric
from dialectics, and the various sects of barbarian philosophy from the
truth itself. How necessary, then, is it for him who desires to be partaker
of the power of God to treat of intellectual subjects by philosophizing!
The philosophically learned Christian, a man of much counsel, is like
the Lydian touchstone, which is believed to possess the power of distinguishing spurious from genuine gold. Alluding to the Tertullianists of
his day, Clement observes that:
some, who think themselves naturally gifted, do not wish to touch either philosophy or logic; nay more, they do not wish to learn natural science. They demand
Exhortation, VI. Translated and edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
Vol. II: Fathers of the Second Century (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, ).
Stromata, VI, . Ibid., I, . Ibid., .
bare faith alone, as if they wished, without bestowing any care on the vine, right
away to begin gathering clusters. [Tertullian, as we saw above, does not demand
bare faith alone of all Christians.] Now the Lord is guratively described as the
vine from which, accordingly to the word, we are to take pains to gather fruit
with the art of husbandry.
Ibid., .
Ibid., .
more clear, ample, and fundamental truths of the Gospel, into a larger
The reader will have discerned that the dispute between Clement and
Tertullian was multifaceted: a cluster of issues was under discussion, not
just one issue. From that cluster I can, on this occasion, pick out just one
for discussion one of the most important, however, namely, this: How
should Christians interpret pagan literature and philosophy? What should
be their goal and strategy of interpretation? Or more generally: How
should one interpret the textual tradition that one has inherited? Clement
espoused one goal and strategy, Tertullian, another. Neither party won
the debate in the second century; neither party has won the debate to
this day.
Though Clement believed rmly that, as the consequence of the activity of Logos, there is truth to be found in the Greek philosophers, he
did not deny that the truth to be found there is mingled with falsehood.
Neither did he deny indeed, he ardently armed that something
decisively new had taken place in world history when the Logos that
enlightens all who come into the world was eneshed in Jesus Christ.
Unlike every philosophy, be it Greek or barbarian, the teaching of Jesus
is complete in itself and without defect, being the power and wisdom of
God. Accordingly, when confronted with the teaching of some philosopher that contradicts the teaching of our Savior, the Christian does not
spend time mulling over which to accept. Everything incompatible with
the teaching of our Savior is in error; none of it is a fragment of the truth.
Clement was not Hegel born out of season. History is not a vast ongoing
series of supersessions, continuing until such time as Geist is fully manifested in the abstract thought of some philosopher. Though Christianity
supersedes both Hebrew revelation and Greek philosophy, nothing will
supersede Christianity. Our Savior did not teach us the whole of truth; he
did teach us nothing but truth; there was no falsehood mingled in. And
the truth he taught us is the most important truth, taught with a clarity never to be superseded in this present existence. The teaching of our
Savior is thus a touchstone for the Christian interpreter.
Just as Clement did not deny that the truth to be found in the Greek
philosophers is mingled with abundant error, and either of secondary
importance or lacking in full clarity, so too he did not deny that the
Greek philosophers, unlike our Savior, exhibited a multitude of vices. The
most fundamental of their vices was that they were, in Clements words,
Ibid., .
thieves and robbers. Echoing the then-current view that the Greek
philosophers had somehow gained direct access to Hebrew prophecy,
Clement says that before the coming of the Lord they received fragments
of the truth from the Hebrew prophets, though admittedly not with
full knowledge, and they claimed these as their own teachings, disguising some points, and treating others sophistically by their ingenuity.
Nonetheless, Clement insists that sentence of condemnation is not ignorantly to be pronounced against what is said on account of him who says it
(a point also to be kept in view in the case of those who are now alleged
to prophesy); rather, what is said must be scrutinized to see if it conforms
to the truth.
There is, thus, a denite sobriety about the Christian intellectual of
Clementine persuasion as he interprets the Greek philosophers. He does
not place them on a pedestal; he recognizes their moral failings. He does
not idolize them as the fount of all and only wisdom and clarity; he recognizes that such truth as they grasped is either of secondary importance
or but a hazy and hesitant apprehension of what our Savior taught us.
Nonetheless, theres truth in the Greek philosophers truth even about
God. And the Christian intellectual interprets principally for that truth,
so as to incorporate it within a larger synthesis. The Christian interpreter
notes, for example, that because of the divine euence at work in the
Greek philosophers, they correctly teach, even if reluctantly, that God is
one, indestructible, unbegotten, and so forth.
Anybody who takes in hand Aquinas Summa Theologiae will at once
discern Clementine hermeneutics at work. Having posed a question for
example, Whether the Existence of God is Self-Evident? Aquinas
opens his treatment by citing objections to the answer for which he will
argue. These objections almost always are, or incorporate, citations from
the tradition. Having stated objections from the tradition to his thesis,
Aquinas then announces On the contrary, and as the introduction to
his own argumentation he cites a passage from the tradition that is on his
side in the dispute. Finally, after he has laid out his own argument for the
answer he prefers, he returns to the opening objections. Though on a few
occasions he pronounces an objection mistaken, almost always he instead
argues that what was cited as an objection need not be, and, indeed,
should not be, so interpreted. When appropriate clarications, qualications, and distinctions are made, what appeared to be an objection is seen
instead to be getting at an aspect of the full and complex truth.
Ibid., .
Stromata VI, .
Exhortation, VI.
The strategy, as I say, is clearly Clementine. Though there are indisputably errors in the textual tradition bequeathed to us, nonetheless the
bulk of that tradition presents to us a nely articulated apprehension of
the truth. And rather than dwelling on the errors, Aquinas regards his
interpretive task and challenge to be discerning that particular facet of
the truth that is presented by the text at hand, thereby showing how that
text properly interpreted ts together with other texts that might have
been supposed to contradict it. In thus interpreting the textual tradition,
Aquinas typies the medieval tradition in general; the medieval Western
tradition was dominantly Clementine in its interpretive practice.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, in our own day, has argued for recovering the
Clementine tradition though I am not aware of his anywhere calling
attention to the Clementine ancestry of the interpretive strategy that he
defends. (He does call attention to its medieval ancestry.) Confronted
with a text, the initial goal of the interpreter, so Gadamer argues, should
be to interpret so that what the text says on the subject (Sache) under discussion turns out true. Only if that goal is frustrated, only if there is no
reasonable way of interpreting the text so that it comes out true, should
we interpret for the opinion of the author on the subject under discussion.
The strategy of interpreting for authorial opinion is legitimate only as a
fall-back. Here is what Gadamer says in one passage:
Just as the recipient of a letter understands the news that it contains and rst sees
things with the eyes of the person who wrote the letter i.e., considers what he
writes as true, and is not trying to understand the writers peculiar opinions as
such so also do we understand traditionary texts on the basis of expectations
of meaning drawn from our own prior relation to the subject matter. And just
as we believe the news reported by a correspondent because he was present or is
better informed, so too are we fundamentally open to the possibility that the
writer of a transmitted text is better informed than we are, with our prior opinion. It is only when the attempt to accept what is said as true fails that we try to
understand the text, psychologically or historically, as anothers opinion.
My claim that the medievals, for the most part, practiced the Clementine
strategy of interpretation, combined with my description of Gadamer as
arguing for recovering the Clementine strategy, suggests that somewhere
Truth and Method , second revised edition, translated and edited by Joel Weinsheimer and
Donald G. Marshall (New York: Continuum, ), .
along the line the Clementine strategy went into decline. And so it did.
But before we get to that, let me return to the second century to characterize Tertullians alternative strategy of interpretation.
Contrary to what one might have expected, Tertullian did not deny
that there is truth to be found in the Greek philosophers. Its denitely
a concession on his part rather than an emphasis; and he doesnt do
anything with the concession. Yet there it is. In his Apology he says, for
We have already said that God fashioned this whole world by His word, His
reason, His power. Even your own philosophers agree that logos, that is, Word
and Reason, seems to be the maker of the universe. This logos Zeno denes as
the maker who formed everything according to a certain arrangement; the same
logos (he says) is called Destiny, God, the Mind of Jupiter, and the inevitable
Fate of all things. Cleanthes combines all these predicates into Spirit, which,
according to him, permeates the universe. Moreover, we, too, ascribe Spirit as its
proper substance to that Word, Reason, and Power by which, as we have said,
God made everything.
But if this is Tertullians conviction, why are disjunction and opposition the themes of his interpretive strategy? Why not, as with Clement,
supersession and incorporation?
Tertullian is less explicit on the matter than one would like.
Nonetheless, I think one can see how he was thinking. Whereas Clement
urged his readers to forget about the persons who are philosophers and
concentrate on extracting what is true from what they taught, Tertullian
had his eye on the very thing that Clement urged his readers to overlook
the particular philosophers themselves, and the distinctives of their patterns
of thought in which the particularities of their allegiances, convictions,
characters, and so forth get expressed.
When we have the full pattern of Platos thought in view or Aristotles,
or some Stoics and then compare it with the full pattern of the Rule
of Faith, what leaps out is di erence. Platos thought, in its distinctive
totality, is not a hazy and hesitant adumbration of what nally becomes
clear in the Christian Rule of Faith along with fragments of truth that
can nicely be synthesized with the Rule. Platos thought in its totality
has a contour of its own; it has its own integrity. Its not a patternless
assemblage of fragments. As such, his thought is not sub-Christian but
Apology, . Translated and edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, The Ante-Nicene Fathers: Vol.
III, Latin Christianity, Its Founder, Tertullian (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans,
Some might reply that the rst of each of these disjunctions is scarcely fair
and accurate as a description of all Greek philosophers not of Socrates,
for example. Maybe not. Nonetheless, says Tertullian, Who can know
truth without the help of God? Who can know God without Christ?
Who has ever discovered Christ without the Holy Spirit? And who has
ever received the Holy Spirit without the gift of faith? Socrates, as none
can doubt, was guided by a dierent spirit his daemon.
To most of us, the Clementine strategy of interpretation practiced by
the medievals seems very strange. And not only strange. It seems to us
that the integrity of author and text are violated when one interprets with
Apology, .
On the Soul , .
the aim of tting all texts together into some grand synthesis. Aristotle
was not just supplementing Plato; Nietzsche was not just complementing Pascal. Each was a unique person working out a unique pattern of
thought and expression. You and I relish the inscapes of each of those
unique patterns of thought and expression, and the dierences among
those inscapes. So much is this the case that it has become common practice in this century even to resist trying to interpret the various texts of
a single author so that they constitute a unity indeed, to resist trying to
interpret single texts of an author so that they constitute a unity. Where
once upon a time interpreters unquestioningly accepted the challenge to
show how the various Aristotelian texts t together, Werner Jaeger taught
us instead to acknowledge dissonance within the Aristotelian corpus, the
explanation oered being that Aristotles texts, written across the span of
his career, represent stages in his struggle to free himself from the intellectual grip of Plato. And where once upon a time interpreters struggled
mightily to extract a unied teaching from Kants First Critique, Norman
Kemp-Smith taught us instead to acknowledge dissonance within the
First Critique, the explanation oered being that the Critique was written
across a twenty-year stretch of time during which Kant was struggling
to break free from his earlier metaphysical way of thinking into his new
critical way of thinking.
Before the rise of deconstruction, in which Tertullianist interpretation
goes berserk, it was, however, in biblical interpretation that one saw the
Tertullianist strategy followed most relentlessly. Once upon a time the
Bible was regarded as one book, containing a unied, inexhaustibly rich
body of teaching. Then it came to be seen not as Gods one book but as
an anthology of sixty-six human books give or take a few depending
on ones preferred canon. Not long thereafter, many of the books came
in turn to be regarded as anthologies: deutero-Isaiah, trito-Isaiah, and
so forth. And then these sub-anthologies came in turn to be regarded
as anthologies of pericopes. An anthology of anthologies of anthologies,
along with the traces of fumbling editorial eorts to blend these anthologies together.
I judge the Reformation to have been the principal, though certainly not
the only, cause of the decline of Clementine, and the rise of Tertullianist,
interpretation. The Reformers no longer regarded the texts they inherited,
excepting a few unalleviatedly heretical texts, as all together embodying
a nely articulated, highly complex body of truth, it being the task and
challenge of the interpreter to extract that truth by drawing the right distinctions, making explicit the tacit qualications, properly disambiguating
rule of trying to have the text turn out true on the matter under consideration. In this respect, Gadamer is closer to the medievals than
the medievals were to Clement. Both Clement and Gadamer advocate
what I called the Clementine strategy of interpretation. Neither is
much interested in what Gadamer calls the particular opinions of
authors; both interpret for truth. But their ways of getting there are
very dierent; they represent dierent versions of the Clementine strategy. Clement, to say it again, rst interprets for what is said and then
looks for truth therein, Gadamer interprets so as to have it come out true
and judges that to be whats said.
On this point there is full agreement between Clement and Tertullian;
and I, in turn, agree with them. One can interpret a text with the aim in
mind of having it come out true or, be it noted, with the aim in mind of
having it come out false, or boring, or interesting, or shocking, or bland,
or disunited, or aesthetically satisfying or whatever. Instead of construing a sentence literally, on which interpretation it may be bland, one can
construe it metaphorically, on which interpretation it may be arresting;
instead of construing it ironically, on which interpretation it may express
an important truth, one can construe it literally, on which interpretation
it may express a silly falsehood. And so forth. One can do this. But to
interpret thus is to ignore the fact that texts are engagements among persons, in which one person performs an act of discourse and another tries
to discern what act that was and to respond appropriately. If one insists
on never doing anything else with texts other than use them as occasions
for engaging in ones own play of interpretation, on never using them
to engage another human being over what she said, then one is so it
seems to me in a profound way dishonoring that other human being. I
insult you if, whenever you say something to me, I subject your words to a
play of interpretation rather than attempting to discern what you said and
responding appropriately.
It may be said that one scarcely dishonors the person if one engages in
Gadamerian interpretation that is, engages in a play of interpretation
with the goal in mind of having the words come out true. Isnt this, on
the contrary, the most respectful of all modes of interpretation more
respectful than if I interpret for what you said, for your opinion, which,
after all, may or may not be true? I think not. You interpret my speech
so as to have it come out true, and you succeed in that. But the truth
that emerges is not what I said; its not what I meant, not what I had in
mind. Is that to respect me? I fail to see that it is. Its to display your own
ingenuity as interpreter.
In short, I am a rm advocate of the priority of what I call authorialdiscourse interpretation. I concede the propriety on occasion of what I
call performance interpretation that is, interpretation of a text so as
to have it come out true, or unied, or rife with aporia, or whatever. But
authorial-discourse interpretation ought to have priority, as I describe
more fully in my own Divine Discourse. To which its worth adding that
those who advocate performance interpretation regularly question interpretations of their own texts by insisting that interpreters have not grasped
what they said.
So suppose we interpret texts for what the author or editor said, rather
than so as to have them come out some way that we prefer. Should we
who are Christians, when interpreting the texts of non-Christians, interpret so as to discern, and then appropriate, whats true in what is said,
perhaps taking note along the way of errors, or should we interpret so as
to grasp the particular contour of that persons thought, then noting its
dierence from the contour of Christian thought? Should we read Plato
for whats true and to be appropriated from Plato, or for the distinct and
alien contours of his thought?
My answer is: we should do both. Neither by itself is sucient.
The rst part of my reason is that there is both truth in what Plato
thought, and a particular contour to his thought distinct from that of the
Christian Gospel. Both are there, awaiting the interpreters discovery.
The foundation of Clements practice was his insistence that truth
is not the exclusive possession of Christians not even truth about
God. Nobody is entirely blind to reality; most (maybe all) are not even
blind to the reality of God. The Christian will no doubt feel that the
non-Christians apprehension of God is for the most part decient in
one way and another, and to one degree or another. She will not not
usually, anyway nd herself learning something about God that she
didnt already know, or that she couldnt have known by reading biblical
exegesis or Christian theology. But when it comes to other matters, she
will often nd herself genuinely learning things. I am myself hesitant
to embrace Clements explanation for all of this. Perhaps some of it is
rightly ascribed to the Logos of which John speaks. But I would say that
much of it is the outcome of the workings of the nature with which
we human beings are endowed: our perceptual, rational, introspective,
memorial nature. Either way, though, we are, of course, ultimately to
ascribe truth to God.
On the other hand, Tertullian put his nger on something that
Clement consistently overlooked or neglected. Platos thought has a
Then, the proof nished, Anselm again addresses God: I thank thee, gracious Lord, I thank thee; because what I formerly believed by thy bounty,
I now so understand by thine illumination, that if I were unwilling to
believe that thou dost exist, I should not be able not to understand this to
be true.
To my claim that Augustine sided with Tertullian, and against
Clement, on the positive goal of Christian learning, it might be replied
that Augustine emphasizes, as Tertullian did not and Clement did, the
Proslogion, . I use the edition translated by S. L. Deane (La Salle, IL: Open Court, ).
Proslogion, .
On Christian Doctrine, , . Translated by Philip Scha in The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers,
Vol. II (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, ).
and Gods creation. And yes, because of the faith and love that shape our
lives, the learning that emerges will have its own distinct Christian contour. This last is the qualication. Its a Tertullianist-Augustinian point;
not a point Clement makes.
But now to defend Tertullians favored goal: Tertullians strategy,
so I have argued, was to interpret for the distinctive contour of Platos
thought, so as to take note of how dierent that is from the contour of
Christian thought. (The reader will recognize, of course, that I am here
using Plato to stand in for the totality of non-Christian thinkers.) The
question before us now is this: Why interpret thus? Why not glean from
Plato such truth as is to be found there that is useful for ones own incorporationist purposes, and then move on? Why care about the contours of
Platos thought?
A bland answer comes to mind: this too is part of the reality that the
Christian intellectual is allowed to study. To this an aesthetic observation
might be added: its interesting. And a moral observation: if the Christian
is going to engage in that practice of our common humanity which is
scholarship, then he is thereby under obligation to honor his fellow participants by understanding as well as he can how they are thinking and
where, to put it colloquially, they are coming from.
All true, I do not doubt especially the last point. Its a point I make to
my students once a week, thereabouts. Thou must not bear false witness
against other scholars, be they ancient or contemporary. Thou must not
take cheap shots. Thou must not sit in judgment until thou hast done thy
best to understand. Thou must earn thy right to disagree. Thou must conduct thyself as if Plato or Augustine, Clement, or Tertullian, were sitting
across the table the point being that it is much more dicult (I do not
say impossible) to dishonor someone to his face.
Tertullians goal was dierent from all of these, however. The dierence represented opposition for Tertullian. It was to bring opposition to
light that Tertullian thought we should interpret for the distinct contours
of pagan thought and take note of how those dier from the contours
of Christian thought. Apples are dierent from oranges; but theyre not
in opposition. Tertullian saw Platonic thought as not just dierent from
Christian thought but also in opposition. Human culture, whatever else
it may be, is a conict of religious visions and loyalties, a struggle over
God and the good, a contest for allegiance. And Tertullian believed with
all his heart that for the health and delity of the Christian community,
that struggle has to be engaged by its scholars and intellectuals. There are
a thousand and one things going on that threaten to distract and lead
astray those who follow Christ. Its the responsibility of the scholars and
intellectuals of the community to dig beneath the clutter so as to spy the
fundamental dynamics at work. Typically those fundamental dynamics
prove to be powerful, comprehensive systems of thought at work philosophies. I would myself add that they may instead prove to be patterns
of social organization that are only in part the application of the ideas of
intellectuals. Be that as it may, however: it is then the responsibility of the
scholars and intellectuals of the community to take the measure of those
philosophies and join combat.
This, if I understand him at all, is what Tertullian was saying. And I
agree. Culture is a struggle for allegiance. Christian learning must accordingly be Tertullianist learning. Tertullianist as well as Clementine
Clementine as well as Tertullianist.
The question that Christian scholars and intellectuals can never be nished with pondering is how to speak and act with Christian integrity
within that practice of our common humanity that is scholarship and
learning. We do not, or should not, go o into our own corner to think;
we participate in the practice of our common humanity. But we are not
under the illusion that it is possible to participate in that practice as
generic human beings; accordingly, we struggle to participate there with
Christian integrity.
If nothing else, I trust my discussion has made clear that we are not
the rst generation to have thought about this question. Our forebears
in the second century were already discussing it with a profundity both
provocative and instructive. To forget or ignore their contribution would
not only be to shortchange ourselves, but also to dishonor them.
Adams, Marilyn McCord. William of Ockham, vols. Notre Dame, IN: Notre
Dame University Press, .
Alston, William P. Aquinas on Theological Predication: A Look Backward and
a Look Forward. In Eleonore Stump, ed., Reasoned Faith: Essays in Honor
of Norman Kretzmann. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, .
Can We Speak Literally of God? In Divine Nature and Human Language.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, .
Divine Nature and Human Language. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,
Functionalism and Theological Language. In Divine Nature and Human
Language. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, .
Irreducible Metaphors in Theology. In Divine Nature and Human Language.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, .
Perceiving God. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, .
Referring to God. In Divine Nature and Human Language. Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press, .
Some Suggestions for Divine Command Theorists. In Divine Nature and
Human Language. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, .
Anselm, St. Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works. Translated and edited by
Brian Davies and G. R. Evans. Oxford University Press, .
Basic Writings. Translated by S. N. Deane. La Salle, IL: Open Court, .
Aquinas, Thomas. Summa contra Gentiles. Translated by the English Dominicans.
New York: Benzinger Brothers, .
Summa contra Gentiles. Translated and edited by Anton C. Pegis. Notre Dame,
IN: Notre Dame University Press, .
Summa Theologiae. Translated by the English Dominicans. New
York: Benzinger Brothers, .
Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. University of Chicago Press, .
Armstrong, A. H. Platonic Eros and Christian Agape. In Plotinian and
Christian Studies. London: Variorum Reprints, .
Augustine. Confessions. Translated by R. S. Pine-Con. Harmondsworth,
Middlesex: Penguin Books, .
Adams, Marilyn,
Alston, William, P., ,
diculties with his account of Aquinas on
speech about God,
his account of metaphor,
his account of ways in which terms can be
used to speak of God,
his interpretation of Aquinas on speech
about God,
on literal speech about God,
on literal use of terms,
on the res signicata/modus signicandi
ontology he attributes to Aquinas, ,
puzzle posed by his interpretation of
analytic philosophy, , ,
rejection of Kantianism,
the identity thereof,
the role of metaphysics within,
See also philosophy of religion
Anselm, , ,
argument for Gods timelessness, ,
compared with Meinong,
on faith seeking understanding,
on Gods passibility,
on the ontological argument,
response to Gaunilo: see Gaunilo
about God-talk,
Arendt, Hannah,
Armstrong, A. H.,
on eros,
Aristotelian ontology,
See also Aquinas, Thomas, use of constituentstyle ontology
aseity, , , , ,
See also Aquinas, Thomas, on Gods
unconditionedness; Plantinga, Alvin,
on Gods aseity
Aquinas, , ,
consequences of his ontology for speech
about God,
doctrine of analogy,
explanation for why God does not sorrow,
on Gods love, ,
on Gods passions, , , , ,
Augustine (cont.)
his challenge to Stoic account of emotion,
Casteneda, Hector,
Christian scholarship,
its relation to non-Christian scholarship,
See also Clement of Alexandria; Anselm,
on faith seeking understanding;
Aquinas, Thomas, his approach to
Greek philosophy; Augustine, on faith
seeking understanding; Tertullian
dierent types,
Cullmann, Oscar,
Cuneo, Terence,
Clement of Alexandria,
his account of Christian scholarship,
Divine Discourse, , , , , , , , ,
divine ideas,
divine simplicity, , ,
compatibility with other theistic doctrines,
See also Kant, on evil; soul-making theodicy;
Barth, Karl, on evil; Aquinas, Thomas,
on Gods knowledge of evil; Augustine,
on Gods knowledge of evil
as both a species and individuals,
connection with design plan, ,
its connection with the systems of suering
and delight,
opposite of death, ; see also Barth, Karl,
on death
classical, , ,
Christianitys conception of,
Frege, Gottlob,
on sense and reference,
See also Dummett, Michael
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, ,
dilemma presented to Anselm,
his interpretation of Anselms argument,
on conceiving, ,
on the knowledge/understanding (cogitare/
intelligere) distinction,
on Gods unknowability,
summary of his major objection to Anselm,
Kant (cont.)
on Summum Bonum, ,
strategy for interpreting scripture,
use of image of boundary, , ,
Kemp-Smith, Norman,
Kneale, William,
Kretzmann, Norman,
on divine simplicity,
on omniscience and immutability,
on divine passibility,
Lament for a Son,
Lewis, David,
liturgical practices,
Locke, John, ,
and the evidentialist challenge,
his account of reason,
logical positivism, ,
Long, A. A.,
Maimonides, ,
Mann, William
on divine simplicity, ,
McCabe, Herbert, , ,
McTaggart, J. M. E.,
Meinong, Alexius,
See also Anselm, compared with Meinong
Mellor, D. H.,
metaphysical realism, ,
Moltmann, Jurgen,
Moore, G. E., ,
Morris, Thomas,
on divine simplicity,
natural theology,
medieval conception of,
constituent v. relational,
on Gods passibility,
Paley, William,
Stoic conception of,
See also Aquinas, Thomas, on passions;
John of Damascus
perspectival particularism,
philosophical theology, , , ,
within the analytic tradition, ,
philosophy of religion,
role of epistemology within,
adverbial account of, ,
See also ourishing
aligning ourselves with Gods,
deriving joy from,
distinct from grief,
Swinburne, Richard,
temporal array,
temporal modality,
temporal-order relationships,
tense-committed sentences,
tense-indierent sentences,
on heretics and philosophy,
his views on Christian learning,
soul-making, ; see also Ireneaus
Tillich, Paul,
A-series and B-series,
and having a history,
Aquinas account of Gods relation to,
See also Aquinas, Thomas, on
Gods relation to time
nature of,
preceding relation,
relation to space,
simultaneity relation,
succession relation,
tensed theory of,
reasons for arming,
tenseless theory of, ,
tenseless date theory, ; see also Smart,
J. J. C.
token-reexive theory of,
See also Mellor, D. H.
what it is for something to be in,
whether Scripture presents God as being in,
; see also Scripture, presentation
of God as in time
tradition, ,
Whitehead, Alfred,
Williams, D. C.,
Wittgenstein, Ludwig,