ICE Guidance Memo - Reiteration of Data Entry Policy For The Deportable Alien Control System (DACS) (1/12/06)

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ntlalld VULU\
415 I Simi. NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs


MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Assistant Directors

Field Office Dfrc:ctors .


68%-(&7 Rciterationof· '. " ULIW

Policy for the Deportable Alien
Control System (DACS)

The U.S. Immigration and Custo~ EnforceiJtent. OfficeofDctention and Removal Operetions
(lCElDRO) Technology Solutions Working OrOlJPwas created by the Director ofDRO to
improve the capabilities of existing ICEIDRO infomliltion technology resources and to
H[DPPHvarioUs ZD\Vto use infonnation technology to improve op~rational performance. $V
SDUWof this effort, the ICEIDRO Technology Solutions Working Group has been examining
various technical solutions to achieving useM. reliable, and continuous reponmg of critical
infonnatioo identified and captured throughout th'e apprebension. detention, and removal

2'Hmajor focus for this ORO wol'k.ingaroup LVto enable real-time dyoamic reporting on
staDSlics andmetrlcs for events from appreliension through the detention and removal process
for aggregate and individual aliens. 11leH~epartment of Homeland Security (DHS) must EH
ab!efo identify case outcomes associated ZLWKspecific apprehensions. At present, not all
apprehension'ilata is entered in.o a~rnmon pl~~onnthat can fully link apprehensions with
case outcomes, tbercbypr~venting accuraJe reporting of statistics.

The ORO working group is developing a proposed solution that creates a single integrated GDWD
source for providing infomlation andmetrics relating case outcomes to apprehensions.
Int~grated~Ata wilJ enable mana8~I,' both the f'iel!land Headquarters level. to continually
monitor and improve p~fol'111ance in the detention and~remov~ process. The proposed.
solution will alSo improve the capability to Dl.eetthCjaforementioned reponing requirements.
In the interim, means to improve reporting capabilities from the Deportable Alien Control
System (DACS) are being developed to address these issues and relieve the field fromutilizing
homegrown applications and manual reporting methods. .

SUBJECT: Reiterntion of Data Entry Policy ror the Deportable Alien Control Systems

Historically, DRO has been unable to provide reliable memes from DACS due to incomplete
DQG insufficiently detailed DACS data. Current DHS demands for data make timely and
CQmplete DACS data entJy critical, and a key element in the su~ess of the S,2SRVHG
Info~ion Technology (IT) solutions. Reiterating &?O
7&-OW policy. DACS continues to be the
single required official data source for DRO. All DRO personnel are mandated to completely
DACS, to HQVZH that data LVavailable to both field and headquarters

N an example, the ''OATB-TP-REQ'' and ''DATE~TD·REC'' LQthe "CASS" screen are not
currently mandatory fields. However, the Department's Secure Border Initiative requires a
fuUer,ullderstanding of each part ofthe.detention F<4OH CaptUring this infonnation will assist
the-Department, and more specifically ORO. in assessing and thereby reducing thcaverage
detention cycle time for thcOTM{Other Than Mexican) popu~tion. This will enable DRO to
more efficiently utilize its resources.

Both 'he executive and legislative biancheSwill increasingly rely upon DACS information LQ
the cdming months. Timely and accUl31e entry of all informlltion into DACS will be
considered a veryhlgh priority. A mechanism to monitor DACS peJd usage, data integrity and
completeness is being created to assist in managing and correcting data entry issues.

ave any questions about the contents ofthis memorandum, please contact EEF
EEF T and Progr alysis Branch at 202.;732- EEF r HQDRO staff
officer EEF at 2Q2-732- EEF

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