Transcripcion de Culture

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All three types of signs correspond to ways in wish members of a given

discourse community encode their experience. In that regard,the code is not
something that can be separated from its meaning.
Different signs denote reality by cutting it up in different ways, as whorf would
say.For example,Table,Tisch,mesa denote the same object by refernce to a
piece of furniture,but whereas the english sign table denotes all , Polish
encodes dining tableas stol, coffee tables or telephone tables as stolik. British
English encodes anything south of the diaphragm asstomach,whereas in
American English a stomachache denote something different from a
bellyache.Similarly, Bavarian German encodes the whole leg from the hip to
the toes through one sign, das Bein, so that Mein Bein tut wehmight mean
My foot hurts ,whereas English needs at least three Words hip ,,leg ,or
foot. Cultural encoding can also change over time in the same language . for
example,German that used the encode a state of happiness as glcklich , now
encodes deep happiness as glcklich, supreficial happiness
As happy , pronounced/hepi/.
the encoding of experiences differs also in the nature of the cultural
associations evoked by different linguistic sign. For example, although the
Words soul or mind are usually seen as the english equivalents of the
russian Word dusha, eachof these signs is differently associated with their
respective objects. For a Russian , not only is dusha used more frecuently tan
soul or mind in english but through its association with religin, goodness,
and the mystical essence |of things it connotes quiete a different concept than
the english . studies of the semantic networks of bilingual speakers makes
these associations particularly visible . for example bilingual
speakers of english and spanish have been show to actvate differnt
associations whitin one of their languages and across their two languages. In
english they house associate house,with window,and boy with girl , but in
spanish they may associate casa with madre,and muchacho with hombre. But
even within the same speech community , signs might have different semantic
values for people from different discourse communities .Anglophone readers of
Emily Dickinsonspoem who happen not be members of her special discourse
community,might not know the denotational meaning of the Word attar, nor
associate Rosemary with the dead.Nor might the iconic aspect of thepoem be
evident to them .Even though they may be native speakers of english, their
cultural literancy is different from that of Emily Dikinsonintender readers.
Words can also serve as culturally informed icons for the concepts, objects,or
person they signify for example, english speakers who belong to certain
discourse communities may intensify denotative meanings by iconically
elongating the vowel of a Word, for example, Its beau::::::tiful. In french
intensification of the sound is often done not through elongation of the vowel but
through rapid reiteration of the same form : Vite vite vite vite vite! Despechez-

vous! (Quick!Hurry up). These different prosodig encodig form distinct ways of
speaking that are often viewed as tipically English or french .similarly,
onomatopeia links objects and sounds insemingly inevitable ways for members
of a given culture. For example, the English sound bash,mash, smach,
crash,dash, lash, clash trash , splash flashare for English speakers icons
for sudden, violents movements or actions. A speaker of migh not hear in the
soundv // any such icon at all ; for a french speakers the Words hache, tache,
crache, sache, cache,vache have no semantic relationship despite similar final
sound. A french educated speakers of french might, however, be inclined to
hear in words like siffler and sepent icons of their objects because of the initial
similar sounding /s/,but also as we see below, because
Of the cultural association with a prior text the famous line from Raciness
Andromaque :Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur nos tetes?(But what
are these serpents hissing above our heads?).
It is important to mention that the differences noted above among the different
language are not only differences in the code itself . but in the semantic
meaning attributed to these different encodings by language using is these meanings that make the linguistic sign into a cultural

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