The Impact of Brand Equity On Customer Acquisition, Retention, and Profit Margin

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The Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition,

Retention, and Profit Margin

Florian Stahl*
Mark Heitmann**
Donald R. Lehmann***
Scott A. Neslin****

December 2011

* Florian Stahl is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 14,
8032 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected].
** Mark Heitmann is Professor of Marketing and Services Management at the University of
Hamburg, Welckerstrae 8, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. E-mail: [email protected].
** Donald R. Lehmann is the George E. Warren Professor of Business at the Columbia Graduate
School of Business, 3022 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
*** Scott A. Neslin is the Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing at the Amos Tuck School
of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
We thank Peter Leeflang, Jacob Goldenberg, Gilles Laurent, Natalie Mizik, Marc Fischer and the
participants in the Tuck Marketing Seminar Series for their valuable comments and helpful

The Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition,

Retention, and Profit Margin
This paper examines the relationship between brand equity and customer acquisition,
retention, and profit margin, the key components of customer lifetime value (CLV). We examine
a unique database from the U.S. automobile market that combines 10 years of acquisition rate,
retention rate, and customer profitability data with measures of brand equity from Young &
Rubicams Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) over the same time period. We hypothesize and find that
BAV brand equity is significantly associated with the components of CLV in expected and
meaningful ways. For example, customer Knowledge of a brand has an especially strong positive
relationship with all three components of CLV. Interestingly, however, Differentiation is a
double-edged sword. While it is associated with higher customer profitability, it is also associated
with lower acquisition and retention rates. We also find that marketing efforts exert indirect
impacts on CLV through brand equity. Simulations show that changes in marketing, or
exogenous changes in brand equity, can exert important effects on CLV. Overall, the findings
suggest the soft and hard sides of marketing need to be managed in a coordinated fashion.
We discuss these and other implications for researchers and practitioners.


The development and application of marketing metrics has been both a major focus of
academic work (e.g., Srivastava et al. 1998; Lehmann and Reibstein 2006; Srinivasan and
Hanssens 2009) and a key issue for practitioners, having been a top priority of the Marketing
Science Institute for the last decade. Previous research has demonstrated the importance of two
key marketing assets: brand equity and customer lifetime value (CLV). This paper attempts to
demonstrate how these two constructs are related; more precisely, how brand equity drives the
key components of CLV: acquisition, retention, and profit margin.
Leone et al. (2006) emphasize that while many different methods have been proposed for
measuring brand equity, they share the premise that The power of a brand lies in the minds of
consumers (p. 126). Numerous commercial measures exist including Milward-Browns BrandZ,
Research Internationals Equity Engine, IPSOSs Equity*Builder and Young and Rubicams
Brand Asset Valuator (BAV), the measure we use in this paper.
While brand equity is rooted in the hearts and minds of consumers, CLV is manifested in
the dollar value of customer purchases. CLV is driven by retention rates, acquisition rates, and
profit margins and, ultimately, is the net present value of the long-term profit contribution of the
customer (Farris et al. 2006). CLV is a financial measure that has immediate application as a
metric for assessing customer prospecting, as an objective to be managed, and as a method for
valuing the firm (Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008; Gupta, Lehmann, and Stuart 2004).
As pointed out by Leone et al. (2006), Peppers and Rogers (2004, p. 301), and Rust,
Zeithaml, and Lemon (2000, p. 55), brand equity is logically a precursor of CLV. If brand
managers win the hearts and minds of the customer, customer managers have an easier time
retaining and acquiring customers. This perspective is supported by the theory of reasoned action
(Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard 1995, pp. 387-389), as well as hierarchy of effects models of
consumer behaviour (e.g., Lavidge and Steiner 1961) which posit that consumer attitudes are a
precursor to consumer actions. Quantifying the link between brand equity and CLV provides

-2several benefits, including: (1) a basis for valuing the qualitative aspects of a brand managers
plan for advertising and positioning the brand, and (2) diagnostic information about drivers of
CLV. Keller and Lehmann (2006) identified the link between brand equity and CLV as a key
area for future research.
Marketing actions advertising, price, promotions, new products, etc. drive brand
equity and CLV. Researchers including Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin (2003) and Srinivasan,
Park and Chang (2005) show how marketing actions are associated with brand equity. Others
such as Venkatesan and Kumar (2004) show how marketing actions are associated with CLV
(see also the review by Blattberg, Malthouse, and Neslin 2009).
In summary, previous work has examined pair-wise relationships among marketing,
brand equity, and CLV. However, work is needed that unifies these constructs. One important
step in this direction is the work of Rust, Lemon, and Zeithaml (2004b). They measure return
on marketing by showing specific examples of the relationship between marketing and
customer product ratings, and how these ratings determine CLV. We build on their work by (1)
allowing marketing to influence CLV not only through brand equity but directly as well, (2)
examining the impact of brand equity on profit margins in addition to acquisition and retention,
and (3) using a widely used measure of brand equity (BAV) to examine a particular industry over
an extended period of time one decade. Accordingly, the purposes of our paper are to:
Determine the impact of brand equity on the components of CLV customer acquisition,
customer retention, and profit margin;
Determine whether brand equity impacts the components of CLV even after accounting
for the impact of marketing activity;
Measure the impact of marketing on brand equity and the components of CLV;
Demonstrate and easy-to-implement method for quantifying these relationship to help
managers improve brand equity and CLV using readily available real world data.

-3More succinctly, our goal is to quantify the strategic relationship between brand management
(brand equity) and customer management (the components of CLV), and to demonstrate the role
that marketing activities play in this relationship.
Brand Equity
Brand equity has been defined as outcomes that accrue to a product with its brand name
compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name
(Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin 2003, p. 1), i.e., the benefits a product achieves through the
power of its brand name. Keller and Lehmann (2003) delineate three approaches for assessing
brand equity: customer mind-set (e.g. Aaker 1996, Keller 2008), product-market (e.g., Park and
Srinivisan 1994), and financial-market (e.g., Mahajan, Rao, and Srivastava 1994). These
approaches have different strengths and weaknesses (Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin 2003).
While financial-market measures theoretically capture current and future brand potential, they
often rely on subjective judgements or volatile measures to estimate future value (Simon and
Sullivan 1993). Product-market measures are more closely related to marketing activity but dont
capture future potential (e.g., Kamakura and Russel 1993; Swait et al. 1993). More importantly,
both approaches have limited diagnostic value. Customer mind-set metrics, on the other hand,
identify brand strengths and weaknesses (Keller 1993). While these provide insights for
strengthening brand equity, they provide little information about brand performance in terms of
market share or profitability.
Keller (2008), and this paper, focus on customer mind-set equity, which Keller refers to
as customer-based brand equity. According to Keller, the power of a brand lies in what
customers have learned, felt, seen, and heard about the brand (p. 48), i.e., the customer mindset. He develops a theory that identifies two key elements of mind-set equity (see also Keller and
Lehmann 2003): (1) awareness and familiarity, and (2) strong, favourable brand associations. It

-4is therefore imperative that any customer mind-set measure of equity include both
awareness/familiarity and brand associations.
Not surprisingly, there are several mind-set measures of brand equity. Commercial
measures such as Young & Rubicam's (Y&R) Brand Asset Valuator (BAV), Milward Brown's
BrandZ or Research International's Equity Engine assess four to five major facets of brand
perceptions. Lehmann, Keller and Farley (2008) demonstrate significant correlations between the
BAV pillars and the dimensions of other commercial equity measures as well as measures such
as attitude and satisfaction. Of the commercial measures, BAV is probably the best known and is
the worlds largest database of consumer-derived information on brands (Keller, 2008, P. 393)
as well as the first brand equity model discussed by Kotler and Keller (2009, P. 243). It also
serves as a basis for Aakers (1996) ten measures of brand equity.
Young & Rubicam has measured brand equity for two decades and currently covers
50,000 brands in 51 countries. Y&Rs BAV measure consists of four pillars that capture the
awareness/familiarity and brand association constructs encompassed by Kellers theory:
Knowledge: The extent to which customers are familiar with the brand.
Relevance: The extent to which customers find the brand to be relevant to their needs.
Esteem: The regard customers have for the brands quality, leadership, and reliability.
Differentiation: The extent to which the brand is seen as different, unique, or distinct.
The Knowledge pillar directly taps the awareness/familiarity construct and is a key
component in Lehmann, Keller, and Farley (2008). The three additional pillars Relevance,
Differentiation, and Esteem capture brand associations. Relevance is also the focus of Aakers
(2011) recent book. Our paper examines how these four pillars relate to customer acquisition,
retention, and profit margin. We note, however, that while BAV is rooted in the conceptual
elements of mind-set equity and correlates highly with other measures of it, strictly speaking our
results apply only to this widely known but not universally accepted measure of customer mindset equity.

-5Numerous studies have shown the link of marketing activities such as advertising to
brand equity (e.g., Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin 2003). In addition, Aaker and Jacobson
(1994, 2001) found a positive link between perceived brand quality and attitude and stock prices.
A link between brands and stock price was also demonstrated in Kerin and Sethuraman (1998),
Mizik and Jacobson (2008) and Madden, Fehle, and Fournier (2006). Scholars have also focused
on the impact of brand equity on customer loyalty and tolerance of corporate misconduct (e.g.,
Chaudhuri and Holbrook 2001; Aaker, Fournier and Brasel 2004) as well as willingness to pay
(Swait et al. 1993). Furthermore, even simple mind-set metrics, such as brand recall, have been
shown to explain demand over and above marketing activity (Srinivasan, Vanhuele and Pauwels
2010). These findings, as well as work by Leone et al. (2006), Rust, Zeithaml, and Lemon
(2000), and Peppers and Rogers (2004), support the notion that brand equity should link to hard
measures of customer behavior such as the components of CLV.
Customer Lifetime Value
Farris et al. (2006, p. 143) define CLV as The present value of the future cash flows
attributed to the customer relationship. CLV is used as a metric for deciding whether a group of
customers is worth acquiring (Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008), as a means to value the firm
(Gupta, Lehmann, and Stuart 2004), and as an objective to be managed (e.g., Kahn, Lewis, and
Singh 2009; Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008, Chapter 28). A substantial portion of research has
focused on assessing the financial value of customers (Hogan et al. 2002; Hogan, Lemon, and
Libai 2003) and on its determinants such as marketing actions (Rust, Lemon, and Zeithaml
2004b; Venkatesan and Kumar 2004).
There are two main methods of calculating CLV (Dwyer 1989; Berger and Nasr 1998;
Blattberg, Kim, and Neslin 2008): (1) the simple retention model, and (2) the Markov migration
model. The simple retention model assumes that the customer is acquired, retained and at some
point ceases to be a customer. The migration model explicitly addresses the possibility that
customers move in and out of the brand. A customer may temporarily defect, that is, skip
purchasing for a period or two and then resume purchasing. For example, a McDonalds customer

-6may visit the establishment in week 1, skip weeks 2 and 3, and return in week 4. The same can
occur for a durable product, e.g., a Ford owner may switch to a Toyota, but then, after a few
years, come back and buy a Ford. Whereas the retention model is driven by retention rates and
profit margin, the migration model also incorporates (re)acquisition rates. The data we have from
the automobile industry include acquisition as well as retention measures. This allows us to
exploit the strengths of the Markov migration model so we compute CLV using this approach.


Conceptual Framework
The literature review suggests the simple framework depicted in Figure 1. The framework
is essentially a value chain similar to those discussed by Keller and Lehmann (2003), Gupta and
Lehmann (2005), and Reibstein and Lehmann (2006). Theoretically it is rooted in hierarchical
models of purchase behavior. The framework proposes that marketing actions influence both
brand equity and the components of CLV, and that brand equity has a direct impact on the
components of CLV controlling for marketing actions. Put differently, we argue that customer
mindset brand equity partially mediates the impact of marketing activities on customer behavior.
--- Figure 1 --Hypotheses
The link from brand equity to the components of CLV is rooted in multiple prior research
streams. One of the earliest is the AIDA model, a hierarchical structure beginning with
awareness and progressing through interest and desire to action (East 1997, p. 263). Howard and
Sheth (1969), in their seminal work, proposed an expanded hierarchy of effects model
(Lavidge and Steiner 1961) that begins with Knowledge and moves through attribute beliefs to
confidence, attitudes, intention, and purchase. Farley and Ring (1970) tested the model
incorporating advertising and couponing as marketing activities. Farley, Howard and Lehmann
(1976) proposed a simplified working system model which had five key constructs: recall,

-7comprehension (knowledge), confidence, attitude, and intention. What these (and other) models
have in common is a hierarchy beginning with awareness and/or knowledge (familiarity) leading
through brand associations (cognitions, image) to behavior.
The BAV variables follow this general model by including Knowledge as a measure of
awareness/familiarity, and Relevance, Esteem, and Differentiation as brand associations. The
above theories suggest that these measures should all predict purchase behavior. Consequently
we propose:
H1: Changes in the four pillars of brand equity, i.e. Knowledge, Relevance, Esteem, and
Differentiation, will be associated with changes in behavior, i.e. customer
acquisition, customer retention, and profit margin per customer.
One could argue that Knowledge should operate solely through the other three pillars, i.e.
is a necessary condition. However, the high involvement with emotional distortion model of
consumer behavior (cf. Reed and Ewing 2004) posits that consumers faced with highly complex
decisions can resort to a direct translation of awareness (Knowledge in our context) to purchase.
One might question why we examine the individual elements of BAV rather than
aggregating them to one measure. The reason is that combining the elements into one measure
would mask the relative contribution of each. Also, we will hypothesize, and find, that the
components have different effects on the components of CLV.
A key premise of Figure 1 is that marketing activities can increase both brand equity and
CLV. The theoretical basis for this is in the hierarchical models cited above marketing both
plays a crucial role in creating the awareness and associations that drive purchase and can work
directly on translating the customers existing mind-set into purchase. In Figure 1, Marketing
activities are operationalized as the elements of the marketing mix (i.e. advertising, new product
launches, price, price promotion, and distribution). Previous work has not examined the impact
of the elements of the marketing mix on the separate components of brand equity and CLV in the
same setting.

-8Our main goal is to assess the impact of brand equity on CLV. To do so we must control
for marketing activities and consequently we include these as control variables. We test whether
the BAV pillars mediate the impact of marketing variables as well as whether they add
significant explanatory power to them.
We next formulate specific hypotheses about how the different aspects of brand equity in
the BAV model impact the three components of CLV.
Knowledge: Knowledge plays an important role in mitigating perceived risk (Alba and
Hutchinson 1987). Customers should be more apt to switch to a brand if they are familiar with it
because there is less risk that the product will not meet their needs. Similarly, well known brands
do not have to pay customers a risk premium in the form of lower prices. Therefore,
knowledge (familiarity) with a brand should have a positive effect on both acquisition and profit
margin. In terms of retention, current customers have adapted to a product and hence learned to
value its attributes (Carpenter and Nakomoto 1989). They also will be more confident in their
judgment of the product, leading to it being more appealing when considering the mean and
variance of alternatives in future choice decisions.
Relevance: Consistent with most mind-set models of brand equity, BAV includes a
measure of need fulfillment, captured by relevance. Products can provide utility through
functional, experiential or symbolic benefits (see Park, Jaworski, and MacInnis 1986). While the
importance of these benefits differs across individual consumers and change over time (Keller
1993), brands that fulfill the core needs of customers are likely to be considered for purchase
(Punj and Brookes 2002) and consequently produce higher acquisition and retention rates as well
as increased willingness to pay and hence higher margins.
Esteem: Higher esteem means that the quality and reliability of the brand are judged
favorably. Evaluative judgments such as esteem are seldom formed with regard to benefits of
little subjective importance (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980). Put differently, brand respect and
deference will be related to favorable appraisals of important attributes (MacKenzie 1986).

-9Hence, brands which satisfy important consumption goals should be able to achieve higher
acquisition and retention rates and command price premiums.
Taken together, this discussion suggests the following hypothesis:
H2: Increases in Knowledge, Relevance and Esteem will be associated with positive
changes in customer acquisition and retention rates and profit margins.
Differentiation: Differentiation has long been the mantra of marketing, and hence one
might expect it also to be positively associated with all the components of CLV (e.g., Day and
Wensley 1988). To form a hypothesis regarding the impact of Differentiation on CLV, we
consider three issues: the size of the brands target segment, the sustainability of this target
group, and the psychological aspects of distinctiveness. As a brand becomes more differentiated,
its target group becomes smaller (because it is catering to more specialized needs) and more
ephemeral (specialized needs for a given consumer change over time).
Those consumers for whom the brand hits their sweet spot will be willing to pay a
premium for it. Thus, as a brand becomes more strongly differentiated, its profit margin should
increase. However, as a brand becomes more differentiated, its target market generally shrinks
which makes it more difficult to attract customers (see Romaniuk, Sharp and Ehrenberg 2007).
In addition, distinctiveness, a key component of differentiation, has no positive customer benefit
per se. For example, psychologists find that individuals tend to rate distinct stimuli lower
because they are harder to process and evaluate (Winkielman et al. 2006). Failures such as the
Pontiac Aztec and the Ford Edsel attest to this. Studies of the German automobile market show
that aesthetically distinct vehicles turn over more slowly than less distinct automobiles
(Landwehr, Labroo and Herrmann 2011). Distinct brands, versus a category exemplar, are also
less likely to be recalled when a category is evoked and hence are less likely to be considered
before purchase.
Concerning the relationship between Differentiation and retention, the needs of the target
group matched to a highly differentiated product change over time. The perfect match of today
quickly moves out of synch with customer needs. Customer needs evolve due to changes in

-10family status, social environment or cultural norms. A Porsche, for example, is clearly a very
differentiated and unique sports car. However, it addresses specialized needs and its customers
may make different choices the next time after they have had their sports car fix or their
circumstances change, e.g., they begin raising a family. Also, differentiated goods may be trendy
and appealing in the short run, but what looks trendy now can look dated in the future.
Furthermore, consuming a unique, distinctive product would be expected to attract public
attention, and the public scrutiny that engenders has been associated with variety seeking (Ratner
and Kahn 2002, Levav and Ariely 2000). These arguments suggest that as a brand becomes more
highly differentiated, it will have a more difficult challenge retaining customers.
Therefore we propose the following hypothesis:
H3: Changes in Differentiation will be positively associated with changes in profit
margins, but negatively associated with changes in acquisition and retention rates.
We focus on a single, major industry of great economic importance the U.S. automotive
industry. Cars are high involvement products in terms of interest, risk, symbolic and hedonic
value (Lapersonne, Laurent, and Le Goff 1995). We utilize data for 39 major brands between
1999 and 2008 (comprising more than 97% of all automobile sales in the US market). The level
of our analysis is car brands (such as Chevrolet or Honda), not models (such as Malibu or Civic).
Information on customer switching behavior is available since most customers trade in a used car
when purchasing a new one. We compiled data on brand equity, customer acquisition, retention,
and profit margin, and marketing variables from several sources, as detailed below.
Customer-Based Brand Equity
In the U.S., Young & Rubicam collects annual data from more than 6,000 respondents
designed to mirror the U.S. population over 18 years of age (Agres and Dubitsky 1996). Table
A1 in the Appendix describes the perceptual metrics that comprise the four components of BAV:
Differentiation, Relevance, Esteem, and Knowledge. Items belonging to each

-11component were averaged to calculate a formative index. We rescaled items that were on
different scales to a 1 to 100 scale to make them comparable.
BAV is one of the few measures available over a ten-year period for all the relevant
brands of a major industry. This allows us to examine how longitudinal variation in equity relates
to changes in CLV, making our results applicable to managers who wish to improve the equity,
and CLV, of their brands. One weakness of the data is that the number of sub-scales differs
from one to seven across the pillars, and some sub-scales use simple yes-no responses when
interval scales might have been more powerful. More broadly, our results are limited to the
dimensions of BAV as well as the product category studied, U.S. automobiles. The results
therefore should be taken strictly as hypotheses of what would happen in other situations.
Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention
The customer purchase data we use to measure acquisition and retention were provided
by the Power Information Network (PIN) and consist of aggregate level trade-ins and purchases
for 39 different automobile brands in the U.S. between 1999 and 2008. These data cover about
40% of transactions, are considered representative of the U.S., and have been successfully
applied in previous research on automotive choice (Bucklin, Siddarth and Silva-Risso 2008; Jie,
Lili and Schroeder 2009).
The PIN data rely on trade-in information to infer whether a customer has switched
brands or been retained. Since the data exclude non-trade in purchases, strictly speaking our
results pertain to the 57% of automobile purchases that involve trade-ins (Hyatt, 2001, Zhu et al.
2008). Our hypotheses are in no way contingent on their being a trade-in, so we expect our
results would hold for non-trade in purchases. Another limitation is that the data do not account
for multiple car ownership within a household. Thus if a household owned Brand A (a sedan)
and Brand B (a minivan), and on a given purchase occasion, traded in Brand A for Brand B, we
would count this as a switch. Our assumption is that whatever bias this creates stays constant
over time, a reasonable assumption, on average, for a given brand. We use fixed effects to
account for the mean acquisition and retention levels for each brand, and use longitudinal

-12variation to quantify the impact of equity on CLV. This allows us to establish one of our
contributions, which is to demonstrate a tool that managers can use to analyze changes in
marketing and/or equity on the CLV of their brands.
The migration CLV model requires switching probabilities conditional on which brand
customers previously purchased, i.e., the percentage of customers who bought the focal brand in
period t among customers who owned the brand in t-1 and made a purchase in t (retention) and
the percentage of customers who bought the focal brand in period t among those who owned
another brand in t-1 and made a purchase in period t (acquisition). These differ from the
unconditional probabilities, i.e., the number of customers repurchasing the focal brand in t as a
percentage of all customers purchasing in t (retention) and the number of customers switching to
the focal brand in t as a percentage of all customers purchasing in t (acquisition). Table WA1 of
the Web Appendix illustrates the aggregate level switching data and the calculation of
unconditional and conditional acquisition and retention probabilities. Unconditional probabilities
sum to one, which we incorporate in our analysis to ensure logical consistency of our
predictions. We convert predicted unconditional probabilities to conditional probabilities for use
in the migration CLV model.
Customer (Gross) Profit Margin
We measure the customer (gross) profit margin of a sold car as the difference between a
brands average wholesale price and its variable production costs, i.e. its costs of goods sold
(COGS).1 Power Information Network (PIN) provided data on each brands retail price and
dealer margin per sold car, which enables us to compute its wholesale price. COGS data are
derived from annual reports. Our analysis excludes fixed costs such as advertising and R&D and
represents the marginal contribution of a sale/customer. The merits of using only variable costs
in CLV calculations are discussed by Blattberg, Kim and Neslin (2008, pp. 149-151). Similarly,

There is a process by which brand equity would be reflected in retail prices, and in turn in wholesale prices and
hence wholesale gross margin. Modeling this (largely negotiated) process is beyond the scope of our research. We
instead model wholesale gross margin as a reduced form function of brand equity, consistent with our focus on the
manufacturers management of brand equity and CLV.

-13Berger and Nasr (1998) do not consider fixed costs in their seminal paper on calculating CLV, a
perspective shared by Mulhern (1999).
Marketing Activities
We include several marketing mix variables that have been shown to influence customer
acquisition and retention (Pauwels et al. 2004; Slotegraaf and Pauwels 2008; Ataman, Van
Heerde, and Mela 2009; Ailawadi, Lehmann and Neslin 2003). These include each brands
yearly U.S. ad spending (advertising, provided by TNS Media), the number of U.S. dealers
(provided by Automotive News), product range (measured as the number of distinct models
offered), the number of new model launches introduced in a year (both provided by Wards
Automobile), retail price (price, provided by PIN) and average customer incentives (price
promotions) during the year (provided by Automotive News). Because of the high correlation
between number of dealers (distribution) and product range/brand breadth (0.59), we average
them to create a variable we called market presence, i.e., the ubiquity of the brand in the
market. Since these measures are on different scales, we rescale them to range between one and
ten. Market presence is calculated as a formative index by averaging the rescaled components.
We adjust ad spending by the consumer price index (CPI), as reported by the U.S. Bureau
of Economic Analysis. Brands retail prices are adjusted by the CPI for gross domestic purchases
of motor vehicles using the same source of information. The baseline year for all prices and
budgets is 1999.
Statistical Analysis
Figure 1 suggests two sets of equations: (1) Brand equity as a function of marketing
activity and (2) Retention, acquisition, and profit margin as a function of brand equity and
marketing activities.

-14Brand equity: To analyze the four BAV brand equity measures Relevance, Esteem,
Differentiation, and Knowledge as a function of marketing activities, we estimate four
regression equations jointly using seemingly unrelated regression.

(BEkit BE kt ) = ik Fi + mk ( X mit X mt ) + kit

i =1




1,...,39 indexes the 39 brands, where I = 39

1,...,10 indexes the 10 years of data
1,...,4 indexes the four brand equity measures
1,...,5 indexes the five marketing activities defined earlier
Value of brand equity component k for brand i in period t
Fixed effect for firm i on brand equity component k
Dummy coding for brand i
The impact of marketing activity m on brand equity measure k
Value of marketing activity m for brand i in period t
Error term for brand equity component k, brand i and period t

The key coefficients are the s, which assess the impact of marketing on each brand
equity component. We include brand-specific fixed effects to control for cross-sectional variance
so that changes in brand equity will be due to changes in marketing activity over time rather than
stable and unique characteristics of the brand. Second, we scale all variables relative to their
mean across brands for the given time period. This provides a convenient way to control for
(possibly nonlinear) trends from year to year. The model assumes that what matters is not, for
example, the level of advertising, but rather the level of advertising relative to competition. Thus
what we examine is (1) how deviations in marketing activities from the industry average impact
the four pillars of BAV and (2) how deviations in each pillar of BAV from the industry average
impact acquisition and retention as well as margin.
Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention: As discussed in the data section, we
model unconditional acquisition and retention probabilities because these have consistency
properties (summing to one) we can exploit. Define Sirt as the unconditional acquisition
probability (r = 1) or retention probability (r = 2) for brand i in period t. As shown in Table WA1
of the Web Appendix, summing Sirt produces:





i =1 r =1


Unconditional probability of acquisition or retention (r) for brand i in period t

1, acquisition; 2 for retention.

We employ a differential effects multinomial attraction model (Cooper and Nakanishi

1988) to maintain the logical consistency of equation (2). We predict unconditional acquisition
and retention probabilities, use them to derive absolute numbers (Table WA1), and then derive
the conditional acquisition and retention probabilities needed for calculating CLV. The
differential effects multinomial attraction model is:

S irt =




j =1 r =1


Attraction of acquiring/retaining(r) brand i in period t

The Airts are expressed as:

Airt = exp % ! i Fi + ! r Ar + " " kr (BEkit ! BE kt ) + " # mr (X mit ! X mt ) + $ irt (



Fixed effect for brand i

Dummy coding for brand i
Fixed effect for acquisition and retention
Dummy coding for acquisition and retention
Effect of brand equity component k on acquisition/retention (r)
Value of brand equity component k of brand i in period t
Effect of marketing activity m on acquisition/retention (r)
Value of marketing activity m of brand i in period t
Error term for brand i, acquisition/retention (r) and period t

Equation (4) models attraction, and hence unconditional retention and acquisition, as
functions of brand equity and marketing activities. The coefficients are retention or acquisition

-16specific, so that brand equity measure k can have a different impact on retention than on
acquisition. We also include fixed effects for brand and for retention vs. acquisition.2
Taking the logarithm of equation (3), substituting in equation (4), summing over I = 39
brands and over R = 2 acquisition/retention, and multiplying both sides by 1/IR yields:
1 I R
1 I R #
# mr (X mit " X kt ) + $ irt (
IR i=1 r=1
IR i=1 r=1 $


" ln ! ! A jrt
j=1 r=1

Following Cooper and Nakanishi (1988) we subtract equation (5) from the log of equation (3) to
form a single regression equation:

# K
ln !irt = ! i* + ! r* + % " (! r=1" k1 + ! r=2 " k 2 )(BEkit ! BE kt )(
$ k=1
# K
+ % " (! r=1# m1 + ! r=2# m2 )(X mit ! X mt )( + $ irt*
$ k=1


Geometric mean of Sirt

! i*
! i ! ! i,
! r*
= ! r !! r
! r=1 1 if acquisition, ! r=1 = 0 if retention
! r=2 0 if acquisition, ! r=2 = 1 if retention
" irt*

" irt ! " t

Equation (6) is estimated using ordinary least squares on the stacked retention and
acquisition numbers for each brand for each time period, resulting in 39 brands 10 time periods
2 (acquisition or retention) = 780 observations.
Customer Profit Margin: We model customer (gross) profit margin as:



(! it ! ! t ) = " " i Fi + " # pk (BEkit ! BE kt ) + " $ pm (X mit ! X mt ) +%it


We also experimented with a model using a fixed effect for acquisition/retention (r) for each brand i. This model
produced similar effects. We therefore report the results for equation (5) which uses fewer degrees of freedom.


Fixed effect for brand i

Effect of brand equity component k on profit margin (p)
Value of brand equity component k of brand i in period t
Effect of marketing activity m on profit margin (p)
Value of marketing activity m of brand i in period t
Error term for brand i, profit margin () and period t

We include fixed effects and scale all variables relative to competition. The coefficient

pk represents the unit change in a brands profit margin, relative to competition, per unit change
in its brand equity component k, relative to competition. The coefficient pm represents the
impact of marketing activity m on profit, again relative to competition.
We use annual data at the brand level. This does not allow for inferences
regarding differences across customers which may be worthy of investigation, e.g. for
developing communication strategies for different target segments. Moreover, the average effects
we estimate may differ across brands, in particular between luxury vs. non-luxury brands. We
therefore test for differences in the brand equity effects across brand type.
Customer Lifetime Value
We calculate CLV using the Markov migration model advanced by Dwyer (1989) and
Berger and Nasr (1998). We draw directly on Pfeifer and Carraway (2000) who show how to
perform the calculation in a convenient matrix form. The migration model acknowledges that
customers are acquired, lost, and then sometimes return to the nest over time (see Blattberg,
Kim, and Neslin 2008, Chapter 5). In the context of the automobile market, the migration model
captures the scenario of a customer who purchases a Buick in Year 1, switches to another car in
Year 4, and returns to Buick in Year 7.
The migration model starts with states that characterize a customer at a particular point
in time. We define three states:

Own focal car, purchased it in period t


Own focal car, purchased it earlier than period t.


Own competitive car, purchased it in period t or earlier.

-18Given these states, the following parameters are needed to calculate CLV for focal car i:

Probability of purchasing a car in period t, i.e., the probability the customer is in

the market in period t.


Probability of purchasing the focal car i in period t, given the customer currently
owns the focal car and purchases a car in period t (retention).


Probability of purchasing the focal car i in period t, given the customer currently
owns a competitive car and purchases a car in period t (acquisition).


Profit margin per customer for the focal car i in period t.

The above definitions produce a transition matrix (Table 1) of the probabilities that customers
migrate from one state to another each period, as follows:
--- Table 1 --Own focal car, purchased it in period t: The customer purchases a new car in period t + 1
with probability p. The probability that the purchased car will be the focal car is S*irt. Therefore,
the probability of buying the focal car in period t + 1 is pS*irt, i.e. the customer purchased and
was retained. The customer purchases a different car with probability p(1 S*irt). A customer
who does not purchase any car is still an owner of the focal car; so moves from state 1 to state 2.
Own focal car, purchased it earlier than period t: The probabilities of transitioning to the
various states are the same as if the customer started in state 1. The reason we distinguish
between states 1 and 2 is the profit implications are different profit margin in period t + 1is
earned only when the customer purchases the focal car in period t + 1.
Own competitive car, purchased it in period t or earlier: The probability the customer
purchases a car is still p, but now the probability of it being the focal car is the acquisition
probability, S*iat. So the probability of transitioning to state 1, owning the focal car purchased in
the period t + 1, is pS*iat and the probability of remaining in state 3, owner of a competitive car
purchased in period t + 1 or earlier, is 1 pS*iat. A customer in state 3 cannot transition to state 2
because the customer owned a competitive car purchased before period t - 1.

-19The final ingredient needed to compute CLV is the profit margin. This is captured by a 3
1 vector reflecting the contribution based on whether they buy the focal car, buy a competitors
car, or by no car:


R = 0


If the customer purchases the focal car in the current period, the profit margin is it. Pfeifer and
Carraway (2000) show that CLV can be calculated as follows:
CLV = (I (1+d)-1P)-1R


Identity matrix (3 3 in our case since we have three states).

Transition matrix defined above and in Table 1 (3 x 3).
Discount parameter (we set this to 0.10 or 10% per year for our calculations).

The key drivers of CLV are the conditional acquisition and retention probabilities
(contained in P) and the profit margin (contained in R). Equation (6) provides predictions of the
unconditional probabilities of acquisition and retention. As described earlier, we use these to
work backwards to obtain the conditional probabilities, (the S*s). The estimates of Equation (7)
provide the predictions of profit contribution needed for equation (8). We consider the
probability the customer purchases any car (p) to be exogenous, i.e., we assume that brand equity
does not affect the average interpurchase time nor vice-versa. According to the data of Power
Information Network (PIN) the average interpurchase times for the years we studied were 5.09
years. A regression analysis of the average time customers are in possession of vehicles versus
the BAV brand equity pillars as independent variables revealed no statistically significant
relationships (p>.10). We therefore use a value of p = 0.20, meaning that a customer replaces a
car every five years on average. This parameter clearly affects CLV (a higher p means higher
CLV). Nonetheless we believe the assumption of constant p is reasonable for illustrating the
impact of changes in brand equity and will not dramatically alter the implications of our scenario

Correlations and Endogeneity
We first examine correlations among all variables and find differentiation to be highly
correlated with margin (.63) and negatively with retention (-.43) and acquisition (-.48). This
suggests, as hypothesized, that Differentiation is a double-edged sword: high Differentiation
means the automobile is highly targeted and may appeal to customers in certain lifestages.
Relevance and Knowledge are highly correlated with customer retention (.79 and .76) and
Relevance is unsurprisingly highly correlated with acquisition (.69). All correlations are listed in
the web appendix (Table WA2). The correlations portend multicollinearity problems that may
inflate standard errors and render fewer results significant. However, we felt it was important to
be able to compare our results with other work on BAV and therefore did not orthogonalize the
BAV measures. To the extent we find significant effects consistent with our hypotheses in the
presence of this multicollinearity, we believe that makes the results all the stronger.
The relationships among acquisition, retention, profit margin, marketing effort, and brand
equity may be subject to endogeneity, particularly given the annual nature of our data. Customers
may notice a car is popular (because it is acquiring and retaining many customers) and adjust
their brand perceptions accordingly. Managers may observe their brands acquisition and
retention rates and adjust marketing accordingly. It is quite possible that these problems will not
materialize. For example, customers may not notice acquisition and retention rates. However,
this is an empirical question that we resolve by conducting Wu-Hausman and Durbin-WuHausman endogeneity tests, using fixed effects for each brand, and lagged values of potentially
endogenous variables (one-period and two-period lags). We test seven equations: acquisition,
retention, profit margin, and the four pillar equations. None of the 28 tests is significant at the
5% level suggesting endogeneity is not a problem (Web Appendix Table WA3).
Marketing Determinants of Brand Equity Components
Table 2 presents estimates of equation (1) brand equity as a function of marketing.
Advertising is positively linked to differentiation, relevance, and esteem while market presence

-21is positively related to relevance, esteem, and knowledge but negatively to differentiation - being
widely present is inconsistent with being unique. Overall, marketing, in particular advertising
and market presence, clearly exerts an important impact on the components of brand equity. One
counter-intuitive finding is that advertising does not exert a significant impact on knowledge.
Advertising is highly correlated with market presence as well as new model launches. These
correlations may have inhibited our ability to detect a significant effect on knowledge. It may
also be that customers are already highly familiar with automobile brands, so that at the margin,
increases in advertising do not increase familiarity. It is also noteworthy that other studies have
shown weak effects of advertising (e.g., Sethuraman, Tellis and Briesch 2011). However, we
caution against generalizing the non-significant relationship we observe.3
--- Table 2 --Impact of Brand Equity on Acquisition and Retention
Table 3 presents the estimates of Equation (6), linking brand equity and marketing actions
to acquisition and retention. The brand equity components are related to both acquisition and
retention. In support of H3, Differentiation is negatively related to acquisition and retention.
Knowledge is positively related to acquisition and retention, supporting H2. Esteem is positively
related to customer retention but not to acquisition, partially supporting H2. In partial support of
H2, Relevance has a positive effect on acquisition (p < .10) but no significant impact on
retention. Overall, six out of the eight coefficients relating brand equity to acquisition and
retention are statistically significant at p < .10 (five coefficients at p < .05). Apparently,
acquiring and retaining customers requires capturing their hearts and minds (Fournier 1998).
Taken together, these findings lend support for Hypothesis H1 soft customer mind-set

We note two other non-significant results of interest: (1) Product launches did not significantly increase
Differentiation. However, it is not clear what the nature of that relationship should be. Product launches of
radically new models might differentiate the brand, while product launches might simply represent the brand
imitating its competitors, and therefore make it less distinctive. It is noteworthy that the raw correlation between
product launches and Differentiation is small (-0.16). (2) The main effect of Price on Esteem is not significant.
However, there are significant interactions involving price that drive Esteem (see Table 5).

-22measures of brand equity relate to hard measures of acquisition and retention, the prime
ingredients of CLV, even after controlling for the impact of marketing activities.
--- Table 3 --One









acquisition/retention, is that the range of brands was broad, so they are not comparable.
Therefore we repeated the analysis using only the 12 brands JD Power defines as luxury (e.g.
BMW, Jaguar, Lexus) and the 27 non-luxury brands. Chow tests revealed there were no
significant differences in the models estimated for the two groups. The direction of relationships
was essentially identical; e.g., in both cases Differentiation was negatively related to both
acquisition and retention. While being different and unique provides some of the advantages of
monopoly pricing power (and may be desirable for ad recall), it seems that it doesnt attract a
large number of customers in this industry.
There are several significant direct effects of marketing on acquisition and retention.
Advertising is a crucial driver of acquisition as well as retention. Price promotions are related to
acquisition but not retention, consistent with results on consumer packaged goods, where
promotions tend to increase penetration but have a weaker impact on share of requirements
(Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin 2003). Market presence increases acquisition as well as
retention. Interestingly, the number of new model launches and the average price are not
significantly related either to acquisition or retention. The absence of a price effect may be due to
the significant impact of incentives, which involve price. The absence of a new model effect
could be due to the fact that most new models were not significantly different from, or replaced,
existing ones so that they may primarily have cannibalized existing business.
Impact on Customer Profit Margin
The estimates of Equation (7), relating brand equity and marketing to customer profit
margin, are shown in Table 3. Differentiation and Knowledge are both significantly and
positively related to profit margin, supporting Hypotheses H2 and H3. The impact of Relevance
is significant at the 10% level, also supporting H2. The impact of esteem has an unexpected sign

-23but is not significant at the 10% level. (As a post hoc explanation, Esteem involves perceptions
of reliability and quality which may not translate into higher profit margins. For example, Honda
and Toyota excel on these attributes yet profit margins for these brands are not exceptionally
high.) Overall, the finding that three of the four equity measures relate significantly to profit
margin provides support for H1.
Two marketing activities, advertising and market presence, are significantly related to
profit margin. The negative impact of advertising, although only significant at the 10% level, is
consistent with the advertising as information theory, which suggests that advertising exposes
consumers to more alternatives, underscores product differences, and accentuates competition
(Nelson 1974; Meurer and Stahl 1994). Such effects are particularly likely in oligopolistic
industries and those in which customers negotiate individual prices (Scherer and Ross 1990;
Gatignon 1984). Other studies have also found negative effects of advertising on price elasticity
as well as revenues (e.g., Kanetkar et. al. 1992; Lodish et al. 1995). Market presence, on the
other hand, has a strong positive impact on profit margin, consistent with a social
approval/endorsement effect.
Indirect Effects
To further assess the role of brand equity, we conduct a series of Sobel tests to calculate
the indirect effect of each marketing variable on the components of CLV, operating through their
impact on the four brand equity components (Preacher and Hayes 2008). We use the product of
the unstandardized coefficients to calculate the indirect effects. We obtain standard errors for
these coefficients using bootstrapping and test for the statistical significance of the indirect
effects. These tests reveal that the effect of market presence on acquisition and retention operates
partially through customer based brand equity. Specifically, 31% of the total effect of market
presence on acquisition and 23% of the effect on retention operates indirectly through the brand
equity pillars. This is driven mostly by the effect of market presence on Knowledge, which is
twice (acquisition) and four times (retention) stronger than the other indirect paths. We also find
a positive indirect effect of advertising on profit margin, operating mostly via Differentiation.

-24Thus, advertising increases margins by increasing brand equity, but decreases margins through
its direct effect as noted earlier. Taken together, the two effects cancel out and lead to a non
significant total effect of advertising on margins. Table 4 shows the indirect and direct effects in
which the coefficients have been standardized for ease of interpretation.
--- Table 4 --Interaction Effects
It is possible the pillars have interaction effects on customer behavior. Further, interaction
effects among marketing activities may impact both brand equity and customer behavior.
In terms of the impact of marketing interactions on the pillars, a likelihood ratio test
shows that as a group they were significant (p < .05) for Relevance and Esteem but not for
Differentiation and Knowledge. The advertising by price interaction was negative for Relevance
and Esteem (Table 5), suggesting advertising is more effective for low priced brands. On the
other hand, the promotion by price interaction was significantly positive, consistent with
evidence that high priced brands get larger benefits from price cuts (Blattberg and Wisniewski,
1989; Allenby and Rossi, 1991; Hardie, Johnson and Fader 1993).
--- Table 5 --With regard to interactions among pillars, we first investigated those that had a theoretical
basis. Here we were influenced by Aakers (2011) arguments regarding the role of Relevance as
the key to brand equity. Logically, perceptions will only affect behavior for those brands that are
relevant (i.e., in the consideration set). Therefore we first investigated the interactions between
Relevance and the three other pillars. The three interactions involving Relevance were
significant for all three behavioral variables (Table 6). The Relevance by Differentiation
interaction had a significantly negative effect on customer acquisition and retention. This
reinforces one of the arguments underlying H3, namely, the role of a specialized product and a
smaller target group for highly differentiated products. Because both Differentiation and
Relevance have a positive main impact on profit margin, the negative interaction between them
suggests they are substitutes. Put differently, the advantage of being relevant is decreased when

-25the brand is highly differentiated. The positive Relevance by Esteem interaction on acquisition
shows that Esteem pays off if the brand is relevant. This makes sense. The consumer may admire
a Jaguar but is not going to purchase it unless its relevant to his or her lifestyle, needs, etc. We
also find that Knowledge and Relevance positively interact on profit. It is not surprising that
Knowledge has a stronger effect for brands that are relevant.
--- Table 6 --We next employed an incremental F-test to investigate the remaining three interactions
between pillars (Differentiation/Esteem, Differentiation/Knowledge, Esteem/Knowledge). The
F-test was not significant in any of the acquisition, retention, or profit margin models.
Interactions between marketing activities were also significant predictors of customer
acquisition (in a nested model test, p < 0.05) and customer retention but not profit margin. Due to
the noticeable collinearity among the interactions, only two were individually significant. The
Advertising by Market Presence interaction was negative for acquisition, suggesting they
substitute for each other such that for a high market presence brand, advertising is less effective.
Price by Market Presence had a positive impact on retention, suggesting higher priced widely
present brands tend to have more loyal customers.
Overall, there are some significant interaction effects. Importantly, however, the
predictive power they add is limited. Moreover, the main effects are largely the same when they
are included, suggesting the results are robust.
We use scenarios to illustrate the impact of changes in marketing actions on brand equity
and CLV. Our longitudinal analysis takes the perspective of a brand manager wishing to change
the brand equity / CLV of his or her brand. Specifically, we alter a marketing variable, calculate
its impact on brand equity and then calculate the impact of the change in brand equity as well as
the direct impact of the marketing activity on CLV. We incorporate the cost of the changes to

-26calculate return on investment (ROI). We also exogenously change the value of one brand equity
pillar Differentiation to examine the marginal impact this would have.
The two marketing changes we examined are (1) an increase in advertising and (2) an
increase in market presence driven by a broader product line. We calculate equations (1)
(marketing => brand equity), (6) (brand equity and marketing => acquisition and retention), and
(7) (brand equity and marketing => profit margin) recursively to estimate the net impact on
acquisition, retention and profit margin. We then calculate CLV using equations (8) and (9). The
scenarios are hypothetical but demonstrate the magnitude, and hence managerial relevance, of
the link between soft measures (brand equity) and hard measures (acquisition, retention,
profits, and CLV). Note, the multinomial attraction model, implicitly allows for non-linear
relationships but we did not explicitly incorporate potential decreasing returns to scale.
Consequently, we limit our analysis to small changes from the status quo, where linearity is most
likely to hold. Note these scenarios are meant as illustrations of these changes on one specific
brand starting from a specific equity/CLV profile and not meant to generalize across all brands.
Table 7 shows the scenarios for a 2008 luxury car brand. The first column represents the
current state of affairs the base case. For comparison purposes, the brand equity and CLV
components in the base case are predicted by the estimates of equations (1), (6), and (7) in
Tables 5 and 6. These are compared to the predictions for the scenarios to illustrate the impact of
changes in marketing activities and brand equity. The focal brand is predicted to have a high
retention rate, 45.69%, but a low acquisition rate, 1.49%. Since there are 39 brands, a
benchmark acquisition rate would be approximately 1/39 or 2.5%. The focal brands low
acquisition rate is likely due to its smaller target group. In terms of equity, the brand is higher
than average on all components with particular strength in Esteem. It introduces fewer new
models and uses fewer incentives compared to other brands. However, its advertising and market
presence are slightly above average. The brand charges higher prices and is able to achieve an
above average profit margin of $19,643. Assuming a 5-year purchase cycle as discussed earlier,
the predicted baseline CLV of its customers is $29,036.

-27---Table 7--In this illustration, the interpurchase time of 5 years and the retention rate of 46% play an
important role. The focal brand gets $19,643 when the customer is first acquired, so there is
$29,036-$19,643 = $9,393 in CLV remaining. The value if a customer re-buys five years later,
assuming a 10% discount rate, is (1/(1.1))5 $19,643 = $12,197. In another five years, the
discount factor is (1/(1.1))10 = .39 so the NPV of this is .39 $19,643 = $7,661. Since the
probability of retaining the customer the first time is 0.46, and the next time 0.46 0.46 = 0.21,
the contribution from these repeat purchases is .46 $12,197 + .21 $7,661 = $7,219 is the
majority of the $9,393 remaining NPV after the initial purchase. The NPV of customers who buy
a third time, etc., or defect and are then re-acquired, comprise the remaining $1,732 contribution
to CLV. Clearly, retention and interpurchase time play a large role in determining CLV.
Scenario 1: Increased advertising
We assume the focal brand increases its advertising by .25 standard deviations, an
increase of $55 million or 20%. The net effect on acquisition and retention is positive (consistent
with Table 6) although small. The reason is that the positive direct effects of advertising on
acquisition and retention (Table 6) are not enhanced by indirect effects through brand equity. For
example, advertising increases Differentiation (from 2.34 vs. 2.54) but Differentiation has a
negative association with acquisition and retention. The same problem lack of congruence
between direct and indirect effects occurs with regard to profit impact, but this time in the
opposite direction. Advertising has a negative direct effect on profit margin (Table 6) but a
positive indirect effect through, for example, the increase in Differentiation. The net impact on
profit margin per car in Table 7 is a negligible - $1. The net impact on CLV is +$34, due to the
slightly higher acquisition and retention rates. This scenario illustrates the offsetting direct and
indirect effects (through brand equity) of advertising. Note the ROI impact, however, is $1 per
dollar invested. The positive impact on CLV becomes meaningful when cumulated across the
brands installed base of 3,298,307 customers (see footnote in Table 7).

-28Scenario 2: Increased market presence

One way to increase market presence is to have a broader product line. The focal brands
product line in 2008 had nine models. We calculate CLV assuming the brand had 10 rather than
nine models. Urban and Hauser (2004, p. 72) estimate the cost of an additional platform,
required for another model, as $1 billion to $2 billion. We use $1.5 billion as the additional cost
the brand would have had to incur in order to have 10 rather than nine models.
The increase in market presence (from 0.36 to 0.58 on our scale) results in a decrease in
Differentiation, an increase in Relevance and Knowledge, and a decrease in Esteem (Table 5).
The car becomes less unique because the product line covers more of the market. A broader
product line is more relevant and helps customers become more familiar with the brand.
However, it loses a bit of esteem, probably because a broader line makes it less exclusive. These
changes in equity, plus the direct effects of market presence (Table 6), produce increases in
acquisition, retention, and net profit margin. As a result, CLV increases from $29,036 to
$29,846, a gain of $810, or 2.8%. The ROI is $0.78 per dollar invested.
Market presence therefore is an important marketing lever. It sets in motion gains in
Relevance and Knowledge that increase draw acquisition and, more substantially, retention. Net
profitability per customer also increases. The 2.8% gain in CLV has face validity. A doubling or
even a 50% increase in CLV from having 10 rather than nine models, by contrast, would seem
unrealistic. The impact of market presence on CLV may seem strong compared to that of
advertising. However, non-linear effects may exist and one may find different results under other
base levels of advertising or market presence.
Scenario 3: Exogenous change in brand equity
Brand equity can change for reasons outside the managerial actions included in our
model, e.g., a competitive mis-step (e.g., Toyotas acceleration problem), changes in advertising
content (while keeping budget constant), or viral activity (e.g., placing the Mini-Cooper in the
movie The Italian Job). Further many companies monitor the equity of their brands for an early
indication of potential need for action. They may be put in a position where they notice a change

-29in an equity component but need to know whether it is managerially (i.e., financially) important.
While our regression coefficient estimates show statistically significant relationships, these
coefficients by themselves do not directly measure financial consequences. Finally, interpreting
the role of brand differentiation is complicated by its conflicting effects on acquisition/retention
and profit. To understand the net effect in more detail, we consider a scenario where the brand
experiences an increase in differentiation from 2.25 to 3, the level of a more differentiated
competitor. We keep the three other brand equity pillars constant to focus on the marginal effect
of Differentiation4. The results clearly illustrate the double-edged sword of Differentiation.
Acquisition and retention both decline (acquisition from 1.48% to 1.47%; retention from 45.7%
to 44.3%). Offsetting this, however, increased Differentiation begets higher profit margins (from
$19,643 to $20,158). The net result is an increase in CLV to $29,577, an improvement of 1.9%.
Overall these scenarios show that changes in marketing actions can have a meaningful
impact on brand equity, which in turn drives meaningful changes in acquisition, retention, profit
margin per customer, and ultimately, CLV. Clearly soft brand equity measures are
managerially important, not only from a positioning standpoint, but from a financial standpoint
as well, namely in determining the lifetime value of the brands customers.
We examined the relationship between brand equity and the components of CLV,
capitalizing on a unique database comprised of 10 years of BAV (Brand Asset Valuator) brand
equity measures as well as transaction-based measures of customer acquisition, retention, and
profitability. We examined the role of marketing actions in this context, both as generators of
brand equity and controls for ensuring the apparent relationship between brand equity and CLV
is not spurious. The overall findings are:

Note this unilateral increase in Differentiation ignors correlations among the pillars. However, Differentiation is
the pillar least correlated with the other pillars, and this example is only used to calculate the marginal impact of a
change in Differentiation.

-30 Brand equity has a predictable and meaningful impact on customer acquisition, retention,
and profitability.
The relationship stands even after controlling for a broad array of marketing activities,
which impact CLV both directly and indirectly through brand equity.
The components of brand equity exert different effects on acquisition, retention, and
profit, suggesting that brand equity indeed is a multidimensional construct.
Our findings regarding the components (pillars) of BAV brand equity Knowledge,
Relevance, Esteem, and Differentiation are particularly interesting. We find: (1) Knowledge
and Differentiation have positive main effects on all three components of CLV. (2) Relevance
and Esteem have main effects on at least one of the three components of CLV. (3) There are
interactions effects among the BAV brand equity pillars involving Relevance. For example, there
is a positive interaction between Relevance and Esteem with respect to customer acquisition.
This suggests that Esteem by itself does not woo customers the product has to be relevant to
customer needs in order to translate that respect into purchase and (4) Differentiation is a doubleedged sword. As a brand becomes more differentiated, it increases profit margin, but experiences
declines in acquisition and retention.
These findings demonstrate a link between the soft measures of the customers
attachment to the brand and the hard measures that comprise CLV. This means that the battle
for the hearts and minds of customers is a meaningful one which has quantifiable ramifications
for customer profitability. The results also show that brand equity is one useful indicator for the
effectiveness of marketing instruments. Note however that brand equity only partially mediates
the link between marketing activities and profitability. Accordingly, other drivers of success
should also be considered.
The case of Charles Schwab shows how things can go wrong when brand and customer
management are not sufficiently coordinated. At the beginning of this millennium the company
emphasized customer management by launching a host of targeted direct marketing campaigns.
Schwabs marketing emphasis had been on creating direct mail and e-mail campaigns [. . .] with

-31minimal and inconsistent investments in corporate brand advertising. (Quelch and Winig 2007,
p. 4). During this period, the BAV brand equity pillars showed a precipitous decrease (Ibid, p.
15), and profitability suffered. This led the company to develop the Talk to Chuck advertising
campaign, clearly focused on mindset brand equity.
In terms of limitations, while our database consisting of 10 years of data on the widely
utilized BAV model of mind-set brand equity is one of the strengths of this research, we
acknowledge that BAV is subject to limitations. It is one of several models of brand equity.
While Knowledge, Relevance, Esteem and Differentiation can be linked to brand equity, other
models conceptualize different elements (see Lehmann, Keller and Farley 2008). Furthermore,
two elements, Relevance and Knowledge, are measured with single items. This raises the
question of whether these measures correspond perfectly to the concepts they aspire to capture.
This may explain why we were not able to detect significant effects for some of the relationships
of our model (e.g., effect of Relevance on retention). It would be desirable if future research
reached agreement on how to measure mind-set brand equity and developed improved multi-item
Furthermore, our data were tinged with multicollinearity, and our statistical models used
fixed effects. Because this much control can wipe out statistical relationships, the fact that we
still obtained statistically and managerially significant results is encouraging. Several robustness
checks, such as redoing our analysis with random subsamples as well as for luxury versus nonluxury brands, found our results to be reliable, in particular regarding the effect of brand equity.
Because we measured the impact of brand equity on the components of CLV, we could
calculate the impact on CLV. To this end, we used the Markov migration model of CLV, which
allows customers to switch in and out of a brand over time. We demonstrated using reasonable
scenarios how changes in marketing activity would change brand equity, which in turn would
change acquisition, retention, and profitability. We also showed that exogenously caused
changes in brand equity could affect CLV in meaningful ways.

-32While marketing actions served primarly as control variables in our study, results
involving them are interesting. Foremost would be the power of market presence, the ubiquity
of the brand as measured by product line breadth and distribution (operationalized by number of
models and dealers in the automobile market). Market presence has a direct impact on the
components of CLV, but also a strong indirect impact through its influence on Knowledge. In
fact we found that market presence and advertising acted as substitutes (had a negative
interaction) in their impact on acquisition and retention.
Note, some companies in our dataset sell multiple brands (e.g., Toyota sells both Lexus
and Toyota products). Our level of analysis is at the brand not the firm level,which is appropriate
for understanding the dollar value of brand equity in more detail. Furthermore, it directly
addresses brand managers who are in charge of individual profit centers. From a corporate level
perspective, however, Toyota may consider customers switching from Toyota to Lexus as
upselling, i.e., retention. To investigate the robustness of our results, we recoded all within-firm
transitions as retentions as opposed to acquisitions. When we did this, we obtained similar results
regarding statistical significance and relative effect sizes, suggesting that our findings are valid
for corporate as well as brand level management.
Our work has several important managerial implications. First, the management of brand
equity and customer lifetime value should be coordinated. For example, the customer manager
unaware that brand management is increasing differentiation of the product line could set
unrealistically high acquisition and retention goals, not realizing that differentiation will make
these goals more difficult to achieve. Second, relatively simple regression models such as
illustrated in this paper can be used to predict, for a given brand, the impact of changes in
marketing on brand equity, and in turn how these changes affect customer lifetime value. This
can be used to calculate an ROI of marketing that incorporates its impact on brand equity as well
as on the bottom line represented by CLV. Third, among the BAV pillars, Knowledge, i.e.,
familiarity with the brand, is particularly important for achieving high acquisition and retention
rates. The best way to build Knowledge is through increased market presence. Fourth, advertisers

-33need to be mindful of the double-edged sword of the differentiation that can be created by
advertising. This differentiation can decrease acquisition and retention rates while increasing
profit margins.
While our work benefited from an exceptional database, it still begs for replication and
extension. We examined an important industry (automobiles); clearly the field needs to
generalize beyond this. In particular, other industries such as consumer durables, services or
consumables differ with regard to usage, interpurchase times and price levels which could lead to
different effects. Higher uncertainty due to longer planning horizons could increase the effect of
brand equity while importance of the buying decisions and high average price levels could shift
attention towards objective product attributes, decreasing the effect of brand equity. Furthermore,
we do not account for strategic resources of individual corporations. Implicitly, we have assumed
these to be constant while other factors of our models change, which is appropriate for the
typical planning horizon in operational marketing. However, to fully capture long-term effects, it
would be interesting to capture the effects of marketing actions on strategic resources, which
may in turn impact on CLV. For example, Montgomery and Wernerfelt (1988) found that more
diversified and generalist firms performed worse in terms of Tobins q. Similarly, market
presence (reflecting product range) may be related to over-diversification, weaker learning, or
poorer market perceptions and lead to long-term effects on ROI even lower than the ones we
observe in Scenario 2. Further research is needed to quantify this potential effect.
We utilized one particular well known measure of brand equity, BAV. While BAV is
widely used in practice and has been the subject of academic research, future work should
examine different measures. In addition, our work is at the aggregate product/year level. Further
work is needed to examine these relationships at the customer level to better understand the
process behind the results. As noted earlier, our data are derived from purchases when there were
trade-ins, future research should utilize data that include non-trade-in purchases. Note also we
have not captured the financial benefit of acquiring cohorts of new customers (for example, new
drivers), which depends on brand equity. Finally, the CLV calculations do not capture word-of-

-34mouth effects (which are only indirectly represented by market presence and the four BAV
pillars) nor the profits from service (of major importance to dealers as well as a profit source to
the manufacturer for parts sold to dealers). We hope this paper encourages work in these and
related directions.
Overall, our work suggests that firms should not choose between brand management
and customer management. The notion that brand managers are in one corner, working with ad
agencies to win hearts and minds, while the customer/CRM managers are in another corner,
designing direct marketing campaigns for acquisition and retention, is outdated. The two need to
work together, because brand equity and CLV work together. Thus we hope our work impacts
how firms are organized and managed at a strategic as well as tactical level.


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Table 1: Migration Probabilities per Period
Period t

State 1: Own focal car,

purchased it in period t
State 2: Own focal car,
purchased it earlier than
period t
State 3: Own competitive
car, purchased it in period
t or earlier

State 1: Own
focal car,
purchased it in
period t + 1

Period t+1
State 2: Own focal
car, purchased it
earlier than
period t + 1

State 3: Own
competitive car,
purchased it in
period t + 1 or earlier



p(1 S*irt)



p(1 S*irt)


1 - pS*iat

-42Table 2: Drivers of the Components of Brand Equity (Equation 1)*

Brand Equity Pillars
with Predictors Beneath
Differentiation (R = .91)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Relevance (R = .95)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Esteem (R = .96)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Knowledge (R = .95)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence

Stand. Coef.

t value









* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not included in the table.

-43Table 3: Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention (Equation 6)

and Profit Margin (Equation 7)*
Customer Acquisition
t value

Customer Retention
t value

Profit Margin
t value

Components of BE

















Marketing Activities
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Intercept Acquisition/


* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not shown in the table.


-44Table 4: Direct, Indirect and Total Effects of Marketing Activities and Brand Equity on the Components of CLV
CLV Component
with Predictors


New Model





t value


t value


t value


t value


t value

Direct Effect
Indirect Effect
Total Effect











Direct Effect
Indirect Effect
Total Effect




















Profit Margin
Direct Effect
Indirect Effect
Total Effect

Note: For ease of interpretation this table reports standardized coefficients. The text reports percentages of indirect to total effects,
which were calculated, based on unstandardized coefficients. Direct Effects are from Table 3. Total effect refers to regression
models including only marketing activities as independent variables.

-45Table 5: Drivers of the Components of Brand Equity (with interaction terms)*

Brand Equity Pillars with Predictors Beneath
Differentiation (R = .91)

Stand. Coef.

t value









New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence

Relevance (R = .95)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Advertising New Model launches
Advertising Price Promotions
Advertising Price
Advertising Market Presence
New Model Launches Price Promotions
New Model Launches Price
New Model Launches Market Presence
Price Promotions Price
Price Promotions Market Presence
Price Market Presence

Esteem (R = .96)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Advertising New Model launches
Advertising Price Promotions
Advertising Price
Advertising Market Presence
New Model Launches Price Promotions
New Model Launches Price
New Model Launches Market Presence
Price Promotions Price
Price Promotions Market Presence
Price Market Presence

Knowledge (R = .95)
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence
* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not included in the table.

-46Table 6: Impact of Brand Equity on Acquisition, Retention and Profit Margins

(with interaction terms)*
Customer Retention
Coeff. t value
Coeff. t value

Coeff. t value

Components of BE
Relevance Differentiation
Relevance Esteem
Relevance Knowledge













Marketing Activities
Price Promotions
Market Presence
Advertising New Model launches
Advertising Price Promotions
Advertising Price
Advertising Market Presence
New Model Launches Price Prom.
New Model Launches Price
New Model Launches Market Pres.
Price Promotions Price
Price Promotions Market Presence
Price Market Presence
Intercept Acquisition/Retention


* Note: The values of the estimated fixed effects are not shown in the table.


-47Table 7: Predicted Impact of Changes in Marketing and Brand Equity on CLV


Marking Activities
New Model Launches
Price Promotions
Market Presence


Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Ad Spending Market Presence
(+ .25 sd)
(+ 1 Model)

Scenario 3
(Competitor = 3)









Components of CLV
Net Profit













Brand Equity


* ROI is the net dollar increase in CLV per dollar invested. For Scenario 1, the brands 2008 advertising spending was
$267,239,000. A .25 standard deviation increase amounts to a $54,897,500 advertising investment, or a 20% increase.
The installed base of the brand owners in 2008 was 3,298,307, so the investment comes to $16.64 per customer. The
ROI is then (($29,070-$29,036) - $16.64)/$16.64 = $1.04 (difference viz a viz the $1.00 number in the table is due to
rounding). For Scenario 2, we drew on Urban and Hauser (2004, p. 72) to estimate the cost of an additional model in a
product line is $1.5 billion. With an installed base of 3,298,307, this amounts to $455 per customer. The ROI is
(($29,846-$29,036) - $455)/$455 = $0.78.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework


Table A1: Components of the Brand Asset Valuator Model




Perceptual Metrics

Aggregate Measure

1. Uniqueness

% responding yes

2. Distinctiveness

% responding yes

3. Differentiation

% responding yes

4. Innovativeness

% responding yes

5. Dynamics

% responding yes

1. Relevant to me

Average score on 1-7 scale

1. Regard

Average score on 1-7 scale

2. Leadership

% responding yes

3. High Quality

% responding yes

4. Reliability

% responding yes

1. Familiarity with the brand

Average score on 1-7 scale

Values for components of brand equity are calculated as a formative index of all items

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