Tafseer: Surah Kawther
Tafseer: Surah Kawther
Tafseer: Surah Kawther
Islamic Halaqa
30 Juz Tafseer
Suratun Kawther
(Abundant Good)
Surah no.108
Al Falah Kids Islamic Halaqa
Al-Kowthar is a river much nicer than any river you have ever seen before .
We cannot even imagine how beautiful it will be!
A sad story with a happy ending!
Many of the ayaat (verses) in the Quraan have a story behind them that tells why
they were revealed. These stories are calledAsbaab An-Noozool
The story behind the revelation of
Suratul-Kowthar is very sad but it has a happy ending!
You see Rasulullah was not very wealthy, and although he had children, this surah was
revealed after the death of his infant son Abdullah, who was his only son at that time.
In Makkah, if a man had no sons the other men would make fun of him by saying he was
ab-tar (i.e. cut-off, without male children).
The other men in Makkah should have felt sad that Rasulullahs son had died, but instead
they were happy. The men were happy at Rasulullah's loss because they hoped that the death
of his son meant the death of Islaam, too. (i.e. no one to remember Rasulullah or to keep
teaching his message after his death.)
Allah did not like what the men were saying
The happy part!
So Allah decided to show those men how much he loved Rasulullah and how they were the
ones who were really ab-tar.
This is how it happened
One day Rasulullah was sleeping and he woke up smiling. The Sahaaba (i.e. his friends) asked
why he was so happy, and he told them about the new surah Allah had sent to him.
The surah was called Al-Kowthar, and in it Allah told Rasulullah about a wonderful river that
was just for him.
Allah had given this river to Rasulullah because Rasulullah was good, and Allah loved him.
Allah wanted to show the disbelievers that Rasulullah was not cut-off just because his sons
had died.
Rasulullah would be remembered and loved long after those disbelievers were dead and
forgotten! They only had their children to remember them, but Allah remembered
Rasulullah, and Allah would make sure he was never forgotten!
2Allah told Rasulullah So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone].
(i.e. slaughter animals for food or for Eid Al-Adha) in the name of Allah to show how
thankful he was for all the good things Allah had given him. You see we can never thank
Allah enough for all of the blessings He has given to us.
The only way to show Allah how grateful we are is to do the things Allah has told us to do,
like making our prayers on time and remembering Allah in everything that we do!
Suratul-Kowthar is a very small surah, but it has A LOT of
information in it. Allah told Rasulullah about his river
Allah told Rasulullah how to be thankful for all of his blessings
Next Allah says in Suratul-Kowthar. But This message was about the men of Makkah
who had said mean things about Rasulullah.They had said that Rasulullah was ab-tar
So Allah told them
3.Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off .! Those men are not remembered for anything now, but
Rasulullah is remembered by Muslims all over the world for how good he was.
Rasulullah was not ab-tar, but those men were.
Al Falah Kids Islamic Halaqa