Lifestyle and Dietary Factors in The Prevention of Lethal Prostate Cancer
Lifestyle and Dietary Factors in The Prevention of Lethal Prostate Cancer
Lifestyle and Dietary Factors in The Prevention of Lethal Prostate Cancer
2012 AJA, SIMM & SJTU. All rights reserved 1008-682X/12 $32.00
Prostate cancer is a major contributor to cancer incidence and mortality among men throughout the world, particularly in Westernized
countries.1 Moreover, men with prostate cancer suffer significant
impairments in quality of life,2 both from the disease itself and as a
consequence of treatment. The disease is notable in its considerable
biologic heterogeneity in metastatic potential over a mans lifetime.
This heterogeneity is an important feature of the disease, and efforts to
understand risk factors and predictors of more aggressive disease are
central in prostate cancer research. The prevention of lethal prostate
cancer represents an important public health challenge to reduce suffering from this disease. Moreover, the identification of lifestyle factors
post-diagnosis that influence prostate cancer clinical course is appealing as a means of secondary prevention in combination with therapeutic intervention. In this paper, we present an overview of the
evidence around selected exposures in the prevention of lethal prostate
cancer. Given the diversity of potential factors, we have elected to focus
on lifestyle and dietary factors, and not to discuss the evidence for
pharmacologic agents. Moreover, we highlight compelling factors that
may influence cancer-specific mortality after diagnosis. We present
risk factors for lethal prostate cancer that have received the greatest
scrutiny within epidemiological studies, as well as discuss novel hypotheses for which there is more limited evidence: obesity and weight
change, physical activity, smoking, antioxidant intake, vitamin D and
calcium, and coffee intake.
An overview of the descriptive epidemiology of cancer sets the framework for understanding the global burden of this disease and its
impact from a public health perspective. Moreover, a comparison of
the patterns of incidence and mortality across populations, as well as
trends over time can provide clues about the role of lifestyle factors in
prostate cancer etiology.
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men
globally, with almost one million new cases each year.3 In the United
States, 240 890 men are expected to be diagnosed in 2011, and an
American mans lifetime risk of prostate cancer is one in six.4
More than any other malignancy, the burden of prostate cancer
shows remarkable worldwide variation (Figure 1), with a more than
60-fold difference in age-adjusted incidence rates between population
groups with the highest (African-American men in the United States)
and the lowest (Japanese and Chinese men living in their native countries) incidence of prostate cancer. Part of the variation in incidence
rates across populations can be explained by differences in screening
practices, particularly screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA),
which often diagnoses a significant proportion of otherwise latent
prostate cancer. However, geographic differences in prostate cancer
incidence and mortality were apparent prior to the introduction of
PSA screening starting in the early 1990s, highlighting a potential role
of environmental and lifestyle factors in the etiology of this disease.
Results from migrant studies lend additional support to role of lifestyle
factors in prostate cancer incidence. Prostate cancer rates increase
among men moving from low-risk to high-risk countries compared
to those in their native countries.5,6 Prostate cancer mortality rates also
increase, lending further support for non-hereditary causes beyond
any artifactual rise due to screening and enhanced detection.
Incidence rates have increased substantially over time. In the United
States and other Western countries, this is likely due in part to the
adoption of PSA testing. However, incidence rates have also increased
in Japan and some other Asian and Eastern European countries where
PSA testing is not widely used, reflecting changes in other factors7
(Figure 1). PSA screening has also led to a shift in stage presentation,
with concomitant increase in the ratio of localized to advanced disease
cases and a decrease in the age at diagnosis.8 Screening has also led to
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115, USA; 2Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115, USA and
Channing Laboratory, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Correspondence: Dr LA Mucci ([email protected])
Received: 29 November 2011; Revised: 11 January 2012; Accepted: 20 January 2012; Published online: 16 April 2012
5 kg m22 increase in BMI was associated with a 20% (95% CI: 0.99
1.46) increased risk of prostate cancer-specific mortality.33 There was
some heterogeneity between studies included in this meta-analysis,
which may be due to a large proportion of missing data on BMI in
some study populations, and differences in follow-up time and the
underlying prevalence of obesity between studies. Moreover, it is possible that some of the difference in study results is due to the effect of
obesity on PSA levels; there is evidence that PSA concentrations are
lower in obese men due to a larger blood volume, causing hemodilution of PSA levels. As a consequence, the sensitivity of PSA screening
may be decreased among obese versus normal weight men.34,35
The poor prostate cancer outcomes associated with obesity do not
appear to reflect solely differences in the efficacy of screening, as similar associations are seen between obesity and survival among men
with disease, and adjusting for stage and grade at diagnosis. A study
of 2546 men diagnosed with prostate cancer within the Physicians
Health Study found that prostate cancer-specific mortality was significantly associated with prediagnosis BMI26 (Figure 3). The relative
risk of prostate cancer-specific mortality, adjusted for age at diagnosis
and baseline smoking status was 1.5 (95% CI: 1.21.9) for overweight
men and 2.7 (95% CI: 1.64.4) for obese men, compared to those with
a healthy BMI. In this study, prediagnosis levels of C-peptide, a circulating marker of insulin secretion, were also associated with
increased cancer-specific mortality, and men who were both overweight and who had high insulin levels were at particularly increased
risk. It is possible that men who are obese and have higher C-peptide
levels have a more metabolically active obesity than obese men with
lower C-peptide measures, making the combined measure of BMI and
C-peptide levels more predictive of prognosis.
Waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR),
measures of abdominal obesity, have been assessed in fewer studies
than BMI. These measures of central obesity have generally not been
associated with overall prostate cancer incidence. However, there is
some evidence that abdominal obesity is associated with more
advanced disease. In the European Prospective Investigation into
Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), a large cohort study of over 150 000
men across Europe, WC and WHR were positively associated with
diagnosis of more advanced prostate cancer (stage T3 or T4, or N1
N3, or M1).36 A 5-cm increase in waist circumference was associated
with a 1.06 times greater risk of advanced prostate cancer (95% CI:
1.011.10), and a 0.1-unit greater waist to hip ratio was associated with
a 1.21 times greater risk (95% CI: 1.041.39). Waist circumference was
significantly associated with more aggressive disease in the Melbourne
Collaborative Cohort Study,37 but it was not associated with advanced
stage or high-grade disease in the Health Professionals Follow-up
Figure 4 Hazard ratio of PSA recurrence by weight change from 5 years before to
1 year after prostatectomy (Joshu et al.52). PSA, prostate-specific antigen.
Weight change
The question of whether weight loss or weight gain in the time
period just before and after prostate cancer diagnosis has been less
studied than has body size. However, this is an important question,
because if weight loss or weight gain has effects on prostate cancer
survival, it would provide an important modifiable risk factor for
men with prostate cancer. Several prospective cohort studies have
examined adult weight change and the risk of prostate cancer.
Overall, weight gain from early adulthood (age of 18 or 21 years)
to mid-life was not associated with prostate cancer incidence in
all38,4249 but one study.50 However, the AARP-NIH Diet and
Health Study51 found that weight gain from the age of 18 year to
the start of the study (at ages of 5071 years) was significantly
associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer mortality,
although it was not associated with risk of total, localized, or extraprostatic disease, in line with other studies.
Only one study has examined weight change in the period shortly
before and after prostate cancer diagnosis and the risk of recurrence,
measured by a post-treatment PSA increase.52 This retrospective
cohort study found that weight gain from 5 years before treatment
by prostatectomy to 1 year after treatment was associated with a statistically significant increase in recurrence, while weight loss was nonstatistically significantly associated with a lower risk of recurrence
(Figure 4). This study found no indication that physical activity modified the association between weight change and recurrence.
Physical activity
Physical activity has not been consistently associated with prostate
cancer incidence. However, several studies have found that leisure
time or recreational physical activity may reduce the risk of aggressive
or advanced prostate cancer. The Health Professionals Follow-up
Study (HPFS)53 and the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort (CPS II)54 both reported lower
risks of more advanced disease with increasing levels of recreational
physical activity; these associations were independent of BMI. In the
HPFS, men reporting 30 or more metabolic equivalent (Met)-hours
per week of vigorous physical activity had a relative risk for fatal
prostate cancer of 0.59 (95% CI: 0.351.01) compared to men reporting no recreational activity. In the CPS II study, men reporting greater
than 35 Met-hours per week had a relative risk for aggressive cancer
(high stage and/or grade) of 0.69 (95% CI: 0.520.92). The EPIC
Total prostate cancer incidence is not consistently associated with
smoking. However, the latest review of evidence by the United
States Surgeon General concluded that smoking is a probable contributor to higher prostate cancer mortality rates.59 Studies of prostate
cancer mortality have consistently found that smoking is associated
with higher risk, with more recent smoking being more strongly associated. In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, greater pack-years
of smoking in the 10 years prior to prostate cancer diagnosis were
associated with an increased risk of lethal disease, whereas smoking
earlier than that and total lifetime smoking were not associated
with risk.60 However, current smokers report less PSA testing than
non-smokers,61 and the positive associations between smoking and
prostate cancer mortality may be due in part to later diagnosis and
treatment of these cancers among smokers. It is noteworthy that in the
Health Professionals Follow-up Study, the association of prostate cancer with smoking was apparent even before PSA screening became
Smoking may also influence cancer-specific outcomes by influencing response to treatment. Studies in specific treatment populations
have consistently reported worse outcomes for smokers than nonsmokers among prostate cancer patients treated with radiation, androgen deprivation therapy and radical prostatectomy.6266 These studies
were limited by low numbers of prostate cancer-specific deaths, and
some relied on surrogate endpoints such as biochemical recurrence.
To date, only one large prospective study of smoking and cancerspecific mortality among men with prostate cancer has been published.67 Among 5366 men diagnosed with prostate cancer between
1986 and 2006 in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, there
were 524 prostate cancer deaths. The crude rate of prostate cancerspecific death was higher in current smokers than in never smokers
(15.3 and 9.6 deaths per 1000 person-years, respectively). Adjusting
for possible confounders, the relative risk of prostate cancer-specific
mortality was 1.6 (95% CI: 1.12.3) for current vs. never smokers. The
risk of cancer-specific death was still increased, but attenuated, when
also adjusted for stage and grade that may indicate that part of the
relationship between smoking and prostate cancer mortality is
through its influence on these clinical parameters. Sensitivity analyses
also found an increased risk of prostate cancer-specific mortality for
current vs. never smokers when restricted to men diagnosed with nonmetastatic disease (stages T1T3), and among men reporting a PSA
test prior to diagnosis. Compared to current smokers, former smokers
who quit 10 or more years before diagnosis and former smokers who
had quit less than 10 years ago but smoked less than 20 pack-years
overall had same risk as never smokers, again suggesting that more
recent smoking behavior is the most relevant with respect to prostate
cancer progression.
The possible biological basis for an association between smoking
and risk of fatal prostate cancer or survival among men with prostate
cancer is not clear, but several mechanisms have been proposed.67
Tumor promotion through carcinogens from tobacco smoke is a possibility, with several studies finding prostate cancer-specific mechanisms in animal and in vitro studies. In addition, nicotine may have
epigenetic effects such as on gene methylation patterns, and effects on
angiogenesis and tumor cell proliferation that contribute to initiation
or progression of disease.
Several dietary antioxidants, including selenium, vitamin E and lycopene/tomato sauce have been investigated with respect to prostate
cancer incidence. Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit the oxidation of other species, thereby limiting the damaging effects of oxidation
in animal tissues. Oxidative stress may damage molecules including
proteins and DNA, and has been implicated in carcinogenesis.
Vitamin E and selenium. Vitamin E generally refers to a group of fatsoluble compounds that include tocopherols and tocotrienols. atocopherol is the biologically most active form, and current dietary
recommendations in the United States are based on a-tocopherol
alone. c-tocopherol is the most common tocopherol in the United
States diet. Possible anticarcinogenic actions of vitamin E include its
ability to reduce DNA damage and inhibit malignant cellular transformation.68,69 In experimental models, derivatives of vitamin E
inhibit growth induce apoptosis70 and enhance therapeutic effects in
human prostate cancer cells.71
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