2 Mark 16 Markedc
2 Mark 16 Markedc
2 Mark 16 Markedc
1. Define diffusion current.
A movement of charge carriers due to the concentration gradient in a semiconductor is
called process of diffusion. When charge carriers move, the current is constituted in a bar.
This current due to diffusion is called diffusion current.
2. What is meant by zener break down?
When a PN junction is heavily doped, the depletion region is very narrow. So under
reverse bias condition, the electric field across the depletion region is intense. Such an
intense field is enough to pull the electrons out of the valence band of the stable atoms.
Such a creation of free electrons is called zener effect. These minority carriers constitute
very large current and the mechanism is called zener break down.
3. List the diode parameters
? Bulk resistance
? Static resistance
? Dynamic resistance
? Reverse resistance
? Knee voltage
? Break down voltage
? Reverse current or leakage current
4. Compare the silicon and germanium diodes with respect to cut in voltage and reverse
saturation current.
The barrier potential for germanium diode is 0.3 V. so the cut-in-voltage of germanium
diode is greater then 0.3 V and the barrier potential of silicon diode is 0.7 V. So the cutin-voltage of silicon diode is greater than 0.7 V.
5. A silicon diode has a saturation current of 7.5A at room temperature 300K. calculate
the saturation current at 460 K.
Given: I01 = 7.5A = 7.5 * 10-6
T1 = 300 K
T2 = 400 K
?T = T2 T2 = 460 300
?T = 160 K
hfe = ?Ic
?IB VCE constant
hie is input resistance in common emitter configuration
hfe is short circuit current gain in common base configuration
7. When a transistor is used as a switch, in which region of output characteristics it is
8. When a transistor is used as a switch it is operated alternately in the cut off region and
saturation region of the output characteristics
9. Write the relation between Ic, , IB and IcBo in a BJT.
i. In the active region:
i. IC = IB + (1+ )ICO
ii. In the cut-off region:
i. IC = (1+ )ICO
ICBO is the collector current when the emitter current is zero. ICBO is greater than ICO
10. Define a and of a transistor.
a: It is defined as the ratio of the collector current resulting from carrier injection to the
total emitter current
a = IC
: it is defined as the ratio of collector current to base current.
= IC
11. In a bipolar transistor which region is wider and which region is thinner? Why?
The middle region of bipolar junction transistor is called as the base of the transistor.
Input signal of small amplitude is applied to the base. This region is thin and lightly
doped.The magnified output signal is obtained at the collector. This region is thick and
heavily doped.
12. State the advantages of optocoupler.
a. It is compact and has less weight
b. Much faster than isolation transformers and relays
c. Noise transients, contact bounce etc, are completely eliminated
d. Has wide band signal transmission capability
e. Easy to interface with logic devices.
f. Response time is small
13. What are the tools used for small signal analysis of BJT?
Vi = hi Ii + hr Vo
Io = hf Ii + ho Vo
hi : input resistance
Ii : input current
hr : reverse voltage transfer ratio
ho : output admittance
Vi : input voltage
Vo : output voltage
The above parameters are required for drawing the equivalent circuit which is necessary
for the small signal analysis of BJT.
14. Give the current gain expression for a common emitter transistor configuration.
Ai= IC = -hfe
IB 1+hoeRL
15. What are power transistors?
Power transistors are one which is used for power amplification. It means that the
operating voltage and current is large. In the off-state they have to block large voltage and
in the on-state they have to carry large current.
16. Which of the BJT configuration is suitable for impedance matching application?
Common emitter configuration is used in impedance matching application because the
ratio of output resistance to input resistance is small and may range from 10 ? to 100 ?.
This makes the configuration an ideal for coupling between various transistor stages
17. For a npn transistor IE = 12ma and = 140. Determine the value of IB and Ic.
Ans: IE = (1+ ) IB
IB = IE / (1+ )
= 12mA / (1+140)
= 85.1 mA
Ic = IB = 140 * 85.1 mA = 11.914 mA
1. Draw and explain input and output characteristics of common emitter configuration
of a transistor
2. Explain in detail on voltage gain and current gain expressions for CB configuration
using transistor hybrid model
3. Draw the input and output characteristics of N-P-N transistor in common base
configuration and explain it. How the different hybrid parameters are found out from the
above characteristics
4. Explain how the hybrid parameters hfe , hoe, hie, hre can be determined from the CE
characteristics of a transistor .
= ?VDS
?VGS ID constant
6. Give the small signal model of a FET.
7. Mention the three regions that are present in the drain source characteristics of JFET
Saturation region
Break down region
Ohmic region
8. What is pinch-off voltage in FET?
In the VI characteristics of JFET, at some value of VDS, drain current ID cannot be
increased further, due to reduction in channel width. Any further increase in VDS does
not increase the drain current ID. ID approaches the constant saturation value. The
voltage VDS at which the current ID reaches to its constant saturation level is called "
Pinch-off voltage", Vp
9. What are the parameters that control the Pinch off voltage?
? Diode clipper
? Transistor clipper
26. What is the function of clamping circuits?
The function of clamping circuit is to introduce a d.c level into an a.c level. The
clamping circuits are also sometimes known as d.c restorers.
27. What is AMV? Why is it called as square wave generator?
An AMV is essentially a two stage RC coupled amplifier with output of one stage
supplied back to the input of another stage. An AMV generates square wave of known
frequency. So it is called a "Square wave generator.
1. Draw the circuit diagram of a phase shift oscillator using BJT. Derive the expression
for its frequency of oscillation. Determine the minimum hfe for the transistor
2. With suitable diagram explain the operation of Colpitts oscillator
3. Explain the principle of operation of crystal oscillator and give its application
4. Briefly discuss the effect of negative feedback on band width and stability of an
1. Explain the operation of Schmitt trigger using two transistors for a sinusoidal input
2. Explain the operation of UJT and draw the VI characteristics.
3. Explain series and shunt clipper with suitable diagram
4. Draw the circuit diagram of collector coupled astable multivibrator and explain its
operation with relevant operation. Derive the expression for time period
configuration. (Marks 8)
(ii) Describe the methods of determination of h-parameters from its
static Input and output characteristics. (Marks 8)
(b) (i) Explain the important characteristics of optocoupler. (Marks 6)
(ii) Explain the switching characteristics of transistor with neat sketch.
(Marks 10)
13. (a) (i) Explain how the transconductance of a JFET varies with drain
current and gate voltage characteristics and transfer
characteristics. (Marks 12)
(ii) A JFET has the following parameters IDDS = 32 mA,
VGS(off) = -8 Volts, VGS = -4.5 Volts. Find the values of drain
current. (Marks 4)
(b) (i) Explain the working of n-channel enhancement type MOSFET.
Sketch its typical characteristics. (Marks 10)
(ii) Explain the application of FET as a voltage variable resistor. (Marks 6)
14. (a) (i) Draw the block diagram of a voltage series feedback amplifier and
derive the equation for input impedance, output impedance and the
voltage gain. (Marks 10)
(ii) Calculate the voltage gain, input and output resistances of a voltage
series feedback amplifier having AV = 300, Ri = 1.5 k, Ro = 50 k
and = 1/15. (Marks 6)
(b) (i) Differentiate oscillator with amplifier. (Marks 4)
(ii) Draw the circuit of a Hartley oscillator and derive the condition for
the frequency of oscillation. (Marks 12)
15. (a) (i) Describe the operation of UJT and its emitter characteristics. (Marks 8)
(ii) Describe the working of a Schmitt trigger circuit with the help of
necessary waveforms. (Marks 8)
(b) (i) Sketch the response of RC high pass filter for the following inputs
and explain.
(1) Ramp
(2) Pulse. (Marks 8)
(ii) Explain the operation of a bistable multi-vibrator circuit with neat
sketch. (Marks 8)
Important Questions in EDC Electronic Devices and Circuits 131303 subject for
131303 - Electronic Devices and Circuits