Steven M. Greer - Disclosure and 9-11
Steven M. Greer - Disclosure and 9-11
Steven M. Greer - Disclosure and 9-11
As we mourn the tragic loss of precious life on September 11, and as we all pray for
justice and peace in the world, let us also rededicate our lives to the task of creating a
world in which those atrocious and evil acts can never be repeated. Let us pray for the
world and our nation and ask that Providence guide our leaders and protect our soldiers
as we unite to create a safe and just world.
But we must distinguish between short - term remedies, however necessary, and long-
term cures. To avert an even graver cataclysm, great care must be taken, and we need to
look deeply at the larger causes of the sickness that visited New York and Washington on
I have been asked what relation the Disclosure Project may have to the healing of this
consuming and potentially lethal illness that has afflicted humanity in this, the
millennium of peace. Is the Disclosure Project relevant in this new world?
For nearly 10 years we have been meeting with senior CIA, Pentagon and political
figures, advocating a general disclosure on so-called UFOs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence
and related energy and propulsion systems currently held by illegal, 'classified' projects.
These projects, unsupervised by the Congress or President, are illegal, rogue, shadowy
operations that are a direct threat to both short term and long-term national and world
security concerns. Their 'black' funding status deprives genuine security, intelligence and
military programs of much needed support and technological resources. And they are
withholding from valid, legal projects the new technologies that could both prevent and
intercept the catastrophe of 9/11.
The valid, true, legal government of We The People is deprived of both technologies and
funding that could have prevented the massive national security and intelligence failure
that led to the events of 9/11. While conventional and legal programs are starved for
staffing and new technologies, clandestine and rogue black projects are awash in upwards
of $100 Billion per year. Largely privatized, these operations have both the means and
the technologies to have prevented 9/11. And yet they did nothing.
Why? Because they do not exist. Consider these words of Sen. Inouye: "There exists a
shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising
mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all
checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
In the unacknowledged world of such projects (see the book 'Disclosure' by this author)
there exist the technologies to monitor, intercept and penetrate the terrorist cells of
Osama bin Laden and others. But this is a case of not just the left hand not knowing what
the right hand is doing: the left hand does not even know the right hand exists.
Such 'shadowy' projects hide within the vast bureaucracy of government, military
intelligence, corporate, laboratory and institute operations in the U.S. and abroad -
compartmented away from the public, the Congress and usually even the President, CIA
Director and Secretary of Defense. The Disclosure Project has penetrated these projects,
obtained testimony, code names and facility locations. The illegal nature of such projects,
their highly compartmented nature and their large financial resources prevents normal
oversight and control by the government of the people. They are able to avoid detection,
work in compartmented cells funded by clandestine sources and evade interception by
even skilled investigators in the Congress, Department of Defense and CIA. Indeed, their
modus operandi are not dissimilar from the very terrorist cells we are trying to penetrate
and neutralize.
Let no one interpret this as an indictment of 'The Government', 'The CIA', 'The Pentagon'
etc. On the contrary, the point is that the conventional, legal government, military and
intelligence community are for the most part the first victims of these operations, not the
perpetrators. In fact, in meetings with the head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (J-2), the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Director of the
CIA, I have learned first hand of their frustration and horror at the unchecked power of
these rogue operations that undermine our security and make a mockery of the rule of law
and the constitution, as Sen. Inouye correctly observed. I am sure 99%+ of the
conventional government, military and intelligence community are not only denied
access to these projects, but are victimized, blind-sided and hindered by them.
In short, The Disclosure Project stands ready to provide Congressional and other
government investigators with the insider witnesses who can expose these operations and
put them back under the control of the legitimate government - where they can do the
people some good. I have little doubt that such projects possess - and are withholding
from the legal government - the means to prevent another 9/11.
Beyond this, in 1994 Dick D'Amato, then senior counsel to the Senate Appropriations
Committee, told me personally that with a subpoena power and a top secret clearance, he
could not penetrate such rogue projects - and that somewhere between $40 billion and
$80 billion per year were going into such unsupervised operations. And that was in 1994
dollars! In the zero sum game of government budgets, this means today upwards of $100
billion per year is being siphoned off into operations of dubious value, which do not
benefit - and may erode - our national security.
The operational readiness and competence of our intelligence and military community are
being undermined by such 'shadowy' projects - and yet after 10 years of meetings with
our leaders in Washington, at the U.N. and in other countries, we still see that nothing is
being done about it. We the people, the media and the armed services must demand a
change, before it is really too late. Our government, our nation, the people and our
courageous men and women in the military and intelligence community need and deserve
better. We must stand-down these rogue projects and give back to the people and the
people's representatives the means to protect and defend our nation and the civilized
But these near-term concerns, though grave, are subordinate to a larger, more
fundamental problem: Clandestine projects, largely privatized in the contracting sector of
shadowy corporate/government operations, are withholding from the public the definitive
cure for the underlying illness: Oil.
Make no mistake about it: We have not needed oil, and especially Mid-east oil, for
decades, and we can prove it. And yet the cornerstone of our foreign policy and presence
in that troubled region has been directed at securing cheap, abundant and reliable supplies
of oil. Again, the conventional government, diplomats, Congressional leaders and so
forth are completely unaware of the existence of these new energy and propulsion
systems. So they blindly pursue policies to ensure the continued safe supply of that
noxious stuff that runs the entire western economy. Unaware of these clandestine
projects- projects that hide behind a bogus claim of national security- our leaders do the
best they can, with both hands tied behind their backs and a blindfold over both eyes.
This is not to excuse in any way the evil, monstrous and inhuman acts of Osama bin
Laden or others of his ilk. There can be no rationalizing such horrific deeds. But we can
understand it: Why him, why us, why now: why.
Fanatics like bin Laden are hell-bent on running America out of the Middle East because
they view our presence there as a virtual invasion of their land, culture and values. They
view us as an imperial power colonizing their region in order to secure cheap oil, and it is
resented. To a lesser extent, they are concerned about our support for Israel, but bin
Laden himself has made it very clear in numerous speeches that their main concern is
getting the US out of Saudi Arabia, the land containing the most holy sites in the Islamic
world. For decades, our foreign and military policy- whether in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran
or elsewhere- has been driven by our strategic oil and energy interests.
As we learned on 9/11, the price of oil has been much higher than we thought.
While never condoning the evil deeds of bin Laden et al, we must recognize that such
malevolence does not evolve in a vacuum. The milieu that gave rise to such atrocities
must be understood and corrected.
The good news is that the Disclosure Project can prove that we have a replacement for
oil, coal and conventional energy. In a decade we could reach energy independence: bin
Laden et al may keep their oil, for we will not need it.
For 50 years, America and the world have had their destiny hijacked by rogue, shadowy
projects that have abused the national security act to suppress these energy and
propulsion systems. Our foreign policy, oil and energy policy and environmental policy
have all been driven by what is hidden in clandestine projects. Our leaders, scientists,
policy makers and the people have not known that the definitive solution to the world's
energy, environmental and poverty problems have been stolen from us. It is time we take
them back.
Things called UFOs have been seen for decades. What are they, where are they from,
how do they work. In these answers lie the solution to the world geo-political crisis, third
world poverty, oil, pollution and many other pressing concerns. We have the answers. Is
anybody listening?
The events of 9/11 are truly tragic: they were preventable. Operationally, we could have
and should have intercepted that mission of terror - if only our good and courageous men
and women in the military and intelligence world had the resources stolen by rogue
projects. And the root cause of the problem - our oil policy and dominant presence in the
Middle East- is a problem of our own making. We have allowed these 'shadowy' projects
to grow and they have taken from us the definitive solution to the oil and energy crisis.
An old Chinese saying states that 'Unless we change directions, we are likely to end up
where we are going…'. As we look at where we are going, can anyone question that we
must change directions - and soon?
The Disclosure Project is dedicated to bringing forth the information and top-secret
government witnesses so that these rogue programs are returned to the government of the
people. We are dedicated to disclosing these energy and propulsion systems that will give
us the means to become energy independent. This is a tide that will lift all boats. This is
the beginning of a new chapter in human history.
So as we remember those fallen on 9/11, let us see through our tears to a course of action.
Let our actions be our remembrance. Let our actions bring forth the means for opening a
new chapter in human history - one of abundance, justice, equality and peace. All that
we need has been given - and again stolen - from us. Do we have the courage to bring it
The day those terrible events occurred in New York and Washington, I vowed that we
must redouble our efforts to disclose the truth. And more: to start a project to disclose and
build those new energy and propulsion technologies to forever replace our need for oil.
Please join us if you can help. Our actions to build the world anew will be the most fitting
memorial to those innocents who left this world on 9/11.
Steven M. Greer MD
Director, The Disclosure Project
September 27, 2001
Albemarle County, Virginia