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Read Me First Experts Updated v6f

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LINK2FS_Multi_FSX _6f

(Expert Version).

This release is for EXPERTS only ,, if you are not familiar with Link2fs_Multi_FSX
then this release is not for you.
There is NO specific help for the extra functions in this release as it is assum
ed the people that will use them know what they are doing.
Requirements ,,,
Obviously M$ FSX.
M$ net framework 2
M$ XP, win7 or win8.1
(It has been tested on XP(32), win7(64) and win8.1(64) so if it don t load then it s
your computer or your UAC settings etc)
You don t need an Arduino attached but it helps.
You don t need FSUIPC for my program to run ,, it just means you won t be able to us
e the FSUIPC section.
Installation ,,,,
Make a new folder in your C drive (or what-ever) and unzip the zipped files int
o it.
Do NOT put it into a folder with an earlier Multi .
There is also folders with sample INO s in them. (If supplied with what ever downl
oad you ve got)
Most of the numbered folders are empty and they are just there to make it easy for
you to start with.
When you first save a profile ,, it makes and saves 7 more files ,,, your card fil
es and a start.v6ini . (if you have made your profile the start one.)
The card files are there to save your settings for the 5 cards. The start.v6ini file
tells my program which set of card files to start automatically with.
There will also be a file called expertsettings.ini which is your Expert settings fo
r SimConnect and FSUIPC.
To get back to default on any page/file ,, just delete the file concerned and it
will fix itself next restart.
Note ,,
This is not an Install program ,, it is just an ordinary exe. (even run s from a pen
It does not mess with any files or settings on your computer.
WAV files ,,,,
The chatter wav files are stored in a folder that is indication the last 3 digit
s of a com radio. (I know ,, on some radios you only see 2 digits
but the third one is still there ,, so 123.12 really is 123.125)
With my download there are a few wav files in 100 so tune your Com2s/b radio to
.100 to hear them.
You can add chatter files into any of the empty folder and even add more folders
Chatter files are all over the net (try flightsim.com and avsim.com ,, etc) They
need to be in the
wav format. They can be from any version of flightsim.



There are no help files for the additional features in this release ,,, it is assu
med that the user knows how to use it although there is a help page on how to us
e his knowledge of SimConnect or FSUIPC with the lay-out of the pages.
If it looks too complicated then use version 5h ,, or ,, learn SimConnect or FSU
IPC and then it will all come clear.

I have still included the help files from version 5h though ,, along with
a few demo INO s for the Arduino.
Arduino INO files that worked fine in version 5h will also work fine with
elease so there is no need to re-brain your Arduino.
There is no help with SimConnect or FSUIPC ,, that is a field of it own.
ch them on the net ,, there's heaps of info.
There is no help with you doing your own INO file (for the Arduino) but
ke to hear of anything wrong with my program.

this r
I would li

LAN use ,,,

For the Guys playing with this on LAN ,, be aware that my child forms are forced
to be "On top" and when you first try to connect ,, the
firewall warning of a new connection may be UNDERNEATH the form you are looking
Nothing I m aware of at release date although it hasn t had much testing.
4 September 2014 release version 6f
1 August 2014 release of version 6e.
28 July 2014 release version 6c.
23 April 2014 release version 6b.
13 April 2014 release version 6a (Complete package for experts)
A reminder ,,,
As you get more experienced and start making INO's that require a lot of extract
ions or start using rotary
encoders, there are two things to watch for,,,
1/. The SERIAL BUFFER mod as detailed on my website
2/. The ROTARY ENCODER mod for Guys with MEGA cards,,,
The demo is set up for using with a Uno card (max pin = 14) but to use it with a
Mega card ,, all that
needs doing is to open out the 'quadrature.h' file and edit the line
'#define DIGITAL_PINS (14)'
and change the 14 to what ever pin no. is going to be your highest that is used
by a rotary encoder.
There is a demo for quarter cycle rotary encoders ,, no need to use a library wi
th them ,,, although any
other type of rotary encoder will need a library.
As usual ,,,
Use at your own risk.
What worked for me,, may not work for you.
If it don t work for you, then go and try something else.
OK Thanks Guys ,, Jim

Whats new in v6f ??

A major re-work to split up long serial burst's on first load and also a refresh
Whats new in v6e ??
Fixed a couple of bugs.
Added the ability to input FSUIPC 'controls'. 43 slots for that but also added t
he ability to send control codes direct from the Arduino.
Added some more codes in the ordinary "Simconnect Inputs" page. ( C56 to C65)
Whats new in v6b ??
Fixed a lot of bugs.
Fixed some big problems in the Annunciator area. (I'll re-work this area one day
Fixed the Autopilot Vertical speed setting where it wouldn't take negative numbe
Added an error indicator for the Formula cells in the expert area. (Shows what l
ine the error is on)
Added 10 more 'slots' in the Experts SimConnect inputs page.(The most I could do
without messing up the "card" files.)
Fixed the "Reset" button problems.(It now "Resets" and saves even if there is an
error present)
Added an error warning for the "Expert" stuff that they will see even if they ar
e not in an Expert page.
What s new in v6a ?
Compared to Link2fs_Multi_FSX v5h the following has been added ,,,
It can now handle 5 cards in total.
An option to use LAN instead of serial is available for 4 of those 5 cards.
A lot of new SimConnect extractions.
A lot of new SimConnect direct inputs.
Added to the GPWS are ,,,
Approaching Minimums
Autopilot disconnect warning.
There are extra unused GPWS Wav files included so you can change some of
them if you like.
Added 11 new triggers to the Anunnciator page.
Added a new area where the user can set SimConnect extractions for his own use.
Added a new area where the user can set SimConnect inputs for his own use.
Added an area where the user can set FSUIPC offsets for his own use as inputs or
Added the ability for the user to test input codes rather than have to re-code the
Added the option with Flaps to be in percent rather than angle.
Added the ability to send seconds pulses from the main computer to the Arduino.
Added the ability for the Arduino to request the Seconds to see if it was connecte
d properly.
Added the ability for the Arduino to request a refresh burst if the refresh timer
was turned off.
Reworked file naming code for the Save button.
Reworked serial error detection so there was no Lock-up .
Then I just got down right sick of adding stuff. (For now)

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