Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
3. Efficiency of
38. List some of non pressure compensated type flow control valves.
Needle valve, Globe valve and Gate valve.
39. What is pressure compensated flow control valve?
The pressure compensated flow control valve automatically adjusts to pressure
changes and maintain a constant pressure drop from inlet to outlet.
40. What are the possible locations of flow control valves?
There are three types of locations called Meter-in, Meter-out, and Bleed-off.
41 . What is a modular valve?
Modular valve is a stock of control valves one on the other to form a complete
valve pack. This arrangement forms a compact system, thereby reducing assembly
cost and eliminates much of the interconnecting pipe work.
42. What is the use of pressure contorl valve?
Pressure control valves are used in hydraulic circuits to maintain the desired
pressure levels in various parts of the circuits. Diverting the high pressure fluid to a
low pressure area, there by limiting the pressure in the higher pressure area.
43. What are the three basic types of accumulators?
i) Weight loaded (or) gravity type. ii) Spring loaded type iii) Gas loaded type.
44. What are the types of gas loaded accumulators?
i) Non- separator.
ii) Separator.
45. Name the major classifications of separator accumulator.
i) Piston type.
ii) Diaphragm type.
46. What are the advantages and disadvantages of piston type accumulator?
Advantage: This type of accumulator is its ability to accommodate very high or low
temperature of the system.
Disadvantage: The main disadvantages of the free piston type accumulator are its cost
and size. Piston and seal friction may also be a problem in a low pressure
47. What are the advantages of diaphragm type accumulator?
The greatest advantages of this type of accumulator are its small weight to volume
ratio, characteristics that makes it suitable for aircraft application.
48. Bladder type accumulators provide quick pressure response than piston type
accumulators. Reason out.
Two reasons,
Rubber bladders do not have to overcome the static friction which a piston
seal must.
The piston mass does not need to be accelerated and decelerated.
1. How do a simple pressure reducing valve and compound relief valve differ in
2. Name and explain three major classifications of a separator accumulator.
3. Describe the purpose, construction, and operation of various directional control
4. With neat sketch explain the operations of a pressure- reducing valve. Sketch its
graphical symbol
5. Explain in brief about the sequence valve with its application circuit.
6. Describe the purpose, construction, and operation of various flow & pressure
control valves.
7. Differentiate between a pressure relief valve, a pressure-reducing valve, a
sequence valve and an unloading Valve.
8. Describe the purpose, construction, and operation of various accumulators.
9. Explain the operation of accumulator circuits.
10. Describe the operation of pressure intensifiers and identify typical applications.
11. Explain electrical control solenoid valves, relays & ladder diagram.
12. Construct a hydraulic circuit to explain the application of regenerative system in a
drilling machine.
13. Construct a double pump hydraulic circuit employed in a punching press and
explain how it functions.
14. While designing the hydraulic circuit what are the important considerations must
be taken into account?
15. What is the difference between closed circuit and open circuit hydrostatic
16. Describe the application of synchronizing circuit for series pumping.
17. Explain in detail about the hydraulic operation of a planning machine.
18. Brief the hydraulic operation of press with neat circuit.
19. Explain the hydraulic circuit for a robotic arm.
20. Draw a hydraulic circuit for forklift.