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A cartel is often described as a horizontal agreement that provides for price

fixation, customer and territory allocation, set distribution of goods and

services, bid rigging, restriction of supply etc. and may be formed by an
association of persons or enterprises. It may be said that it is one of the
more malevolent forms of violation of competition law as it unequivocally
damages competition and causes loss to the market economy and free
competition, and it is owing to this seriousness of cartels they are subject to
the per se rule in United States, United Kingdom and even in India. This
basically means that cartels violate the law simply by the reason that they
are in nature of restraint of trade and it is immaterial whether they actually
harm someone.
The major objective of Competition law is to stop private players from
obstructing market economy and monopolising the market. Firms do tend
to restrict competition by entering into collusive agreements to fix prices
and outputs, and they often take exploitative and exclusionary steps as
means to achieve this vicious end and it may even happen that some major
players in the market join hands and enter into a joint venture or some
other form of combination to prevent new players from coming up while
they rule the roost. Such tactics only encourages unfair practices,
becoming a hindrance in the development of a free and fair economy and
an ideal Competition Law would be that which is able to address this
problem and curb it. Many critics were praise for the legal devices used in
the U.K. Competition Act, 1998 to control cartelisation and allied threats
and this act was undoubtedly an inspiration for India to draft its own
Competition Act in 2002,[4] but perhaps an introspection into what India
has achieved and faced so far and what lies in the future; is much needed.
Anti-Competitive Agreements and Anti-Competitive Agreements and
Before the Competition Act no anti-competitive law in India had explicitly
and comprehensively defined cartel, though it was implicitly covered under
Section 33 (1) d of the Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practises Act, 1969.
Cartel is defined in section 2(c) and Section 3(3)[10] says that any sort of
price fixation, bid rigging and allocation of territory will be presumed to have
an adverse effect on competition. Section 3(3) of the Indian Competition
Act is in tandem with the UNCTADs Model Law of Competition. The

definition of cartel is very broad and inclusive covering both trade and
competition and covers any and everything that may try to limit competition,
restrict or inflate prices, control production and make arrangements that
bars entry of new players or cause them hindrance. The Competition
Commission of India (CCI), while inquiring into the alleged contraventions
of section 3(1) or 4(1) may, if it opines that there exists a prima facie case
order an investigation by the Director General (DG).Cartels have been a
subject of heavy litigation since the time of Monopolies and Restriction of
Trade Practices Act, 1969 and have been a major aspect of the
Competition Act, 2002.
Issues faced by India
There are many issues which India or for that matter any system of
competition law in the world would face; like
1. The extent to which the unilateral conduct of firms with market power
should be controlled,
2. The extent to which transactions can be modified,
3. The price which a new player or customer should pay to access an
essential facility,
4. The relationship between intellectual property and competition law
and to what degree should a merger be prohibited.
A one point solution of all these problems would be to scrutinise and
keep an eye on agreements between independent firms which smell
of restriction and establish a hierarchy and severity of cartelization
involved and set up penal provisions accordingly which may amount
to imprisonment for the more serious offences. Some other policy
questions include whether sanctions should be available against
individuals as well as companies and the extent of leniency which can
be given to whistle-blowers from within the cartels.

Cement Cartelization in India
In India cartels have been alleged in various sectors like cement, tyres,
trucking, steel, family planning devices (Copper T) and the like. India is the
second largest manufacturer of cement in the world after China and so the

existence of cement cartels in India does not comes as a surprise. Ever

since liberalization and decontrol, cement manufacturers have been
accused of cartelization and recently in 2007 the Monopolies and
Restrictive Trade Practices Commission, New Delhi ruled that cement
manufacturers have indeed been acting in a manner attracting Section 33 1
(d) of the MRTP act and passed a cease and desist order against the
manufacturers. The Director General brought a case against the Birlas,
ACC and JK group houses alleging that they control 50 per cent of the total
cement production and have an arrangement that allows them to control
cement market, prices, distribution etc. However there was no direct
evidence of an arrangement and the court relied on the ruling given in
Union of India v. Hindustan Development Corporation saying that there has
to be proof of agreement among the concerned parties to act in concert
and that such agreement may be tacit or inferred.
Recently in 2012 the Builders Association of India filed a case against the
Cement Manufacturers Association alleging violation of Sections 3 and 4 of
the Competition Act and setting up of cartel which was anti-competitive in
nature. The court held that an existence of written material was not
necessary to prove a common understanding or agreement and it is
sufficient if the activities of the companies imply the existence of such an
agreement. The fact that production and dispatch of the companies were
fluctuating in a similar manner was considered critical evidence. It was held
that the act of limit and control of production and supplies in the market
caused upward movement in the price of the cement and that the
deliberate act of shortage in production and supplies by the cement
companies and the almost inelastic nature of demand of cement in the
market resulted into higher prices in the cement. Thus it was held that the
cement companies acting together had actually limited, controlled and also
attempted to control the production and price of cement in the India market.
The act was held not only detrimental to the cause of the consumers but
also to the whole economy since cement was a crucial input in construction
and infrastructure industry vital for economic development of the country
and appropriate penalty was imposed. The buck did not stop here and on
further complaints the Competition Commission of India (CCI) ordered
further probe by the Director General (DG) who submitted his report on
May 30, 2011 and in which he stated that the prices of cement had risen in
an eerily similar way although the cost of sale had increased only
marginally. An article published in the Business Standard stated that major
cement producers along with Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)
divided the whole market into five zones, which enabled them to control the

supply and fix prices by forming a cartel and that according to the DGs
investigation report, CMA formed a high power committee and the prices of
cement were discussed in its meetings.
The 2012 Tyre Cartelisation Controversy
In the year 2011 it appeared that another major cartel in India is soon to be
busted and this came to light in the backdrop of consumers having to face
steep price hike on tyres, increasing the costs of maintenance of their
vehicles. It was alleged that the major players of this industry had
conspired together to create an artificial price hike of tyres and charges
were levied against the Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association
(ATMA) and the major players in the market which included Apollo Tyres
Ltd, MRF Ltd, JK Tyre and Industries Ltd, Birla Tyres and Ceat Ltd and it
was alleged that they control 95 per cent of the industry. A much publicised
litigation took place in the case of All India Tyre Dealers Federation vs.
Tyre Manufacturers in which the commission observed that certain
industries provide a structural basis that is conducive for cartelization and
that that tyre industry in India, being highly oligopolistic and concentrated in
nature, having entry barriers and a homogenous product, is conducive for
cartelization but there are other factors that dilute the above structure and
create conditions which do not sustain the maintenance of a cartel.The
Commission was of the opinion that price parallelism per se may not violate
the provisions of the Act and that in certain cases price parallelism could
have been dictated solely by economic reasons and that it was not a
violation of the Competition Act if it does not result from the alleged
concerted action. The Commission also weighed various parameters and
held that the presence of other mitigating factors such as the bargaining
power of the Original Equipment Manufacturers known as the OEMs, who
constitute a majority of the customer base, and the options to replacement
consumer to retreat, diluted the factors suggesting collusive actions. It also
held that the levy of anti-dumping duty on the imported tyres suggested that
cheaper options were available and hence the existence of cartel cannot be
India and International Cartelisation
Another issue which India faces is lack of tie ups with other governments or
signing up international treaties to handle international cartels that have
effects in many different countries, given that national laws apply only to
harm that occur in national jurisdiction, and some countries have no
anticartel laws at all, case in point being Information Technology cartels

and Vitamin cartels. International price fixation if done by a multinational

company is bound to hit India because of the simple reason that there are
Indians who are buying the goods of that company and if that company is
minting profit out of the cartel it is because there are Indians who are
paying higher prices for their goods.
What India can learn and change
Though the Indian Competition Act has provided for a comprehensive law
to deal with anticompetitive conduct there are certain areas which need
consideration. One issue in point may be certain enterprises which are
being deregulated particularly those which are new and involve information
technology like telecommunication services. The definition of predatory
price is unsatisfactory in that the level of cost of production of goods or the
provision of services below which a price would become a predatory price
should not have been left to be determined by regulations made by the
commission, leaving the principle unknown and therefore uncertain. The
principle on which a relevant cost of production is determined and the
factors considered should be known to the industry and acceptable so that
the defence of mistake of fact and absence of any regulation is not taken
by any enterprise which is trying to abuse the economy by misusing its
dominant position or by setting up of cartels. Another criticism of the Indian
Competition law vis--vis cartels has been the shift from rule of reason as
envisioned early in Section 38 of the Monopoly and Restrictive Trade
Practices Act to the per se rule which does not allow for the fact that certain
groups might be formed without prejudicing the public and are not
necessarily in the nature of trade restriction or malpractice. There are many
competition laws in the world which provides for exemptions in certain
cases of cartelisation for example crisis cartels that provide for industries in
decline or recession to revamp themselves and export cartels which try to
regulate trade in a manner which is beneficial to the nation. Often a cartel
prohibition has been introduced with a condition that creates an exemption
to the prohibition but in recent decades such exemptions have been mostly
done away with but still in certain cases cartel exemptions should be
allowed, provided that they meet certain specific criteria like being in public
interest and the range of such exemptions should only reduce with time. As
of now the only mitigating provision is section 46 of the Competition Act
2002 which gives leniency to certain cartels on giving some vital
disclosures. While certain gateways may be given to cartels in some
cases where it is in nature of public interest, there should be enough
deterrence to stop the more harmful ones .

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