Crystals and Gemstones
Crystals and Gemstones
Crystals and Gemstones
Copyright of Jugglingmum
This is the updated 2008 copy of The Power & Secrets of Crystals & Gems
Author Jugglingmum
Distributor’s Website
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Copyright of Jugglingmum
Before I begin The Secrets & Powers of Crystals and Gems, I’d like to share
a secret with you.
If you’re reading this ebook then you probably already have a belief in the
natural powers of the Universe so I’d like to introduce you to something
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Copyright of Jugglingmum
ABALONE - Confidence, Spirituality, Heart, Muscles, Digestion
Copyright of Jugglingmum
Copyright of Jugglingmum
Copyright of Jugglingmum
BARITE - Decisiveness, Writing, Muscles
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
CALCITE - Comfort, Inspiration, Cleansing, Bladder, Pancreas, Toxins
Provides comfort & refreshes the system when in emotional crises.
Pink/Clear Calcite is especially good for bringing calmness & balance.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
DANBURITE - Sociability, Confidence, Muscles.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
EILAT STONE - Spirituality, Balance, Vitality, Wellbeing
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
GALENA - Dedication, Insomnia
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
I, J, K & L
IOLITE - Control, Management, Chest, Addiction
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
LABRADORITE - Charisma, Relationships, Arguments, Inhibitions, Feet.
Brings out the hidden qualities in the personality.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
MAGNETITE - Composure, Learning, Heart
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
OBSIDIAN - Achievement, Perception, Stomach, Digestion, Stress. An
excellent general healer as it helps create positive influences & provides
inner tranquillity. Sends negative thoughts away.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
PAUA SHELL - Versatility, Humour, Tension, Depression
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
QUARTZ CLEAR - Purification, Refinement, General, Vertigo, Dizziness.
This is probably the most popular of stones & has been used by healers for
centuries. It purifies the air, the body, cleanses the system & mind.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
SAPPHIRE - Love, Partnership, Sleep, Depression, Protection, Power,
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
TANZANITE - Vitality, Athletics, Bones, Worries
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
ULEXITE - Contentment, Industry, Teeth, Worries
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
WILLIAMSITE - Tranquillity, Candour, Lungs, Inflammations
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
I’m thrilled and proud to be able to link up with Lotus Tarot, probably the
best Tarot Reading site on the internet today.
By clicking here you will be taken to Alison Day's site, where you will be
able to access free online readings and lots of other tarot related information,
including a free learn tarot course, articles, an active discussion forum, card
interpretations and loads of links to other great stuff.
To get a free reading, you will need to register your email address with the
site, which takes about 30 seconds and is more than worth the effort -
Alison's readings are both accurate and upbeat.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
The Third Eye Chakra is related to intuition & generosity. It can help heal
problems with sight, loneliness, dizziness & uncertainty. Colours associated
with the Chakra are Violet, Indigo & Dark Blue. Suggested stones are
Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli & Sodalite.
The Heart Chakra is related to love & compassion. It can help with
feelings of anger and/or resentment. Its associated colour is green but pink
is also sometimes used. Suggested stones are Aventurine and Rose Quartz.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with confidence & self-esteem. Its
attributes are for ego, intellect & digestion using the colour yellow.
Suggested stones are Calcite & Yellow Jasper.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Note: If you suffer from any ailment it is recommended that you seek medical advice
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Why do Crystals & Gemstones have power? There are many theories but
one of the most popular is that all crystals have the capacity to absorb
energies, emotions & knowledge. The variety in their composition means
that each type absorbs different powers & these powers are then naturally
imparted to the user or wearer.
To cleanse your stones wash each stone separately. If you plan to leave
them to soak then use a separate container of water for each stone & please
be sure to use clean water for each stone. This may seem obvious to some
but you’d be surprised how many people acquire several stones at once &
just put them all to soak together in a single container. It’s also important to
use a natural container not one made of plastic!
You may then wish to recharge your stone and this involves using the power
of the earth, sun & moon. I rinse my stones under running tap water then
bury them in some earth, (a plant pot will do) for at least a day, so that they
may receive earth energies. I then soak them overnight in tap water with a
sprinkle of sea salt followed by placing them outside in sunlight so that they
may get re-charged or re-energised by the sun.
Crystals and Gemstones
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
EVERY full moon I place my stones outside so that they may also receive
energy from the moon. Obviously, if I’ve acquired a new stone & the next
full moon is a long way off, they don’t get placed outside for moon energies
For more information on how to use Moon Phases please click here.
It is then important to personalise your stone & get to know it. Take the
time to hold each stone and feel it with your hands so that you may become
attuned with it.
Should you share your Crystals & Gemstones? Many people do not
allow anyone else to touch or handle their stones and I too have some some
‘special’ stones that only I touch.
My children are also constantly ‘playing’ with my stones and sometimes ask
to take a certain stone to bed with them. This is why I periodically repeat
the cleansing process and recharge my stones.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Remember, it is important that you treat your stones with respect, care and
Tumblestones and smaller pieces are great for carrying with you each day
or make excellent gifts for friends and loved ones. I have a selection of
stones that I change and carry according to my feelings or requirements on a
particular day. I also have several pieces of jewellery containing different
stones and again change these to suit my needs. For example I may wear a
particular stone, or have one close by, whilst writing my E-Books but if I’m
planning a romantic evening with my husband then I’ll be sure to change the
stones later in the evening.
There are numerous ways to use your stones - You can place them under
your pillow or on a bedside cabinet so you can absorb their influences whilst
you sleep. If you have an ailing plant place some crystals around it or soak a
stone in water overnight and use it to water the plant the following day.
Talk to your stones, carry them with you, get to know them and feel their
energies working for you and then use them however you feel is most
Crystal Wands can be used to recharge your whole body. Hold one in your
transmitting hand (left if you’re left handed or right if you’re right handed)
with the point pointing towards your fingers. Take the second wand and
hold it in your receiving hand with the point facing towards your wrist. You
now have a complete circuit and after a short while you should feel a flow of
energy passing through your body. You can also use a pair of male &
female stones in the same way.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
I would like to stress again that crystal & gemstone healing cannot replace
medical treatment and you should always consult a medical professional.
Crystal & gemstone treatment is a complimentary therapy and should be
used as such - complimentary to any other medical treatment you may
Treatments are numerous and again vary from healer to healer. Some will
choose a set of crystals for you to carry with you day & night, others may
use a wand or point. In this case the wand is held lightly, as for diagnosing,
but usually in the transmitting hand and pointing towards the area to be
healed. However, if something needs to be ‘brought out’ from the area the
wand will be held pointing away.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Just look, don’t touch and see if you’re repeatedly drawn back to looking at
the same one. Try not to let logic decide for you - biggest isn’t always best!
Let your intuition guide you & trust that feeling.
Crystals will create harmony wherever they are. For instance, if you
have a child that can’t sleep at night or wakes from nightmares then try
placing a crystal under their bed. Children are very receptive to crystals and
their power and mine often pick one up and rub it over their tummy or head
if hurting - they even instinctively use a clockwise movement.
Try placing crystals around your garden plants or in potted plants & see how
much more beautiful & bright they bloom & grow. To specifically energise
a garden try placing a crystal in each corner and another in the centre. This
creates a type of energy similar to pyramid energy.
After you’ve recharged your crystal in water try pouring it over your
houseplants or even give it to your pets to drink. Try putting a bowl of
uncharged water out for your dog and one that is charged - after time the dog
will ‘choose’ to drink the charged water.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
To meditate with crystals try holding it in your left hand. Each time you use
the crystal it will store the information form the previous meditations and
will help your mind more quickly achieve the meditative state.
Crystals are tools to work with & help to create a harmonious environment
but they can only assist and amplify what we can do with our minds,
energies & willpower.
Crystals are an integral part of the Earth & the Earth and its inhabitants are
crying out for love & attention. I believe the heart Chakra of the Earth is
now opening and it is time to listen with our hearts rather than our heads. A
time to trust and understand our feelings and intuition rather than logic.
Crystals can help us reach this new point of balance. They are here to wake
us up & remind us of whom we really are.
We are only just beginning to rediscover the power of crystals & gemstones.
They will talk to you if you listen.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
8 = Power
11 A master number that emphasises the meaning of two 1s but also 1+1=2
which symbolises an ability to care for others.
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Arguments Labradorite
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
PMT Moonstone
Travel Jade
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Briolette Cut
Emerald Cut
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Heart Cut
Marquise Cut
Octagon Cut
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Oval Cut
Pear Cut
Princess Cut
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Square Cut
Trilliant Cut
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Cabochon Cut
Baguette Cut
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Since the beginning of time, crystals, gemstones, rocks & mountains have
played a vital role. Many have been found in ancient ruins & Pharaoh
Tombs & it is said that the lost city of Atlantis used crystal power the same
way we use electricity today. Hindu Puranas describe Krishna as living in a
city furnished with rubies, emeralds, sapphires & diamonds. Many cultures
believed that stones had a life giving force & this eventually led to them
being used for healing.
Stones have also played a key roll in various religions. Islam says that the
stones spoke to Mohammed and informed him that he was to receive the
Quran from Allah. One of the five pillars of Islam says that every Muslim
should try to visit Mecca and the Kaaba which is a huge black stone.
The Egyptians engraved an eye on lapis lazuli as it symbolised Ra, the Sun
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One of the prayers taught to Bulgarians is ‘The Disciple must have a heart as
pure as a crystal. A mind as bright as the sun. A soul as vast as the
Universe and a spirit as powerful as God and one with God.
Ancient priests believed crystals to be a God given force that defied all evil.
Aboriginals still use crystals for medicine and value the Rainbow crystals in
particular as these hold the energies of the Rainbow Serpent & the Rainbow
symbolises the bridge between the two worlds They also believe that a
crystal that finds its way to you, that you haven’t bought, has been growing
itself since the beginning of time especially for you and should therefore be
especially valued.
Cherokee Indians consider crystal to be the most sacred & precious stone for
healing purposes. They also still revere their crystal skulls which were also
used by the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Tibetans, etc. They were placed on
altars and the word of God was believed to be spoken by them. Many
psychics consider these ancient crystal skulls as memory banks of
information, much like we store information on computers today.
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The largest diamond ever discovered is part of the British Crown Jewels -
the Cullinan diamond.
Greed has often led man to risk everything for the sake of a jewel.
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In the middle ages a ruby ring worn on the left hand was thought to protect
its owner from seduction.
The Maoris handed down the jade tiki as it was believed to contain the
wisdom of the ancestors.
Crystals are believed to be the connecting force between heaven & earth.
Often used for scrying or crystal ball gazing to tell the future.
Remember, shapes & symbols of jewellery can affect you as well as the
particular crystal or gemstone it’s carrying. Look at the symbols you wear
and decide whether they are helpful and if not give them away! You may
also find it beneficial to wear clothes of a certain colour, to match, the
crystal or gemstone you’re wearing as colour also plays a vital role in
healing - but that’s another book!
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
You have to wait 12 years before anyone will be giving you a gemstone as
an anniversary present!
12. Agate
13. Moonstone
16. Topaz
17. Amethyst
18. Garnet
23. Sapphire
30. Pearl
35. Coral
40. Ruby
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
45. Alexandrite
55. Emerald
65. Sapphire
67. Sapphire
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Although the websites below are British based, most do ship worldwide
Crystal Age – I love this site! They stock over 2,000 products and the site
provides extensive information on minerals, stone types, charka and much
more! They have one of largest selections of products online and are able to
source crystal products on request.
Grailstones are a British based company offering an insight into the magical
world of healing crystals, gemstones and other holistic products. They have
a fantastic online shop and every new customer gets a surprise crystal gift
with their first order. There’s also articles, a newsletter and monthly prize
Find Jewellery – A beautiful silver range which is keenly priced and consists
of fresh, modern designs set with Amethysts, Topaz and other gems to add
that little sparkle. Discounts of up to 60% and a 14 day no quibble returns
Become and International Gemstones Dealer! – This is a Private Members
Only Club.
Of course, you can also buy Crystal and Gemstone products at my website,
including Hanging Crystals
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
Although the websites below are based in the US, most ship worldwide
Earth Spirit Emporium – Over 10,000 products to choose from, with more
being added daily! Earth Spirit Emporium has been online SINCE 1997
and it’s a family-owned and operated establishment.
Crystal Age – I love this site and although British based they do price is
US$. They stock over 2,000 products and the site provides extensive
information on minerals, stone types, charka and much more! They have one
of largest selections of products online and are able to source crystal
products on request.
Of course, you can also buy Crystal and Gemstone products at my website,
including Hanging Crystals. You’ll have to email me your order so I can
give an accurate shipping cost, before you make payment.
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Copyright of Jugglingmum
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