Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Many organizations today are focused on improving the flexibility and performance of cloud
applications. Although flexibility and performance are important, cloud applications must also be
available to users whenever they want to connect. This paper focuses on key methodologies that
technical decision makers can use to ensure that your cloud services, whether public or private,
remain available to your users.
At a high level, each cloud session consists of a customer using a computing device to connect to
an organizations cloud-based service that is hosted by an internal or external entity. When
planning for a highly available cloud service, its important to consider the expectations and
responsibilities of each of these parties. Your plan needs to acknowledge the real-world
limitations of technology, and that failures can occur. You must then identify how good design
can isolate and repair failures with minimal impact on the services availability to users.
This paper showcases examples for deploying robust cloud solutions to maintain highly available
and secure client connections. In addition, it uses real-world examples to discuss scalability
issues. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate techniques that mitigate the impact of failures,
provide highly available services, and create an optimal overall user experience.
Page Break
General Overview
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to a system of business practices
implemented across an enterprise to organize the acquisition, aggregation, and analysis of
customer. In other words it is referred to as a system for managing an enterprises interactions
with current and future customers. A companys CRM activities involves using technology to
organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.
The main components of CRM includes customers Relationship and Management; which means
that an enterprise must build, maintain and manage continues relationship with their profitable
customers. (Ezendu, n.d).
The purpose of this proposal work is to provide detailed strategy in implementation of CRM
system that involves cloud technology, mobile device and social media technology to a newly
establishing enterprise.
In this proposal, Section I will provide with an introduction for the newly establishing enterprise
(Dhivehi Telecom Limited (DTL)) will be provided with detailed introduction of the product(s)
services(s) that will be offered by the enterprise, its location, establishing time, its departments,
its vision, mission, core values, organization structure and organization chart of the enterprise.
Furthermore, in Section II, a literature to the existing paradigms of CRM will be given and a new
CRM paradigm will be introduced in this section. Moreover, Section III will present key ideas in
the new paradigm with relation to the CRM in recent trends. In Further, Section IV will describe
the design and implementation of new CRM paradigm in todays trend. Additionally, section V
will consists of exploration of possible future expansion of new CRM model to support other
functional areas of selected enterprise. Finally Section VI will give recommendations and
conclusion to the whole proposal.
Enterprise overview
Dhivehi Telecom Limited (DTL) is a mobile service operator to be established in Maldives in
26th September 2014. The main Products / services that will be provided by DTL includes voice,
messaging, mobile, fixed, broadband internet, and corporate managed services tailored to the
needs of consumers and businesses across markets in the Maldives. The company plans to
provide a wide range of leading-edge wireless voice and data services with second generation
(2G) services, and third generation (3G) services, to be delivered with high quality, designed to
cater to the demands of todays/ future discerning customer. DTL has a potential customers of
over 300,000 peoples, and has planned to employ over 95% trained qualified Maldivians and the
operational center will be located more than 20 strategically located islands of across various
Atolls of Maldives.
About the competition
The proposed vision statement of Dhivehi Telecom Limited is to become the largest
telecommunications Service provider in the Maldives
The Proposed mission Statement of Dhivehi Telecom Limited to create a national level
benchmark by fulfilling and surpassing Customer hopes through; Establishing, re-engineering
and automating Processes to make them customer centric, efficient and effective. Continuous
offering of Products and Services that are value for money and excite customers. Providing a
Network experience that is best in the industry. Building DTL into an iconic brand which is
benchmarked by others Service Providers in Maldives. Developing a professional Leadership
team that inspires, nurtures talent to provide finest quality, value and customer service to Enrich
Maldivians lives. (reduce the quantity)
Best place to perform and grow: We recognize individual commitment and success and to offer
a positive environment with opportunities for professional development.
Empowering Community: We Enable employees to make good decisions for our customers,
Solve problems and make things easy. Empower consumers to use technology safely and
securely. We enable youth, helping them to grow and fulfill their potential. We empower
underserved communities, delivering access to services and information.
Deliver the future first: Innovate continuously and enable others to do the same. Take
intelligent risks and learn from what works. Pursue what hasn't been done. We Power
innovations to solve societal challenges.
Team together Team apart: We Open our floor to perform as a team, issues must be
discussed openly. Our doors are opened for different opinions (reduce the Quantity)
As per above organizational chart there are five departments DTL planning to operate in their
organization which includes; Management information system (MIS), Technical legal Services
(TLS) , Marketing and Public Relations (MPR), Returns and Payments Processing (RPP) and
Regional Services (RS). These departments will be in depended in nature, however will be
working interrelated for well-functioning of overall business setup of DTL
The functions of the MIS department is to handle communication infrastructure, secure sensitive
information setup and handle all the networking , secure the environment, Data management and
to provide most efficient and effective services to the customers. The functions of TLS
department is to handle all the technical services such as planning and statistics of DTS and to
handle the legal issues within the company. The function of MPR is to market the product and
services of DTS and for well managed Customer and Public relation of DTL.RPP department
will be involved in the payments and Return of DTL. And RS department will manage all the
activities regional establishment made within the Atoll of Maldives.
Furthermore, the above chart shows the future plan of the positions and designations of the DTL.
Which include CEO at the topmost level overseeing and managing whole company and under
him there will be a general manager to oversee all the departments and function. Each
department of DTL will have a manager and under him there will be supervisor in each
department to look after staffs of their respective Units. In general DTS will have a Flat
organization structure, where there will be less level of authority of command.
Section II.
Literature review on current Customer Relationship Management (CRM) models
What is CRM?
Before we begin to examine the Models and Concepts of CRM: defining what CRM is would be
In the marketing literature the terms Customer Relationship Management has been defined as a
business approach that integrates people, processes, and technology to maximize relationships
with customers (Goldenberg, 2008). Moreover, it has been stated that customer relationship
management characterizes a management philosophy that is a complete orientation of the
company toward existing and potential customer relationships (Dudovskiy, 2013)
(Rogers & Peppers, 2011), characterizes there is global tendency in customer relationship
management that relates to the shift from transactional model towards the relationship model.
According to (Mueller, 2010) customer relationship management aspect of the business is a
highly dynamic, and convincingly argues that businesses have to adopt a proactive approach in
devising relevant programs and initiatives in order to remain competitive in their industries
(Vavra, 1992), on the other hand, discusses the concept of customer relationship management as
seeking customer retention by using a variety of after marketing tactics that lead to customer
bonding or staying in touch With the customer after a sale is made.
Various CRM models
http://bowie888.blogspot.com/2012_05_01_archive.html The IDIC model was developed by
Peppers and Rogers.IDIC model suggests four things run enterprises in developing relationships
one-to-one with clients closer.
The fourth case is: Identify: First a company must identify who the company's customers are
and should try developing relationships of mutual understanding between the company and the
Differentiate (value, need) :Distinguish customers to identified customers where most give value
now and which ones will be most provide value in the future and it Differentiates
organization customers according to their needs.
customer are differentiated on two bases: value and need
Value: Differentiates by seeing which customer is generating most value now and which offer
most for the future. Give more value to those customers who are generating more value for you.
Need: Differentiates your customers according to their needs. Different customers have different
need and serving the in profitably ways need more knowledge about their needs.
Interaction: Doing interaction with customers to ensure customer expectations mengeri enterprise
and its relationship with the supplier or another brand.
Company must emphasis on interaction with customer to ensure that they understand customers
expectations and their relationship with brand. Company must consider Interaction with
customers according to their needs and value that they are providing you. Interaction directly
with customers makes believe that company has concern with them and company wants to serve
them individually. These efforts make customers loyal and help company to build long term
Customize:Adjust supply and communication to ensure customer expectations can be met
When you differentiate your customers according to their values and needs, after that, you have
to customize your product according to their needs and values. Customize the offer and
communications to ensure that the expectations of customers are met. Interact to customize is
information to customers about your ability to cope with their need.
Failure in the third step means something wrong with second or third steps. So return or go back
to previous steps study them again and search out more and more and rearrange these steps.
The QCI model is also a product of a consultancy firm. 19 The models authors prefer to
describe their model as a customer management model, omitting the word relationship. At the
heart of the model they depict a series of activities that companies need to perform in order to
acquire and retain customers. The model features people performing processes and using
technology to assist in those activities.
QCI model is also known as quality competitiveness index model. This model includes the series
of activities related with employees, people and organization and technology as well.
According to this model, relationships process with external environment. Because when
customer wants to start selling process or wants to interact with organization, external
environment directly affects the customer experience. External environment also affects the
planning process of the organizations.
Now as you can see in the figure that customer experience affects three activities future:
customer proposition, customer management activity and measurement.
Customer proposition means something that a company offers to customer against the price.
Customer management activity is a process of capturing customers, start with targeting,
conversation, selling and end with retaining or winning back the customers. Customer
management activity affects customers experience that how a company acquires, retains a
customer and also penetrates. Finally measurement process also affects the customer
People and organization have relation with planning process, customer proposition, customer
management activity and measurement. Because CRM start with people and end with people.
Infrastructure deals with organization in a sense of technology, customer information and
process management.
One big thing is that each activity, people, organization, process and technology has dual effect
and inter correlated with each other.
CRM Models
IDIC model developed by Peppers and Rogers, a consulting firm. IDIC model suggest the
company does four things in building a relationship one-to-one with customers more closely.
These four things are:
a. identify
Identify who the company's customers and build a relationship of mutual understanding between
the company and customers.
b. differentiate
Differentiating customer to customer identified which provide the most current value and which
ones will provide the most value in the future.
c. Interact
Interact with customers to ensure customer expectations horrible company and its relationship
with the supplier or another brand.
d. Customize
Match supply and communication to ensure customer expectations can be achieved.
2. Model QCi
This model is often called Customer Management Model QCI. In the middle of the model, as can
be seen in Figure, there are a number of activities to be performed by the company to attract and
keep customers. Model QCi show people (men) who run the activity and use technology to
support their activities.
CRM value chain model has five primary stages and four supporting conditions needed to
achieve the goal of increasing profits for customers.
Primary stages consist of:
a. Customer portfolio analysis
b. customer intimacy
c. network development
d. Value proposition development
e. Managing the customer lifecycle
Each stage of the primary stages run continuously to ensure that the company, with all the
support of the network suppliers, partners and employees, will create and deliver a value
proposition that can attract and keep profitable customers.
While supporting conditions consist of:
a. Leadership and culture
b. Data and IT
c. People
d. Processes
Fourth supporting these conditions will enable CRM strategies work effectively and efficiently.
The next CRM model developed by Adrian Payne. Payne's Five-Process Model identifies five
core processes in CRM, namely:
Strategy development process and value creation process illustrates the type of strategic CRM,
multichannel integration process illustrates the types of operational CRM, while the information
As the name implies, Gartner Competency Model developed by Gartner Inc.. which is a research
and advisory firm with 1200 IT research analysts and consultants in 75 countries.
According to Gartner competency models, companies require competence in eight areas in order
Source: Francis Buttle, 2009, Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technology,
2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington
CRM Concept ( which includes what are diffren approaches of CRM, componets of CRP and
types of CRM)
1. Strategic, not more tactics. CRM is a business decision, made by business managers to achieve
business goals. So, most of all, this approach to CRM is strategic.
2. Customers, not companies. Paynes approach puts the company and the customer in
perspective. If there is no benefits to the customer, there can be no benefit to the company. CRM
is reciprocal process.
3. Process, not software. The found is something the organization does, not something the IT
group or the marketing department, does or the customer service group does. Process is the key
to CRM
4. Outcomes, not inputs. The focus in on outcomes. What is supposed to happen as a result of the
implementation of a CRM approach.
5. Long-term, not short-term, views. Payne describes CRM through a long-term, brand-building
and shareholder value view. It allows the organization to focus on customers, not just activities
or immediate actions.
CRM Trends (this explains the changes from the prious ones and the current ones)
Old world
This seems to be the situation c2000. Here a combination of outbound and inbound marketing
occurs through a relatively number of channels.
New world
Today, the choice of service channels is so much wider, meaning companies must seek to deliver
online customer service through Email, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube as explained in our
post on online customer service best practice.
Operational CRM
- The automation of business processes with front-office customer contact points. These areas
include sales automation, marketing automation and customer service automation. Operational
CRM has been a major area of enterprise expenditure as companies develop call centers or adopt
sales force automation systems.
Analytical CRM
This involves the capture, storage, organization, analysis, interpretation and use of data created
from the operational side of the business.
Collaborative CRM
This involves the use of collaborative services and infrastructure to make interaction between a
company and its multiple channels possible. This enables interaction between customers, the
enterprise and its employees
Together, the three components of CRM support and feed into each other. Successful CRM,
which results in a superior customer experience, requires integration of all three of these
component parts.
Collaborative CRM enables customers to contact the enterprise through a range of different
Operational CRM facilitates the customer contacts with the organization and subsequent
processing and fulfilment of their requirements. Analytical CRM enables the right customers to
be targeted with appropriate offers and permits personalization and the one-to-one marketing to
be undertaken through superior customer knowledge.
CRM Chacteristics,
The key principles of relationship marketing
The three distinguishing characteristics of relationship marketing:
Section 4 The key ideeas of the model related to today ternd.
Key terms
Section 4 The key ideeas of the model related to today ternd.
when looking in to the trends in the literature, the old and new CRM process has changed with
different aspects.
as per the above diagram and previous literature in older day CRM is function of a specific department,
while now CRM is considered as everyone's job in the organization
prviously CRM os customer centric approch while now CRM is more towars custoemr centric approach.
prviously CRM activities are carried in a defined specific chennels, while nowadays various chenels such
as social media, cloud and mobiles are utilised for CRM activitiies.
prviously CRM activies are carried in company set times, while now the CRM activities are more
towars customer demand on anytime.
previously customer intarction is found in only in transactions while nowadys constomer intactions are
more frquest and services are provided more often.
previously company's messages are spred to customers, while now more importances are given
to customer feed backs and requirements
services. A CRM system allows you to record and manage Sales Orders and
related information as part of your sales process. Once a quotation is approved, a
Sales Order can be created directly from a Quote detail view. All the relevant data
from existing records will be automatically populated in the Sales Order.
Specific security privileges can be granted once in a Profile, and then assigned to
users as needed.
Roles: Role based security allows security setup using hierarchical roles
that capture user and manager responsibilities in an organization. Each Role is
primarily one or more Profiles, i.e. a set of security privileges. These Roles are
then assigned to users. Security administration with role based security consists of
determining the operations that must be executed by persons in particular jobs,
and assigning Roles to users as needed.
Sharing Access: Sharing Access controls are used to determine what level
of data sharing is enabled between users, e.g. can one salesperson see another's
leads. By default the sharing access settings may allow all users to see all CRM
records, even if the record is not assigned to them. Sharing Access allows you to
restrict or allow such access for each type of CRM data.
Tag Cloud: Tag Clouds are a convenience for CRM data access that has
been tagged with labels. They are designed to improve the usability of the CRM
by making it easier to access. They help to categorize the records based on a
user's requirement from categories set by the CRM system. Tag Clouds are used
to pool objects based on subjective or other values.
Next part
About proposed models
The following new Customer relationship Model will describe four forces that combine to create
a new era of computing and opportunities for CRM of DTL. This model will help DTL in
developing relationships one-to-one with clients in which the outcomes optimizes profitability,
revenue and customer satisfaction by fostering customer satisfying behaviors and implementing
customer-centric processes.
The model consists of four important elements essential for a better Customer Relationship
Management. These elements are; Cloud Computing, Information (web/big data), mobile
technology and Social Media.
Cloud computing as CRM tool
Cloud computing refers to providing and using computational resources via the Internet. Users
with an Internet connection can access the cloud and the services it provides. Usually users get
access to technology in the form of service on demand. Cloud Computing includes (e.g.): Online
backup, social services, Personal data services, online applications, Hardware services, and
Mirrored websites. etc. (Marston, S. et al, 2011) ( URBASKI & BZDYRA, n.d.)
Among the various cloud computing models, DTL will use SaaS - Software as a Service model
for their CRM cloud computing service. According the model the customers of DTL will not buy
any software, but hire it as a service from a provider. So customers need not make any
investment in the application, no maintenance, just use of the application by the Internet.
DTLs cloud computing Services will have mainly two group of Users, which includes; DTLs
customers and DTLs Staffs. The customers of DTL will use Internet-based voice and data
communications where telecommunications applications, switching and storage are hosted via a
clouding services to provide Customer Care services and for Customer Help. The staffs will use
the cloud computing in the same manner as to provide Customer help services over the cloud.
This cloud computing service will enable DTLs customers and to get customer help from any
location, while the staffs of DTL will be able to provide customer help services from any
location via cloud.
Benefits of using cloud computing as CRM tool
Among the main benefits of Cloud Computing that DTL will get include;
As the cloud is hosted by various cloud services, DTL has minimum work
for an administrator to manage the service.
Cloud services is one central solution, which can be the substitute for
several solutions at once. Therefore DTLs staffs can use the cloud computing for
customer help services and to store customer information on the cloud. Likewise
customers can also use cloud to get help and for an online storage.
Proving a better customer service which is easy for customers to use and
manage is very important in CRM for any organization. Similarly the DTLs
cloud computing will be user friendly which will help them to gain more positive
feedbacks from their customers.
The proposed model consist the use of Mobile technology for the purpose of developing and
maintain close relationship with the customers of DTL. Accordingly, the following ideas are
presented to use mobile technology in DTL for their customer relationship management.
As a telecommunication firm DTL need to invest in Innovations in mobile technology that will
opened opportunities to expand service features beyond voice to include graphics, video, gaming
and other broadband enabled technologies. In todays market customers go mobile, henceforth,
DTL's sales teams must strive to meet customers needs, enabling mobile CRM. They must
optimize their Web sites for wireless devices and to deploy mobile apps directly linked into the
contact centers. DTL needs to purchase apps for particular mobile devices and should buy
solutions devices that stores CRM data on them when offline, and update the information when
Internet access is restored. This enables sales teams of DTL to quickly acquire customer history
and respond with offerings tailored to their desires.
Mobile technology offers broad technological spectrum from RFID, mobile communication
devices to autonomous robots for a high potential to significantly transform the ways how DTL
can interact with their customers and even with DTLs employees. By using Mobiles as a CRM
tool, it enables DTL to extend their customer acquisition, retention and development beyond
their enterprise borders and even to involve the customer directly.
Staffs can Initiates CRM services from anywhere: The integration of CRM
with mobile devices has will help staffs of DTL to initiate sales and Customer
relations from anywhere. This allows sales staff access to customer and sales
history, pricing and product data and increased reporting capability and this will
help DTL to achieve a customer-centric enterprise, which helps improve customer
intimacy, service and loyalty, while streamlining operations in order to optimize
Things DTL need to consider when using cloud computing as CRM tool.
However, DTL need to consider limitation of using mobile as a CRM tools. These mobile
applications can limit the accessibility of all CRM features, particularly when sales personnel
would like to know the customer life time value and the return on investment. It may not be
possible to analyze all the customer data using mobile devices because of the high volume of
customer data, limited functionality and the limited processing capability of mobile devices
Moreover, Standardizing mobile applications on one mobile device and User resistance are a
major challenge that DTL need to address prior to the implementation of mobile as a CRM tool.
The proposed model consist the use Social Media for the purpose of developing and maintain
close relationship with the customers of DTL. Accordingly, the following ideas are presented to
use Social media in DTL for their customer relationship management.
The blend of social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, tumbler, Viber, etc.) and Customer
Relationship Management (social CRM) will enable DTL to truly listen to their customers more
than ever before. It will help DTL to retain and gain more customers by listening for and
engaging with social media conversations, tracking new leads from a Tweet or Facebook post
and using them as feedbacks to improve the mobile phone services of DTL. Moreover social
media will help DTL to enable internal collaboration across organization, making it easy to share
expertise, data and information with colleagues in a secure intranet environment.
Sophisticated Search & Prospecting Tools: the social media search and
prospecting tools will help DTL find their targeted audience and join relevant
conversations in a snap. This will time spend by DTL staffs to reach the targeted
customer audience.
engage their customers across any channel such as (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook,
Google+, Skype, Phone, Email) in one easy to use interface.
More Informed Consumers: The arrival of social media has given rise to a
dramatic increase in the amount of information available to consumers, which
significantly changed their purchasing habits and provide unbiased information.
Due to this consumers are openly sharing their likes, dislikes and experiences
with companies and products. Therefore DTL can use these feedbacks from the
customers regarding their products and services and continually improve the
quality of their products and services they provide to their customers. This will
favor the DTLs relationship with their customers.
Marketing team of TDL has not created enough content to keep customers
engaged on the website; soon the novelty fades away and along with it customer
activity on the community/forum website
Accustomed to handling calls for technical support, the DTL has not
created sufficient and the right kind of tech support content such as instructional
video clips, etc. for the forum website.
DTL;s customers may use other Social Media sites/forums for the same
purposes and see no particular reason to switch or use the DTLs customer
community/forum website
Moreover, when it comes to social media, organizations like DTL tend to focus on the message
rather than the relationship. Therefore the relationship with the customer may be be broken.
In contrast, DTL need to give more important to the negative things that may across while using
social media as a CRM tool. Henceforth DTL needs give their social media team the opportunity
to inject their personality into responses and interactions with customers. By doing this D
No matter how big or small your companyor the Salesforce CRM projectsuccess requires
planning, commitment, and strong sponsorship from your companys executive team. Its also
critical that you understand the needs of your managers and users before getting started. Without
a detailed understanding of these needs, its easy to go overboard in customizing the application
just because its so easy.
Here are the 5 steps to a successful implementation:
Drive adoption
Continuously improve.
DTL needs to define how new CRM model fits into their overall corporate
They also need to define objectives that align with companys vision and
can be expanded once they deploy the new CRM model.
Add users
Before providing could, mobile and social media access under new CRM model, DTL first need
to identify the users of new CRM model. The users of the new CRM model will include DTLs
customers and their Staffs. Therefore, DTL must consider the applications and software needed
for their customers and staffs separately, in order to build and maintain relation with their
In order to fully integrate and use the proposed CRM model in DTL, they need to encourage
users and staffs to use the applications and software developed for the CRM activities of
DTL. DTL management need to support the staffs and customers, measure adoption, and
encourage adoption.
Mostly DLT need to give executive sponsorship, for the initial deployment. The sponsor must
communicate clear expectations as well as enthusiasm of DTL management team. Moreover,
DTL can use a combination of carrots and sticks approach, such as making a mandate that
CRM tools must be used by staffs.
DTL can also Use exception reports and dashboards to track usage and then use that information
to understand where they need encouragement or enforcement new CRM tools.
Once DLT adopt and measure the outcomes of the new CRM tools, a new cycle of planning must
be undertaken e next phase, as DTL needs to make available new functionality to add value and
respond to user requests. DTL's customization process should begin as soon as possible after the
initial deployment. This customization approach will also let end users know that DTL is
addressing customer needs and requests.
Although new CRM model has a systematic procedure for its implementation, proper support
form top management and staffs of DTL is essential for a successful implementation. by
successfully implementing the CRM model DTL will be able to have better CRM in their
organization sphere.
Next part
There are various function areas of DTL to which the newly developed CRM model could be
applied and implemented in order to get the best benefit from the CRM model and for the
productivity and profitability of DTL. Among the functional areas of DTL that new CRM model
can be applied are as follows;
readers to share it with their social networks such as Facebook, twitter etc. Hence, DTL can
achieve better marketing with CRM tool.
DTL can use mobile for marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smart phone. Mobile
marketing can provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that
promotes goods, services and ideas. Hence, DTL could benefit in their marketing and CRM by
using mobile.
DTL can also use cloud computing for their marketing. Cloud computing will create and deliver
the right message to the right person at the right time. Cloud marketing will act integrated online
marketing and Web analytics solutions to DTL by giving access to targeting, media optimization,
advertising, social, analytics, Web experience management and content management solutions ,
which customers of DTL can download the entire collection and use it directly on their
computers with open access to online updates.
DTL can use CRM to drive shorter sales cycles and improve close rates with proposed CRM
model, which includes; cloud mobile and social media. DTL can use these technologies to create
and enforce workflow rules, customize automated sales processes, expedite quotes and
streamline order management. In order to achieve these targets DTL can use newly Developed
CRM tools for:
DTL can use mobile phone technology to create a mobile app for DTLs services such as
recharging the phone, issuing SIM cards, and issuing mobile phone packages, which will
beneficial in sales when it enhances the customer experience and gives customer with ease to
purchase goods and Services of DTL.
DTL can also use cloud technology to eliminate time wasted on researching accounts, tracking
down customer leads or waiting to serve huge group of customers in the physical store. DTL can
deploy sales applications on the cloud and can benefit giving products and services from any
location that customers and sales staffs are in.
DTL can also use social media technology to connect with their customers on Facebook and
through a blog where they can share project ideas and digital photo advice, offer e-newsletter and
to offer more project ideas. As a result DTLs existing customers will always come back to them
with new customers, which will increase the sales of DTL.
Human resources
DTL can use CRM to manage the most critical employee management processes including:
employee on-boarding; benefits management; equipment and asset assignment and performance
management. In order to achieve these targets DTL can use newly Developed CRM tools for:
DTL can use mobile phones to provide mobile access to many key HR functions, from employee
communications and talent management to time and attendance/ payroll to employee benefits.
Practical applications include approving time off, submitting time worked from distant field
locations, and submitting employee expense reports from the any location they are in. These will
help the employees to attend their customers instantly from any location they are in.
DTL can use cloud to empower their people to take charge of their performance and their careers
by relying on cloud applications for human resources. DTL can report Human resources
activities from various geographies and could allow the employees to use applications from
cloud to serve their customers and mange human resources activities such as logging attendance,
logging over time, apply for leave etc. via cloud applications.
DTL can use social media sites such as Linked In an essential tool in networking with
professional contacts, recruiting employees, making new contacts, and keeping in touch with the
world. Through the social media DTL can identify and recruit best Human resource which will
build better reputation with the clients and customers.
1. Improve Decision Making: CRM sheds light on crucial information. Business owners and
managers can benefit from detailed and comprehensive reports that forecast sales and returns,
measure service activities, and track business performance in detail. CRM analysis tools can also
follow both short- and long-term trends and problems, as well as alert users to potential business
Improve Call-Center Service: In the call center, CRM technology enables employees to
quickly assign, manage and resolve incidents with automated routing, queuing and servicerequest escalation.
Promote Teamwork: With important customer information in hand, employees can easily share
sales and order information with colleagues who specialize in specific types of accounts.
Easily view related notes, service/support call status on issues, open and
past closed issues with resolutions. Stay on top of what is happening.
View warm/hot call lists generated from specific contacts that have
shown interest in electronic marketing activity. Thus you know when they are
most interested instead of hounding them too often.