A Healing Visualization With The Violet Flame
A Healing Visualization With The Violet Flame
A Healing Visualization With The Violet Flame
By Luis E. Prada
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in Venice and met with Countess von Georgy. One interesting detail to mention here, referred to by Franz
Graeffer in his book "Recollections of Vienna", is that the mentioned Countess, now elderly, in coming face to
face with Count St. Germain stepped back in surprise, saying that fifty years ago in Venice with her husband,
then Ambassador, she had known the Count. It seemed incredible to her that he could have changed so little in
appearance, nevertheless St. Germain confirmed to her that he was the same person she had known fifty years
His knowledge of the courts and of events that happened fifty, sixty or more years ago was so detailed that people
were convinced that he actually experienced those circumstances. For instance, he could describe scenes of the
court of Francis I and depict the king with high degree of exactness, even imitating his voice, language and
mannerisms. (Here referring to Francis I, German Emperor from 1745 to 1765, father of Marie Antoinette.)
Napoleon III is said to have ordered a complete documentation of everything belonging to the Count. The
material then collected was destroyed by fire when the building in which it was deposited was burned during the
In 1735 he was in Holland again. Between 1737 to 1742 he was at the court of the Shah of Persia. From 1743 to
1745 he was active in England during the Jacobite Revolution. At this time he was arrested in London during his
diplomatic efforts on the grounds of being a spy.
In 1745 St. Germain left London for Vienna where he was known as a mystic and philosopher. He became
intimate friend of Emperor Francis I's chief Minister, Prince Ferdinand von Lobkowitz. Through this friendship
he met the Marshal of France, the Duc de Belle-Isle, special emissary of Louis XV of France at the Viennese
Court. In 1757 Duc de Belle-Isle took Saint-Germain to Paris and, being the Minister of War and associated with
the high class, the Duc of Belle-Isle most likely introduced the Count to the Court Circles of France and to both
Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. Count St. Germain became well known to the court of Louis XV who in
1758 assigned him a spacious apartment in the castle Chateau de Chambord on the river Loire. The king
regarded him as one of his friends. At this Chateau the Count wrote much and performed important Alchemical
experiments. There he built a Rosicrucian laboratory and set aside various rooms for his secret meetings with
mystical councils of Rosicrucian leaders and representatives of various parts of Europe who came there to confer
with the Count. Among these were Baron de Gleichen, Marquise d'Urf and the Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, the
mother of Catherine II of Russia.
In 1760 Louis XV sent Count Saint-Germain on a diplomatic mission to The Hague and from there he went to
England. Two or three years later he was in St. Petersburg and at the end of 1763 he met the well-known
Casanova at Tournay in Belgium. Count Cobenzl in a letter written in 1763 said that St. Germain had performed
"under my own eyes ... the transmutation of iron into a metal as beautiful as gold". From 1764 to 1768 the Count
was in Berlin. There he closely associated himself with the Abb Pernety, Princess Amelie, the old Baron
Knyhausen and Madame de Troussel. In 1770 he went to Tunis with the Comte
Maximilian de Lamberg and to Leghorn while the Russian fleet was there.
Louis XV, King of France (1710-1774), painting by F. H. Drouais
In 1773 he traveled to Mantua after meeting his pupil Cagliostro in Paris. In 1774, after
the death of Louis XV on May 10, the Count went to The Hague as diplomat representing
several governments. From there he may have made a trip to Schwalbach and returned to
From 1774 to 1776 he met several Rosicrucian and alchemists at Triesdorf. In the later
part of 1776 he attended a high council meeting of Rosicrucians at Leipzig, and next year he helped to establish a
Rosicrucian College and Alchemical laboratory at Dresden. During the signing of the American Constitution the
continental congress assembled with doors locked was indecisive to sign the proclamation of independence when
a "stranger" appeared among them and delivered a passionate speech exhorting them to sign with the
commanding words: "Sign that document." This stranger was St. Germain. In 1779 he was in Hamburg to
consult with a group of Rosicrucians and then he visited the home of Prince Karl of Hesse, who was then the
Grand Master of the Rosicrucians in Germany. Around that time he paid a visit to the Castle of the Duc of the
Medici which had an archive for the preservation of the Rosicrucian material from all parts of
Europe. Here was the place for many Rosicrucian conventions and for the addition of
Rosicrucian material.
In 1785 and 1786 he had a conference with the Empress of Russia, he visited the Princess de
Lamballe while she stood before the tribunal only shortly before she was killed by a bullet. In
1788, according to the Comte de Challons, St. Germain conversed with him in St. Mark's square
in Venice. In 1793 the Count appeared to Jeanne Du Barry while she waited for the scaffold to be
Frivolous as their life may seem, members of nobility needed
mystical truth to be imparted to their souls and unfolding Inner
selves. And so St. Germain set himself to give guidance and
instruction of high spiritual level to some of these leaders or
leaders-to-be who were tired of the fictitious and hypocritical
manners and etiquette of social life and whose education was rigid
and shallow and, in that sense, deprived of natural spontaneity. He
also contacted -and contacts- Rosicrucians and mystics of the
highest degrees to help them with their social manners and ethical
development. In conjunction with other ascended masters
associated with the sacred violet flame, he trains and activates this
energy in their bodies. His typical appearance is of medium
height, of soft pleasing voice, piercing eyes and wearing a velvet
violet coat highly embroidered, with vest of velvet, a ruffled lace
front and fancy cuffs. He wears a powdered wig, making him look
as a personage of the eighteenth century.
He ascended on May 1, 1684. He is said to have reincarnated
previously as a ruler of a Golden Age civilization in the Sahara
Desert; a High Priest of Atlantis; prophet Samuel; Saint Joseph Essene and protector of Jesus-; Saint Alban; Proclus, the last major Greek Neoplatonic philosopher; Merlin;
Roger Bacon; Christopher Columbus and Francis Bacon. Saint-Germain serves on the Seven Ray. He is known
as the "Lord of the Seven Ray", he is also the "seventh angel" prophesied in Revelation 10:7. He is the master of
the crown chakra which he helps to cleanse. His twin flame is Portia, the Goddess of Justice who serves on the
Karmic Board, his master is Master Rakoczi, of the First Ray, the Great Divine Director, the Manu of the Seventh
Root Race, the founder of the Rakoczi dynasty.
His physical sacred sites are as follows: 1.Mount Shasta, in Northern California, USA; 2. His Cave of Symbols
in Table Mountain, near Jackson Hole in the state of Wyoming, USA, where he has a chair of ascension of his
own invention; 3. The Retreat of the Great Divine Director, the Rakoczi Mansion in Transylvania, Romania (on
the etheric plane there has been established there the Sacred Temple of the Maltese Cross); 4. Royal Teton
Retreat at the Grand Tetons mountains in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.; 5. The Cave of Light in India, in the
His teachings, being known also as the I AM Presence, are today presented worldwide by various mystical and
metaphysical organizations not associated with each other. No one can claim ownership of these teachings as no
one can claim ownership of the air you breath or the law of gravity, since the violet flame is a universal solvent
and agent, a spiritual law available to anyone.
As sponsor of the Aquarian Age, Saint-Germain brings the Violet Flame teachings for peace, freedom and
enlightenment to humankind. The Violet Flame is the ideal tool to heal emotional and physical problems,
improve relationships and help grow spiritually. This flame is invoked using decrees or mantras said rhythmically
while utilizing meditation and visualization techniques.
In a three dimensional world of the present paradigm the law of polarity and duality manifests implacable as
Karma in human affairs. The Violet Flame being a higher spiritual law of the fourth dimensional world and
beyond is able to overcome this lower law of cause and effect by transmuting the negative energy and even
erasing memories of past mistakes. This flame changes negative into positive and darkness into light.
For each lower law there is always a higher law that supersedes it. For the law of gravity, there is the law of
levitation, for the law of karma, there is the law of forgiveness and compensation through the violet flame,
dispensations, intercessions and other meditative techniques and actions. The omnipotence of the Supreme
Director always prevails over his/her laws. If you do your daily prayers and
meditations with the violet flame in humbleness, with clear intention and devotion,
you will discover that what was written in that arcane forgotten manuscript that
seemed so incredible, miraculous and magic will come to be true word by word and
line by line...
PART II: How the Violet Flame Works
The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of varying frequencies or wavelengths that
include radio waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic
rays, as studied in the Rosicrucian cosmic keyboard. The visible sunlight is but a tiny
portion of this electromagnetic spectrum. Of this visible light the violet is the highest
frequency of shortest wavelength and is at the limit or point of transition to the other "invisible" spectrum of
spiritual inner divine light and as such it transcends to a spiritual, rather than physical phenomenon. In
Rosicrucian teachings the manifestation of this violet light in the aura is regarded as a result of high advancement
of the student on The Path(1) As the physical sunlight, this divine light is also decomposed or refracts into seven
rays, each with its own specific
qualities and served by an Ascended Master. This divine light, decomposed in the seven rays, is described by
esoteric researcher Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
The Violet Flame when invoked is able to flush out the physical body and aura of toxins and chemicals, physical
viruses, drugs and pollution. Emotional problems and distressing experiences of early childhood or of past
lifetimes, scars of old hurts, fear and anxiety, karma, hatred and other negative emotions can be transmuted using
properly this technique. This flame works by increasing the vibratory rate at which the electrons move in the
atom. As stated in the Rosicrucian teachings all is vibration or frequency and every person (or living being) can
be defined by a number which represents its rate of vibration. By changing the vibration of the physical or
emotional bodies the other bodies by sympathetic actions follow suit. And so the vibrations of the individual as a
whole are "raised" or transmuted to a higher state. This technique guards a close similarity to Rosicrucian
visualizations to heal others or the planet practiced regularly in lodges and chapters and as such can be rated as a
variation of these practices with a different focus or form but with same final aim.
Atoms have mostly "empty" or "hollow" space between the electrons and the nucleus. This space is filled with
the pulsating energy of the Holy Spirit that is being constantly qualified and stamped with the impressions of our
hearts and minds thus creating a densification of this energy. The lower negative emotions and thinking create a
substance of lower vibratory rate between nucleus and electrons that slows down the free movement of the
electrons. Hatred and other negative thoughts and feelings actually create acids (excess amount of phosphoric
acid, uric acid and carbonic acid gases) that the body cannot assimilate. Hence the density of disease persists
within the atomic orbit. Humankind has been doing this for hundred of thousands of years. With the practice of
visualization on the Violet Flame, by energy transmutation, the vibrations of the hallow space increase so that the
electrons can move faster. This increase of speed at the atomic level is in direct proportion to the increase of the
interchange of the energy between the Source to the individual and back to the Source, the "giving" and the
During the meditation and visualization the flame of the almighty Mother/Father God I AM Presence wraps each
atom individually. Instantaneously, a polarity is set up between the white fire core of the atom -which, being
matter, assumes the negative pole- and the white fire core of the flame -which, being Spirit, assumes the positive
pole _. The dual action of the sacred fire in the center of the atom and in the violet flame without establishes a
force field that causes the untransmuted densities to be dislodged from between the electrons. As this substance is
loosed, the electrons begin to spin more rapidly in their orbits and by centrifugal force the dross substance is
thrown into the violet flame. On contact with this fiery essence, the disqualified energy is transmuted into its
[Say it slowly and rhythmically. For this presentation it will only be repeated
loudly nine times].
I AM is an affirmation of the true self, your Master Within. It refers to the
name of the Cosmic, I AM THAT I AM. I AM is a formula to unlock your
inner authority to create in love.
Concentrate in visualizing the violet flame. See yourself inside a bonfire of nine feet high and six feet wide . See
this fire of violet color. See pulsating flames undulating in endless shades of violet with gradations of purple and
pink. Your body has now become transparent, the flames curling up your body from feet to crown. Feel the
vibrancy and vitality of the flame. Visualize while concentrating your spiritual vision on your third eye between
your eyebrows.
Physical Body Cleansing
Now, see that this flame has turn into a sphere, just like a tilt-a-whirl at a
faster and faster. Also notice that its color has been transformed into a deep purple
for cleansing and protection. It starts penetrating every cell of your body. See
small violet-flame spheres over each of your organs, removing negativity while
caressing the atoms. Concentrate now on the part of your body
that aches. Focus your inner vision at the atomic level . You are standing on a
nucleus. See the immense expanse of a dark starry sky barely illumined by
brilliant distant electrons sweeping by in a rapid elliptical motion . Behold a
Violet Light penetrating this space and bringing new vitality and health! See how this dark matter of negative
energy is being systematically transmuted into a golden light at the
contact with the flame. This is your own energy that you invested in a long time ago, returning. See the electrons
spinning faster, more vibrantly, with stronger force ... (pause). Now, move back to a more macrocosmic vision.
Envision health and wholeness in your body, ward off any disease and pain and get rid of any chemical and drug
pollution ... (pause). See how this organ or section of your body is being restored and perfected . See how other
organs are healthier and vibrant ... (pause). Repeat mentally after me:
"Divine Providence, may your will be done."
Mental and Emotional Cleansing
With the power of your imagination transform the color of your Violet Flame into an orchid pink of mercy and
forgiveness while the sphere you are still in keeps swirling faster and faster. The pink flame gently enfolds your
whole being. If you wish you hadn't done something, think of this now, vividly recreate these memories ...
(pause). Surrender this undesirable memories to the pink flame, let their associated blame, guilt and shame go
into the flame. Do it with most fervent desire for compassion and forgiveness. State to the Cosmic your deep
desire to never do it again and, if that's the case, that you have already learned its lesson, that in your limited
understanding you see no reason to keep this burden any longer ... (pause). Child suffering, other past
reincarnation debts, any mental pollution, give them to the flame, you are today a different person, you don't need
these tests any longer. Pray for forgiveness, with most sincerity to the God of your Heart:
"Divine God, you said in Isaiah 1:18: 'Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though
they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.' So, please, manifest this, your will, on me."
Forgive anyone that has harmed you, with no negative feelings of anger, hatred or even mild dislikes towards
them ... (pause).
Now make your Violet Flame turn into an indigo flame with shades of blue for final purification and
transformation. Feel the love of God in your whole being. Feel protected, no more fears and phobias, no more the
feeling of abandonment and loneliness. Let go of anger and concerns. Here you have found your whole being at
the right place and time ... (pause).
Dissolve the sphere and observe a pillar of white and golden light coming from above entering into the tube of
light you formed at the beginning to your crown chakra. In waves this light gently descends down your head ...
down your throat ... down your chest into the stomach. It continues descending to fill all
your extremities. Now it shoots out through your solar plexus and wraps you in a bubble of
protection -at this point some of you may sense the presence of a pure suffusing white
dove with beak down over your heads several feet above. It poses still, sublime,
mathematical, silent, all-knowing . _ (pause).