J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001 Kuwabara 560 2
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001 Kuwabara 560 2
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001 Kuwabara 560 2
Department of
Neurology, Chiba
University School of
Medicine, 181
Inohana, Chuo-ku,
Chiba, 2608670, Japan
S Kuwabara
M Mori
K Ogawara
T Hattori
Department of
Neurology, Dokkyo
University School of
Medicine, Tochigi,
N Yuki
Correspondence to:
Dr S Kuwabara
Received 14 August 2000
and in revised form
2 November 2000
Accepted 11 December 2000
To elucidate the features of patients with
Guillain-Barr syndrome who show
markedly rapid clinical recovery, clinical,
serological, and electrophysiological data
of 80 consecutive patients were reviewed.
Antigangliosides, and Campylobacter jejuni and Haemophilus influenzae antibodies were measured by enzyme linked
immunosorbent assays. Nine (11%) patients showed rapid recovery (improvement by two or more Hughes grades
within 2 weeks). They often had electrodiagnosis of acute motor axonal neuropathy
(AMAN; 67%), preserved tendon reflexes
(44%), anti-GM1 antibodies (89%), preceding H influenzae infection (44%), and
(44%). On the other hand six patients with
poor prognosis often had AMAN (100%)
and anti-GM1 antibody (83%), but a
higher incidence of preceding C jejuni
infection (83%). It is concluded that
patients with Guillain-Barr syndrome
with AMAN and anti-GM1 antibodies
have either faster or slower recoveries.
Among the axonal subgroup of patients
with Guillain-Barr syndrome, preserved
tendon reflexes, H influenzae infection,
and the patient having received immunoglobulin treatment may be indicators of
rapid recovery.
(J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;70:560562)
Keywords: Guillain-Barr syndrome; acute motor
axonal neuropathy; tendon reflex; Haemophilus influenzae; anti-GM1 antibody
p Value*
40 (1880)
44 (580)
4 (44%)
4 (44%)
4 (44%)
34 (43%)
21 (26%)
7 (9%)
3.4 (24)
1.1 (02)
3.4 (25)
2.6 (25)
5 (56%)
4 (44%)
43 (54%)
16 (20%)
2 (22%)
4 (44%)
8 (89%)
17 (21%)
9 (11%)
34 (43%)
6 (67%)
1 (11%)
36 (45%)
34 (43%)
*2 or Fishers exact test unless indicated; Mann-Whitney test; AMAN=acute motor axonal neuropathy; AIDP=acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
rapid recovery often had preceding H influenzae infection: nine (11%) of 80 patients had
positive serology for H influenzae, and they
often had anti-GM1 antibody (89%), the
AMAN pattern (67%), and good recovery
(four patients had rapid recovery and the
remaining five were able to walk 4 weeks after
onset). Infections by C jejuni were not frequent
(22%) in patients with rapid recovery and were
significantly more frequent in patients with
slow recovery (83%). Preceding infections by
cytomegalovirus, M pneumoniae, and EpsteinBarr virus had no significant correlation with
the patterns of recovery. Among antiganglioside antibodies, anti-GM1 IgG antibody correlated with both rapid and slow
recoveries. The AMAN pattern was often
found for both patient groups, with rapid
(67%) and slow (67%) recovery.
Our results showed that factors such as
preserved tendon reflexes, preceding H influenzae infection, and IVIg treatment, are associated with markedly rapid recovery in GuillainBarr syndrome. Whereas patients with rapid
recovery often had anti-GM1 IgG antibodies
and an AMAN electrodiagnosis, these features
were also frequent in patients with slow recovery. Our findings, therefore, confirmed that the
axonal subtype of Guillain-Barr syndrome has
diVerent patterns of recovery from those of the
classic demyelinating form of Guillain-Barr
syndrome (AIDP): patients with axonal
Guillain-Barr syndrome can show both rapid
and slow recoveries.8
Tendon reflexes tend to be preserved in
patients with acute motor axonal neuropathy
and anti-GM1 antibody.13 It has been reported
that some Chinese5 and Japanese13 patients
with Guillain-Barr syndrome have even had
exaggerated tendon reflexes in the early recovery phase, and most of these have had good
recoveries. Furthermore, anti-GM1 antibodies
and AMAN are occasionally associated with
evidence of increased motor neuron excitability.13 In the present study, patients who, at the
peak of the disease, had relatively preserved
reflexes often showed rapid improvement. It is
reasonable to think that patients with preserved
tendon reflexes recover quickly because at least
some of the motor units need to function to
elicit visible reflexes: van der Mech et al14
found that, in patients with pure motor
Guillain-Barr syndrome, tendon reflexes were
preserved up to MRC grade 3 paresis.
In this study, nine (11%) of 80 patients with
Guillain-Barr syndrome had serological evidence of recent H influenzae infection. Four of
the nine patients with rapid recovery had
preceding H influenzae infection, and the
remaining five patients with H influenzae infection did not have slow recovery. H influenzae is
a gram negative bacillus with an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharide. This bacteria has recently been recognised as a
pathogen that can elicit axonal Guillain-Barr
syndrome,11 15 and its incidence in a study of 46
patients in Japan has been reported to be
13%.11 The good recovery rate in H influenzae
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doi: 10.1136/jnnp.70.4.560
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