Postharvest Manual of Cabbage and Chili

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Handling of

Cabbage and
Chili Pepper


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

. Introduction
. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


1. Bangladesh
2. Mongolia
3. Sri Lanka
4. Vietnam

Chinese cabbage
5. Philippines
6. Rep. of Korea

. Postharvest Handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

1. Cambodia
2. Lao PDR
3. Indonesia
4. Nepal
5. Thailand

The quality of horticultural commodities has been improved due to breeding
and cultivation technologies. However, still a high percentage of horticultural
crops are discarded after harvest because of lack of proper postharvest
management. Postharvest losses in fresh fruits and vegetables are estimated
at 20 to 45% in developing Asian countries.
World consumption of fresh produce has increased as people demand
for healthier foods. We are now aware of the importance of postharvest
technology to maintain quality of fresh fruits and vegetables. In the light of
the ever-growing importance of postharvest technologies, it is very timely and
meaningful to develop postharvest handling manual that can be practically used
in industry in Asian countries. This manual Postharvest Handling of Cabbage
and Chili Pepper in Asia is the 2nd year output of one of the AFACI (Asian Food
& Agricultural Cooperation Initiative) projects, which is being implemented by
the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), the Rural
Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea.
The manual describes cabbage and chili pepper postharvest handling practices
of 11 countries in Asia which encourage adoption of improved postharvest
handling without high energy cost. We hope this manual contribute to the
reduction in postharvest losses and help increase the value of horticultural
Kwan-Dal Ko
Director Genaral,
National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA



Edralina P. Serrano and Ji Gang Kim

1. Introduction
I. Introduction

Cabbage and chili pepper are staple horticultural crops that are widely
grown, traded and consumed in many Asian countries.
The consumer demand for these commodities can be attributed to their
versatile uses, nutritional and health-beneficial properties.

A. Cabbage

Cabbage is a biennial herb that

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

belongs to the Brassicaceae family.

The main axis is short and thick.
Leaves become packed as it grows
and develops into a densely or looselypacked head". The densely-packed
cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) head
can either be round, flat, cylindrical or
egg-shaped depending on the cultivar.
The leaves are waxy and may vary in

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

color. The loosely-packed cabbage

(Brassica chinensis ) head is composed
of leaves with many trichomes and
stomates making it susceptible to
lose more moisture than the denselypacked cultivar.
Edralina P. Serrano and Ji Gang Kim

. Introduction |

Nutritional and Anti-nutritional Qualities of Cabbage

Significant amounts of amino acid glutamine with its anti-inflammatory
Excellent source of Vitamin B and a fair source of Vitamin A.
Vitamin C (60-70 mg/100g edible portion)
Potassium (220mg/100g) ; both Vitamin C and Potassium are highly
concentrated at the outer than the inner leaves of the cabbage head.
Flavonoid anti-oxidant (in 'Red' variety), known to reduce health risks
like cancer and heart disease.
Goitrin, an anti-nutritional factor, which binds with iodine limiting
human metabolism and possibly lead to goiter disease.

Quality Specifications
Firm, well-developed head
R elatively free from
physical damage
Free from pest or disease

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Quality Defects
I. Introduction


Hollow head



II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Chinese cabbage / Kimchi cabbage



Chilling injury

Pepper spot

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Introduction |

Postharvest Behavior of Cabbage

Harvesting index of cabbage :
-spreading of wrapper leaves and head is
-firm to touch (compact)
Long shelf-life (6-9 weeks) at 2-5oC due to:
- overlapping of waxy leaves;
- low respiration and ethylene production.
Responds well to modified atmosphere (MA)
packaging and controlled atmosphere (CA)
storage in 3-5% O2 and 5-7% CO2.
Prolonged low temperature storage results
in chilling injury symptoms (petiole black
spotting; patchy papery necrosis).
Prone to soft rot disease which can easily be
controlled by the use of 5% alum.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

B. Chili pepper
Chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ) belongs to the Solanaceae family. There
I. Introduction

are a lot of cultivars that belong to C. annuum having fruits of varying color,
shape and degree of pungency (hot or sweet).

Uses of chili peppers:

as condiment in food preparations
as spice for many food products
as food coloring agent due to its
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

capsanthin content
as anti-inflammatory agent due to its
capsaicin content

Nutritional Qualities
Rich in Vitamin C (in fresh chilli only
because this vitamin is lost during
drying); the level is twice that in

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Vitamin A (345 mg/100 g)
Calcium (160 mg/100 g)
Phosphorus (370 mg/100 g)
Potassium (530 mg/100 g)

. Introduction |


Harvesting Index
Shiny Green - used in fresh vegetable salad ; as
topping in many dishes to impart pungent flavor.

Breaker stage - used as fresh; can be ripened

to the Red Ripe stage by holding at 25oC for 2-3
days and then dried later.

Red Ripe - the fruits are allowed to ripen on the

plant and usually dried right after harvest.

Quality Defects

Stem-end rot


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Soft rot

Black mold


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Handling of Cabbage
in Asian Countries

I. Introduction


III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

-1. Bangladesh
-2. Mongolia
-3. Sri Lanka
-4. Vietnam
Chinese Cabbage
-5. Philippines
-6. Rep. of Korea

. Introduction |


-1. Bangladesh

M. K. A. Chowdhury, M. S. Hassan, M. K. Hassan,

S. M. K. Alam, and A. K. Azad

1. Cultivation system and postharvest procedure

Handling procedure of cabbage in Bangladesh
Cabbage reaches the hands of consumers through a number of intermediaries or
The main market actors are growers, small primary traders (Faria), large primary
traders (Bepari), commission agents, wholesalers, retailers and consumers.
The following postharvest handling steps are generally observed for cabbage in



Field packing

Packaging and long distance


Transport to local assembly


Unloading (wholesale market)

Temporary storage
(wholesale market)

Distribution (retail sale)

Sorting and cleaning

(wholesale market)

Postharvest handling steps for cabbage in Bangladesh


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Cultivation system
In Bangladesh, presently around 0.2 million metric tons of cabbage are produced
per year from 16.7 thousand ha of land.
Cabbage ranks the 5th position in terms of total area and production in Bangladesh.
I. Introduction

The varieties presently cultivated in Bangladesh are mostly hybrids. Some recently
introduced hybrids are Summer Warrior F1, Summer Star F1, Autumn Queen F1,
Super Tropic F1, Summer Boy F1, Green Ball 40 F1, Supreme Queen F1, Green 60
and Nova F1.
Open pollinated varieties like BARI Cabbage-1 (Provati), BARI Cabbage-2 (Agradut),
K-K Cross, K-Y Cross, Tokyo Pound, Atlas 70, Ruby Ball, Drum Head, etc. are also
Red cabbage is also becoming popular in Bangladesh as a salad crop.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Green and red cabbage grown in Bangladesh

Cabbage is generally grown in open field.

Cabbage is grows well at temperature range of 15-20oC.
Loam to sandy loam soil is suitable for growing cabbage.
Seeds are sown in seedbed in August, September or November for early, mid and
late season cultivation, respectively.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh


Seedlings of 30-35 days old are transplanted with spacing 60 cm 45 cm.

Fertilizer Recommendation Guide, 2012 BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Council) is followed for fertilizer management practices.
Recommended intercultural operations are practiced to grow cabbage.
Cabbage looper and Diamondback moth larvae are the major insect pests
Leaf spots and black rot are the major diseases.
Combination of IPM and chemical control are practiced to manage pests and diseases.
Cabbage heads become harvestable within 60-90 days after transplanting.
The average yield is 75-100 tons per ha.

Cultivation of cabbage in open field


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of cabbage in the field

Determination of harvesting time
I. Introduction

Heads (edible part of cabbage) having various varietal shapes are harvested when
they attain reasonable size.
Matured heads are compact and not depressed by finger pressure while immature
heads are loosely formed and depressed by finger pressure.
Matured heads produce metallic sound on finger stroke while immature heads
produce dull sound.
Premature heads may be harvested for higher profits for early market.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Immature or over mature heads are not suitable for marketing because they lack
nutritional and postharvest quality.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Matured (left) and immature (right) cabbage heads.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh


Time of day for harvesting

Cabbage is harvested on a clear and sunny day.
The optimum time of harvesting is in the morning because of prevailing low
temperature with high humidity and absence of scorching sunshine.

2-2. Harvesting
Heads are cut using a sharp knife or sickle leaving (half) inch of the stem.
Excessively long and protruding stems may cause bruises to other heads during
subsequent postharvest handling..
Prior to harvesting, insect damaged and yellowish outer leaves are removed.
Harvested cabbages are not left on the ground touching the soil to avoid
contamination with dirt, harmful microbes or heavy metals.
It is suggested not to use bamboo baskets to avoid bruising by the sharp edges of
the baskets which causes rapid quality deterioration.
Considering the existing situation, bamboo baskets can be used with proper lining
materials like newspaper or soft clothes to reduce damage during transportation.
Cutting tools and harvesting containers should be regularly sanitized using ordinary
detergent or bleaching solution.

2-3. Field packing

Harvested heads are usually held in clean container like plastic crates or plastic
buckets or plastic net bags.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-4. Transport from farm to packing shed/market

I. Introduction

For local transportation, cabbage heads are to be packed in plastic crates or plastic
net bags or bamboo baskets and quickly transferred to the packing shed or nearby
assembly market.
Paper or cloth liners are used, especially for bamboo baskets, to minimize physical
Cabbages are covered with nylon net or cloth during local transportation to prevent
heat damage as a result of direct exposure to sunlight.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Presently practiced modes of local transportation of cabbage

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh


3. Packinghouse Operations Prior to Marketing.

3-1. Pre-cooling
Pre-cooling is an important postharvest practice which helps maintain quality and
extends shelf life of cabbage. Forced air cooling is the best option to remove field
heat from the solid heads.
As much as possible, heads that are brought to the packing shed are precooled first
to remove field heat.
Forced air cooling is the best option to remove field heat from the solid heads.
Growers are strongly suggested to hold harvested cabbage under shade and cool
place of their house prior to or during packaging and transportation to the local
assembly markets.

3-2. Sorting
During sorting insect infested, diseased, rotten, damaged and bruised heads are
Sorting is practiced in a cool place of the packing shed.
In the absence of structured packing shed, growers perform sorting operation in
cool and shady place of their house or in the field to maintain postharvest quality.

3-3. Grading
Growers are suggested to grade cabbage into large, medium and small sizes for
the convenience of the buyers.
Prior to grading, the older outer leaves are removed leaving only 3-4 intact wrapper
Insect damaged, diseased, yellowish and older outer leaves are removed during


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

3-4. Packaging
For local transport, heads are packed in jute bags or plastic net bags or bamboo
baskets. Paper or cloth liners are used for bamboo baskets to minimize damage.
I. Introduction

For long distance transport, large sized plastic crates are used to reduce damage
and to maintain quality. Paper or plastic liners are commonly used inside the crates
to minimize injury and weight loss.
The packaging materials are ensured intact and clean to prevent contamination by
microorganisms, insects and heavy metals.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Presently practiced packaging of cabbage in plastic sack (left), and

plastic crate for improved packaging (right)
III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

3-5. Long Distance Transport

Care is normally taken during loading of cabbage for long distance transport
using wrapping materials like paper or soft fabric to minimize damage due to
compression, vibration and internal heat generation.
The best option of transportation of cabbage is the use of refrigerated vehicle.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh


Considerations Made for Efficient Transport

Transport vehicle not overloaded.
Cabbage should not be mix-loaded with other high ethylene liberating fruits like
bananas, tomatoes, papaya, etc., which results in leaf discoulartion and reduced
shelf life.
Use of strong and durable packages.
Packages should be aligned properly.
Vibration damage should be reduced by using plastic crates, liners and padding.
Ventilation should be ensured to prevent heat generation during transportation.
Rough handlings during loading and unloading should be avoided and workers
should not stand upon the produce.
Crates should be loaded in uniform stacks and braced securely.
The entire load should be covered with light-colored and thick canvas.

Open truck, predominantly used for bulk and long distance transportation
(left) and refrigerated Reefer Truck of Hortex Foundation (right)


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

3-6. Storage
For storage, cabbage are harvested at proper stage of maturity.
I. Introduction

Cabbage can be stored at 0oC and 98-100% RH for 4-16 weeks; at 4oC and 80-90%
RH for 4-6 weeks; and at 20oC and 60-70% RH for 1 week. The best storage and
transit temperature for cabbage is 0-4oC.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Presently practiced temporary storage of cabbage in open sun without any

cooling facilities (left) and in shady place (right)

Considerations Made for Effective Storage

Cabbages to be stored are to be harvested at proper maturity stage.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Recommended temperature and relative humidity should be maintained.

The storage room not overloaded.
Adequate ventilation in storage rooms should be ensured.
The storage room should always be kept clean.
Cabbage which is ethylene sensitve commodity should not be held with ethylene
producing fruits such as apple, banana, papaya, etc.
Produce should be regularly inspected to sort out damaged produce.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh


3-7. Quality deterioration of cabbage

Cabbage is highly perishable vegetable crop.
Quality of cabbage deteriorates quickly due to water loss, desiccation, wilting,
microbial infection, etc. if proper postharvest practices are not followed.
Postharvest loss occurs at various stages of postharvest operations (Table 1).
The principal causes of postharvest loss and quality deterioration are inadequate
infrastructurefor postharvest handling, increased postharvest physiological
processes (respiration, ethylene production and transpiration), improper
postharvest handling and microbial decay.

Good (A & B) and poor (C) quality cabbage


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Table 1. Postharvest losses of cabbage in traditional supply chain in Bangladesh

Supply chain Postharvest loss

Major causes of loss



Lack of storage facilities

No or delayed sale
Unhygienic market conditions



Lack of refrigerator in most house holds

Improper packaging
Ignorance about packaging and storage

Total loss



. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


Improper handling
Lack of sorting and grading facilities
Lack of storage facilities


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


Lack of sorting
Bulk transportation without proper packaging
Mixed loading
Lack of awareness on proper handling


I. Introduction


Insect damage
Microbial decay
Lack of proper handling
Improper harvesting


3-8. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling
Table 2. Comparison of different technologies for postharvest handling
maturity for


Head compact and firm

Head compact and firm

Field packing

Bamboo baskets, plastic

sacks, jute sacks

Plastic crates, net bags

Weight of
container in the

Bamboo basket (20-40 kg)

Plastic sack (20-40 kg)

Plastic crates (40-60 kg)


Ambient condition
(in cool and shady place)

Mechanical pre-cooling
(forced air cooling)



Size, colour, quality



Size, colour, quality


Bamboo baskets
Plastic sacks
Jute sacks

Plastic crates
Cardboard boxes (rigid)

Weight of

Plastic sack (40-60 kg)

Plastic crates (40-60 kg)

temperature and


0-4oC temperature and

98-100% RH


In open mini or large

trucks at ambient

Controlled temperature
in refrigerated vehicles

The estimated
postharvest loss is 25%

No report is available
but postharvest loss
would be greatly
minimized under
improved technology.

Postharvest losses



Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

4. New postharvest technology to extend storage life

of cabbage
I. Introduction

Cabbage is a perishable leafy vegetable and is spoiled due to various reasons like
microbial infections and water loss.
Bacterial soft rot during storage and marketing is the most serious problem.
Shelf-life of cabbage can be prolonged by applying lime paste (lime in water at a
ratio of 1:1) or alum paste (15 g potassium aluminum sulphate in 100 L water) to
the stem butt end immediately after harvesting and sealing in PP bags with 0.5%
Shelf-life of the treated cabbage was significantly extended (14-15 days) over
untreated control (6-7 days).

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Md. Khalequzzaman Akanda Chowdhury [Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council]
Mian Sayeed Hassan [Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council]
Md. Kamrul Hassan [Bangladesh Agricultural University]
Sultan Mahmud Khorshed Alam [Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council]
Abul Kalam Azad [Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council]

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Bangladesh


-2. Mongolia

Yesun Erdene Davaasuren

1. Postharvest procedures and cultivation system

Postharvest handling procedure of cabbage in the Mongolia
I. Introduction

Cabbage is supplied to consumers through a number of intermediaries or

The following postharvest handling steps are generally observed for cabbage in

Field Sorting





II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


To pickle vegetable

Retall market


III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


Post-harvest handling steps for cabbage

Harvest field sorting field packing and weighing Transportation Temprorary

storoge - Wholesale market Retail market - Repack Consumers
Harvested cabbages Field sorting field packing and weighing Transportation
Proceccing factory Supermarket Consumers

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Mongolia


Cultivation system
Cabbage production
In Mongolia, cabbage, Chinese mustard, Pekin cabbage are widely cultivated. White
cabbage is very common in Russia and Mongolia.
Import(mthous. fonn)
Import. (%)
Domestic production(%)

54% 49% 58% 62%
34 61%

54% 49% 58% 62% 61%

46% 51% 42% 38% 39%

46% 51% 42% 38% 39%

2009 2010
2010 2011 2012 2013

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Production of cabbage

Every year we harvest 20-30 thousand tons of cabbage and 50 thousand tons of
cabbage is imported.

Early maturity (Number pyervyi -147) and medium late maturity (Byelorusskaya-85,
Shirkhentseg-13) varieties are the ones selected and adapted.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of cabbage in the field

2-1. Harvesting
I. Introduction

Determination of harvesting time/ harvest maturity

Early maturing and mid-late varieties can be harvested late of July. The crop is
harvested when the heads attain their full size and become firm and hard but
tender. The colour of the head is sometimes used as a maturity index.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

A fully developed head has a lighter shade of green. The crop for picking are
harvested when the cover leaves curl back, and the white leaves beneath are
exposed. If harvesting is delayed, the heads may split and rots may occur while the
heads harvested early may be soft.
The crop for the fresh market is harvested by hand with a knife or sickle. The heads
are cut off in such a way that a few of the large, open wrapper leaves are left for
protection around the heads. Most of the stem is left on the head if the crop is to be

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Mongolia


2-2. Transport of cabbage from farm to storage house

Loading and transportation
Cabbages are transportated to storage room or market by truck that has cover

2-3. Postharvest handling inside the storage house

Storing cabbage correctly is important to preserve its quality.
Proper storage methods will help slow down the respiration of the cabbage.
There are 2 types of storage system for cabbage, freezing and keeping at controlled
atmosphere storage.

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

During the storage, influential main conditions are humidity, temperature, aeration,
and light condition.
Cabbasge is stored under dark condition in order to prevent humidity losses and the
production and emission of chemical substances.
I. Introduction

The optimum storage temperature for cabbage is 0-2C and relative humidity of 90 %
to 98 %. Cabbage to be stored are ensured to be mature and disease-free and have
been exposed to prolonged frost or cold.
Middle-late, late variety of cabbage can be stored in controlled atmosphere storage
and will lasts for 6 months. Red cabbage is more resistant than white cabbage.
In the controlled atmosphere storage, the cabbage heads are heaped up to 3m high.
The heap is formed from individual wire basket 0.5-0.6m high and 1m wide.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Preparing the storage: the storage area is ensured clean, dry and the section of
storage such as shelves, floor, window, etc., are repaired.
Disinfecting the storage: 30-40 days before storing crops, the storage area is
disinfected by 10% chlorinated lime solution and fumigated with sulpur 20-30 g/m3.
Chemical disinfection: In order to control microorganism that are disease-causing,
spraying with 1% of sulpur, bluestone and 40% of formalin solution is usually done.
Changes during storage: When cabbage is stored, certain transformations arise such
as physiological and biochemical changes and weigh loss, as well.
Requirement for storing cabbage: Of good quality, having 2-3 outer leaves intact for
protection and having about 4-5 cm stem length.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Mongolia


Maintenance during storage: Temperature and RH settings are checked regularly. At

certain time intervals, samples are obtained from storage to determine if there is a
need to re-sort or not.

3. Research result
Research for determing yield of early maturing and middle-late maturing varieties of
white cabbage in Shariin gol and Zuunkharaa soums in 2012-2013.
Yields of major varieties of cabbage
Names of the variety

Yield (tons per

Excess of yield
Commodity Total Commodity ha

Plateau harvest

Number one-147 /check/










Belorusion- 455





Shirkhentseg-13 /check/










Slava 231





Camennaya golobka 447





Cammennaya golobka









From the above given research, yeilds of selected varietis are almost same level, but
early maturing Iyunskaya variety was high in commodity yield with 87.1%.
From the middle-late varieties, Slava 231 was high for the all parameters examined.

4. Quality Specifications and Requirements

4-1. First class cabbage : no more than 5 % of weight loss
Cabbage heads infested with cabbage flies and slugs are not accepted.
Cabbage for salting can have leaves that may be slightly cracked.

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Cabbage heads with no protective outer leaves is sold as second class.

4-2. Irrigation should be stopped 14 days before harvest

Only secondary, dinner and late harvest cabbages are suitable for winter storage.
I. Introduction

Cabbage procured commercially are cleaned and trimmed to remove outer rotten
leaves; but the weight is not less than 0.6 kg.

4-3. Packaging , labeling and transport

Round, white cabbage, potatoes and vegetables follow the YCT 262-82 standards for
packaging, labeling and transport protocols.
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries
III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Poster on postharvest procedure of cabbage

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Mongolia


-3. Sri Lanka

Cabbage Cultivation

Cabbage Harvesting

Kalehe Sarananda Hewage


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

1.Pre harvest operations which affect postharvest

quality of cabbage
I. Introduction

Fungal and bacterial rots rapidly spread in the field and these rots can spread in
harvested heads.
Hence field sanitation is always maintained before harvesting.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Bacterial/ fungal rots

Fungal rot

Maturity indices used for harvesting:

1) Full formation of head (partially formed heads are immature)
2) Firmness of the head
3) No cracks on head (Over mature heads tend to crack)

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Mature head ready for harvest

Mature head (firm)

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Sri Lanka


2. Postharvest procedures and cultivation system

Harvesting procedure adopted for the local market.



Packaging in
pslysack bags

Transport to retail

Transport to the
wholesale market

Transport to the
collection center


Field packing


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Trimming in the field.

3. Postharvest handling of cabbage

I. Introduction

Problems associated with the current method used to supply of

local wholesale market.
1) Excessive postharvest loss due to
Mechanical injuries.
Fungal rot / Bacterial rot.
Early senescence.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Losses due to improper packaging

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Losses during transport

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Sri Lanka


Postharvest handling of cabbage for super markets and export.

1) Pre-harvest factors :
Field sanitation.
Maintenance of a healthy crop.
Folloing proper pre harvest interval is given (more than 2 weeks) for food


Partial Trimming

Packaged in plastic

Grading based
on size

Pack - house

Transport to the
pack - house

No washing

Packaging in plastic
crates or corrugated
fiberboard boxes


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Transported in
refrigerated lorries

Supermarket/ Air

V ery few pack houses are located in growing areas for
packaging of cabbage for super market and export

I. Introduction




II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Pack - house

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Chinese cabbage

Red cabbage

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Sri Lanka


Suggestions for improved postharvest handling practices for

the local wholesale market.
Pre - harvest sanitation.
Harvesting when heads are firm.
Never harvest when dew is present. Head musts be free from excess moisture
on its surface.

Trimming in the field (Not full clean)

Allow a few wrapper leaves around the head to absorb mechanical injuries
during transport.

Use ventilated poly-sack bags but the maximum weight of the package must be

Packages must be move to a shady place.

Transport them in ventilated lorries.
Transport quickly as possible.

Practices adopted to maintain the quality of cabbage Produced

for super market / exports.
Pre - harvest sanitation.
Harvesting when heads are firm.
Never harvest when dew is present. Head must be free from excess moisture on
its surface.

Allow a few wrapper leaves around the head to absorb mechanical injuries
during transport to the pack - house.

Pack them in large or jumbo plastic crates.

Do not expose to hot sun or rain.
Transport them in ventilated lorries.
Transport to the pack house early as possible.

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Trim them carefully.

Grade them based on size/variety.
Pack them in either plastic crates or corrugated fiber board boxes.
I. Introduction

Individual head wrapping with polyethylene sheet maintain the quality better.
Transport them in refrigerated condition preferably 1012 oC

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Healthy cabbage for export

Mature cabbage head for export

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Field packaging fir exoirt

Field level trimming for export

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Sri Lanka


Packaging for super markets

Stacking of plastic crates

Chinese cabbage for super markets


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Red cabbage for super markets

-4. Vietnam

I. Introduction

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Nguyen Van Phong and Nguyen Van Hoa

1. Postharvest procedures and cultivation system

Postharvest handling procedures of cabbages in Vietnam.



Transportation &



cabbage at

to Packing



Transportation &

Postharvest handling conducted by collectors/growers/cooperatives

Cultivation system of cabbages in Vietnam


Cabbage seedlings



Cabbage fields

Cabbages are planted from cabbage seedlings and grown in open fields
Cabbage seedlings are produced in net house by seedling producers

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of cabbage in the field

2-1. Harvesting time
I. Introduction

Determination of harvesting time

Harvest maturity is defined by planting date
computation and the heading formation of
Cabbage is harvested when the head is fully
rounding and firm; the wrapper leaves are

The head of cabbage is till immature

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Time of day for harvesting

Cabbage is harvested on a clear day.
Early morning is the best time of day to
harvest cabbage.
The head of cabbage is mature

2-2. Harvesting
The head is manually harvested by bending
it to one side and cutting it with a knife.

All rotten or damaged outer leaves removed.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

The stalk is cut flat and as close to the head

as possible, yet long enough to retain two to
four wrapper leaves.
Cabbage harvesting

Some various harvesting practices of cabbage in Vietnam

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam


2-3 Drying and field packing

Drying cabbage in the field
Drying is used to remove condensed water
in leaf hollows and on the head surface
when harvested at early mornings.
Drying is done by placing the harvested
heads turn upside down without contact
with soil for 2-3 hours in the field.

Cabbage drying

Field Packing
Field packing of cabbage in Vietnam is made for distribution directly into
consumption markets or transportation to packing house.
A carefully and completely trimming/
removal of extra wrapper leaves, all rotten/
damaged leaves, long stalks and under
quality/grades is necessary for cabbage
before field packing using carton boxes (2025 kg).
For other packing types using big plastic
crates/ wire-bound crates or mesh bags
(25-50 kg), retaining two to four wrapper
leaves is necessary for preventing physical
damages during transportation.
Trimming & packing in carton boxes

Packing in mesh bags


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Packing in wire-bound crates

Packing in plastic crates

2-4 Transport of cabbage

Trucks or any vehicle could be used for

transportation of cabbage depending on
availability and infrastructure condition
of production region.

I. Introduction

T ransport of cabbage from farm to

packing house or directly to markets
should be done at cool temperature
periods of the harvesting day (during the
morning or late afternoon).

Field packed cabbage boxes loaded up

into a truck for transportation to markets

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Sanitizing transportation vehicles before use, using covering net and carefully
loading up into the truck/vehicles (avoid over loading) are necessary to protect
cabbage during transportation.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Cabbage packed in mesh bags and being loaded up

into a truck to packing house

Cabbage transportation by using a truck

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam


3. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage inside Packinghouse

With some supply chains of cabbage in Vietnam such as for export, supper markets
or fresh fruit/vegetable shops for sale, packing house is necessary to ensure
product quality under control.

3-1. Receiving cabbage at packing house

H arvested cabbage are transported
to packing house as soon as possible
(within harvesting day).
U nloading of cabbage from the
trucks/ transportation vehicles is done
carefully to avoid physical damages.
A quick evaluation is necessary to sort
out defective cabbages .
Once the cabbageheads are recceived,
these are stored in a cool place with
good ventilation.

Receiving cabbage at packing house

3-2. Trimming and Drying

Trimming is done by hand with a sharp knife.
Trimming is to cut off extra wrapper leaves, all rotten/damaged leaves, and to
flatten and shorten the stalk.
A fter t rimming,
cabbages are
placed in 25kg
plastic crates and
air dried under an
electric fan.
Removal of wrapper leaves


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Make flat and shorten for the stalk

3-3. Grading
Grading cabbage is done by using an electronic balance.
In Vietnam, cabbages is divided into three grades depending upon varieties.
I. Introduction

Grade: 2-4 kg
Grade: 1-2 kg
Grade 1 kg

3-4. Packing
Two types of packaging containers are used for cabbage: perforated carton boxes
(12-20 kg) and mesh bags (25-30 kg).
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Wrapping with paper is necessary to protect cabbage from physical damages in

case of packing with mesh bags.
Wrapping with PVC film before packing cabbage is also used to reduce water loss
and other benefits for cabbage during distribution and marketing.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Cabbage is wrapped with paper and packed in mesh bag

Cabbage is packed in perforated carton box

Cabbage is wrapped with

shrinkable PVC film and packed in
perforated carton box

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam


3-5. Storage
Storage life of cabbage can be extended longer by 3 months at 2-10oC, RH=92-95%.
However, with year round availability and with no big difference in supply demand
and price, long term storage of cabbage is not recommended in Vietnam.
S hort term storage of cabbage in
coolstores is necessary to be proactive
in transportation and distribution.
S torage temperature condition of
2-10oC and RH (92-95%) are applied
for cabbage for short-term storage
(within 1-3 weeks).
Use of coolstore set 2-10oC, RH
92-95% for short term storage

3-6. Transportation and distribution

Cabbage packed in packing house is transported and distributed by using non/
refrigerated trucks.
For cabbage stored in coolstore at 2-10oC, transport&distribution make use of
refrigerated truck set at 10oC to prevent condensation.

Cabbage is transported by refrigerated truck


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Cabbage is transported by non-refrigerated truck

3-7. Postharvest handling procedure of cabbage

I. Introduction

Transportation &
distribution to markets


Drying in field



Receiving in Packing

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Harvesting maturity

Field packing


Short term
Temp: 2-10oC;
RH: 92-95 %
Packing forms of cabbage

Storage of cabbage

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

No storage



Transportation &

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam


4.Improper practices and losses/deteriorations of

postharvest cabbage


In-direct/direct losses

Reduction in yield

Soft cabbage head and sensitive to

handling damage.
Shortened shelf life.

Immature harvest
Results in split heads
I ncreased incidence of field

Delaying harvest

S p e e d s u p i n f e s t a t i o n s o f
Alternaria leaf spot and downy
mildew, particularly during rainy

Increased incidence of postharvest


Speeds up deterioration due to

growing pathogen, increased
respiration & water loss.

Improper stalk cutting


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA


I. Introduction


In-direct/direct losses

Increased incidence of rot diseases


Speeds up deteriorations due to

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Improper trimming of diseased

and dried leaves

Prone to handling damages


Speeds up deterioration due to

Improper packing

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Results in physical damages


I ncreased quantity and quality

Use of unsuitable package

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam


5. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling
Table 1: Comparisons between conventional and improved postharvest management


Improved technology




By observing the heading

formation of cabbage

By using both the planted date

computation and the heading
formation of cabbage

Harvesting time
of the day

Any time of the day

During the cool and dry times in

day(at early morning)


By hand

By hand

Drying in field


By placing the harvested heads

turned upside down for 2-3 hrs

Field Packing

Very diversiform
Only trim off some extra
leaves and then packed in
big mesh bags (40-50 kg).
C u t o f f c o m p l e t e l y
external leaves and stalk
and then packed in big
mesh bags (40-50 kg).
C u t o f f c o m p l e t e l y
external leaves and
stalk and then packed
in perforated carton box
(12-20 kg)

Cut off rotted/damaged leaves

and then packed in big mesh
bags (30-40 kg) or big wirebound crates/plastic crate (3050 kg)

Use of vehicles available

like small tru ck,bikes transport cabbage
from field.
Transportation &
Field-packed cabbage is
transported to packing
house or directly to
consumption markets.

U se of s mall trucks for

transporting cabbage
Cabbage packed in mesh
bags is also used for
transporting and distribution
to local markets.

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Table 2 : Comparisons between conventional and improved postharvest management



Improved technology
I. Introduction


Packing house

No standards in design &

setting of basic facilities

Collecting and

* Done at ambient
temperature area

* Done at cool area (20-25oC)

Using the cutting table for
the stalk cutting of cabbage.
Using sanitized plastic crate
25 kg to contain the cut/
trimmed cabbage.
D rying after trimming/

3 grades (Class I, II and III )

As requirements of market :
3 grades (Class I, II, and III)


Very diverse in form

With or with out wrapping
with paper before packing
in mesh bags of net
weight of 25-50 kg
P acked in perforated
carton boxes (12-20kg).

N on removal of cabbage
extra wrapper leaves is
packed in mesh bags of 25
kg or plastic crates 25 kg.
Cabbage removed completely
of wrapper leaves is wrapped
with PVC shrinkable film and
packed in perforated carton
boxes (12-20kg)


Non-stored or short term

storage at 2-10oC, RH 92-95%

Non-stored or short term

storage at 2-10oC, RH 92-95%

Non-refrigerated trucks

Non-refrigerated trucks for

non-stored : Refrigerated
truck for cold-stored cabbage




. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Vietnam

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

In many cases, non-use

of cutting table for stalk
 o concernab out container
and drying
package for trimmed cabbage
 o airdrying

Packing house conforms to

standard structural design
and basic facility specifications
to avoid cross infestation
and easy facilitiessanitizing,
discharging wastes.


- 5. Philippines

Perlita A. Nuevo & Matilde V. Maunahan

1. Postharvest procedures and cultivation system

Postharvest handling procedure of cabbage in the Philippines





Load /

re-pack weigh,





At packinghouse
inspect, re-sort

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


Bulk load
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

At trading post
sort, trim, wrap,
pack, weigh


I. Introduction


* This cabbage is also known as Napa, Wombok, pechay Baguio, Kimchi cabbage,
Chinese pechay or Chinese cabbage.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Cultivation system

Wombok cabbage is grown in the highlands

2. Postharvest handling of Wombok cabbage in the field

2-1. Harvesting time
Determination of harvesting time/ harvest maturity
Readiness of harvest depends on size of plant and fullness of head
Days from planting (60 65 days from planting)


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-2. Harvesting
Harvesting method
I. Introduction

Harvesting is done when

majority of the plants are
ready, based on plant size
and fullness of head.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

C a b b a g e h e a d s a r e
harvested manually and
placed on bare ground.

T he use of harvesting
gloves and a clean and
sharp knife is important
during harvest.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

A liner on the ground

is provided to prevent
cabbage from directly
touching the soil.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


2-3. Packing
Field packing

Wrapping cabbage with newsprint

and field packing in polybag.

C abbage trimmed, wrapped and

packed in the field has prolongs
storage life.

O ver-packed cabbage
heads in bamboo basket
securely tied with plastic
twine are hauled manually
down the roadside.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Bulk loading

I. Introduction

From the bamboo basket,

the cabbage heads are
bulk-loaded in a truck
parked on the roadside.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

2-4. Transport of cabbage from farm to storage house

Bulk transport

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Bulk transport of cabbage from the

farm to the trading post. Cabbage
heads on rooftop are partially covered
with tarpaulin.

Top loading is a common practice

to minimize transport cost and
maximize volume. However, quality is

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Sorting and trimming at the trading post

S orting, trimming and
other postharvest activities
are performed inside the
truck upon arrival at the
trading post.

Another system is tossing

top-loaded cabbage to a
person on the ground. The
catcher trims, wraps and
packs the produce. There
are near-missed and
missed catch resulting in


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-5. Postharvest handling inside the packing house

Sorting and trimming at the packinghouse
I. Introduction

For institutional buyers such

as supermarkets, packed
cabbage heads are unloaded

and sorted according to size

and quality.
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

The sorting table usually has

smooth edges to minimize

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Heads are individually packed

with cling wrap.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Sorting according to size and quality

Very small

D iseased and insectdamaged

Head not fully developed



Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Damaged leaves are cut
with a clean knife.
I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

A clean and sharp knife is

used in trimming the buttend of cabbage.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Wrapping with newsprint
for the wholesale market
is done at the trading

F or the supermarket,
cabbage heads are
individually packed using
cling wrap.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Packaging at the trading post

I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

W rapped cabbages are packed in

polyethylene bag.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

The capacity of a polyethylene bag is

10-15 kg. This is called a bundle.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Weighing at the trading post

Sorted, trimmed and wrapped cabbage heads

are packed and weighed in 10-15kg capacity

Hauling at the trading post

Packed cabbage heads are hauled in

the marketplace.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

use of a wooden cart which is lifted

on one side and manually pulled or

Temporary holding at the trading post

Packed cabbage heads from
the truck are temporarily
stacked on the ground.
I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

T emporary holding of
packed cabbage at the
trading post before loading
for the Metro Manila

Packs are exposed to the

sun or rain.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

P acked cabbage must

be stacked securely to
prevent toppling down.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Weighing and recording at the packinghouse

Weighing and recording
is done upon receipt of
cabbage at the packing

Inspection / checking at ther packinghouse

R a n d o m i n s p e c t i o n /
checking of purchased
cabbage for transport to
Metro Manila and distribution
to supermarkets.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Temporary holding at the packinghouse

I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Inspected and weighed packs of cabbage

are hauled to the temporary holding area.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

T emporary holding of packed

cabbage at the packing house
before loading in delivery trucks
for the Metro Manila markets.
. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines



Cabbage heads together with other

vegetables are transported in nonrefrigerated truck (a)

refrigerated (b) vehicle.

Loading and stacking

Loading of packed cabbage
in non-refrigerated truck.

The practice of stacking

boxes of lettuce on top
of packed cabbage and
obstructing the cold vent
is improper.
Loading of packed cabbage
in refrigerated truck.


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Retail selling
(ambient in wet markets and air-conditioned in supermarkets)

I. Introduction

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Retail selling of cabbage at the trading post (a) and at the supermarket (b).

Low temperature storage

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Wombok cabbage can be stored at low temperature (12C) for 10 weeks if field
packed or 2 weeks if not.

. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Postharvest handling procedure for cabbage bound for wet

markets in the Philippines
At the field


Field packing


At the trading post


Sorting Trimming


Bulk transport




Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Postharvest handling procedure for cabbage bound for the

supermarket in the Philippines
from the trading post, packed cabbage heads are brought to the packinghouse.
I. Introduction

inspection /checking





III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries



. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines


Postharvest handling procedure for Wombok cabbage in the

Philippines (Market)

Wholesale bundle pack

(10-15 kg/pack)

Cabbage heads sold in wet markets(ambient) unlike those sold in air- conditioned
supermarkets (b)
are not packed individually with cling wrap (a)

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

4. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling
Table 1. Comparison of different technologies for postharvest handling


Bare hands and knife

Use of gloves and sharp and

clean knife


Short storage life

(2 weeks at 12C)

Prolonged storage
(10 weeks at 12C)
Field packing


Use of bamboo basket

(60 kg/ container)

Use of plastic crate

(25 kg/ container)

Transport from farm




size, color, quality

size, color, maturity, quality



Use of clean knife



Use of crates Upright position

Upside down

Temporary holding

Exposed to sun and rain






Ambient temperature


. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


I. Introduction



Table 2. Comparison of postharvest losses between different technologies




Packing at the field

Packed at trading post


Field packed


In polybags

In crates
Upside down

Cleaning of



At retail

No wrapping

Individually packed with cling wrap





Storage period
at 12C

2 weeks

10 weeks

Losses are based from experiments done.

Market losses
Improved quality of
cabbage if field packed

Storage losses

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

-6. Rep. of Korea

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries | Philippines

I. Introduction

Rep. of Korea

Ji Gang Kim and Hyun Jin Choi

1. Postharvest procedures and Cultivation system

Postharvest handling procedure of Kimchi cabbage in Korea



Transportation to
storage rooms

For only fall and

winter cabbages


Bulk MA

Sorting and


Drying /

Transportation to

Postharvest handling of Kimchi cabbage harvested in fall and winter seasons:

* Field drying is not performed for Spring and Summer cabbages
* Cooling and drying is performed in late spring and summer seasons

Cultivation system

Field cultivation

Vinyl greenhouse

In general Kimchi cabbage is grown in open fields.

Some Kimchi cabbages harvested in spring season are grown in vinyl greenhouse.

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of Kimchi cabbage in the field

2-1. Harvesting time
I. Introduction

Determination of harvesting time

for long term storage
Cabbage is harvested when the head is
almost full and firm (not too firm)
Harvest maturity is defined by the rate of
head formation of cabbage

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

-About 80% of head formation of cabbage is

recommended for long term storage

Time of day for harvesting

Cabbage is harvested on a clear day.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Early morning is the best time of day to harvest cabbage in Summer season
Harvesting is carried out in the late morning or afternoon, when leaves are less
turgid particularly in the Winter season

. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian Countries | Re. of Korea


2-2. Harvesting
Harvesting work
The stalk at the base of the head is cut with
a sharp knife
The cutting knife is sterilized before use in
cabbage field.
-W ash with soap and
brush, then dip into the
sanitizing agent.

Workers wear disposable rubber glove or

cotton glove.

All rotten or damaged outer leaves and space heads are cut-off so that their leaves
do not touch each other.

Drying cabbage in the field

Cabbages are placed in the field without soil contact for a couple of hours to allow
temporary wilting of the leaves that leads to minimal physical damage during


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-3. Packing
Cabbages are harvested by hand and put directly and carefully into plastic crate or
net pouches made of nylon.
I. Introduction

- Outer leaves of sound cabbage are removed and packed in the field.

Net pouches are used for retail market and short term storage.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Cabbage is packed in net bag

Plastic crate packaging is used for Kimchi processing and long term storage.
- Four to six cabbage heads are packed in the crate.
- Plastic crates do not bring about significant physical damage to packed cabbages.

Crate should be clean without foreign materials that can cause contamination.
Crates which are of the same size and shape are used.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Cabbage is packed in plastic crate

. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian Countries | Re. of Korea


2-4. Transport of cabbage from farm to storage house

Cabbages are transported to the storage house on the day of harvest.
The cabbages in plastic crates are handled gently at all times with special care
taken in handling and moving.
The cabbages are covered with a plastic net and transported during the morning or
late afternoon to prevent heat damage or avoid sun light.

Transport of cabbage packed in plastic crate

Cabbages packed in plastic crates are stacked carefully into the truck.
Sheets of newspapers are placed between net pouches to absorb excess moisture
particularly during the summer season.

Transport of cabbage packed in net pouches in Summer season


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-5. Storage

I. Introduction

Fresh, harvested cabbages are placed

in a cool area or under shade of plants .
Cabbages harvested in summer are
pre-cooled to reduce the temperature
and air-dried in a cool area.
-Summer harvest cabbages can be placed
at about 10OC and dried with electrical
fans for 1-2 days.


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Cabbages are inspected if there are

damaged and decayed heads in the
plastic crate.


Bulk MA packaging using micro hole

film can be used for long term storage.
Short term storage

The optimum storage temperatures

differ depending on cultivar and harvest
-Storage temperature of 0-2OC with about
90% relative humidity is recommended
for Kimchi cabbage.
-Kimchi cabbage harvested in Summer
season are not stored at lower than 0OC
to prevent severe chilling injury.
-Kimchi cabbage harvested in Winter are
stored at a temperature of 0 to 1OC.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Bulk MA packaging

-Cabbage crates are covered with the

film after cabbage-temperature is down.

Over-mature or late harvested cabbages

are not stored for long term.
Long term storage
. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian Countries | Re. of Korea


Bulk MA packaging during the storage of Kimchi cabbage

Use of MA-MH packaging for Kimchi cabbage
MA/MH : Modified Atmosphere/Modified Humidity
Effect of the MA-MH packaging film on the quality of cabbage
- Less chilling injury, Less decay, Higher visual quality

The cost of purchasing the MA/MH film and labor is expensive


Conventional PE film
with holes

MA/MH packaging

Use of low cost micro hole films

- The cost is almost the same as the cost of conventional film
-lower decay rate and chilling injury and higher sensorial appearance compared
to cabbage treated with conventional technology.

Micro hole film for

storage of Kimchi cabbage


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-6. Quality deterioration of Kimchi cabbage

Quality changes during the storage
I. Introduction

- When RH is low, Weight loss is high

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

- When temperature is high
- When RH is high (use of improper plastic film cover)
- Outer leaves touch each other

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian Countries | Re. of Korea


Chilling injury
- When temperature is low
- Cultivar is sensitive to the the


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Pepper spot development

-The spot occur in the field
-However, the symptom develop during
cold storage

 ostharvest handling procedure of Kimchi cabbage


Drying in field

Short term storage

I. Introduction


Net packaging for

short term storage

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Plastic crate
for long term storage

Mid-term storage

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Drying for long

term storage

After 4 month storage

of Kimchi cabbage

Long term storage

Improved postharvest handling procedure of Kimchi cabbage harvested in Fall season.

. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian Countries | Re. of Korea


2-8. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling
Table 1. Comparison of different technology for postharvest handling



80-90 of head formation of


80 of head formation of


Field drying

Nylon net pouch

Plastic crate


General truck

General truck
with rain proof cover or
shade net

Cooling /Drying


Cooling in summer,
Drying in fall and winter

Bulk MA storage


Bulk MA with micro holes



-0.5~0 in winter,
0~1 in summer

Postharvest losses
after 3 month



for long term
storage (%)
Field postharvest

Field packing


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Postharvest Handling
of Chili Pepper in Asian

I. Introduction


III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

-1. Cambodia
-2. Lao PDR
-3. Indonesia
-4. Nepal
-5. Thailand

. Postharvest Handling of Cabbage in Asian Countries | Re. of Korea


-1. Cambodia

Som Lon and Man Sotheavy

1. Cultivation system and postharvest procedures

Postharvest handling procedure of chili pepper in Cambodia
to packing






at packing



Transportation to

Postharvest handling of chili pepper harvested in dry and wet seasons

Cultivation system

Field cultivation

Vinyl greenhouse

In general chili peppers are grown in open fields.

Some chili peppers harvested in rainy season are grown in vinyl greenhouse

Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of chili peppers in the field

2-1. Harvesting time
I. Introduction

Determination of harvesting time

D epending on the variety and market
H arvesting begins 50-60 days after
transplanting for green fruit.
If the market prefers the red fruit, harvesting
will begin 70 to 80 days after transplanting.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

H arvest time can last up to 100 days

depending on how well the crop is managed.

Time of day for harvesting

Chili pepper is harvested every 2-3 days for
green fruit.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Red fruit is harvested weekly, preferably

during the early part of the day
Early morning or late afternoon is the best
time of day to harvest chili pepper in dry
Harvesting during or just after rain is not
recommended because wet conditions favor
disease development and enhance fruit

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia


2-2. Harvesting
Chili pepper is picked carefully by hand.
The fruit is harvested by removing it from
the branch of the plant.
During harvesting, overripe fruit is also
removed from the plant.
Pickers should wear gloves to protect their
hands from severe burns caused by the oils
in the fruit.
Pickers are advised not to touch their face
or eyes.
Harvested fruits are put directly into plastic
field crates, bamboo baskets or into smaller
plastic buckets, which are then transferred
to crates.
T he harvested fruit are kept in shaded
conditions to protect from the sun, wind,
and rain.

100 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-3. Field packing

I. Introduction

Chili peppers are harvested carefully by hand and put directly into plastic bucket or
plastic crate and then transferred to plastic sack for field packing and transporting
to packing house.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Chili peppers are packed in plastic bucket

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Chili peppers are packed in plastic sacks

Chili peppers are paced in plastic crates

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia


2-4. Transportation to packing house

The chili peppers in containers are handled gently at all times with special care
taken in handling and moving.

Chili peppers are transported to the packing house rapidly after harvesting.
In general, farmers take the fresh chili peppers to packing house on harvesting day
(2-3 times a day during dry season).
The chili peppers are transported during the morning or late afternoon to prevent
heat damage or avoid sun light.

102 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-5. Postharvest handling inside the packing house

Unloading chili peppers from transporting vehicle
I. Introduction

Chili peppers are unloaded from the vehicle

into shaded collection area.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Chili peppers should not be exposed to

sunlight or rain during unloading and
movement inside the packing house.

Collecting and inspection

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Chili peppers are collected in a shaded and cool area.

Chili peppers are inspected roughly if there is damaged and decayed fruits.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia


Chili peppers are cleaned by gently rubbing the fruit to remove debris and soil particles.
If washing has to be carried out, the wash water is ensured to be clean or sanitized
with chlorine solution (30g/L).
Chili peppers can be washed by dipping in hot water (54-55C) for 4 minutes to
control botrytis rot effectively without causing fruit injury.
After washing, the fruit is air- dried properly to prevent decay.
Before washing, spoiled/damaged/rotten fruits are removed in order to avoid
contamination to the other fruits.

Fruit with defects such as cracks, decay, mechanical damage, and sunb urn should
be sorted out and rejected.
Undersized fruits are also discarded.
Chili peppers are classified by color, such as red or green, and a mixture of red,
green, and yellow.
Each class is assigned a particular name such as class 1 or class 2 or grade 1 or
grade 2.

104 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA


I. Introduction

Chili peppers are weighed to make 10 to

20 kg of fruits depending on containers
volume. Scale is checked for accuracy
before weighing.
Chili peppers are placed in plastic crates
(20kg) or plastic bags (10kg) or bamboo
baskets (20-30Kg) and kept in the shade
until they are transported to the market.
O verloading of bamboo baskets is
avoided : load over 50 kg is never done
so as not to cause damage to the fruit by

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Packaging materials
The packaging material used for transportation
should have air holes for good ventilation.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Different kinds of packaging containers are

used for chili peppers sold to domestic markets,
including bamboo baskets, plastic crates, and
plastic bags.
Plastic crates offer better protection against
physical injuries than the other containers due
to their smooth surface, rigidity, and ease in
The fully loaded container is taken to a shaded,
well-ventilated temporary holding area.
Overloading is avoided which can cause bruising
or damage by compression.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia


Chili peppers are kept in a cool place
under the house or in shaded and wellventilated areas.
Wet cloth to cover the baskets is used to
prevent water loss during storage; the
cloth is frequently sprinkled with clean
water to keep the fruit cool and maintain
For long term of storage (up to 3 weeks),
chili peppers are stored at 10oC with a
relative humidity of 85-95%.
When stored below 10C chili peppers
can be damaged (surface pitting, decay,
discoloration of the seed cavity etc.) and
when stored above 13C, chili peppers
are subject to accelerated ripening and
bacterial soft rot infection.

Transporting of chili peppers to market

The chili peppers are transported during the
morning or late afternoon to prevent heat
damage or avoid sun light.
The best way is to arrange the containers on a
shelf to avoid piling on top of each other.
A cloth is used to cover the basket to protect the
fruits from sunlight and dust.
The vehicle used for transporting to the market
should either have refrigeration or at least have
a roof to protect it from direct sunlight.

106 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

3. Supply chain of chili peppers in Cambodia






II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries



I. Introduction


III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

At wholesale market

At retail market
. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia


4. Chili pepper processing in Cambodia

Chili pepper drying in the sun

Dried chili peppers

Chili paste

108 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Chili powder

5. Postharvest loss
Table 1. Postharvest losses of fresh chili peppers in the traditional and modern
supply chains in Cambodia

Postharvest Loss %

I. Introduction

Supply Chain Actors

Major Causes of Loss

A. Traditional supply chains




Physical damage
Over ripening



Physical damage
Over ripening



Physical damage
Over ripening



II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


Insect damage
Weight loss

B. Modern supply chains




Physical damage
Over ripening



Physical damage
Over ripening



. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


Insect damage
Weight loss


Table 2. Factors contributing to postharvest losses of fresh chili peppers as

perceived by various stakeholders (estimated in %).


Hot and humid





Poor packaging




Poor storage




Poor transport




Poor sanitation




Inability to sell all





110 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA


Collectors Wholesalers

-2. Lao PDR

I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Bounneuang Douangboupha and Datsakone Hongsivilay

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Cambodia


1. Cultivation system and postharvest procedures

Postharvest handling procedure of chili pepper in Cambodia



Field sorting &



to market


Sorting at


Postharvest handling of chili pepper harvested in dry seasons and rainy seasons.

Cultivation system

Chili pepper cultivation on open field

Chili pepper is grown on rows on open fields

112 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of chili pepper in the field

2-1. Harvesting time
I. Introduction

Determination of harvesting time

Harvest maturity is defined generally by chili pepper color.
Mature green and ripe, red fruits are harvested.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Green chili pepper.

Red chili pepper

Time of day for harvesting

Chili pepper is harvested on a clear day.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Early morning is the best time of day to harvest chili pepper in dry season.
For rainy season, harvesting is carried out in the late morning or afternoon.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Lao PDR


2-2. Harvesting
Chili pepper are harvested by hand and
put into the cotton bag hanging on the
harvester's shoulder, or into a bamboo
basket or in a plastic basin.
Chili pepper are then transferred from
a bag or a small bamboo basket to a
plastic sacks or a plastic crate placed
at the field.
Workers move slowly on foot between
rows of chili pepper plants while
The frequently of harvesting is done 2
to 3 times a week for 4 to 5 months.

Chili peppers are transferred into plastic sack (20-25kg) or bamboo basket (2025kg) and kept in the shade until they are transported to the Wholesaler's Cooling /
Collection / Packing point (WCCP)

114 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-3. Transport of chili pepper from farm to storage house

Storage house = Wholesaler's Cooling / Collection / Packing point (WCCP)
I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Chili peppers are transported to the WCCP rapidly after harvesting .

In general, farmers take the fresh chili pepper to WCCP on harvest day.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Lao PDR

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

The chili peppers are transported during the morning or late afternoon to prevent
heat damage or avoid exposure to sun light


3. Postharvest handling of chili pepper in WCCP

Unloading chili pepper from truck or from motorbike.

Unloading from the truck and the motorbike

Chili peppers are unloaded from the truck or the motorbike into the WCCP area.
Chili peppers are ensured not to be exposed to sunlight or rain during unloading
and during the movement of the produce inside the packing house.

Collecting and inspection.

Collected chili peppers are inspected and if there are damaged or undersized fruits,
these are discarded in a plastic sack or bamboo basket.

116 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Weighing and packing at WCCP.

I. Introduction

The packaging material used

in packing chili pepper is
polyethylene plastic bag.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Chili pepper are placed into

polyethylene plastic bag

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Chili peppers are kept in an

ambient temperature room
until they are transported to
the market.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Lao PDR


4. Postharvest handling procedure of chili pepper


Transportation to WCCP




Ambient temperature
temporary holding

Transportation to market

Postharvest handling is conducted right in the Wholesaler's Cooling

/ Collection / Packing point(WCCP)

118 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

5. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling


Postharvest procedure
and postharvest loss

I. Introduction

Table 1. Comparison of different technologies for postharvest handling

Improved technology

Harvesting index for

retail market

Green, red

Harvesting container
(times of filling
relative to capacity)

Bamboo baskets and Plastic crate and plastic

Plastic bags
(2 times)
(1 time)

Field container

0,5kg and 50kg

1kg and 2kg


cooling in cool area

Cooling in cool area



Size, color


Quality(3 grades)

Size(2 levels), quality(3


Packaging materials

Bamboo and polyethylene

Hard plastic (rigid),

rubberized plastic

Weight of packaging

bulk for retail

12kg for retail,

25kg for wholesale


Ambient temperature

Ambient Temperature

Postharvest losses



Green, red

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Lao PDR


III-3. Indonesia

Dr. Ridwan Rachmat , Magr

Dr. Setyadjitr. Setyadjit, MappSc Dr. Ali Asgar Dondy Anggono S., MSi Sunarmani, MSi Irpan Badrul Jamal, STP
Abdullah Bin Arif , MSi Agus Budianto, STP, MSi Fajar Kurniawan, STP Elmi Kamsiati, STP, MSi

120 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

1. Postharvest procedures and cultivation system

Postharvest Handling procedure



Big Scale




II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Field Sorting

I. Introduction


Weigh and


III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Chili pepper is grown both at up land and low land of agro ecosystem all year round

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Indonesia


2. Postharvest handling of chili pepper in the field

2-1. Harvest
Upland : 65-75 days after planting; harvesting time interval 2-3 days.
Low land : 90-100 days after planting; harvesting time interval 6-10 days
Harvesting time in the morning (after sun rise).
The chili pepper with homogenous red color is selected to be picked.

Harvesting method

Picking method

The chili is picked with its stalk

122 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-2. Weighing and temporary storage

I. Introduction

The harvested chillis are collected in Poly Vinyl sack or on cement floor (permanent/
non permanent) to be dried and protected from solar heat .
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Poly vinyl sack

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Cement floor

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Indonesia


2-3. Packing
Sorting is done to separate the dirt, leaf, and damaged chilli from the healthy ones.

Separation between the healthy and

the damaged chilis.

The healthy chili

124 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Packaging in big scale

Chili pepper is packed in a big package (carton box, PV sack or plastic sack).
To avoid physical damage, chili packaging is done carefully
I. Introduction

 arton box with 25-30 kg capacity

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

PV sack with 30-40 kg capacity

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Plastic sack with 10-20 kg capacity

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Indonesia


2-4. Transportation
Carton boxes or sacks are arranged carefully in a truck or wagon to reduce the
stress load.
The use of refrigerated vehicle and night time journey are recommended for long
distance transport.

Net-Perforated sack is used for long

distance transport

Chili pepper in carton boxes for

transportation in open wagon

Manual transportation of chili in plastic

sacks for short distance transport.

126 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

3. Postharvest handling inside the packing house

Sorting and grading at PHO
I. Introduction

Sorting is done to separate the healthy and damaged ( broken, rotten) chilis.
Grading is done to classify the chili into:
- Super (big size, long, red uniformly ).
- Common (smaller size, short length).

Grading is done manually

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Grading is done manually

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Super class

Common class

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Indonesia


Packaging and labeling

Packaging at PHO enables one to determine the class and quality of chili based on
size, length and wholesomeness. The packaging employ the semi rigid plastic or
styrofoam tray combined with plastic wrapping ( average weight is 250 g).
Labeling provides assurance of quality and brand to traders, especially for target
markets such as supermarket and export; lower quality of packaging material is
targeted for local/traditional market.

High quality chili pepper and packaging

Packaged chilli peppers, with wrapping and labeling, are ready for high-end
market distribution

128 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

4. Market
The chili with packaging and labeling are used for supermaket,
Simple plastic sack is used for local/ traditional market
I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Retail packaging for supermarket

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Packaged chilis at Grocery market and at the Traditional market

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Indonesia


5. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling
Table1. Comparison of different technologies for postharvest handling
Postharvest procedures


Improvement Technology

Ripeness Uniformity

Mixed ripeness

Optimal ripeness
(Homogeneous red color)

Harvest container

Plastic/wooden mat

Plastic bucket

Temporary storage

No cover/roofless

Roof to protect from

rain and solar heat


Separation based on
and fresh

Separation based on
uniformity in size,
color and freshness

Packaging material

Net plastic sack

(25 - 50 Kg)

Plastic box
(40 Kg)


Mixed commodity
open/ uncovered wagon
without cooling system

Single commodity with

box wagon facilitated
with air cool ing system
(less than 10oC)

Sorting and Grading at


Slightly bruised chili

Free from bruised chili

Packaging and labeling

Improper p a c k a g i n g
(capacity not appropriate
for chili)

The capacity is fit for chili

Ditjen Hortikultura. 2012. Wademekum Sayuran. Ditjen Hortikultura, Jakarta.
Ditjen Hortikultura. 2012. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Pascapanen Cabai.
Ditjen Hortikultura, Jakarta.
Ditjen Hortikultura. 2012. Buku Saku Sayuran. Ditjen Hortikultura, Jakarta.
Ditjen Hortikultura. 2006. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Cabai. Ditjen
Hortikultura, Jakarta.
130 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

-4. Nepal
I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries
III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Purushottam P. Khatiwada and Krishna P. Paudyal

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Indonesia


1. Postharvest procedures and cultivation system

Postharvest handling procedure of green chili pepper in Nepal



Transportation to
local market





Transportation to
collection centre


Assembling at
collection centre

Sorting and
grading at
wholesale market

Transportation to
wholesale market

Transportation to
retail market

Sorting, grading and

repackaging at retail

Postharvest handling steps of green chilli produced in spring and summer season
132 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Cultivation system
Chili pepper is mainly grown in open field condition

I. Introduction

Summer is the main growing season in hilly areas but for winter and spring season
harvests, chilis are grown in plains. Hence, field management system is different in
hills and plains (terai)
Chili pepper stands in 10th position among vegetable crops in terms of area under
In the context of about 30% import of green chili and possibility of year round
production within the country, it is an important species for higher income
generation for commercial farmers
Moreover, it is also one of the common species for pot culture among the city
dwellers and home gardens in rural areas

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Pot culture

Field farming
III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Nepal


2. Postharvest handling of chili pepper in the field

2-1. Harvesting stage
Harvesting stage determination for green pod
Only mature green pod are harvested
This can be judged when the green fruits turn
shiny or luster green or about to turn red color
and peduncle become woody

Harvesting stage determination for ripe red chili

Fruits are harvested when they turn fully red
or at least 50% coloration with mature seeds
Red ripe chilli is generally harvested for
drying but Akabare should be harvested after
ripening even for fresh uses

Harvesting time
Chilli is harvested as per availability and demand of the time but it should be
corrected for better postharvest life of fruits
During spring season, the fruits are harvested in the early morning and in evening.
Picking fruits is not done when it is wet. In summer season, harvest the fruits when
it is dry and preferably during morning or evening
134 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-2. Harvesting
Fruits picking
I. Introduction

Fruits of chili pepper is picked by hand

U sually, workers do not use glove while
harvesting. It is advisable to use either rubber
glove or cotton glove during harvesting so
as to minimize damage to fruit and safety to
While harvesting, it is ensured the plant parts
are not damaged.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

H arvesting is done by breaking the joint

between the plant and the peduncle with
gentle pressure . It breaks easily when fruits
get mature.
P ut the harvested fruits gently on the
harvesting containers
Harvest once or twice per week for green
chilies depending upon the volume of produce

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Field storage of chili

Field storage containers are placed under
shade so as to protect from direct sun or
Field storage container are rigid structures
like plastic crate. The same crate is also be
used for transport to market.
In spring season, chili fruits are not kept
for long in field as green fruits starts losing
weight because of low relative humidity.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Nepal


2-3. Sorting / Grading

Grading/sorting is generally done at retail
level but it should be adopted in every
postharvest handling step
S orting is carried out to separate dirt,
damaged and poor quality fruits before

It is ensured that only one variety is packed in

a container without mixing other varieties.
 ikewise, chili fruits of different colors and
of different shapes are not put in the same

136 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-4. Packing
Packing at producer level
I. Introduction

Chilli pepper is generally packed in sacks

(jute or plastic net) or bags.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Packing at assembler level

Assemblers collect the chilli fruits from producers in bulk and putting these on
paved floor or on tarpaulin sheet.
Chili pepper is generally packed in sacks (jute or plastic net) having 40-60 kg
Packing in sacks is inappropriate for chili. Plastic net bag with small (not exceeding
20 kg) size is used only in chili peppers in an unavoidable situation . This packaging
material makes handling easy and provides more aeration to the chili.
Plastic crate is the best packing container for chili.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Plastic/jute sack is the commonly used packaging container for chili.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Nepal


2-5. Transportation of green chili

Producer to assembler / local market
Chili is transported to local market / road head / assembler by carrying in backpack,
in head or using bicycle or bullock cart
During transport, it is ensured that the packages do not get wet and directly get in
contact with sun and dust.
Deliveries to market outlets are always made as quickly as possible; deliveries are
also done in the evening and late morning.

Assembler to whole sale market

Chili packages are transported by vans to wholesalers. For long-distances, the chili
packages are transported by truckloads.
Proper space for ventilation is ensured while transporting by trucks.
Care is taken for chili packages not to get wet and directly exposed to sunlight and
Chili packages are not mixed with other ethylene producing crops like tomato.
Ethylene influences green chili to turn into red chili naturally.
Green chili is transported during the cooler part of the day preferably during night.

138 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-6. Storage
Storage of green chilli
I. Introduction

Long term storage of green chili is not common in Nepal

Retailers store green chilli in polythene bags, which is not a good practice
Plastic crate is better than the polythene bags for short term storage
Green chili produced in mid elevation areas can be stored in ambient condition for a
week without much deteriorating physical appearances.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Storage of dried chili

High humidity storage condition of dry chilli leads to aflatoxin contamination, which
leads to health hazard to the consumers.
Dried red chilli are always stored in air-tight condition after proper drying or are
stored in dry and cool places.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Nepal


3. Uses
Green chili
Green chili is used fresh as salad, mixed with vegetables as spices and in the
preparation of fresh pickles
Chili sauce, preserved chilli pickle, mixed pickle are common processed products
Akabare, a local landrace of chili pepper, is also preserved in vinegar and used
during out of production season

Red ripe chili

Roasted whole fruits is used for table purpose and to mix with preserved food
Dried chilli power is abundantly used for making curries and other food items

140 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

4. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling


Harvesting index

Mixed (mature green

and red)

Mature green only for

green chili

Field packing container

(times of filling relative to

Jute sacks or bamboo

basket (8-10 times)

Plastic crate (4-5 times)

Field container maximum

weight (kg)


14 -16

Cooling /Drying

Not practiced

At least 2 hrs


Only practiced at retail


Deformed fruits at
producer level


Retailer level only

Producer, assembler and

retailer level

Packaging materials

Jute sacks, plastic net bag

Plastic crate

Weight of packaging (kg)



Storage temperature and



Ambient (not available in



Stacks in stakes in

Trucks with proper


Postharvest losses

18 - 23

10 -14

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Nepal

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries


I. Introduction

Table 1. Comparison of different technology for postharvest handling


III-5. Thailand

Amara Chinaphuti and Nettra Somboonkaew

142 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

1. Cultivation system and postharvest procedures

Postharvest handling procedure of chili pepper in Thailand
I. Introduction

Field collecting

Field sorting

Packing for


refrigerated van


Wholesale market

Packing house

Packing house

Sorting and

Sorting and

Sorting and

Retail market

Export by air and

by sea

van to factory

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Packing for export


II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Packing for
domestic market

Postharvest handling of chili harvested in all seasons

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand


Cultivation system
In general, two groups of chili is grown in Thailand.
1. Capsicum frutescens L. - tiny small sized chili with
grown in 89% of production area

2. Capsicum annuum L. - the larger sized chili grown in

11% of production area

In Thailand, chili peppers are grown all over the country throughout the year. Most
of planting area is in the North-eastern part (68%) .

144 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2. Postharvest handling of chili in the field

2-1. Harvesting time
I. Introduction

Determining when to harvest

Appropriate harvesting maturity of chili depends on
market requirement.
Requirement of Red chili : chili is harvested with bright
red skin.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Requirement of green chili : Harvesting maturity is

green skin stage

Harvesting maturity for exported chili should be at

brownish green to red peel color

Harvesting time
III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Chili is usually harvested in the morning time.

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand


2-2. Harvesting
Harvesting practices
Matured chili is carefully harvested by hands.
The stem remains intact and attached to the fruit.
Harvesters wear gloves during harvesting to prevent the effects of capsaicin and
comply with hygienic practice.
Harvested chili is collected in cotton bag.
Chili is then transferred to plastic weaving bag (20 kg) at the shed area near the

Field sorting
Chili is sorted at field collecting center.
Sorting is done to remove damaged and rotten fruits.

Forms of rejects after sorting.

146 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

2-3. Packing
Packing practice for domestic markets
I. Introduction

Most common packaging material for chili is polyethylene plastic bag with small holes.
Each bag contains approx. 10 kg of fresh chili.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Packing practice for worldwide markets

Chili fruits are put in the plastic crate with lining paper to the packing house of
exporters. Each plastic crate contains 15 kg of chili.
Air Freight : Sorted chili is packed in foam punnet, wrapped with PVC film and
packed again in a foam box with gel-ice.
Sea Freight : Chili is packed in corrugated paper box and transported through
refrigerated container.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Export by air

Export by sea

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand


Packing for factory

Chili is packed both in plastic weaving bag (20 kg) and PE plastic bag with holes
from field collection center to factory by middleman.

plastic weaving bag

After sorting / grading

Most common packaging material for large chili
is nylon net bag which can contain 20 kg of chili
PE plastic bag with holes is used for small fruit
chili which usually contains 10 kg per bag.

148 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

PE plastic bag

2-4. Transportation of chili pepper to the markets

Domestic markets
I. Introduction

Distribution of fresh chili by non-refrigerated van from the grower to various domestic
markets is finished within 2 days after packing.
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Some wholesale markets make use of tricycle to distribute fresh produce between
sellers and buyers.

For export
Transportation of chili using a refrigerated
truck from the farm to the packing house of
exporters is finished in a day of harvest.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

For factory
Chili is normally transported by non-refrigerated van during night time from farm or
packing house to factory within a day after sorting and grading .

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand


3. Postharvest handling of chili pepper in storage room

Chili is often sorted again at the wholesale markets and repacked into PE plastic bag
with amount 5 or 10 kg depending on buyer's requirement.

Chili for factory supply is sorted and graded at packing house then repacked into PE
plastic bag or nylon net bag.

Various storage temperatures are currently used depending on the intended markets

Room temperature storage (>30C) at wholesale and domestic markets is the common
practice in Thailand.
150 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Room temperature storage (>30C) at the

packing house before transporting to chili
processing factory.

I. Introduction

Normally, chili is stored up to 1 day.

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

For export
-Chili fruit is handled with care under the
cool chain.
-The storage temperature is 8-10C.

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand


Quality deterioration of chili

Quality loss at farm and during the storage at room temperature
Insect caused by
- Solanum fruit fly
<Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel)>
- damage of about 30% of chili production

Anthracnose Disease caused by

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.

C. capsici (Syd.) E.J. Butler

Quality changes during the storage at room temperature

disorders caused by:
- respiration rate
- water loss
- nutrition loss
- ripening

-highly occurs when under high temperature and
152 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Postharvest handling practice of chili

Nylon net

Sorting in field

Sorting at packing

Packaging for
short term storage

Plastic crate
packaging for
export market

Sorting at
wholesale market

within one day
to retail market

PE plastic bag with

Transportation to
cold packing house

Mid-term storage
at 15 C for 14 days
to one month

Long term storage

at 0C for export

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Short term storage

at room temperature
for 7 days PE plastic

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

within one day
to factory

I. Introduction



Packaging for

Improved postharvest handling procedure of chili

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand


4. Postharvest technology to extend storage life of chili

Effect of packaging material and temperature on the quality of
chili during storage at retail market

Weight loss (%) and decay (%) of red chili packed in foam punnet
with PVC film or PS punnet with PVC film and stored at room
temperature (33oC) and 15oC for 7 days

foam punnet with

PVC film stored at
room temperature
(33oC) for 7 days

foam punnet with

PVC film stored at
15oC for 7 days

PS punnet with
PVC Film stored at
room temperature
(33oC) for 7 days

PS punnet with
PVC film stored at
15oC for 7 days

154 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Stored at Room Temperature

Stored at 15oC
% weight loss
% decay
I. Introduction
II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Weight loss (%) and decay (%) of large green chili packed in foam punnet with
PVC film or PS punnet with PVC film and stored at room temperature (33oC) and
15oC for 14 days

foam punnet with PVC film

stored at 15oC for 14 days

PS punnet with PVC film

stored at room temperature
(33oC) for 14 days

PS punnet with PVC film

stored at 15oC for 14 days

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

foam punnet with PVC film

stored at room temperature
(33oC) for 14 days


Sorting at farm and collection center to remove the damaged

fruits is recommend to reduce quality loss (weight loss and
decay ) during storage.
selected chili fruits


sorting at farm
Discarded chili fruits

Repacking (5-10 kg)

Discarded chili fruits

sorting at wholesale

selected good quality

chili fruits for packing

sorting at packing

156 Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in ASIA

Chili fruits are packed in PS

and foam tray and stored at
low temperature.

5. Effectiveness of improved postharvest handling

Comparison of postharvest handling







Removal of damaged
fruit at field collecting

Removal of damaged
and mis-sized fruit at
field, wholesale and
retail market before


By size and color

By size, color and quality

Packaging materials

-Plastic weaving bag

-PE plastic bag with

Weight of packaging (kg)


New plastic weaving bag

Nylon net bag
PE plastic bag with hole
5 for retail market
10 for wholesale market
20 for factory

Storage temperature
and humidity (C)

Room temperature

10 to15


Ambient temperature

Temperature control

Postharvest losses



Field packing container

(times of filling relative to
maximum capacity)
Field container
maximum capacity

. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries | Thailand

III. Postharvest handling of Chili Pepper in Asian countries

Brownish green to red

peel color

II. Postharvest handling of Cabbage in Asian countries

Red ripen

Harvesting index

I. Introduction

Table 1. Comparison of different technology for postharvest handling


Postharvest Handling of Cabbage and Chili Pepper in Asia

Ji Gang Kim, Ph. D.

Edralina P. Serrano, Ph. D.

Postharvest Research Team
National Institute of Horticultural and
Herbal Science, RDA, Korea

Postharvest Horticulture Training
and Research Center
University of the Philippines Los Baos

1. Bangladesh : Md. Khalequzzaman Akanda Chowdhury (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)
Mian Sayeed Hassan (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)
Md. Kamrul Hassan (Bnagladesh Agricultural University)
Sultan Mahmud Khorshed Alam (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)
Abul Kalam Azad (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)
2. Cambodia : Som Lon (General Directorate of Agriculture)
Man Sotheavy (General Directorate of Agriculture)
3. Lao PDR : Bounneuang Douangboupha (Ministry of Agriculture Forestry)
Datsakone Hongsivilay (Ministry of Agriculture Forestry)
4. Indonesia : Ridwan Rachmat (Magr), Setyadjitr. Setyadjit (MappSc)
Ali Asgar ( Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute), Dondy Anggono S. (Msi)
Sunarmani (Msi), Irpan Badrul Jamal (STP)
Abdullah Bin Arif (Msi), Agus Budianto (STP, Msi)
Fajar Kurniawan (STP), Elmi Kamsiati (STP, Msi)
5. Mongolia : Davaasuren Yesun-Erdene (Ministry of Agriculture Forestry)
6. Nepal : Purushottam Prasad Khatiwada (Nepal Agricultural Research Council)
Krishna P. Paudyal (Nepal Agricultural Research Council)
7. Rep. of Korea : Ji Gang Kim (National Institute of Horticultural Herbal Science)
Hyun Jin Choi (National Institute of Horticultural Herbal Science)
8. Philippines : Perlita A. Nuevo (University of the Philippines Los Banos)
Matilde V. Maunahan (University of the Philippines Los Banos)
9. Sri Lanka : Sarananda kalehe Hewage (Ministry of Agriculture)
10. Thailand : Amara Chinaphuti (Ministry of Agriculture and cooperative)
Nettra Somboonkaew (Ministry of Agriculture and cooperative)
11. Vietnam : Nguyen van phong (Southern Horticultural Research institute)
Nguyen van hoa (Southern Horticultural Research institute)

Published by
National Institute of Horticultural and
Herbal Science,
Rural Development Administration,
Rep. of Korea
Printed in Suwon, Rep. of Korea
ISBN 978-89-480-2796- 9 93520
Publication date : October, 2014

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