Good News 1975 (Prelim No 10) Oct
Good News 1975 (Prelim No 10) Oct
Good News 1975 (Prelim No 10) Oct
Editor in Chief
Herbert W . Armstrong
Garner Ted Armstrong
Senior Editors
David Jon Hill. Raymond F. McNair
Managing Editor
Brian W. Knowles
October 1975
Contributing Editors
David L. Antion, Dibar Apartian , Robert Boraker,
Arch Bradley. Peter Butler. Charles V. Dorothy,
Jo Ann Dorothy, Charles F. Hunting. Dennis G.
Luker, Gerhard O. Marx. Leslie McCullough,
Roderick C. Meredith, David R. Ord , Richard
Plache. Carole Ritter
Are You Brave Enough To Face Truth?
Associate Editors
Gary L. Alexander, Lawson C . Briggs, D. Paul
Graunke, Robert L. Kuhn , George Ritter, Richard
H. Sedliacik
Copy Editors
Ronald Beideck, Kathleen Prohs
Art Editor
Greg Smith
Art Staff
Randall Cole
Editorial Staff
Susan Flesher , Barbara McClure. Leila
McMichael, Ronald B. Nelson, Janet Schroeder
Church Administration Director
C . Wayne Cole
Business Manager
Frank Brown
Advertising Manager
Terry Warren
Circulation Managers
United States : Benjamin Chapman ; International
Editions: Leslie McCullough
Ernst Herb -
na back-page ad appearing on a
fairly recent number of the Plain
Truth, we tested the Bible knowledge of our readership. Ten true-orfalse questions were posed to our
Plain Truth readers - without the
benefit of a handy crib or answer
sheet neatly tucked away elsewhere
in the tabloid.
What doctrines were true and
false to our readers is a little astonishing to say the least (see box on
next page for the results) - just one
more eye-opening revelation confirming the extent to which even this
Western world of Christianity has
been virtually engulfed by a plethora of paganism .
One of the seven major, incontrovertible proofs of the true
Church of God is its knowledge concerning "The Real Truth About Pagan Doctrines." I propose to answer
each and everyone of these ten doctrinal questions straight out of the
pages of your own Bible.
October 1975
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God is a Trinity
all of our lives about major doctrines and revered religious concepts
should be the first step to becoming
a really mature human being. It is a
very vital and real part of a spiritual
process called repentance.
Are you willing to burn your doctrinal bridges behind you when you
discover new truth in the pages of
your Bible? Or are you going to continue to cling to illogical, shopworn,
old religious myths that are completely inconsistent with the true
biblical teaching?
Truth sometimes has a price on it
- albeit not a monetary one. "Buy
the truth, and sell it not," advised
(Prov. 23 :23). Sometimes not going
along with the long-believed opinions of family and friends brings
with it some religious persecution.
Sometimes it takes a little courage
to free your mind from doctrines
and concepts that common sense
tells you are totally illogical and do
not even square with what you
know about nature and science,
much less the Bible. True biblical
doctrine just rings true!
But regardless of what you choose
to do about truth, it is still there!
And the Bible is an ego-shattering
book. It exposes and explodes most
of the major doctrines of mainstream, Western-world "Christianity" as sheer myths.
A Book of Opposites
October 1975
October 1975
do, do it with thy might; for there is
no work, nor device, nor knowledge,
nor wisdom, in the grave, whither
thou goest."
Solomon's father, King David,
taught exactly the same doctrine.
"For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who
shall give thee thanks?" (Ps. 6:5.)
Also: "Put not your trust in princes
[rulers], nor in the son of man, in
whom there is no help [by comparison with God]. His breath goeth
forth, he returneth to his earth; in
that very day [that he dies] his
thoughts perish" (Ps. 146:3-4).
Death is the absence of life, the
cessation of life - not the continuation of life under different circumstances. In Romans 6:23, God
tells us through the pen of the
apostle Paul that the wages of sin is
death. And the "golden scripture" in
all of the Bible instructs us : "For
God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should
not perish, but have everlasting life"
(John 3: 16).
Death and life are opposites, not
the same thing. There is a great gulf
between them as the parable about
October 1975
Jesus did not teach any such doctrine as the "immortality of the
soul." Rather, He taught that the
"soul" would perish unless it (the
person) repented (Luke 13:3, 5). He
also showed that God has the power
to burn it (the soul) up in Gehenna
fire, which is the second death
(Matt. 10:28; Rev. 20: 14).
I could take up the space of this
entire magazine explaining and expounding the many scriptures proving there is no such thing as an
immortal soul, going into the Greek
and Hebrew words which is proof
all by itself, detailing the verses
proving that only God (when compared to men, not angels) has immortality (I Tim. 6: 16). In each
biblical case in which the word "immortality" is used, it is something
that must be obtained, and in no
October 1975
der the soles of the feet of the righteous (verse 3). David wrote: "But
the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat
of lambs: they shall consume; into
smoke they shall consume away"
(Ps. 37:20).
Many of the very same scriptures
I have used to totally disprove the
doctrine of the immortality of the
soul also completely dispel and disannul the false doctrine of an eternal, ever-burning hellfire. Someone
who is totally unconscious could
hardly be suffering excruciating
pains in the "fires of hell."
An eternal, ever-burning hellfiIe
(not the biblical lake of fire) is a
figment of the distorted imaginations of the minds of men influenced by a devil who indeed will
have a lake of fire prepared for him
and his angels (who are now called
demons, see Matt. 25:41). (I do not
include Dante Alighieri with whatever group of churchmen and pagan
philosophers helped invent the doctrine; he actually tried to dispel this
doctrine as much as was possible in
those dark ages of almost total religious superstition and ignorance.)
Fear Religion
October 1975
am no prophet," protested
Amos, "nor a prophet's son; but
I am a herdsman, and a dresser
of sycamore trees, and the Lord
took me from following the flock,
and the Lord said to me, 'Go,
prophesy to my people Israel'"
(Amos 7: 14-15).
Amos was hardly a theologian.
He was not even a member of the
priestly or prophetic castes of his
day. He was neither scholar nor
Levite, yet God used him mightily
to bring a powerful message of
warning to his own people.
The Scene
Why didn't Israel heed the messages of her prophets? What made
them so complacent - so intent
upon self-justification?
Amos described the national condition in chapter 6: "Woe to those
who are at ease in Zion, and to those
who feel secure on the mountain of
Samaria, the notable men of the first
of the nations, to whom the house of
Israel come!" (Verse 1.)
The problem was centered on the
political and religious leaders who
sat in the seat of government. They
were "at ease," lulled into a false
sense of personal security. After all,
were they not the leaders of the
"chief of the nations" - Israel? Was
not Israel the chosen nation of God,
the Covenant People? And did not
its citizens come respectfully to
these great sages for advice and
counsel? Why should they become
alarmed at the preachments of some
self-appointed shepherd-cumprophet?
They were willing victims of their
own self-deception! The leaders and
the people alike had blinded themselves to the critical seriousness of
the national condition. They looked
upon the deceptive barometer of
temporary national prosperity as an
indicator of God's approval. They
allowed themselves to become preoccupied with the pleasures of high
living and personal self-indulgence.
Amos indicted them for their hedonism: "Woe to those who lie upon
beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat
lambs from the flock, and calves
from the midst of the stall; who sing
idle songs to the sound of the harp,
and like David invent for themselves instruments of music; who
drink wine in bowls, and anoint
themselves with the finest oils, but
are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!" (Verses 4-6.)
Eat, drink and be merry - for
tomorrow will never come, was the
national philosophy. The nation's
Religion in Turmoil
The State of the
Poor and Elderly
Out of sight, out of mind - the urban poor are often
relegated to undesirable areas of town where they
are victimized by air pollution, inadequate sanitation and rodent control, lack of educational opportunities, consumer frauds, loan sharks,
muggers, high disease rates and minimal health
care. Although over 13 million Americans are on the
food stamp pro.gram, malnutrition is still a fact of life
as elderly pensioners and Social Security recipients
eke out a toast-and-tea existence in the face of spiraling inflation.
Big Business
In 1971, 9,600,000 known U.S. alcoholics were responsible for a loss of $12 billion in wages and productivity. Alcoholism is responsible for 50% of all
fatal auto accidents. Only 5% of alcoholics are on
Skid Row, though - most function as white and
blue collar workers, professionals and housewives.
The Equity Funding scandal, Penn Central corporate thievery, and Canada's "Hydrogate" case are
all symptomatic of the present muddy business morality. Monopolies fix prices for corporate gain and
corresponding consumer loss. Big companies have
to pay foreign countries bribes to operate and merchandise fails to live up to its label, while consumer
advocates are few and far between. Personal interest prevails as few feel obligated to blow the whistle
on questionable practices.
October 1975
October 1975
For Us?
'Like to Know
Many hundreds have written
asking if we have representatives
in t~eir areas to counsel with
them personally and to answer
their questions.
The answer is yes, we do.
The Worldwide Church of God
stations personal representatives (most are ordained ministers) in the United States and
British Commonwealth and many
other areas of the world . These
men will visit you, if invited, directly in your own home .
So if you have spiritual matters
to discuss or questions to ask
about biblical topics such as repentance', baptism, etc., please
feel free to write us and request a
private appointment. Worldwide
mailing addresses are as follows:
United States: P.O. Box 111,
Pasadena, California 91123
(Or simply dial this toll-free
number in the continental
U . S . : 1-800-423-4444.
Readers in California, Alaska
and Hawaii may call 213-5775225 collect.)
United Kingdom, Europe,
India, Africa and the West Indies: P.O. Box 111, St . Albans, Herts., England
Australia: P.O. Box 202,
Burleigh Heads, Queensland
4220 (Or dial this number:
075-35-4233 reverse the
Canada: P.O. Box 44, Station
A, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2M2
South Africa : P.O. Box 1060,
Johannesburg 2000 (Or dial
this number: 011-216406 .)
Other areas of the world
should check the inside front
cover (staff box) for the address
of our office nearest you .
I "'-----------'
The Relationship Between the
Ambassador Inter_tional euftural Foundation
Worldwide Church of God
b y Herbert W. Armstrong, Board Chairman,
President and Pastor-General of the Worldwide Church of God
Although the Ambassador Auditorium was built on the Ambassador College campus to
serve the college, it was dedicated to the honor of the Great God. Therefore, at the
beginning of construction I emphasized to our people that it must never be in any
way commercialized.
We have always wanted to share with our community such cultural, artistic,
educational and musical events as we were able. For years we have invited the
public to share with us such productions two or three times annually, either at the
Pasadena Civic Auditorium or in our own facilities on campus. The beautiful new
auditorium provided a superb new facility. We wanted to provide such programs
more often. But how? - when we could not commercialize it by direct sale of tickets.
Several of us put our minds to work on the opportunity - keeping it noncommercial and nonprofit as we have always done.
The new Foundation emerged as the most unique means of bringing many toprated cultural, musical and educational programs here, while benefiting many
charitable and humanitarian organizations at the same time! It was a natural!
Immediately we were all emotionally excited and inspired to have such an opportunity to doubly serve the community.
We have always stressed the fact that Ambassador College is a cultural and
character-building institution. We have wanted to contribute to the cultural and
character upbuilding of the communities in which our colleges are located, as part
of' our self-accepted responsibility.
But I want to emphasize that the new Ambassador International Cultural
Foundation (AICF) is entirely separate from the Worldwide Church of God and
Ambassador College. Many of its Board members and advisers are in no way
connected with the Worldwide Church of God.
October 1975
Let me explain candidly and forthrightly that 49 years ago I personally came to
believe that the saying "It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive" is the practical
way of life, and I then dedicated my life to that principle, as a way of life. I have put
it into practice in the Ambassador College campuses, and in all our operations, and
~ have proved it is practical as well as right. We seek not to get but to give.
What do we expect to get out of this? Just what I have been getting out of life
these 49 years - great personal fulfillment, the joy of finding it truly is more blessed
to give than to receive - the satisfaction no opposition or criticism can take from me
- the realization of having helped many thousands - and perhaps many millions!
Worldwide Church of God -
Nonproselyting, Nonmissionary
The Worldwide Church of God is completely nonproselyting, and always has been. We have no
missionary program, have no program either in the Church or Ambassador College for training
It is emphatically contrary to our belief and practice for any minister or representative of this
Church to directly or personally solicit any potential member or urge anyone to become a member.
I, personally, a number of times in speaking before audiences up to 10,000 or 12,000 of our
members at the Feast of Tabernacles services, have said to these congregations, "Not one of you has
ever been solicited personally, or urged by any representative of this Church to become a member.
In no case have we approached you - but you had to approach us."
It is our belief and practice that our great commission is to proclaim our belief in all the world
for a witness to all nations - but not with the objective of making converts, or gaining members.
Important: The word "gospel" has an entirely different meaning to us than the commonly
understood meaning of that term. We neither believe nor preach what is commonly known as "the
gospel" in the organized Christian world. It has nothing to do with proselytizing. What we
proclaim is the "Missing Dimension in Knowledge" that had not been discovered by science, nor
proclaimed by any religion - and that it is not in contradiction or opposition to ANY religion, but
in reality is outside the field of religion. We are not competitive, and certainly do not intend to be,
in any sense. Our goal is to work for humanity's good, and the way of world peace. Because of the
entirely differe,n t meaning the word "gospel" has come to mean to the world in general, I am
personally coming to use it very sparingly.
October 1975
Bogota, Colombia:
African Diary:
South Africa
October 1975
TV Specials,
Bible Lectures
in Rhodesia
Salisbury, Rhodesia:
The past year has been an encouraging one for ' the Church in Rhodesia. Though the country is facing
political uncertainty, the Work has
made a number of breakthroughs.
The year began with the screening by Rhodesia Television (RTV)
in Salisbury of Garner Ted Armstrong's TV special Is This the End
Time? (filmed during a New Orleans
campaign). RTV officials later said
the program was the most successful
religious program they had aired in
their IS-year history. An estimated
26,000 people saw it, almost 50 percent more than the normal viewing
audience for that type of program.
The RTV switchboard was kept
busy the next day answering inquiries about the special; all together almost 200 phone calls and
~ letters were received.
The television critic on the na~ tiona I newspaper, The Rhodesia
_ Herald, published a review describ~ ing Mr. Armstrong as "brilliant"
and the program as "amazing." He
Mr. Harold Jackson
added that Mr. Armstrong's description of the dropping of the atomic
mained five hours! The following
bomb "surpassed all previous acweek was spent in and around Jocounts."
The Sunday Mail critic
hannesburg, the South African mewrote
the program was "devastropolis. Two lectures were given in
Sowetto, the Bantu city located a
With the screening of t~e profew miles outside Johannesburg.
by the R TV station in BuThe Church attendance numbers 50.
the entire country was
However, 135 turned out, 85 for the
Mr. Armstrong's mesfirst time.
sage. Officials ofRTV (the only teleHarold Jackson
October 1975
October 1975
Then, after a series of lesser difficulties, came the last straw. Just before the showing the projector
malfunctioned. First the sound went
and then the picture. However, a
projector repairman was in the audience. Thanks to him everything
was soon all set to go and running
The response was surprising.
More than 400 attended. It was the
biggest crowd ever in the hall, which
is the most prestigious in Salisbury.
As more and more people came, the
doors had to be closed and a repeat
showing had to be arranged for the
next night. Altogether 440 nonmembers attended, a gratifying result, especially considering the European
population of Salisbury is only
The film was followed one week
later by two Plain Truth Bible lectures conducted by Robert Fahey,
director of the Work in South Africa. Mr. Fahey spoke out pow-
by Lester L. Grabbe
October 1975
October 1975
He placed Adam and Eve in paradise, told them His ways were best,
and made the "tree of life" (symbol
of the immortality they could have
if they went His way) readily available to them. He told them to
choose the tree of life, but they ate
from the forbidden tree instead. If
they had eaten from the right tree,
they would have symbolically chosen to obey God's laws - the only
way to peace, happiness and every
good result.
But they chose instead to follow
the way of Satan the devil. In effect,
they rejected God's government and
willingly placed themselves under
Satan's rule. And people ever since
have followed their lead, choosing
to follow Satan's way rather than
God would rather mankind had
chosen His way, but He allowed
them to do their own thing (see
Judges 21:25). Thus the world runs
on greed, hatred, rebellion, jealousy
- all the motivations that produce
wars, heartache and the other assorted miseries we see around us
today. "Since they did not see fit to
acknowledge God, God gave them
up to a base mind and to improper
conduct" (Rom. I :28). God didn't
create this kind of world, but since
we ourselves chose it He allows us to
live in it. His way would have
brought us peace and happiness,
but He didn't want to cram it down
our throats.
The Devil Made Us Do It
October 1975
force behind every "holy war," inquisition, or crusade since the creation of mankind. In Matthew 4:89, Satan offered the kingdoms of
this world to Christ as a temptation.
He could do this because he had
them to give. In short, Satan is the
one who makes this potentially fine
world such a miserable place in
which to live.
But what good does it do for God
to allow Satan free rein? Why
should man have to be ruled by his
mortal enemy - couldn't God have
come up with something a little less
Since we have chosen Satan's
way, God is going to let us see it
through to its natural conclusion man's ultimate total destruction unless Ghrist intervenes (Matt. 24:22).
We at e being brought to the point
where we are beginning to realize
that mankind cannot solve his problems alone - that only God can
rescue us from our plight. We are
being given time to discover collectively and individually that Satan's
way is futile ; that we should have
gone along with God's rule in the
first place.
God's Merciful Plan
One point that many fail to understand is that God's overall plan
does not include calling everyone to
salvation now in this age (for more
information on this, write for our
free reprint article "Is This the Only
Day of Salvation?"). Some people
are quite concerned about the unsaved starving masses of India, the
gigantic numbers of Communist
Chinese who have never even heard
the name of Jesus Christ; in short,
every body who dies "unbaptized" or
But all of these people are eventually going to have their chance for
salvation. Those who have suffered
and died, never really knowing
God's way, will be resurrected to
physical life in a utopian setting.
This is the period of time referred to
as the "white throne judgment" in
Revelation 20:11-12. During this
age the children who had such a
October 1975
by George Ritter
October 1975
October 1975
October 1975
Sensational Claims
Many laymen have been misled by irresponsible and incorrect claims. These have usually
come from journalists or other
nonexperts, though occasionally even a scholar in the field
has succumbed to the temptation of sensationalism . Here are
a few misstatements to avoid:
A. Powell Davies, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Serol/s,
talked of a "Battle of the
Scrolls" in which he made it
appear as if theologians were
opposing the implications of the
Scrolls for early Christianity.
J. Lehmann states in his book,
Rabbi J, that Jesus "did find the
cardinal point of his truth and
his teaching among the Essenes" (p. 143).
Edmund Wilson, while by no
means a scholar, has a reasonably well-researched book in
The Dead Sea Serol/s 19471969. However, in the first edition of the book (1955), he
October 1975
stated: "New Testament scholars, it seems, have almost without exception boycotted the
whole subject of the scrolls."
That statement is still found in
his later edition (p. 100) even
though it was clearly inaccurate.
John M. Allegro, certainly a
capable scholar in the language
and text of the Qumran manuscripts, shocked and dismayed
his colleagues by unprofessional activities (such as unauthorized publication 0f a text
assigned to another scholar)
and a number of unscholarly
statements about the Scrolls
(documented in W. S. LaSor,
Dead Sea Serol/s and the New
Testament, 19ft, and to some
extent in Wilson, op. cit., 162ft).
He has since gone on to publish
claims about the origins of
Christianity in a mushroom cult
which no legitimate scholar has
taken seriously.
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