Geology Syllabus Kerala

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72 Hours 4 Credits
Unit I
Science and Science studies Types of knowledge: Practical, Theoretical and
Scientific knowledge. Information: What is Science; What is not Science; Laws
of Science Basis for scientific laws and factual truths. Science as a human
activity. Vocabulary of Science, Science disciplines. Revolutions in Science.
Science and Technology.
History and development of Earth Sciences. The Solar System- The Planets,
Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites. The Earth- its size, shape, volume and
density. Views on the age of the earth. Origin of the Earth Nebular,
Planetesimal, Tidal and Cloud hypotheses.
(12 Hrs)
Unit II
External geological processes and agents. Weathering Agents, Types and
products of weathering. Soils, Mass wasting types, Landslides.
Volcanoes Types of Volcanoes, Mechanism and causes of volcanic
eruptions. Types of volcanic eruption and products. Wind Geological action
of wind, Landforms of Aeolian origin. Mountains and Isostasy.
(22 Hrs)
Unit III
Drainage basins and patterns. Development of a typical river system. River
erosion, Transportation and Deposition. Aggradational and degradational
fluvial landforms.
Lakes- Origin, Classification and geological importance.
(14 Hrs)


Unit IV
Ground Water- Hydrologic cycle, source, nature and storage, porosity,
permeability, aquifers and aquicludes, water table, seepage and springs,
geysers, types of wells, artesian wells. Geological action of Ground Water.
Environmental Geology- Definition. Environmental Pollution: problems related
to disposal of wastes, mining and water scenario.
(12 Hrs)
Glaciers- formation and morphology. Types of glaciers. Geological works of
glaciers and glacial landforms.
Oceans and Seas- Oceanic water- extent and composition, waves, current
and tides. Erosion, transportation and deposition. Coastal landforms. Coral
reefs types and distribution.
(12 Hrs)

1. Modern Physical Geography (Fourth Edition), Alan H. Strahler and Arthur
N.Strahler, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2001.
2. Physical Geology (Third Edition), James S.Monroe and Reed Wicander,
Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998.
3. Physical Geology (Eleventh Edition), Plummer, Carlson and McGeary,
McGraw Hill Higher Education, Boston, 2007.
4. An outline of Geomorphology (Second Edition), Wooldridge.S.W and
Morgan.R.S, Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd, Kolkatta, 2004.
5. Fundamentals of Geomorphology (Second edition), Richard John Huggett,
Taylor and Francis Group, London, 2006.
6. Geomorphology A systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms (Third
Edition) , Arthur Bloom, Pearson education, 2003.
7. Introduction to Geomorphology, Vishwas S.Kale and Avijit Gupta, Orient
Longman Pvt.Ltd, Kolkatta, 2001.
8. Planet Earth Cosmology, Geology and the evolution of life and Environment,
Cesare Emiliani, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
9. Geology, Leon E.Long, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1974.


10. Principles of Geomorphology (Second Edition), William D. Thornbury, New

Age International Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2000
11. Processes in Geomorphology, Clifford Embleton and John Thornes, Edward
ArnoldPublishers, 1979.
12. The Earths Changing Surface, Michael J.Bradshaw, Abbott.A.J and
Gelsthorpe A.P., The English Language Book Society and Hodder and
Stoughton, 1979.
13. Weathering, Cliff Ollier, The English Language Book Society and Longman
Group Limited, 1979.
14. The Dynamic Earth system, Patwardhan A.M., Prentice Hall pf India pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.
15. Physical Geology (second edition), Richard Foster Flint and Brian J. Skinner,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1977.
16. Oceanography A Brief Introduction, K.Siddhartha, Kisalaya Publishers
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2002


72 Hours

3 Credits

Unit I
Introduction of computers. Overview of information Technology- Modern
Personal Computers and peripherals- Computer networks and internet.
Academic search techniques- Inflibnet, E-learning in Geoscience. Basic
(12 Hrs)
Unit II
Basic ideas of the following methodologies in Science Hypotheses, theories
and laws in Science Observation. Evidences and proofs. Experimentation
and data collection Data interpretation and Deduction. Field methodologies
in Geology. Principles of Geological field work maps, instruments.
Geological data Collection and interpretation.
(12 Hrs)
Unit III
Application and relevance of geological sciences in day today life. Mining,
water resources, disaster management, engineering applications.
(12 Hrs)
Unit IV
Use of Clinometer and Brunton compass with practical demonstration. Map
symbols. Toposheets. GPS. Aerial photographs and satellite imageries.
(12 Hrs)
Unit V
Interior of the earth- significance of seismic waves in the study of interior of the
earth, seismic discontinuities. Crust, mantle and core.
Earthquakes: Types and propagation of seismic waves, focus and epicenter,
theory on the origin of earthquakes, seismograph, scale of intensity and
magnitude, process and effects of earthquakes. Seismic belt of the world.
(24 Hrs)


1. Fundamentals of Geophysics, William Lowrie, Cambridge University Press,
2. The Dynamic Earth system, Patwardhan A.M., Prentice Hall pf India pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.
3. Geology in the Field, Robert R.Compton, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
4. Field Geology (Sixth Edition), Lahee F.H., CBS Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi, 1987.
5. Physical Geology, Bob F.Mallory and David N.Cargo, McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York,1979.


54 Hours 3 Credits
Unit I
Crystalline state and crystals. Morphology of crystals, faces, edges, vertex,
forms and zones. Crystal angles- plane angles, interfacial angles and solid
angles. Goniometer- contact and reflection type. Law of constancy of
interfacial angles. External symmetry. Crystal classes. Axes- choice of axes,
abeling and orientation. Crystal systems- Nomenclature of crystal faces,
intercepts, parameters, unit face and its choice. Weiss notation, Miller indices
and Miller- Bravais indices. International crystallographic notation HermanMaugin symbols. Law of rational indices.
(12 Hrs)
Unit II
Systematic crystallography: The
study of symmetry, simple forms and
combination of the following crystal classes.
Isometric System- Normal, tetrahedral, pyritohedral and plagiohedral class.
Tetragonal System- Normal, pyramidal hemimorphic, tripyramidal and
(15 Hrs)
Unit III
Hexagonal System: a) Hexagonal division Normal, hemimorphic and
trapezohedral b) Rhombohedral division- Rhombohedral, Rhombohedral
hemimorphic and trapezohedral , Orthorhombic System Normal, Monoclinic
System Normal, Triclinic System Normal.
(15 Hrs)
Unit IV
Holohedral, Hemihedral, Tetartohedral, hemimorphic and enantiomorphic
Twin crystals- Elements of twinning, twin plane and composition plane.
Important examples of twinning.
Brief study of the morphological
imperfections of crystals.
(12 Hrs)


1. An Introduction to Crystallography (Fourth Edition), Phillips F.C., English
Language Book Society and Longman Group Limited, 1971.
2. Practical Manual of Crystal Optics, Babu, S.K. and Sinha, DK., CBS
Publication, Delhi, 1987.
3. A text book of Mineralogy, Dana, E.S., Asia Publishing House, Wiley., 1955.
4. Danas Textbook of Mineralogy (Fourth Edition), William E. Ford, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.


36 Hours 0 Credits
Identification and description of the following crystal models in normal
classes only.
Isometric system: Galena, garnet, Fluorite, Magnetite.
Tetragonal System: Zircon, Cassiterite, Rutile, Octahedrite, Apophyllite.
Hexagonal: Beryl, Calcite.
Orthorhonbic: Olivine, Topaz, Barite.
Monoclinic: Gypsum, Orthoclase, Augite, Amphibole.
Triclinic: Axinite, Albite, Kyanite.
Study of axial disposition, Axial relation ship and axial analysis of crystal systems.
Classification of normal classes of all systems by studying the symmetry elements.
Study of simple twin models.
Preparation of records.


54 Hours 3 Credits
Unit I
Physical properties of minerals like form, habit, cleavage, fracture, colour,
streak, hardness, diaphenity and specific gravity. Thermal, electrical and
radioactive properties of minerals.
Chemical mineralogy. Geochemical distribution of elements. Types of bonds,
ionic radii, ionic ratios, isomorphism, solid solution, exsolution, polymorphism,
psuedomorphism, mineraloids and metamict minerals.
(12 Hrs)
Unit II
Optical mineralogy: Polarisation of light, polarization by refraction, absorption
and reflection. Double refraction. Construction of nicol prism. Petrological
microscope parts and functions. Mechanical and optical accessories.
Birefringence. Isotropic and anisotropic substances, uniaxial and biaxial
indicatrices. Diagnostic optical properties of the following: Olivine, Enstatite,
Hypersthene, Augite, Diopside, Hornblende, Actinolite, Tremolite,
Anthophyllite, Biotite, Muscovite, Chlorite, Andalusite, Sillimanite, Kyanite,
Staurolite, Garnet, Quartz, Orthoclase, Microcline, Perthite, Plagioclase
Leucite, Nepheline, Cordierite, Calcite and Apatite.
(12 Hrs)
Unit III
Descriptive Mineralogy : Classification of minerals. Systematic study of the
physical and chemical properties of important non-silicate minerals.
(6 Hrs)
Unit IV
Structure, classification, physical properties and occurrence of the following
families Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Feldspars and Garnet.
(12 Hrs)
Unit V
A brief study of the following :
Micas, Zircon, Feldspathoids, Clay minerals, Zeolites, Beryl and Tourmaline.
(12 Hrs)

1. Mineralogy Concepts, descriptions and Determinations (Second Edition),
Berry.L.G, Brian Mason and Dietrich.R.V., CBS Publishers and Distributors, New
Delhi, 1985.
2. Danas Textbook of Mineralogy (Fourth Edition), William E. Ford, CBS Publishers
and Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Introduction to Mineral Sciences, Andrew Putnis, Cambridge University Press,
4. Introduction to Optical Mineralogy (Third Edition), William D. Nesse, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2004.
5. Petrography An Introduction to the Study of Rocks in Thin Sections (second
Edition), Howel Williams, Francis J.Turner and Charles M. Gilbert, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1985.
6. Principles of Mineralogy. , Blackburn, W. 1. And Dennen, W.H, Universal Book
Stall, New Delhi, 1990.
7. An Introduction to the Rock forming Minerals, Deer, Wa., Howie, R.A. And
Zussman. ELBS., 1983.
8. Rutleys Elements of mineralogy, Read, H.H., CBS Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi, 1984.


36 Hours 3 Credits
Cystallography practicals have been done in the third semester.
Physical Mineralogy.
Rock forming mineral and ore mineral.
Megascopic and microscopic identification of minerals.
Physical properties of mineral.
Form & Habit colour diaphenity - streak cleavage lustre fracture hardness
- specific gravity.

Magnetic properties - taste and smell.

Record preparation about physical properties of minerals.
Megascopic identification and description of the following:- Quartz, smoky quartz,
milky Quartz, Rosy quartz, Amethyst, Chalcedony, Agate, Flint, Jasper, Chert, Opal,
Orthoclase, Microcline, Albite, Oligoclase, Labradorite, Nepheline, Leucite, Sodalite,
Enstatite, Bronzite, Hypersthene, Diopside, Augite, Spodumene, Acmite, Rhodonite,
Wollastonite, Anthopillite, Tremolite, Actinolite, Hornblende, Olivine, Serpentine,
Muscovite, Biotite, Vermiculite, Phlogopite, Chlorite, Epidote, Garnet, Olivine,
Natrolite, Stilbite, Apophyllite, Talc, Steatite, Andalusite, Kyanite, Sillimanite,
Staurolite, Cordierite, Apatite, Beryl, Topaz, Calcite, Dolomite, Tourmaline, Zircon,
Microscopic identification and Description of the following:- Quartz, Orthoclase,
Microcline, Albite, Oligoclase, Labradorite, Nepheline, Leucite, Enstatite,
Hypersthene, Augite, Biotite, Muscovite, Olivine, Epidote, Garnet, Apatite, Zircon,
Sphene, Tourmaline, Calcite, Andalusite, Kyanite, Sillimanite, Staurolite, Cordierite,
Diopside, Hornblende, Tremolite, Actinoloite and chlorite.
Record Preparation.


72 Hours 4 Credits
Unit 1
Stratification, Dip, Strike, Apparent dip, Factors controlling pattern and width of
outcrops. Outlier and inlier.
Rule of Vs, Simple problems involving dip, apparent dip, thickness of beds
and width of outcrops.
(12 Hrs)
Unit II
Rock deformation stress and strain. Stages of rock deformation. Primary and
secondary structures.
Foliation and lineation.
(12 Hrs)
Unit III
Folds Geometry and elements of folded surfaces. Geometric classification of
folds. Recognition of folds in field and maps. Stereographic representation of
(12 Hrs)
Unit IV
Faults Mechanics of faulting, terminology and classification. Criteria for
recognition of faults in field and maps.
Joints Nature, origin and classification.
Unconformities Types of unconformities and their recognition in the field and
in maps.
(22 Hrs)
Unit V
Plate Tectonics, Continental drift, Seafloor spreading, Palaeomagnetism,
Types of plate boundaries, geosynclines.
(14 Hrs)


1. Foundations of Structural Geology (second edition), Park R.G,Blackie and Son
Ltd., 1989.
2. Geological Structures and Moving Plates, Park R.G,Blackie and Son Ltd.,
3. The Dynamic Earth system, Patwardhan A.M., Prentice Hall pf India pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.
4. An Outline of Structural Geology, Bruce E. Hobbs, Winthrop D. Means, Paul
F.Williams, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1976.
5. Introduction to the Structures of the Earth (second Edition), Edgar W.Spencer,
McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd International Student Edition, Tokyo,1977.
6. Tectonics, Eldridge M.Moores and Robert J.Twiss, W.H. Freeman and
Company, New York, 1995.
7. Structural geology (Third Edition), Marland P. Billings, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
8. Structural Geology (Second Edition), De Sitter, Mc Graw Hill Com. Ltd, New
Delhi, 1964.
9. Elements of Structural Geology, Hills, S., Asia Publishing House, New Delhi,
10. The Evolving Earth, Sawkins, J.S., Chase, C.G Hardy, D.G and Rapp,
(1978)., Mc Milan Publishing Co., New York, 1978.
11. Introduction to the Structure of the Earth (Second Edition), Spencer, E.W.,
McGraw Hill, International Student Edition, 1977.


54 Hours 3 Credits
Unit I
Scope and basic principles: Uniformitarianism, Superposition, Lateral
continuity, original horizontality, faunal succession, Faunal Assemblage.
Facies, Walthers Law.
Local section/strata.
Breaks in stratigraphic
successions, Hiatus, Unconformities, non-sequences, diastem and their
(6 Hrs)

Unit II
Elements of lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic
classification and their units. A brief study of the modern trends in
stratigraphic classification like sequence stratigraphy. Stratotypes and type
area. Transported and leaked fossils. Geological Time Scale and time units.
Ice ages. Stratigraphic concepts or correlation, criteria and methods. Index
fossils. Overlap. Offlap.
(14 Hrs)
Unit III
Scope and subdivisions of Paleontology. Conditions and methods of
fossilization. Concept of body fossil, Trace fossils, synthetic fossils, pseudo
fossils and microfossils. Classification and nomenclature of fossils. Basic
principles of taxonomy and
olitic e . Binomial nomenclature, type
specimens and kinds Holotype, Genotype, Paratype and Plastotype. Uses of
A brief study of the following plant fossils of India Glossopteris,
Gangamopteris, Ptilophyllum, Williamsonia, Sphenophyllum, Taenopteris,
Sigillaria, Calamites, Lepidodendron, Gingkoites.
(8 Hrs)
Unit IV
Morphological features, Classification and geological history of the following
Phylum: Protozoa Order Foraminifera
Phylum: Coelenterata

Class Anthozoa
Phylum: Brachiopoda
Phylum: Mollusca

Class Pelecypoda, Class Gastropoda

Class Cephalopoda
(14 Hrs)
Unit V
Phylum Arthropoda

Class Trilobita
Phylum Echinodermata

Class Crinoidea, Class Echinoidea

Class Blastoidea
Phylum Hemichordata

Class Graptolithina
Evolution of man.
(12 Hrs)


1. Stratigraphic Principles and Practice, J.Marvin Weller, Harper & Row
Publishers, New York.
2. Principles of Stratigraphy, Roy.R.Lemon, Merrill Publishing Company.
3. Principle of Strangraphy, Dunbar, C.O. and Rogers, J., Wiley., New York,
4. Stratgraphy and Sedimentation, Krumbein, W.C and Sloss, L.D., Freeman
Company, New York, 1963.

1. Invertebrate Fossils, Raymond C. Moore, Cecil G. Lalicker and Alfred
G.Fischer, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Microfossils and Their Applications, Kathal.P.K., CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1998.
3. The Elements of Palaeontology (second Edition), Rhona M.Black, Cambridge
University Press, 1988.
4. An Introduction to Invertebrate Palaeontology, Aiyengar N.K.N and Prasad
K.N., Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1996.
5. Fossils, Cyril Walker and David Ward, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1995.
6. Principles of Paleoecology, Derek V.Ager, McGraw Hill Book Company, New
York, 1963.
7. Evolution of the Earth. Dott, RH.and Btten, R.L., Mc.Graw Hill, New York,
8. Principles of Plaeonto1ogy (Second Edition), Raup, D.M. and Stanely. S,M.,
CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1985.
9. Principles of invertebrate Palaeontology ( Second Edition), Shrock R.R. and
Twenhofel, W.H., Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co, Nee Delhi, 1985.
10. Paleontology-Invertebrate, Woods, H., Cambridge Press, 1961.



54 Hours 3 Credits
Unit I
Igneous rocks, origin of magma and parental magma. Crystallisation, crystalmelt equilibrium in silicate melt. Magmatic differentiation. Mingling of magmas.
Crystallisation of the following binary systems: 1) Albite-Anorthite 2) Forsterite
Silica 3) Diospside-Anorthite
(12 Hrs)
Unit II
Textures and structures of igneous rocks. General classification and
nomenclature of igneous rocks. Specific study of the IUGS classification.
Types of igneous bodies.
(10 Hrs)
Unit III
Systematic description and petrogenesis of the following families Granite,
Diorite, Gabbro, Basalt and Rhyolites.
(10 Hrs)
Unit IV
Brief study of the Ultramafic and alkaline rocks Lamprophyres, Kimberlites,
Carbonatites, Syenite, Anorthosite.
(10 Hrs)
Unit V
Petrographic provinces. Brief study of Plate tectonic settings and associated
igneous rocks.
(12 Hrs)
1. Petrology of the Igneous rocks (Thirteenth Edition), Hatch F.H., Wells A.K
and Wells M.K., CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.
2. Magmas and Magmatic Rocks, Eric A.K. Middlemost, Longman, London,
3. Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, Myron G.Best, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi,1986.


4. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (Second Edition), Francis J.Turner

and John Verhoogen, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1987.
5. Petrology Igneous, sedimentary and Metamorphic (Third Edition), Harvey
Blatt, Robert J.Tracy and Brent E.Owens, W.H.freeman and Company,
New York, 2006.
6. Introduction to Petrology, Bayley B., Prentice Hall, New York, 1968.
7. Petrology of igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, Hyndman, D.W., Mc Graw
Hill Company, New Delhi, 1972.
8. Atlas of igneous rocks and their textures, Mackenzie, W.S., Donaldson,
C.H. and Gulford. C , ELBS Longman, 1988.


72 Hours 4 Credits
Unit I
Brief study of the physiography of India, Major geological divisions of India,
Geological Time scale and its representatives in Indian Stratigraphy General
study of Early Precambrian terrains of India and study of the lithology,
classifications, structure, syn-and post tectonic olitic e, organic remains,
radiometric age and economic resources of the following:Sargur Supergroup, Dharwar Supergroup and associated granites and
gneisses. Aravalli Super Group of Rajasthan.
(16 Hrs)
Unit II
General study of the Late Precambrian terrains of India and study of the
lithology, classification, structure, associated
olitic e, organic remains,
radiometric age and economic resources of the following:Delhi Supergroup, Cuddapah Supergroup, Vindhyan Supergroup and Kurnool
(14 Hrs)
Unit III
A brief study of the distribution of marine Palaeozoic and Mesozoic
successions of India and detailed study of the following:- Palaeozoic and

Triassic succession of Spiti region Jurassic of Spiti and Kutch. Cretaceous

of Trichinopoly and Narmada valley. Gondwana Supergroup:- Distribution,
lithology, classification, age, structural features, fossils and coal resources.
(16 Hrs)
Unit IV
Deccan Traps and associated sedimentaries, their distribution, lithology,
classification, fossils and age. A brief study of the distribution of Cenozoic
rocks of India with detailed study of the following:- Cenozoic oil-bearing
formations, Siwalik Supergroup.
(14 Hrs)
Unit V
Stratigraphy of Kerala Precambrian terrain of Kerala, Tertiaries of Kerala,
Karewas, Indo-Gangetic alluvium.
(12 Hrs)

Geology of India and Burma (6th Edition), Krishnan, M.S., C.B.S.Publishers

and Distributors Delhi, 1982.
Fundamentals of Historical Geology and stratigraphy of India, Ravindra Kumar,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,1985.
Geology of India (Fourth Edition), Wadia D.N., Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1981.


108 Hours 0 Credits
Illustration with the help of neat diagrams of the following:
Attitude of beds, true and apparent dip, strike and dip symbols, rules of V, types of
folds, faults and unconformities. Maps with suitable sections and geological

Simple horizontal beds two maps.

Study of effect of relief on V of outcrops four maps.


Simple dipping beds three maps.

Simple dipping beds with intrusions three maps.

Tracing the outcrops with three point problems- Three

Problems involving bore hole data, thickness, dip and

apparent dip three numbers.
Simple dipping beds with unconformity five maps.

Folded beds five maps.

Maps with different types of faults five numbers.

Combination of intrusions, unconformity, folds and faults six maps. Drawing

sections and describing the geology.

Problems involving true and apparent dip, true vertical thickness and width of
outcrops. Three point problems.


72 Hrs

4 Credits

Sedimentary Petrology
Unit I
Origin, transportation and deposition of sediments. Basin, environment and
facies concepts. Provenance. Brief concept about Plate tectonics and
(8 Hrs)
Unit II
Composition and origin of sandstone, shale limestone. Classification of
sandstone and limestone.
Structure and texture of sedimentary rocks. Brief concepts about argillaceous,
arenaceous and rudaceous sediments.
(16 Hrs)
Metamorphic Petrology
Unit I
Definition of metamorphism. Factors of metamorphism. P-T limits of
metamorphism. Agents of metamorphism Pressure, Temperature, Fluid
phase and time. Classification of metamorphic rocks.
(6 Hrs)
Unit II
Concepts of metamorphism: Depth zones, Barrowian zones. Index minerals.
Metamorphic facies and grade. Types of metamorphism and their important
aspects Contact, Regional, Cataclastic, Ocean floor, Burial. Concepts:
Grubenmanns depth zone concept, metamorphic zone concept and index
minerals, grade concept.
(12 Hrs)


Unit III
Metamorphic textures and structures. Retrograde metamorphism.
Metamorphic paragenesis. Metasomatism.
Metamorphic differentiation pneumatolitic and injection metamorphism
anatexis and palingenesis.
(12 Hrs)
Unit IV
Metamorphism of olitic, calcareous and mafic rocks. Plate tectonic settings
Metamorphism associated with convergent and divergent plate margins.
Brief study of the important metamorphic rock types of Kerala.
(10 Hrs)
Unit V
A brief study of the petrography of the following metamorphic rocks : Slate,
Phyllite, Quartzite, Schist, Gneiss, Granulite, Khondalite, Leptynite,
Charnockite, Eclogite, Amphibolite, Migmatite, Blueschist, Breccia, Mylonite,
(8 Hrs)
Sedimentary Petrology
1. Sedimentary Rocks (Third Edition), F.J.Pettijohn, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.
2. Introduction to Sedimentology (Second Edition), S.M.Sengupta, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Petrology of the sedimentary Rocks (Sixth Edition), Greensmith J.T, George
Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1979.
4. Sedimentary Structures (Second Edition), Collinson J.D and Thompson D.B,
Unwin Hyman Ltd, Sydney, 1989.
5. A practical approach to Sedimentology, Roy C. Lindholm, Allen and Unwin,
London, 1987.
6. Applied Sedimentology, Sukhtanker R.K., CBS Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi,2004.
7. Petrology Igneous, sedimentary and Metamorphic (Third Edition), Harvey
Blatt, Robert J.Tracy and Brent E.Owens, W.H.freeman and Company, New
York, 2006.
8. Introduction to Petrology, Bayley B., Prentice Hall, New York, 1968.


9. Petrology of the Sedimentary rocks (Seventh Edition), Greensmith, J., C.B.C.

Publishers, New Delhi, 1989.
Metamorphic Petrology
1. Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks, Roger Mason, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.
2. Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks (Fifth Edition), Helmut G.F.Winkler,
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1987.
3. Metamorphism, Alfred Harker, Chapman and Hall, London, 1974.
4. Petrology Igneous, sedimentary and Metamorphic (Third Edition), Harvey
Blatt, Robert J.Tracy and Brent E.Owens, W.H.freeman and Company, New
York, 2006.
5. Introduction to Petrology, Bayley B., Prentice Hall, New York, 1968.
6. Metamorphism and Metamorphic Belts , Miyashiro. A, George Allen & Unwin,
New York, 1983.


72 Hours 4 Credits
Unit I
Scope of Economic Geology Ore and gangue minerals, Mineral resources
and Reserves. Tenor of ores Syngenetic and epigenetic deposits
Classification of mineral deposits Batemans classification.
(10 Hrs)
Unit II
A brief study on the mode of occurrence, distribution in India and important
economic uses of the following: Ores of Aluminium, Chromium, Copper, Gold,
Iron, Lead, Zinc, Manganese, Thorium, Uranium and Titanium, origin and
distribution of Coal and Petroleum.
Minerals used as abrasives, refractory, ceramics and gemstones.
(14 Hrs)
Unit III
Mineral resources of Kerala National Mineral Policy Strategic and critical
minerals Metallogenic provinces and epochs of Indian mineral deposits.
(12 Hrs)

Unit IV
Process of formation of mineral deposits: Origin due to Internal Processes
1. Magmatic deposits.
2. Hydrothermal deposits.
3. Contact metasomatic deposits.
4. Metamorphic deposits.
(16 Hrs)
Unit V
Process of formation of mineral deposits: Origin due to External / Surface
1. Evaporite deposits.
2. Sedimentary deposits.
3. Deposits of mechanical concentration.
4. Deposits of Residual concentration.
5. Oxidation and Supergene enrichment.
6. Volcanic exhalative deposits.
(20 Hrs)
1. Ore Deposits (Third Edition), Park and MacDiarmid, W.h.Freeman and
Company, san Francisco, 1975.
2. Mineral Economics (Third Edition), R.K.Sinha and N L. Sharama, Oxford and
IBH Publishing House, New Delhi, 1970.
3. Economic Mineral Deposits (Third Edition), Mead L.Jensen and Alan M.
bateman, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981.
4. Indias Mineral Resources, Krishnaswamy. S., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.,
New Delhi, 1972.
5. Mineral Resources of Kerala, Ed: ROY CHACKO. P.T. Department of Mining
and Geology, 2005.
6. Industrial Minerals, Sinha, R.K, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi,


Code GL1643 (Practical) : PETROLOGY PRACTICAL

108 Hours 4 Credits
.Megascopic identification of the following rocks:
Granite, Graphic granite, Pegmatite, Aplite, Granite Porphyry, Syenite, Syenite
porphyry, Diorite, Gabbro, Anorthosite, Dunite, Pyroxenite, Dolerite, Basalt,
Rhyolite, Felsites, Obsidian, Pumice, Scoria.
Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone, Arkose, Shale, Limestone, Laterite, Chert, Grit,
Slate, Phyllite, Schists, Gneisses, Quartzite, Marble, Amphibolite, Ecologite,
Leptynite, Charnockite, Khondalite, Basic Granulite, Schorl rock, Banded Magnetite
Microscopic identification and description of the following rocks:Mica Granite, Hornblende Granite, Graphic Granite, Syenite, Nepheline Syenite,
Diorite, Gabbro, Dunite, Peridotite, Granite porphyry, Diorite dolerite, Anorthosite,
Conglomerate, Breccia, sandstone, Arkose, shell limestone.
Slate, Chlorite Schist, Mica Schist, Kyanite Schist, Garnetiferous Schist, Charnockites,
Eclogites, Amphibolites, Leptynite, Khondalite, Cordierite gneiss,Garnet-sillimanite
Gneiss etc.


90 Hours

3 Credits

Megascopic identification and description, Indian occurrences and uses of the

following ore and industrial Minerals: Sulphides: Realgar, Orpiment, Stibnite, Molybdenite, Galena, Sphalerite,
Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Arsenopyrite, Marcasite.
Sulphates: Barite, Celestite, Gypsum,
Oxides: Cuprite, Corundum, Hematite, Ilmenite, Magnetite, Chromite, Cassiterite,
Rutile, Pyrolusite, Psilomelane, Goethite, Limonite, Bauxite,

Carbonates: Calcite, Dolomite, Magnesite, Siderite, Aragonite, Witherite, Strontionite,

Cerussite, Azurite, Malachite.
Industrial Minerals; Columbite, Halite, Fluorite, Phosphatic Nodule, Monazite,
Graphite, Coal and its varieties, Asbestose.
Megascopic identification and description of the following fossils
Anthozoa: Calceola, Zapherentis, Lithostrotion, Favosites, Halysites,
Montlivaltia, Isastrea, Thecosmilia;
Brachiopoda: Spirifer, Productus, Terebratula, Rhynchonella, Athyris,
Orthis, Lingula
Echinodermata: Pentrimites, Cidaris, Hemicidaris, Micraster, Holaster, Hemiaster,
Lamellibranch: Arca, Cardium Cardita, Pecten, Trigonia, Megalodon, Spondylus,
Gryphea, Exogyra, Ostrea, Inoceramus, Alectryonia, Hippurites, Venus
Gastropods: Natica, Trochus, Turritella, Cerethium, Conus, Murex,
Fusus, Physa, Bellerophon,
Cepalopods: Nautilus, Goniatites, Ceratites, Acanthoceras, Scaphites,
Baculites, Turrilites and Belemnites,
Trilobites: Paradoxides, Calymene, Phacops, Olenus, Olenellus.
Graptolites: Phyllograptus, Tetragraptus, Didymographtus,
Diplograptus, Monograptus,
Plant fossils: Glossopteris, Gangamopteris, Ptilophyllum, Lepidodendron,
Sigillaria, Calamites, Elatocladus, Vertebraria.
Diagrams: Paradoxides, Pentremites, Pecten, Murex, Turritella, Physa, Nautilus,
Spirifer, Arca, Terebratula, Ceratite, Cidaris, Glossopteris, Ptilophyllum,


0 Hours 4 Credits



54 Hours 2 Credits
Unit I
Hydrological cycle and hydrometeorology. Global distribution of fresh water.
Hydrological measurements precipitation, evaporation, soil moisture, soil
infiltration and river flow.
(8 Hrs)
Unit II
Zones of aeration and saturation, Water table and potentiometric surfaces,
porosity, permeability, aquifer, aquiclude, aquitard, aquifuge, Darcys law,
hydraulic head and ground water flow directions, types of aquifers confined
and unconfined.
(8 Hrs)
Unit III
Ground water investigation techniques geophysical exploration methods with
special emphasis on electrical resistivity method, well logging, tracer
(13 Hrs)
Unit IV
Pumping test and determination of safe yield, water conservation methods
check dams, ponds, sub surface dykes, concept of artificial recharging of
ground water.
(13 Hrs)
Unit V
Hydrogeological provinces of India. Groundwater status in India, Major
aquifers and groundwater exploitation in Kerala.
(12 Hrs)
1. Groundwater Hydrology (Second Edition), David Keith Todd, John Wiley and
Sons, Singapore, 1995.
2. Principles of Hydrology (Third Edition), Ward R.c and Robinson M., McGraw
Hill Book Company, London, 1990.

3. Introduction to Hydrogeology, David Deming, Mc Graw Hill, Boston, 2002.

4. Applied Hydrology, Ven Te Chow, David R.Maidment and Larry W.Mays, Mc
Graw Hill Book company, 1988.
5. Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management, Karanth. K. R.,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
6. Ground Water, Raghunath, H.M., New Age International Publishers, New Delhi,


54 Hours 2 Credits
Unit I
Weathering and its significance in civil engineering. Soil genesis, soil profile,
geologic and engineering classification of soils. Field identification of soils. Soil
(8 Hrs)
Unit II
Water content in soils, specific gravity of soils, void ratio, porosity, water
content determination, specific gravity determination. (open drying method for
water content determination and density bottle method for specific gravity
determination). Particle size of soils, sieve analysis. Particle size distribution
curve and its uses, plasticity of soils, consistency limits, permeability of soils,
coefficient of permeability, constant head permeability test.
(10 Hrs)
Unit III
Effective stress and its importance, consolidation of soils, behaviour of
saturated soil under pressure. Consolidation tests. Shear characteristics of
soils and triaxial compression tests. Compaction of soils and compaction tests
(standard Procter test) soil stabilization. Standard penetration test, pile
foundations. Engineering properties of laterites.
(10 Hrs)


Unit IV
Geological materials used in construction. Building stones, roofing and facing
materials, concrete aggregate, road aggregate, gravels and sands, concrete
aggregate reaction. Possolanic materials.
(12 Hrs)
Unit V
Geology for site investigation for dams and reservoirs, tunnels, roads and
railways, bridges and buildings, land slides.
(14 Hrs)
1. Geology for Engineers (Seventh Edition), Blyth F.G.H and De Freitas M.H,
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2006
2. Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Dimitry P. Krynine and
Willaim R.Judd, Mc Graw hill Book Company, New York, 1957.
3. Engineering Geology (Second Edition), Bell.F.G., Butterworth Heinemann,
Oxford, 2007.


54 Hours 2 Credits
Unit I
Prospecting for economic minerals - stages in mineral exploration Reconnaissance, Preliminary, Regional and Detailed Explorations - objectives
of exploration - Grade, Tonnage, Tenor/Calorific value.
Resources and Reserves - Classification of Reserves, UNFC parameters for
reserve classification - Types of mineral deposits and different methods of
Reserve estimation.
(10 Hrs)
Unit II
Basic principles of geochemical exploration - Background, Threshold and
anomalous values, Pathfinders in geochemical prospecting.
(8 Hrs)


Unit III
General principles of geophysical prospecting - Basic principles, units adopted
and instruments used in the following geophysical methods (i) Electrical
Resistivity, (ii) Self Potential, (iii) Magnetic, (iv) Gravity, (v) Seismic.
Exploration methods for mineral fuels - coal, petroleum.
(16 Hrs)
Unit IV
Mining of economic minerals - Types of mining - Underground and Opencast
methods, Criteria for selection of mining methods-Drilling, Blasting, Mine
ventilation, Overburden removal. Definitions of shaft, incline, level, winze,
raise, adit, crosscut, gallery, goaf, pit, benches, levels, ore and waste dumps.
Rehabilitaion of land after mining-ore beneficiation in mineral industry.
(12 Hrs)
Unit V
Mineral resources of the future - Coal Bed Methane - Resources from the sea
bed -Deep sea nodules.
(8 Hrs.)

1. Introduction to Mineral Exploration, Moon Charles J., Whateley Michael K. G.,

Evans Anthony M, Wiley Blackwell,London.
2. Mineral exploration, Willard C. Lacy, Hutchinson Ross Pub. Co, New York,
3. Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration, Marjoribanks W., Chapman & Hall,
London, 1997.
4. Outlines of Geophysical Prospecting, Ramachandra Rao M. B., University of
Mysore, Mysore, 1975.
5. Practical Manual of Exploration & Prospecting, Babu D. K. and S. K. Sinha,
CBS Publishing House, New Delhi,1999.



54 Hours 2 Credits
Unit I
Characteristics of maps: scale, resolution and types of maps. Co ordinate
system, map projection, GCPs and geo-referencing. Global Positioning
System: Overview of GPS and its applications.
(8 Hrs)
Unit II
Fundamentals of GIS: basic concepts, spatial data and non spatial data,
spatial and temporal changes, components of GIS, hardware and software,
data input methods Scanning and digitizing.
(12 Hrs)
Unit III
Spatial Data: spatial entities point, line and polygon representation of various
spatial features, raster and vector data representation. Non Spatial data;
attribute data and examples, designing of attribute tables.
(14 Hrs)
Unit IV
Overview of the application of GIS: groundwater potential zones, temporal
changes in land use, urban agglomeration, etc.
(12 Hrs)
Unit V
New developments in GIS: Such as Google maps, open street mapping, Web
(8 Hrs)
1. An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (Second edition), Ian
Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver and Srinivasa Raju, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, Siddiqui.M.A, Sharda
Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad, 2006.
3. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (Second Edition),
Anji Reddy.M, BSP-BS Publications, 2001.


4. GIS - Fundamentals, Applications and Implementations, Elangovan, New India

Publishing Agency, New Delhi, 2005.


54 Hours

2 Credits

Unit I
Introduction - Hazard and Disaster: Definition and terminologies Classification.
Concept of Disaster Management- Comprehensive Disaster Management
Plan. Elements of Disaster Management Plan.
(8 Hrs)
Unit II
Natural Disasters - Earth quake, Land Slide, Avalanches, Volcanic eruptions Their Case Studies. Heat and Cold waves. Coastal Disasters. Coastal
Regulation Zone. Cyclone. Flood. Drought. Tsunami
(12 Hrs)
Unit III
Environmental Disasters - Dam collapse and mitigation measures. Nuclear
disasters, Chemical Disasters, Biological Disaster. Forest fire and Oil fire.
(12 Hrs)
Unit IV
Climate change : global warming, sea level rise, ozone depletion, carbon sink
and sources causes and effects.
(10 Hrs)
Unit V
Disaster Management. Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation; Disaster
Preparedness Plan. Application of Information Technology in Disaster
Preparedriess. Applications of GIS in disaster management. Emergency
procedures and warning Systems.
(12 Hrs)
1. Natural Disasters, David Alexander, UCL Press, London, 1993
2. Natural Hazards, Edward Bryant, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

3. Natural Disasters, Patrick L. Abbott, Mc Graw Hill International Edition, 2008

4. Disaster Management, Rajib Shaw and Krishnamurthy R.R., Universities
Press (India) Pvt.Ltd., Hyderabad, 2009.
5. A Textbook of Environmental Studies, Asthana D.K., and Meera Asthana,
S.Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2006.


54 Hours 2 Credits
Unit I
Concepts and foundations of Remote Sensing, Components of and Ideal
remote sensing system, Electromagnetic spectrum UV, VIS, NIR, MIR, TIR
and Microwave spectrum. Energy interactions in the atmosphere. Energy
interactions with various earth surface features.
(10 Hrs)
Unit II
Reference data interpretation of remote sensing data, Spectro radiometer.
An ideal and the real remote sensing system. Resolution in Remote Sensing
spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal.
(10 Hrs)
Unit III
Aerial photographs Visual interpretation keys, stereoscopy. Overview of
various kinds and types of remote sensing Visible, thermal, infrared,
microwave and MSS.
(12 Hrs)
Unit IV
Indian Remote Sensing Satellites. Various sensors used in IRS satellites and
their applications.
(10 Hrs)
Unit V
Applications of remote sensing in Environment, Land use, Hydrology and
Forest studies.
(12 Hrs)


1. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (Second Edition),
Anji Reddy.M, BSP-BS Publications, 2001.
2. Principles and Applications of Photogeology, Shiv.N.Pandey, Wiley Eastern
Limited, New Delhi, 1987.
3. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, S.C.Bhatia, Atlantic Publishers &
Distributors (p) Ltd. 2008
4. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Lillisand, T. M. & Kiefer, R.W., Willy &
Sons, New York, 2007
5. Remote sensing of the Environment, John.R.Jensen, Pearson Education, 2004.




36 Hours

2 Credits

Unit I:
Geology an introduction. The earth its dimensions, age, and internal
structure. Relative age and absolute age of the earth. Processes in geology
agents, energy, classification.
The rock cycle, and the three rock types. Introduction to Plate tectonics.
(9 hrs)
Unit II:
Weathering Physical weathering and chemical weathering.
Soils their formation, types in India, erosion and a typical tropical soil profile.
(9 hrs)
Unit III:
Mountains and Orogenic processes. Mass movements different types and
their classification, Causes and effects of landslides.
(9 hrs)

Unit IV:
Groundwater and its sources. Sources of ground water. Hydrologic cycle.
Subsurface occurrence of groundwater. Aquifers, aquicludes, aquitard,
aquifuge types of aquifers confined, unconfined and artesian aquifers
springs. Recharge and discharge of groundwater different types of wells.
Geological work of groundwater.
(9 hrs)
17. Modern Physical Geography (Fourth Edition), Alan H. Strahler and Arthur
N.Strahler, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2001.
18. Physical Geology (Third Edition), James S.Monroe and Reed Wicander,
Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998.
19. Physical Geology (Eleventh Edition), Plummer, Carlson and McGeary,
McGraw Hill Higher Education, Boston, 2007.
20. Introduction to Geomorphology, Vishwas S.Kale and Avijit Gupta, Orient
Longman Pvt.Ltd, Kolkatta, 2001.
21. Weathering, Cliff Ollier, The English Language Book Society and Longman
Group Limited, 1979.
22. The Dynamic Earth system, Patwardhan A.M., Prentice Hall pf India pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.
23. Physical Geology (second edition), Richard Foster Flint and Brian J. Skinner,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1977.
24. Groundwater Hydrology (Second Edition), David Keith Todd, John Wiley and
Sons, Singapore, 1995.
25. Principles of Hydrology (Third Edition), Ward R.c and Robinson M., McGraw
Hill Book Company, London, 1990.
26. Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management, Karanth. K. R.,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
27. Ground Water, Raghunath, H.M., New Age International Publishers, New Delhi,

CODE GL11P1 (Practical) : PRACTICAL I


36 Hours 0 Credits
Preparation of diagrams of the following rock cycle, hydrological cycle,
subsurface groundwater occurrence, confined, unconfined and artesian
Preparation of diagram of typical soil profile

36 Hours 2 Credits

Unit 1:
Streams overland flow, channel flow. Types of streams. Drainage basins,
patterns. Geological work of streams erosion, transportation, deposition
types of loads long profile of stream graded stream.
(8 hrs)
Unit II:
Glaciers types, distribution, geological work glacial landforms, moraines.
Wind geological action of wind aeolian landforms
Oceans and seas geological activity of ocean and sea waves. coral reefs,
coastal landforms marine sediments.
(10 hrs)
Unit III:
Volcanoes mechanism, types, products. Distribution of volcanoes, volcanic

Earthquakes causes, types, seismic waves, epicentre, focus, isoseismal

lines, intensity and magnitude, seismic belts.
(8 hrs)
Unit IV:
Minerals and crystals study of crystals and its significance in mineral
identification. Physical properties of minerals colour, streak, lustre,
transparency, fracture, cleavage, hardness, specific gravity, magnetism.
Chemical composition and diagnostic properties of the following minerals:Quartz, feldspar, biotite, muscovite, hornblende, calcite, garnet, hematite,
gypsum, kyanite, sillimanite, magnetite, chromite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, apatite,
actinolite, beryl, magnesite, fluorite, talc, pyrolusite, galena, dolomite,
corundum, graphite, sphalerite, diamond, coal, asbestos, monazite, bauxite.
(10 hrs)


1. An outline of Geomorphology (Second Edition), Wooldridge.S.W and

Morgan.R.S, Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd, Kolkatta, 2004.
2. Modern Physical Geography (Fourth Edition), Alan H. Strahler and Arthur
N.Strahler, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 2001.
3. Fundamentals of Geomorphology (Second edition), Richard John Huggett,
Taylor and Francis Group, London, 2006.
4. Introduction to Geomorphology, Vishwas S.Kale and Avijit Gupta, Orient
Longman Pvt.Ltd, Kolkatta, 2001.
5. Principles of Geomorphology (Second Edition), William D. Thornbury, New
Age International Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2000
6. The Earths Changing Surface, Michael J.Bradshaw, Abbott.A.J and
Gelsthorpe A.P., The English Language Book Society and Hodder and
Stoughton, 1979.
7. The Dynamic Earth system, Patwardhan A.M., Prentice Hall pf India pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.

8. Mineralogy Concepts, descriptions and Determinations (Second Edition),

Berry.L.G, Brian Mason and Dietrich.R.V., CBS Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi, 1985.
9. Danas Textbook of Mineralogy (Fourth Edition), William E. Ford, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.
10. Principles of Mineralogy. , Blackburn, W. 1. And Dennen, W.H, Universal
Book Stall, New Delhi, 1990.
11. An Introduction to the Rock forming Minerals, Deer, Wa., Howie, R.A. And
Zussman. ELBS., 1983.
12. Rutleys Elements of
mineralogy, Read, H.H., CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.

CODE GL12P2 (Practical) : PRACTICAL II

36 Hours 0 Credits
1. Exercises in identification of salient topographic and drainage features using
topographic maps. 1 : 50,000 or 1 : 25,000 Survey of India of toposheets.
2. Megascopic identification of rock forming minerals and ore minerals listed in
the theory part of the syllabus.


54 Hours 3 Credits
Unit 1
Magma physical and chemical properties, lava and its types. Igneous rocks
texture, mode of occurrence dykes, sills, laccolith, lopolith, stock, batholith,
phacolith. Classification of igneous rocks megascopic study of igneous rock
types granite, pegmatite, rhyolite, dunite, dolerite, pumice, syenite, gabbro,
diorite, basalt.
(12 hrs)
Unit 2
Brief study of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Structural and textural
features field classification. Megascopic study of the following sedimentary
rocks sandstone, shale, limestone, conglomerate, breccia, laterite.
Metamorphism types and factors. Textures of metamorphic rocks.
Megascopic study of the following metamorphic rocks phyllite, slate, schist,
gneiss, quartzite, marble, granulite, charnockite, khondalite.


(16 hrs)
Unit 3
Topographical maps and geological maps their preparation, conventional
symbols. Structural features controlling landform development. Outcrops,
strike and dip of surfaces, primary and secondary structures, unconformities
and their geological significance. Folds, geometrical elements geometrical
classification, brief study of the following antiform, synform, anticline,
syncline, isoclinal fold, recumbent fold, overturned fold, geanticline,
geosyncline, anti and synclinoriums.
(16 hrs)
Unit 4
Faults terminologies, types, study of the following normal, reverse, strike
slip and dip slip faults, horst, graben, rift valley.
Joints types and geological significance.
Foliation and lineation.
(10 hrs)

1. Petrology of the Igneous rocks (Thirteenth Edition), Hatch F.H., Wells A.K and
Wells M.K., CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.
2. Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, Myron G.Best, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi,1986.
3. Petrology Igneous, sedimentary and Metamorphic (Third Edition), Harvey
Blatt, Robert J.Tracy and Brent E.Owens, W.H.freeman and Company, New
York, 2006.
4. Introduction to Petrology, Bayley B., Prentice Hall, New York, 1968.
5. Sedimentary Rocks (Third Edition), F.J.Pettijohn, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.
6. Introduction to Sedimentology (Second Edition), S.M.Sengupta, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2007.
7. Applied Sedimentology, Sukhtanker R.K., CBS Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi,2004.


8. Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks, Roger Mason, CBS Publishers and

Distributors, New Delhi, 1984.
9. Metamorphism and Metamorphic Belts , Miyashiro. A, George Allen & Unwin,
New York, 1983.
Structural Geology
12. Foundations of Structural Geology (second edition), Park R.G,Blackie and Son
Ltd., 1989.
13. Geological Structures and Moving Plates, Park R.G,Blackie and Son Ltd.,
14. The Dynamic Earth system, Patwardhan A.M., Prentice Hall pf India pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.
15. An Outline of Structural Geology, Bruce E. Hobbs, Winthrop D. Means, Paul
F.Williams, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1976.
16. Structural geology (Third Edition), Marland P. Billings, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
17. Elements of Structural Geology, Hills, S., Asia Publishing House, New Delhi,
36 Hours 0 Credits

1. Preparation of chart showing classification of igneous, metamorphic and

sedimentary rocks.
2. Block diagrams of the following: fold - anticline, syncline, recumbent fold,
isoclinal fold. Fault normal, reverse, dipslip, strike slip, graben, horst.
Unconformity angular, disconformity, non-conformity. Joints, dykes, sills,
laccolith, lopolith, batholith, phaccolith.
3. Measurement of slope and distance in topographic maps. Completion of
outcrops in contour maps. Determination of strike and dip of formations from
maps. Interpretation of geological maps with simple structures (fold, fault,







54 Hours 3 credits
Unit 1
Stratigraphy its content, basic principles, uniformitarianism, superposition,
lateral continuity, original horizontality, faunal succession, faunal
assemblages. Geological time scale and basic time units eon, era, period,
epoch. Major geological divisions of India brief study of the stratigraphy of
Kerala Precambrian, Tertiary and Quaternary formations.
(14 hrs)
Unit 2


Palaeontology its branches, fossils, types of fossilzation, and uses of fossils.

General morphological features of typical brachiopod, pelecypod, gastropod
and arthropod.
(10 hrs)
Unit 3
Economic geology ore, gangue and industrial minerals. An outline of various
processes of ore mineral formation. Brief study of magmatic, hydrothermal,
residual and mechanical concentration processes.
(14 hrs)
Unit 4
Mode of occurrence, geographic location in India, and geology of the following
mineral deposits.
Iron Kudremukh, Karnataka
Lead and Zinc Zawar, Rajasthan
Gold Kolar, Karnataka
Mica Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
Manganese Chindwara, Madhya Pradesh
Copper Khetri, Rajasthan
Aluminium Koraput, Orissa
Lignite Neyveli, Tamil Nadu
Coal Bokaro, Jharkand
Petroleum Naharkotiya, Assam and Bombay High
(16 hrs)

Stratigraphic Principles and Practice, J.Marvin Weller, Harper & Row

Publishers, New York.
Principles of Stratigraphy, Roy.R.Lemon, Merrill Publishing Company.
Stratgraphy and Sedimentation, Krumbein, W.C and Sloss, L.D., Freeman
Company, New York, 1963.
Geology of India and Burma (6th Edition), Krishnan, M.S., C.B.S.Publishers
and Distributors Delhi, 1982.
Fundamentals of Historical Geology and stratigraphy of India, Ravindra Kumar,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,1985.


11. Invertebrate Fossils, Raymond C. Moore, Cecil G. Lalicker and Alfred
G.Fischer, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1997.
12. An Introduction to Invertebrate Palaeontology, Aiyengar N.K.N and Prasad
K.N., Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1996.
13. Principles of Plaeonto1ogy (Second Edition), Raup, D.M. and Stanely. S,M.,
CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1985.
14. Principles of invertebrate Palaeontology ( Second Edition), Shrock R.R. and
Twenhofel, W.H., Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co, Nee Delhi, 1985.
15. Paleontology-Invertebrate, Woods, H., Cambridge Press, 1961.
Economic Geology
7. Ore Deposits (Third Edition), Park and MacDiarmid, W.h.Freeman and
Company, san Francisco, 1975.
8. Economic Mineral Deposits (Third Edition), Mead L.Jensen and Alan M.
bateman, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981.
9. Indias Mineral Resources, Krishnaswamy. S., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.,
New Delhi, 1972.
10. Mineral Resources of Kerala, Ed: ROY CHACKO. P.T. Department of Mining
and Geology, 2005.
11. Industrial Minerals, Sinha, R.K, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi,

CORE GL14P4 (Practical) : PRACTICAL IV

36 Hours 4 Credits

1. Preparation of chart of geological time scale, mineral map of Kerala, map of

India showing locations of important mineral deposits mentioned in the theory
2. Geological map of Kerala showing distribution of major stratigraphic units.
3. Diagram of a shell of a typical brachiopod, pelecypod, gastropod (ammonite)
and trilobite.
4. Megascopic identification of rocks listed in the theory part of the concerned


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