Thermal Analysis of The Arc Welding Process Part I. General Solutions
Thermal Analysis of The Arc Welding Process Part I. General Solutions
Thermal Analysis of The Arc Welding Process Part I. General Solutions
An analytical solution for the temperature-rise distribution in arc welding of short workpieces is
developed based on the classical Jaegers moving heat-source theory to predict the transient thermal
response. It, thus, complements the pioneering work of Rosenthal and his colleagues (and others who
extended that work), which addresses quasi-stationary moving heat-source problems. The arc beam
is considered as a moving plane (disc) heat source with a pseudo-Gaussian distribution of heat
intensity, based on the work of Goldak et al. It is a general solution (both transient and quasi-steady
state) in that it can determine the temperature-rise distribution in and around the arc beam heat source,
as well as the width and depth of the melt pool (MP) and the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in welding
short lengths, where quasi-stationary conditions may not have been established. A comparative study
is made of the analytical approach of the transient analysis presented here with the finite-element
modeling of arc welding by Tekriwal and Mazumder. The analytical model developed can determine
the time required for reaching quasi-steady state and solve the equation for the temperature distribution,
be it transient or quasi-steady state. It can also calculate the temperature on the surface as well as
with respect to the depth at all points, including those very close to the heat source. While some
agreement was found between the results of the analytical work and those of the finite-element method
(FEM) model, there were differences identified due to differences in the methods of approach, the
selection of the boundary conditions, the need to consider image heat sources, and the effect of
variable thermal properties with temperature. The analysis presented here is exact, and the solution
can be obtained quickly and in an inexpensive way compared to the FEM. The analysis also facilitates
optimization of process parameters for good welding practice.
quasi-steady-state conditions that can be justified experimentally when the length of the weld is long compared to the
extent of heat. This means that an observer stationed at the
point heat source fails to notice any change in the temperature around him as the source moves on. Rosenthal also
gave an alternate analogy for this, wherein the temperature
distribution around the heat source is represented by a hill
that moves as a rigid body on the surface of the plane without
undergoing any modification either in size or shape.
Starting from the following PDE of heat conduction,
Rosenthal applied it for welding (by assuming the heat
source to be a moving point or a moving, infinitely long
line heat source) by considering a moving coordinate system.
2u 2u 2u 1 u
1 25
x2 y2
a t
When the origin of the moving coordinate system coincides with the moving heat source and moves along with it
at the same speed (with its X-axis coinciding with the x-axis
of the original absolute coordinate system), the relationship
between the coordinates of the point where the temperature
rise is concerned along the X- (or x-) axis at any time t is
given by X 5 x 2 vt. Substituting this in Eq. [1], the general
PDE of heat conduction in a moving coordinate system can
be obtained as
2u 2u
v u 1 u
1 252
2 1
a X a t
u 5 e2vX/2a w(X, y, z)
heavy (thick) steel plates. They used the characteristic etching boundaries of the steels used (HY-80, T-1, and maraging
steels) to identify specific peak temperatures. In considering
the effects of the boundary surfaces, they assumed that all
surfaces (bottom or edge of the plate) are adiabatic. These
are surfaces of mirror-image symmetry with respect to the
distribution of heat sources. In analyzing the peak temperatures at any point of interest, the nearest heat sources would
have a significant effect, while the contribution from any
other heat source would decrease as the square of the distance
from the point under consideration.
Tsai[15] evaluated various mathematical models of the thermal behavior of metals during welding and summarized
their applicability in solving practical welding problems.
The objective is to assess a quick solution, or to formulate
a meaningful experimental procedure for quantitative results.
Nunes[16] developed an extended Rosenthal weld model in
a multipolar expansion form. Within a multipolar-expansion
content, he modeled phase changes by thermal dipoles and
circulation in the molten weld pool by thermal quadrupoles.
The model proposed is anticipated to provide insight into the
heat flow in welds. Eager and Tsai[17] modified Rosenthals
model to include a 2-D Gaussian distributed heat source and
developed a solution for a traveling distributed heat source
on a semi-infinite plate to provide the size and shape of the
arc weld pools. Their assumptions include the absence of
convective or radiative heat flow, constant average thermal
properties, and a quasi-steady-state semi-infinite medium.
The welding parameters, namely, current, arc length, and
traverse speed and material properties (namely, thermal diffusivity) have significant effects on the weld shape. They
compared the theoretical predictions with experimental
results on carbon steels, stainless steel, titanium, and aluminum, with good agreement.
Zacharia et al.[18,19] developed thermal models for both
autogeneous and nonautogeneous welding. They developed
a transient, three-dimensional (3-D) computer simulation
model for autogeneous welding, taking into account the
conditions of heat transfer, including convection of a gas
tungsten arc (GTA) weld pool. They also developed a similar
model for nonautogeneous, moving-arc GTA welding process. Both the models incorporate the complete set of interrelated thermophysical phenomena.
Boo and Cho[20] developed an analytical solution to predict
the transient temperature distribution in a finite-thickness
plate during arc welding, using a 3-D heat-conduction equation with convection boundary conditions at the surface of
welding. Due to the flow of the shielding gas, a forcedconvection boundary condition was assumed at the top surface of the weldment beneath the welding torch, and a natural
convection condition was assumed at the bottom surface.
The analytical results were compared with the experimental
results obtained by GTA bead-on-plate welding on a
medium-carbon steel under various welding conditions. Tsai
et al.[21] developed a semiempirical, 2-D finite-element heattransfer model to investigate thermal-related welding problems. They developed a conduction model that treats the
melting interface as an inner boundary to calculate the quasi
steady state temperature field and cooling rate in the weld
Kasuya and Yurioka[22] developed analytical solutions for
heat conduction for three cases of welding. First, a quasisteady-state model for a moving heat source to predict the
shape of the HAZ and cooling times between 800 8C and
500 8C in wide plates; second, an instantaneous line heatsource model to predict the cooling time from solidification
to 100 8C; and third, an unsteady heat model to predict local
preheating. They compared the experimental results with the
analytical results. Jeong and Cho[23] developed an analytical
solution for the transient temperature distribution in fillet
arc welds using an energy equation and compared it with
GTA and flux-cored arc experiments under various conditions. Using the conformal mapping technique, they transformed the solution of the temperature field in the plate of
a finite thickness to the fillet welded joint. Nguyen et al.[24]
developed analytical solutions for the transient-temperature
field of a semi-infinite body subjected to a double-ellipsoidal
power density moving heat source with conduction only.
They compared the analytical results with experimental
bead-on-plate specimens and found good agreement.
B. Numerical Techniques for the Temperature-Rise
Distribution in Welding
On the numerical side, several investigations[79,2532] were
made using finite-difference method and FEM analyses, in
view of certain advantageous features associated with these
methods. For example, Pevelic et al.[25] developed a finitedifference method to determine the temperature distribution
in a 2-D plate using the line heat source. The shape of the
melt pool was correlated with the welding variables, and
this isotherm was used as a boundary condition. Thus, in
this numerical method, experimental work is required to
determine the boundary conditions. Better agreement of the
peak temperatures was found between the analytical and
experimental values. Paley and Hibbert[26] conducted another
elegant study of the computation of the temperatures in
actual welds by comparing the computed values from the
heat-conduction equation with those obtained from the metallurgical sections of the actual welds. Good correlation of
the fusion temperature and A1 temperature isotherms were
reported. Thus, using a computer program, they produced
graphical displays of both the maximum temperatures and
the moving temperature field on the surface, as well as
in the vertical plane, of the welded plate. Friedman and
Glickstein[27] developed a FEM analysis for transient heat
conduction to investigate the effect of a number of welding
parameters, including the magnitude of heat input from the
arc, the distribution of the heat input over the surface of the
weldment, and the duration of the heat input on the thermalresponse characteristicsin particular, the weld bead shape
and the depth of penetration. They demonstrated the potential
for calculating the optimum combination of welding parameters for a given weld joint. Wilson and Nickell[28] applied the
FEM to heat-conduction analysis. They applied a variational
principle to the transient heat-conduction analysis of complex solids of arbitrary shape with temperature and heatflux boundary conditions. Krutz and Segerlind[29] used a
nonlinear finite-element model to optimize the welding
parameters for weld-joint strength when a certain desired
metallurgical structure is achieved. Friedman[30] developed
a thermomechanical analysis of the welding process using
the FEM. The model enables calculation of the temperatures,
stresses, and distortions resulting from the welding process.
Fig. 1Schematic of conventional welding of two short (25.4 mm), thin
(5.8 mm) mild steel plates.
28 V
400 A
67 pct
5.08 mm/s
5.56 mm
d 5 1.6 mm, vfeed 5 85.0 mm/s
2300 K (2027 8C)
25 8C
1750 K (1477 8C)
1000 K (727 8C)
276.3 J/g
7.87 g/cm3
5.8 mm
0.6 J/cm ? s ? 8C
0.118 cm2/s
Fig. 2Variation of thermal conductivity and specific heat of the mild
steel plates with temperature.[8,9]
copper with superior thermal conducting properties vs stainless steel with inferior thermal conducting properties).
Figures 2(a) and (b) show the variation of thermal conductivity and specific heat with temperature for mild steel,
respectively, based on the data of Tekriwal and Majumdar.[8,9]
It can be seen that the specific heat increases linearly up to
'400 8C and remains constant above this temperature. In
contrast, the thermal conductivity decreases linearly up to
'1500 8C, followed by a sudden increase in temperature
up to 1700 8C, and remaining constant thereafter. If we are
interested in the values of the thermal properties in the
temperature range from '400 8C to 1500 8C, then we can
assume the specific heat to be a constant and the thermal
conductivity to decrease linearly with temperature (Figures
2(a) and (b)). Similarly, if we are interested in the values
of the thermal properties in the temperature range from room
temperature up to '400 8C, then we can assume the specific
heat to increase linearly with temperature and the thermal
conductivity to decrease linearly with temperature (Figures
2(a) and (b)).
In this investigation, the following thermophysical properties were used in the analysis: thermal conductivity (lavg)
of 0.60 J/cm ? s ? 8C, specific heat (c) of 0.660 J/g 8C,
density (r) of 7.87 g/cm3, and thermal diffusivity (aavg) of
0.118 cm2/s (Table I).[8,9] It can be seen from Figure 2(a)
that thermal conductivity l is constant (0.60 J/cm ? s ? 8C)
in the temperature range from 1700 8C to 3000 8C and is
nearly the average (slightly higher) in the range from 0 8C
to 1500 8C. This value of thermal conductivity corresponds
to a temperature of '400 8C. It is also the maximum temperature at which the specific heat increases with temperature
or minimum temperature, above which the specific heat is
constant. Since the maximum widths and depths of the MP
Fig. 3Schematic of the heat-transfer model of the welding process showing primary (HS0) as well as image heat sources (IHS1-IHS5).
and HAZ are nearly the same from '400 8C to 1300 8C,[38]
we have taken the lower temperature, namely, '400 8C, as
the temperature at which the thermophysical properties are
to be taken for the analysis. This is also the temperature at
which the experimental results reported by Tekriwal and
Majumdar[8,9] seem to agree well with the analytical values.
The objective of the analysis is to determine the temperature-rise distribution at and near the arc-beam heat source,
as well as the width and the depth of the MP and the HAZ
using the classical Jaegers moving heat source theory. Figure 3 is a schematic of the heat-transfer model of the welding
process used, showing the primary (HS0) as well as the
image heat sources (IHS1 through IHS5). The heat source
formed by the arc beam is considered to be a moving circular
disc heat source of radius r0 (arc-beam radius) and with a
heat liberation rate of qpl (in J/s). As welding progresses,
the circular disc heat source moves along the X-axis on the
upper surface of the plate with a velocity of v. The distribution of the heat intensity over the arc-beam heat-source area
is generally nonuniform and may be represented by a radially
symmetric pseudo-Gaussian distribution similar to the models presented by Goldak et al.[7] and Tekriwal and
Mazumder.[8,9] As the thickness (H ) and the length (L) of
the plates being welded are rather small, the thermal effects
at the bottom-boundary surface CD, as well as the two
lengthwise boundary surfaces, AC and BD, cannot be
neglected. When these boundary surfaces are considered
adiabatic, relevant image heat sources (IHS1 through IHS5) of
the same shape, size, heat liberation rate, and heat-intensity
distribution and moving at the same velocity but in an opposite direction to the primary heat source (HS0) should be
considered. The temperature rise at any point M is the sum
of the effects from the primary as well as the image heat
sources. At any instant of welding, the heat sources are
located from point M at distances of R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, and
R5, respectively (Figure 3). They can be expressed in terms
of the dimensions of the workpiece, the velocity of motion
of the arc, the duration up to that instant, and the coordinates
of point M.
It is well known that the estimation of the actual heat
input from an arc heat source to the workpiece is rather
complex. It depends significantly on the type of welding
process used. Christensen et al.[10] extensively investigated
various arc sources. They found that for the submerged arc,
the arc efficiency is represented by a narrow band, in the
range from 91 to 99 pct. In the case of a.c.-shielded metal
arc welding of mild steel, they observed the arc efficiency
to be in the range from 66 to 85 pct. The values of the arc
efficiencies for shielded metal arc welding were in the range
p ? 0.162
? 8.5 ? 7.87 ? 276.3 5 371.7 J/s
uM 5
duM 5
!x2 1 y2
r 2o 1 (x 2 vti)2 1 y2 1 z2
? I0
12at !(x 2 vt ) 1 y 2
uM 5
r 2o 1 (x 2 vti)2 1 y2 1 z2
exp 2
ti50 t
!(x 2 vti)2 1 y2
? I0
A. Solution of a Ring Heat Source of Radius r0, Moving
Along the Radial Direction with a Velocity of v
r 2o 1 x2 1 y2 1 z2
3/2 exp 2
uM 5
r 2o 1 (X 1 vt)2 1 y2 1 z2
exp 2
t50 t
? I0 o !(X 1 vt)2 1 y2
uM 5
r 2o 1 X 2 1 y2 1 z2
exp 2
t50 t
? exp 2
? I0
? exp 2
!(X 1 vt)2 1 y2
1 2
1 2 1
uM 5
16lap 3/2
? I0
3/2 exp 2v 2
1 !1
roV 2
2 1y2
The solution of a moving ring heat source in a semiinfinite medium is twice that in an infinite medium, i.e.,
uM 5
qrgv 2XV
8lap 3/2
? I0
1 !1
roV 2
2 1y2
It can be noted from Eqs. [9] and [10] that the temperature
rise is time dependent, and the time variable t appears in
the upper limit of integration. The longer the time, the larger
the value of the integral part; thus, the higher the temperature
rise. So, it basically corresponds to transient conditions. The
integral part can be solved by numerical integration using
a personal computer. When v 5 0 (the lower limit of integration), v3/2 is zero and, hence, the value of the function to
be integrated is infinity. Strictly speaking, this makes the
numerical integration impossible to solve. However, it can
be addressed by considering the nature of the function f(v)
to be integrated, namely,
f(v) 5 3/2 exp 2v 2
? I0
1 !1
roV 2
2 1y2
Fig. 4Schematic of a moving circular disc heat source with pseudoGaussian distribution of heat intensity.
It can be seen from Eq. [12] that the time required for
establishing quasi-steady state is proportional to the thermal
diffusivity of the conduction medium and inversely proportional to the square of the velocity of the moving heat source.
The higher the velocity, the shorter is the time required for
establishing quasi-steady-state conditions. When v 5 0 (i.e.,
for a stationary heat source), tqs 5 `, i.e., it needs a very long
time to establish steady-state conditions. For the example
considered in this investigation, the time required for establishing quasi-steady state is given by tqs 5 20a/v2 5 20 ?
0.118/(0.508)2 ' 9.1 s.
B. Solution of a Disc Heat Source with a PseudoGaussian Distribution of Heat Intensity Moving on
the Surface of a Semi-Infinite Conduction Medium
The moving disc heat source can be considered to be a
combination of a series of segmental moving ring heat
sources of different radii (ri) where ri varies from 0 to r0
(refer to Figure 4(a)). The solution of a moving ring heat
source can be considered as a starting point for further
analysis. Here, the heat sources (including the primary and
image heat sources) are moving at the boundary surfaces,
and all the heat liberated from the heat source is conducted
into the material (the heat loss is included in the arc efficiency). Hence, the boundaries are considered adiabatic and
dq 5
1 1 2 2 2pr dr
C exp 23 i
e23z dz 5 pr 2oC 2
3 z50
pr 2oC
(2e23 1 1) ' 0.3167 pr 2oC
0.3167 pr 2o
1 1 22
q0 5
exp 23 i
0.3167 pr 2o
Considering a pseudo-Gaussian distribution of heat intensity, the heat liberation rate of the segmental ring heat source
(Figure 4(a)) is given by
qrg 5
1 1 2 2 ? 2pr dr
exp 23 i
0.3167 pr 2o
1 1 2 2 ? r dr
exp 23 i
0.3167 r 2o
e23(ri/ro) ? ri dri ? e2XV
0.3167 ? 4lap3/2 r 2o
r V2
? I0 i
2 1 !1X 1 2Vv2 1 y 2
1 1r 2 2
3.1576qplv 2XV
4lap3/2 r 2o
e23(ri/ro) ? ri dri
r V2
? I0 i
3/2 exp 2v 2
2 1 !1X 1 2Vv2 1 y 2
where ui 5 V !r 2i 1 X 2 1 y2 1 z2.
qo 5 C exp 23
uM 5
uM 5
4lap3/2r 2o
r V2
? I0 i
3/2 exp 2v 2
2 1 !1X 1 2Vv2 1 y 2
Fig. 7(a) through (e) Isotherms of the temperature rise of the MP (1477
8C) and the HAZ (727 8C) at different times in the cross-sectional plane
parallel to the welding seam (i.e., in the x-o-z plane) at y 5 3.4 mm.
Fig. 8(a) and (b) Isotherms of the temperature distribution of the MP
(1477 8C) and the HAZ (727 8C) at different times on the top surface (in
the x-o-y plane, z 5 0) of the plate along the welding seam.
(b)) are the same results obtained for this example by Tekriwal and Mazumder[8,9] using the FEM. It may be noted that
Tekriwal and Mazumder[8,9] have plotted their FEM results
only up to y 5 4 mm. A reasonably good agreement can be
seen between the analytical and the FEM results during the
initial period, t 5 1 to 3 s. However, for the later stages,
namely, t 5 4 or 5 s, the analytical results show that the
left-hand side of the MP curve is bent downward and reaches
the midplane ( y 5 0). It, thus, gradually approaches the
tear-droplike shape (Figure 8(a), which is a typical top
view of the isotherms of various temperatures, including
the MP), for moving heat-source problems, as Rosenthal
elegantly demonstrated in his pioneering work. It can be
seen that while the analytical results show this trend, the
FEM results do not.
For the cases without the aforementioned boundaries, the
isotherms of various temperatures always have the tear-droplike shape. The existence of the boundary shown as AC in
Figure 3 may cause a certain distortion on the left-hand side
of the curve of the isotherms. When the heat source is very
near to the boundary, the distortion is significant. During
welding, the heat source is moving away from the boundary
AC. The longer the distance between them, the smaller its
effect and consequent distortion. In the analytical heatsource method described in Section II, the effect of each
boundary is represented by a corresponding image heat
source. It can be seen from Figure 3 that the longer the time,
the larger the distance between the primary and the image
heat sources (for the boundary AC) and the less is the influence of the image heat source. Consequently, the shape of
the contour of the MP approaches a tear-drop-like shape.
Thus, the use of image heat sources in the analysis closely
reflects the real effects of the boundaries. In the FEM, the
boundary conditions are determined somewhat arbitrarily,
although judiciously. Usually, a reasonable value of the temperature or temperature gradient at the boundary is assumed
by trial and error, based on experience.[8,9] Actually, the
temperature at the boundary AC, for this case, is not a
constant but a complex function of time and the spatial
variable z. For the FEM, to determine or assume the boundary conditions of any form a priori with reasonable accuracy
is somewhat difficult. The dotted curves of the isotherms
obtained by the FEM computations show that the effect of
boundary conditions does not gradually decrease with
respect to time. Thus, it appears that the effect of the boundary AC for t 5 3, 4, or 5 s during the computation by
the FEM is somewhat overestimated. Thus, while it gave
somewhat reasonable results initially, it deviated significantly later on, and, as a result, the tear-drop-like shape
contour was not obtained. Similarly, while the results for
the HAZ by the two methods are close for t 5 1, 2, or 3 s
(Figure 8(b)), the results for t 5 4 or 5 s differ quite significantly for the same reasons outlined earlier. It can again be
seen that the assumed boundary effect does not gradually
decrease with time. Thus, the width of HAZ by the FEM
appears to have been overestimated.
Figure 9(a) shows the analytical results of the temperaturerise distribution along the weld seam at the top edge of the
V-groove on the top surface of the plate under transient
conditions. At t 5 5 s, the maximum temperature rise on
the right-hand side of the work material is '2925 8C. At
Fig. 9(a) and (b) Temperature rise along the weld seam at the top edge
of the V-groove on the upper surface of the plate and the bottom edge
of the V-groove, respectively, under transient conditions obtained by an
analytical method.
other times during the welding process, the maximum temperature rise is in the range from 1500 8C to 1750 8C. Figure
9(b) shows the temperature rise along the weld seam at the
bottom edge of the V-groove under transient conditions. At
t 5 5 s, the maximum temperature rise on the right-hand
side of the work material is '3300 8C. At other times during
the welding process, the maximum temperature rise is in
the range from 1850 8C to 2400 8C. In the absence of a
boundary, the temperature-rise distribution curve always
rises up gradually with respect to time during the transient
stage. In the presence of the boundary AC, the boundary
effect can be very significant initially, with its effect deceasing rapidly with time. The combined effect of these two
factors makes the temperature-rise distribution curves from
t 5 2 to 4 s quite similar and nearly constant, as shown in
Figures 9(a) and (b). When t 5 s, the heat source
approaches the boundary BD (Figure 3), and the effect of
the boundary BD becomes stronger and significant. Thus, the
temperature-rise distribution curve rises sharply, as shown.
Here, it can be seen that the boundary BD has an effect only
when the heat source is approaching it. This is because this
boundary is located in front of the moving heat source and
is approaching with respect to time. Usually, in front of the
moving heat source, the temperature rise drops rather steeply
with respect to distance. Thus, when t 5 2, 3, or 4 s, the
distance between the primary heat source and the boundary
BD (or the image heat source) is rather large. Thus, the
Fig. 10(a) and (b) Temperature rise along the weld seam at the top edge
of the V-groove on the upper surface of the plate and the bottom edge
of the V-groove, respectively, under transient conditions obtained by the
FEM method.[8,9]
Fig. 11(a) and (b) Variation of the half-width of MP and HAZ, respectively, after the shut-off of the arc heat source, i.e., during the cooling period.
Fig. 12Variation of the width of the MP and HAZ with respect to time
including the duration during welding and after the shut-off period. Also
shown in dotted lines are the results of the FEM.[8,9]
source increases initially from 10.5 mm (at the time of shutoff of the heat source) to '12.5 mm at t 5 7 s and gradually
decreases thereafter. At t 5 8 s it is '12.3 mm, and at t 5
9 s it is '11.4 mm.
Figure 12 shows the variation of the width of the MP and
HAZ with respect to time during the welding process as
well as after the shut-off period. The dotted curves of the
widths of the HAZ and MP are the same results obtained
Fig. 13(a) and (b) Temperature distribution under quasi-steady-state conditions (a) on the surface and (b) along the x-axis on the top surface at
different values of y.
Fig. 14(a) and (b) Plan view of the top surface of the weld showing
changes in the shape and size of MP and HAZ, respectively, from transient
to quasi-steady-state conditions
Fig. 15(a) through (c) Isotherms at different times in the cross-sectional
plane parallel to the welding seam (i.e., in the x-o-z plane) when the effective
power of the arc is (a) qpl.eff 5 3940 W ('55.2 pct of the power used
earlier) at y 5 3.4 mm, (b) qpl.eff 5 4280 W ('60 pct) at y 5 3.4 mm,
and (c) qpl.eff 5 4280 W at y 5 2 mm.
the groove surface is lower than the melting point. So, '70
pct of the joint length of the weld (in the range of x 5
225.4 to 28.2 mm) is not welded properly, which makes
the welding joint weaker. This means that the power considered is too low.
Figure 15(b) shows the isotherms of the MP temperature
in the x-z plane at y 5 3.4 mm, when the heat liberation
rate of the heat source is qpl 5 4280 J/s ('60 pct of the
power used in the example considered). It shows that, with
a slight increase in power, the temperature rise is higher
than the melting point for most of the length (.85 pct) of
the weld joint at the groove surface, and the bottom surface
is still a solid (in the range of x 5 225.4 to 24.2 mm).
Consequently, most of the molten filler will be retained in
the groove. Only ,15 pct of the weld-joint length (at the
right-hand side of Figure 15(b) at t 5 5 s in the range of x
5 24.2 to 0 mm) is not perfectly welded, due to the loss
of material from drainage. This makes the welding joint
much better than the case discussed earlier.
Figure 15(c) shows the isotherms of the MP temperature
in the x-z plane at y 5 2 mm, when the heat liberation rate
of the heat source is qpl 5 4280 J/s. It provides a check on
the use of 4280 J/s as the heat liberation rate of the heat
source at another part of the groove surface. It shows that,
only in the range of x 5 219.2 to 27.2 mm of the weld
joint, the temperature rise at the groove surface is higher
than the melting point and that, at the bottom surface, the
material is still a solid. This means that only '47 pct of the
length of the weld joint at this part of the groove is perfect.
In the range of x 5 225.4 to 219.2 mm, the temperature
rise is not sufficiently high for a perfect weld joint. As in
the range of x 5 27.2 to 0 mm (at the right-hand side of
the figure at t 5 5 s,), it is also not a perfect weld, due to
the loss of material from drainage.
It can be seen from Figures 15(a) through (c) that, for the
case where the length of the weld is rather short, one cannot
expect to obtain a perfect weld joint by merely selecting a
constant optimal value of the welding power. The reasons
for this are the following. (1) The welding process is totally
transient and, hence, hardly quasi-steady state. So, the MP
size, including its depth, cannot be constant. It increases
gradually and continuously from the beginning of the welding process until the establishment of the quasi-steady-state
conditions. If the selected power is sufficient for the initial
stages, it most certainly will be too high for the later part,
or, it it is adequate for the later part, it will most certainly
be too low for the initial stages. (2) The boundary effect
magnifies the size of the MP, especially during the last part
of the welding cycle. Refer to Figure 3, where the image
heat source relative to the boundary BD is moving,
approaching the primary heat source with the same velocity
but in the opposite direction. Usually, the temperature rise
in front of the moving heat source is lower and drops rather
significantly with respect to the distance. In front of a moving
heat source, the farther the distance, the lower the temperature. Thus, when the distance between this pair of heat
sources is large (at t 5 1, 2, 3, or 4 s), the effect of the
image heat source can be rather small or insignificant. But,
when the primary heat source is approaching and nearing
the boundary, so does the image heat source. The distance
between them becomes very short, and the effect of the
image source becomes significant. When the centers of each
arrive at the boundary, the effect of the image heat source
will be at a maximum. In fact, it is so significant, its effect
would be as if the power of the primary heat source had
doubled. (3) When the isotherm of the MP approaches the
bottom-surface boundary, its effect becomes stronger and
stronger and changes the direction of the isotherm to be
perpendicular to the bottom surface. Thus, the shape and
size of the MP changes significantly during the last part of
the welding cycle, as shown in Figures 15(a) through (c).
As for the image heat source relative to the boundary
AC, it is moving away from the primary one. At the very
beginning (it coincides with the primary heat source), it
exerts the maximum influence. With increasing distance
between them, the effect of the image heat source decreases
gradually. But, for a moving heat source, the temperatures
at those points behind it usually decrease rather slowly. At
the same time, in this transient stage, the temperatures of
those points around the moving heat source are gradually
increasing with respect to time. The combination of these
two factors makes the size and shape of the MP rather close
at time t 5 1, 2, 3, or 4 s, as shown in Figures 15(a)
through (c).
For optimization of the welding process, two approaches can
be considered: (1) the use of a variable effective arc power,
and (2) the use of a variable welding speed. For a variable
arc power (and, consequently, the variable heat liberation
ti , s
Peff (5qpl 1 371.7), W
P (5Peff/0.67), W
I (5P/V)
Using Eq. [19], the heat liberation rate of the heat source
at different times is different, as shown in Table II (in this
case, qplmax 5 4280 J/s). It can also be seen that the heat
liberation rates of the heat source at time t 5 1, 2, or 3 s
are very close to that used in the example discussed previously (the difference is less than 0.25 pct). So, the size of
the MP will be very close to that given in that example.
Only when t 5 5 s does the heat liberation rate of the heat
source drops by '20 pct, so that the size and the depth of
the MP can be significantly reduced. Based on Eq. [19], the
relevant values of the effective arc power (Peff ), apparent
arc power (P), and welding current (I ) at different times of
ti are also given in Table II. Substituting Eq. [19] into Eq.
[18], an equation for the moving disc heat source with a
variable heat liberation rate, for this example, can be
obtained as
uM 5
4lap 3/2r 2o
vt 2 2v/V
1 2 0.2
t 3/2
? I0
1 !1
r iV 2
Xn 1
? exp 2v 2
2 1y2
X, y, and z
I0( p)
I0( p) 5 1
when p $ 3
I0( p) 5
exp ( p)
1. J.C. Jaeger: Proc. R. Soc. NSW, 1942, vol. 76, pp. 203-24.
2. H.S. Carslaw and J.C. Jaeger: Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed.,
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3. D. Rosenthal: 2nd Congr. Nat. Sci., Paris, France, 1935, pp. 1277-92.
4. D. Rosenthal: Welding Res. Suppl., 1941, pp. 220-s-234-s.
5. D. Rosenthal: Trans. ASME, 1946, vol. 68, pp. 849-66.
6. D. Rosenthal and R. Schmerber: Welding Res. Suppl., 1938, pp. 2-8.
7. J. Goldak, A. Chakravarti, and M. Bibby: Metall. Trans. B, 1984, vol.
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8. P. Tekriwal and J. Mazumder: ASM Int. Conf. on Trends in Welding
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9. P. Tekriwal and J. Mazumder: Welding Res. Suppl., 1988, pp. 150-s156-s.