ISN Earnings Plan
ISN Earnings Plan
ISN Earnings Plan
Our Mission
To Provide 1 MILLION Meals to Hungry
Children Around the World by
The Challenge
While Promoting Financial: Health, Wealth & Security
ISN Business Pros can not only achieve Asset Accumulation,
Wealth Preservation, and their Financial Goals, but can also help to
meet the challenge of our mission to feed hungry children around
the corner and around the world!
1 MS69 Silver
Eagle Coin
1 Silver Eagle
Bullion Coin
Coupons for
Your Cost
NGC - 1 coin
125 PQV
Includes The Achievers Edge
A monthly Personal Development &
Entrepreneurial Training audio series.
Save 10% on over 90% of our entire
inventory - 5% off the remainder!
*Coins subject to vary, but will always be a 1oz silver MS69 world coin of equal or greater value.
**Subject to fluctuate with market conditions.
2nd Upline to Enroller
3rd Upline to Enroller
4th Upline to Enroller
Good to know
AS an ISN Business Pro
you can save money every
year because of the tax
advantages of operating a
Home Based Business. Be
sure to talk with your
Accountant right away!
*On individual items priced at $1000 or more and GEM BU tubes of 20 Silver Eagle coins; the
opening order bonus scale pays at 50%. Orders of this type do not pay into any other areas of the
earnings plan.
2 Customer Commissions
As an Active Business Pro you earn Customer Commissions in three ways:
1. By purchasing products at Active Business Pro pricing for physical inventory
and reselling them to customers at Retail.
2. By directing customers to your ISN Modern Coins site where they purchase
directly from ISN and we drop ship the product(s) for you. If your customer
becomes a Preferred Customer by selecting an Auto-Saver option they will save
up to 10% off the entire product line and you will earn Customer Commissions
on any product orders from them excluding* the ISN Advantage Auto-Saver.
3. From any personally referred Business Pros extra purchases (after their 1st
30 days Opening Order period) beyond* their ISN Advantage Auto-Saver.
*See the ISN Advantage Bonus & Core Commissions below to learn how the ISN
Advantage Auto-Savers pay.
These commissions are paid weekly. Sales in by Thursday are paid on Monday.
Business Pros that opt out of being personally subscribed to the ISN
Advantage Auto-Saver can qualify as Active by having a Preferred
Customer enrolled on the ISN Advantage Auto-Saver.
Customer Commissions
Single items priced $999 or less you earn 4% of the total sale
Single items priced $1000 or more you earn 2% of the total sale
Distribution to Core Commissions & Executive Depth Bonus
3% from any single item priced $999 or less
1.5% from any single item priced $1000 or more
Example: The sale of ten $100 coins = $1000. These are individual item
sales of less than $1000 each, so you will earn 4% on each item sold.
*GEM BU tubes of 20 American Silver Eagle coins are included in the 2% bracket.
= 2 OneTime Credits
= 1 Credit
= 1 Credit
Credit/s earned each month must come from new sales/Auto-Saver enrollments in a calendar month.
Companywide Recognition.
Earn 2 one-time credits in the Monthly
Revenue Pool the month you qualify!
Double all points earned in the Monthly
Revenue Pool for Life!
2 Business Pros
Get with your upline mentor right away and put together
a game plan to help you become an ISN All Star!
*Must qualify as Director by 11:59:59pm Pacific server time on 30th day.
Collector Pack Bonus Overrides are achievable at Director and above. The override
is the difference between the Collector Pack Bonus earned at your rank and that
earned by an active Business Pro in your downline.
Second Generation Collector Pack Bonus Overrides are achievable at Silver
Director and above. This allows you to be rewarded on Collector Pack sales from
active Business Pros at the same or higher rank as you in your downline.
Collector Pack Bonus (CP) Visual
Example #1
If you are a Director and sell 3 Collector
Packs, you will earn a $50 CP Bonus from
the products within each CP. There are no
time restrictions on the CP Bonus, but if you
accomplished this within one weekly pay
period, you would be paid $50 for each CP
sale on Monday!
$50 x 3 CP
= $150
$20 x 10 CP
= $200
$50 x 10 CP
= $500
The following month the ISN Advantage Auto-Saver rolls into the Core
Commissions (covered on the next page) as a monthly residual income.
This chart displays the levels accessed at each rank and the overrides paid
per level on the purchase price of all new ISN Advantage enrollments.
6 Core Commissions
ISNs base residual income is called Core Commissions. Several different revenues
flow into these residuals. They are: All ISN Advantage Auto-Savers, Retail Sales, all
Preferred Customer purchases and all Business Pro extra coin purchases made
after their first 30 days. The Core Commission is based on a Unilevel structure, but
with Compression. This allows you to be paid on the proper number of levels. Any
given level is determined by Active Business Pros only, inactive Business Pros do
not count as a level. As you progress through the ranks at ISN you will continue to
earn on deeper levels. Core Commissions follow the Sponsorship Line and are
paid on the Monthly Pay Run.
This chart displays the levels accessed at each rank and the percentages paid per
level on the monthly renewal purchase price of all ISN Advantage Auto-Savers.
9840 ISN
@ $125
X 5% Core
$61,500 per month
Fail this example
by 90% and still
Earn $6,150
per month!
This illustration is only for educational purposes and is not intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Success in this business
requires hard work, dedication and good sales skills. The average participant in this business earns between $500 and $2,000.
Some earn less while some earn much more.
8 Leaders Pool
We have set aside a special Leaders Pool for our top performers. Weve taken
2% of the total company BV (excluding orders paid as an Opening Order
Bonus) and split it into two pools. The first pool can be accessed when
you achieve Platinum Director and both pools can be accessed as an
Executive. The amount of credits you receive in each pool is determined by
the Highest Ranking member (does not need to be personally enrolled) in
each of your legs with the maximum of up to three legs.
1% 1%
1 credit
3 credits
5 credits
7 credits
10 credits
All Star
2 credits
6 credits
10 credits
14 credits
20 credits
9 Benz Bonus
While promoting Financial Health, Wealth and Security our Business Pros can
experience the supreme business vehicle by getting qualified for the Benz
Bonus. At ISN we make it easy, simply maintain the third Business Pro rank of
Gold Director or higher for 2 consecutive months and become eligible for a
monthly Benz Bonus car allowance that goes toward any model White, Silver or
Black ISN branded Mercedes Benz!
After you maintain the rank of Gold Director for 2 consecutive months and have
received your new car, you earn a $600 Benz Bonus from ISN to apply toward
the ISN Benz Program. ISN will continue to pay the $600 per month Benz Bonus
for LIFE as long as you maintain the Gold Director rank and continue to drive an
ISN Benz. If you dont elect to get a Benz, you have the option of earning a
$400 monthly cash bonus instead It is paid on the Monthly Pay Cycle. There is
a Grace Period that applies to the Benz Bonus. Once the 2 consecutive month
period has been achieved it will not need to be achieved again.
Program Term: ISN Mercedes Benz Program runs through March 31st 2014 and is extended until December
31st 2014 for Business Pros in countries ISN opened in the 2nd half of 2013. ISN reserves the right to deny
entry of any new qualifiers for the ISN Mercedes Benz VIP Club beyond this time. If you qualify in the ISN
Mercedes Benz Program prior to this date, you will still be eligible for Mercedes Benz bonus as outlined in the
guidelines. See ISN Benz Program Policy for complete details.
Special Promotion!
(Limited Time)
For a limited time you can earn an extra bonus for achieving the rank of
Executive and helping others in your team do the same. Total possible Bonus
is $1 Million. Promotion ends March 31st 2014 and is extended until December 31st
2014 for Business Pros in countries ISN opened in the 2nd half of 2013. You
must stay qualified over the duration of the Executive Bonus payout in order
to keep receiving payments.
Executive Bonuses
3 Star
5 Star
Paid over 12
Paid over 12
Paid over 18
Chief EXE
Prime EXE
$500,000 $1,000,000
Paid over 24
Paid over 36
ISN Terminology
60% RANK CRITERIA: No more than 60% of the total required Rank Qualification Volume can come out of
any single leg. For example, a Gold Director can only count 60% of $12,000, or $7,200, in any one leg to
qualify for that rank. Applies to Rank qualification only, and does not limit commissions.
ACTIVE: To earn income at ISN you must keep an Active position. By maintaining $100 Personal
Qualification Volume (PQV) in ISN Advantage Auto-Saver Sales monthly you are considered Active. This PQV
can be obtained from personally being subscribed to an ISN Advantage Auto-Saver or by having a Preferred
Customer enrolled on an ISN Advantage Auto-Saver.
BULLION COIN VS. COLLECTIBLE COIN: A Bullion Coin is a raw, uncertified & ungraded coin whose value is
based entirely on its precious metal content alone. A Collectible Coin is a graded and certified coin whose value
is based not only on its precious metal content, but also on its rarity and grade ie. condition. The higher the
quality & rarity, the higher the value.
BUSINESS PRO (BP): An Independent Distributor at any rank is called an ISN Business Pro.
BV: Business Volume, the amount of each product sale that counts toward bonuses and commissioning. In most
cases, ISN products offer dollar for dollar BV. For example: A purchase of a coin for $119, counts as $119 BV.
On single items with a retail price of $1,000 or more and GEM BU tubes of 20 Silver Eagle coins; the Business
Volume is 50% of the sale amount.
COMPRESSION: Allows you to earn on a true number of levels by eliminating Inactive Business Pros from the
commission calculation.
DOWNLINE/GROUP/ORGANIZATION/TEAM: Those people directly sponsored by an Independent Business
Pro, plus all the people whose line of sponsorship resulted from and came through that Independent Business
Pro. Your downline consists of all Independent Business Pros on your Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, etc., through
unlimited depth.
ENROLLER: The Business Pro who is directly responsible for enrolling a new Business Pro.
ENROLLER LINE: The line of referral that is tracked from Enroller to Enroller.
FRONTLINE: A term used to reference Business Pros that are Sponsored directly to you and found on Level 1
of your referral organization.
GQV: Group Qualification Volume, total Business Volume of all sales within your team including your PV.
HIGH RANK/QUALIFIED RANK: Business Pros who have achieved a rank designation according to their
performance will retain those titles indefinitely as their High Rank, even if they do not meet the specified
bonus qualifications in a pay period. However, they will be paid at the level at which they meet Bonus
Qualifications for the pay run, known as their Qualified Rank.
ISN Advantage Auto-Saver: An optional convenience program that allows Customers and Business Pros to
create a monthly standing order with ISN for a packaged product which includes; a MS69 1oz Silver World Coin,
a subscription to the Achievers Edge, 10% off over 90% of our inventory and more. Products are processed on a
selected date.
LEG: Each Independent Business Pro sponsored on your Level 1 is considered a separate Leg to you. You and
your entire organization are one Leg to your sponsor.
LEVEL: The number on which a Business Pro lies in your referral organization. Anyone you sponsor is on Level
1. Anyone they sponsor would be on your Level 2, etc.
MONTHLY PAY RUN: Monthly commissions and bonuses are paid out on or before the 5th business day of the
month and are based on the previous month.
OVERRIDE: Commissions or bonuses paid to a Business Pro for production in their organization for which they
are not directly responsible.
Preferred Customer: A Retail Customer who subscribes to a monthly Auto-Saver. They do not earn
commissions like a Business Pro but they receive discounts.
PV: Personal Volume, total Business Volume from all personal and customer orders tied to your ISN BP ID.
PQV: Personal Qualification Volume, total Business Volume from all personal and customer ISN Advantage
Auto-Saver orders tied to your ISN BP ID.
SPONSOR: The Business Pro directly above you in the organization. May or may not be your Enroller.
SPONSOR LINE: The line of referral that is tracked from Sponsor to Sponsor.
WEEKLY PAY RUN: Friday through Thursday night at midnight Pacific Standard Time. Weekly commissions and
bonuses are paid on the Monday following the end of the pay run.
Simplicity is Key:
1. Become an All Star
2. Help others do the same