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Dynamic Reservoir Modelling

Generalized Equation of State Model Reservoir Simulator

GEM is a full Equation of State compositional reservoir

simulator with advanced features for modelling recovery
processes where the fluid composition affects recovery.
GEM also models Asphaltenes, Coal Bed Methane and the
Geochemistry for the sequestration of various gases including
Acid Gases and CO2.
GEM provides reservoir simulation capabilities that go beyond the
abilities of conventional black oil and K-value compositional simulators,
including the effects of asphaltene precipitation and plugging. It is also
the industrys leading Coal Bed Methane (CBM) simulator, as it can
provide accurate early time water and methane production predictions, as
well as multi-component production predictions for Enhanced CBM
(ECBM) recovery. The ECBM features include extended Langmuir
Isotherms to model the preferential adsorption of CO2 and other gases
and models for coal shrinkage and swelling. The extensive capabilities for
representing asphaltene behavior and geochemical effects make GEM the
most robust compositional simulator available today.
The following is a general list of applications of GEM:
Hydrocarbon and Acid Gas Injection

Primary & Enhanced Coal Bed Methane

Multiple contact miscibility

Primary Depletion


Coal Shrinkage and Swelling

Viscosity reduction

Flue Gas, CO2 and N2 Injection for enhanced

CBM recovery

Lowering of interfacial tension

Gas solubility in the aqueous phase
WAG process

Green House Gas Sequestration

Relative permeability hysteresis

VAPEX processes for heavy oil

CO2 and other acid gas storage

Aqueous equilibrium chemical reactions

Molecular diffusion and convective dispersion

Mineral dissolution and precipitation

Asphaltene precipitation, flocculation, deposition

and plugging

Thermal Effects
Joule-Thompson near wellbore cooling

Gas, Gas Condensate and Volatile Oil

Deferential temperature water injection

Gas Cycling and Re-cycling

Condensate blocking

Fractured Reservoirs

Underground Gas Storage

Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs
Fractured Gas Condensed Wells
Gas-Oil Gravity Drainage





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Advanced Features of
GEM include:
Phase Equilibrium Models
Equation of state for oil and gas
Henrys law for gas solubility in the aqueous phase
Solid model for asphaltene
Activity coefficient model for ions in the
aqueous phase

Water vaporization into the gas phase

Modelling of CO2 and Other Acid Gases

Comprehensive modelling of gas solubility in the

Performance Enhancing Features

DynaGrid (Dynamic Gridding) fully dynamic grid refinement and
amalgamation. This unique feature places small grid blocks in the
model where and when required and large blocks throughout the
remainder of the model. Typical model run time decreases range
from 2 to 5 times.
Parrallel Processing multi-CPU parrallel processing is supported
providing significant decreases in model run times. CMGs unique
parallellization method enables ANY model to be parallellized
regardless of the complexity of the grid or the location of wells.
ParaDyne this powerful combination of parallel processing and
dynamic gridding multiplies the run time reduction factors from both
options, resulting in reductions of 3 to 30 times depending on model
parameters and number of CPUs utilized.

aqueous phase

Comprehensive geochemistry: intra aqueous

reactions, and mineral dissolution
and precipitation

CBM & ECBM Modelling

Standard and Extended multi-component
Langmuir Isotherms

CMGs Suite of
Modelling Tools


Advanced Gridding Options

Fundamental Grid options: Cartesian, Corner-Point,
Cylindrical, & fully unstructured


Multi-Level, Static or Recurrent Local Grid Refinement (LGR)


Dynamic Gridding (DynaGrid) fully dynamic grid

refinement and amalgamation

Palmer-Mansoori Shrinkage/Swelling (standard &


Comprehensive Well Management

Black Oil Simulator

Full featured production and injection well controls

Asphaltene Modelling

Field, group, platform, and well level controls

Thermodynamic model for asphaltene precipitation

Targets, constraints, and monitoring

Reaction kinetics for asphaltene flocculation

Well and group hierarchies

Surface deposition, plugging and re-entrainment

Voidage replacement

Steam, Thermal
and Advanced process

Gas lift optimization

EOS modelling for surface separators with gas
plant separator stages

Well, Well Group & Surface Manifold Modelling

Optimize separator conditions for best overall


Wellbore hydraulics via hydraulics tables or correlations

Naturally and Hydraulically Fractured

Reservoir Modelling

Multiple Platform Support, Windows, Linux, UNIX

Dual porosity
Dual permeability
Sub-domain dual permeability
Matrix-fracture diffusion
Multi-phase non-Darcy flow
Rate dependant relative permeability
Integrated to Pinnacle Technologies, Inc.s
FracProPT fracture design software
Integrated to Fracture Technologies Ltds
WellWhiz well, completion and fracture
design software

Fully Coupled Wellbore modelling via source/sink well model,

Compositional Simulator

Multi-Lateral Wells

GEM supports the following Operating Systems

Windows XP (32 bit and x64)
Linux: Red Hat 7.3 (32 bit) and Red Hat Enterprise 3.0 (64 bit)
IBM AIX 5L (5.1 & higher)

Phase Behavior Analysis


For more information or to arrange a demonstration of GEMs capabilities in your

office, contact any of the CMG Marketing and Sales offices worldwide:
Head Office: (Calgary, Canada) 1-403-531-1300 Fax: 1-403-289-8502 Email: [email protected]

Dynamic Reservoir Modelling

Beijing, China

Caracas, Venezuela

Houston, U.S.A.

London, U.K.

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