FIA Press Release-Europe Falls Behind USA
FIA Press Release-Europe Falls Behind USA
FIA Press Release-Europe Falls Behind USA
New data released by the FIA reveals for the first time that in 2007 use of Electronic
Stability Control will be higher in North America than in Europe. The data also shows that
the USA, unlike the European Union, is heading for 100% use of this life saving technology
which was invented in Europe.
In response the FIA is demanding urgent action “to ensure that ESC, Europe’s number
one ‘eSafety’ system, can be used to the full, saving lives on our roads”.
In a letter sent today to Wolfgang Tiefensee (President of the EU Transport Council) and
Gunther Verheugen, (Commissioner for Enterprise & Industry), the FIA urges the EU to
follow the decisive action taken by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) in support of ESC. The letter, signed by FIA President Max Mosley, Deputy
President Franco Lucchesi, and FIA Region 1 President Werner Kraus, warns that “by
2010, the year in which the EU aims to reduce road traffic fatalities by half, the use of ESC
in the NAFTA area will have reached 82% of new vehicles whilst in the EU it will amount to
only 61%”.
The FIA Presidents strongly welcome the decision of the NHTSA to make ESC mandatory
in all new cars by 2012, and call for “early agreement on a global standard so that ESC
could be mandatory here in Europe at the same time as it will be in America”. According to
the NHTSA, ESC will only cost the consumer $111, could reduce single-vehicle crashes of
passenger cars by 34 percent and potentially save 5,300 to 10,300 lives and 168,000 to
252,000 injuries.
Calling for action to “accelerate use of ESC in the EU motor vehicle fleet”, the Presidents
highlight the FIA’s leading role in the ‘Choose ESC!’ public awareness campaign which is
launched in Aprilia, near Rome tomorrow (Tuesday 8th May). The Presidents also call on
EU Member States to offer fiscal incentives to encourage consumers to buy cars fitted with
At the moment ESC is available usually as standard in the luxury end of the car market. It
is either just an option or not even available in smaller car classes. As a result the largest
sector of the vehicle fleet, that would benefit the most from the safety benefits of ESC, is
being denied this life saving technology. The FIA Presidents argue that “fiscal incentives,
perhaps targeted only at these smaller vehicle classes would be overwhelmingly cost
effective” and help to “ensure that Europe retakes the leadership on ESC deployment and
‘eSafety’ systems”.
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Max Mosley, FIA President, said:
“I am shocked by the revelation that the US is making better use of Europe’s number one
eSafety technology. We need to ask some hard questions – Why is Europe falling behind?
Why has take-up of this technology slowed down? What measures can be put in place to
better promote ESC? Decisive action must be taken to deal with these issues now and
save this continuing and unnecessary loss of life.”
Franco Lucchesi, FIA Deputy President for Mobility and the Automobile and President of
ACI, said:
“Too many barriers exist in too many markets which inhibit use of ESC. High prices, a lack
of awareness, non-availability and minimal standardisation have all harmed the take-up of
this essential technology. These market failures, which could all be overcome, are hurting
the use of ESC and hindering the fight to make all our roads a safer place to be.”
Werner Kraus, FIA Region I President and President of the OEAMTC, said:
“We need better public awareness, greater availability and government incentives to
encourage the use of ESC. These are achievable solutions to the current problems
affecting the take-up of this technology across Europe. I urge all FIA member clubs across
the region to back these measures and help prevent the many accidents on our roads.”
Note to Editors:
FIA President Max Mosley will be the keynote speaker at the launch of the pan European
‘Choose ESC’ campaign at 1100 hrs (CET) on Tuesday May 8th at the Bridgestone
European Testing Centre, Aprilia, near Rome.
For further information on the FIA, please consult our Internet site: