Essential Oils and Meditation 2

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one teaspoon (5 mis) of \'egctablc oil.

If your skin
l\ Sensitive. USl' l11'0teaspoons (10 mis) of vegetable
LI. grapesccd. almond or jojoba, making sure

Blending Oils to Vaporize

at a Wm;kshop

they arc of' cosmetic qualit ~1101cooking oils.

Do 1101use cirrus oils 011 the skin before going
out in the sun.
Essential oils arc not soluble in water. so dispcrsc them vigorously before bathing and use not
more than five drops in a bath-less
ifvour skin is
ensitivc or damaged.
In cases of intolerance, ilvou Lind essential oils
make your skin reel prickly. r111Jin vegetable oil, like
grapesccd or almond. lo absorb the essential oil and
ease irritation.
L'sc irritating oils in a burner or diffuser only.
not on the skin.
II' you arc under medical supervision. alwavs
consult a doctor or a qualified clinical aromatherapist before 11singcsscnt ial oils.
Do not use during prcgnancv

Choose good qualitj: essential oils, prckrably

organic. Always look for the Lalin (botanical)
name lo
make sure you knoll' what yo11 arc buving. If you arc
not an aromatherapist.
yo11r nose will soon gel used
Lo inhaling the best q11ality oils if you visit pharma-

cies that have good testers. or go lo a workshop where

vou can get used Lo good qualitv oils. Remember
that the scent of' an essential oil may not be qui le the
same as the plant produces: lhere is a subtle difference and yom nose will soon learn lo distinguish it.
.\lso. cheaper and poorer q11ality oils smell coarser,
Coed essential oils arc more expensive but worthwhile 11sing. cspcciallv when chosen for meditation.
lkgin to learn about blending by p11Ltingone drop of'
essential oil al a Lime in a small dish. \\'hrn you get
lo a pleasant scent. write down your combination.
Then you can multiplv in the proportion you wish lo
use. For example. you might decide on a ratio olonc
drop or cucalypt us lo l11'0drops or lavender.', lake a
limes six quantity. and it would last for several sessions when one or t110drops arc used. so store the oil
mix in a small 2.5 or Srnl dropper bot Lie.



Angelica root
Kcvnote: r01ijide11re. clarity. sptritual inspiration and
connection lo angels.
Affirmation: I rL\I s111To1111dedhy the l0Fi11ge1IC'lg)'of
a118ds ant! archr111gels tuu! their inspiratlon is alll'ays
aFai/ahlc lo 111c.
TlllS PL.\:--JT is well known because the sterns are
crystallized in sugar and used in cake decoration. II
is some! imes called angel's grass.
Angelica is expensive, usually only available in
the trade, An aromatherapist may be able Losell you
I or 2 mis. The plant is called alter the archangels
'because or its angelical virtues ... it is a herb of' the
sun.' (Culpeper) As an herb ofthe sun, it is associated
with Archangel Michael. I.ike Ihe sword of' Archangel
\lichael. it can help lo cut through illusions, helping
us Loface our shadow selfand 10 develop more spiri111allyas we become self-aware. II assists in helping
us Loconnect wit hour spiritual nature.
I burn this oil when connecting with angels and

al workshops when needing lo attune lo higher"

spiritual vibrations. lnvite Archangel ~tichael and all
angels lo join you when using ii for meditation or if"
f~1cililaling a workshop. For personal use. ii will also
help you lo connect with your own guardian angel,
who is with you from birth. Although many people
are able to speak and connect with theirs, others do
not know how Loconnect with them. Use the following meditation lo attune Lo your guardian angel or
when vou need Locontact it for nart icular advice.

/db ..

J\TTU~Ei\ \ Ei\T TO YOLJR P.ERSOi'\i\I. i\NCEl.S

Put one or two drops of angelica oil in a vaporizr to scent the air. Cent re yourself' with gentle breath'!- Feel each breath in the nostrils as you breathe
ri and out. Follow the breath as it enters your chest.
gin lo visualize a shining sun above your head. As
u breathe in, visualize yourself being filled with
ighl. which floods yo11r whole being. Feel as if every
atom and cell is radiating light like millions or liny
uns, Feel yourself' rising upwards, as ii' on wings of
ight, along a path or light into the world of' light.
c this path, as a shafl or light shining in front of
you. as you travel up it.
2. You find yourselfin a beautiful garden. ILis summer and the sun is shining as you walk with bare
feel across the grass. The grass feels son and velvety
under your feet. There arc beds of flowers of many
colours on each side of' the path and the warm air
filled with a beautiful scent. You feel filled with
peace and lranquillit y.
3. In front of' you is a magnificent rose arbour with
white roses climbing over iL.The arbour is built in
the shape or a large circle with while trellised panels and an arched entrance. Like a temple formed or
white roses. Inside arc white marble benches. At the
centre is a beautiful fountain. The water rises up in Lo

the air and rainbow mists form in the spray as the

sun catches the waler droplets.
4. Sit Oil one or the benches. Visualize your own
personal angel coming to sit beside you and ask
for its name. lk open and receptive Lo any ideas or
messages that come Lo you and don't dismiss them
as only imagination. Ask questions or discuss any
problems that concern you al this Lime.
S. Your angel LeUs you that yo11don t have jusl one
angel. There is a whole team of"angels that works
with you in different areas or your Life.You arc never
alone and ~ou have never been alone and they communicate with you in many ll'ays-through
books. ideas. the things people say to you. the songs
you hear. Be alert to pictures. ideas or insights.
6. T'no11that angels or light surround you and the
planet earth at this special Lime. Spiritual slrenglh
and inspiration arc flowing into us. and the planet.
from the spiritual realms that surround us. so that
people can make progress in spiritual understanding. Ask. and you will be given all the inspiration you
need lo help you. This may come in the meditation
iisclfor in some other way al another Lime.
7. When you feel your mcditat ion is finished. make
sure you are centred again (sec note 6 on page 14).

Balsam fir


1,;c\'llote:joy. mligh1e11111ml. clea11si11g.

Aflirrnation: :Vly mind is pure and clear and ! r111101/l'
!Fi//, al/.

Balsam Fir might he dillicult Lo source, hut is inexpensive when you can lind it. Fir lrecs arc some or
the commonest trees in the world and grow in high
altitudes and in the northern hemisphere. The scent
or the trees is very fresh and cleansing, particularly on a warm day when the resin is released from
the needles and branches. The balsam fir grows in
America and Canada, and was used by the Nat ive
Americans for medicinal and religious purposes. TLis
a Lonie, bringing cleansing, energy and vitalii v.
The oil is steam-distilled from the needles and
brings the lresh aroma or the Christmas season. the
winter solstice, into homes. Fir lrees arc the trees or
choice for Christmas trees. They also bring scents
reminiscent of the grern forest into the home in the
winter, with their uplifting. green and vibrant energy.
The aroma has a stimulating effect on the immune
svsicm, bringing menial alert ness al a lime when the
energy is 1011-. For clarity of mind in meditation, drop
one or lwo drops or balsam fir in your aromatic blend.

ILalso 'opens the chest, allowing you LoLakea deeper

breath. Deep breathing has an energizing and opening cllccr on the heart chakra, through its connection
with the thymus gland. often known as the higher
heart chakra. This connecLion between lhe breath, the
mind and the heart chakra, enables lhe mediLaLor Lo
make a spiritual connection with the higher self and
yet remain aware and grounded. Balsam fir resonates
with the emotion ofjoy. known in the yoga tradition
as bliss (mw11da), the ultimate go;d ofour life on planet
earth. Joy, bliss, is lhe goal or lhe mcdirator, bringing
that sense oral one mcnt, union with the divine.
There are references Lo lir in the Bible, such as 'I
will put in the desert the cedar and the acacia, the
myrtle and the olive. I will set pines in the wasteland.
the fir and the cypress together, so tha: people may
sec and know. may consider and understand. that
the hand or the Lord has done this, that the Holy
One of' Israel has created it' (Isaiah 41: 1.9,20).
The Biblical 'Balm of Gilead' is said lo be the
balsam fir. but a different variety or it, According LO
A Modern Herba! (:vi rs C ricvc), it is a lree lhat grows
about ten or twelve feel high, rare and difficult Lo
grow. It has been grown in protected gardens in Cairo.
LLwas mentioned by Calen and Dioscoridcs and exported lo Rome at the rime of Vespasian. Some stories

.the ~teen

or Sheba gave it LoSolomon. Its name

aim derives from balsam in its derivation from the

ebrcw 'hot s111i11". 'chicfoloils. or "sweet smell".
Ln mv researches into balsam fir. I have found
nnect ions bet ween archangels and this oil.
I/art iclcs.h tm I) In
e Tree or Lifc model, the posi Lion all he ccn lre ort he
ly. the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra,
known as Tilcrct, meaning Beauty or Splendour.
d it is associated with Archangel :\lichael who is
II of' splendour, like the sun. His name means "Like
nto God". This place at the centre ofthe body is like
the sun. around which the other six chakras. like the
lanets, or archangels (archetypes) revolve (Cortcns.
vonu:: wrru ,\:--;c;1-:1s).'Hut lor you who revere mv
name. the sun of"righlcousness will rise with healing
nils wings.' (.\ lalachi 4:2)
Because olthis connection between the opening
'lf the chest and heart chakra, balsam (ir, Archangel
vlichacl and his place on the Tree of Lile. an ideal
meditation is a connection with him. i\ Iichucl brings
you courage and insights into making changes t
1110\'C Oil from stagnation in your life.


TO ARC! lr\l\C El. :\llCI IJ\FL

I. Sitting in your usual meditation position. begin

to centre yourself with your breathing, Follow the
breath into your chest and heart cent re. Feel yourself'
bathed in golden sunlight and rising upwards on a
2. You find yourself in a beautiful garden among
avenues or fine trees. l.ook around and sec a bcauli[ul white building in the distance al the end or one or
the vistas. \\'alk towards it until you arc standing in
front ofit. ILis a temple or light. with a finely-carved
door and seven steps of clear quartz leading up to it.
3. Climb the steps. !eel ing the warmth and smoothncss or the crystal under your bare feet.
-+. When you reach the double doors. there arc
handles of gold. Turn the handle and open the door.
Inside is a bcautilu] circular hall. The lloor is quartz
and there arc pillars or golden ciirinc. The roof is
open to the lighl and it pours in. radiating and sparldi11g onto the crystal. As it docs so. the hall reflects
all the colours and shades of the speer rum. Vases of'
roses and lilies stand around the walls and their perfume fills the air.
'i. ALthe centre is a candle, like a pillar, with a still
llame burning on it. The candle is level with vour

heart centre. There are while benches placed around

the walls and you sit on one. The al mosphere
peaceful and you lccl refreshed and energized.
6. Become aware ofih presence of"Archangel \lichacl. You might see him as a colour, or as a shining
lighL, a vibration, or as he is usually painted in pictures. I lowcvcr you sec him or sense him. you know
he is there.
7. I le lakes a candle and lights it Irorn the pillar

candle, then gives ii Lo you. IL is a symbol of lighL,

to show you the way forward in your life, If you arc
stuck and do nol know what Lodo. you can visualize
the \\'ay ahead using the light ofthe candle. ,\\ichael
asks you what will be the first thing you will do durinu~ the corninu~ week lo move on and make chances.
Tell him any small idea tha: comes 10 mind. (Big
things star! with small steps. or think big and start
8. LLis lime lo return now. Thanking the Archangel you walk back Lo the en! ranee and down the
steps, moving back along the ray or light until you
lind yourself silting in your room again. Begin Lo
ground yourself by breathing more deeply, feel the
solidity of the floor, the ground and start lo stretch
and oprn your eyes.

(Cedtus atlantica)
Keynote: slrmglh. sta/Jili!y. and endurance.
Aflirmation: /;\,\I a/1vaysfilled 1vilh spirilual s/renglh.
tlte st re11g1hlo endure lhrough life:c;greates! challc11gcs.
Cedarwood oil is inexpensive and ii can easily be purchased in a good pharmacy or health store. Ccdrus
atlantica is the Atlas cedar tree. closely related 10 the
cedar of Lebanon. Ccdrus derives from the Arabic
word kcdron meaning power. The ancient Egyptians
used ccdarwood as ritual incense and it is often men!ioned in the Hihle, Cedar or Lebanon was used in the
building or Solomon's temple: 'So give orders that cedars or Lebanon will be CUL for me' Cl kings 5:6).
The Tibetans used ii as temple incense. The
wood is very strong, resisting decay and repelling
insects due Lo the high concentration of essential
oil in iL.It is good (or mental concentration, a useful
ability in meditation, when everyday thoughts can
distract the mind. I like lo think olcedarwood as ihc
pillars or our own temple, the temple of the body,
which houses the spirit. Using ccdarwood helps Lo
keep us grounded in meditation and yet stills the
mind when 11'efeel that our thoughts arc scattered.

irituallv, ccdarwood
gives immovable strength in
of crisis. 11 is said lo bring the angels of' wis-

closer. and will bring the guardian angels closer

times when we need extra sl rcngth. (\ Vorwood,
FR\CR\:\T I IE.\\'l:NS.p. 119) This oil then. can
used an~ Lime when you arc reeling vulnerable.
a good oil to keep in the office desk. brier case
- handbag. Inhaling a drop of ccdarwood oil from
sue is useful during workplace emergencies or.
en travelling, Lo give strength and confidence in
ercni environments. II can be used as a 'rescue'
- medv (not internally). The Bach flower remedy.
CUC Remedy. is an ideal rarl Ill'!" lo Carr~ with it.
d it can be taken by mout h.
\\'hen you want Lo meditate lo gain strength and
vtra insights i11a particular situation, burn a drop of'
edarwood, or put on a tissue lo inhale it. and follow
he meditation method on pages 13-14.

(Nlalricaria rccutita. German Chamomile and
Anthemus nu/Ji/is. Roman Chamomile)
Kcyno Ies: ca /111. peace. accep!
Affirmation: I a111at peat.

a nee. serl'11ity.

This oi.I is quite expensive, especially German chamomile. but you should be able Lo find it.
Chamomile is a small herb, of which 1 here arc
several species. Its fine leaves are leathery and its
[lowers are rather like daisies. It will grow almost everywhere, but thrives best on sandy soil. When used
as a lawn in the garden, its fragrance is released into
lhe air when people walk on it. The l wo varieties
that are used most for distiWng essential oil arc the
German and Roman chamomiles. During vaporization. it rills the air with its delicate aroma. Chamomile Lea is a very popular and soothing drink, useful
for migraine headaches and gasl ric problems and as
a tonic and analgesic. Chm110111illa is a horncopat hie
remedy for toothache and teething in babies. JI i
also used in perfumes. cosmetics, soaps. shampoos
and lluvourings.
Chamomile has had over three thousand years of'
traditional herbal use i11the ancient world and the

area. The ancient Egyptians dedicated the herb lo the sun. to Ra the sun god. Tts sunny
assist those with sadness, depression
and melancholy to reel joy again. in rhc same way
that the sun brings warmth and upliftmcnt after the
darkness ola storm. ILimparts a sense or peace, calm
and serenity lo those who have been emotionally

A varietv or chamomile oil was used on the

body of Ra meses 11in 1224 BC as a preparation for
burial. Statues of gods. decorated with leaves and
(lowers, were found in Tutankhamen's Lomb. One
or these herbs was a variety or chamomile. which
was dedicated to the moon due to its soothing and
calming abilities, useful when people are angry and
irritable and suffering from stress. it is also thought
that Christ would have known a Palestinian variety,
chamomile anthcmus palacstina. Chamomile was
dedicated lo Si J\ nne. the mot her of' the Virgin Mary,
Tt represents patience in adversity because of us delicaie hut hardv nature. It was one of' the nine sacred
herbs or Ihe Saxons and they called it tuayihcn. ILis
also known as the plant's physician as it promotes
health in other plants growing nearby.
The essential oil is blue. due Lo the presence of
azulcnc, with the German variety being deeper in

colour. Blue is associated 11 ith the throat chakra,

enabling people Lo express themselves clearly and
to work on anger and lear. Because or its association
with the sun and the moon as sources oflight. it rcsonatcs with the body or light. In meditation, il unites
us with the Light, helping to soothe and calm agiLation, so that meditation becomes easier.

This meditation is a traditional yoga visualization

Lo bring about serenity. The blue cloudless sky
represents the mind without disLracling thoughts
(clouds). If clouds appear in the sky, just visualize
them lloaung away out. olsight,
I. Sprinkle a few drops or chamomile oil into the
vaporizer. You can use either or both varieties.
2. Attune Loyour breathing. llyou arc reuse, begin
lo no Lice the gentle calming affect or chamomile as
you breathe in its aroma.
3. Visualize the blue sky, still and calm, without
any clouds, as on a still summer clay. Continue to
breathe gently and focus on both your breath, the
aroma of the oil and the blue or the sky. ff your mind
wanders Loother things. bring it back.
4. Continue until you fed calm and serene. Then
conclude your meditation.

(Ci 11na mo111u111zcyla 11icuni)
. noLes:joy. warmth.
rmation: I a111Jillcd ivilhjoy and c111ifidc11rr.
urniuy: cinnamon should not be used on the skin.
it is an irritant. LLis best used in lhe burner or difer.
innarnon is well known as a spice in cooking and
burning oil in Christmas spice blends. The aroma
.cinnamon. blended with mandarin or orange and
alsam fir, cedarwood, or pine csscnt ial oils imrncdielv invokes the fun and jollily of' the partv season.
. e of f'amily and friends al re-unions and cclcbraions. and uplif'ts the spiriLs during the cold dark
an of' win ler.
ILis a very ancient medicinal plant and was used
n Egvpr in the embalming process. It is lrequentlv
mentioned in the Bible. for example, in Exodus 30.
'here xloscs is instructed lo make a holy oil that included six-and-a-half' pin ls (four litres) or cinnamon
oil. Il was lo be used in ordination services and was
holv because it was dedicated to Cod. Cinnamon
was also known and used in China, where it is mentioned in records dating back lo 2700 BC.

l.'se cinnamon sparingl~ in the

er. as it has a strong aroma that can
oils. It creates a cheerful atmosphere
with the above oils for parties and

burner or diffusoverpower ot her

when vaporized
lunctions in the


2 drops ofcinnamon essential oil
6 drops of mandarin (or rangcrin) oil)
4 drops of' ccdarwood or balsam fir or pine (according Loyom preference or availability)
Place in a vaporizer with a lit Liewater and a lea light
under. or in a diffuser or aroma stone .
This blend is ideal for party time during the wintcr, Christmas and New Year season and brings an
atmosphere or warmth and rejuvenation. It lifts the
spirits al the darkest Lime ofthe year.


(Eurnlyptus glolm/11s)
Keynotes: l'i31mr r111dvitality: cleansing: optimism and
:\ l'firmat ion: 1a111Jilled1vit'1 divine c11e1gyand s/rc11g1h.
,\ ~' Jij( is i11lwn11011y. Ido wlia! ! love and! love what I
do ant! I do itfor the highesl 8ood of all.
The oil is inexpensive and easily obtained al good
pharmacies and health food shops. ILis contra-indicated during homeopathic treatment. Ltis best used
as an inha Ian I. as it is qui le strong for use on the skin
and should first be diluted iJ1a good quality vegetable oil (sec pages 13-14).
Eucalyptus is native Lo Australia, although it is
now found everywhere. Lt is a beautiful LaU evergreen tree and lhere arc over seven hundred varier ics.
Among them arc a lemon-scented one, Eucalyptus citriadora and a peppermint one, E11ca01pl11sdives. The
oil is distilled lrom the leaves and twigs. The leaves
arc very tough and leathery, with not much aroma
when first attempting Lo smell them. However, when
you rub them hard and bruise them, the scent of the
oil is released onto your hands and fills the air. Its
oil is well known as an inhalant for chest and lung

infections. 'opening' the chest for easier breathing. IL

is stimulating, soothing and anti-depressant. In the
same way as il cleanses and opens the chest, enabling
the l11ngs toLake in a deeper breath. psychologically,
it allows for openness and more enthusiasm in life. IL
is a good oil to use when people arc feeling restricted
in their lilc choices. It helps people who arc timid
and want Lo make changes buL can't find the courage Lo do so. "ILevokes a vital. lree-spiritcd sense of
adventure.' (:-lojay. i\Ro\I n11rn \P\ rnR I IE.\l.INCTllE
SPIRIT,p. 69)
According to Suzy Chiazzari, i11Coi.orn Srrxrs,
eucalyptus clears the way for past-lilc recall and can
open the heart Louniversal love. ILenables people Lo
overcome jealousy and envy. Following the ancient
docl rinc of' signatures, lhe heart shape of' lhe leaves
indicates that it is a heart tonic and also cleanses old
psychological wounds lrorn the heart. easing depression and emotional heartaches from the past.



-:liis meditation came 10 me while silling under the

calyptus tree in my garden. LIis only a small treee in a tub-bu I I love sitting under it and gazing
the pattern its leaves make against the sky. You
-night be able 10 find a eucalyptus tree in rour local
ark and. on a hot clay. lie or sir under it, gazing al
the paucrn of the leaves as Ihey arc outlined against
he sky. As you idly gaze al this pattern, you might
also ask the Irec ilyou may pick some leaves. Crush
hem in your ringers and hold Ihem Loyour nose so
that you inhale the aroma. Tune in lo the tree in the
way described previously and be open lo any ideas,
pictures in your mind, or intuitive thoughts about
how the tree will help you. Or si: al home and put a
drop or Iwo of' Ihe csscn LiaI oi I in a burner.
This meditation is a way or using eucalyptus oil
Lo release any old grievances or grief' or hurls lrom
your hear I ccn Ire (chakra), your cmot ional sci L ILwil I
help lo heal jealousy or envy and the sort or hurtful
though ls that keep repeating in the mind, lry though
we might Lorelease the pattern. The symbolism given is that the room you visualize in the meditation is
the stale of' your inner heart. 13~,'spring-cleaning ii.
vou cleanse out old hurls.



I. Breathe deeply and take your thoughts into your

heart centre. Find yourselfstanding in front ofa door.
Take some lime Losec it clcarlv, See the door handle
and the pattern ofthe wood. ls it pain led or polished?
Whal docs the handle ofthe door look like?
2. Turn the handle and open the door. Co through
and find yourself in a beautiful room, but ii is neglected and dusty. The room symbolizes lhe inside or
your heart chakra. the energy ccnl re or your hear I.
3. 1~1kcany cleaning materials you foncy-dustcrs.
polish, a bucket and mop. a vacuum cleaner. Wash
and clean the room, opening Ihe windows lo let in
the fresh air and sweep out the dust and rubbish.
Xlakc a bonfire outside 10 burn the rubbish.
4. When the room is clean. you look around and see
a display case with a small beautiful box in ii. II is a
golden box. decorated with hcautiful gemstones. bu!
Ihe gold is tarnished and Ihe gemstones need cleaning. so you clean them and the box.
5. You arc curious 10 sec what is in the box. II is locked.
but you hnd a key hanging on a silver chain around
your neck. ILfits the lock and vou open Ihe box. Inside.
you see your secret heart centre. This is the place where
your secret hopes and dreams arc, the ones only you

know about. and also the hurls and grievances you

have buried and hidden. IL looks neglected and dLrly.
\\'hal material is iL made from? Perhaps it is a pink
velvet heart. or sarin decorated with ribbon or lace. or

gemstones. \lake it as bcmuiful as you can and be as

sentimental as .\'OU like. I low can .\'OU mend it or dean
it? Do Ihis now. Then put this hear! centre back into
your ch cs I. You don't need Ihe golden box now. because you don '1 need lo lock your heart away, but you
can leave it in the room. You have cleaned and polished
your hear! and feel good. The power of visualization
is \'ery slrong and, combined with the eucalyptus oil.
will certainly help you lo find your hidden slrength
and enthusiasm agaiJl. This helps you lo connect with
your transpcrsonal self"and release old grief"and hurl.
6. Conclude your meditation in your usual way.


Everlasting (or Immortelle)

(I Ielich1ysu111 a11gustijoli11111)
lcttin... (....,o. releasi1w.jorofri1w.
Affirmation: l let ,~or111djeelsrlji'.


Everlasting is Ihe name given lo the dried flowers 1ha1 are put in winter arrangements. \\'hen the
clusters of"small yellow flowers arc dried they retain
their colour. so are cvcifasLing. whence Ibey get Iheir
name. Ii is a traditional European herb that grows
in ILaly and the i\lcditerrancan.11 has powerful healing actions and has similar properties 10chamomile.
Its oil is one of the most powerful aromatic essences
and stimulates the body's own ability 10 heal itself
11raises the spi ri Is. Because of iLsrclat ion ship lo Ihe
sunflower. ii is often called 'sun gold'.
Bol h evcrlast ing and cha mom ilc oils regulate l he
flow or qi. or life-force energy. F,vcrlasl ing also regulates the blood. ILis valuable for varicose veins and
headaches. Ii is excellent for severe bruising. as it diverts the [low of"blood away from the bruise and disperses it, In the same way. on the emotional level, it
can disperse deeply-held energy blockages. like jealousy. anger and resentment, which arc symptoms or
stagnanl qi, 'stuck energy'. Everlasting is extremely

valuable for those who cannot face deep painful

memories, and for those who find ii difficult to release their pain by sharing it with a healer. therapist
or svmpathct ic friend. EverlasLing assists the sufferer
Lo find inner sLrcngth and perseverance in coming Lo
terms with their feelings and memories. IL helps Lo
release unresolved
feelings and cmot ions l hat arc
dense and buried deep. IL can be used. in conjunct ion with psycho! hcrapy. Lo releases old defence
and is com fort ing ill the processing or
emotional l rauma ( www.natu resgi I'! .com),

Everlasting is known as one or the sacred oils.

encouraging spirituality and personal groll'lh. The
spiritual purpose or everlasting is lo make people
feel sale. It stimulates intuit ion and offers encouragement and inspiration for the spiritual journey.
A suitable visualization using everlasting oil is
based on the scvcn-chakra svsrcrn. those parts ofthe
subtle energy body where lhesc ancient memories
arc stored. Hy clearing the chakras of past gricr and
memories. 11'l' can mow on. The colours of' the chakra
flowers given here are from publicut ions or Ihe Bihar
School of Yoga. :-tungir, India (Swami Satyananda
Saraswat i, 1993). The visualization is one I experienced spontaneously when Leaching about chakras
and have often used since. You can do this process lv-

ing in the yoga relaxat ion pose. savasaiia. Be sure Lo

remain awake.
111 the ~ oga tradition referred lo. the colours of
the chakra flowers arc as follows. The names or the
chakras arc Ihe English ones. The root or lhe flower
is al lhe spine and Ihe llowcr opens Io Ihe [ron I of'! Ill'
body (except the base chakra and lhe crown). J lowever, it is said Ihat the posit ions of the flowers change
when vou concentrate on them. In meditation. the
chakras turn lo lace up Lo Heaven, bringing inspiration and spiritual light into the physical body and
your everyday Iile.

ROOT(al the base or the spine. lhe coccyx). Four dark

red petals (normally opening towards Ihe earth)
f\:\\'El. (below the navel), Six vcrrn iIion petals
SOLAR Pl.EX LS (above the navel). 'Icn brighL yellow
pc Lals
11 EA R'!' (al the ccn trc or the chest, sl igh Llylot he right
or the physical heart) twelve blue petals
Tl IR01\T-sixLeen purple petals
RRO\\' (or third eye)-two silver-grey petals
CRO\\'i\ (crown of the head. or slighLly ahovcj->
one thousand bright red petals (opening towards

C'l IM.:RA \llSt.;AllZAT101\

Before you do Ihis. take some Iirnc Lo remember the

petals and colours ofthe chakrus and where they arc.
or read iLon Loa Lape or rn.
I. Put a drop or Iwo ofeverlasting oil in Ihe vaporizer or on a tissue.
2. Take up the yoga relaxation position, savasana.
and take some time to relax into it. Attune to your
still. quiet and relaxed breath.
3. Take your attention to the base or the spine, the
coccyx. Visualize a dark red lotus blossom with four
petals. You arc looking al it Irorn above because the
root is under the spine on the floor. In your mind's
eye. examine the petals for any withering or insects
in the flower. They arc a symbol or a block or disrupt ion or the energy flow in the chakra. (Bees arc
01-\:I hey represen I I he gathering or nee! ar, or anuil.
a syrn hol or divine energy) Visualize the IighL or Ihe
sun shining into the [lower, Sec any withered petals
regenerating, insects !lying away. until the [lower is
perfect again.
4. i\love up Lo the position just below the navel.
Visualize a vermilion (bright orange) lotus with six
petals. As before. look deep in Lothe llowcr with your
mind's eye and check it for withering. bruising. or

insects. Visualize the sunlight shining in Lothe flower

until iLappears perfect.
5. Repeat this process with Ihe solar plexus chakra.
above the navel. seeing a bright yellow lotus with Len
petals. Repeal with the following chakras:
-the heart with a bright blue lotus with twelve
-the throat with sixteen purple petals
-I he brow with Lwo silvery-grey petals
Then visualize the crown chakra. and see its thousand (or many) bright red petals opening Lo Ihe
light. The crown chakra is not usually blocked but it
may be closed, so open the petals. Visualize rhc light
ofthe sun shining into it.
6. Return through the chakras, lrom crown to
base. closing all the petals as you go through the visualization", This closes the chakras. Continue with
the relaxation until you feel ready to gel up. Roll onto
your side and Lake some time to sit up slowly.
*ILis very importunt Lodose the chakra before taking up
everyday activit ics, as leaving them open rnay lead Lo overscnsitivitv. A l'CIY beneficial therapy to dear old blocked or
stagnant energy is Zero Balancing. Itcan do this without experiencing old. painful memories. Sec

(Bos1vcllia cartetii)
l'eynote: tm11q11illity in contcmpiation. spiritual [reer/0111.

Affirmation: I fl/II rejreslied and n'111'11ed

in the Ugfit.
Frankincense oil is middle or the range in price and
can be found in good health food stores. JL is very
well known as incense. Its name derives lrom the
French wordjim1c meaning 'pure or 'real' and the
Latin incciulo, meaning 1 burn'. So its name means
real incense.
Frankincense is obtained from a tree that grows
in the Middle Fast and Africa, Small incisions arc
made in the trunk and a milky-white resin. olcorcsin,
seeps out. The resin hardens into an orange-brown
gum. The oil is obtained by steam distillation. It has
been used in religious ceremonies for centuries and
is probably the oldest known ingredient of incense.
The Egyptians used it in the temple incense they used
at sunset and also as a cosmetic and fumigant.\ vhon
burnt. it produced a black powder called kohl, used
by Egyptian women as eye shadow and eyeliner.
Jewish ceremonial incense also includes frankincense as one or the four main ingredients. IL is the

sweet-smelling incense. as the Bible tells us: 'Then the

T.ord said to Moses, 'Take fragrant spices-gum resin, onycha and galbanum-and
pure frankincense.
all in equal amounts and make a rragr:int blend or
incense.the work of a perfumer. It is Lobe salted. pure
and sacred .... It shall be most holy to you .... Consider
it holy to the l.ord." (Exodus. 30: 34-35).
Mentioned twenty-two times in the l~ible, it was
one of' the gif'ts presented by the magi to the infant
Jesus Christ, as recognition olhis divinity.
Frankincense has an important effect on the mind
and spirit. stilling the agitation and worry often experienced in every day lilc and producing calmness.
stillness and tranquillitv It slows and deepens the
breath. helping Lo bring mind and body into the
state or unity necessary for meditation. Frankincense
holds some of the higher wisdom of the universe
and is valuable for connecting with the higher sell,
the eternal spirit. Use iL also if there arc seem to be
malevolent or negative energies attached Losomeone,
where its high vibration will assist in the removal or
these energies. LLcan also mend a tear or split in the
aura, caused by sudden trauma, shock or operations.
Throughout its history, frankincense has been
dedicated to many solar deities. such as the Babylonian sun god, l~aal, the Egvptian god, Ra. and the

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