Essential Oils and Meditation 2
Essential Oils and Meditation 2
Essential Oils and Meditation 2
If your skin
l\ Sensitive. USl' l11'0teaspoons (10 mis) of vegetable
LI. grapesccd. almond or jojoba, making sure
/db ..
Put one or two drops of angelica oil in a vaporizr to scent the air. Cent re yourself' with gentle breath'!- Feel each breath in the nostrils as you breathe
ri and out. Follow the breath as it enters your chest.
gin lo visualize a shining sun above your head. As
u breathe in, visualize yourself being filled with
ighl. which floods yo11r whole being. Feel as if every
atom and cell is radiating light like millions or liny
uns, Feel yourself' rising upwards, as ii' on wings of
ight, along a path or light into the world of' light.
c this path, as a shafl or light shining in front of
you. as you travel up it.
2. You find yourselfin a beautiful garden. ILis summer and the sun is shining as you walk with bare
feel across the grass. The grass feels son and velvety
under your feet. There arc beds of flowers of many
colours on each side of' the path and the warm air
filled with a beautiful scent. You feel filled with
peace and lranquillit y.
3. In front of' you is a magnificent rose arbour with
white roses climbing over iL.The arbour is built in
the shape or a large circle with while trellised panels and an arched entrance. Like a temple formed or
white roses. Inside arc white marble benches. At the
centre is a beautiful fountain. The water rises up in Lo
Balsam fir
Balsam Fir might he dillicult Lo source, hut is inexpensive when you can lind it. Fir lrecs arc some or
the commonest trees in the world and grow in high
altitudes and in the northern hemisphere. The scent
or the trees is very fresh and cleansing, particularly on a warm day when the resin is released from
the needles and branches. The balsam fir grows in
America and Canada, and was used by the Nat ive
Americans for medicinal and religious purposes. TLis
a Lonie, bringing cleansing, energy and vitalii v.
The oil is steam-distilled from the needles and
brings the lresh aroma or the Christmas season. the
winter solstice, into homes. Fir lrees arc the trees or
choice for Christmas trees. They also bring scents
reminiscent of the grern forest into the home in the
winter, with their uplifting. green and vibrant energy.
The aroma has a stimulating effect on the immune
svsicm, bringing menial alert ness al a lime when the
energy is 1011-. For clarity of mind in meditation, drop
one or lwo drops or balsam fir in your aromatic blend.
.the ~teen
(Cedtus atlantica)
Keynote: slrmglh. sta/Jili!y. and endurance.
Aflirmation: /;\,\I a/1vaysfilled 1vilh spirilual s/renglh.
tlte st re11g1hlo endure lhrough life:c;greates! challc11gcs.
Cedarwood oil is inexpensive and ii can easily be purchased in a good pharmacy or health store. Ccdrus
atlantica is the Atlas cedar tree. closely related 10 the
cedar of Lebanon. Ccdrus derives from the Arabic
word kcdron meaning power. The ancient Egyptians
used ccdarwood as ritual incense and it is often men!ioned in the Hihle, Cedar or Lebanon was used in the
building or Solomon's temple: 'So give orders that cedars or Lebanon will be CUL for me' Cl kings 5:6).
The Tibetans used ii as temple incense. The
wood is very strong, resisting decay and repelling
insects due Lo the high concentration of essential
oil in iL.It is good (or mental concentration, a useful
ability in meditation, when everyday thoughts can
distract the mind. I like lo think olcedarwood as ihc
pillars or our own temple, the temple of the body,
which houses the spirit. Using ccdarwood helps Lo
keep us grounded in meditation and yet stills the
mind when 11'efeel that our thoughts arc scattered.
irituallv, ccdarwood
gives immovable strength in
of crisis. 11 is said lo bring the angels of' wis-
(Nlalricaria rccutita. German Chamomile and
Anthemus nu/Ji/is. Roman Chamomile)
Kcyno Ies: ca /111. peace. accep!
Affirmation: I a111at peat.
a nee. serl'11ity.
This oi.I is quite expensive, especially German chamomile. but you should be able Lo find it.
Chamomile is a small herb, of which 1 here arc
several species. Its fine leaves are leathery and its
[lowers are rather like daisies. It will grow almost everywhere, but thrives best on sandy soil. When used
as a lawn in the garden, its fragrance is released into
lhe air when people walk on it. The l wo varieties
that are used most for distiWng essential oil arc the
German and Roman chamomiles. During vaporization. it rills the air with its delicate aroma. Chamomile Lea is a very popular and soothing drink, useful
for migraine headaches and gasl ric problems and as
a tonic and analgesic. Chm110111illa is a horncopat hie
remedy for toothache and teething in babies. JI i
also used in perfumes. cosmetics, soaps. shampoos
and lluvourings.
Chamomile has had over three thousand years of'
traditional herbal use i11the ancient world and the
area. The ancient Egyptians dedicated the herb lo the sun. to Ra the sun god. Tts sunny
assist those with sadness, depression
and melancholy to reel joy again. in rhc same way
that the sun brings warmth and upliftmcnt after the
darkness ola storm. ILimparts a sense or peace, calm
and serenity lo those who have been emotionally
(Ci 11na mo111u111zcyla 11icuni)
. noLes:joy. warmth.
rmation: I a111Jillcd ivilhjoy and c111ifidc11rr.
urniuy: cinnamon should not be used on the skin.
it is an irritant. LLis best used in lhe burner or difer.
innarnon is well known as a spice in cooking and
burning oil in Christmas spice blends. The aroma
.cinnamon. blended with mandarin or orange and
alsam fir, cedarwood, or pine csscnt ial oils imrncdielv invokes the fun and jollily of' the partv season.
. e of f'amily and friends al re-unions and cclcbraions. and uplif'ts the spiriLs during the cold dark
an of' win ler.
ILis a very ancient medicinal plant and was used
n Egvpr in the embalming process. It is lrequentlv
mentioned in the Bible. for example, in Exodus 30.
'here xloscs is instructed lo make a holy oil that included six-and-a-half' pin ls (four litres) or cinnamon
oil. Il was lo be used in ordination services and was
holv because it was dedicated to Cod. Cinnamon
was also known and used in China, where it is mentioned in records dating back lo 2700 BC.
(Eurnlyptus glolm/11s)
Keynotes: l'i31mr r111dvitality: cleansing: optimism and
:\ l'firmat ion: 1a111Jilled1vit'1 divine c11e1gyand s/rc11g1h.
,\ ~' Jij( is i11lwn11011y. Ido wlia! ! love and! love what I
do ant! I do itfor the highesl 8ood of all.
The oil is inexpensive and easily obtained al good
pharmacies and health food shops. ILis contra-indicated during homeopathic treatment. Ltis best used
as an inha Ian I. as it is qui le strong for use on the skin
and should first be diluted iJ1a good quality vegetable oil (sec pages 13-14).
Eucalyptus is native Lo Australia, although it is
now found everywhere. Lt is a beautiful LaU evergreen tree and lhere arc over seven hundred varier ics.
Among them arc a lemon-scented one, Eucalyptus citriadora and a peppermint one, E11ca01pl11sdives. The
oil is distilled lrom the leaves and twigs. The leaves
arc very tough and leathery, with not much aroma
when first attempting Lo smell them. However, when
you rub them hard and bruise them, the scent of the
oil is released onto your hands and fills the air. Its
oil is well known as an inhalant for chest and lung
Everlasting is Ihe name given lo the dried flowers 1ha1 are put in winter arrangements. \\'hen the
clusters of"small yellow flowers arc dried they retain
their colour. so are cvcifasLing. whence Ibey get Iheir
name. Ii is a traditional European herb that grows
in ILaly and the i\lcditerrancan.11 has powerful healing actions and has similar properties 10chamomile.
Its oil is one of the most powerful aromatic essences
and stimulates the body's own ability 10 heal itself
11raises the spi ri Is. Because of iLsrclat ion ship lo Ihe
sunflower. ii is often called 'sun gold'.
Bol h evcrlast ing and cha mom ilc oils regulate l he
flow or qi. or life-force energy. F,vcrlasl ing also regulates the blood. ILis valuable for varicose veins and
headaches. Ii is excellent for severe bruising. as it diverts the [low of"blood away from the bruise and disperses it, In the same way. on the emotional level, it
can disperse deeply-held energy blockages. like jealousy. anger and resentment, which arc symptoms or
stagnanl qi, 'stuck energy'. Everlasting is extremely
(Bos1vcllia cartetii)
l'eynote: tm11q11illity in contcmpiation. spiritual [reer/0111.