Swift Block Info and Format

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WebSphere Business Integration Adapters > Application > SWIFT > Appendix C.

T message structure
SWIFT message block structure
The connector supports SWIFT Financial Application (FIN) messages. They have the
following structure:
{1: Basic Header Block} {2: Application Header Block} {3: User Header Block} {4:
Text Block or body} {5: Trailer Block}
These five SWIFT message blocks include header information, the body of the mess
age, and a trailer. All blocks have the same basic format:
The curly braces ({}) indicate the beginning and end of a block. n is the block
identifier, in this case a single integer between 1 and 5. Each block identifier
is associated with a particular part of the message. There is no carriage retur
n or line feed (CRLF) between blocks.
Blocks 3, 4, and 5 may contain sub-blocks or fields delimited by field tags. Blo
ck 3 is optional. Many applications, however, populate block 3 with a reference
number so that when SWIFT returns the acknowledgement, it can be used for reconc
iliation purposes.
For further information on SWIFT message blocks, see Chapter 2 of the SWIFT User
Handbook FIN System Messages Document.
{1: Basic Header Block}
The basic header block is fixed-length and continuous with no field delimiters.
It has the following format:
01 BANKBEBB 2222 123456}
(a) (b) (c)
1: = Block ID (always 1)
Application ID as follows:
F = FIN (financial application)
A = GPA (general purpose application)
L = GPA (for logins, and so on)
Service ID as follows:
01 = FIN/GPA
21 = ACK/NAK
BANKBEBB = Logical terminal (LT) address. It is fixed at 12 characters; it must
not have X in position 9.
2222 = Session number. It is generated by the user's computer and is padded with
123456 = Sequence number that is generated by the user's computer. It is padded
with zeros.
{2: Application Header Block}
There are two types of application headers: Input and Output. Both are fixed-len
gth and continuous with no field delimiters.
The input (to SWIFT) structure is as follows:




(a) (b)
2: = Block ID (always 2)
I = Input
100 = Message type
BANKDEFFXXXX = Receiver's address with X in position 9/ It is padded with Xs if
no branch is required.
U = the message priority as follows:
S = System
N = Normal
U = Urgent
3 = Delivery monitoring field is as follows:
1 = Non delivery warning (MT010)
2 = Delivery notification (MT011)
3 = Both valid = U1 or U3, N2 or N
003 = Obsolescence period. It specifies when a non-delivery notification is gene
rated as follows:
Valid for U = 003 (15 minutes)
Valid for N = 020 (100 minutes)
The output (from SWIFT) structure is as follows:
{2: O
100 1200 970103BANKBEBBAXXX2222123456 970103 1201 N}
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(g) (h)
2: = Block ID (always 2)
O = Output
100 = Message type
1200 = Input time with respect to the sender
The Message Input Reference (MIR), including input date, with Sender's address
970103 = Output date with respect to Receiver
1201 = Output time with respect to Receiver
N = Message priority as follows:
S = System
N = Normal
U = Urgent
{3: User Header Block}
This is an optional block and has the following structure:
{3: {113:xxxx} {108:abcdefgh12345678}
( c)
3: = Block ID (always 3)
113:xxxx = Optional banking priority code
This is the Message User Reference (MUR) used by applications for reconciliation
with ACK.

Other tags exist for this block. They include tags (such as 119, which can conta
in the code ISITC on an MT521) that may force additional code word and formattin
g rules to validate the body of the message as laid down by ISITC (Industry Stan
dardization for Institutional Trade Communication). For further information, see
All Things SWIFT: the SWIFT User Handbook.
{4: Text Block or body}
This block is where the actual message content is specified and is what most use
rs see. Generally the other blocks are stripped off before presentation. The for
mat, which is variable length and requires use of CRLF as a field delimiter, is
as follows:
:59:/123-456-789 CRLF
The symbol CRLF is a mandatory delimiter in block 4.
The example above is of type MT100 (Customer Transfer) with only the mandatory f
ields completed. It is an example of the format of an ISO 7775 message structure
. Block 4 fields must be in the order specified for the message type in the appr
opriate volume of the SWIFT User Handbook.
The content of the text block is a collection of fields. For more on SWIFT field
s, see SWIFT field structure. Sometimes, the fields are logically grouped into s
equences. Sequences can be mandatory or optional, and can repeat. Sequences also
can be divided into subsequences. In addition, single fields and groups of cons
ecutive fields can repeat. For example, sequences such as those in the SWIFT Tag
s 16R and 16S may have beginning and ending fields. Other sequences, such as Tag
15, have only a beginning field. In yet other message types, no specific tags m
ark the start or end of a field sequence.
The format of block 4 field tags is:
nn = Numbers
a = Optional letter, which may be present on selected tags
For example:
:20: = Transaction reference number
:58A: = Beneficiary bank
The length of a field is as follows:
nn = Maximum length
nn! = Fixed-length
nn-nn = Minimum and maximum length
nn * nn = Maimum number of lines times maximum line length

The format of the data is as follows:

n = Digits
d = Digits with decimal comma
h = Uppercase hexadecimal
a = Uppercase letters
c = Uppercase alphanumeric
e = Space
x = SWIFT character set
y = Uppercase level A ISO 9735 characters
z = SWIFT extended character set
Some fields are defined as optional. If optional fields are not required in a sp
ecific message, do not include them because blank fields are not allowed in the
/,word = Characters "as is"
[...] = Brackets indicate an optional element
For example:
This is a fixed 4 uppercase alphanumeric, optionally followed by a slash and up
to 30 SWIFT characters.
This is a code word followed by a space and a 12 fixed uppercase alphanumeric.
In some message types, certain fields are defined as conditional. For example, w
hen a certain field is present, another field may change from optional to mandat
ory or forbidden. Certain fields may contain sub-fields, in which case there is
no CRLF between them. Validation is not supported.
Certain fields have different formats that depend on the option that is chosen.
The option is designated by a letter after the tag number, for example:
Value Date, ISO Currency, and Amount
ISO Currency and Amount
The SWIFT standards for amount formats are: no thousand separators are allowed (
10,000 is not allowed, but 10000 is allowed); use a comma (not a decimal point)
for a decimal separator (1000,45 = one thousand and forty-five hundredths).
Beneficiary SWIFT address
:58D:NatWest Bank
Beneficiary full name and address
Head Office
{5: Trailer Block}
A message always ends in a trailer with the following format:

{5: {MAC:12345678}{CHK:123456789ABC}
This block is for SWIFT system use and contains a number of fields that are deno
ted by keywords such as the following:
Message Authentication Code calculated based on the entire contents of the messa
ge using a key that has been exchanged with the destination and a secret algorit
hm. Found on message categories 1,2,4,5,7,8, most 6s and 304.
Checksum calculated for all message types.
Possible Duplicate Emission added if user thinks the same message was sent previ
Added by SWIFT if an urgent message (U) has not been delivered within 15 minutes
, or a normal message (N) within 100 minutes.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004

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