First Nations Strategic Bulletin August-Oct 14
First Nations Strategic Bulletin August-Oct 14
First Nations Strategic Bulletin August-Oct 14
For critics of Canadas Comprehensive Land Claims policy, the federal governments response to the Supreme Court decision conveyed an automatic and outright
denial of the Courts watershed finding that the Tsilhqotin Nation held underlying
Aboriginal title to their territorial lands.
Whereas, the land claims policy, referred to by critics as the termination tables,
requires Aboriginal groups precisely to cede their Aboriginal title and circumscribe
their Aboriginal rights upon settlement through the use of two legal techniques:
Modification of Aboriginal Title and/or Non-Assertion of rights.
To push the land claims policy at a moment when the Supreme Court of Canada successfully challenged one of its worst aspects extinguishment was a stark message
for the federal government to send.
At a press conference in the weeks following Canadas initial reaction, Minister Valcourt expanded on his Departments approach to unceded Indigenous lands, now
evading any mention of the Tsilhqotin decision.
Valcourt introduced new measures to promote reconciliation in advance of and
outside of the Comprehensive Land Claims policy and to accelerate the signing of
modern treaty agreements.
He also promised the introduction of new consultation guidelines for government and
industry with regards to First Nations over natural resources. Would these changes
reflect the recognition of Aboriginal title made in Tsilhqotin?
Special points of
Harpers Response
to SCC Tsilhqotin
Case is Bogus Consultation Process
Four Algonquin
First Nations School
Feds Special Representative on Aboriginal Title
Transformative Ruling?
Algonquins to Eyford
Hijacked UN Conference
Eyford as the Ministerial Special Representative to assist Canada to reform the Comprehensive Land Claims policy.
This appointment signals an end to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Canada Comprehensive Claims Senior Oversight Committee (SOC). Prime Minister Harper established SOC during a meeting with the Assembly of First Nations in Ottawa on January 11,
2013 in order to address grievances with the policy. But the appointment of Eyford marks
the real direction the government is taking to address First Nations grievances.
In 2013, Eyford acted as the Governments Special Federal Representative on West
Coast Energy Infrastructure. The Eyford Report focused on consultation and engagement with First Nations over energy infrastructure. The report mentions Aboriginal title
only once, in passing. Thus, Eyford has been instrumental in creating the template for
denying Aboriginal title through consultative mechanisms.
The federal
government is
fighting tooth
and nail against
ceding an inch
of legal
authority over
land despite the
from the highest
court in the
The focus of consultation in his 2013 report is on reconciliation. However, it is clear from
the report that it is Indigenous peoples who must do all of the reconciling of their preexisting sovereignty with Canadian claims to underlying title.
The mandate of the Eyford Report is linked to the Government of Canadas agenda of expanding export markets for oil and gas. Spelled out early in the report, Canadas priority is
the need to capitalize on global energy demands, therefore to construct pipelines and
terminals to deliver oil and natural gas to tidewater.
The Projects listed as crucial here are the expansion of Kinder Morgans existing Trans
Mountain Pipeline, Enbridges Northern Gateway Pipeline, and several proposed natural gas pipelines and related upstream developments. Projects also include the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities in Kitimat and Prince Rupert, tied most directly to potential Asian markets.
The impediment to Canadas diversified energy market crucial because Canadas
principal customer is the United States, which is expanding its energy sources is that Aboriginal peoples hold constitutionally protected title and rights with which industry and
government must legally comply. In other words, the objective of Aboriginal Affairs recent announcement on the land claims policy was not to reconcile the policy with the Supreme Courts findings on Aboriginal title, but to accelerate the policy framework of Aboriginal title extinguishment, particularly in the areas of major resource development projects like the proposed pipelines in British Columbia.
The federal government has been either fighting First Nations in court the last resort for
Indigenous peoples trying to defend and protect their lands or pushing groups into the
Comprehensive Land Claims policy, many of them through the British Columbia Treaty Commission process, since 50 percent of the current Comprehensive Land Claims
negotiation tables are in British Columbia.
So, what should the Government of Canadas response have been to the Tsilhqotin decision?
The entire
territorial range
including private
lands should be
on the table at
least for
and Aboriginal
title should not be
upon settlement
or transformed
into private
Valcourt clearly signaled that Canada is not willing to change the structure of settler colonialism in Canada. Only a political movement of Indigenous Peoples and supporters from
Canadian civil society who support justice and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples will
convince him otherwise.
Protesters demonstrating against the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline march through the streets in Vancouver, B.C., on
Monday, Jan. 14, 2013. (Photo courtesy of CTV)
Canadas Supreme
Court of Canada,
Chief Justice Beverly
This is what
dispossession by
looks like. The
demands that
First Nations
trade away or
in the original
term, to
their rights to
95% of their
territory. Their
return is some
money and small
parcels of land,
but insidiously,
as private
instead of in the
collective way
that indigenous
peoples have
long held and
stewarded it
The unrest is palpable. In First Nations across Canada, word is spreading of a historic court
ruling recognizing Indigenous land rights. And the murmurs are turning to action: an eviction notice issued to a railway company in British Columbia; a park occupied in Vancouver;
lawsuits launched against the Enbridge tar sands pipeline; a government
deal reconsidered by Ontario Algonquins; and sovereignty declared by the Atikamekw in
These First Nations have been emboldened by this summers Supreme Court of Canada
William decision, which recognized the aboriginal title of the Tsilhqotin nation to 1,750
sq km of their land in central British Columbia not outright ownership, but the right to use
and manage the land and to reap its economic benefits.
The ruling affects all unceded territory in Canada those lands never signed away
through a treaty or conquered by war. Which means that over an enormous land mass
most of British Columbia, large parts of Quebec and Atlantic Canada, and a number of other spots a new legal landscape is emerging that offers the prospect of much more responsible land stewardship.
First Nations are starting to act accordingly, and none more so than the Tsilhqotin.
Theyve declared a tribal park over a swath of their territory. And theyve announced their
own policy on mining a vision that leaves room for its possibility, but on much more strict
environmental terms. Earlier this month they erected a totem pole to overlook a sacred
area where copper and gold miner Taseko has for years been controversially attempting
to establish itself; no mine will ever be built there.
And the Canadian governments response? Far from embracing these newly recognised
indigenous land rights, they are trying to accelerate their elimination. The court has definitively told Canada to accept the reality of aboriginal title: the government is doing everything in its power to deny it.
Canadians can be pardoned for believing that when the countrys highest court renders a
decision, the government clicks their heels and sets themselves to implementing it. The
judiciary directs, the executive branch follows: thats how were taught it works. But it
doesnt always and especially not when whats at stake is the land at the heart of Canadas resource extraction.
The new land rights ruling is now clashing directly with the Canadian governments method for cementing their grip on land and resources. Its a negotiating policy whose name
the so-called Comprehensive Land Claims is intended to make your eyes glaze over. But
its bureaucratic clothing disguises the governments naked ambition: to grab as much of
indigenous peoples land as possible.
This is what dispossession by negotiation looks like. The government demands that First
Nations trade away or in the original term, to extinguish their rights to 95% of their
traditional territory. Their return is some money and small parcels of land, but insidiously,
as private property, instead of in the collective way that indigenous peoples have long
held and stewarded it. And First Nations need to provide costly, exhaustive proof of their
rights to their own land, for which they have amassed a stunning $700 million in debt a
debt the government doesnt think twice about using to arm-twist.
Despite the pressure, most First Nations have not yet signed their names to these crooked
deals especially when the supreme court is simultaneously directing the government to
reconcile with First Nations and share the land. But the supreme courts confirmation that
this approach is unconstitutional and illegal matters little to the government. What enables
them to flout their own legal system is that Canadians remain scarcely aware of it.
Acting without public scrutiny, prime minister Stephen Harper is trying to shore up sup-
Acting without
public scrutiny,
prime minister
Stephen Harper
is trying to
shore up
support for this
policy now 40
years old to
finally secure
the elimination
of indigenous
land rights. The
process is led
by the same
man, Douglas
Eyford, who has
been Harpers
advisor on
getting tar sands
pipelines and
energy projects
built in western
We represent
the Algonquins
Wolf Lake,
Eagle Village
and Barriere
Lake. Our
are part of the
nation, whose
includes the
entire Ottawa
To begin, please be advised that todays meeting does not constitute meaningful consultation. Far from it. We have had little opportunity or time to prepare, or to review Canadas
document. The federal government has provided us with no funds to carry out an analysis,
consult our members, or to develop a formal position. As well, recent changes to the federal policy explicitly prohibit tribal councils from engaging in political advocacy, but
leave it up to bureaucrats to define what this means. The message from the federal government seems to be that we should be seen but not heard. As a result, we are not even able
to use tribal council resources to support our presence here.
The federal paper invites informed discussion on policy renewal and expresses the
hope that it will be a basis for respectful and constructive dialogue. We welcome this,
but if Canada is serious about consulting us on a renewed CCP, then it will need to provide
adequate resources and adequate time, and also to recognize our right to organize and
speak as we see fit on issues that affect us.
So for all of these reasons, we must tell you that this meeting is an information session only
and without prejudice to our rights and interests. We do have some preliminary comments
which we would like to share with you, and we look forward to authentic consultation in the
near future if the government of Canada is prepared to be serious about engaging with us.
Who we are
We represent the Algonquins of Timiskaming, Wolf Lake, Eagle Village and Barriere
Lake. Our communities are part of the Algonquin nation, whose traditional territory includes the entire Ottawa River watershed (see attachment 1: Map showing Algonquin nation territory circa 1850). As you can see from the map, Algonquin territory straddles what
is now the provincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec. The imposition of this
boundary has had a dramatic impact on our communities, one that continues to today.
At present, there are ten federally recognized Algonquin communities, with a total population of approximately 8-10,000. Nine of these Algonquin communities are located in Quebec. Proceeding from northwest to southeast, these are the Abitibiwinni, Timiskaming,
Eagle Village (Kebaowek), Wolf Lake, Long Point (Winneway), Kitcisakik (Grand Lac), Lac
Simon, Mitcikinabik Inik (Algonquins of Barriere Lake) and Kitigan Zibi (River Desert). In
Ontario, members of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan (at Golden Lake) make up the only
recognized Algonquin community, though three other Ontario First Nation communities,
Wahgoshig, Matachewan and Temagami, are of at least partially Algonquin descent. (See
attachment 2: Map showing Aboriginal communities in the Ottawa River watershed.)
We live in a complex matrix of overlapping interests. The Ontario-Quebec border cuts
through Algonquin territory; to the north in Quebec is the James Bay Northern Quebec
Agreement territory; on the Ontario side our territories adjoin the territory of the Robinson
Huron Treaty of 1850 and Treaty 9 of 1905-08. To the south the so-called Algonquins of
Ontario comprehensive claim is at the draft AIP stage after more than 20 years of negotiations. To the north east the Attikamekw are in their fourth decade of CCP negotiations.
Two hundred
and fifty years
after the Treaty
of Niagara, our
people are still
waiting for a
just settlement
with Canada,
while we
continue to be
excluded from
benefit of the
economic and
social life of our
Unfortunately, despite these commitments, the British Crown, and later the Canadian government, took our lands by force, without our consent, and without any compensation. Sixty years after the Royal Proclamation of 1763 had been given to them, our Chiefs still had
their original copies, which they presented to government along with petitions for protection of their lands and just compensation. Instead of dealing with them honestly, government ignored its commitments and continued to take the land without treaty and without
consent. Our people suffered greatly as a result, even as those around them became rich
from the furs, timber, minerals and other resources.
the Algonquins
of Barriere Lake
entered into a
Agreement with
Canada and
Quebec, with the
shared objective
of developing an
plan that would
protect their way
of life while also
development to
take place in a
manner, but
outside the CCP
Unfortunately, with each positive court decision or development on the international stage,
the federal government seems to move its policy further away, deeper into denial and
avoidance. This was clear after the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in Delgamuukw in
1997. Following this decision, the federal government refused to amend the CCP, despite
the fact that the policy and process were at odds with the legal reality described by the
court. For your information we have included a legal opinion that was commissioned postDelgammukw, which enumerates, in significant detail, the ways in which the CCP fails to
conform to the law. (See attachment 3, Mark Stevenson & Albert Peeling, Review of
Canadas Comprehensive Land Claims Policy (prepared for the Delgamuukw Strategic
Implementation Committee, Assembly of First Nations. Released 15 February 2002.) We
believe that the conclusions of this analysis still hold true.
With subsequent court decisions, in particular Haida and Tsilhqot'in, the disconnect between federal policy & practise on the one hand, and the law on the other, has become
even more glaring. In particular, while the courts have acknowledged the need for policy
and process that covers the spectrum from asserted rights through to final negotiated
agreements, including the need to consult and accommodate in the interim, federal policy
has failed to provide practical measures to address these realities.
Our communities have made a best effort at addressing these contradictions, and engaging the federal and provincial Crowns to ensure that our rights and interests are recognized and affirmed. These efforts provide some alternative approaches which, it seems to
us, fall under the category of non-treaty agreements contained in the federal discussion
paper. We would like to provide you with these examples.
with the
Agreement and
the experience
of Timiskaming,
Wolf Lake and
Eagle Village
with the SAR,
suggests that
federal officials
are unwilling to
alternatives to
the CCP, even
confronted with
strength of
these principles
were never ratified
by the Chiefs in
Assembly or the
AFN Chiefs CCP
Working Group. So
we do not believe
that it is
appropriate to
point to those
principles as being
representative of
First Nation views,
or to suggest that
the outcomes of the
Senior Oversight
Committee on
Claims were
reflective of
authentic joint
assembly on September 17, 2014, rejected this interim policy (see attachment 7, ANS Resolution 2014-07). We can also tell you that the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and
Labrador has rejected this document.
In this connection we need to mention of the Principles Respecting the Recognition and
Reconciliation of Section 35 Rights which is referred to in Canadas discussion paper,
and which is described as being jointly developed by the Crown and First Nation leaders, with the support of the Assembly of First Nations, through the Senior Oversight
Committee on Comprehensive Claims. Despite our best efforts, we were excluded from
participation in that process and therefore those principles do not reflect our views or our
realities. Our communities are not alone in this situation. Moreover, these principles were
never ratified by the Chiefs in Assembly or the AFN Chiefs CCP Working Group. So we
do not believe that it is appropriate to point to those principles as being representative of
First Nation views, or to suggest that the outcomes of the Senior Oversight Committee on
Comprehensive Claims were reflective of authentic joint development.
We must emphasize to you is that if Canada is serious about consulting on the CCP then it
needs to engage directly with the rights-holders. Organizations like the Assembly of First
Nations are not equipped or mandated to address matters arising from our rights and title.
The federal discussion paper on renewing the CCP does not appear to represent any departure from the status quo, or to provide any substantive response to the significant
changes to the legal landscape brought about by Delgamuukw, Haida, or Tsilhqot'in.
Rather, it reflects the same failed policy approach that has mitigated against successful
reconciliation between our peoples up to now.
Following are some preliminary comments under specific headings:
Nothing new here, but continued emphasis on legal techniques to obtain effective extinguishment, without meaningful recognition or affirmation of rights.
Although it is not stated in the discussion paper, we understand that Canada refuses to provide Reserve lands within the meaning of Section 91(24) of the BNA Act, 1867 as part of a
treaty agreement. If this is the case it should be stated clearly, and if not, then it should be
explicit about the retention of 91(24) lands.
Trans-Boundary Claims
PM-AFN Meeting on Jan. 11,
2013, where Harper agreed
to CCP SOC Process.
After many years of explaining who we are, and despite the facts, we are still confronted
by a federal government that insists we are Quebec Algonquins. Federal infatuation with
the AOO claim at the expense of considering the interests of other adjacent Algonquin
communities is an example of this. The federal approach is contrary to reality. Substantial
portions of Timiskaming, Wolf Lake and Eagle Village traditional territory lie in both On-
Loan Funding
The discussion paper is silent on the matter of loan funding other than to say that outstanding loans must be paid, but we understand it remains the policy of Canada that it will only
enter into negotiations on the basis of loans. Experience has shown that gives unfair advantage to Canada as negotiations drag on and First Nations become mired in debt
through no fault of their own. If loan funding is no longer Canadas policy, then it should be
stated in this discussion paper.
AANDC Headquarters
Federal Jurisdiction
We understand that Canada requires treaty beneficiaries to give up the federal character
of their core lands, and we ask why this is part of the price our communities are asked to
pay for resolving the land question.
Overall, it
seems that in
drafting the
paper, a
decision was
made to avoid
explicit mention
of the some of
the most
aspects of the
We are very concerned at the federal approach to beneficiaries in the AOO claim, which
gives standing to individuals and groups who may not meet the legal requirements as title
holders. As a result we may find that non-title holders are provided with an opportunity to
extinguish Algonquin title and rights to territory over which we assert Aboriginal title. Despite the fact that we have advised Canada of our concerns, and provided the federal government with a clear indication of the territory over which we assert title and rights, as well
as the overlaps with the AOO claim, we have received no substantive response or engagement on this matter.
The Delgamuukw decision speaks about the requirement for compensation when lands
and resources have been taken without consent or justification. Despite this direction from
the courts, Canadas CCP continues to avoid the matter of compensation. For Algonquin
territory, where the minerals and timber have been largely taken out already, this is a significant issue.
Colleen Swords, DM of
Treaties achieve certainty by setting out precise rights. Certainty is central to the
purpose of treaty negotiations. While not framed in terms of extinguishment, Aboriginal
rights continue in the abstract; they generally will not be exercisable. Instead, treaties
will clearly identify the geographic area where treaty rights are exercisable, and clearly
define the terms by which treaty beneficiaries have access to wildlife resources. Crown
laws in relation to hunting, fishing and trapping will apply.
The Interim Policy provides that Indigenous peoples who sign treaties will have secure title to treaty settlement lands, and will be able to fully realize the economic potential
of such lands. This suggests that outside of settlement lands, Indigenous peoples might be
excluded from the economic benefits. If current formulas for determining how much land
the Crown is willing to agree to as settlement lands continue, much of the economic rights
held by Indigenous peoples to their lands and resources would be expropriated through
Treaty signatories may have the subsurface rights on some treaty settlement lands and
some Crown lands.
Canada is prepared to negotiate resource revenue sharing with respect to natural resources over which the federal government has responsibility, but the Interim Policy is
If current
formulas for
how much land
the Crown is
willing to
agree to as
lands continue,
much of the
rights held by
peoples to
their lands and
would be
This is not a
shift in policy.
These are the
same essential
principles that
the Crown has
applied to
based on its
now rejected
small spots
theory and
position that it
has a beneficial
interest in
Aboriginal title
lands and the
right to manage
those lands to
the exclusion of
peoples and
their laws
This is not a shift in policy. These are the same essential principles that the Crown has applied to treaty negotiations based on its now rejected small spots theory and position
that it has a beneficial interest in Aboriginal title lands and the right to manage those lands
to the exclusion of Indigenous peoples and their laws.
According to the Interim Policy, Canada will contemplate forms of agreements other than
comprehensive treaties or agreements in areas of federal jurisdiction (e.g., non-treaty arrangements, contracts, legislation, memoranda of understanding and consultation and accommodation processes). Comprehensive treaty negotiations in British Columbia will
proceed under the British Columbia Treaty Process. The honour of the Crown demands
that the Crown (federal and provincial) be open to alternative paths towards reconciliation
that create space for the operation of Indigenous governance over land and resources and
fully and honestly recognize and reconcile Indigenous peoples interests in the lands and
resources with the interests of the Crown and Canadians in general. British Columbia has
thus far not indicated whether it will be revisiting its policies with respect to treaty negotiation post-Tsilhqotin. For example, will the Crown provide for more extensive settlement
lands to reflect the fact that without treaty, the Crown does not have the beneficial interest
to, and thus the right to benefit from, much of British Columbia? Is there any willingness on
the Crowns part to negotiate in good faith the co-existence of legal systems and laws? Will
the Crown provide compensation for past damages and infringements?
Canada has stated that the Interim Policy is a starting point for dialogue and the basis on
which it will seek input from Indigenous peoples, stakeholders and interested parties, over
the Fall of 2014. Ministerial Special Representative Douglas Eyford is tasked with engaging with First Nations over the Fall. Given the gap between the Interim Policy and the
law, more time may be necessary for this process. In order for there to be a real incentive
for Indigenous peoples to engage in land claim negotiations with the Crown, Crown mandates will need to shift. Now is the time for Canada (and British Columbia) to adopt a policy
grounded in Tsilhqotin and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The meeting
proved to be a
success for
of the United
Nations. It also
marked a
retreat from
the forty years
of international
peoples' selfdetermination
that took hold
after the 71day liberation
of Wounded
Knee in 1973
Certain UN
members, (and the
UN bureaucracy
itself, which
operates first and
foremost to protect
state interests)
were masterful in
gatekeepers within
the UN system, and
in privileging those
who were in favor
of the HLPM/WCIP
as the "good/
Indians," while
those who had
criticisms of it as
the "bad/hostile
States can make no pretense of forthright implementation of the UNDRIP while ignoring
each of these four essential areas. Similarly, the indigenous people in the meeting can
hardly claim the mantle of "leadership" after volunteering as props in a sham process,
while allowing states to declare the meeting a success. The HLPM certainly proved to be a
success for states - in their expanding domination and domestication of indigenous peoples. The world conference process permitted states to evade all accountability for their
crimes against humanity, for genocide, and for their persistent, ongoing destruction of indigenous peoples, in the name of civilized progress, development, and globalization.
The state-controlled HLPM/WCIP process utilized three time-honored tactics against indigenous peoples, in achieving the deception of effective indigenous participation and
consent in its ersatz world conference:
1. Divide and conquer
2. Exclusion of the opposition, and
3. Ingratiation.
Certain UN members, (and the UN bureaucracy itself, which operates first and foremost to
protect state interests) were masterful in establishing indigenous gatekeepers within the
UN system, and in privileging those who were in favor of the HLPM/WCIP as the "good/
reasonable Indians," while marginalizing those who had criticisms of it as the "bad/hostile
Indians." By legitimizing the indigenous gatekeepers, the UN provided a level of insulation between the state parties who wanted the appearance of indigenous peoples' buy-in to
the HLPM/WCIP, and those indigenous peoples who rejected state manipulation, who
demanded respect and equal participation, and who refused to lend their consent to a
counterfeit world conference.
As it became clear that the indigenous gatekeepers could not achieve a global consensus
for indigenous peoples' collaboration in the HLPM plan, the UN simply began to exclude
and silence the opposition. When the North American Indigenous Peoples' Caucus
(NAIPC) decided that it was not going to accept subordination and inequality in the world
conference design, NAIPC representatives (both adult and youth) were systematically
excluded from any debates or decisions regarding the meeting. The UN surreptitiously
began to marginalize bad Indians and empower pragmatic Indians, who agreed to
comply with the world conference program. The "reasonable Indians", like the representatives from the Indian Law Resource Center (ILRC), the Native American Rights
Fund (NARF), the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), and the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) were validated by being allowed to remain in the UN
communications loop; they were rewarded with information, access, and sometimes
even funding, to facilitate their continued participation. This tactic took the form of explicitly denying funding to opposition delegates, while funding supportive ones, leading to the
censoring of oppositional voices in planning meetings for the WCIP. Delegates critical of
the WCIP were denied credentials, silencing their voices in the HLPM/WCIP. The states
strategy was to provide the deception of indigenous consensus by excluding those who
might have blocked consensus through the expression of critical or contrary perspectives.
The third tactic, ingratiation, was used flagrantly by certain indigenous delegates from the
US and Canada to circumvent the NAIPC bad/hostile Indians, and to solicit the US and
Canadian governments. In the US, the ILRC, NARF, NCAI, and IITC met and/or commu-
1. Although the use of the word fraud might seem hyperbolic and divisive, it is, in my view, more accurate than a term
such as pretension. Fraud describes an intentional deception with the goal of depriving people of their property or
their rights. Some well-meaning or naive people were drawn into this process, and I do not mean to impute bad motives to them. Other indigenous gatekeepers in the UN system clearly understood what was happening and freely participated in it, fabricating rationalizations and excuses, at every turn. It is clear that some invader states advanced the
WCIP to continue the state/corporate theft of indigenous peoples territories and to deprive indigenous peoples of
fundamental rights under international law, as discussed below. Ultimately, the goal of these states was to use the
WCIP to reduce and incorporate the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into domestic law, imprisoning
indigenous peoples in the legal semantics of invader states. This fraud began with the imposition of the official title of
the meeting, A High Level Plenary Meeting (HLPM), to be known as The World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
Anyone familiar with the UN system knows that a HLPM is not synonymous with a World Conference. An authentic
world conference is 10-14 days long, with thousands of participants, speakers, rallies, scholarly discussions, and with
a final global plan of action to advance the goals of the conference. Examples of genuine world conferences are the
World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, and the World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa in
2001. This meeting in no way resembled a genuine world conference. It was analogous to one proclaiming, This is
my Prius, to be known as a Ferrari, with the irrational expectation that the world should, in fact, acknowledge your
Prius as a Ferrari. The fraudulent design of the plan was so clear to many indigenous people in North America, that the
North American Indigenous Peoples Caucus called for the cancellation of the meeting, altogether, and refused to participate in it; see:
2. This is a variation of the social anxiety disorder known as Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). FOMO is a form of neurosis
though which a person is compulsively concerned that s/he might miss an opportunity for social interaction, personal
recognition, profitable investment or other satisfying event. One problematic with the indigenous FOMO crowd attending the HLPM was that because they never intended to confront or to challenge the racist, structural domination of
states over indigenous peoples, their very presence at the WCIP provided the appearance
of consent to the states design to diminish the rights of all indigenous peoples. At the same
time, the FOMOs provided cover for the states that acknowledged the indigenous FOMOs
in the room, and crowed that indigenous peoples had been consulted, and had provided
comprehensive engagement in the sham meeting. The states projected the FOMO participants as proxies for all indigenous peoples around the world. See paragraph 2 of the
Outcome Document for the High Level Plenary meeting,
3. As a political metaphor, kabuki theatre is used here to describe actions that are an artifice, insincere, and something done for show, an act that pays only lip service to the stated
As a political
kabuki theatre
is used here to
actions that are
an artifice,
insincere, and
done for show,
an act that
pays only lip
service to the
stated goal
Harpers comments begin at 2:06:00 on the UN Web TV video.
Glenn Morris (Shawnee) is a member/spokesperson for the Leadership Council of
the American Indian Movement of Colorado. He is a professor of political science at
the University of Colorado at Denver, where he directs the 4th World Center for the
Study of Indigenous Law and Politics. He has been active in the defense of Native nations at the United Nations since 1981.
[Reprinted from
Page 19
In a watershed decision released today, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) allowed the Tsilhqotin Nations appeal and, for the
first time in Canadian history, granted a declaration of Aboriginal title. In doing so, the Court confirmed that the doctrine of terra nullius (that no one owned the land prior to Europeans asserting sovereignty) has never applied to Canada, affirmed the territorial nature
of Aboriginal title, and rejected the legal test advanced by Canada and the provinces based on small spots or site-specific occupation. The SCC overturned the Court of Appeals prior ruling that proof of Aboriginal title requires intensive use of definite tracts of
land and it also granted a declaration that British Columbia breached its duty to consult the Tsilhqotin with regard to its forestry authorizations. This case significantly alters the legal landscape in Canada relating to land and resource entitlements and their governance.
The SCC definitively concluded that the trial judge was correct in finding that the Tsilhqotin had established title to 1,750 square kilometres of land, located approximately 100 kilometres southwest of Williams Lake. The Court reaffirmed and clarified the test it had
previously established in Delgamuukw for proof of Aboriginal title, underscoring that the three criteria of occupation: sufficiency,
continuity (where present occupation is relied upon), and exclusivity were established by the evidence in this case.
The SCC reasoned that Aboriginal title was not limited to village sites but also extends to lands that are used for hunting, fishing, trapping, foraging and other cultural purposes or practices. Aboriginal title may also extend beyond physically occupied sites, to surrounding lands over which a Nation has effective control. The SCC endorsed further examples of Aboriginal occupation sufficient to
ground title including warning off trespassers, cutting trees, fishing in tracts of water and perambulation.
Further, the SCC affirmed the importance not only of the common law perspective but also of the Aboriginal perspective on title including Aboriginal laws, practices, customs and traditions relating to indigenous land tenure and use. The principle of occupation,
reasoned the SCC, must also reflect the way of life of Aboriginal people, including those who were nomadic or semi-nomadic.
The SCC reasoned that the criterion of exclusivity may be established by proof of keeping others out, requiring permission for access
to the land, the existence of trespass laws, treaties made with other Aboriginal groups, or even a lack of challenges to occupancy
showing the Nations intention and capacity to control its lands.
The Court reasoned that Aboriginal title holders have the right to the benefits associated with the land to use it, enjoy it and profit
from its economic development such that the Crown does not retain a beneficial interest in Aboriginal title land. Expanding on its
reasons in Delgamuukw, the SCC concluded Aboriginal title confers possession and ownership rights including:
These are not merely rights of first refusal. Indeed, the Court recommended that governments and individuals proposing to use or
exploit land, whether before or after a declaration of Aboriginal title, can avoid a charge of infringement or failure to adequately consult by obtaining the consent of the interested Aboriginal group.
The SCC also reasoned that the right to control the land conferred by Aboriginal title means that governments and others seeking to
use the land must obtain the consent of the Aboriginal title holders. If consent is not provided, the governments only recourse is to
establish that the proposed incursion on the land is justified under s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
The Court clarified the justification analysis it set out in Sparrow, Gladstone and Delgamuukw. The Court reasoned that the Crowns
burden of demonstrating a compelling and substantial legislative objective must be considered from the Aboriginal perspective as
well as from the perspective of the broader public in a manner that furthers the goal of reconciliation between the Crown and Aboriginal peoples. Further, the Crown must also go on to show that the proposed incursion on Aboriginal title is consistent with the
Crowns fiduciary duty towards Aboriginal people. The SCC reasoned that the Crowns fiduciary duty means that: (1) incursions on
Aboriginal title cannot be justified if they would substantially deprive future generations of the benefit of the land; and (2) the fiduciary duty infuses an obligation of proportionality into the justification process that is inherent in the reconciliation process. Implicit in
the Crowns fiduciary duty is the requirement that the infringement be necessary to achieve the governments goal that the benefits
not be outweighed by the adverse effects on the Aboriginal interest, and that the government go no further than necessary to achieve
its goal.
The SCC warned that if governments do not meet their obligations to justify infringements to Aboriginal title, and do not act consistent
with their fiduciary duties, project approvals may be unraveled, and legislation may fall. The message is that governments that dont
justify their actions act at their peril. The Court offered the following example:
If the Crown begins a project without consent prior to Aboriginal title being established, it may be required to cancel the project upon establishment of the title if continuation of the project would be unjustifiably infringing. Similarly, if legislation was validly enacted
before title was established, such legislation may be rendered inapplicable going forward to the extent it unjustifiably infringes Abo-
The First Nations Strategic Policy Counsel is a collection of individuals who are practitioners in either First Nations policy or
law. We are not a formal organization, just a network of concerned individuals.
This publication is a volunteer non-profit effort and is part of a
series. Please dont take it for granted that everyone has the
information in this newsletter, see that it is as widely distributed
as you can, and encourage those that receive it to also distribute it.
Feedback is welcome. Let us know what you think of the BulletinRussell Diabo, Publisher and Editor, First Nations Strategic