April 2009 Newsletter

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News from Randy & Ronda

North American Mission Board 2009 First Quarter

Spring is here! It has been a long winter and it is so won- are making a difference by helping people in need and shar-
derful to see God’s glory as the flowers begin to spring up ing Christ along the way.
and the trees take on new birth. The birds are working fever- February was a busy month starting with the annual Bap-
ishly to get their nests prepared for a new family. Nature is tist Builders Roundtables meetings which are held in Shocco
busy doing business and God is at work in the hearts of men Springs, AL. Randy taught evangelism workshops for the
and women. participants while Ronda taught prayerwalking. We heard
The year began with a cold blast of bone chilling Wyo- awesome stories from the Baptist Builders who serve as vol-
ming wind as we traveled west with our friends, Harold and unteers and travel all over the US to build churches and assist
Barbara Lunsford, who were called to serve with the Oilfield with mission projects. One Baptist Builder made a comment
Christian Fellowship of Wyoming. It was a privilege to help that was music to our ears. He said that last year his focus
them move and setup shop at the Wamsutter Church Parson- was 10% evangelism and 90% building and that this year, it
age where they are currently residing. On January 5th we is 90% evangelism and 10% building. We were so encour-
had the opportunity to present an evangelism workshop to a aged by those words; that is what it is all about! We have to
small a group of church members from Wamsutter Baptist keep our focus on people, as we work the projects. The pro-
Church. It was a blessing to spend time with Harold and jects are just bridges that we build on the way to sharing
Barbara and we thank God for their servants hearts and for Christ.
their new ministry. February ended with a retreat at the North American Mis-
In January 2009 a huge ice storm hit several states causing sion board where our team brainstormed new strategies to
massive power outages. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief mobilize volunteers in missions and with emphasis on reach-
Volunteers responded from all around the country to help ing the younger generation. We always enjoy spending time
remove trees and debris, so the power could be restored. and fellowshipping with our Adult Volunteer Mobilization
Ronda assisted our team at the Disaster Operation Center in team at NAMB.
Alpharetta, GA for several days. During a National Disaster
the (DOC) coordinates with states to mobilize volunteers and
equipment. Tom and Dian Leeper led a Disaster Relief Team
from our home church to help with the recovery operation in
Kentucky. Hats off to all the Disaster Relief volunteers; they

Evangelism Training...
North Carolina Baptist Men had their first Disaster Relief training event on March 6th & 7th at Chowan University in
Murfreesboro, NC. Randy taught the evangelism segment on Friday afternoon with 60 new trainees in attendance and
again on Saturday morning with 90 trainees who were being re-certified. It’s encouraging to see folks who are enthusi-
astic to serve and open to learning new ways to share their faith.
On March 26th Randy traveled to Iowa to attend their State Evangelism Conference in Cedar Rapids. He taught an
evangelism workshop on Friday, devotional on Saturday morning and two more evangelism workshops that day. The
folks from Iowa said with a name like Corn, he was meant to be an Iowan.
Randy replied by saying he would wait until the weather warmed up and
give it some thought before moving there.
On April 3rd and 4th Ronda and I attended a Royal Ambassadors Con-
gress in Forest Hills, Louisiana. We were one of three missionary couples
who were invited to attend and share with the kids about missions. On Fri-
day night 101 young boys came forward during an invitation. It was awe-
some to witness God speaking to these young men and to see them make
commitments to follow Christ. Randy gave the devotional on Saturday
morning with the theme being, “Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and
greatest commandment. And the second is like this, “Love your neighbor as
yourself.” We held classes throughout the morning and shared about the
ministry God has called us to. We encouraged the boys to serve others, do their Royal Ambassadors Congress
Tall Timbers, Louisiana
best all the time, and to always give God the glory.
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Randy & Ronda’s News
The rest of the stor y….
Ronda and I had the opportunity to the time of hurricane Gustav was not
serve on the National Disaster Relief attending church. Jan's’ daughter had
Incident Command Team in Prairie- come by Fellowship Church to com-
ville, LA during hurricane Gustav in plete a job order for some tree removal,
September of 2008. We met some very and was encouraged for over an hour
special people during that time and had by one of the Disaster Relief ladies. Jan
a chance to visit with them after attend- explained that her daughter and her
ing the RA Congress in LA. Our friend, daughters fiancé, have since joined the
Donna Guillot, was baptized at Fellow- church, were being baptized Easter
ship Church in Prairieville on April Sunday and had plans to be married at
5th . Fellowship was the church we the church in May. Ronda asked if her
served at during hurricane Gustav and daughter was a nurse and if her name
where we met Donna and her family. was Rene? Jan answered yes, and at
God allowed us the privilege to witness that time they realized that Ronda was
Donna’s baptism. We celebrated with the Disaster Relief lady that had met
her family by having a Cuchon de lait with and encouraged Rene. With tears
(pig roast) after church. in her eyes, Jan hugged Ronda and then
A friend of Donna’s named Jan ap- took her inside to see Rene. Needless to
proached us when we got out of the car say there were more hugs and tears; it
and started into the church. We intro- was an incredible day!
duced ourselves and Jan began to tell us
Donna being baptized
a story about her daughter, who at
On the Road Again... Disaster Relief Training
We will be leaving on April 19th to
We are very excited that our home church, Biltmore Baptist, will be
attend the Disaster Relief Roundtable
meetings in Phoenix, AZ. On May
hosting the region 9 Disaster Relief Training on June 12th and 13th.
1st and 2nd we will be at the North If you are interested in signing up for Disaster Relief Training this
Carolina Disaster Relief training in would be a great opportunity to participate. For more information
Greensboro, NC. Randy will not only go to www.baptistsonmission.org , click on Disaster Relief Training
have an opportunity to speak on evan- and follow the prompts.
gelism on Friday night and Saturday
morning ,but will also be holding an
advanced evangelism class from 8 to
Ephesians 3:20
2 on Saturday. We are very excited “ Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly
and thankful at how God continues to more than all we ask or think, according to the power that
open doors and then open them wider.
works in us.”
Please pray for us as we travel and for
opportunities to share the Gospel.
Although our monthly financial support is down approximately 30% for the year, our hope and faith in Christ
has never been greater. Maybe less is really more, especially when our dependence on Christ is strengthened dur-
ing challenging times. That can be a positive thing and especially when it draws us closer in our relationship with
Him. God continues to meet our needs in miraculous ways. Please know that we sincerely appreciate your prayers
and financial support that allow us to continue in this ministry of equipping and challenging Christian volunteers
to share Christ. Those wishing to donate can make a check payable to the North American Mission Board and
mail to: NAMB-MSC, PO Box 116543, Atlanta, GA 30368-6543. Please include our account number (8922) and
our last name (Corn) in the memo section of your check. All gifts are tax deductible. Please feel free to email us
at [email protected] with prayer requests or any thoughts you might have.

Randy & Ronda Corn

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