Soal B.inggris PMB Stis 07-08

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Soal Bahasa Inggris PMB STIS 2007/2008

Section 1 : Structure and Written E!ression

1. If I ..... a student at STIS, I would finish my study
on time.
A. am accepted
B. were accepted
C. was accepted
D. would accepted
2. Ita has kept her mother ..... outside for hours.
A. wait
B. to wait
C. waitin
D. waited
!. "ou#d $etter ..... a %o$ now if you don#t want to
miss the opportunity.
A. et
B. to et
C. ettin
D. ot
&. '(hat did you do last niht)*
A. The $oy asked the irl what she was doin the
pre+ious niht.
B. The $oy asked the irl what she did the
pre+ious niht.
C. The $oy asked the irl what she has done the
pre+ious niht.
D. The $oy asked the irl what she had done the
pre+ious niht.
,. The doctor has known the irl ..... from $reast
A. suffer
B. to suffer
C. sufferin
D. suffered
-. Did you meet the irl ..... was chosen in
Indonesia idols.
A. who
B. whom
C. what
D. which
.. If you want to ..... in runnin your $ussiness, you
must ha+e full support of our employees.
A. success
B. succeed
C. succeessful
D. succeessfully
/. 0+ery$ody knows that he has shown reat loyalty
to the company. Therefore, he ..... a $i sum of
money at the ne1t anni+ersary of the company.
A. rewards
B. is rewardin
C. will $e rewarded
D. will reward
2. 3udi 4 '(hy did you 5uit the %o$, 6ack)*
6ack 4 'I ..... if the pay had $een $etter.*
A. would stay
B. would ha+e stayed
C. had stayed
D. would had stayed
17. ..... de$ate and discussion, opposin ideas are
presented in an attempt to , persuade people.
A. $oth
B. altouh $oth
C. that $oth
D. in $oth
11. 6ohn neter, ..... , speciali8ed in opinion polis an
$ussiness sur+eys.
A. whose statiscian
B. a statiscian who
C. a statiscian
D. as a statiscian he
12. 9+er the centuries, +arious theories ha+e $een
ad+anced .....
A. the oriin of alpha$etic writin is e1plained.
B. of e1plainin the oriin of alpha$etic writin.
C. the e1planation of the oriin of alpha$etic
D. to e1plain the oriin of alpha$etic writin.
1!. The irl desires ..... as lon as she is that her
A. not $e distur$ed
B. not to $e distur$ed
C. $e not distur$ed
D. to $e not distur$ed
1&. The man is +ery $usy and lets his mo$ile
phone ..... +ery often.
A. rin
B. to rin
C. rinin
D. run
1,. :e1t week is ..... that we can take a trip out of
A. such $eautiful holiday
B. such a holiday $euatiful
C. $eautiful such holiday
D. such a $eautiful holiday
1-. I am sure that she is not the irl in chare of
sales departement. But now, she .....
A. acts as if she were the sales manaer
B. is actin as if she was the sales manaer
C. would act as if she was the sales manaer
D. acts if she is the sales manaer
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Soal Bahasa Inggris PMB STIS 2007/2008
1.. ..... a common $elief, friht or e1citement causes
the flesh of youn ames fowl to turn a different
A. It is accordin to
B. (hile accordin to
C. That it is accordin to
D. Accordin to
1/. A planetarium is a special kind of education
facility ..... the teachin of astonomy.
A. to de+ote
B. de+oted to
C. which de+otes
D. to de+ote to
12. ..... that modern corn may $e a hy$rid of teosinte
and other wild species that no loner e1ist.
A. :ow is thouht
B. The thouht
C. It is thouht
D. Thinkin
27. ;u$lic Transportation in most of the nation is
e1pandin ..... the use of su$ways and $usses is
declinin in some metropolitan areas.
A. :e+ertheless
B. Despite
C. Conse5uently
D. Althouh
21. Some $ees make the characteristic monoto <
nous noise known as $u88in .....
A. $ut their wins are +i$rated rapidly.
B. the +i$ration of their wins is rapid.
C. $y +i$ratin their wins rapidly.
D. and their wins rapidly +i$ratin.
22. ;encils are a+aila$le .....
A. in many derees of hardness
B. are many derees of hardness
C. hardness in many derees
D. many derees ha+e hardness
2!. Sonic $ooms cannot hurt people, ..... they may
damae $uildins and $reaks windows.
A. as
B. $ut
C. or
D. what
2&. ..... are shaped like teardrops in untrue.
A. That there are raindrops
B. That raindrops
C. 3aindrops that
D. 3aindrops
2,. The %a+elin used in competition must $e $etween
2-7 and 2.7 centimeters .....
A. in lenth
B. whose lenth
C. it is lon
D. lenthily
Section 2 : 1oca2ular3
2-. I am afraid that this $order raid is prelude to
more serius attacks.
A. end
B. introduction
C. result
D. influence
2.. This area is $een preser+ed in all its pristine
A. modern
B. sophiscatied
C. primiti+e
D. old
2/. The Titanic lies $uried its a5ueous tom$.
A. watery
B. lorious
C. su$terranean
D. unknown
22. =is e1planation was lucid and to the point.
A. short
B. $elie+a$le
C. clear
D. understanda$le
!7. >a+a, purnice, and other ineous rocks are
founds in reat a$undance around ?ount ?erapi
near ?aelan.
A. coral
B. +olcanic
C. hard
D. hue
!1. (e can o+erlook the foi$les of our friends, no
one is perfect.
A. strenth
B. dum$
C. weakness
D. $ra+ery
!2. The country $oy awked at the skyscrapes and
neon lihts of the $i city.
A. scared
B. stared foolishly
C. admired
D. clim$ed
!!. =is that was koncked askew $y the wind.
A. awry
B. out of shape
C. off
D. on the round
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Soal Bahasa Inggris PMB STIS 2007/2008
!&. Scientist measure the microscopic distances
$etween atoms in microns.
A. +isi$le
B. tiny
C. small
D. short
!,. Because of the ra+itational pull of the sun, the
earth and the other planets maintain an or$it
around the sun.
A. source
B. force
C. push
D. attracti+eness
!-. The meat must $e chopped $efore it can $e used
in that recipe.
A. stewed
B. cut
C. $ouht
D. cooked
!.. ?endel#s formula e1plains the appearance of
hy$rids and pure species in $reedin.
A. oriin
B. natural
C. monrel
D. descent
!/. To educate a child perfectly re5uires profounder
thouht, reater wisdom, than to o+ern a state.
A. loner
B. less
C. simpler
D. deeper
!2. The head $est lea+es to the heart what the heart
alone di+ines.
A. descri$es
B. analy8es
C. uesses
D. de+elops
&7. Boredom shortens life, and $erea+es the days of
the liht.
A. ro$s
B. empowers
C. takes
D. deli+ers
&1. To $e a fa+ourite of an inorant multitude, a man
must descend to their le+el.
A. crowd
B. youth
C. student
D. world
&2. ;erse+erance led to his success.
A. precaution
B. testimony
C. rectitude
D. persistence
&!. A comple1 sentence must contain a su$ordinate
A. dependent
B. nominati+e
C. main
D. ad+er$ial
&&. "our chances of $ein elected mayor are rather
A. control
B. unlikely
C. automatic
D. ood
&,. ?ost of the wounded passeners were 5uickly
remo+ed from the aircraft.
A. deceaded
B. unconscious
C. in%ured
D. distressed
Section 4 : %nal3tical 5eading

&-. If the lenth of rectanle is increased $y 27@,
and the wide of the same rectanle is decreased
$y 27@, then the area of the rectanle .....
A. decreases $y 27@
B. decreases $y &@
C. is uncaned
D. increased $y &@
&.. In a sur+ey of a town, it was found that -,@ of
the people polled watched the news on
tele+ision, &7@ read a newspaper, and 2,@ read
a newspaper and watched the news on
tele+ision. (hat percent of the people sur+eyed
neither watched the news on tele+ision nor read
a newspaper)
A. ,@
B. 17@
C. 1,@
D. 27@
&/. A screwdri+er and a hammer curently ha+e the
same price. If the price of a screwdri+er rises $y
,@ and the price of a hammer oes up $y !@,
$y what percent will the cost of ! screwdri+ers
and ! hammers rise)
A. !@
B. &@
C. ,@
D. -@
&2. There are 227 5uestions on a ! hours
e1amination. Amon these 5uestions are ,7
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Soal Bahasa Inggris PMB STIS 2007/2008
mathematics pro$lems. It is suested that twice
as much time $e allowed for each mathematics
pro$lem as for each of the other 5uestions. =ow
many minutes should $e spent on the
mathematics pro$lem.
A. -7
B. .2
C. 177
D. 127
,7. A sport %acket marked A&/ is offered at a
discount of 2,@ durin a storewide. At this
reduced price the dealer makes a profit of 27@
on the cost. The cost to the dealer is .....
A. A!7
B. A!2
C. A!-
D. A&7
Section - : 5eading 6o0!rehension
Question 51 52 refer to the following passage
The rattles with which a rattlesnake warns of its
presence are formed $y loosely interlookin hollow
rins of hard skins, which make a $u88in sound
when its tail is shaken.
,1. A rattlesnake#s rattles are made of .....
A. skin
B. $one
C. wood
D. muscle
,2. =ow often does a rattlesnake shed its skin)
A. 9nce e+ery four years
B. Bp to four times e+ery years.
C. 9nce e+ery four months
D. Cour time more often than other snakes
,!. The ?editerranean climate is discri$ed as .....
A. humid
B. e1tremely cold
C. rainy
D. enerally moderate
,&. The ?editerranean area is .....
A. ood for raisin all +arieties of animals.
B. poor for raisin animals.
C. suita$le for some animals, $ut not for sheep
and oats.
D. well suited to $reedin animals.
,,. Accordin to these sentences animal feedin
rounds in the ?editerranean are .....
A. se+erely limited in si8e.
B. +ery steep and rocky.
C. lare, $ut not +ery ood for ra8in.
D. lare, $ut +ery swampy.
Question 56-57 refer o the following passage
An o$ser+er sittin on the $each can make at
least an intellient uess wheter the surf spillin
out onto the sand $efore him has $een produced
$y a ale close offshore or $y a distant storm.
,-. Surf must $e .....
A. distant storm
B. wa+e action near the shore
C. wa+e action far out in the ocean
D. small rocks and seashells
,.. A ale is pro$a$ly .....
A. a +ery stron wind
B. a $ree8e
C. a tidal wa+e
D. an island
Question 58-60 refer to the following passage
The normal daytime retreats of $ats are the rooms of
ca+es, $ut indi+iduals commonly li+e in dry, dark
rooms of $uildins. ?ales are usually solitary, $ut
females, espceally when they are youn, ather in
colonies. The $ats do not hide in cre+ices $ut, when
not hi$ernatin, han from the open roof of ca+es or
$uildins where they can see, and escape from, any
intruder. In the dormant condition, which the $ats
assume when the air temperature is low, the $ody
temperature dropsD and they clin with thum$s and
toes to some +ertical walls, with their ears closely
coiled to conser+e $ody heat
,/. "oun female $ats .....
A. hide in cre+ices.
B. like to li+e in roups.
C. prefer the dry, dark rooms of $uildins.
D. hi$ernate until maturity.
,2. (hen the weather turns cold .....
A. the $ats mo+e to the rooms of $uildins
B. the $ats ather in colonies
C. the $ats coil their ears
D. the $ats hide in cre+eces
-7. Bats often han from the open roof of ca+es and
$uildins .....
A. to keep warm
B. to see and escape from intruders
C. to hi$ernate
D. to lower their $ody temperatuer
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