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Potassium permanganate

Purpose of use 2) In permanent conditions small filters or packages

can be mounted in identified odour points (toilets,
CL ALOX 6 is a reliable filtering material for the florists, basements, refrigerators), where normal
elimination of odours and gas-based impurities. diffusion and convection flows carry the odour
Its applications include wood processing industry, molecules over the pellets The pellets are based on
hospitals, sewage treatment plants, museums, the two oldest proven methods for management
petrochemical industry and offices. of gas concentration: sorption and oxidisation. The
elimination of impurities starts with adsorption and
Materials absorption of molecules. After this, the potassium
permanganate in CL ALOX 6 acts as an oxidiser and
The product consists of activated aluminium oxide chemically destroys the accumulated impurities.
(Al2O3) impregnated with potassium permanganate This chemical oxidising is called controlled oxidising as
(KMnO4). It is produced in pellets, and is purple in the method based on pellet form converts
colour. sulphurcontaining gases, such as hydrogen sulphide
The pellets are inorganic, non-toxic and non-flammable and sulphur oxide into inorganic non-volatile sulphides
(UL grade 1). and sulphates.
These materials are retained in the porous drop
structure. Oxidising involves no high temperatures or
combustion, contrary to burning oxidising methods.
1) Dynamic systems consisting of filters or other units This makes it a unique system.
mounted in the air flows of air-conditioning and
ventilation systems, central heating systems, range
hoods or portable air purification units.


Oxidising of odours Quality and environment

Aluminium oxide adsorbs and absorbs both humidity Operations are guided by the ISO 9001:2001
and chemical impurities. The adsorbed impurities quality certificate and the ISO 14001 environmental
accumulate on the external surface and interfaces certificate.
of the pellets, while absorbed impurities penetrate
into the core of the pellets. Humidity decomposes
Technical data
the permanganate, which in turn oxidises both the
adsorbed and the absorbed chemical impurities. size
The permanganate goes through several oxidising 3.5-4.5 mm pellet
stages before it is depleted and turns into brown
manganese dioxide. As the amount of permanganate raw material
on the external surface of the pellet is reduced as a activated aluminium
result of the indirect oxidising reaction, the surface
colour of the pellet begins to change. Gradually area
it turns from light to dark brown with the colour ca 250 m2/g
proceeding from the surface into the core as the
chemical oxidising capacity is depleted. In an analysis apparent density
performed on the filtering material when the pellets 0.80 g/cm3
turn brown for the first time, it can be seen that they
still have about 80% of their capacity left. moisture content
max 15 % w/w

potassium permanganate (available in 4%, 5% and 8 %)

package size
23.7 kg box

filtering material for gases and liquids


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