This document provides a sample outline for a contingency plan and emergency procedures for facilities that handle hazardous waste. The plan outline includes sections for emergency coordinators, emergency procedures, emergency equipment, evacuation routes, a facility site diagram, and arrangements with local authorities. The contingency plan is required to outline the specific steps facility personnel will take to respond to emergencies involving hazardous wastes, such as spills, fires or explosions.
This document provides a sample outline for a contingency plan and emergency procedures for facilities that handle hazardous waste. The plan outline includes sections for emergency coordinators, emergency procedures, emergency equipment, evacuation routes, a facility site diagram, and arrangements with local authorities. The contingency plan is required to outline the specific steps facility personnel will take to respond to emergencies involving hazardous wastes, such as spills, fires or explosions.
This document provides a sample outline for a contingency plan and emergency procedures for facilities that handle hazardous waste. The plan outline includes sections for emergency coordinators, emergency procedures, emergency equipment, evacuation routes, a facility site diagram, and arrangements with local authorities. The contingency plan is required to outline the specific steps facility personnel will take to respond to emergencies involving hazardous wastes, such as spills, fires or explosions.
This document provides a sample outline for a contingency plan and emergency procedures for facilities that handle hazardous waste. The plan outline includes sections for emergency coordinators, emergency procedures, emergency equipment, evacuation routes, a facility site diagram, and arrangements with local authorities. The contingency plan is required to outline the specific steps facility personnel will take to respond to emergencies involving hazardous wastes, such as spills, fires or explosions.
Large hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities are required to prepare a formal written plan outlining specific steps that facility personnel immediately take in response to spills, fires, and explosions or any unplanned release involving hazardous wastes or hazardous waste constituents which could threaten human health or the environment.
Contingency plans are site-specific and can be of various levels of detail, this information may be useful as a general guide. Please note that the contingency plan guidance is not necessarily all-inclusive, and that the Department requires that each facility address all of the items in 40 CFR 265 Subparts C and D.
This guidance was developed, as a sample, by the Department to assist companies in developing a good, thorough, and easy-to-read plan for use during an emergency involving hazardous waste.
1. Introduction 2. Index 3. Emergency Coordinators 4. Emergency Procedures 5. Emergency Equipment 6. Evacuation Routes 7. Facility Site Diagram 8. Arrangements with Local Authorities Note: If the owner or operator of the company has already prepared a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan or other emergency or contingency plan you may only amend that plan to incorporate hazardous waste provisions to comply with 40 CFR 265 Subparts C and D. EMERGENCY COORDINATORS
The emergency coordinators listed in this section are authorized to act as on-scene coordinators and to commit the necessary resources during an emergency. At all times, there is at least one coordinator (primary or alternate) either on the company premises or on-call. The coordinators must be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the contingency plan, all operations and activities at the company, the locations and characteristics of wastes handled, the location of all company records, and the physical layout of the company. The emergency coordinator will take all reasonable measures to ensure that fires, explosions, and/or releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other areas in the company. These measures shall include, where applicable, stopping processes and operations, collecting and containing released waste, and removing or isolating containers.
Phone number (work / home): __________________________________
Note: Qualifications of the emergency coordinators should be included in a separate enclosure. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES
During an emergency, the emergency coordinator shall perform the necessary actions to insure a timely and appropriate response. The coordinator shall choose the order and applicability of the following actions, based upon the situation and the hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents involved:
1. Identify and assess the situation (source, health, and environmental impact), 2. Activate alarm to notify all company personnel, 3. Evacuate the company, if necessary, 4. Determine action to be taken (e.g. containment, absorption), 5. Oversee the cleanup throughout its entirety. 6. Within 15 days after the incident, emergency coordinator must submit a written report on the incident to DEQ.
Note: Emergency procedures should be a step-by-step, site-specific plan which would be implemented in the event of an emergency. A detailed description of actions to be taken by company personnel during an emergency should be included.
The following equipment should be found in good condition at the company. Include the physical description and capabilities of each item:
EQUIPMENT PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AND CAPABILITIES Alarm system (internal and external) Communication Systems Fire Extinguishers Sprinkler Systems Spill Control Decontamination Personnel Protection Other
In the event an emergency arises involving hazardous waste where an evacuation of company personnel becomes necessary, the following evacuation plan will be implemented. Include a description of the signal that would be given to begin evacuation and both primary and secondary evacuation routes personnel would utilize.
Note: Location of emergency equipment should be indicated on site diagrams. Note: Indicate evacuation routes on facility site plan. Note: The diagram/map must indicate location of emergency equipment, hazardous waste storage area(s), and both primary and secondary evacuation routes. ARRANGEMENTS
The following local authorities have been sent copies of the contingency plan:
Police Fire Hospital Response Contractor Other
Note: Identify the primary emergency authority where more than one police or fire department may respond. Describe arrangements agreed to and provide documentation of local authority notifications.