43 Forex Hedging
43 Forex Hedging
43 Forex Hedging
As the requirements of the foreign exchange market grew manifold, so did the
complexity of its operation. This triggered of a simultaneous evolution of various
financial instruments. One of the most significant developments in the foreign exchange
market, occurred in Chicago on May !, "#$ when the %nternational Monetary Market
&%MM', a division of the Chicago Mercantile (xchange &CM(', introduced the world)s
first futures contract in foreign currencies. The %MM was therefore the first exclusive
currency futures exchange. *ate on, %nterest rate futures were introduced in "#+ at the
Chicago ,oard of Trade &C,OT' with -overnment .ational Mortgage Association
certificate &-.MAs' and Treasury ,ills.
Owing in to the esta/lishment of two main commodity exchanges in Chicago, vi0,
the Chicago ,oard of Trade &C,OT' in 121 and Chicago Mercantile (xchange &CM('
in 1"1, large scale trading in commodity futures commenced much /efore the start of
trading in financial futures. 3owever, with the introduction of currency futures at the
%MM, for the first time money was formally regarded as commodity in "#$. The
phenomenon growth of deals in financial futures have already made them a vital and
integral part of the world)s financial markets.