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Obesity is one of the serious problems spreading like flu all over the country these days.

Where on one
hand, people are becoming health conscious, on the other hand, many people are getting into the trap
of problem known as obesity. Obesity refers to the condition of having excessive weight due to the
excess of fat in the body. A person puts on such weight to the level which is dangerous for his health.
Obesity is no less than an epidemic but the difference is that it does not spread from one person to
another. These days, children are becoming fatter and obese. The main reason behind this is the
development of unhealthy eating habits among them. The craze for junk foods and fried foods is quite
more among the teenagers and kids. Obesity among the children is termed as childhood Obesity. .The
child put on the extra weight than required for the children of his age. Similarly, the teenage Obesity and
youth obesity. Obesity is the direct invitation to many other fatal diseases in addition to obesity itself.
The process starts slowly but once a person starts becoming fat and do not take care of his diet and
eating habits, it becomes quite difficult to overcome the problem of obesity. But people usually do not
take the problem of obesity too seriously. It is very necessary to prevent Obesity as Obesity has higher
risks of the diseases like hypertension, respiratory problems, heart problems, high cholesterol, stroke
etc. In addition to such dangerous diseases, a child may become depressed too. Otherwise, later on a
person has no other options than taking obesity treatments in the clinics. It is very truly said: Health is
Wealth. Obesity prevention and obesity control is needed for remaining healthy and free from the fatal
diseases. As prevention is better than cure.
Government plays a vital role in dealing with obesity. Government need to spread the awareness on this
matter via education in school through the guidelines from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of
Education. First, the idea of included health awareness subject as a separate subject which emphasizing
on obesity is pretty much welcome by the society. This subject teaches all about the nutritional facts and
how food can cause obesity which will eventually lead to some non-communicable diseases that
associated with obesity. Government should also encourage students that attend health awareness class
to teach their parents. This multiplier effect can be huge and guarantee the widespread of awareness on
obesity in the society. The routine monitoring of students by various parameters such as BMI (Body
Mass Index) should be carry out and necessary remedy action can be implement on risky cases to
prevent severe outcomes. The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education should work hand in hand to
ensure the canteens all around Malaysia are free from selling unhealthy foods and drinks that
deteriorate students health.
The idea of encouraging physical activity also has received a significant amount of attention. Higher
levels of activity have been related to a decreased likelihood of being overweight or obese, and vice
versa. One common policy proposal for tackling children's inactivity in particular is to require physical
education (PE) and activity in schools. Schools should encourage the participation of students in various
sport events throughout the academic year by having more and better facilities. The increase of PE time
directly increases the amount of exercises and in turn reduces the risk of obesity to develop among
students. Ministry of Education should ensure teachers that handle PE are more than qualified by
sending them to talks on providing efficient PE.

Secondly, creating awareness on the damage of obesity and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are
equally important to ensure a better prevention of obesity. Some long term campaigns can be carry out
through all the mass media. This campaign can help encourage families to make small changes, like
keeping fresh fruit within their childrens reach or going on a family walk after dinner. It also motivates
teachers and administrators to make schools healthier by providing healthy food options and daily
physical activities for students. This campaign help educate the public on all aspects of obesity by
spreading information on the causes, dangers, and prevention of obesity. It also encourages
communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved.
Thirdly, family has a role to play in combating obesity in the country. Head of families should make wise
choices whether eating out or cooking at home. Parent must equip themselves with some basic diet
knowledge. Failing to do so may inadvertently increase the risk of obesity among family members. Since
what they decide is what the family eats, they need to make sure to avoid fast foods which contain lots
of animal fats. Most of the fast foods are of high calories, and usually comes with the carbonated drinks
which are health damaging and put the members in high risk of diabetes. Parent should also set strict
rules on the time spend on internet surfing and television watching so that their children will not end up
as couch potatoes. Parent need to educate their children to practice what they preach, so their children
will grow up having a cultivated habit that in turn can teach their own children in the future. The
widespread effect is so huge of every family can do this. The importance of parents must never be
underestimated since they not only play a significant role but a very critical one in determining the
health of our nation.
While family plays a role in dealing with obesity, individual are too, important in prevent the outbreak of
obesity in our nation. One must resolve to lead a healthy life, failing which nothing will be effective. One
must acquire the right dieting knowledge including the amount of energy of the food that served. One
should always be aware of the consequences of their nutritional intake and ways to burn the extra
calories by means of exercises. The idea of keeping track of daily food intake by recording the calories to
observe the pattern of consumption can help one to maintain an idea body weight. To ensure all of this
run smoothly, one must be very discipline to resist the temptation which often arises especially in a food
paradise like our country.
We must all spread the aware-ness regarding this important issue as Obesity is one of the biggest and
most serious health issues of the 21st century.In every country,every year the rate is rising and this has
to be taken seriously and we all must make a concentrated effort to spread awareness among people of
its life threatening consequences and to make the world better as a whole.It significantly reduces life
expectancy, and i for one am sure that everyone understands the need to stay healthy and fit.For all
those who are currently suffering from this problem,please take steps in order to cure it,rather than
regretting later on.It is one of the leading preventable cause of death worldwide and if early precaution
is taken it will help in avoiding serious consequences.We all love our families so at least for that sake,
those who suffering from it must act quickly and be healthy wealthy and live happily.

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