Performance Improvement of Mc-Cdma System Through DSTBC Site Diversity
Performance Improvement of Mc-Cdma System Through DSTBC Site Diversity
Performance Improvement of Mc-Cdma System Through DSTBC Site Diversity
This process should be performed on each receiving
antenna r = 1,2,Nr. Then NNu LLc
equalization matrix G
is obtained for each
receive antenna by applying equalization
coefficients matrices G
and G
which are used at
the transmitter. G
is a diagonal matrix containing
the equalization coefficients g
, for the channel tr
(t {1,2,3,4}, r {1,2}). As a result, these
signals have the diversity gain of STBC and the
orthogonality among site diversity users between
base station A and B are maintained. Only one
spreading code pattern is assigned to each base
station and the orthogonality of users in the cell are
maintained even if non site diversity users exist in
the cell.
Figure1 Block diagram of STBC diversity for MC-CDMA transmitter
Figure 2 Block diagram of STBC diversity for MC-CDMA receiver
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
2005 - 2008 J ATIT. All rights reserved.
Recent advances in communicating across
multiple-antenna wireless communication links
show that these links can support very high data
rates with low error probabilities, especially when
the wireless channel response is known at the
receiver. However, the assumption that the channel
is known is questionable in a rapidly changing
mobile environment, or when multiple transmitting
antennas are employed [11]. A new class of signals
called space-timesignals are proposed that is well-
tailored for Rayleigh flat-fading channels where
neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the
fading coefficients. The space-time signals are
suited particularly well to piecewise-constant
fading models. The signals are modified in order to
work when the fading condition changes
continuously. The modified signals are denoted as
differential space-time modulation and achieve full-
antenna diversity and are easily implemented.
Differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) has long
been used in single-antenna unknown-channel links
when the channel has a phase response that is
approximately constant from one time sample to the
next. Differential modulation encodes the
transmitted information into phase differences from
symbol to symbol. The receiver decodes the
information in the current symbol by comparing its
phase to the phase of the previous symbol. DPSK is
widely used because many continuously fading
channels change little between successive time
samples. In fact, many continuously fading
channels are approximately constant for a time
interval T often much larger than two samples [12,
For differential space time modulation (DSTM),
consider a multiple input single output (MISO)
system with t transmit antennas. Let the group =
} where members of G are defined by
= =
t t t
G G G G I (7)
and {.}
denotes conjugate transpose. With the
group thus defined, and assuming a simple bit-to-
matrix mapping, the rate for DSTM using group
codes is
R log (N) b/s Hz
where, N is the number of elements in .
The idea behind DSTM is that the matrix group
codes can be differentially encoded much like
symbols in a DPSK modulator. In order to send a
block G
, the standard encoding equation is
k k - 1 k
C = C G (9)
where, k = 1,2, ......,K , G
represents data bits
mapped from group G and C
is the encoded block
that is actually transmitted at time k. C
is an
initialization matrix that is not used to transmit data
and can be any t t matrix that satisfies C
= tI.
Fig.3 shows how the elements of the encoded
blocks C
are interpreted in space and time.
1 - j
j 1
Figure 3 Time and space mapping of the matrix
elements for differentially encoded blocks
After encoding and transmission, received blocks
can be expressed as,
k k k k
Y = HC a + w (10)
where, k = 1, 2, .. .. .. , K
H is the channel coefficient matrix
1 2
[ (2 1) (2 1)]
a a k a k = and
(2 1) a k ,
(2 1) a k are Guassian
2 1 2
[ ]
k k k
w w w
k k k -1
G = arg max Re Tr {GY Y } (11)
which represents the standard decoding equation
for DSTM. The fact that G
is estimated from the
received data without CSI is the key advantage of
this encoding strategy. For coherent modulation,
encoding is often used to decrease the number of bit
Antenna 1
Antenna 2
Time slots
1 2
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
2005 - 2008 J ATIT. All rights reserved.
errors per given symbol error. The idea behind
encoding is, observing that when a symbol is
improperly detected, it is most likely to be wrongly
detected as one of the symbols closest to (in a
Euclidean sense) the actual transmitted symbol
[13]. Therefore, data bits should be mapped to
symbols such that there is only one bit different
between nearest neighbors in the symbol
constellation. This maximizes the probability that
there is only one bit error for each symbol error.
The proposed system is simulated in MATLAB
and the simulation parameters are given in Table
1. Figure 4 shows the BER performance of the
system with and without diversity. The diversity
technique uses the conventional Alamoutis code.
Figure4 clearly indicates the improvement in
performance with the use of diversity technique
under Rayleigh fading channel.
Table1. Simulation parameters
The system is simulated with STBC and DSTBC
using three types of combining techniques [14, 15]
and the performance is obtained. Simulation is also
carried out for each combining technique by
varying the transmitting antennas. Figure 5 shows
the performance of STBC diversity over MIMO
MC-CDMA system under selective combining
technique with varying number of antennas. It can
be noticed that when the number of antennas are
increased, the symbol error rate (SER) is
decreased. Two, four and six antennas are used to
simulate the performance. When the number of
antennas is increased the error rate reduces
gradually as maximum use of diversity exploitation
is made and the error rate reduction can be easily
witnessed. Performance of the system with equal
gain combining and maximal ratio combining
technique is shown in
0 5 10 15
SNR (dB)
No Diversity
With Diversity
Figure 4 Performance of the system with and without
Figure 5 Performance of the system using STBC with
selective combining technique
Parameters Details
Symbol length 64
No. of sub-
Perfect estimation
Walsh-Hadamard code of
length 63
Scrambling code Random code of length
Channel Rayleigh fading channel
with AWGN floor
Selective, equal gain and
maximal ratio combining
No. of antennas 2, 4 and 6
Modulation 16 QAM, DPSK
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
2005 - 2008 J ATIT. All rights reserved.
Figure 6 Performance of the system using STBC with
equal gain combining technique
Figure 7 Performance of the system using STBC with
maximal ratio combining technique
Figure 8 Performance of the system using DSTBC with
selective combining technique
Figure 9 Performance of the system using DSTBC with
equal gain combining technique
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 10 Performance of the system using DSTBC with
different combining techniques for 4 antennas
Figure 11 Performance of the system using STBC
and DSTBC with selective combining
technique for 4 antennas
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
2005 - 2008 J ATIT. All rights reserved.
Figure 12 Performance of the system using STBC and
DSTBC with equal gain combining
technique for 4 antennas
Figure 13 Performance of the system using STBC and
DSTBC with maximal ratio combining
technique for 4 antennas
figures 6 and 7 respectively. In both the cases SER
decreases with increase in number of antennas.
Figure 8 shows the performance of DSTBC
diversity over MIMO MC-CDMA system with
selective combining technique for various antennas.
The figure clearly portraits the increase in
performance of the system as SER reduces with
increase in number of antennas. Use of equal gain
combining technique for DSTBC also produces the
same result of reduction in SER with increase in
number of antennas and was clearly indicated in
Figure 9. On consideration of different combining
techniques with DSTBC, it can be viewed that
maximal ratio combining technique gives better
performance and is best opted than other combining
techniques and was shown in Figure10 in the
occasion of four antennas. Figure11 shows the
performance of the system using STBC and
DSTBC site diversity scheme with selective
combining technique for 4 antennas. The figure
clearly depicts that DSTBC based site diversity
scheme gives better performance than STBC based
site diversity scheme. Figure12 and 13 delivers the
performance of the system using STBC and
DSTBC site diversity scheme under 4 antennas
with equal gain combining technique and maximal
ratio combining technique respectively. They too
indicate that the DSTBC based site diversity
scheme gives better performance than STBC based
site diversity. From these it can be concluded that
DSTBC outperforms STBC site diversity and
maximal ratio combining technique is the best
opted combining technique.
In this paper, site diversity scheme for MC-
CDMA system is proposed using STBC and
DSTBC with MIMO technique to improve the
performance of mobile terminals in the downlink.
This method reduces interference of the multi-cell
by jointly assigning the scrambling code according
to STBC encoding pattern along with multiple
antennas. With this method, the performance of the
mobile terminal can be improved. Simulated results
shows that DSTBC based site diversity outperform
STBC based site diversity in terms of SER. Further
from the analysis, it was identified that maximal
ratio combining technique provides reduced error
rate and is the best opted combining technique.
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