Savory Jook Porridge

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Yield 6 servings Time At least 2 1/2 hours

I usually make jook in the afternoon, simmering it gently and stirring it occasionally, eating a
little that night but saving most for the morning despite its simplicity, it doesnt keep !ell for
much longer than that" #ou could also make it overnight in a slo! cooker"
1 cup short$grain rice
2 cups chicken stock, preferably homemade, or !ater
1 %$inch piece of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
1/& pound slab bacon, optional
'oy sauce or salt to taste
1/& cup crispy cooked bacon, minced, optional
1/& cup minced scallions
1/2 cup roasted peanuts, optional
'esame oil for dri((ling, optional
1" )ash rice, and put it in a stock pot !ith chicken stock or !ater" *lace over high heat
until stock boils, then add about & cups !ater" +ring to a boil, and turn heat to lo!" *artly
cover pot, simmer for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally and adding !ater as
necessary ,probably about 2 cups more-"
2" Add ginger and slab bacon, and simmer for an hour more or so" .ook should have a
porridgelike consistency" If it becomes very thick, add !ater" )hen done, jook !ill be
soupy and creamy, like loose oatmeal"
%" /emove slab bacon, and serve jook in individual bo!ls" 'eason !ith salt or soy sauce,
then garnish !ith minced bacon, scallions and peanuts" 0ri((le !ith sesame oil if desired"
1or jook !ith vegetables, 'tep 1 remains the same" In 'tep 2, omit bacon" 'oak & or 2
dried black ,shiitake- mushrooms in hot !ater until softened, then remove stems, and
chop" Add them to mi3, along !ith ginger and 2 carrots, peeled and finely diced, and a
large pinch of salt" )hen jook is almost done, stir in 1 cup fresh or fro(en peas, and cook
14 minutes or so more" *roceed as above"
.ook !ith meat5 'tep 1 remains the same" In 'tep 2, about 12 minutes before jook is
done, add 1/2 pound sliced uncooked sirloin or 1/2 pound sliced uncooked chicken breast
or 1/2 pound crumbled uncooked ground or sliced pork" *roceed as above"
.ook !ith seafood and cilantro5 'tep 1 remains the same" In 'tep 2, during last 14
minutes of simmering, add 1/2 pound shrimp, peeled, deveined and roughly chopped, or
1/2 pound !hitefish fillets, skinned and sliced ,or use both shrimp and fish-" *roceed as
above, adding at least 1/2 cup chopped cilantro leaves for garnish"
Chinese Rice Porridge
Chef: Victoria Blashford-Snell, Brigitte Hafner
Cookbook: The Illustrated Kitchen Bible
ublisher: !K
Course: main course
Total time: under 2 hours
Skill level: Moderate
Cost: Moderate
Yield: makes 4 servings
6no!n in Asia as /ice 7ongee or .ook, it is eaten for breakfast in 7hina !hen the !eather is
6 dried shiitake mushrooms
2 tbsp vegetable oil
in (1 cm) piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated
1 garlic clove, fnel chopped
1 carrot, cut into !ulienne strips
tsp crushed hot red pepper
1 cup long grain rice
" cups chicken stock
2 boneless and skinless chicken breasts, fnel diced
2 scallions, #hite and green parts, chopped
2 tbsp so sauce
freshl ground black pepper
2 tbsp chopped cilantro
*repare ahead
8he porridge can be made up to 2 hours ahead and reheated, adding stock or !ater if it has
become too thick"
1" *ut the mushrooms in a small bo!l and add a cup of boiling !ater" 9et stand about 24
minutes, until softened" 0rain, reserving the soaking !ater" 7ut the mushrooms into small pieces
using kitchen scissors, discarding the stems"
2" :eat the oil in a !ok over lo! heat" Add the carrot, ginger, garlic, and crushed peppers and
cook gently for 2 minutes" 'tir in the rice and pour in the stock" ;easure t!o$thirds of the
mushroom !ater and strain through a fine sieve into the rice mi3ture"
%" /educe the heat to medium$lo! and simmer, stirring often, about &4 minutes" Add the chicken
and cook for 14 minutes, or until the rice has broken do!n to a porridge$like consistency" 'tir in
the scallions, soy sauce, season !ith pepper, and sprinkle !ith the cilantro" 'erve hot"

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