Guitar Theory Pentatonic Scales II

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Guitar theory: Pentatonic Scales

Tried and true, this is the scale we all love to use. Guitar legends have been made from this scale. The
good news is that its one of the easiest scales to remember and it fits in just about everyones style in
some way or another. Its commonly used in country, jazz, rock, metal, folk, everything.
Major Pentatonic Scale
Lets start with the entatonic major scale. !elow is the fretboard chart "in #$ for it then well talk about
whats going on in it.
#bove you can see that there seems to be fewer notes than the major and minor scales. Its true. The
major %entatonic eliminates the &th and the 'th of the major scale. This may be the reason it is easier to
remember. #lso by eliminating the (th it makes the scale more universally usable. The (th note,
remember, sets the flavor of the chord. )ithout defining it the scale can fit over more chords.
*very single major %entatonic scale for every single key signature follows the same %attern+
W ... W ... W + H ... W ...W + H
Whole step - Whole step - Whole step and a half - Whole step - Whole step and a half
# ste% is the distance between , notes+ half ste% - . fret whole ste% - , frets
/n the guitar you can %lay a whole major scale u% to the .,th fret and see the %attern on one string.
# very good idea would be to try to memorize or learn the major %entatonic scale for each of the keys
# through G. !elow is a chart that shows every keys major %entatonic scale.
Tonic "major %entatonic scale$ ,nd 0rd 1th 'th
# ! 23 * 43
! 23 53 43 G3
2 5 * G #
5 * 43 # !
* 43 G3 ! 23
4 G # 2 5
G # ! 5 *
Minor Pentatonic Scale
The minor %entatonic %retty much is the major %entatonic scale e6ce%t you shift the tonic, or .st note to
0 frets below. 7o the charts notes remain the same but the root or tonic is different. Take a look.
I made a mistake on the strin!... the "lue fretted note on the #rd fret should actually "e on the
$nd fret. My "ad yo. hehe
#bove you can see that there seems to be fewer notes than the major and minor scales. Its true. The
major %entatonic eliminates the &th and the 'th of the major scale. This may be the reason it is easier to
remember. #lso by eliminating the (th it makes the scale more universally usable. The (th note,
remember, sets the flavor of the chord. )ithout defining it the scale can fit over more chords. *very
single major %entatonic scale for every single key signature follows the same %attern+
W + H ... W ... W ... W + H ... W
Whole step and a half - Whole step - Whole step - Whole step and a half - Whole step
# ste% is the distance between , notes+ half ste% - . fret whole ste% - , frets
So here are the notes for all of the minor pentatonic scales
Tonic "minor %entatonic scale$ flat 0rd &th 1th flat (th
# 2 5 * G
! 5 * 43 #
2 *b 4 G !b
5 4 G # 2
* G # ! 5
4 #b !b 2 *b
G !b 2 5 4
7o obviously these two scales are related because each major %entatonic shares the same notes with its
%entatonic minor scale. 8ere are the scales as they relate.
9ajor entatonic
:elative 9inor
entatonic 7cale
# 43m
! G3m
2 #m
5 !m
* 23m
4 5m
G *m

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