Food Requirements For Adults and Elderly Adults in Urdu

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Food Requirements for Adults and

Elderly Adults in Urdu

May 4, 2014 Madiha Farrukh Leave a comment
When we reach adulthood our growth and development is almost over and then
we only need to maintain our lifestyle and keep fulfilling the reuirements of
our adult !ody" We have also to see that we should not gain e#tra weight and
also to prevent many diseases like o!esity, heart diseases, diseases related to
sedentary life style !ecause in adult age we don$t play like we play in !oyhood
or in school age" we are more ha!itual of working in office for % to 10 hours
which causes our !ody to get more fat especially in the a!domen or !elly
region and around thighs and hips" &aturated fats, sugar, salt, red meat and
!akery items are recipe of disaster in adult age and especially in elderly adult
'he ratio of these things should !e minimi(ed to whatever e#tent we can go" )f
we altogether give up consuming these things our !ody will feel at its !est,
!ecause the primitive man was not aware of salt, sugar, fats or !akery items or
fine floor etc" &o !asic needs of human !eings or adult in our society don$t
come around these things" *ou should throw out almost every oil from your
kitchen e#cept olive oil if you want to go far avoiding fats"
'he +asic Food reuirement of an adult or an elderly adult,
1- .rotein from white meat like chicken and fish" /ggs and pulses are a good
source of protein"
2- Five servings of fruit and vegeta!les each day"
0- 1ar!ohydrates from cereals, potatoes, wheat pasta, !rown rice etc"
4- Fi!er is very important" We need medium to push food in our guts or
intestines" 'he guava with seeds, Figs, Melons, whole wheat !read, green
vegeta!les especially &pinach will help e#tensively" .lenty of fluids should !e
taken to help functioning of intestines" .ulses are also good to remove
constipation and !owel pro!lems"
23 1alcium intake should !e increased to prevent from 4steoporosis and to
fortify the !ones" 'he 1alcium can !e o!tained from Milk and dairy products
like *ogurt and cheese" 5reen vegeta!les and certain cereals also include
6- )ron can !e found in 7pples, &pinach, meat and some vegeta!les like !eet
8- 9itamin 1 assists in making 1ollagen which is a very good agent in healing
the wounds and for skin, hair and nails" )ts efficacy is also proven in making
eye sight !etter"
%- 9itamin : helps in increasing the strength of !ones and a!sor!ing the
1alcium in !ody"
;- <inc is good for mental health and integrity of nervous system and immune
)n elder stage of life 7ppetite changes occur" )n later stage of life one feels less
hungry !ut even then it is important to maintain the nutrient level of !ody" &o
eating snacks in place of meals is also a good idea" Fish or chicken sandwiches
with green salad !etween is a good idea"
Long Life or fro(en Foods are not too !ad" 'hey can !e trusted if you are
una!le to find at times fresh articles"
7ik !aat yad rakhnay ki hai, kay aap wohi hain =o aap khatay hain, is liyay apni
khorak kay maamlay main ahtiat say kam li=iyay" Wohi khaiyay =o aap kay =ism
kay liyay kaaramad hai, >unk food say parhai( karain, ro(ana war(ish karain
aur udrat ki ata ki hoi har naimat say faida uthayain,war(ish karain aur <ahni
pareshanio say !achain to aap 7llah kay Fa(al o ?aram say aik lam!i aur achi
(indagi gu(ar saktay hain"

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