Maruti Suzuki

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Sustainabilit Initiati!"s in
A $as" Stu' (# Ma%uti U'(& )t'*
The present era of globalization, modernization and development is the resultant
of extreme exploitation of natural and human resources in developed as well as
developing countries. But the scarcity of these resources lead the business or
corporate world to explore the methods of handling and exploiting them to fulfill
the current and future needs without any compromise.
Therefore, being sustainable is becoming the most important factor for any
developmental process. As manufacturing is also viewed from broader
perspective of sustainability these days, so manufacturing companies are also
pushing them to achieve various dimensions of sustainability, such as social,
economical and environmental. Sustainability, in case of manufacturer, is
measured by evaluation of products, processes or systems that effect its
operations. It reuires assessment of all the factors that affect the manufacturing
facilities and then developing strategies to reduce their impact. Therefore, the
manufacturing companies are always under pressure to develop strategies to
allocate their resources efficiently, because of increasing prices and competition.
As traditional approach related to uality and price can not be ignored, the
manufacturers are intensely focused on areas li!e energy, water, emission,
waste, production, awareness, etc.
I. Introduction
Traditionally, the manufacturing system was assumed to be sound if it can
provide opportunity for continuous improvement, hence results in increase in
production and operational uality. In such a system, the production system was
designed to improve process capability and operational performance. "owever,
the proper attention was paid towards product nonconformities and process off#
specifications. The reason behind was, this !ind of system resulted in lesser
waste and emissions due to reduction of re$ected parts The manufacturing
companies were only emphasizing on good uality in lesser price and optimal
use of resources. As it is rightly said, for these !inds of manufacturing units by
%avid &. 'orten that (conomists !now the price of everything and the value of
Therefore, now days, manufacturing system is viewed from different perspective.
)evolutionary production#systems thin!ing directed at the identification and
elimination of all forms of non#value added activity, or waste, from an
The manufacturing systems need to be designed for value creation. As said by
"enry *ord, +If it doesn,t produce value, its waste- . So, it directs an organization
towards the waste elimination from all the sources. Because, manufacturing
industries are additionally under the economic pressure to compensate
increasing cost and create adding value .
So, it has become necessary to design products as well as processes for value
Besides value creation, the manufacturing systems are viewed from the broader
characteristic of sustainability these days. The idea of sustainability has come to
represent the rising expectations not only from economic viewpoint but also from
social and environmental performances of manufacturing system .So, the
manufacturing system is not only limited to value creation but to sustainable
value creation. That means the manufacturing companies are finding their way to
sustainable development by using methodologies of increasing the efficiencies
.economic, ecologic, social/ into the production system by producing products
with less energy, less material, and less pollution. Some of ob$ectives of a
sustainable manufacturing system can be,
Improving resource efficiency and waste management
(xamining the product life cycle involved in manufacturing.
Trying to ensure economic growth minimizing environmental pollution.
(xamining how to stimulate innovation and investment to provide cleaner
0roviding awareness and training to employees.
This paper compares uality with sustainability and reviews the concept of
sustainability in reference to manufacturing and concludes with the sustainability
practices adopted by 1aruti 2dyog 3td.
II. Quality Vs Sustainability
According to &aplan .4556/ +7uality is process dependent- which means that the
uality can be attained by effective product and process design 849. %eming,
:uran, and &rosby, made the claim that uality programs would increase
efficiency, rather than $ust raise costs. &rosby;s famous words that
+7uality is free.- made the important point that businesses can ma!e
brea!throughs by see!ing uality 8<9. According to *eigenbaum .4554/, =7uality
is the most cost#effective, least capital#intensive route to productivity.= 849. Thus,
uality and productivity ob$ectives are not different according to traditional view.
But sustainability ta!es uality thin!ing to the next level to include creating a
healthier, safer society by integrating environmental concerns into manufacturing
and design efforts
III. Sustainability
>orld &ommission on (nvironment and %evelopment defined sustainable
economic progress as =development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs= 8<9. (lgin
also observes, ??if we do no more than wor! for a sustainable future, then we are
in danger of creating a world in which living is little more than ?only not dying,,
8469. It has been said because@ our ecological demands already exceed what
nature can supply. This ??ecological overshoot,, means, the stoc! of natural
environmental capital is depleting. Therefore, business enterprises need to grow
at least enough to !eep pace with the economy, but defining growth and the
ways A means of growth need to change 84B9.
(arlier, the industries were only limited to environmental laws and regulations set
by Covernment bodies. Traditional understanding of environmental management
was limited to +cleaning up the mess- after production is completed.
(nvironmental management in many companies is oriented to compliance,
remediation of contaminated land, and reduction of targeted hazardous materials
8D9. Then, they start tal!ing only about green production which was only limited to
eco friendly products and processes. It is a very proven fact that eco#factories
are not only the solution if they are producing the unsustainable products 84D9.
Therefore, companies are proactively coming forward to develop sustainably.
1any of these companies are now going beyond environmental performance and
are now beginning to discuss sustainability. Sustainability pushes the
environmental envelope and challenges companies to consider issues such as
the environmental impact of the materials they select, the social implications of
their products and operations, and in some case the need for their product at all
8B9. "owever, successful sustainability initiatives often reuire fundamental
product redesign and operational rethin!ing 8E9. Therefore, achieving solutions to
environmental problems that we face today reuires long#term potential actions
for sustainable development 8449. In long term, sustainable enterprise resilience
can be defined as the +capacity for an enterprise to survive, adapt, and grow in
the face of turbulent change,- and at the same time, +to increase shareholder
value without increasing material throughput-. Sustainable enterprise resilience
within the framewor! of industrial ecology creates multiple business opportunities
through green technologies, reduction of raw material and energy use 84B9.
In *ig. 4, the holistic view of production system has been given. If the overall
effectiveness of the industry has to be improved then the company has to pay
proper attention towards economic, ecological and social factors of production,
which in return result in sustainable production.
*ig.4F (fficiency and sustainability 84G9.
&oncepts that are discussed above guide sustainability practices at multiple
levels. *irms use these framewor!s to motivate sustainability initiatives, to
educate employees, and in decision#ma!ing. Hiewed together, these framewor!s
can guide firms in encouraging and launching sustainability initiatives, in
evaluating their success, in integrating environmental considerations into the
allocation of resources, and in designing products to gain competitive advantage
from sustainable business 8<9.
IV. Case study of Maruti Udyog Ltd.
The products of automobile industry touch daily lives by providing personal
mobility for millions. But there are some challenges that are faced by the industry
such as deterioration of local air uality, global warming and the treatment of
scrapped vehicle. (very automa!er has wor!ed in the direction to save
environment and the considerable improvements are also made in this direction.
As there are competitive pressures to reduce cost, the automa!ers are driven
towards resource productivity and minimization of waste to achieve economies of
scale 8<9. A recent >orld (nergy &ouncil .>(&/ study found that without any
change in our current practice, the world energy demand in D6D6 would be <6I
J6K higher than 4556 levels .
1aruti 2dyog, India,s leading automa!er whose parent is
Suzu!i from :apan, has also paved its way towards sustainable development by
incremental changes in few things that resulted in big savings. 3ast year 1aruti
ran program to reduce part of each component by 4 gram. Interestingly, 1aruti
has reduced its electricity consumption per vehicle by D6 per cent in the last nine
years, water consumption by BL per cent, and land fill waste by LE per cent. The
carbon dioxide emission has declined DE per cent in seven years. It has become
a zero discharge company and recycles all its water .The small car named
?A#Star,, which is global car of 1aruti, is designed in such a way that JE per cent
of car can be recycled as explained by
(uropean regulations about the concept of end#of#life#vehicles
.(3Hs/ Therefore company bagged an order of G<666 A#star from Missan in
(urope recently . In this direction,
1aruri has ta!en some other initiatives towards sustainability, which are,
>hen the Indian mar!et was offering only two tube light configurations i.e., BD
watts and GL watts, 1aruti tied up with a small manufacturer for DJ#watt
tubes. In the factory there is provision for three &*3 lamps and company
managers realized that the room would have enough illumination with two
lamps of GL watts in each holder.
So the third lamps were ta!en out. This seems to be a small step but if we
loo! towards energy savings in a year time, and then they are huge.
In the assembly line, where axles are installed, the components are placed on
an inclined bar on which they slide towards the wor!er due to gravity which
helped in eliminating the use of conveyor belts.
>ater pumps in cooling towers were made to consume less electricity by
slightly reducing the size of the impeller.
The power supply of machines, that run intermittently, was cut to save energy.
The compressed air used to run various tools used to go into the shop floor at
DJ#D5 degrees centigrade allowed to rise its temperature to GD degrees
because of no harm.
(arlier waste water from all sources was dumped into Covernment sewers,
for which company was paying Covernment. But now after the improvements
in treatment processes no sewer is discharged into Covernment sewers and
all waste water is recycled by the company.
&ompany has used steel crates rather than wooden or board pac!aging for
storage and transport of components coming from :apan. After use the steel
crates are folded and sent bac! for reuse. The thousand of parts coming from
Indian vendors are supplied in reusable plastic bins to avoid wastage .
The steps put forward by 1aruti 2dyog not only resulted in economic growth but
also in environmental and social progress. It is uite obvious that if a company
wants to exceed in future then it has to loo! its present. 1aruti 2dyog realized
the importance of being sustainable in present. &ompany is proving that the
$ourney starts from the small initiatives, but they result in big savings. Mo doubt, it
is not easy to bring change for sustainable development. To implement
sustainability principles, firms need clear ob$ectives. It is a fact that only those
programs that are implemented effectively and communicated to all employees
result in value for the organization 859. So this study reveals that by combining
sustainability in manufacturing system, how a company can reduced water,
electricity, and general energy usage, and lowered waste disposal costs. "ence,
all these activities can ta!e a company towards sustainable value creation.
V. Conclusion
The automobile sales are increasing in India and today there is a challenge
before manufacturing industries to become sustainable. It clearly shows that the
raw materials are finite and there are increasing demands, therefore, companies
are moving towards change in product designs, various stages of processing,
consumption and use of raw materials so as to encourage optimum reuse and
recycling, thereby avoiding wastage and preventing depletion of the natural
resources stoc!. But there is nothing special that has to be created@ therefore the
change begins with little transformations in manufacturing system. There is no
single formula which can be applied to ma!e a company sustainable
immediately. Sustainability is temporal and deals with continuous advancement
in all areas. Also, sustainability is not forced but it depends upon the will of
organization for a change. To protect, maintain and improve present life styles
and preserve them for future, companies are voluntarily coming forward to
become sustainable. Thus, sustainability in the manufacturing system is the !ey
to address various problems of the production and operations in industry. 1aruti
2dyog 3td too! some steps forward to ma!e its products sustainable, therefore
other companies should also come forward to adopt sustainable manufacturing
practices so as to secure the future of coming generations.

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