NH Topline
NH Topline
NH Topline
New Hampshire Political Issues
N=638 Active Voters
October 27-28, 2014
REGISTERED: Are you currently registered to vote in New Hampshire?
Yes, Registered 100%
No, Not Registered --
SEX: And now for your sex.
Male 48
Female 52
AGE: And now for your age.
18-29 6
30-45 16
46 65 38
Older than 65 40
QRACE: How would you describe your racial or ethnic heritage?
Hispanic 2
Black 2
White 90
Asian 2
Other 5
GOVOTER: How likely do you think it is that you will vote in the US Senate, Congress
or other local elections coming up this November?
Definitely Voting 92
Probably Voting 7
Probably Not Voting 2
PREZAPPV: Do you approve or disapprove of President Barack Obamas job
Strongly approve 22
Somewhat approve 19
Somewhat disapprove 10
Strongly disapprove 50
SENBALLOT: And if the election for the United States Senate were held today, for
whom would you vote?
Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 36
Lean to Shaheen 9
Lean to Brown 7
Republican Scott Brown 42
Unsure 6
Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 45
Republican Scott Brown 49
Unsure 6
ISSUES: If you had to choose one issue that is driving your decision of who to vote for
in the elections this November, what would it be?
Obama job performance 13
Economy and jobs 20
Budget and taxes 11
Foreign policy/National defense 10
Immigration 8
Healthcare/Obamacare 14
Environment 4
Social issues 10
None of the above 12
ACA1: Thinking about the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare, would
you describe it as a success, a failure, or something in between?
Success 25
Failure 44
Something in between 31
ACA2: Thinking again about the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare,
have you, a close friend, or a family member been helped or positively affected by the
Yes, helped 29
No, not helped 71
ACA3: Thinking again about the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare,
have you, a close friend, or a family member been hurt or adversely affected by the law?
Yes, hurt 33
No, not hurt 67
EBOLA: Do you have confidence in the US government to deal with the Ebola crisis and
prevent it from spreading in the US?
Strongly confident 27
Somewhat confident 33
No confidence 37
Unsure 4
PARTY: What political party do you most closely identify with?
Democrat 27
Republican 34
Independent / Something Else 38
The sample size for the survey is 638 active voters taken from a listed sample of registered voters
who voted in the 2010 or 2012 general election or registered since the 2012 general election. The
margin of error is +/- 3.9%. 544 interviews were completed using automated telephone technology
and 94 were conducted using mobile based survey technology. All interviews were conducted
October 27-28, 2014 by Vox Populi Polling. The total percentages for responses may not equal
100% due to rounding.