Examples-Chapter1 (Compatibility Mode)
Examples-Chapter1 (Compatibility Mode)
Examples-Chapter1 (Compatibility Mode)
C l l t the
th drift
d ift mobility
bilit andd the
th mean scattering
tt i time
ti off conduction
d ti electrons
l t
in Cu at RT. Given that the conductivity of Cu is 5.9×105Ω-1cm-1, the density of
Cu is 8.96 g cm-3 and its atomic mass 63.5 g mol-1.
en 1.6×10 C 8.5×10 ×10 m
)( 6 −3
43.4 10
mV s
μd me
(43.4×10 −4
m2V −1s−1 9.1×10−31kg )
= 2.5×10−14
e 1.6×10 C 1
Given that
Gi th t the
th mean speedd off conduction
d ti electrons
l t i Cu
in C is 1 5 ×10
i 1.5 106 ms-11 andd the
frequency of vibration of Cu atoms at RT is about 4×1012 s-1, estimate the drift
velocity of the electrons and conductivity of Cu. The density of Cu is 8.96 g cm-3 and
its atomic mass 63.5 g mol-1.
S = π a2
μd =
me Only τ is unknown
l=uτ a
σ = en μ d
According to the definition of τ, there is only one
scattering event in the volume V=uτπa2. scattering
is due to the atom thermal vibration. Ns ×V=1
N sπa 2u
1 1
Ma 2ω 2 ≈ kT 2
4 2
1 1 1
τ= Ma 2ω 2 ≈ kT
N sπa 2u 4 2
M at 63.56 × 10 −3 kg mol -1 − 25
M= = = 1 . 06 × 10 kg
NA 6.02 ×10 mol
23 -1
πa 2 =
2π 1.38 × 10 (
JK −1
(293K ) ) ≈ 3.9 ×10 − 22 m 2
Mϖ 2 1.06 × 10 − 25 kg 2π × 4 × 1012 rad / s ( )
1 1
τ= = = × −14
( )(
N sπa u 3.9 ×10 m 1.5 × 10 ms 8.5 × 10 m
2 − 22 2 6 −1 28 −3
2 .0 10
)( s
μd =
( )(
1 . 6 × 10 − 19 C 2 . 0 × 10 − 14 s
= × −3 )2 −1
s −1
me (− 31
9 . 1 × 10 kg
3 . 5
)10 m V
σ = en μ d = 4 . 8 × 10 Ω m7 −1 −1
Example: Explain the typical resistivity versus
temperature behavior shown in the
ρ =
μd =
σ en μ d me
α1 =
1 + α 0 (T1 − T0 )
P f C
Proof: Consider
id the
h resistivity i terms off α0 , α1
i i i at temperature T in
ρ = ρ 0 [1 + α 0 (T − T0 )]; ρ = ρ1 [1 + α1 (T − T1 )]
T=T1 T=T0
ρ1 = ρ 0 [1 + α 0 (T1 − T0 )] ρ 0 = ρ1 [1 + α1 (T0 − T1 )]
Eliminate ρ0 and ρ1
α1 =
1 + α 0 (T1 − T0 ) 5
The mean speedd off conduction
Th d ti electrons
l t in
i copper is i about 1 5 106 ms-11. Its
b t 1.5×10 It room
temperature resistivity is 17 nΩ m and the atomic concentration in crystal is 8.5×1022cm-3.,
the Nordheim coefficient C of Au in Cu is 5500 nΩ m. Suppose we add 1 at.% Au to form
a solid solution. What is the resistivityy of the alloy,
y, the effective mean free ppath and mean
free path due to the collision with Au atoms only?
ρ= 17 nΩ m + (5500 nΩ m) (0.01)(1-0.01)=71.45 nΩ m
Suppose that l is the overall or effective mean free path and τ is the effective mean
free time between collision . ( including both scattering from lattice vibration and
l = uτ
μd = 1 m mu meu
l= 2
me ρ= = 2 e = 2e
enμ d e nτ e nll e nρ
ρ= 6
enμ d
meu ρ= 17 nΩ m
e 2 nρ C = 37 nm
ρ= 71.45 nΩ m
leff = 8.8nm
1 1 1 1 1 1
= + = +
τ effff τ Cu
C τI leffff lCu
C lI
l I = 11.5nm
C id an alloy
ll maded from
f sintering
i t i 90% at.% t % Cu
C andd 10 at.
t % Zn
Z powder.
d The
component contains dispersed air pores at 15 vol.% . The Nordheim coefficient of Zn in
Cu is 300 nΩ m, under very dilution conditions. The Cu room temperature of resistivity is
17 nΩ m. Calculate the effective resistivityy of this brass component.
p If experimental
p value
of CuZn alloy without pores is 40 nΩ m. what is your comments?
When the valency of solute atom is different, Nordheim’s rule is valid only if the
concentration of solution is low.
Adjustment off the
h calculated
l l d resistivity
i i i is i required
i d
(1 + × 0.15)
ρ eff = 40nΩm 2 = 50.6nΩm
(1 − 0.15)
35 300
(a) (b) As deposited
Annealed at 100 C
100 Annealed at 150 C
25 50
ρbulk = 16.7 n m
15 10
5 10 50 100 500
0 0.05 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Film thickness (nm)
1/d (1/micron)
(a) ρfilm of Cu polycrystalline films (b) ρfilm of Cu polycrystalline films
versus reciprocal mean grain size. Film versus film thickness. Annealing the
thi k
thickness D=250-900nm
D 250 900 ddoes nott affect
ff t fil tto reduce
film d th
the polycrystalline
l t lli does
the resistivity. not affect the resistivity since ρfilm is
controlled by surface scattering.
Interception with Y axis and slope can deduce the
single crystal resistivity and mean free path of
single crystal
If the probability of the elastic scattering in
grain boundaries is 0.39
0 39
7. nΩ m
⎡ λ ⎛ R ⎞⎤
ρ film = ρ crystal + ⎢1.33 ⎜ ⎟ ρ crystal ;
⎣ d 1− R ⎥
⎝ ⎠⎦
⎡ ⎛ R ⎞⎤
Intercept = ρcrystal ; slope = ⎢1.33λ ⎜ ⎟⎥ ρ crystal ;
⎣ ⎝ 1 − R ⎠⎦
λ 40