Phylum Chordata
Phylum Chordata
Phylum Chordata
The phylum Chordata includes many familiar animals such as fishes, frogs, snakes,
birds, mammals and man. Also included in this phylum, but bearing little resemblance to
the above animal groups, are the tunicates and the lancelets. Chordates display the
following features at some time during their life cycle: 1) a notochord, 2) a dorsal hollow
nerve cord, 3) pharyngeal gill pouches or slits, 4) a post-anal tail, 5) a ventral heart and 4)
thyroid gland(s). Chordates also share many features with the invertebrates previously
studied. These features include bilateral symmetry, segmentation, a true coelom, three
germ layers, a complete digestive system and an endoskeleton.
The first chordates studied are often called Lower Chordates or Invertebrate
Chordates and are grouped in the following taxonomic categories.
Subphylum: Urochordata
Adult tunicates or sea squirts look nothing like the other Chordata. Tunicates are all
marine animals that are solitary or colonial and sessile or planktonic. Most are sessile,
attached to rocks, piling, and jetties. A non-living tunic, containing cellulose, encloses
and protects their bodies. The name sea squirt comes from the fact that many individuals
squirt a jet of water when squeezed.
Observe a tunicate and locate the two siphons projecting from their globose body. The
smaller and anterior one is the incurrent siphon, and the larger, more posterior one is the
excurrent siphon. Sessile forms have a long stalk that is fastened to a substrate. Inside
the tunic is a large pharynx perforated by numerous gill slits. Ventral to the pharynx is
the digestive system which courses dorsally to end at the anus near the excurrent siphon.
There are three classes of Urochordata; two will be displayed in class.
Class: Ascidiacea
These are the tunicates and specimens are in the classroom.
Class: Thaliacea
These are free-living planktonic forms called salps. These creatures form long chain
colonies of translucent or orange individuals during the summer months and are
commonly found off the California coast.
Class: Larvacea
The planktonic larvaceans or appendicularians are small (a few millimeters long) and
are very specialized. The fragile nature of these animals makes capture difficult. No
examples are in the lab.
Figure 1. Draw a tunicate 6 cm. high and label their anatomy.
Study Questions
1. What are the characteristics of chordates?
2. Do adult Urochordates possess any chordate characteristics?
3. What chordate characters are found in the adult human?
Subphylum: Cephalochordata
The Cephalochordata contain twenty-eight species of small fish-like animals known as
lancelets. Amphioxus (Branchiostoma) are found along American coasts in shallow
marine waters with clean sandy bottoms. Although unimportant economically, they are
interesting from an evolutionary standpoint because they form a link between the
invertebrate chordates and the vertebrate chordates (see below). Lancelets possess the
defining features of chordates and in many ways are the blue print for this phylum.
Recent discoveries of fossil forms (Pikaia and Yunnanozoa) indicate that
Cephalochordata existed 520,000,000 years ago and were possibly ancestral to the
subphylum Vertebrata.
Lancelets have slender, laterally compressed bodies 4-6 cm long. A long dorsal fin
extends around the tail forming a caudal fin. There is a short ventral fin supported by
fin rays composed of connective tissue. Three openings in the body are the anterior
mouth, the mid-ventral atriopore and the posteroventral anus. Amphioxus is a filter
feeder employing approximately twenty oral cirri (buccal tentacles) surrounded by a
membrane (oral hood) to draw in a current of water through the mouth and into the
pharynx. Minute food particles in the water are trapped by mucus in the 100 or so gills,
which also function as organs of respiration. Between the gill slits are gill bars each
supported by a thin cartilagenous rod. The filtered water continues posteriorly to the
atrium and then released out the atriopore. The food trapped by the gills is passed by
ciliary mucal action posteriorly to the esophagus and on to the intestine. On the ventral
side of the intestine is a sac, the hepatic caecum, which is thought to be equivalent to the
vertebrate liver.
The dorsal hollow nerve cord lies ventral to the dorsal fin and dorsal to the notochord.
A brain-like expansion occurs at the anterior end of the nerve cord. Extending
longitudinally and dorsal to the intestine is the thin, rod-like notochord consisting of
cartilage surrounded by a sheet of tough connective tissue. Notice the conspicuous V-
shaped structures along each side of the body. These are myomeres, segmentally
arranged muscles similar to those found in fishes. Contraction of these muscles against
the rigid notochord produces lateral swimming movements similar to those of fishes. In
addition to locomotion, the lancelets use muscle contractions when burrowing into sand.
Figure 2. Draw a lancelet 15 cm long and label the external features that you can
Figure 3. Draw a lancelet 15 cm long and label the internal structures that you
can locate.
Study Questions
4. How does a lancelet feed?
5. Explain how Amphioxus respires.
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Chordates characterized by the presence of ossified or cartilagenous vertebral elements
making-up a vertebral column. Fishes and tetrapods are included in this subphylum.
Superclass: Agnatha
Theses are vertebrates lacking jaws. The group includes lampreys, ectoparasitic
vertebrates living in both marine and fresh waters, and the hagfish, marine scavengers
feeding on the dead. Like fishes, agnathans have their muscles of locomotion arranged as
bilaterally, repeating (segmented) W-shaped myomeres along the length of their bodies.
Superclass: Gnathostoma
Class: Chondrichthyes
Elasmobranch fish include the sharks, rays, skates, and chimeras (ratfish). They
possess cartilaginous skeletons, exposed gill slits (except in chimeras) and pelvic fins in
males are modified as external copulatory organs (or claspers). Tooth-like, placoid
scales that form a shagren of dermal denticles cover the body of most species. Pacific
Islanders (New Zealands Maoris, for example) used the skins of various sharks as
sandpaper to smooth their beautiful woodworkings. An upturning of the vertebral
column supports the asymmetrical heterocercal tail, common in this class. Examine
various preserved elasmobranchs in class and learn their identity.
Study Questions
1. What are the differences between the Agnatha and the Chondrichthyes?
2. Why are placoid scales and teeth similar?
3. What is the function of claspers?
Class: Osteichthyes
Members of this class are the 25,000 species bony fish--the greatest number of species
in any group of vertebrates. They have evolved to occupy nearly every aquatic habitat
(niche). Today the yellow perch, a common freshwater fish of the Midwestern United
States, will be dissected.
Study tips for the following dissections. Review all parts of your specimens studied
during the previous lab at the beginning of each lab period. Quiz your neighbor,
examine other specimens, learn both male and female reproductive systems of the species
dissected, and perform a careful dissection of each species.
External Anatomy. Identify the head, which extends to the posterior edge of the gill
cover or operculum. The trunk extends from the operculum edge to the anus. Posterior
to the anus is the tail.
Examine the perch and locate the following fins: pectoral, pelvic, anal, two dorsals and
a caudal. Fin rays support the thin membrane of each fin. Notice that some rays are
soft and others are spiny. The nearly horizontal vertebrate column extends posteriorly to
support the symmetrically shaped homocercal tail.
Unlike the chondrichthyians, the bony fish has aterminal mouth. The head is provided
with paired eyes and paired nostrils. Ears lie deep inside the head posterior to each eye,
and are not visible externally. Along the length of the body is the lateral line, a sensory
system composed of a row of small pores or tubules connecting to a long, tubular canal.
This system functions in the aquatic environment and is absent in all terrestrial tetrapods.
On each side of the head, an operculum covers the gills and fits snugly against the body.
Using a probe, lift the operculum and examine the gills lying within a chamber. Find the
anus at the base of the anal fin and the small, slit-like urogenital opening posterior to
the anus.
Examine the arrangement of scales. Remove a single scale and place in a drop of water
on a glass slide and cover it. Use your light microscope at 40X to see growth lines and
the intricate structure of a ctenoid scale.
Figure 1. Draw a fish scale 10 cm in diameter. Show great detail.
Study Questions
4. How does the arrangement of scales aid swimming?
5. What are the major differences between sharks and bony fish?
6. How does each type of fin function?
7. Do fish have eyelids?
8. What is the function of the operculum?
Internal Anatomy. During your dissection be on the alert for parasitic nematode worms
and flukes. To observe the myomeres (segmentally arranged body musculature) cut off
all the fin spines on the perch. Make two shallow incisions from the ventral surface of
the fish to the dorsal surface. The first incision is just posterior to the anus and the
second about 3 centimeters nearer to the caudal fin. J oin the two with a shallow, mid-
ventral incision. Using a sharp scalpel, carefully separate the skin from the underlying
musculature. When completed there will be a flap of free skin overlying the myomeres.
Lift the flap, examine the myomeres and observe their resemblance to a W turned on its
side and stacked close together. Now cut the tail off just anterior to the fin rays and
observe that myomeres extend the length of the body.
Figure 2. Draw three adjacent myomeres 5 cm high. Be sure to show the W
pattern as seen in your specimen.
To view the respiratory system cut away the left operculum and expose all the gills.
Cut out a single gill and float it in a watch dish filled with water. Examine the gill using
the dissection scope.
Return to the perch and cut through the remaining gill arches to expose the mouth
cavity and pharynx. Open the mouth wide and note the gill slits in the pharynx. Study
the figure below in order to understand how fishes respire. As water is forced over the
gill filaments of bony fish, the oral valves close to prevent water from flowing back out
of the mouth. After passing through the gills, the water flows out the operculum. Note
the fine teeth located within the mouth.
Study Questions
9. Does the fish have a tongue?
10. How many gill arches are found in the yellow perch?
11. Would the teeth in a perch be effective in chewing prey? What are the
feeding habits of a yellow perch?
Beginning just anterior to the anus, make a shallow incision anteriorly along the mid-
ventral line to a point anterior to the pelvic fins. On the left side of the body, make two
dorsal transverse cuts approximately one-half the width of the body, one from the region
of the anus and another between the pelvic and pectoral fins. Now remove the body wall
by cutting between the two dorsal incisions. The exposed area is the abdominal cavity,
a part of the coelomic cavity (the other portion of the coelom is the pericardial cavity,
containing the heart). Peritoneum is the smooth, shiny surface of the abdominal coelom.
This smooth surface reduces friction as organs move against the cavity walls. In the case
of a gravid female perch, it may be necessary to remove the eggs in order to better
examine the organs. Do not to remove the portion of the egg mass nearest the anus.
Place a blunt instrument through the mouth and into the opening of the esophagus at the
termination of the pharynx. Now lift the liver, the cream-colored organ (dark red in
life), and trace the esophagus from the pharynx to the stomach. The stomach ends in a
blind pouch while the small intestine joins the middle portion of the stomach. Three
pyloric caeca surround this union and secrete digestive enzymes in addition to aiding
food absorption. The small intestine is often encased in yellow fat deposits. The liver
secretes bile into the gall bladder for storage; later the bile will be released into the small
intestine to emulsify fats to facilitate their digestion. An inconspicuous pancreas lies in
the fold of the intestine. Open the stomach, place the contents in a Syracuse dish with
water and examine for parasites.
The swim bladder (air bladder) is a long, shiny thin-walled sac occupying the dorsal
portion of the abdominal cavity. Puncture it and examine the anteroventral wall for a
network of capillaries (red body) that serves as a gas gland controlling the amount of
gas in the swim bladder.
Study Questions
12. Describe the stomach contents of your perch.
13. What is the function of the air bladder and how does it work?
Fishes are dioecious but monomorphic. In females the single ovary lies posterior to
the stomach and dorsal to the intestine. It is connected posteriorly to a short oviduct,
which opens at the urogenital pore posterior to the anus. The size of the ovary is
seasonal. The bilobed testes of males attach to the air bladder via mesenteries. A sperm
duct (vas deferens) runs posteriorly from each testis to end at the urogenital pore.
Perch practice external fertilization. The student is responsible for the reproductive
system of both sexes. Locate a fish of the opposite sex in the classroom.
Paired kidneys lie against the dorsal body wall and extend the entire length of the
abdominal cavity above the air bladder and may fuse posteriorly. The dorsal aorta
separates their anterior ends. The kidneys drain urine via Wolffian ducts that exit at the
urogenital pore.
To expose the heart, extend the midventral incision anteriorly to where right and left
jaws join. Enlarge the opening by removing a triangular piece of body wall on each side
of the cut. The pericardial cavity (part of the coelomic cavity) is separated from the
abdominal cavity by a transverse septum. Within the pericardial cavity lies the two
chambered heart consisting of a thin-walled atrium and a thick-walled ventricle.
Carbon dioxide rich blood from the body enters the atrium through the sinus venosus.
From theatrium blood enters the ventricleand is pumped through the bulbus arteriosus
to the gills for oxygenation and removal of carbon dioxide.
Class: Amphibia
This class includes 5400 species of frogs, toads, salamanders and caecilians. The
Amphibia were the earliest tetrapods to invade the land. Although adapted to the
terrestrial environment, many lead double lives requiring water or moist conditions for
reproduction but spending much of their adult life on land. A number of species lay their
eggs in water where external fertilization takes place. Larval stages breathe by means
of gills and may reside for sometime in aquatic conditions before metamorphosing into
an adult (see the life history of a frog on page ). Adults possess lungs, a three
chambered heart, movable eyelids and internal nares. Nearly all species lack scales and
have a moist skin permeable to water. Many are armed with cutaneous mucus glands
often capable of producing extremely toxic poisons. No extant species are marine.
Order: Gymnophiona or Apoda
These are the caecilians, an odd group of tropical amphibians resembling limbless
salamanders or snakes. The tail is short and skin contains mesodermal scales. Caecilians
burrow through the forest litter in tropical rain forests in search of worms. Their
burrowing habits have lead to blindness or near-blindness. Human rarely encounter these
interesting creatures. See specimen(s) in lab.
Order: Urodela or Caudata
Salamanders and newts possess four limbs, a long trunk and a long tail. In this respect
they resemble lizards. There are approximately 300 species nearly all of which live in
aquatic or moist circumstances. Most species are found in temperate North America,
however a number of species inhabit tropics regions and old world temperate zones.
They range in size from a few centimeters to nearly two meters (J apanese Giant
Salamander). All are carnivorous, preying on worms, molluscs and arthropods.
Order: Salientia or Anura
Frogs and toads are tailless amphibians with large mouths; a long trunk and hind legs
specialized for saltatory (hopping) locomotion. Larval forms possess fully functional
tails adapted for swimming. With over 2000 species, the Anurans represent the largest
living order of Amphibia.
Frogs are commonly utilized for dissection in Zoology classes because they: a)
demonstrate many basic vertebrate features, b) illustrate the transition from aquatic to
terrestrial life, c) are inexpensive and widely use as laboratory animals, important in
many areas of biological research. Frogs are raised for research and classroom use; none
are taken from wild populations. The frog species most often used are the leopard frog,
Rana pipiens, and the bullfrog, Rana catesbiana. The former is more commonly used
in laboratory studies, while the latter is a better animal for dissection due to its larger size.
Illustrations included here are composites of the two species and are not entirely accurate.
External anatomy. Pigment cells or chromatophores account for the coloration of the
frogs skin. Note the large head with a very large mouth. Pry open the mouth and locate
the maxillary teeth on the margin of the maxilla and the vomerine teeth on the palate
(i.e. the roof of the mouth). Frogs use their teeth to hold prey before swallowing, and not
for chewing food items. On each side of the vomerine teeth are openings or internal
nares which communicate to the outside as external nares (nostrils). Find the openings
to the vocal sacs along the inside of the lower jaws. Notice how the tongue is attached.
Posterior to the oral cavity is the muscular pharynx, which facilitates the passage of food
into the esophagus. At the rear of the pharynx is the glottis.
Return to the exterior of the head and find a pair of external nares, two eyes and a
tympanic membrane located posterior to each eye. The tympanic membrane, like the
eardrum, is a structure receiving sound waves. The frog has three eyelids, two similar to
other tetrapods, and a third or nictitating membrane located near the lower eyelid.
The body of the frog is streamlined for swimming. Frogs lack external sex organs and
possess only a single posterior opening, the anus. The forelimb is divided into five
regions (upper arm, forearm, wrist, palm and digits) as is the hind limb (thigh, lower leg,
ankle, foot and digits). A web utilized for swimming connects the digits of the foot. A
vestigial thumb and four digits form the hand. In mature male frogs the forelimb is
larger and more muscular than that of the female. During the breeding season the inner
digit of each hand in male frogs becomes swollen, forming nuptial pads or claspers to
help hold the female during mating. Observe the orientation of the limbs of the frog and
you will appreciate how difficult it is for a frog to walk.
The skeletal system. The vertebrate endoskeleton functions as 1) a framework and
support for the soft parts of the body, 2) protection for vital organs, 3) attachment sites
for the muscular system, 4) a site for the formation of blood cells and 5) storage for
calcium and phosphate.
The skeleton is divide into an axial portion composed of the skull, vertebral column,
sternum and ribs (notice that frogs lack ribs), and an appendicular portion made-up of the
limbs and limb girdles (pectoral and pelvis).
Although it is unnecessary to learn the individual bones of the frog skeleton, it is
important to compare (likenesses) and contrast (differences) between the frog and human
skeletons (see figure ). The concept of homology conveys the idea that corresponding
parts sometimes differ in function, but have a common evolutionary and embryonic
Skinning the frog. See the diagram below. The skin of a frog is loosely attached to the
body making skinning easy. Lay the specimen on its back in a dissection tray. Lift the
skin in the midline one half-inch anterior to the anus and insert the point of the scissors
forming a small hole. Now cut anteriorly to the lower jaw. Return to the initial puncture
and cut posteriorly to the anus. Cuts should now be made along the ventral side of each
limb and encircling the wrist and ankle. When all cuts are completed, carefully pull the
skin from the rear toward the head. Leave the skin attached to the head anterior to the
neck region. Do not remove the entire skin.
Muscular system. Muscle contraction allows for movement. Superficial musculature is
the goal for this portion of the frog dissection. Muscles are connected to bones via tough,
white cords of connective tissue termed tendons. The end of the muscle attached to the
bone that moves during contraction is the insertion. The fixed end of the muscle is the
origin. Contracting muscles that bend a joint are termed flexors while those that
straighten a joint are extensors. Levators are muscles that elevate appendages and
depressors lower appendages. Adductor muscles move appendages toward the midline
of the body while abductors move appendages away from the midline.
Locate the following muscles and separate each one using a probe. The instructor will
demonstrate this technique. It is a good idea to color code (figure) the various muscles
for later review.
Gastrocnemiusis the largest muscle of the lower leg and originates at the lower end
of the femur (thigh bone) and inserts on the Achilles tendon.
Sartoriuslies on the ventral side of the thigh and runs diagonally across the inner
thigh. It originates on the ilium (hip bone) in front of the pubis and inserts below the
head of the tibio-fibula. The sartorius flexes the lower leg upon the thigh and pulls the
entire thigh forward, flexing the thigh to the pelvis.
Adductor magnusappears as a triangular muscle near the groin and the sartorius
muscle. This muscle originates on pubic symphysis and inserts on the distal end of the
Triceps femorisis a very large muscle covering the entire frontal aspect of the thigh.
It originates at three points on the pelvis and inserts by a large tendon crossing the knee
joint and attaching to the proximal end of the tibio-fibula bone in the lower leg. The
triceps femoris extends the lower leg and flexes the thigh against the pelvis.
Rectus abdominuslies on the ventral surface of the abdomen separated by the linea
alba, a white, mid-ventral band of connective tissue. Originating along the border of the
pubic bones this muscle inserts on the sternum.
Pectoralis majoris a broad, flat fan-shaped muscle covering most of the chest and
part of the abdomen. The upper portion originates on the sternum and inserts on the
humerus. It acts to adduct the humerus. The lower portion of the pectoralis major
supports the abdomen.
External obliqueThis muscle is located on each side of the body and serves as
support for the viscera. It originates on the vertebrae and inserts on the linea alba.
Latissimus dorsiis a fan-shaped muscle originating on the thoracic vertebrae and
inserting on the proximal of the humerus. When in function it draws the arm
dorsocaudad (upward and backward).
Triceps brachiiLocated on the back of the arm, this muscle originates on the scapula
and inserts on the radio-ulna just below the elbow. It functions to extend the forearm.
DeltoidThe deltoid adducts the arm. Originating at the base of the scapula and the
clavicle, the deltoid inserts on the proximal end of the humerus.
MyohyoidVentrally the mouth is covered by this muscle, which attaches to both
lower jaws.
Internal anatomy: The internal anatomy of the frog is similar to other tetrapods except
frogs (unlike man and other mammals) lack a diaphragm separating the thoracic and
abdominal cavities.
To open the body cavity, place the frog on its back in the dissecting tray. WARNING:
Make all cuts as shallow as possible to avoid damage to the internal organs. Snip a
small hole in the abdominal wall just below the sternum, cut anteriorly through this
portion of the skeleton to the throat. Now reverse directions and cut posteriorly to the
pubis. At the lower abdomen cut laterally on both sides just above the thigh, ending near
the vertebral column. Rinse out the abdominal cavity to remove any fluids present.
In the center of the thoracic cavity lies the heart enveloped within the sac-like
pericardium. Locate the two thin-walled atria and the muscular ventricle. Exiting the
ventricle and passing between the atria is the truncus arteriosus or conus arteriosus on
its way to the lungs and body.
The large, dark liver surrounds the heart, hides the lungs, portions of the stomach and
small intestines; this organ dominates the body cavity. There are usually three lobes of
the liver, left, median and right. Under the liver lies the gall bladder, a storage sac for
bile secreted by the liver and important for the digestion of fats.
Lying on either side of the heart are the two deflated lungs. Compared to other
tetrapods, the lungs are small because amphibians utilize a number of auxillary methods
of respiration.
Protruding from under the left lobe of the liver you will fine the stomach. The
entrance of the esophagus into the stomach is controlled by the cardiac sphincter (a
valve). At the other end of the stomach the pyloric sphincter controls the passage of
food into the small intestine. The curved stomachs outer (left) side forms the greater
curvature while the opposite side forms the lesser curvature.
The portion of the small intestine leaving the stomach is the duodenum. This runs
parallel to the stomach and then becomes the ileum, which unites with the large
intestine. Locate the semi-transparent mesentery supporting and holding the small
intestine in place. The short large intestine, consisting of the rectum and the cloaca,
passes through the pelvic canal to exit as the anus.
A flat, leaf-shaped gland lying in the U-shaped loop between the stomach and the
duodenum is the pancreas. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small
Below the stomach lies the pea-sized, reddish spleen. The spleen is part of the immune
system and the circulatory system. It stores many kinds of blood cells.
In the dorsal portion of the body cavity next to the vertebral volume lie the lima bean
sized kidneys. Move the viscera to find these two organs. A delicate white tube, the
ureter, exits each kidney and carries urine to the urinary bladder, a thin transparent sac-
like structure at the end of the coelomic cavity. Immediately anterior to each kidney is
the thin elongated, yellowish adrenal gland.
Fat bodies are the yellowish, glove-shaped structures extending into the abdominal
cavity to the right and left of the kidney.
Urogenital system: Male frogs have no copulatory organ, therefore fertilization is
external. During mating the male frog climbs on the females back and firmly clasps her
around the chest. The male nuptial pads facilitate clasping. This act stimulates spawning
by the female and the male frog releases sperm as the eggs are laid.
Sperm are produced by two bean-shaped testes, which are attached to the upper one-
third of the kidney. Minute vasa efferentia carry sperm to the kidney. Lacking a
separate genital tract, the ureters convey sperm from the kidney to the cloaca for release
during mating.
The ovaries vary in size depending the season. During the mating season the ovaries
appear as a mass of black and white beads filling the body cavity. It is best to remove
these to allow for clearer observation of the viscera. There is no direct connection
between the ovary and the oviduct. Adjacent to each ovary is a funnel-shaped structure
called the ostium, which sweeps the eggs into the oviduct via ciliary action. Eggs pass
through the oviduct and are stored in the uterus prior to mating.
Class: Reptilia
This class includes lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodilians in addition to a number of
extinct groups of spectacular creatures. Among these lost reptiles are the dinosaurs,
pterosaurs, pliosaurs, ichthyosaurs and plesiosaures. In addition, to these Mesozoic
marvels, there were an assortment of little know but bizarre Late Paleozoic
(280,000,000 years ago) reptiles. Dinosaurs appear to have been the dominant land
animals for over 150,000,000 years. Reptiles have horny epidermal scales covering their
body forming a kind of exoskeleton. Their legs are adapted for locomotion on land,
allowing for a complete terrestrial existence. Of utmost importance, reptiles have
evolved a land egg allowing reproduction without dependence on water. Students will be
responsible for the following extant (living) reptilian orders.
Order: Squamata
Lizards and snakes are included here but the order is divided into the suborder
Lacertilia (lizards) and Ophidia (snakes). Both have horny epidermal scales, which are
periodically shed. Each jaw is equipped with teeth but only snakes are strict carnivores;
some lizards are vegetarians.
The lizards include the geckos, some of which possess minute ridges on their feet that
allow walking on glass surfaces or on ceilings. A group of New World lizards, the
iguanas, are brightly colored and carry ornamental crests, frills and fans. The most
remarkable iguana is the Galapagos Marine Iguana. This is the only living lizard that
regularly dives into the ocean to feed on marine algae. Other lizards include skinks,
chameleons, horned lizards, and a legless lizard often found in coastal sand dunes.
Unlike snakes, legless lizards have movable eyes lids.
All snakes lack limbs and eyelids. The scales on their ventral surface are greatly
enlarged. Snakes in the family Crotalinae (rattlesnakes) possess a special heat sensor on
their head for detection of warm-blooded prey. Other venomous snakes lack these
sensors. Sea snakes are a group possessing extremely virulent venom. Many snakes are
constrictors that capture prey and subdue them by suffocation. Many snakes simply bite
their prey and swallow them.
Order: Testudines (Chelonia)
Turtles are aquatic members of this order while tortoises are terrestrial. All are
enclosed within a shell consisting of a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron. The shell
is composed of fused modified vertebrae and expanded ribs covered by enlarged scales or
scutes. Their jaws lack teeth but are covered by a sharp-edged, horny beak. All
members of the order are oviparous and eggs are laid in shallow holes or at the
termination of borrows. Marine turtles can weight 725 kg. and reach two meters in
length. Galapagos land tortoises are known for their great size and longevity (100 plus
years). Our local desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizi is a protected species.
Order: Crocodilia
There are approximately 25 species of extant crocodilians. The huge and very
dangerous salt water crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, may reach 8 meters in length and
weight over 2000 kilograms qualifying this species as the largest living reptile. In the
United States there are two crocodilian species, Crocodylus acutus found only in
southern Florida and Alligator mississipiensis, found in waterways throughout the
Southern United States. Crocodiles have relatively long, slender snouts while alligators
have shorter, broader snouts. When the jaws are closed certain teeth are visible in
crocodiles but not in alligators. Of the two animals, crocodiles are the more aggressive
and possess more powerful jaws.
Order: Rhynchocephlia
This order included numerous species of Mesozoic reptiles but today only a single
species exists, the tuatara (Sphenodon) residing on small islands off the New Zealand
coast. Sphenodon is sometimes considered a living fossil because it resembles species
alive 150,000,000 years ago.
Study Questions
1. List the structural characteristics that distinguish reptiles from other
2. Why are crocodilians consider by some to be the most advanced extant
3. Indicate three features the distinguish snakes and lizards.
4. How is it possible for a snake to swallow prey larger in diameter than
5. A number of snake species give birth to living young. Explain how
this differs from mammalian birth.
6. What is the only poisonous lizard and where is it found? Why would a
government agency pass legistation protecting this species?
7. California has strict laws prohibiting the sale of any native reptile.
How does this protect native species?
8. What advances do reptiles show over amphibians with regard to life on
9. What is the function of the pits on the heads of rattlesnakes?
Class: Aves
Of all the vertebrates, birds (L., pl. of Avis, birds) are the easiest to recognize because
they possess feathers. Many people equate birds to flying but not all birds fly. Flight has
evolved three times in the subphylum Vertebrata, birds, bats and the extinct pterosaurs.
Birds are probably the best-studied animals due perhaps, to their flight, beautiful color
patterns, melodious songs and astonishingly diversity (9,900 species, second only to
fishes among the vertebrates). No doubt, bird watching is the largest spectator sport in
the world. More people watch birds than watch football games, basketball games,
baseball games and hockey games combined.
The body of a bird is divided into four regions: head, neck, trunk, and tail. A
disproportionately long neck functions for balance and food gathering. The tail is not
especially long but it carries long feathers useful for balancing and to act as a rudder
during flight. The forelimbs are usually modified for flight and the hind limbs adapted
for walking, wading, perching, swimming, grasping, etc. Thus the bird is bipedal
(walking on the hind limbs). Three of the four toes are directed forward while the fourth
is directed posteriorly. In addition to feathers on the body, reptilian-like scales cover the
legs of birds.
The skeleton is completely ossified, however the bones are hollow and contain air sacs.
As in reptiles, the skull has a single occitipal condyle. The sternum has a large ventral
keel for attachment of the pectoralis muscle used for flight. Teeth are absent in modern
birds but a horny beak covers the jaws. Newly hatch chicks retain a tooth-like projection
from the upper beak used to crack the shell when hatching. This pseudo-tooth disappears
soon after they are free from the egg.
Birds enjoy excellent vision as shown by the well-developed optic lobes of the brain.
They also possess an acute sense of hearing. Their heart is four chambered and the right
aortic arch persists. As in reptiles, the red blood cells are nucleated. They are
homeothermic endotherms, maintaining a body temperature between 40
and 42
C., a
result of the insulating effect of feathers and a high metabolic rate. The well-developed
respiratory system connects to the numerous air sacs located in the visceral organs and
skeleton. Birds lack a bladder and excrete semi-solid uric acid. Birds are dioecious and
often dimorphic. Fertilization is internal however; birds do not possess a copulatory
organ. Females possess a single ovary (the left) and lay hard-shelled eggs--all species are
oviparous. The parents usually incubate the yolk-rich egg externally. Newly hatched
young are either precocial or altricial (see below).
Nest and care of young. Most nests are cup-shaped, constructed from small twigs and
vegetation then lined with soft materials such as moss and down feathers. Birds of the
order Galliformes (family Megapodiidae) bury their eggs in mounds of sand or vegetation
and allow solar radiation or the heat of decomposition to incubate them. Nests are
species specific and vary from simple depressions on the ground to very elaborate affairs.
Nesting may be solitary, colonial or occasionally communal. Colonial nesting shore
birds occupying predator free offshore islands simply lay their eggs on the ground. When
construction a nest these species scrape a small depression in the ground and remove
troublesome pebbles. Offshore islands often lack sufficient nest-building materials but
are predator free thus permitting this nesting behavior. More elaborate nests include the
pendent nests of orioles, tidy lichen and spider web nests of humming birds, mud nests of
swallows and floating reed nests of the grebes.
Most birds go to great lengths to conceal their nests from danger. Woodpeckers and
blue birds nest in cavities or holes in trees, while kingfishers and burrowing owls nest in
holes along river banks (kingfishers) or utilize rodent burrows (burrowing owls). Birds
of prey (raptors) use tall trees or cliffs to build stick or branch nests often exceeding 100
pounds in weight. African hornbills nest in the cavities of trees. The male covers the nest
opening with mud leaving a narrow slit through which he feeds the female hornbill as she
incubates the eggs. Upon hatching, the female hornbill breaks out of the cavity after
which, the young birds reseal the nest cavity and remain until ready to fly.
Most passerine birds lay three to six eggs, but clutch size varies from one egg (pigeons
and hawks) to twenty eggs (quail). Incubation varies from fourteen days in songbirds to
twenty-eight days in ducks and geese. In the majority of bird species the female assumes
responsibility for rearing young. In rare instances the male incubates the eggs and raises
the young (phalaropes). A few bird species (European cuckoos and American cow birds)
are nest parasites laying their eggs in the nests of other birds and allowing the foster
parents to incubate and raise their young. The parasitic parents assume no role in rearing
their offspring.
Hatching success is surprisingly poor in spite of the elaborate mechanisms employed to
conceal and protect their nest and eggs. Predation by snakes, jays, crows, skunks and
chipmunks along with the elements substantially reduces survival of eggs and young
birds. Mourning doves commonly construct poor nest in inappropriate locations allowing
eggs and / or young to fall out of the nest. Good Samaritan rescuers often bring eggs and
young birds to the SMC Life Science Department. Hawks and eagles appear to have
higher success rates than many other birds.
Birds have evolved two distinct approaches to insure survival of their young. Precocial
species (i.e. quail, chickens, ducks, and many other water birds) produce young covered
in down feathers that are able to run, swim, feed themselves, etc. a very short time after
hatching. Precocial species expend a great deal of energy producing many eggs per
clutch but provide little in the way of parental care. At the other extreme are the altricial
species (perching birds, raptors, etc.). These birds expend minimal energy producing a
few eggs but their naked, helpless hatchlings require feeding sometimes long after
leaving the nest and learning to fly. Altricial chicks require huge amounts of food (more
than the chicks body weight per day) and parental care. The energy expenditure is very
high in these species. The explanation of this sharp dichotomy between the two different
approaches to rearing offspring is as follows: There is only so much energy available to
invest in rearing young each breeding season. Therefore precocial species invest most of
their energy in the production of many young, but little in their care. On the other hand,
altricial species expend a minimal amount of energy in egg production but invest greatly
in the raising of a few young. Both approaches produce enough offspring to ensure the
survival of that particular species.
Feathers. With the exception of several species of Mesozoic reptiles, birds are the only
tetrapods with feathers. Feathers are ideal for a flying vertebratenearly weightless,
tough and strong. A typical feather is a hollow quill or clalmus embedded in the
integument (skin). The shaft bears numerous barbs and is a continuation of the quill.
Hundreds of closely set barbs are arranged parallel and spread outward diagonally from
both sides of the shaft to form a flat vane. Under a microscope each barb bears up to 600
parallel filaments or barbules and resembles a miniature feather. The barbules are
supplied with minute hooks that cross the barbules of the next barb forming a
herringbone pattern of interlocking barbs. Any two barbs are very difficult to separate
but readily zip together when a bird primes its feathers.
Feathers are of several different types, each with a specific function. Flight or contour
feathers give the bird its outward form and were described in the previous paragraph.
Hidden beneath the contour feathers are soft tufts of down feathers. Down feathers are
soft because their barbules lack hooks. Their principle function is to conserve heat.
Down feathers are abundant on the breast and abdomen of aquatic birds and on the young
of game birds. Filoplume feathers are hair like and composed of a weak shaft bearing a
tuft of short barbs at their tip. These are the hairs found on a plucked chicken or
turkey. The function of filoplume feathers is unknown. The powder-down features are
found on herons, bitterns, hawks and parrots. As powder-down feathers grow their tips
disintegrate into talcum powder-like dust that waterproof other feather-types and produce
a metallic luster.
Feathers are epidermal structures that probably evolved from reptilian scales. Scales on
the legs and feet of birds are reptilian. Anatomical features of the bird skeleton and soft
anatomy also suggest an affinity with reptiles. Furthermore, recent fossil evidence from
China and North America support the contention of many zoologists that birds are
glorified reptiles and in reality members of the class Reptilia.
When growth is complete, feathers, like mammalian hair, are dead structures. Over
time a feather becomes worn and is replaced. The molting or shedding of feathers is
usually a highly ordered process that proceeds gradually allowing replacements to
become functional before the worn feather is lost. Thus the bird can fly while molting.
The molting process is so orderly that flight and tail feathers are lost in pairs (one from
each side) preserving aerodynamic balance. Exceptions to the above are penguins that
molt all at once and ducks and geese that are grounded during their molt. Nearly all birds
molt after the nesting season (at the end of summer) and assume a dull winter plumage.
J ust before breeding season in early spring, birds molt a second time, acquiring a bright
breeding plumage.
Figure 1. Draw a single flight feather 10 cm. long. Label all anatomy.
Figure 2. Using a dissection microscope draw a 5 cm. long detailed section of a
flight feather shaft showing the interlocking barbs and barbules. Label
all anatomy.
Avian taxonomy. Birds are placed in specific orders bases on the structural
similarities of their beaks, their feet, and their general body form. Avian orders always
end in the suffix iformes, which refers to form or shape. There are approximately
twenty-seven extant orders of birds. Class will examine only those orders of birds
commonly encountered in Southern California. A number of birds mounted in natural
postures, similar to those seen in museum displays, can be seen in lab. Others birds in lab
are prepared in unnatural postures and are primarily for ornithological research and not
display. Be extremely careful with all of these fragile specimens.
Order: Gaviiformes
Loons are diving birds famous for their high-pitched, ghostly call often heard on lakes
in Northern Canada. Loons are open-water birds with long, sharp bills, short webbed feet
and a tailless, elongated body. Their legs are placed posterior to the center of their body
making walking difficult. Small fish and crustaceans, their principle food, are obtained
by diving to depths of over 200 feet.
Order: Podicipitiformes
This order includes the grebes. Grebes have sharp bills, webbed feet and a rather
elongate, tailless body similar to the loons, however they are smaller and more slender
that loons. Like loons, their legs are far back on the body causing difficult when walking.
There birds are famous for constructing floating reed nests, which become waterlogged
and sink soon after the chicks are hatch. The chicks then rest on the backs of their
mothers before learning to swim. Grebes are diving birds feeding on small fish and
Order: Pelecaniformes
These are all large fish-eating birds known as pelicans, cormorants, frigate birds and
boobies. Unlike any other order of birds, this taxon is totipalmate--a web unites all four
toes. The gular or throat sac is large and lacks a covering of feathers. Birds in this
group are shallow divers feeding on fish, squid and crustaceans.
Order: Ciconiiformes
Herons, bitterns, egrets, storks, new world vultures and flamingos are included in this
order. These large, wading birds are equipped with long legs, long necks and broad
unwebbed feet. They feed in shallow water on frogs, fish and small invertebrates.
Order: Anseriformes
This order includes ducks, geese and swans. These water birds have short legs and
webbed feet (only three toes are webbed). Their most obvious characteristic is the broad,
dorsoventrally flattened lamellate-bill, the sides of which are fluted for straining small
invertebrates and plant material from inedible substances. Many are used by man for
Order: Falconiformes
The falconiformes includes hawks, old world vultures, eagles, kites and falcons. Their
acute eyesight, sharp, hooked beak and powerful feet equipped with sharp claws (talons)
are ideal for a predatory life style. Most are fast fliers that overtake their prey in flight or
drop from above on unsuspecting victims.
Order: Galliformes
These are the hen-like game birds; grouse, chickens, pheasant, quail and turkey.
Galliformes are medium sized ground birds with strong beaks and powerful feet used for
scratching the ground in search of seeds and other vegetation. They have short, rounded
wings suited for quick, powerful take-offs. These birds are hunted by sportsman for
Order: Gruiformes
Birds in this order include the cranes, rails and coots. They lack webbed feet and
spend most of their time in marshes or prairie habitats feeding on both plant and animal
matter. A common representative of this order is the American coot, a gray, duck like
bird with a slightly down curved bill. Rails are endangered due to the worldwide loss of
fresh water marshes.
Order: Charadriiformes
This is a diverse group of variable sized birds with pointed wings and good flying
skills. Most are associated with shore habitats where they probe the mud and sand for
small organisms. As a rule, their toes are not completely webbed. Gulls, sandpipers,
killdeer, willets, plovers, avocet and stilts are among the many birds placed in this order.
Gulls have webbed feet and long wings and can be found world wide, often in
schoolyards, athletic fields, and landfills where their omnivorous tendencies can exploit
various resources.
Order: Columbiformes
Include in this order are the pigeons, doves and extinct dodos. They have slender bills
and four toes of nearly equal length. Most are vegetarians and are common in urban
settings (often as pests).
Order: Strigiformes
The owls are nocturnal birds of prey equipped with excellent hearing and large eyes
surrounded by a disk of feathers. Their very soft feathers (plumage) reduce noise
associated with hunting. Owls possess hooked bills and powerful talons (claws) suitable
for capturing small mammals, birds and other ground dwelling prey. Prey is eaten whole
and the indigestible portions (teeth, hair, feathers, etc) are regurgitated as a ball-like mass
or pellet.
Order: Apodiformes
This order contains humming birds and swifts. As the ordinal name suggest, these
birds have small, weak feet suitable for perching. These birds are capable of fast and
acrobatic flight using their powerful, slender, pointed wings. Swifts capture insects in
flight and humming birds collect nectar from tubular flowers while hovering like a
Order: Piciformes
Woodpeckers are climbing birds with strong feet and claws. Each foot has four toes in
pairs and each pair points in the opposite direction. The stout, chisel-like bill is
employed as a tool for digging into wood in search of insects. Their stiff tail feathers act
as a brace against the tree when the bird hammers while searching for insects.
Woodpeckers often display colorful plumages featuring red, black, yellow and white.
Toucans seen in exotic pet stores are also included in this order.
Order: Passeriformes
These are the perching birds characterized by three forward directed toes and a single
rearward directed toe. When perched, the feet automatically tighten their grip in the
event that the bird begins to fall rearward. Over one-half of all species of birds and one-
third of all extant families of birds are include in this order. Passeriformes are known as
song birds for their ability to produce charming and beautiful musical sounds. Included
in this taxon are the crows, ravens, jays, wrens, mockingbirds, robins, starlings,
blackbirds, swallows, orioles, sparrows and numerous others. Their varied feeding habits
are reflected in their diverse bill shapes.
Study Questions
1. List the characteristics of birds that are not observed in other
2. List the structural adaptations that enable birds to be the
most efficient self-propelled, extant animals.
3. Indicate all extant and extinct groups of animals that have
evolved self-powered flight.
4. What groups of birds have lost the power of flight?
5. What portion of the birds brain is best developed?
6. In what way(s) is the pectoralis muscle of birds peculiar?
7. How do birds regulate their body temperature without the
use of sweat glands?
8. How do passerine birds keep from falling off their perches
when sleeping?
9. Other than a food item, what economic importances do birds
10. Using only the bill shape and size in Passeriformes, list what
each might eat.
Class: Mammalia
The class Mammalia is named for their mammary glands (L. mamma =breast), which
produce milk to nourish their young. Although a relatively small group of 4,800 species
compared to 9,900 species of birds and over 25,000 species of fish, mammals are one of
the most diverse groups in the animal kingdom. Hair is the most obvious external feature
in nearly all species of mammal. Skeletal features found in mammals include two
occipital condyles, three auditory ear ossicles, seven cervical vertebrae (except four
genera) and diphyodont dentition (two sets of teeth). Additional soft tissue features
include non-nucleated red blood cells, a muscular diaphragm separating the thoracic and
abdominal cavities, and a retained left aortic arch. Mammalian eggs develop in utero
with a placental attachment (except in marsupials and monotremes) and all groups
possess extra embryonic membranes very similar to those found in the reptilian egg. One
of the most important factors contributing to the success of mammals is the development
of the cerebrum, the region of the brain responsible for intellect and for reason.
Follicles in the dermis produce hair by rapid cell division resulting in growth. A major
component of hair is the scleoprotein keratin. Two principle types of hair make-up the
pelage: dense, soft insulating under fur and the longer guard hairs providing protection
and color. One important role of pelage is thermoregulation. Wear and tear require hair
to be replaced periodically and this process may result changes in pelage color due to
changing season or aging. Shedding may occur preceding warmer months or as a
seasonal phenomenon. Many arctic mammals assume a white pelage in winter and a
darker color in summer.
Many mammals have very distinctive coloration such as spots and strips. These
striking color patterns are a form of camouflage or crypsis allowing the mammal to blend
with its surroundings and thus avoid detection. An excellent example is the zebra. The
striped pattern tends to obliterate the contour of the body. However, the zebra is obvious
when still, but is a blurred outline when running, making it difficult for predators to
single out an individual to capture. In addition, the zebra seems to disappear at dusk
when predators are lurking and their detection is more difficult. But in daylight, zebras
readily see approaching predators and their color pattern is not a detriment to their
Hair color can also act as a warning. Antelopes and deer expose a white rump patch as
a flag signaling danger to other members of the herd. Warning or aposomatic
coloration, seen in numerous mammals (skunks, badgers, etc.), indicates, stay away Im
In many mammals hair assumes numerous specialized functions, for example the
whiskers or vibrissae on the snout. Crepuscular, nocturnal or burrowing species utilize
these special receptors when active. At the base of each vibrissae follicle are nerve
endings sensitive to touch. Many mammals have hairs modified as sharp spines for
protection (porcupines, hedgehogs and echidnas). Modified hair may form other
structures such as the horny covering of hooves in horses and cows, the claws in
predators, the fingernails in primates and the horn of the rhinoceros.
More than any other structure, teeth reveal the diet, and thus the niche or life-style, of
mammals. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the body and persists long after death. It
is often fossilized and when studied may accurately reveal the specific diet of an extinct
mammal. This can provide information about the environment occupied by a long dead
Mammals have diphyodont dentition consisting of a set of juvenile or milk teeth
followed by a set of permanent teeth. The anatomy of mammalian teeth varies according
to their specific function. This condition is known as heterodont as opposed to the teeth
in some other tetrapods with an undifferentiated anatomy (homodont dentition). Four
tooth types are recognized. Incisors with sharp crowns or edges suitable for snipping,
gnawing or biting. Canines are robust teeth with pointed or rounded tips used for tearing
or piercing. Premolars (bicuspids) have crowns with one or two cusps useful for
shearing or slicing. Molars are often massive, multi-cusped teeth with flat crowns useful
for grinding or crushing.
Human dentition consists of two incisors, one canine, two premolars and three molars
in each half of the upper and lower jaws. The last or third molar in each jaw is called the
wisdom tooth and in many modern humans this tooth fails to erupt or is entirely absent.
When all teeth are present each jaw contains sixteen teeth bring the total number to
thirty-two. Mammalian dentition is written in a form recognized by all zoologists. Using
man as an example, the formula would be 2-1-2-3 representing the teeth present on each
side of the head (16). 2-1-2-3 Man is omnivorous and the teeth
are generalized. Carnivores have well-developed canines and sharp-edged posterior
dentition . The dental formula of a dog is 3-1-4-2.
Enlarged incisors characterize rodent dentition with enamel on the labial (lip) side
only. The lingual (tongue) side, lacking enamel, wears faster thus maintains a sharp
edge on the incisors. Rats are capable of gnawing through electrical wiring creating short
circuits and sometimes resulting in fires. The dental formula of your beloved lab rat is
Ungulates (hoofed mammals) feed on soft vegetation and leaves using their
incisors to clip or snip much like a lawn mower. Many ungulates have lost their upper
incisors substituting a pad for the lowers to nip against. Also absent are the upper canine
teeth, however the lower canines are only reduced in size. Premolars and molars of these
mammals are massive grinding surfaces for milling their food. The dental formula for
horses is 3-0-3-3 and the formula for the deer is 0-0-3-3. The large gap between the
incisors 3-1-3-3 and the premolars is termed a 3-1-3-3 diastema (this is where the bit
goes in horses).
The elephants tusk is a modified upper incisor and is present in both sexes. Male boars
have a modified canine forming their tusk. A marine mammal known as the narwhal has
a single upper incisor modified as a tusk found only in males. Other teeth are usually
absent in this species.
Horns and Antlers. True horns are found in both sexes of sheep, cattle, bison, water
buffalo, antelope etc. (i.e. the ruminants). Formed from hollow sheaths of keratinized
epidermis (material similar to fingernails) surrounding a core of hollow bone projecting
from the skull roof. Horns are neither shed nor branched in all these mammals except
pronghorn antelope, native to western North America. Curiously, pronghorn shed their
branched horns.
Mature antlers are solid bone, branched and found only in males of the deer family
(cervidae). Each year antlers form under a highly vascular skin called velvet. When
growth is completed the velvet dries and is rubbed off by the male. After the breeding
season antlers are shed.
Another kind of horn-like structure is found in the rhinoceros. Hair-like horny fibers
arise from dermal papillae and are cemented together to form a horn. Clearly, the
rhinoceros horn is more akin to hair than to true horns.
Subclass: Prototheria
Order: Monotremata
These are the egg-laying mammals equipped with mammary glands. They retain
numerous reptilian characteristics in their skeleton, soft anatomy (they possess a cloaca)
and in their reproduction. Included here are the duckbill platypus (Ornithorhynchus
anatinus) and the echidna (Tachyglossus). This order is restricted to Australia,
Tasmania, and New Guinea. They bear uncertain affinities to other mammalian orders.
Subclass: Metatheria.
Order: Marsupialia
These are the pouched mammals and include kangaroos, koalas, wombats, bandicoots
and the extinct Tasmania wolf. Opposums are the only extant marsupials residing in the
Americas. Today opposums are found in urban settings and are expanding their
distribution in North America. Their young are bone in a tiny, immature state and crawl
from the vaginal area to the pouch where they attach to a nipple and complete embryonic
development. Marsupials bear prepubic bones supporting the pouch.
Subclass: Eutheria
The remaining orders of mammals are included here. Pregnant females have a special
structure in their uterus, the placenta, which provides nourishment for the developing
embryo. Adults lack prepubic bones and a pouch.
Order: Insectivora
Shrews, hedgehogs and moles are the most primitive placental mammals and are widely
distributed throughout most of the world but absent from Australia and New Zealand.
They feed on insects and other small invertebrates.
Order: Chiroptera
Bats are the only flying mammals. Their wing membrane is supported by the elongated
second, third, fourth and fifth digits of the hand. In California, bats are the second most
diverse group after rodents. They are crepuscular and nocturnal, therefore go largely
unnoticed. Most species are insectivorous however the vampire bats, found in Mexico
and South America, feeds on the blood of domestic animals and roosting birds.
Order: Carnivora
Dogs, wolves, bears, cats, skunks, weasels as well as many marine mammals are
included here. They are intelligent mammals with excellent problem solving ability.
Their teeth have evolved for piercing and cutting meat. Although some are habitual
omnivores (bears and coyotes), they also hunt.
Order: Rodentia
Members of this order are the most diverse, abundant and successful of all mammals.
Rodents are the familiar gnawing mammals; mice, rats, beavers, gophers, etc. Their
incisors are well developed, however canine teeth are absent. Rodent incisors grow
continuously throughout life. Daily gnawing is essential in order to prevent the incisors
from growing to the point where opening the mouth is not possible.
Order: Lagomorpha
Include here are the rabbits, hares and pikas, often misidentified as rodents.
Lagomorphs have two pair of chisel-like incisors in addition to an extra pair of small
upper incisors. Rabbits (i.e. cottontails) burrow and have altricial young while hares (i.e.
jackrabbits) do not burrow and have precocial young.
Order: Edentata
As adults edentates (sloths, anteaters, and armadillos) lack teeth. Many species feed on
ants and have well-developed claws for opening anthills and a sticky tongue for catching
ants. Most are confined to Central and South America, however armadillos inhabit much
of the southern United States, especially Texas. Much of the bodies of armadillos are
covered with keratin covered, bony plates with hairs between them.
Order: Cetacea
This order includes the mostly marine whales, dolphins and porpoises. Their nostrils or
blowhole are found near the top of the head. Smaller cetaceans and sperm whales
possess teeth, however nine species of larger whales are edentulous and feed on minute
organisms strained from sea water by keratinized plates of baleen hanging curtain-like
from the roof of their mouths. Hair and skin glands are largely absent. Locomotion is
provide by a tail modified into a horizontal fluke. The pectoral limbs are modified as
paddle-like flippers and the pelvic limbs are absent (except in extinct species).
Order: Proboscidea
Only two species of proboscidians are living today; the large-eared African elephant and
the smaller Southeast Asian or Indian elephant. Their upper incisors are modified as
massive tusks. Mammoths and mastodons are extinct species found in Europe, Asia,
Africa and North America (three species are known from fossil deposits in the Los
Angeles basin and the Channel Islands).
Order: Primata
This order includes lemurs, monkeys, apes and man. Most of these large brained
mammals are arboreal with limbs adapted for climbing. They have remarkable flexible
skeleton and are extremely well coordinated. One species is preoccupied with
The last two orders were formerly referred to as ungulates or hoofed mammals that
walk on the tips of their toes.
Order: Perissodactyla
These are the odd-toes mammals know as horses, asses, tapirs and rhinoceroses. Teeth
are adapted for chewing plant material. Fossil evidence suggests that horses evolved in
North America during the Cenozoic and migrated into Asia three or four million years
ago. Sometime during the last 10,000 years horses ceased to exist in North America but
were reintroduced in the 1540s by the Spanish (Coronado). Rhinoceroses were also
inhabitants of prehistoric North America.
Order: Artiodactyla
Deer, elk, camels, swine, antelopes, bison, cows, sheep, etc. are include in this order of
even-toes mammals. Usually the tips of the third and forth toes are retained for
locomotion. Their teeth are adapted for the mastication of plant material. Horns and
antlers are present in members of the order.
The rat is an excellent laboratory animal for understanding basic mammalian anatomy.
According to the experts, the rat used in lab is the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus,
however it is an albino subspecies, Rattus norvegicus albinus. The following is a more
complete classification:
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Mammalia
Order Rodentia
Family Muridae
Genus Rattus
Species norvegicus
Subspecies albinus
The common or black rat, Rattus rattus, and the Norway rat are thought to have
originated in Southeast Asia and migrated west from China and India to Europe. the
common rat reached Northern Europe first and later into Southern Europe, via India and
Persia during the 11
and 12
centuries. This is the rat of the Bubonic plagues and of
Pied Piper fame. European explores introduced this rat to eastern North America by
The Norway rat was carried by shipping from Southeast Asia to China and from there
to Siberia and Russia. Overland caravans than carried this species to Europe, reaching
England by 1730. By the latter half of the 1700s these rats were in North America. The
Norway rat is larger and stronger than the common rat and displaces it when both are
found together. This displacement of the black rat is believed to be a factor responsible
for the end of the Bubonic plagues of Europe (Norway rats do not carry the plague).
Norway rats prefer basements and lower floors of buildings, whereas black rats prefer
attics (hence the name roof rat). Where sanitation and modern buildings exist, black
rats are rare and Norway rats are common. In many western coastal cities, black rats are
found only in city slums.
Class: Mammalia
The class Mammalia has two outstanding characteristics: hair present at some stage of
life and mammary glands. Mammary glands produce milk for their offspring. A body
temperature held constant (most of the time) and a four-chambered heart are features
common to mammals and birds. In mammals the aorta is derived from the left aortic arch
while in birds the systemic arterial supply is provided by the right aortic arch.
External anatomy. The laboratory rats are anesthetized before euthanisation and than
preserved. After each lab specimens should be moistened and stored in a plastic bag until
the next lab period. rats have their arterial system injected with red latex for easy
Rinse your specimen thoroughly and dry it with paper towels. Several rinsings each lab
period will restore much of the white color to the rat. The hairy coat of mammals is
called pelage. Long whiskers or vibrissae occur just posterior to the nose and above the
eyes. Vibrissae allow burrowing or nocturnal animals to maintain contact with objects or
surfaces while seeking food. The lateral extension of vibrissae always exceeds the widest
part of the body enabling the animal to measure openings, etc. before entering. Nostrils
or nares are located on snout and can be closed if the rat is submerged. The naked skin
of the nose is very sensitive to touch. The mouth is subterminal with well-developed
lips. A cleft (hair lip) or groove, called a philtrum, exposes theincisors characteristic
of this mammalian order. In living rats the eyes bulge out to the sides allowing a nearly
visual field while the large pupils provide excellent night vision. A nictitating
membrane (or third eyelid) can be seen in the inside corner of each eye. Eyelids are
similar to those of other mammals. The large external ears (pinna) are located posterior
to the eyes. Notice the ear canal or external auditory meatus leading to the eardrum.
The rat has a short neck and a body divided into a thoracic region (chest) followed by
the abdominal region. Rats are quadrupes (tetrapods) with four digits and a vestigial
first digit. When walking the soles of the feet and heel contact the ground in a locomotor
mode known as plantigrade. Six pairs of nipples or teats can be found on the ventral
surface of the body. The well-developed tail of rats has a few scattered hairs distributed
between reptile-like epidermal scales
Like most mammals rats have separate urogenital and anal openings. Females have a
urethral opening ventral to the vaginal orifice. At the base of the tail one finds the
anus. Males possess a penis anterior to scrotal sacs containing the testes. You are
responsible for both sexes so be sure to examine a rat of the opposite sex.
Skinning the rat. Place the rat on its back in a dissecting tray with the tail toward you.
Beginning at the throat make a midline incision posteriorly to just above the anus, be very
careful not cut to deep. Be careful not to cut through the thin abdominal muscles into the
body cavity. Separate the skin from the underlying muscle. Cut around the gentilia on
the rats left side and down to the base of the tail. Now make a lateral incision on the side
of each arm and leg to the wrists and ankles. Follow this by making an incision
encircling each wrist and ankle. Now remove the skin from the appendages. Lastly,
extend the initial incision anteriorly to the mouth and make a cut encircling the mouth.
Your fingers are the best tools for separating skin from muscle. The less you cut the
better the result. A blunt object such as the end of a scalpel can be helpful when
separating skin from the underlying muscle. Work carefully so the muscle will be in
good condition. A well executed skinning requires about one hour. Hints: The only
region needing more dissection is the head so leave this area for last. When removing the
facial skin cut around the ears and eyes. The skinning process is the same used when
skinning bears, deer, cows, etc.
Muscular system. Contracting muscle cells convert the potential energy present in
chemical bonds to the kinetic energy of thousands of contracting muscle cells. We will
study the superficial skeletal (striated or voluntary) muscles, which attach to the
skeleton via tendons. Bands can be seen when examining this striated muscle using a
light microscope, hence the term striated. A sheet of connective tissue called fascia
covers striated muscles.
The primary function of muscle cells is contraction. Muscles are connected to bones
by tendons and contraction produces movements of the skeleton. The place of
attachment of a muscle that moves during contraction is called the insertion.
Conversely, the point where a muscle attaches that remains fixed in position is termed the
origin. Muscles that bend joints are identified as flexors and those that extend joints are
extensors. Elevators are muscles that raise appendages while those that lower
appendages are depressors. Muscles that move bones toward the midline of the body are
adductors and those that move bones away from the midline are termed abductors.
Muscles called rotators effect rotation of bones. The largest portion of a muscle is called
the belly and is most often found midway between the origin and the insertion.
The musculature. Carefully dry the surface of the muscles with paper towels and
remove all fatty connective tissue. Separate each muscle using a dull probe by working
along their natural boundaries then insert the probe under the muscle bundle until it
appears on the opposite side. If instructed, bisect a given muscle by cutting through the
belly at a right angle to the direction of the individual fibers. Make all bisections on the
left side of your specimen. To reflect a bisected muscle lift up each portion and fold
towards its point of attachment. This technique is necessary for identification of
attachment points as well as identifying underlying muscles. Below is a list of the
superficial muscles that you will be responsible for. Use the figures in this manual as an
aid to identification.
Cutaneous maximus. This muscle is attached to the skin on the lateral and dorsal
sides of the body (see figure). It originates under the forelimb and inserts on the
underside of the skin. Its action is to move the skin. Cut it free just posterior to the arm
than bisect it and reflect the two portions.
External oblique. Covering the sides of the abdominal cavity from the ribs to the hips,
fibers of this muscle run at right angles to the fibers of the latissimus dorsi. Do not bisect
this muscle. The external oblique compresses and retains the viscera and act in concert
with the rectus abdominis muscle to form a flexible ventrolateral body wall.
Rectus abdominis. This muscle is located on the ventral side of the rat from the rib
cage to the pelvic girdle and supports the abdominal viscera. Do not bisect this muscle.
Latissimus dorsi. Lying partially covered dorsally by the spinotrapzius, the latissimus
dorsi originates on the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and inserts on the under side of the
upper arm bone (humerus). Its action is to move the arm upward and backward or
dorsocaudad. Bisect and reflect.
Spinotrapezius. This muscles orginates on the thoracic vertebrae and inserts on the
spine of the shoulder blade (scapula). It moves the scapula dorsocaudad. Locate the
midpoint and bisect this muscle at right angles to its fibers, reflect and expose the
underlying portion of the latissimus dorsi.
Acromiotrapezius. Representing the central portion of the trapezius group, the
acromiotrapezius originate on neck vertebrae and inserts on the scapula. Its action is to
move the scapula dorsally. Do not bisect.
Clavotrapezius. Located anterior to the acromiotrapezius, the clavotrapezius is a
narrow, thin band of muscle originating at the top of the neck and inserting on the collar
bone (clavicle). When in action this muscle elevates the clavicle. Do not bisect.
Sternomastoideus. This narrow muscle lies just anterior to the clavotrapezius,
originating on the breastbone (manubrium) and inserting under the clavotrapezius on the
mastoid process of the skull. The sternomastoideus helps turn the head. Do not bisect.
Masseter. Located on the posterolateral portion of the head, the well-developed
masseter acts to move the lower jaw (mandible) when gnawing and chewing. Its origin is
on four regions of the skull and its insertion is on numerous points on the mandible.
Deltoideus. This muscle is found along the shoulder posterior to the clavotrapezius,
partially covered by the acromiotrapzius. Originating on the clavicle and scapula and
inserting on the humerus, this muscle extends, flexes and rotates the humerus.
Triceps brachii. Covering the side and back of the upper arm, the triceps brachii
orginates on the humerus and scapula and inserts on the elbow. The principle action of
this muscle is extension of the forearm. Do not bisect.
Biceps brachii. The biceps brachii is found on the anterior surface of the humerus. It
originates on the scapula and inserts on the radius bone of the forearm. Flexion of the
forearm is its principle function. Do not bisect.
Biceps femoris. A largepowerful muscle on the lateral side of the thigh the biceps
femoris orginates on the pelvis and inserts on the lower portion (distal) of the femur and
upper (proximal) end of the shin bone (tibia). It abducts the thigh and flexes the calf.
Bisect this muscle.
Gluteus maximus (superficialis). The gluteus maximus is a wide, thin, triangular
sheet covering that part of the hip anterior to the attachment of the biceps femoris and
corresponds to the enlarge muscle forming the buttocks in humans. This muscle
originates on the pelvic girdle (ilium and sacrum) and inserts via a tendon on the femur
(greater trochanter). The anterior border blends indistinguishably with the tensor fascia
lata anterior to the biceps femoris. Do not bisect.
Gastrocnemis. Forming the bulk of the calf this muscle originates on the distal end of
the femur and inserts on the heel via the Achilles tendon. Bisect and reflect.
Before studying the internal anatomy examine the superficial glands on the ventral and
lateral aspect of the neck and head. Located on the anteriolateral aspect of the head is the
lacrimal or teat gland. This gland provides moisture for cleaning and lubrication of the
eye. Examining the ventral surface of the neck locate the salivary glands. The largest is
the mandibular gland. Lying on its anteriolateral surface is the sublingual gland. The
parotid gland is lateral to the mandibular gland. The ducts from these three glands open
into the mouth and provide secretions known as saliva. Amylase, an enzyme in saliva,
initiates the digestion of carbohydrates.
Internal anatomy. Open the body cavity by making a small incision just below the
posterior end of the sternum at the bottom of the rib cage. To avoid damage to the viscera
do not cut too deeply. Using scissors, cut through the sternum toward the neck until you
reach just beyond the anterior edge of the pectoralis muscle. Reverse direction and cut
posteriorly through the body wall along the linea alba to a point just anterior to the
genitilia. From this point carefully make bilateral cuts to the vertebral column (see
diagram). Return to the chest and cut the diaphragm loose from the rib cage while
holding the chest open. The diaphragm is the muscular partition separating the chest
(pleural) cavity from the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity.
Once you have cut the diaphragm, place your thumbs inside the chest cavity until you
touch the vertebral column. Now break all the ribs from bottom to top to allow
examination of the internal organs. Next wash out the body cavity with cold water to
remove any coagulated blood and excess embalming fluid. Make sure that you agitate
the intestines to shake loose any material present. If you did a good job the internal
organs will have a nice shiny appearance.
Thoracic cavity. The heart is a prominent conical organ centrally located in the
thoracic cavity. A thin membrane, the pericardium forms a sac (pericardial cavity)
surrounding the heart preventing it from rubbing against other thoracic organs. Notice
that the two ventricles appear as a single large, light brown organ with a tough, muscular
texture. Two atria appear as dark masses, which lie on the anterior surface of the heart.
Covering the anterior portion of the heart is the large thymus gland. The thymus gland
is important for the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. A lung lies on either
side, immediately lateral and dorsal to the heart. The single-lobed left lung is smaller
than the right because the heart is tipped to the left and restricts the available space.
space. On the other hand the right lung is often three lobed. Locate the trachea anterior
to the lungs; this tubular structure carries air from the pharynx to the lungs. Look for the
esophagus dorsal to the trachea. This portion of the alimentary canal disappears under
the heart and passes through the central portion of the diaphragm to join the stomach.
Abdominal cavity. When handling the abdominal organs be careful not to tear the
mesenteries binding the various organs together or suspending them from the dorsal
body wall. Be sure you realize that your right is the rats left and vice versa. The
coelom is the cavity in which the viscera are suspended. Once again note the parietal
peritoneum and visceral peritoneum.
A conspicuous, large brown multi-lobed liver lies immediately posterior to the
diaphragm. The median lobe of the liver contains a groove or cleft in its central part and
the large, left lateral lobe partially covers the stomach. The smaller right lateral lobe is
partially hidden from view by the median lobe. A partially divided caudate lobe folds
around the esophagus and the stomach. Rats lack a gall bladder. The stomach is a
curved pear-shaped organ situated on the left side posterior to the diaphragm. A valve,
the cardiac sphincter, marks the entrance of the esophagus into the stomach and at the
opposite end, a pyloric sphincter indicates the beginning of the small intestines. The left
outer margin of the stomach is termed the greater curvature while the inside margin is
the lesser curvature. A fore stomach is nearest the esophagus, a fundic portion is in the
middle and the posterior stomach is the pyloric region. A semicircular, liver-colored
spleen lies to the left of the lateral lobe of the liver between the greater curvature of the
stomach and the left body wall. The spleen stores red blood cells, disposes of old red
blood cells and produces certain white blood cells. Suspended in the mesentery between
the stomach and the spleen is the flat, lumpy irregular brownish pancreas. Do not
confuse it with the yellowish mass of fatty tissue found in the same region. Follow the
pancreas to the pyloric end of the stomach to see where pancreatic secretions enter the
digestive system. The small intestine is a slender tube extending from the stomach to the
large intestine. As you follow the small intestine note the blood vessels in the mesentery.
The small intestine is divided into duodenum beginning at the pyloric sphincter, a
central section, the jejunum and ending in the posterior ileum. A large, sac-like caecum
marks the beginning of the large intestine.
The large intestine or colon is the gray-green tube that processes and disposes of fecal
matter. It consists of four regions that can be located and identified both by their
appearance and by their position. The caecum is a large, flattened sac pointed at its
posterior end. This blind pouch is situated between the small and the large intestine and
is usually located in the lower third of the abdominal cavity. From the caecum the
ascending colon passes anteriorly up the right side of the body cavity toward the right
lateral lobe of the liver. Next the transverse colon passes crosses the body cavity under
the liver and stomach and turns posteriorly to become the descending colon passing
along the left side of the abdominal cavity to join the rectum, a short section of the
descending colon terminating at the anus. Pull the small intestines to the right to view
this clearly.
With the intestines moved to the right look for the dark brown, bean-shaped kidneys.
They are attached to the dorsal body wall and may be partially concealed by fat.
Imbedded in the fat anterior to each kidney is a small rounded brown adrenal gland.
From each kidney a ureter passes to the bladder. The ureters are delicate, cream or white
colored tubes that are easily broken. Gently moving a kidney may help you find the
ureter. The urinary bladder is a small, midventral sac located at the bottom of the
abdominal cavity. It collects and temporarily stores urine carried from the kidneys by the
ureters. The bladder is often collapsed and therefore easily overlooked.
Male and female reproductive systems. The paired seminal vesicles are lumpy, brown
glands situated on each side of the bladder. Dorsal to the urinary bladder on either side of
the penis lie the pea sized, shiny white prostate glands. Open a scrotal sac and find the
epididymus (head and tail), testis and the vas deferens. Trace the latter to its union
with the penis. In the female the uterus is a short gray tube lying dorsal to the urinary
bladder and ventral to the rectum. The uterus is divided into two gray-brown, undulating
tubes (uterine horns) that extend anteriorly against the dorsal body wall toward each
kidney. Remove the fat that surrounds the uterine horns for a better view. On the
anteriormost termination of the uterine horns lie the ovaries; small, lumpy (sometimes
pinkish) glands covered in fat. Carefully remove the fatty tissue around one gland. Tiny
tubes, the oviducts, are situated between the uterine horns and the ovaries. To be seen
clearly a dissecting scope is needed.
Protecting your animal from dehydration. After completing the study of the internal
organs, moisten the viscera and wrap the skin around the animal and secure with a piece
of string. Place your name in pencil on a piece of paper or an I.D. card and place the rat
into a plastic sac. Your lab section may have a plastic bucket labeled Rat City or a box
labeled Rats with your instructors name on itplace your animals in either of these
containers. An excellent study method is to review all the structures you have learned
each lab period.
Circulatory system. The circulatory system of the rat is nearly identical to that of man
and other placental mammals. Red latex fills the arteries of the rat thus facilitating their
study. Time does not permit study of the venous system. By carefully dissecting the rat,
it will be possible to locate and identify the major arteries listed below. Occasionally the
red latex dos not fill and artery. If this has happened, examine another students
specimen to acquaint yourself with that particular artery.
Proceed cautiously to avoid damage to an artery. Always follow a known artery when
locating an unknown artery. Do not break arteries or remove organs because they are the
keys to identification. As one locates and identifies arteries, carefully remove adipose
tissue (fat) and then separate arteries from mesenteries. For clarity you may expose the
red latex by removing the arterial walls.
Begin at the heart. Review the anatomy of the heart and identify all parts. The
pulmonary circulation is on the right side and pumps blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
Oxygenated blood from the lungs is returned to the left side of the heart and then pumped
from the left ventricle as the systemic circulation, thus providing oxygen and nutrients to
the cells of the body. The large artery carrying oxygenated blood leaves the left ventricle
between the atria and is termed the ascending aorta. This vessel arches toward the left
to form the left aortic arch. It turns posteriorly and passes dorsad to the heart to become
the descending aorta. This straight portion of the aorta travels posteriorly supplying
blood to the thoracic and abdominal regions. The descending aorta lies ventral to the
vertebral column and is best seen by gently pulling the heart and lungs to the right side.
Above the diaphragm the aorta is referred to as the thoracic aorta. Posterior to the
diaphragm this same vessel is called the abdominal aorta. It lies tucked under the
vertebral column and produces several branches to the major organs (see below). Near
the pelvic girdle the abdominal aorta bifurcates to form two iliac arteries carrying blood
to the pelvis and posterior appendages. The abdominal aorta cannot be seen unless the
viscera are gently moved to the right side of your specimen.
Locate the arteries by beginning with the ascending aorta at the heart. The first artery
leaving the ascending aorta is the inominate artery leaving as the aorta bends to the left.
The short inominate artery bifurcates to form the right common carotid artery and the
right subclavian artery (supplying blood to the right shoulder region). The left
common carotid artery exits the aortic arch to the left of center (supplying blood to the
left side of the neck). There is no left inominate artery. Next off the aorta arch is the
left subclavian artery carrying blood to the left shoulder region. Gently pull the liver,
stomach and intestines to your left. The first artery leaving the descending aorta is the
coeliac artery and it quickly branches to form the hepatic artery (liver), the gastric
artery (stomach) and the splenic artery (spleen and pancreas). Posterior to the celiac
artery, the anterior mesenteric artery leaves the descending aorta carrying blood to the
duodenal portion of the small intestine and the associated mesentery. The very small
adrenal arteries exit the descending aorta below the anterior mesenteric artery to supply
the adrenal glands. A pair of renal arteries are the next vessels to leave the descending
aorta and travel to each kidney. J ust below the renal arteries two small genital arteries
supply the gonads. Trace these to their respective destinations. Blood to the abdominal
wall is provide by a pair of iliolumber arteries leaving the descending aorta posterior to
the genital arteries. These vessels pass diagonally across the ventral surface of the dorsal
body wall to reach the root of the thigh. The last vessel exiting the abdominal aorta
(descending aorta) is the posterior mesenteric artery carrying blood to the lower
intestinal tract and the associated mesenteries. The aorta terminates as a pair of iliac
arteries carrying blood to the hind limbs. These become the rather superficial femoral
arteries of the thigh. Finally, a third or caudal artery exits between the two iliac arteries
and supplies blood to the tail.
Urogenital system. The urogenital system includes the primary excretory organs and
the reproductive organs. These two systems are considered together because they are
either interconnected, as in the male, or are in close proximity, as in the female. The
excretory system includes the kidneys, the ureters carrying urine from the kidneys to the
bladder for temporary storage, and the urethra, which transports urine to the outside. In
males the urethra passes through the penis.
To examine the female more closely, locate the joint between pubic bones and separate
it with a scalpel and pry the bones apart. This will expose the urinary bladder, the
urethra, the vagina and the rectum. Beginning at the external vagina orifice, follow
the vagina and locate the uterus. The uterus bifurcates into two uterine horns or cornu.
Each uterine horn leads to a small tube, the oviduct or fallopian tube that terminates in a
small funnel-likeinfundibulum. Directly above the infundibulum is a small, dark,
granular ovary clothed in the uterine mesentery. If the rat is immature the ovaries may
not be seen. In pregnant specimens the horns of the uterus may resemble beads on a
string. Each bead encloses an embryo, which can be observed by making a
longitudinal incision through the uterine wall. Each embryo is surrounded by extra-
embryonic membranes and connected to the uterine wall via an umbilical cord. Review
the female urinary system at this juncture.
The excretory system of the male consists of the kidney, the ureters, the urinary bladder
and the urethra. Except for the urethras passage through the penis, the male and female
excretory systems are identical. Split the pubic symphysis as described for the female
and open the scrotum with a scalpel to expose the testes. Locate the coiled epididymis
on the lateral side of each testis. It leads to the vas deferens, which passes through an
opening in the posterior body wall called the inguinal canal. The vas deferens conveys
sperm to the urethra and out the penis. At the junction of the paired vas deferens, the
ureters and the bladder you will find the two lobate, cream-colored seminal vesicles; both
of which communicate with the urethra. Partially surrounding the urethra and below the
bladder is the prostate gland. The urethra passes through the prostate gland and
continues to the end of the penis. Cowpers gland lies in the nearby pelvic cavity and,
along with the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, produce secretions forming semen.
The penis points anteriorly and terminates as the external urogenital orifice. On each
side of the external urogenital orifice is a preputial gland. Secretions produced by this
gland lubricate the penis during coitus. REMEMBER: you are responsible for both
male and female reproductive systems.
Nervous system. Vertebrates have evolved the most complex nervous system in the
Kingdom Animalia. The vertebrate nervous system is divided in to two portions. The
brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system or CNS and the cranial nerves
(12 pairs in rats), the spinal nerves (34 pairs in rats), the sense organs, and the autonomic
nervous system form the peripheral nervous system. In general nerves are very difficult
to locate or preserve, therefore we will only examine the brain.
Skin the entire head of the rat and then scrape the top of the cranium with a sharp
scalpel until the skull roof is paper-thin. Do not scrape through to the brain. As you
scrape, hold the rat tightly by the neck and body. Using the scalpel and stout forceps
break and peel away the remaining skull roof to expose the brain.
The large, bisected lobe is the cerebrum and each lobe is called a cerebral
hemisphere. This portion of the brain controls most motor and sensory activities.
Anterior to the cerebrum are two small olfactory lobes dedicated to the sense of smell or
olfaction. Posterior to the cerebrum is the trilobed cerebellum, the location of motor-
sensory coordination. Posterior to the cerebellum is the medulla oblongata, which
resembles a thickened spinal cord. The medulla controls respiration, heart rate,
swallowing and gastrointestinal functions. At the junction of the two cerebral
hemispheres and the cerebellum lies the small, peaked-shaped pineal gland.
Unfortunately time does not permit a review of this glands fascinating evolutionary
history. It should be noted that it is sensitive to light received from the retina and helps
control the ovarian cycle.